Let's build a terrible oscilloscope!

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[Music] hmm i should have moved my microphone before i started i know what i'm doing anyone would think i'm a pro at least that's how i've got you all fooled all right that'll do the microphone is in place hello everyone how is everyone uh i need a pop-out chat hello right uh live chat pop-out chat let's put that there and that there good and let's uh zoom in on that so i can actually read it from a distance okay hello everyone how you all doing how is everyone on this fine evening it's friday evening everyone and that means it's time to chill out and mess around with some stuff so it's your first stream you've watched thank you very much for tuning in i don't do these um well this is the first time i've done an electronic stream in a very long time i used to do i was getting into the habit of doing these on a regular basis and i kind of dropped out the habit just because i couldn't find any good kits to build um and um uh whereas for christmas on my christmas list i added this kit because i was like one of the coolest kits that i've built was this jye scope this is a this was a kit that i built way back when and it's really cool i like it a lot and it was a good fun to build so i thought let's buy another one and we'll do another one so why not so yes uh let's see we've been hoodwinked and deceived you have hmm good evening from finland hello finland chance on this kit working first time i've got i i have faith i think it'll work first time i was very tempted i was very tempted this board um the smd stuff comes pre-soldered on it so you can see we've got these smd components and some of the resistors already done and i was very tempted to take all of that off i was really tempted to take all the smd stuff off put it in the pile and scrub the board clean so we had to do the whole thing including the smd bits and then i was like do i really want to make this hut deliberately harder when i haven't done a kit stream build for a long time and i absolutely haven't done one since i've gotten a big audience so this is the same kids last time no it's a different one it's also a jye tech one so same brand but it's a different one so uh this one let me grab the instructions because there's some pictures right that's the okay that's the um the build instructions where's the thing okay here we go so this is what we're building that's what it's going to look like so it's a pretty bare bones thing this one however when it comes to these crappy diy solder it yourself kits you don't build them because they're good you build them for the fun of it so i don't really care about the end product i just want to build something that lights up and blinks and flashes some lights and does stuff like that that's the you know putting it together is the fun part it's kind of like lego you don't play with it you build it you know so that's the plan sharing one of these deep cheap thermal imaging camera modules yeah i want to get it i need to get some thermal imaging stuff but i can't i'm not going to bother getting one until i can get a good one hmm a live thing with adam fun fact my name is actually graham but don't feel bad because everyone calls me adam anyway so we're gonna build this out of all of these bits right i'm gonna uh let me see i'm gonna kick this guy to one side so this was the old one that i built i put this on show just so you can see because although this one is in different box and stuff this is roughly what i expect to get from it a very basic run-of-the-mill scope this is currently just showing its one kilohertz test signal um so yeah this is that's what they do and so we're gonna make something that can do this and then we'll plug it into i don't have a proper signal generator or anything but i've got a i've got a couple of things that we can hook it up to and look at some waves and go hey look at that it shows a thing so that's the plan um there are crappy counterfeit versions the real one has the issues fixed hmm we'll see they're um yeah they're terrible because um the bandwidth is maybe um i believe these things are apparently like maybe 10 or 20 megahertz but these aren't real scopes these aren't real oscilloscopes they're just they're toys but it's a good way to start looking at some waveforms and just understand what an oscilloscope does that's the thing so yeah in one session yeah no idea how long this is going to take but there's not that much to put on there we'll see so uh right let's get this guy out the way so this one is not going to replace this one because this one is um this one is reliable and also i've modified this with a built-in lipo battery i modded in a lipo battery and a charged circuit on this one and i did a video about that in my how to lipose series so uh this one is battery-powered this one won't be but it'll work so right gosh this this chat is going to go way too fast for me tonight but i'll do what i can to try and keep up with it so i need my soldering iron i probably need one of those so um just for reference uh tonight i'm gonna be using my uh the soldering iron i use for everything which is my mini wear ts 100 so mini wear ts 100 with a chisel tip on it so that's what we're going to be working with right what range should we go to i think we're going to go yeah should we work at about that range maybe let's angle up a bit and then i'll focus it in a minute don't worry okay let's go for about that i think 24 hour stream if it was you sold yeah i genuinely don't know how long this is going to take me i like to think i'm reasonably quick but yeah we'll see speaking of music do you guys want some chill music in the background because i could have some chill music in the background if we wanted to but i don't know whether people want it or not you could put on your own music while i'm uh while my voice is in the background i need the power adapter for my thing board holder i don't have one of those that would be sensible we don't have such sensible things as board holders we do everything manually i'm also going to put my soldering iron holder right next to the microphone as a special treat so sorry about that some adamant no no no you ordered helping you ordered helping hands telltak and helping hands are to be honest negative music okay all right i'm seeing mixed results so i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna say no because if you do want some chill out music you can always just put some on yourself in the background so let's go with that okay right the soldering iron is warming up let's grab my um thing as well and oh i'm gonna change the mat as well because i've got my i've got my nice future london map at the moment and i promised myself that i wouldn't solder on this map this was a gift from a viewer an anonymous viewer and when i got it i said i will not solder on this because i'll ruin it so i'm just going to put down we'll put down this amd mat here red team and i'll just put all the things on there right actually let's zoom out because before we get started i need to do a little bit of sorting with components so um i'm gonna say i need my focus huh one two three that'll do it luckily the board is exactly the same color as the matte which is helpful uh what flux do i use i use um ebay flux it says it's amtec it's probably not amtec um so yeah this is just ebay syringe flux i probably won't be using this tonight because the solder i use this is ancient solder that's got more heavy metals in it than a russian assassin so um this thing is full of flux so i probably won't see fl i probably won't need any um however if i do find that i need a little bit of flux that's the stuff that i'll be using so right can't see pcb anymore indeed don't worry it'll be more obvious when we get down to them i shot for project kits oh i was going to get some amazon links ready i was going to get some amazon links ready and be smart and be like here's my amazon associate links um but i didn't do that in time so we don't have them however if you go to either ebay or bang ebay um docu.com or your local one or banggood.com or aliexpress.com type in a diy solder kit and you'll come up with lots of stupid little clock kits and stuff like that right let's get all of these components on here i need to sort all these components out because they all come in just a bag in a pile so we've got to sort all of these out so we have a clue what goes where so i'm going to start with resistors and we've got to measure all these resistors so we know which ones to use uh so how set let me find the instructions why ts100 not the trusty ts80 i would counter that and say that the ts 100 is more trusty it's been around longer i prefer the ts100 because it's a barrel jack input and this guy is 65 watts or 60 watts whereas the ts80 is 45 watts if my memory serves me so the ts 100 has got a bit more grunt behind it and uh um also because it's got a barrel jack on it it's easier to hook it up to other ghetto power supplies and stuff like that so um so yeah um however i have actu i actually ordered another soldering on the other day i ordered a a pine sill which is some open source ts100 knockoff that has usb type-c power delivery on it and a barrel jack which i thought was very interesting so it's like a ts80 and a ts 100 in one iron you get the best of both worlds so yeah um okay right here's our instructions so we're gonna start off with with the resistors i need to find these all these resistors so i know which ones go where um so to uh i'm gonna be fancy with my resistor testing and i'm gonna use my little component tester here which is cool this is another kit that i built on a stream way back when this was another really fun kit to build as well so um all right do you think computer repair technician is worth it in 2021 uh yes i do still think it's a viable job um you might you you won't get rich starting out in this job however people will always have computers and computers will always need fixing so i don't think it's a waste of time to learn tech support basically and you know i was going to get that out of course what do you think do you think i'm going to memorize the resistor bands how old do you think i am don't answer that question right okay let's start doing some testing so um how wide where's the board gone how on set how wide are we making these capacitors probably about that wide-ish i'd say so i'm going to put this guy into and let's move those aside a bit and turn that on so this is a component tester and it's going to measure this component value sorry the screen is a bit dim on it so it's a resistor good so far so good it's 180 ohms okay 180 ohms so uh that is r7 and r36 according to the instructions so you see r7 r36 180 ohms so now we've got to go through and check all the other ones so i'm looking for 100k resistors so i'm going to put these in and test them this is the time consuming bit 500 ohms ish is that 500 do i reckon oh 470 yeah that's 470. okay that's r28 and r40 but that beard though everyone hates the beard that's what makes me so appealing that's my secret captain i'm always appealing it's not remembering the bands but reading the colors yeah yeah oh let's come up as a who knows what let's try that again this would probably be faster with a multimeter there's a 100k that's what i'm looking for good okay that's a 100k so we need another another two of those ah oh this is not going as fast as i thought it would ah right what do you say 120 ohms have we got a value for that yes that's r8 r12 and r13 you know what would be sensible actually is if i put these on the board as i measured them out yes let's do that that's a that's a much smarter idea otherwise we're going to end up um the chin no postal how could you for the 100k sub special shave the goatee no i have something else lined up for that i had been tempted to shave it just because it's mask season and the goatee really annoying when you're wearing a mask but this is my identity this is how i i need this to live okay right so what did i say that was 120 and 120 is um r8 so let's stick this in r8 where's r8 oh boy okay oh this is where the game begins right everyone's going to be screaming at me if they spot r8 in time oh boy oh man this is gonna be harder than i thought oh there it is all right i found it all right goes there these pads are really small as well right you go there are we soldering on the bottom of this yes we are cool all right did it okay what was this again so we're going to start picking and placing now what were you again you were 100k good that's r1 r1 so i'll probably put a couple on and then we'll solder then we'll put a couple more on and solder and so on and so forth uh where a facial instead could do yeah and keep the beard yeah i probably will be i need a haircut my hair is really annoying me however all the barbers are closed because uh locked down uh heck get in that hecking america there we go the idea of using this thing was i could just go plonk right that was the 500 uh the 470 who was 470 that's r28 or r40 oh r27 129 am i still on camera i am good there's our 40 that'll do uh r40 yes r40 that's correct okay and we'll do this one and then we'll solder these on and then we'll find some more come back right and our survey says 180 that's r7 or r36 r7 is there i have spotted you before eh eh there we go all right i'm just gonna space those out underneath the board so they don't fall out okay let's solder once we get started we'll get into a rhythm i expect [Music] devil july thank you very much for the five dollars shave the sucker live i appreciate the super chat but no um are we doing the saturday stream yes saturday stream is is still on tomorrow this is just a bonus stream because i wanted to build this and i was like let's just get on with it and do it so i was like who cares we're doing it let's let's get on with it uh board camera looks a little out of focus yeah we'll be bouncing in and out anyway there will be times where it looks slightly out i'll do what i can with it though uh do i ever use magnifying visor or glasses no i do everything by sight i'm near sighted so it's not an issue for me so we're going to solder one leg of each resistor and then we'll make sure they're flat on the board and then we'll touch them up there we go now those are already flat there's a dead flat on the board that's fine let's do the others big clive is the master of soldering live he is i got a lot of love for clive i think everyone i don't know a single person that doesn't like big clive you know he is a youtube treasure i would aspire to be like him ah there we go i'm gonna touch that up that was terrible oh that's that's gone horribly wrong that one come on made a big old mess of that join that's fine though this board they these chinese kits they always make the pads on them really really small so the silver pad so there's so little to solder to that it's really hard to get a nice clean job and i don't know why it's not like they don't have room for it so yeah did i look into that enterprise install i haven't had time yet actually um this has been my first week back and it's been mental it's been absolutely crazy scott d thank you much for the two dollars greatly appreciated hello i've been watching your videos and like them what i suggest is to learn to make some more eye-catching thumbnails yeah i sometimes i do good thumbnails and sometimes i don't um i do try to do some decent thumbnails on occasion but um the problem with thumbnails is uh the time to make a thumbnail is when you've just finished editing the video and you're like thank thank heck i'm finally done editing this hacking video and i can go and play games now oh my god my tweet my my snippers are slightly magnetic and they're picking up these stupid ends move all of those out the way that's going to annoy me all night michael casper thank you very much for the five dollars love your channel thank you very much greatly appreciated there we go we've put some resistors on it that's the next two hours of your life everyone i hope you're here i hope you're comfortable that's all right now hello from south wales hello nige joint need some flux that one probably did but it'll be all right you got yourself a 6800 xt nice i hope you enjoy it right let's uh get some more resistors on the go i'm just going to start picking and placing them now so i'm going to pick a resistor up bend the legs stick it in here to find out what it is and find a home for it oh let's reset our survey says 1k 991 ohms so 1k that is r9 r15 or r26 let's see r9 r15 or r26 see if you can spot that before i do r9 there we go what's worse than fumbling with something he's watching someone else fumble with something all right another one fold the legs put it in the tester ah drop it on the tester short the tester out so the lipo battery catches fire this is another one of my special lipo jobs so that's a recovered laptop lipo cell with a charger board and a boost board so yeah these projects are fun you can do all kinds of things with them they're rad all right what do we say we say 300 ohms shocked you're not downing a cider oh that would have been a great idea i wish i'd thought of that i've got some that wasn't r9 all right hold on a sec you are correct you are absolutely correct r12 uh that was r11 chat's probably screaming at me yeah oh no now all the chat is like that's not r9 did i just put it in the same place twice in a row r12 r11 r9 yeah there we go okay now it's correct it's a good thing you guys are here right 300 ohms where do we put a 300 ohms what kind of number is 300 oh that is a thing that's our six all right where's our six r5 r6 jonathan osborne thank you for the fiver how are you doing um what did i say r6 yeah r6 r5 r6r6 oh it can't be far away it's got to be close by it's right in front of me and i can't see it just read the resistive color bands no i'm lazy and i can't be bothered to memorize them next to seven was it oh where's seven uh say top left oh yep r6 well done there we go i think w thornton got that one first right r6 is on let's get another one the other reason why i'm not reading color bands is that it's an excuse to use my toys this is fun reading color bands is boring i'm bad at them 180 that's r36 because we've already got r7 right we need r36 r36r36 could the real r36 please stand up i feel like it's going to be down the bottom right somewhere r37 r26 36 got it let's get those boys soldered in that's a couple that lipo battery with the pcb is so dubious yeah of course you soldered a little pong computer the other night you first sold a job that sounds cool was that a kit or is that like a homemade jobby that sounds like fun yeah are we on shop just about that's good enough that's a bit crap that's better are you am i selling this when i'm finished uh i wouldn't bother selling it i kind of want to give stuff away but the problem is is um i'd have to whoops i'd have to make it like uk only because burger trying to um sell out you know trying to send it overseas would be terrible and i fear that that would uh uk only would massively limit the uh the appeal they're not expensive these things to be honest uh right let's find something more uh yeah trade is very good um lots of people coming in going oh i need our laptops to work from home and we've left it to the last minute and i'm like really you didn't see this coming 100k so yeah the queue has just banged on up to full again which makes me sad i was kind of hoping for a quiet week uh 100k that's r1 r14 or r16 i think we've already done our one yeah so that's r14 or r16 r14 or r16 17 [Music] r16 that'll do oh nope oh fumbled it these holes are very small by the way just so you know demny thank you for the five dollars again you'd like to try these gotta run still at work no problem catch you later demoni thank you for the super chat and yeah definitely if anyone is watching this going i want to try this this is the easiest way to get started with soldering in my opinion because you don't need a fancy soldering iron for this you can do this with any soldering iron resistors are both way the same yes they are uh this kit costs about um it's about 15 uh probably about 15 you could probably find one down at 10 something like that so they're not expensive so get yourself one of these kits for cheap just any old soldering iron as a spool of solder and you can assemble it these easy ones this is all through-hole um so uh because it's through-hole it's very easy to do the the smd stuff is all pre-done for you so it's a great way to get started soldering uh right let's find another one uh i need another i need another resistor let's stick it in the reader bam and it's another 100k so now we need r14 which you guys said was top right of u2 where's u2 u2 top right r14 well done let's just place and solder whoa i went all over the place then that's fine though look and yes as tel tax said this is my own place i've worked in a couple of other computer shops before for uh um my ex boss um and that's where i sort of picked up the um the trade so to speak um but i feel like i'm a very long way from those days now although i feel like it's only been in the past couple of years where i've really um really kicked my skill set up a notch but experience does come over time don't panic if you look at some people on youtube and go i don't know how the hell to do that i'm exactly the same i look at other people on youtube and go i don't know how the hell to do that so yeah hendrick hello from germany hello from the uk how you doing man um where do i get that tester kit what model this is called a transistor tester um uh there are lots of variants of this but um you search for transistor tester you come with lots of kits like this that will basically just test all kinds of components so 450 that might be a bad 480. if we got any 450s uh wait 450 is 150 yes there is a 150 that's r11 r11 r11 that's down there because we nearly put r9 down there oops you know i might move this red map because i think this red mat is not oh well no it's the red pcb actually how's the picture for you guys is this coming out okay it's all a little bit red and i wish it wasn't but the problem is because the board is just bright red there's not a lot i can actually do about that uh been about four or five years yeah that's true it has it has been a while now i guess time does go by learning board repair was a huge step though it took some time and i'm still an amateur at it in my opinion however it really unlocks it it opens your mind to new things picture is fine yeah good enough yeah a bit bright on the eyes it's about as good as it's gonna get i think i could probably dial it back a bit oh actually let's try something else what if i do that's not helping is it no let's let's not fiddle with the white balance that's a terrible idea however i could lower the co i could lower the color a little bit hold on i'm fiddling in the name of science color intensity let's bring that down a little bit just make that a little bit less intense there we go that should be a little bit less garish now turn them out upside down to see the motherboard better uh well the mother the the actual board fills up most of the screen anyway so uh right what was that uh it was 150 it was r11 we've just done that uh what was in the tester i can't remember the tester is 20 kilo ohms look like an x-ray 20 kilo ohms 20k that is r5 big thanks to tel-tac for answering a lot of these questions by the way because i can't keep up with this chat while i'm doing it at the same time um r5 i did just see a do i still recommend the ts and the answer to that is yes i think the ts-100 is still a cracking soldering iron i think it's a great starter soldering iron there are cheaper uh there are cheaper clones of it out there i don't know if any of the cheaper clones are better um i have got a uh an open source knockoff one that i ordered yesterday that i'll probably have in a couple of weeks because it's coming in from china um and i'll make a video about that and compare it because also the screen on my ts 100 is knackered as you can see the screen is completely gone so i can't see the temperature on the iron i know it's at 400 degrees because that's what i run my iron at but i can't see it um so i need to um i'm buying another soldering iron and i'm also going to replace the screen on this one as well um and so those will be some fun videos that come up in probably a couple of weeks when stuff arrives is that one standing up a little bit uh it's possible it'll do do do do do dog diagnose to fix cool thank you very much oh i've got a sneeze coming hold on it's not happening nope um you got the same thing to build this is great oh fantastic all right next one our survey says oop 1k that's a 1k resistor and the instructions say that 1k is that's r9 r15 or r26 r9 r15 or r26 r9 is taken r15 is empty let's go in there what uh what i clean it with um so far i'm not having to do any cleaning because where i'm not using extra flux i'm not leaving very much residue on the board although there's a little bit you can see this little white wispy bits that's flux residue i will clean it with isopropyl alcohol when i'm finished i have 99.9 isopropyl alcohol which is the lab grade stuff i don't think you need it to be 99 90 is probably just fine however the 99 stuff is cheap on amazon so i don't see what i don't understand why you'd use anything else personally unless the um the nice pure stuff is just isn't available in your country so you've got to go to work no problem see you and on my dude um take care uh let's see more resistors i'm going to separate out the rest of the resistors the resistors are by far the most boring bit once we're past the resistors we get to do all the exciting bits let's pull all of these guys out from the pile uh focus one two three four five four a loop get the rest of these resistors out of the pile sometimes when you buy kits they um they uh supply the components on the paper tape so they're actually labeled this kit was not that kind this kit is just like no you got to figure it out yourself so if you do want to build one of these kits you're going to want to have a multimeter so if you want to get into electronics first thing you should buy is get yourself a multimeter doesn't have to be a fancy one lots of people will tell you oh you've got to get a fluke you've got to get a sibling you've got to get this out on the other a cheap multimeter just a cheap multimeter is fine for electronics don't plug a cheap multimeter into the mains however for electronics this uh this um anning an808 this is like 20 pounds 25 pounds this thing and it's a really decent cheap multimeter to start off with that's all you need i'm using uh i'm using this component tester because i'm showing off and because i think it's cool i like this thing i think it's rad uh focus there we go uh through the parts and bag let the customer deal with it yeah pretty much need a power source that is a magneto alternator or battery i think i missed the start of that bit uh isopropyl's got gotten more expensive because of covid yes uh luckily um i saw the price of isopropyl shoot up in summer and then between um uh during the summer when there was the lull in covid and the lockdowns ended the price came back down and i immediately went and bought a five liter bottle of it and i'll just like stock up now while the prices have gone down because they're going to go back up again so what the hell is that 1800k is that a bad 2k i was a 1.8k idiot the problem with this thing is it gives it in a really weird it gives it in a really weird scale like it's not a 1.8 k resistor it's a 1783k no wait that's killer ohms that's one oh 1.8 meg ohm i know what i'm talking about 1.8 mega yes there it is r2 1.8 mego yeah i know what i'm doing right r2 r2 r2 where do you go you go there luckily the numbering on this board makes sense you may have noticed that the uh the numbers are very vaguely sort of in that kind of direction so we can guess roughly where they're going to be let's get that guy on the board see if he just read the bands you read the bands telltack you do it however i'm not going to read it out to you because also that requires oh my soldering is gone to sleep that requires me actually reading the colors although i tell you what i tell you what since you're so smart tell tac while we wait for the uh thing to warm up you tell me what the hell that is you can figure that out let me bring the color back up what do you reckon that is these are really really cheap parts if you can tell me what that is you win an internet point all right have you got it screen cap now three two one let's see who can get it remember to press print screen to screencap on windows all right the bets are coming in i'll read them in just a moment and get this boy soldered down yeah there you go what's the vertical frequency of that scope kit i have no idea i'm not expecting it to be good you're thinking all of the holes have to get filled yes indeed you never said you could do it well there you go then telltack the chat might save you let me see we've got 120 something we've got some 10ks we've got some 1ks and yeah one eight watt resistors not even quarter what got the cheap stuff that no one else wants to buy i'm just gonna finish my coffee so i can put this mug aside and also we really got uh what was that view account i saw a big viewer account just then i don't have it on screen at the moment so that's banging okay right let's see we found a new game to play we found a new game to see if anyone can guess the resistor before i uh test it it's a war 10k it everyone who said 10k you won the internet well done 420 a la mao all right the 10k resistor 10k that's r37 or r39 r37 or r39 that's going to be over here somewhere r37 or r39 there's 37. okay right let's get the next one up uh focus and screen cap now three two one that's all you're getting whoop the game is on i did not plan this but it seems like a fun game for you guys to guess my resistor values before i check them okay that's on let's check 74k and 39 is next to the three leg ic we'll see if we can remember that and he raises on 74k uh i'm going to test that again that looked a little bit wonky uh 1.5 k color's not really visible yeah i'm not really helping that's a 1.5 k though very well um 1.5 k is that's r38 r37 r38 r38 all right next challenge boys next challenge press your print screen now three two one one two three four five i think my soldering iron has gone to sleep again i can't tell because this sodding screen doesn't work for the record the screen on this thing is broken because i left it plugged in overnight a couple too many times not so it kind of wore out what a skyline yeah they leave no gap next to tolerance exactly exactly that's why i'm just testing them everyone's just like oh check the collar bands i'm just like boy it's impossible on these things i don't know all right who's next let's go uh an application where just taking a photo tells you the component and value well for reading color bands that'd be a that'd be a really cool a really cool idea that's a really cool app idea take a picture of it with your phone whoops and then i dropped it a 3k you're in the right ball you're in the right ballpark uh can you not make it beep or something when it turns off no however it doesn't it takes so little time to come back up to be honest so uh what did we say 3k that is r10 that's going to be down here somewhere r10 we're on screen r10 r10 is there all right there are apps but you went to the colors manually yeah oh you guys were all late with your 3ks who's counting though who cares uh oh i forgot to give you guys another one we'll skip one over a sec hold on here comes the next challenge whoop oh god have fun with that one screencap three two one i'm just seeing a wall of brown there uh snip snip it's all brown and nothing else you get restless to see it finished magic man you gotta wait you gotta wait for a bit yet we've got a while to go how long have we been going uh we're coming up to 50 minutes uh it's a 1k there you go sally you were close but a couple of orders of magnitude out it's a 1k uh 1k that is r9 r15 or r26 r9 r15 or r26 right r9 i'm pretty certain we're done with yep r15 r r r15 is done r26 then r28 r27 r26 has anyone else spotted it third band was red ah oh well um r26 where are you ah top right what okay he wants another challenge aha resistor vision works using your phone's camera rad there's your next challenge everyone oh that's an easy one i reckon brown orange brown brown red or the other way around one two three four five am i using a guide i am indeed this is a kit we're building here i'm going to bring the camera down slightly there we go it's better um this is a kit we're building um so it comes with instructions we're making an oscilloscope there's the picture of it and the current instructions that we're following we're on the step one resistors at the moment so i'm looking at these resistors and then i put them on the board based on where it tells me to put them whoop right and solder okay right i think this was the one i picked up it's slightly separate from the rest and yeah oh no and yeah it is 200k vladimir got there first oh no pcton2 got there first i believe unless it's scrolled off screen you know who you were 200k 200k that's r3 oh i didn't uh i need didn't tweet there didn't snip these guys and get in there what did i say r3 r3 that's going to be r4 uh r3 i have an idea for an electronics project that i want to build myself from kind of scratch which i think i might start working on soon tm i've been threatening to build it for years and i still want it i want to build what i call a jiggler um a mouse jiggler and it's essentially a modified mouse and the point is it'll be a usb thing that you plug into a laptop it appears as a usb mouse and all it does is just make the mouse pointer jiggle on the screen so you plug it into any computer and that computer won't go to sleep that's the idea because the amount of times the amount of time i lose in my shop from computers that are supposed to be doing something that have gone to sleep and then you wake them up and they've gone to sleep and they've stopped doing what they're doing and you're just like i just want to have a handful of these widgets so i can just plug one into the computer that i'm working on and it will just make the mouse just jiggle on the screen so it will never go to sleep so yeah 100k special teaser maybe um maybe no i've i thought of something then i was like oh there is something that i could show you however i'd have to check it over in advance to check if there's any sensitive data on there so i can't however soon tm it's in the works it's in the works use caffeine to stop it sleeping um that works sometimes there is a uh there is a uni um a linux app called caffeinate which uh literally just stops it from sleeping but it doesn't work on macos which makes me very sad no sleep.exe the problem is can you run that in the middle of a windows recovery environment or can you run that in the middle of leaving uh some random recovery tool that you booted from working and stuff like that that's the problem is that there are programs out there for this but you can't always run them because you're you've booted into some weird environment where you don't have any settings and stuff like that so how can you get the will to solder my eight by eight by eight led cube oh they take a long time those i've built one of those and it's a long slog um search my channel i've done a video on an eight by eight by eight cube and you can see my technique for how i did it so yeah um do you need to make up a cardboard jig and do like one layer an evening or something like that so yeah well that's fine when you're in windows but what if you're not in windows you know that's the thing turn it off in bios uh you could but again that doesn't work on a mac so you know that was two streams wasn't it did we stream it as well i think we did a bit of everything but yeah it's really bad to use phones when they're charging nah i don't see why i don't see that why that be an issue i need to carry on working i've stopped i want a sec we're gonna get another one on the go and then i'll give you guys another challenge we've got to keep you guys interested somehow because it's not like this is not peak entertainment this string and i have to justify dragging you all in here i promised an evening's entertainment i didn't but you guys are probably expecting that it is it's a resistor of course it is uh what's that two mega ohm yeah two mego have we got a two mega and that's pretty high yes we do r4 is a two mega go cool right wildlife while i fit up r4 here's another challenge for you focus try that one for size print screen to screen shot it brown black black red brown i think one two three four five right and i had r4 which is up there didn't mention that it should work in any environment well now i have it needs to work in the environment that's the point of making it an actual usb mouse type thing because that would work in any environment because no computer will go to sleep while you're wiggling the mouse that's the idea you see it's completely hardware that's what makes it genius 100k oh we got we got 1k 10k and 100k what's it gonna be our survey says [Music] 120 ohms that might be a bad 100 ohms i'm going with 120 though we do have 120 that's r8 r12 or r13 don't feel bad these resistors are awful see the potential or 120 yeah uh what do we say r8r12 r13 oh i haven't snipped my legs hold on all right r12 r13 our r13 is empty we're going for that in get in all right quit those challenges and make a challenge that you want to finish yeah that's true finding the time for stuff really is the game there's going to be lots of exciting stuff coming up soon remember the date february the 1st [Music] uh let's see not guarantee that you're not working device oh it's true yeah just viewed the website as this warning it is not guaranteed that you'll end up with a working device that's lovely that's delightful please turn the color bounce back okay hold on uh do you mean turn it back down or turn it back up the color balance should be correct i'll turn it back down so yeah too lazy to build stuff from time to time but on amazon there's a mouse jiggler oh does it exist already that doesn't surprise me but that's rad if one actually already exists [Music] uh today finish yes we will be finishing this on string uh it look the progress looks slow at the moment because we're on the resistors and the resistors always take the longest however once we pass the resistors we're on to all the exciting stuff uh and it'll come together really quickly when we pass the resistors quick patented yeah you can use an auto mouse clicker that would work a mouse clicker would work that's one way to do it i would prefer something that can physically move the cursor because then it can't accidentally click on something however a mouse clicker is probably an easier way of doing it well maybe you should have linked it to me tel tac that's another 120 ohms 120 ohms r8 r12 or r13 uh r8 r12 is empty we're going into r12 right let's get the last three of these done so we can move on from resistors i'm bored of resistors now whoops [Music] uh what's that 470 ohms 470 ohms that's r28 or r40 r28 or r40 turn it the right way around r39 r28 bottom right i'll take that right so r39 must be our last one although are we missing an r40 because i've only got one resistor left oh we must have already filled out our 40. we're looking for empty resistor pads because we we've only got one resistor left r39 is the only empty one i can see so i think we're about done r36 yeah i think it's just r39 we'll see if we have anything left over when we get there uh so what was i saying r39 so whatever this is so r39 this should be a 10k then in that case by process of elimination 10k it's a 10k there we go nice 10k into r39 good that is the last resistor so we'll wait if there's any more resistors to go we'll fill them in later you can't build these in any order technically all you got to do is put everything on the board there's just uh it's just easier to do the component types one by one ah and the soldering iron has gone to sleep standby [Music] are those doo doo doos just a song crossing through your head no it's completely random it's just something i do to fill dead space i don't know why i do it i think it's it might be streamer habits because um uh when you learn to stream is there a game stream or anything else your your objective is is just to fill in all dead air and just try and always be making noises or always be talking obviously that's not essential but like that's a guide so i tend to just if i'm thinking and i'm trying to think what i'm going to say next i'll often just make random noises because that buys me time i'll make st i'll just make a silly noise while i'm thinking basically or if i've lost my train of thought and i'm trying to find it again because it's again it saves on just awkward silence or whatever like you can stop talking now and then but yeah i don't know snip all these off or if nothing else literally how to stream 101 just say what you're doing i just said i'll snip all these off i'm snipping legs off so i'd tell you know [Music] auto mouse clicker from sourceforge can lock the mouse hmm small low components first then bigger taller parts yeah absolutely need a jiggler for your soldering yeah that's true scott d thank you for the one buck 50 much appreciated it's mentioned theme song yeah uh when's my food order arriving i have already had food tonight i had a burger from the kebab shop down the road i had a quarter pounder with cheese and bacon and it was rad the bacon was perfect the bacon was absolutely spot-on uh right i think we're all done for resistors now we put lots of resistors on the board it doesn't look very exciting yet but now we get to do fun things there's only two shops you can find to do delivery neither of them had cider big sad why no flux um the solder spool i've got is older than most of the people in the chat combined you see all those blobs this is this stuff is full of flux so um so yeah there are some areas where you might need some extra solder but this flux is this solder is so heavily fluxed that you just don't need it um this is ancient this is proper hardcore stuff and nick white thank you for the five of my dude how are you doing corona donut oh no uh where can you get a resistor identification device this is called a transistor tester which is also available in kit form um so transistor tester that's called or you could just use a multimeter i'm using it because it's cool i think it's cool so yeah better than lead free solder indeed uh okay diodes next yeah uh let's see right well i'm gonna follow uh i'm gonna follow the instructions just so i don't lose track of where i am and they want to do the the high frequency chokes so um inductors next so we're going to do the inductors and then we're go and then they're saying do the diodes so uh we're going to do these things first there's only three of them and then there's only a couple of diodes so let's find those three they're all the same as well they're all 100 micro henries so these will be really easy so let's pick these out of the pile uh i'm not on focus come on focus i was focused enough uh there's one there's two and what's that i need a grabber where are my tweezers here we go there's three and let's grab those diodes out because we're gonna need those next anyway oh there were only two diodes weren't there yep two diodes that's fine we are dioded and we are thinned oops sorry if i knock the camera that'll happen a lot it's part of the game uh you remember soldering the microprocessor watch kit yeah it was fun though i enjoyed that kit a lot that was a really good kit that one nick white oh i'm older than that yeah probably the flux has gone bad it's out of date yeah probably has but hey it still works it still works um right i think we're there right uh these things are all the same so we can put these in anywhere so let's go just fold these legs and stick them on the board yeah lewis is not a customer facing dude he is um i got a lot of respect for lewis rossman though i don't agree with him on any on everything um in terms of just um not in terms of technical knowledge but like in terms of uh sometimes the the way he does things um i think sort of i think there is a better sometimes his reasoning behind certain things makes me go ah i disagree however he has built an empire and he has built an empire with his own two hands and he has learned everything like everything that everyone in his shop can do even if he can't do it to their ability he has said to them show me what you're doing tell me how to do that too so he understands what everyone is doing and that is that is very that is inc that is always going to impress me as i say it's um uh i i have huge respect for lewis rossman and in terms of repair obviously he can repair his he can repair circles around me i am i am i'm not even in this it's not that i'm not in the same league as louis rossman i'm not in the same game as lewis rossman so yeah however um i learnt most of what i know of board repair from watching his earlier videos so yeah as i say big kudos to lewis rosman he has put an awful lot of information out there to help an awful lot of people learn board repair so yeah as i say even though some people find him a bit abrasive um whether or not you like him on a personal level level mad respect for the guy absolute mad respect he change he definitely shapes the modern industry for board repair cleans up the mess that apple makes yeah hates apple with fixes apple that's where he makes his money you know that's the thing i've never understood the people that go sort of oh hypocrite you're fixing apples but you hate them it's just like yeah he makes money he makes money off of apple's mistakes that's smart business there we go right our inductors are on the board so what are these two diodes these diodes are different so the diodes we've got a 1n5819 and a 404.004 or 4.07 so let's id these okay let's go for the uh poor man's microscope let's see in five eight one nine just about yep five eight one nine and what's that i n4004 yep that's exactly what they said would be in there one two three four five four and i've forgotten which way around i put them already there's the 58 okay so d1 is the 5819 right where did the diodes go oh that's not focus let's go in a bit further there we go d1 d1 d1 curiously i wonder if the uh can the component tester id these what does this say about the diode can this actually id the diode not 400 407 scandal refunded oh no yeah it tells me the stats of it but that doesn't help i don't know if you can id it from that so yeah uh i don't know what to make of that it does tell me it's a diode but it doesn't exactly give me a model a part number or anything hmm okay that goes in that should have put both actually let's put both on before we do the thing lewis has everything he needs around him yeah so by this point there's no thrill watching him yeah that's an interesting point yeah i um yeah i agree i agree um and i don't know i don't know what that means i don't know what the takeaway from that statement is um like does that make him less entertaining i don't know do do we learn less because there because we're we're not seeing him figure it out um there's less to learn because sometimes the best way to learn is watching someone else figure it out whereas if someone just tells you the answer straight away every time is that less learning i don't know so yeah you saw no fix today yeah that'll happen that's the thing not everything can be fixed some of them are just a case of no this is just this is this thing is toast i've had uh too many no fixes recently which is mostly to my own shortcomings i think but no okay right diodes on that's the thing it's i'm not being self uh i'm not trying to put myself down when i say i'm an amateur i'm just trying to keep a realistic view of my own abilities i do feel like i'm a learner in board repair but i think i've got just enough knowledge to see and understand what people are doing which is where you need to start out because when you first start on something technical obviously you look at someone doing something and you're just like i have no comprehension of what you're doing so the first step toward learning is to get enough understanding to comprehend what the teacher is teaching so no fixes in the end of rabbit holes yeah so yeah a big part of mentoring is not giving the answer fast yes i agree i agree you were chatting in the shop before christmas about these oh yeah fair enough yep you know relatively basic board repair yeah well spud i have got mad respect for you having a go in the discord's um uh tech support room as well like that graphics card um you you you cracked that one that was a really good showing from you there i was super impressed because i was looking at that going oh i can't be asked i don't know and you were just like no let's get the schematics for this regulator out and let's figure it out and you're like hey look the regulator says it's supposed to have this we can't see that on the board so let's go down that and you solved it you know it was great so yeah 1.3 million now damn yeah right okay let's go uh one can't get one can't guess which diode it is from the characteristics okay fair enough yeah that makes sense all right next up is our crystal let's get that boy in so the crystal is uh where's the chris there it is got ourselves an eight megahertz crystal screaming eight megahertz cpu on this bad boy so that guy's gonna go down yep there we go y1 y is a crystal drop that in there i'm not going to bend the legs on that so i don't need to uh we're not quite focused uh i need to move the camera the camera is between focal steps scott d thank you for the two dollars much appreciated my dude do i have a rework station for reballing gpu chips i do not i have no interest in reballing at the moment it exists um i have no interest in getting into it at the moment though uh there are some like there are some things where i feel like you don't need to go that far for the most part um there are mad lads out there that do it with crazy ghetto stuff but yeah i have no interest in getting into reballing at the moment can't imagine getting 10k later than 10k more was in uh subscribers and stuff yeah it was the road to 10k was a long one for me uh i'm very very i'm counting my blessings this year because i you know a year ago i had 10 000 subscribers and now i'm i've nearly i've nearly gone up tenfold and it's mind-blowing so i i feel i i feel like i never say often enough but massive thank you to all of my subscribers and everyone who's here tonight massive thank you for everyone for tuning in to just little old me you know like you see that big number on youtube and you think oh this must be some big professional outfit i'm just a guy in a shed man you know so yeah this stream getting saved uh it'll be up on the youtube as a vod yes so if you if you can't hang around for the whole stream it'll still be here later on uh what's next next apparently is the usb socket really well sure i guess we can put the usb socket on this connection connector is optional this guy is here because this thing is hackable i think you can connect this up via serial and flash stuff and blah blah blah we'll put it on because we've got it stupid usb mini it was the gtx 980 ti you got oh yes that's right yep what caused the channel to blow up um uh i don't truly know i put out a video the two videos that blew up the channel though the ones that actually did the job oh this is low profile let's go for a super close-up on this one let's get the money shot here the two channels the two videos that blew up the channel were um i did a video that as part of my board repair basics series that was called um how to voltage injection for short detection something along those lines how to do voltage injection um and uh that one along with the video that followed it which was bench power supplies which you need for voltage injection that those were the two videos that went viral and just started bringing it all in and then it just it spiraled from there right let's get that anchor soldered oh come on help me out here there we go i was having trouble getting the flow there it was all going on to the iron and not onto the thing right i'm just going to quickly make sure that's flat because this guy needs to be flat there we go where'd i get the pcb design and please provide billet materials i don't have the bill of materials this is a jye tech kit um use flux no i refuse oh you know what this is these these legs are absolutely trolling me though you know let's stick some flux on there and just see if that helps these anchors float because then the anchors do not want to flow here this fl i have recently got this flux tube and i think this one's a really naff one it's just it's just really this is the same flux that i always buy and this particular syringe is just really bad it's coming out like paste and yeah i think this is really i think this particular flux is just yeah this is just balls this stuff there we go right there is some flux there i need to replace this particular tube of flux i've got because i think it's bad right let's see if that's done the job now the issue is there's just no pad to solder to here there we go let's just do it upside down that's working now we're just going to blob these oh god this is terrible oh this has gone horribly wrong all the humanity we are really this this connector does not want to go this has gone terribly wrong come on can we get some uh can we get some heat into those legs please there we go that's better that's more like it those are float properly now big ground plane no it's not a big ground plane issue the issue is there's not enough exposed things just i mean if you look how small these these silver pads are to solder to there's nothing for the solder to adhere to that's the issue that's where we're really having the problem uh cheapest one from ebay the time of purchase yes exactly uh iron is definitely hot enough iron is too hot if anything right let's clear up these pins here uh i'm gonna clean my tip because my tip is a bit gross right now that's better just sort those out there's a horrible big solder blob in there i'm actually going to have to get that guy out of there where's my wick it's time for john wick let's just uh de-blob that because this has gone horrendously wrong here oh it's terrible there we go get in there right there we go that's pulled out a load of the excess oh god these this these pins have gone the worst this is the worst soldering in the history of soldering perhaps ever this has gone terrible let's get a bit more flux in there because that will act this is the time where you actually definitely need flux to help there we go get in there let's see if we can sort this out yeah more flux absolutely this time you this time i entirely agree there we go get wrecked get soldered that's working now right those boys need solder on them pads are just non-existent there's nothing for the solder to flow to there we go i think i just got it just redo those anchors one more time for the posterity there we go that's better that was extremely undignified but i think we got there let's just inspect accidentally pulled a stuck wick and ripped everything off yeah never pull on the wick never pull on the wick yeah there we go those guys are soldered that's fine big old shadow of the camera there sorry about that one two three four five six seven eight nine ten focus there we go uh right let's just get that flux out the way where's my alcohol i'll do clean that properly when we're done i keep putting i keep putting my sleeve into the pile of components and i need to not right usb port is on it's done it was a horrifying mess but we did it opposite side it's good enough it's possible uh is the t100 direct connection it is yes heater is in the tip that's a uh that's a t-100 tip there that's the tsku which is the knife edge tip which i used to use quite often i've switched over to a chisel tip these days but yeah heater is in the tip on these so yeah they are tricky these non-existent pad boards yeah this is one of the this is one of the worst i've seen for actually that is definitely one of the best right let's readjust the camera and get back to work fix the focus am i between steps again i am oh i hate this camera sometimes there we go good enough it's the t-1000 liquid metal it is not okay right what's next uh tactile switches go next i'm gonna do the capacitors because it's telling me to be putting on the tactile switches and we haven't even put capacitors on the board yet i'm doing caps let's do some good old ceramic capacitors right so okay now i need to get good so with capacitors so the capacitor uh time for focus now i've got the focus right these ceramic caps as you can see that one says 104 on it so that is ten and four zeros so that's a hundred thousand puff so that's 100 micro farad if my mass is correct 104 is 100 microfarads i i believe and i'm going to confirm that on my uh tester i think this i think this tester is super bad for capacitors so this might be this might look a million miles out doo doo doo doo doo are you sure oh now set that's not positioned correctly oh nano farad yes you're correct uh pico nano micro yup well done steve yeah there we go 100 nano yep i was nearly there that esr though uh okay so 100 nano uh oh wow there's lots of 100 nanos so that's 0.01 micro farad so the all of these are 100 now so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so there should be 11 104s let's pick all of those out and get them on the board together 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven there we go right so these are c1 let's get to it nano okay what's the difference between ceramic and barrel type ones so um ceramic capacitors um these guys are they're very cheap um and they have very high um they have high voltage tolerances um however they have low capacity and high esr the barrel style ones like these so these ones these are electrolytic capacitors these guys tend to be low voltage high capacitance and they tend to have much lower esr on them as well unless i'm mistaken depending on the brand but it's mainly it's a it's a trade-off of voltage tolerance and capacitance is the main thing did i get an ultrasonic cleaner yet not yet however it's definitely on my list of toys to buy uh c1 uh c1 c3 c4 god there's a lot going on this board's just trying to find everything are we in shot we are let's stay there c1 where the hecky is c1 it must be oh there it is top left okay uh c9 c3 c2 c10 10 11. 8 9. don't play with c4 yeah oh you guys have the delay so i'll i find it and then just as i found it and i look up the chat everyone's going top left top left uh c10 c10 c11 [Music] c14 c14 am i still in shot yep c14 is over in the bottom right uh c15 c15 c15 c16 spotted that one already uh get in the hole shinji okay uh c17 down there lots of little bypass caps around our st micro there if it is indeed a real st uh c18 uh c18 i'm holding at a janky angle so it's got legs sticking out the back see 8 c18 1314 c18 uh c20 c20 and c23 c23 [Music] is this corona bingo yeah c23 above the st oh it's already gone c23 c23 can anyone spot it because i can't i'm going to bend that leg down there we go right c23 peter okay see you later scott c23 is this live will be chatting in the past c23 okay stop saying c23 and actually look on the board there are times where i just read the chat while repeating c23 c22 it's got to be close it's around here 17 22 20 19 12 13 23 there it is i got it center board oh yeah you guys saw it oh no there was a wall of in the middles before i saw it there we go okay let's get all these guys don't fall out don't fall out don't fall out there we go time for legs oh and the soldering iron's gone to sleep okay i tell you what while i uh wake up the soldering iron i'm just gonna quickly warm up the kettle and stick on another drink actually now i'm just gonna break open my can of rio i have a can of rio from where i picked up dinner rio tropical bringing it back tel tackle get that one you can make the views watching the paint dry yeah i'm i'm astonished that so many people have uh come out to watch me put this thing together for some people though it's just a relaxing thing just sit and chill out and watch someone just put something together it's oddly satisfying right who who some of these are probably going to be dreadfully wonky oh i've got too much solder here huh oh that's gone wrong but that's okay we'll touch all of these up in a moment there's too many legs on this board hey get on there oh getting that getting that get up there and there and that all right anyone ungodly out of place oh god what happened to you you're very wonky let's go wrong but that's okay yeah it's better you're a little bit wonky as well let's straighten you out anyone else horrendously wonky they're all wonky but you know what i'm okay with that right let's snip those legs off [Music] you need flux it's fine they're all sticking on get all these legs off no leggy boys on this board i'm very carefully picking up the legs because otherwise i'll be finding them everywhere for the next two years whoops nearly snipped off that entire pad then there we go okay we have capacitors there are more capacitors to go where's my rio it's there [Music] do i have a fume extractor or good ventilation no [Laughter] i should do but i don't yeah flux is only needed for smd i'd agree with that i'd agree with that again assuming you're using leaded solder if you have unleaded solder you're probably going to need flux for anything at all but as i've mentioned a couple of times i've got archaic solder here this is old boy stuff and it's riddled with flux there's shed loads of it in there apparently it's quite expensive to find this stuff these days and i've got this big old spool for my grandad's attic my soldering skills are second to none i wouldn't go that far however i've spent some hours on an iron i definitely wouldn't say in their second to none though but i appreciate that right what's next we've got more surface capacitors to do right we've got uh let's all the rest of these are all randos so let's see this is 22 so that's going to be 22 puff that's c12 and c13 so these are for our crystal there when you have a uh a crystal oscillator that runs the clock on your microcontroller uh it has to be decoupled with uh two um with two capacitors which always seem to be 22 puff i don't know the science behind that however on all the kits i build that have a microcontroller you have a microcontroller a crystal and a pair of uh capacitors on that all those aren't those aren't decoupling actually they are what do you call that ac coupled i don't know you have two capacitors and now our capacitors are on the board get on that rio hmm when's the aluminium solder used i don't know anyone know the answer to that one aluminium solder one uh is that just one puff yeah that's c5 it's just one puff what's the point in one puff that's nothing hmm what did i say c5 c5 c2 c3 c5 interestingly the instructions for this do actually have full schematics as well so if you're a bit of a nerd and you want to try and reverse engineer this and figure out how it works you can actually study the schematic and see if you can understand it i'm not going to do that in this stream however you could have a go at it if you bought a kit like this a lot of the kits do tend to come with schematics just to help you diagnose it if it doesn't work what does a resistor do and why there's so many a resistor um it resists the flow of current um and the principal reason is electricity is like water and it takes the path of least resistance so you have various resistors to direct the mass flow of current in the direction you want it to go and there are some areas where you want to check how much water is there but you don't want the water to rush in that direction so you have a resistor that is just providing a measurement point so you can see how much water is there but it's not letting all the water through to drown your measurement so it's difficult to give a long straight up it's difficult to give a straight answer to that because it all depends on context but that's the that's the gist of it is it's it's all there to direct the flow of current to the right places i do want to make some videos that cover this because there are there's a million on one videos out there um that are like sort of oh electronics 101 resistors and stuff like that but the problem is they all tend to start from textbooks which give lots and lots of equations and mathematics and i'm sure that's the correct way to learn if you're learning engineering but for a lot of people they see that wall of algorithms and they go ah and they just they just switch off so sometimes i want to try and make a bit of a layman's approach right what's that that is i think that's one two one i'm gonna do a super zoom up on that to make sure i'm reading that correctly whoops yeah that's one two one so that is twelve and one zero so that's 120 puff 120 picofarads that's c7 and c8 c7 i'm gonna put on a couple now just so we're not stopping after every single component that i put on the board oh this one this one's got a very bad marking got an hour and 17 minutes i hope it doesn't take me that long i kind of want it to be done in less than three hours excuse me oh god do you think that's a three i think that's a three i think that used to be a three have we got a three puff we have we've got a three pico farad which is c3 ironically c3 and that one i think that's our last capacitor that can't be our last capacitor oh it can yeah all right fair enough uh so this one is another 121 so that's 12 and one zero so 120 so that is c7 or c8 so c7 we've done c8 c8 where was c8 it was around here somewhere we're missing c2 we're missing some capacitors and that does me a concern i think i might be missing some parts we'll worry about that later uh i can't find c8 first it's right in front of me somewhere people are probably screaming at me aluminium rod for tig welding oh yeah okay yeah c3 is p0 where about was was that um where was i c3 c2 oh c3 we've already filled what was i talking about 120 puff oh c8 sorry c8 losing the plot losing the plot ca there it is found it got there in the end y'all are very patient there you go yeah you guys all spotted it you help we got it soldering on wake up looks like there's not enough solder on these things but there's no pad there so there won't be i keep looking at that going oh can we get some more solder on there and she's like there's nothing left for the solder to join onto the pads are so damn small smd would have bigger pads than these because there wouldn't be holes through them again i don't know why they make the pads so small there's it doesn't save them money how strange you sold it with flux inside i do why didn't you follow the instructions as i do the clusters first uh we're doing it in order i'm following the instruction i'm doing it in the order that the instructions say i'd have done the capacitors after the things to be honest but that's where we are uh oh yeah so next is tactile switches so yeah we jump the tactile switches and then it's led so let's do the tactile switches because that's next oh wait no sorry we've got more caps we've got the electrolytics to do hold up hold up hold up electrolytics uh have we got any more electrolytics no we've got another big old inductor we'll worry about that when we get to it though that's all the electrolytics right the electrolytics we've got a 100 micro i think these are all 100 micro yeah these are all 100 micro farads yep they're all the same they're all 100 mics so these will be all the remaining ones so let's drop these into place ah these are gonna be difficult to get on at the same time and i said i need to bring the camera up so i can float the board don't forget about c2 i've run out of uh ceramics i have run out of ceramics um c2 is supposed to be a 330 puff um i'm gonna get i tell you what i will i have suspicion that i'm missing a ceramic capacitor as soon as i put these electrolytics on the board i will search the desk to see if i can find it however i think we're missing it i have a backup don't worry i have a i have a backup for what we'll do about that however i will search for that in a moment i'm just going to clear some bits out of my way and then i will check if i've knocked seat um c2 to the floor or something like that i think though i think we're actually missing a capacitor in the kit which is quite common for these kits to be missing a bit um and if that's the case it's fine i have a spare the catch is the spare is smd so we'll have to budge an smd cap in there which will be fine where's my last electrolytic go where's my last round boy c24 here we go there we go hello you just want to say amazing stream i'm glad you're having fun then check your sleeves yeah yeah sometimes they do put extras in the kits sometimes there's extras sometimes there's not enough sometimes there's extra of one component and not enough of another it's very frustrating oh i've just spotted it just found it in the pile we got it i knew it'd show up all right hecking soldering iron's gone to sleep again i'd be able to spot if the hecking screen worked i'm on set we're waiting for the soldering iron to warm up hope i got the electrolytics around the right way i'm gonna do one leg of each one and then double check them none of this is high energy so we won't blow any of them up but they certainly won't appreciate being the wrong way around get on there okay right plus on the left plus on the bottom plus on the top plus on the top plus on the right plus on the left yep those are fine okay so now i'm going to use my thumb to just press that down to the board while i reflow the single leg whoops sorry i'm gonna nudge the camera now and then while i'm doing this bit so again if you watch i'm gonna reflow while pushing so it's dead straight is that all of them yep those are nice and straight i like that get the rest of this soldered down arrow go on plus have i made any custom pcbs i haven't but i want to i want to makes my own pcbs i just don't know what to make i don't have any ideas for that tell us what an oscilloscope is used for um lots of things it's used for looking at if you stick around to the end it will be it will be easy if you stick around to the end when we actually fire this thing up and i demonstrate it um it's useful looking at waveforms which change because a a multimeter can only show you what it is at the time it can tell you what it is at a specific moment in time whereas a scope shows you what a value is over time so you can see how the value changes over time and that can be useful for looking at a steady uh ordered wave or for a burst of signal that goes up and down as actual communications some of those are horrible joints but they're fine just going to check all of those that'll do however when we've got this thing working i will demonstrate what you can what we can look at with it i have plans there is a plan contrary to what it may seem 009.005 smd good grief that sounds horrifying arrow is negative yes correct yep you can look at pwm with an oscilloscope i've done that in a couple of videos you want a small scope on your modular synth rack something like one of these would probably be rad for that like one of these kits you could do a cheap ghetto thing with that that'd be cool modulus modular synth is awesome i love modular synth yeah do my glasses tend to slip down my nose not terribly i mean they do work down on my face over time and now and then as with all glasses wearers i'll just do that or i'll do that you never put your fingers on the lenses if you ever see someone put their fingers on their lenses they're not really glasses wearers they're posers but yeah it doesn't worry me too much good comparisons multimeter takes a picture while the scope takes a video that's a really good analogy for it electro i like that how much memory does this kit have yes it doesn't i don't think keep a long cut off i think the only memory this thing has will probably be the couple of kilobits that are in this micro hello mate from western canada love the videos thanks much appreciated my dude how are you doing right uh our capacitors are oh we've got to put on our last boy our last boy our missing boy is three three one so that's uh three three and one zero so that's 330 and that is the elusive c2 which goes there hooray huh the soldering iron doesn't clatter too much when i put it back in the holder it is right next to the mic which is a awful place to put it but who said i was a professional all right we have a c2 good need some rgb i agree okay oh i nearly sent the rio flying then that would have been a disaster all right the next thing is led so yes we're adding g there's no r or b but we are adding g so we've got a third of rgb on this thing let's go where does the led go uh led is d3 and that appears down here at the bottom where it says triggered this is our triggered led uh right and let's see longer lead is positive longer lead is the anode and that goes to the positive so it goes that way round so once again we're going to solder one pad of this and then make sure it's straight oh my word is dancing all over the place okay right so i'll press on that with my thumb there we go one led bam whoop really like me in the karadog rumble streams that's awesome thank you very much i greatly appreciate it glad people are digging it uh oscilloscopes are not scary and super useful absolutely i'm an absolute noob with oscilloscopes i don't actually own a proper oscilloscope this stupid one that i've got here this is the only one that i ever use i do want to buy a really nice well i say a really nice one i'm on the lookout for a good starter scope i'm looking for like you know like i don't know just a 100 megahertz one but i'd like one that's got a nice modern looking one with a nice big screen on it but they don't make many scopes that have got a nice big screen that don't cost the earth so yeah i don't know i'm looking to spend i don't know i guess 300 pounds maybe 400 that kind of money but we'll see could you measure your heart rate with an oscilloscope well not quite um those they're the similar kind of deal but that's um that's a different kind of oscilloscope they do get really expensive so yeah trigged not triggered yeah triggered is too long uh okay uh let's see flat side is anode oh you're correct no flat side is cathode no the flat side is the cathode on an led i'll fight you over that one i reckon that's gonna work uh ask dave for one oh he's over in australia it'll cost the earth to send it to me so yeah take a look at the automotive scopes the garages use on cars all right yeah better buy a thermal camera for that i want to get one of those as well right what's next on the destructions dad joke pin header for parts okay uh i'm not gonna put the pin header on the pin header goes there which is a jst connector for power to power this thing i'm probably gonna hook jumper wires to there so i'm actually i'm not gonna put the pin header on there because i'm probably going to solder jumper wires so we're skipping that transistor q1 and q2 all right so we've got two transistors and eight 8550 and a 9014 let's have a look let's get out the uh the poor man's microscope how many fps would the oscilloscope get uh no idea is the answer to that it's enough to be useful oh that's a regulator i think let's come back to that one i think that's a regulator as well 9014 yep that's our q2 9014 eight five fifty that's the other one q1 and q2 got him still not done step six what was step six oh the tactile switches no we've forgotten the tactile switches we'll do those next we shall do those next uh big clive has done some reviews on the thermal cap phones i was thinking of picking up a secondhand cat phone that was actually one of my uh that was actually one of the ideas i had a lot of people were saying oh buy one of the seek things that you plug into your phone but i don't want to need my personal phone to make videos so i was thinking of buying a secondhand cat phone so i had a dedicated device for it uh oh we should probably this is q1 that needs to go that's u5 where's q1 q1 goes there uh oh hold on a sec we've got to figure out which way around these hecking things go because just because it's that way on the board doesn't mean that's the way around it goes probably does but it does it does the pitch confirms that i am doing it right that goes in there come on come on leggies bend get in there there we go it goes on like that crisis averted yeah uh and the other one my dad always used to say what's worse than fumbling with something watching someone else fumble with something y'all are very patient come up get in that again in that there we go them's our boys and once again i'm going to solder one leg then make good soldering iron warm up all right let's oh that goes straight already that guy jumped out of place there we go can i run doom on it no get an old iphone flir pro does the good job okay yeah maybe probably is the cost of an old iphone will make it not worth it all right let's those guys trim those legs um bam bam we're going to see build zoid tear down on this pcb [Laughter] so as you can see no i can't do a build zoid impression something about vrms not much flocks in these holders i got i've got fluxed uh i got flux core solder it's fine it's fine [Music] blue glow electronics just started an oscilloscope buying video all right that sounds interesting that sounds cool is the second transistor in the right place let's double check q2 yes and q1 yes and i'm going to check i'll put them the right way around 9014 is q2 9014 is q2 yes those are definitely correct they're definitely in the right place did the oscilloscope come with a with a case it did unfortunately some parts of the case are broken so i don't know how well the case is going to work 56 minutes oh no it's all right we're we've got a lot on there now i'm running out of parts over here let's put the tactile switches on which was back at step six that we skipped over so the tact switches are these boys one two uh three three four four four oh my word there we go four and we've got a fifth one somewhere down the bottom a reset button in case it crashes i guess which sounds a bit ominous now that's going to be the trigger reset idiot there we go all right let's get those guys soldered in he's a big one as he's going to make me fight livestream nice your one of these is still unassembled get that bad boy out and put him together get her done one of the build zoid videos he talked about wanting an oscilloscope oh this one will be no good to him he's a proper oscilloscope is he i'm surprised he doesn't have one already i'm surprised he doesn't already have one to be honest he should have one with the level he's working at buildzoid knows his stuff i'm surprised he doesn't already have one i'm sure he's got one that he's got his eye on he probably just hasn't got around to buying it yet he's a bit of a scatter brain i think bultoid don't get me wrong he's um he's very good at what he does he is uh filling a very interesting niche in the industry of people who are actually really paying attention to boards at a review level the only other people that actually look into the level that he does are extreme overclockers who are doing it for the sake of getting their scores up not for the sake of making a review per se um however unfortunately because he refuses to edit his videos his content can be a little bit inaccessible nothing doing i understand why he doesn't edit but he should he's gonna have to accept it sooner or later he's gonna need to edit videos he would have many many many many more subscribers if he edited it stunts his growth considerably in my opinion again nothing doing the guy is a lot more talented than i am however he should be editing his videos and i'm sure people have said this to him before and i'm sure he's like yeah yeah yeah i know i know however whatever but yeah he has one but he wanted a really good one okay fair enough are you waiting for me to oh no we've still got the 40 pin connected i've forgotten about this guy uh webcam prices have skyrocketed these months they have indeed joe bearded hardware as a demon on pcbs that sounds cool dull is the word build zoid yeah um and yeah i i agree and again i don't say that as an insult i say is constructive criticism there are some people though who will be listening with rat detention because they want to know what he's talking about but that's a fairly limited audience he could make his content significantly more accessible but yeah we're talking about a chat made build zoid actually hardcore overclocking is his channel name he does very very detailed breakdowns on motherboards and explains how the vrms are configured and whether they're whether it's good or not and stuff like that and he literally consults to gamers nexus on which boards are good so yeah you don't agree with me you feel like nexus is more boring to which listen to huh yeah kind of i steve is difficult uh steve does need more practice at speaking um like i know he's trying but he's not quite there and i don't know why i don't know how to fix um uh steve's problem but yeah i'm sure he's aware of it however again when i want a review that is like if i want to if i want to review on a certain cpu cooler or on a certain cpu gamers nexus is where i go to get that information from like you can say what you like about steve gn but if you want numbers they got numbers they are the people to talk to uh we need to put on our voltage regulators next voltage regulators u4 and u5 these are identical packages are similar do not mix up all eight okay nearly got caught out there i was like i don't understand it that's the same any chance of my beard going no never right okay so we've got seven nine l and seven eight l oh damn it let's do the zoom in again i keep putting my rio can down in front of my mouse seven eight seven eight lo5 so that's u5 u5 goes over here steve reads charts yes his mountain biking channel is cool that's cool i didn't know he had a mountain biking channel um yeah he does read charts but he also explains the charts he explains what how to interpret the chart and what the takeaway from the chart is however again that's not necessarily entertainment and the soldering iron has gone to sleep again come on and straighten because that's a million miles off there we go and gave me a satisfying click [Music] this channel worth supporting yeah greatly appreciated nick white sub nine is negative reg all right there you go that answers that question then nothing about other youtubers everyone is doing their best i agree with that i agree with that i i speak my opinions here and these are purely observations and opinions i appreciate all youtube channels that are out there making content everyone who's going out there making content they're doing something um and it's easy to criticize criticism is really easy doing better that's a lot harder so you know when i when when i sit here talk about other youtube channels you know i'm just i'm just shooting here i'm just you know i'm just chatting febreze ultimately they all got where they are for a reason and they're all great at what they do and i love all of them so as i say don't get me wrong don't misinterpret me i like all these channels and they're all good at their own thing they've all got their own little niches gian have got their charts and if you want charts then gn is where you want to be i want a wholesome takeaway okay let's see bill's always about bar gross yeah yeah yeah no that's absolutely fine most thorough youtubers got to be mr carlson i have not watched a lot of mr carlson but what i have seen seems really rad yeah he does seem like a cool dude and i do want to watch more of his content i want to watch a lot more content but i don't have a lot of free time these days and i don't like i really hate it when people are just like i don't have time for this it's like we'll make the time then but i make the time for a lot of people and unfortunately there's only so many days of the week you know [Music] glad you find a live stream it channel that isn't building the generic best gaming pc ever that's boring yeah i'm not interested in that i'm not interested in that i'm sure there's people that are and that's okay but that's not my cup of tea either right that's our regulator's done uh what time do i run my iron at 140 c no 400 c yeah um you uh for for soldering for a kit like this 350 is probably fine for just double-sided board like this 350 would probably be absolutely fine i generally run my iron at 400 degrees because i'm used to working on motherboards where you need at least 400 um so yeah generally speaking 400 is a good place to be but if you're working on a very small board or if you're working on a damaged board you might want to consider dropping down to like 380 360 maybe um it's really hard to say when the more experienced you get with an adjustable soldering iron the more you experiment with working with using different temperatures the more you learn when you need more or less heat and the only way is to try it like now and then i have uh i've experimented where i've turned my soldering iron all the way down to like 350 and found i could still still solder just fine and been like ah do we really need all this heat and then i'll put it on a motherboard and it just doesn't work it's like the iron's turned off and you're like holy crap okay now we need the heat you know meanwhile you run your iron at 480. now 480 is also fine however on small boards you fight you might find that you start singeing things and also of course you're running your tip really hot which wears your tip out faster so more heat can make things easier but it also increases the risk of damaging stuff so but also different things work for different people and it also depends on your soldering iron like if you've got a nap soldering iron like um here's my web soldering iron this is the one that i started out with it's not turned on don't worry this is not a heater and tip one if i take the tip off of this guy as you can see that's the soldering iron tip and there's the heating element and because this is a crap cheap soldering iron that goes over there and it's just held on with this and that's a really bad way of transferring heat so you i have to run this iron ridiculously hot to get anything up to the end of it so this iron i run this at like 450 480. however the ts 100 this guy can do the same amount of work at 400 degrees c because he's got a vastly superior tip to it so yeah the the yeah as uh as uh the crazy craze said he at the iron depends on the board and it also depends on the tip and the iron and so on and so forth so yeah um let's see hello slinkenage how are you doing my dude um so uh let's see it is indeed uh it's 20 past nine here at the moment right rio done let's get back to the board fill in the tip hole with thermal paste uh you'd need some magical thermal paste to take that kind of damage no idea though i don't use that iron anyway um i this i abu this soldering iron i use this for abusive stuff when i'm doing something really dumb and stupid or when i'm redoing heat stakes and stuff like that i use this iron because i really don't care about it it's a cheap iron it's not very good better ions are but there are better ions and i have better ions uh right capacitor trimmers let's get them on the board are these identical they are let's get them on doo doo uh both marco reps and this old tony have similar weird sense of humor i'll take that as a compliment okay right do these have a right way around i'm gonna put them the right way around as they say on the board these things look really really naff so these are adjuster capacitors variable capacitors quite uncommon variable capacitors uh i'm going to need some i'm going to do terrible things that going to make people cringe i'm going to put solder directly on my iron as a method to my madness and then i can go zap get on there you dick and this is why you don't put solder on your eye there we go one get on that just stay in place there we go two there we go now there's a hold up flat on the board now we'll do it properly oh we're miles out of focus let me fix the focus sorry guys switch irons to get a higher difficulty level no to be honest this board apart from having really small pads you could do this board with a any iron i did say at the start of the stream this is a good place to start learning to solder and any cheap old iron or manage these boards no problem whoop there we go uh stick a radiator into a microprocessor yeah forecast 500 views are we really at 500 that's a record for me that's mad you're all mad for coming here but i love you thank you very much everyone uh let's see rio and soldering fumes all right put that somewhere where it's not going to destroy something rear and soldering fumes it's a good mix let's see uh okay that's our capacity trimmers to do next is the power inductor one micro henry okay so that guy goes up here l2 it's not polarized solder oops that's not going down to the board at all get down there you know honestly i think i would have been better with my uh knife edge tip on this board it's a bit late in the day to switch over but i genuinely think my knife edge would have actually given me a better better thermal transmission on this one do it with a paint stripping heat gun oh no don't know how to highlight fair enough any old iron any old iron yeah uh jan merling thank you very much for the euro you may have misled me you actually have an hour and 40 minutes left before you have to buy me a burger oh no well that's good we've got plenty of time then we're fine those blobby soldiers are a lack of flux it's a lack of pad my dude have you seen how small the pads are on this sodding board they're terrible it's terrible muriel right marco's cancel build makes me cancelled build what's that all about i don't know much about it what's the hook with it is it high spec or uh or what uh right that's our power inductor what's next 14 electrolytic capacitors we've already done those uh 15 power connector j10 let's do it uh right time to drown this in solder because big old tabs oh cnc build all right that sounds interesting you're watching from sri lanka hello sri lanka grey's allergic to flux i am but also with respect a lot of people have no idea where you do actually need and not need flux and also do not realize how much flux is in the soldering i'm using this is not modern solder this is ancient solder i got it from i got it from an asteroid that landed reflow all of those i do understand uh you know when people say sort of oh look at those blobby joins however the blobby joins are because there's no pads on this board not because there's no flux does that go flat he's flat that's fine how many pulls of flux miller pulls no we're definitely down in the nano we're definitely down in the micro pools uh that's upside down there we go oh those tabs are massive am i going to try and chip those yeah i'm going to try and snip those off i'm going to use my other pro tip when you have flush cutters have two pairs of flush cutters one of them you put a bit of tape around it this is the abuse pair that you do stupid stuff with and is blunt as hell and this is the nice pair that are actually sharp so when you want to chop something that you probably shouldn't chop with your flush cutters ow you use the crap pair ow oh that's terrible yeah we're just going to shatter the joint doing that i'm just trying to make these sit down a little bit i'll reflow these in a minute i just didn't want them to be that long i'm going to reflow those solder joints because we're going to crack solder joints with that much force there we go those are reflowed have i heard about soldering paste i have i want to try out soldering paste i want to practice with it and reballing but i don't have anything to practice on i need to see if there i need to see if like practice kits exist for that reflow yep yep i got it don't worry about it solving paste mostly makes its debut in smd yeah people asking how much the kit cost this kit is approximately um about it's about 15 it's about 15 pounds from amazon you could probably find it cheaper like 15 us dollars or probably about 12 us dollars if you went to somewhere like aliexpress and ordered it from china it depends where you order it from basically if you order it from a chinese website like aliexpress or banggood it'll be cheaper but it'll take longer to arrive the transistor transistors look like delicious candies you're always taught never to clean the tip after use but to clean it before use uh yes that's true yeah yeah there are good practices and it depends sometimes it matters and it doesn't um it also depends on how expensive your tips are to replace replacement tips for this iron are not particularly expensive if i had a really expensive heiko or hakko and my replacement tips were 70 i'd probably care a bit more so yeah you've broken a cutter like that yeah you've got to be careful like like i mentioned that's why i was covering them with my hand and that's why i have a crap pair of cutters for it uh right what's next uh pin header mail we are assuming the gender of this pin header uh right that is that goes down there um am i gonna fit these yeah i think i will there's a triple hmm this is supposed to be a triple pin header i'm gonna check what other pin headers have we got that's for the lcd board this should be that i believe there we go four and a one yeah that goes that that goes there and these are debug ports okay right can i get those to sit down one's fallen out already tell you what i might use a pro tip no i don't need to this is fine uh why don't you put all the parts in place with just the legs soldered and then sold all the wired legs together uh yeah there's probably faster ways of doing this i'm trying to do a mixture of stuff i'm trying to mix it up so i'm doing a bit of soldering a bit of picking and placing and so on so we don't end up watching too much of the same thing in terms of actual speed and efficiency this might not be the most efficient way to do it i'm just trying to do something that i i feel is probably the more entertaining way of doing it or just keeps things most interesting uh there's a four pin to the right of three yeah that's right you want to practice with paste buy a dead iphone and a stencil for that rip the cpu in parts and practice yeah that's a good idea uh weller seems like a good brand yeah they've had their ups and their downs oh weller i like the uh some of the chinese ones though to be honest like the ts100 here you know it's a cheap chinese thing but it's got a very good rep for a reason it's an underdog iron which is great for electronics oh my kingdom for larger solder pads the solder isn't flowing because it's got nowhere to flow to i know the people are screaming more flux but flux doesn't help if there's no metal to solder to that's the problem here oh there's too much solder there there we go let's sort that out uh get in there is that straight yeah it's good enough yeah those are all on that's fine uh what do you power the ts100 with uh i have a 65 watt laptop charger plugged into mine no henry's ford's conveyed job for me yeah sorry about the amazon the rubbish amazon link uh yeah i don't know if youtube chat is automatically shooting things i haven't got any moderation tools on at the moment uh right next pin headers female okay right so we have j7 and j8 right for these guys i'm going to use a quick trick to make these a bit easier to solder i'm going to use a little bit of flux as some temporary glue so i put a little bit of squirt of flux there and we'll push it down through there and that'll make him stick in place so when i turn the board over he won't fall off what's the time half past nine okay this is taking longer than i anticipated but that's okay i want these to be pretty straight there we go really should change the tip you know what let's do that because we've got this big old 40 we've got this massive 40 pin connector coming up let's change tips whoops i accidentally just sunk my chair found the flux tube put that over there to cool down i'm going to put the knife edge tip on so on goes my uh tsku knife edge start warming this guy up t12k tip i don't have all of them unfortunately this is the only other one i've got but as i say i think this one will work better for me this hasn't been on for a while this tip so i'm going to warm it up and clean it up this is very well used actually this tip is pretty worn out it needs replacing but it'll do uh okay what are we doing these j connectors right let's try that out oh that's not much nicer yeah i should have done this i should have done this two hours ago straight on there miles better there's a reason why i love this tip right let's just straighten those people said i was mad using the tsku it's a great tip there we go that's a knife what football team do i support none of them not into it these will be the most perfect joints okay right now we've got to put on the big boy we've got to do this guy twice on both sides got to do it on the screen and on the main board all right let's put him in i really hope none of these pins are bent they're not that's great look at this board it's nearly done look at all this stuff on there we've got loads of things on there now and then it fell off right let's do one at each end to get it in place oops bending something on the back of the board i've got to watch where i put my fingers now there we go right that is in place time for soldering okay a tech tip oh done quite a bit considering you're talking to us at the same time yeah i'm doing my best draw a line of flux over all those pins you know what i'll do it for you guys this is for you guys it's time for a milly pool of flux one entire millipool of flux we go the most perfect line of flux there we go stop benzing things don't be a better drag solder oh my drag solder game ain't there however let's see if we can or oh it might be actually with this tip oh i'm not feeding the solder in fast enough though what's that oh we missed a couple that wasn't bad that did make the light work of that oh bridge that wasn't bad oh there was some satisfying there yeah lewis approves the flux gods have been achieved and there's a cloud of flux smoke in here now smells good smells a freedom let's get home let me see if i can get you guys a nice artsy shop for this one let's see if we can get you guys a good money shot i want to say bear with me bear with me this is going to be an action shot and focus there we go smells of brain cancer probably oh i'm not getting it right for this one i can't feed the flux i can't feed the solder in fast enough oh that's a massive bridge we just put in that's fine we'll pull that out okay i'm actually going to have to open the door i'll open the door to the back room and the kitchen oh oh that's just let all the cold air in from the other rooms beard catch with the fumes wear a covered mask yeah all right let's remove that bridge there and touch up that guy there there we go beautiful all right let's uh turn the camera over again so i can understand which way up it is no cut me brian oh no right that's that dan cool no smoke alarm um no my shop is too small to actually need one believe it or not why no fume extractor i don't have space for i'm going to get one in the news shop though chance of it working first time i have i have faith i have faith uh slide switches then bnc okay slide switches one the crazy age i'm sorry if i'm butchering your name thank you very much for the 10 euros just a little tip since you've left the eu oh no thanks for your time waiting for the next macbook repair help us we need you [Laughter] no one cares if the tiny shot burns down no literally too small it's basically a case of um like you you can see all four corners of the room kind of thing and there's no upstairs or downstairs so there's literally no point in having a smoke alarm in here new shop opening in 2032 sooner than that sooner than that come on just the tier hip that hecking anchor is soaking up heat let's do one side then turn it round ah get out of there let's put all that bollocks stuff out these pins are actually even finer if that's possible come back to the other side of those in a moment ah so better bridge too much sold up damn it get out there we go those are all done switches five by four need 90 10 flux to solder ratio yeah nifty thing called flux oh you did this exactly three times the screen failed boo that doesn't sound great okay those are all switches done uh the occasional knocking sound that'll be the heater in the corner the heater is oscillating and when it hits a certain frequency it knocks i'm amazed that the microphone's picking that up uh right let's see um bnc connector and then we've just got to put a couple of bits on the screen and we're about there the end is in sight right bnc connector i'm not looking forward to this guy these bnc connectors are horrifying if my memory serves me they're big and metal and soak up all of the heat i will absolutely flux this guy because we're gonna need to get a lot of heat into these metal studs i know we have our disagreements about flux however i'm fluxing this one then a gauge solder might help on the small stuff it will you're right i need to buy some thinner gauge solder i agree with that one right let's see oh come on look at that heat not getting in there come on hoots heat heat come on come on get some heat in there there we go almost that there we go now i need to repress that and reheat it oh no can i use a microscope maybe i can bring you guys a little bit in closer if you want to see that uh use the hot air oh we could that'll be an interesting test actually i've never tried hot airing solder directly in there those pads aren't going to hold that bnc no you're probably right great singing voice you should quit your day job uh come up come up this is where you need a bigger iron come on you can see the ball's taking it's nearly that i think it just needs it on the other side now oh that's taken there we go lovely and the other side needs a bit more as well there we go i think that might want a bit more solder and a reflow heat with the hot air yeah that would also work fill the po file the posts yes that would also work i don't have a file though so i'm not going to right i'm going to give that a little bit more flux and a reflow just to get that extra out i remember having trouble with these when i did my other oscilloscope there we go lovely and flat perfect more temp doesn't go any higher looks like a cold joint uh yeah it's no it's on there it'll be all right that was a tricky one but with there that's definitely that's not a cold joint it's on there right and now i'm going to use my bad snippers for that guy and just to satisfy everyone i'll reflow that just because that was a big snip there we go right bnc connector done test signal ring make a small ring with a lead and cut off yeah sure okay uh where's a thicker cut off so we're going to use an off cup to make our test lead ring heat tip the iron with a lighter really does that work right uh where's our screwdriver and use a screwdriver to mold my test ring there we go so i've just bent that around a screwdriver and now we put that in there and this will be our test ring for clipping a test signal too now set i'm just going to put this in place by eye don't fall out this is terrible positioning yeah there we go that's held in place there's that sorted it'll up your tip yeah probably um yeah i'm not convinced about that if you need more help then um the people who are saying use the hot air that's a better idea is preheat the board with hot air and then bring the soldering iron in that's the better move i agree with that one right focus okay right so next it says we need to solder jumper 3 apparently so jp3 which is next to u4 we have to blob that over yeah sorry about my squeaky camera boom uh next to u4 u4 u4 jumper 3. apparently jumper 3 needs to be shorted i could have done with knowing this at the start there we go jumper 3 has been shorted and 22 lcd board all right so we're putting this aside and now we've got to put our jumpers on our lcd board squeak drag soldering is great just used to a small tip yeah i'm also rusty i haven't done a kit build in quite a long time i don't actually do that much soldering just straight up right i'm gonna do my uh flux glue technique for these bits a bit of flux on those guys so they stick in place and then that guy goes in there and yeah we're gonna flux this guy up and we're gonna go for another big drag solder let's do the small jumpers and then we'll do that um and let's just come in a little bit closer so we're into another focus step there we go flux the tripod yes sorry some kits you don't need too much patience for because um some kits are easy ones this is a very big kit but that's why i wanted to do it i like the big complicated ones the more parts the better when i'm picking a kit to build i'm mainly looking for just the number of parts it comes with i don't really care what it does i just want to know how many parts it comes with because if there's not many parts then you're done in 10 minutes [Music] over 9000 there we go all right time for drag soldering electric boogaloo actually i've lost the flux war and given in look i never had an issue with flux i just only use it when i need it and i will concede that for drag soldering you need flux i will absolutely agree with that oh keep the momentum stay on target there we go how's that as a special treat i didn't check it was on straight and we got it in one go we've got one guy that's sticking out a little bit but he'll be all right close to 600 damn what are you guys all doing here rip the screen oh it'll be all right we're not too close to the screen we're fine it also has some cellophane across it for any bits that go across there we'll be all right patient is at 50 of success scope kit like this might be suitable to check if you've got ripple on the outputs of psus yes mr pad now set let's inspect oh i think you're right yep there's one yeah that wants another pass definitely a missed pad there come on though that's 40 pads that's not bad going we're waiting for you to use your flux you just fixed a hard drive good job man right okay that pad has been done and let's just re-hop pads bro there we go done like sunday dinner i got that one from slink i love that term right i think we're ready finished look right so there's we should be testing and using i'm gonna yolo and i'm just gonna turn it on and see if it works right i need some jumper leads because i don't have a nine volt battery snap i probably do but there's some small jumper leads let's use these ones these are big and obnoxious do i really not have a battery snap hang on a sec let me just check i've got a battery snap because that would be significantly easier i thought i had some more suitable wires oh no it's not what i wanted oh that'll do i don't give a damn unless oh i'm not digging through that now let's just solder on some jumper wires and be done with it i'm going to butcher a battery snap because i hate nine volt batteries and i never use them all right we're just soldering on some jumper wires for power and i shall be there oh why stripping that'll do and get in that there we go those are my oh heck i said get in there right let's butcher some solder onto that i'll just sent all my bits flying okay there we go now they're not going to come out all right we have power leads and as aforementioned i'm gonna yolo and just stick the screen on there we go all right no cleanage i will clean it up later however uh i want to keep pressing on because i didn't um i where are we seven we've been going three hours and i was actually aiming for a two hour stream i've got time however i didn't expect this to take three hours which is um terrible because these things always take longer than you think they will however i do want to press on so yeah cleaning is kind of low priority let's put these feet on the bottom of it though i'm going to skip out on the case for this thing i'm not too fussed about that i'll put i'll put the case on another time and i'll show some pictures on twitter or something ah i'll put the feet on it though there we go right time for power what's the usb port for um no you can't power it from the usb port and the usb port is for it's for hacking and diagnostics and stuff like that right let's unplug the soldering iron for a sec and bring my power cables around the back of there now these wires are kind of weedy hold on um i'm crocodile clipping because i'm a terrible person there we go that'll do okay and let's plug let's connect this up bnc all right power supply i want have i got anything five volt there we go let's start from five right and i want nine volts lock in all right power on here we go and power uh right do we have a power on button no it's kill jim all right on set are we drawing any power we're drawing 14 milliamps but we have nothing on the screen okay fine let's turn it off and let's remove the screen and we'll check voltages okay power on it's 15 millivolt milliamps now right thou shalt check voltages power 9 volts right check for voltage at tp 22 it should be 3.3 volts all right hold on we are going to check our power right d ground 3.3 volts oh 3.3 volts is at minus 2 volts well that ain't working uh the led led's not working because it's not triggered what's our five volt rail minus five volts that's not right at all minus five something's terribly wrong because our power is the wrong way around what on earth is going on there we have negative voltages everywhere what the hell does that mean right oh okay hold on a sec there's still something more to go here apply 9v power to j10 or j9 check voltage at tp22 and then it says short jp4 with solder permanently so there's a step that we've missed there's a step we've missed it means the probes are the wrong way around hmm right uh leads reversed red lead on ground okay there's a lot going along there hold on set was the red on ground was i actually reading on ground then hold on a sec there was a step that i missed but did i actually have the red probe on ground because i'm tired was i being that dense yes is the answer to that i was being that dense thank you thank you everyone [Laughter] i'll take that one on the chin i'll take that one on the chin i have my probes the wrong way around right however i do also need tp22 where is testpad22 it is there test pad 22 is it 3.3 volts that is correct it's 10 past 10 go home i want to that's why we're not cleaning the board i'm kind of done i'm kind of done and i want to see it working now right okay if voltage at tp22 is good disconnect power short jp4 with solder permanently all right so power off i skipped steps that's why it didn't work because i skipped steps we weren't done we now need to solder jp4 which presumably is going to send power to where it's needed io load without reading the instructions and that's what you get that's what happens right power is off power is off short jp4 permanently there we go jp4 is soldered permanently right now attach lcd board and then turn it on okay so let's go let's yolo it a second time now lcd board is on alright take two take two power on yeah there we go y'all doubted me [Laughter] and we've got a trace three hours of fiddling yeah i've also done this entire stream with no break on my ad right let's remove the cellophane oh yes there's a good peel it's running okay right let's check the test signal because we've got to calibrate it as well okay where does it say how to calibrate right i think we're on to the actual user instructions to calibrate you only solder once okay right yeah use the square wave generator correct right probe calibration so we're just going to calibrate it for the crocodile clips for now so connect the red test clip to the test signal right set send one okay right coupling should be ac or dc and send one to point there to 0.1 volt also by the way there's our triggered led triggered led is working and send 2 to x it's already at times five adjust time base two point two milliseconds okay right point two milliseconds oh point two milliseconds there we go so there's our nice square wave so notice how that square wave has got big old rounded edges on it that means we're not calibrated so uh right i don't know your bug yay i don't own i don't own nick white a burger thank you very much okay tracer not stable adjust yada yada turn c4 with a small screwdriver so the waveform displays a sharp right angle okay right what kind of screwdriver do i need uh not not t not torx heads ah that's too big where's my where's my p0 there it is okay right which one do we just c4 no that's too big i need my tiny screwdriver i'm doing this with my left hand oh god that's too big as well i need an even smaller screwdriver hold on we must go smaller [Music] it's tea bloody hell all right let's just this be a pleb and drop down to a flat head there we go i think nope that's not doing the business bloody help could i have a screwdriver that heckin works not the draper i hate that one that one should do it trying to find a screwdriver that can fit these capacitors there we go okay so there's too far now we're going to adjust that until we get a nice square wave there we go that'll do nick white have a burger on me thank you very much thank you for the fiver get an ifixit kit already it's the shutter effect yes indeed it's not got a it's a very flickery screen anyway but there is also a bit of that as well um okay right that's that done okay c4 is done set send one to one volt and send two to x1 1 volt x1 keep all other settings unchanged adjust c6 so sharp right angle waveform is displayed all right and c6 so i'm going to go to an extreme oh this one's not doing much of anything i can't see any difference with that adjuster i think that might be a very very subtle one that i'm not seeing because like doing full rotations of that i can't see it doing anything did i miss anything nope eh that's probably good enough okay right that's that so let's do a little bit of testing so let's uh the left top corner yeah they're not multi-turn yeah it's just going to be a 100 degree turn and yeah there are some little top left spikes you're right but i can't make them go oh it's very slight isn't it there we go i think that's a little bit better there's still a little bit there but i think it's good enough for australia as dave would say okay right that's it that's close enough for me let's uh look at some stuff mainly flux on the joints yeah touch the negative crocodile now that's not affecting it right let's look at some waveforms so the first thing we'll do we'll do something simple my uh my anning an808 here has a uh has a generator on it randomly so i'm gonna set this to uh let's see range select there we go so let's set that to 500 hertz so i've connected the probes up to the crocodile clips and we should be able to get some information out of this so where did i just put the instructions this thing can probably show up some numbers on the screen because my other one can um so how do we get information triggers right trigger level readout parameter selection hold run my other one of these has a a way of bringing up numbers i'm just going to try holding down some buttons and see if anything happens oh there we go found it that's what i wanted okay right let's find our uh v adjust so select oh god can i not hold the button down oh i can just about there we go right let's move that down the screen to there so i've adjusted my via line down so we can have this information on screen and still see the waveform right so now we've got a 500hz signal coming from the multimeter at a 50 percent duty cycle so that's working so let's increase that so um 600 700 800 one thousand so now we're at one kilohertz two thousand three four five and then we go down again and now we're down to 50 hertz and we've got a we got to zoom out for that so there we go uh let's take that to a kilohertz again and then we've got a kilohertz signal so we're looking at a signal there there we go signal generator and an osc is a glorious test tool indeed uh shouldn't it be set to dc uh it doesn't really matter for this particular test um uh because we're putting in just a square wave anyway it doesn't actually make any difference um because there's no bias on our input signals uh is my understanding of it now have i got unfortunately i don't have a sine wave generator um there is another test that i was going to do but i don't know if we've got time for it to be honest um one another test that i was gonna do was i was gonna get a rgb controller a digital rgb controller and set that up and connect the probes to it so we could see the digital rgb signal the bnc goes to crocodile clips so those go to these two i do have some oscilloscope probes but we don't need those just for looking at square waves uh can this be a giveaway it could do i haven't decided what to do with it yet so we'll see is this a premiere or actually live this is live uh you're right at the end of everything though i'm afraid um so yeah you ain't buying burgers yeah um right okay let's see it is 20 past you know what i think we've got time to get some rgb so right give me two minutes to clear the bench because my god the bench is full of junk and we'll get something so we can actually look at an actual signal so give me a moment everyone let's just reconfigure this is my life right now uh i'll set let's do let's go all the way over here [Music] all right standby extended testing follow-up oh well i don't know about that but we'll see right unplug the soldering iron and we'll get that out the way because we oops sorry i'm shouting into the mic right this whoops let's turn this thing off before i short it out clearing some space clearing some space you'll see what i'm up to in a minute you'll be like wow [Music] out gotta get rid of all of this nonsense this is going to be a lot of adjustment for one test however hopefully it will be a cool finale and it will be a practical demonstration on what you can do with a scope something that uh the pc fans will enjoy i think tweezers move that a moment i want to clear the thing so i can wipe down my mat there we go i have some space hmm right please don't crash obs good i'm setting this up so we've got an rgb source what gpu is that it is an old 980 not as flashy as it looks all reliable this particular one has been thrashed by karadog himself right ferrero rocher yeah with these federal dash here you are spoiling us okay i'm gonna put that up there i'm going somewhere with this bell with me we are actually going somewhere with this normally i'd be able to pause the video while i do this but we're live so i can't um that's probably good enough okay right so now we have an rgb source here's some rgb strips and i'm going to plug one into the motherboard uh oh heck this is a gigabyte okay that's fine i can deal with that we'll just pull out this one and uh oh can we have access to this one this might be a little trickier than expected oh heck damn you rgb okay this has not gone to plan but i think i can save it i need pin adapters i need pin adapters and i need this computer to be the other way around which is rather embarrassing i can save this don't worry bear with me we're going somewhere you could use the audio out from the pc that's a good idea as well we might be able to do that here's one i prepared earlier yes i should have prepared this earlier halfway through the stream i was like i'm not gonna bother with this however i i'm like because because y'all's hung around with me and all the rest of it i'm like i kind of wanted to do the big finale that i originally intended to so i'm gonna do it anyway okay right there's there's a plan bear with me it lives there we go for a moment i doubted myself all right we have an led strip we have an rgb led strip and what we're going to do we're going to hook up the oscilloscope to it and we can see how the digital rgb strip is programmed they need some diffusion you're absolutely right okay right i need i need to not short this out which is actually going to be very tricky i might actually i tell you what i'm i'm going to get a proper oscilloscope probe or i say a proper i'm going to get an oscilloscope probe rather than crocodile clips for this just so we don't actually blow it up because if i blow up this rgb strip i will probably also blow up the rgb controller on the motherboard which i don't really want to do okay i think we are nearly there ground reference there we go okay i think we're ready right now i just need to set some rainbow waves right digital led c one go to color cycle digital wave there we go okay hold on to your house this is a loss of setup for a single demonstration however hopefully you'll guys will find it kind of interesting it's absolutely not worth the wait i can tell you that much right um let's bring the brightness of those leds down a bit so it doesn't wash out the camera and let's try and get everything in frame at the same time monitoring the fan pwm yeah we could probably find that uh oh that brightness is fine okay right so now what we're gonna do is take a look at this so um firstly let's check out the power signal so let's select power hmm let's hold how do we get to the power i don't know how to use the controls on this one and that's up and down select select trigger that's select v adjust how do we get on to higher or lower voltages oh we've only got low select it doesn't have high inputs this okay that's fine well if i stick that on the 5 volt rail now it jumps up there so we can see there is a very dirty 5 volt rail to our rgb however the bit that i wanted to show you is here there you go so this is the digital signal going to the rgb leds so this is a serial connection so let's see if we can get a trigger on that to take a look at it uh hold no uh select let's bring the thing down let's just bring that down to the bottom of the screen so we can see it a bit better and what we're going to do we're going to select uh i need my trigger where's the trigger i need to bring the trigger up there we go so we're gonna move the trigger bar further up so it actually locks on to it and select five milliseconds to i think we're too close in here there we go there it is there it is so there is the pulsed packets let's go further out five milliseconds so as you can see there are the pulses of data going to the led string that's the bit that i wanted to see so as you can see now we're probing the data line on this rgb strip and we're seeing the pulses of data that are going to the rgb strips to the rgb chips telling them what color to switch to at any given time so this is the bit that we can look at with a scope now with a more exotic scope if you had like a real oscilloscope we might actually have serial decoding and we could actually decode the data in those packets so how long did it take me to do this oh it took me 10 minutes to set this up yeah the signal is very busy but that's probably because it's a crap scope however uh that's the bit that i wanted to demonstrate so as you can see there's our packets of data going down the rgb line that's the bit and again we can zoom in on those and we can see there's some stuff in there but this thing doesn't have a hope of actually being able to understand what data is in there and if we go all the way out yeah it just gets it gets a bit noisy there that's as that's as good as it's going to get there we hold that so yeah so that is how this is working that's how the that's how these leds are being told what color to switch to because there's packets of data going across there they're probably way too attenuated because the scope yeah i would just say you're probably right but yes there you go so that is how digital rgb works so uh someone said pwm on a fan sure i've demonstrated that in videos before let's plug a fan in and we'll look at the uh and we'll look at the output from it so let me get this uh rgb strip out of the way i'll leave it to there uh i need a fan oh i need a fan and a fan splitter the girlfriend split up i think somewhere oh we don't find this fan splitter soon that'll be bad news that's no good oh sure i had fan splitters i need one to be able to do this demonstration i'm gonna be infinitely sad if i can't find one i'm sure i had one okay now we're going to have to get to it because i can't find any fan splitters all right that's fine we can still do this um can i get to the back of the label oh i can this will work this will work okay right let's plug the fan in we're gonna have to adjust stuff here right and we're moving across again i could stop and vary the speed with my finger uh i can do your one better than that because i can drop into bios and control it from there shut down right and we're going to move across to here now trying to make sure that everything's on screen at the same time this might be the last one we do i think there we go right power on spanning into delete mode delete so i can get into the bios so i can actually adjust it this fan is making weird noises right uh pc health status no that's not what i wanted i need uh uh where's my fan control on this thing mit smartphone five there we go right where am i plugged into i'm on cis fan two you sure this is fan 2a and cis fan 2b oh there's both there we go right this pwm and manual okay right firstly let's get a picture of things so this is going to be tough to figure out i need a ground ah just gonna peel ah peel this label off there we go we don't need that just probe the tack output we might be able to get both right where's our ground ground is over there all right this is going to be tough to probe but i'll do my best okay let's come off of that so we want one volt let's start in there okay and ah slipped off the probe uh i need something under the fan because i'm pressing it against the table which is dragging the fan down hold up there we go that's better try not to short everything out getting the ground in place is difficult there we go right no i've lost it come on there it is right so there we have so there we have a 23 and a half kilohertz wave that's a very ugly square wave but the probing that i'm doing here is terrible um so the probing is horrendous uh however there we go if i had a board holder yeah all right whatever however there we go so we're at 40 duty cycle there so the fan is at 40 so now if i go and what i'll do is i'll go into the bars and i'll change that to um we'll change that down to 20 and we'll see how the waveform changes so you can also use the psu ground yeah the ground lead on the on the probe won't reach the probing i'm doing is horrendous here this is a very bad probing but it's the best i can manage right so let's ramp this thing up to something uh there it goes oh we're going up instead of down there we go so now i've ramped that guy up to 60 the high 60s in the bios it says 68 we're reading about 65 on the screen there but as you can see we are getting the but the the pwm signal to the fan so that's the fan being told to turn on and off recalibrate the probe yeah the probe is fine it's the way is the fact that i'm holding it against the pads with one hand is the problem here uh that's this is what we're dealing with one-handed probing it's not good however it's enough to demonstrate the point so now let's bring the speed right the way down let's go all the way down let's get that down to like 20 percent there we go and now we're into 20 and as you can see we've got little spot little spikes of on and there we go so this is what the oscilloscope can do it can so that's the signal that's telling the fan to turn on and off at a 25 duty cycle so 25 of the time the fan is on and 75 of the time the fan is off and there we go and that's what it can do and can we get the taco in there as well um yeah let's see if we can get the taco so the taco is a very that's a very quiet signal uh this thing's got uh um attenuation ah now a minute i want to see that taco signal without ah heck in heck trying to balance the fan here is terrible right we're not getting a solid lock here it keeps coming and going and i'm not sure why so as you can see our signal just keeps popping up and disappearing um let me see if i can get onto the controls there we go right let's try zooming out of that that's why as you can see it comes in roving pulses there ah so again i'm not sure what the reasoning behind that one is however that burst of information has got the speed of the fan in it so presumably every time period there that little that series of pulses is giving the fan speed and that's sending that back to the motherboard so the motherboard can read how fast the fan is spinning so so yeah there's that's the that's what the speed pin on the fan looks like so yeah it's not very clear given time i might be able to make get a better reading out of that but again i'm doing things with three hands here so yeah 200 kilowatts yeah it's uh it's not a high bandwidth scope this but yeah hopefully that's kind of interesting there we go all right i think that'll do right let's pack this stuff up put it back on something simple and we'll wrap up because uh i think i've i think i've done my demonstrations now right so let's go back down to that so you guys can see it and just stick that back on the uh test signal and then i'll quickly back rechat and just answer some questions there we go just stick that back on the test signal right taco tachometer speed sensor yes sorry for the lack of uh thing there right there we go uh pound back very cool demo thank you very much i'm glad that you guys got something out of that that was those demos were a little bit rough i wasn't very well prepared to do that but at least we saw some signals because um like a square waveform is like sort of okay well there's a signal on the screen but can we look at something real that's the thing and so we looked at the data signal going to the rgb strip and we looked at the um the the pwm signal going to the fan and the speed signal coming back from the fan and we were able to look at those and see what was going on there so yeah you see most obvious not all my videos yeah i don't use a scope for diagnostics and repair there are some occasions where a scope is useful in repair but not very often scopes are not really a required thing for repairs this is not something that i would be using in the shop all the time i do have my other pocket scope which is this guy which is also a jye text scope and works in a very similar way and it's um it's very very similar deal as you can see same kind of deal there has all the same this one has better controls though this one has way better controls in terms of reviewing this kit this one is more interesting to look at and this one is easier to build than this one was however this is better because it's much easier to control um so yeah and i think that's about it i think i'm gonna wrap up guys because um yeah we're coming up with three hours 45 i didn't plan on streaming this along so yeah thanks for tuning in thanks for sticking around for nearly four hours uh i have already eaten but i do want to go home and relax on friday night so i think this thing you might be fun to poke around in your commodore 64. it may well do because the thing is um a kit like these jye tech kits these are like you know 10 to 20 dollars and any kind of real oscilloscope is hundreds or thousands of dollars and one of these allows you to just start poking at things and looking at signals so the idea here is that one of these will let you just start looking at an oscilloscope and understanding what an oscilloscope does and yeah the use scope of using the scope and repairs depends on what you do absolutely if you're doing board repair you might need a scope to see if there is a data signal there or to see if a clock is going and a multimeter will get you a lot of the way but not the whole way so that's it good right don't forget to burger i've already burgered but thank you right that's it i'm done i'm going home i'm turning everything off i'm turning off this computer i'm turning off this this scope and turning off this scope and the uh the the trigger led that wasn't the wrong way around glenn and tina miller thank you for the dollar and i'm out of here so thank you very much for everyone i will be back i will be streaming live again tomorrow at 3 45 uk time so just coming up to four o'clock uk time karadog and i will be doing our tech podcast so it will be a talk show where we just waffle about tech so if you want to come and hang out with us then you're welcome to do so and then i will have more videos um about pcs and repairs that will be coming out starting monday i have a repair video lined up for uh i'll have a simple repair video on monday and there'll be more pc stuff during the week as well now i'm doing repairs again we've got the the repair content will be coming so stick with it there'll be non-live videos coming up on the channel soon uh that's it i'm out of here thank you very much for tuning in everyone i'm gonna hit stop streaming am i putting the podcast onto the usual podcast apps at some point i'm not gonna lie i've got a million things to do and uh archiving the podcast is kind of low on my priority um so at the moment it's staying on youtube but at some point i'll get it uploaded i mean obviously all of the podcasts are saved on youtube so you know they're all preserved there um and i can download them at any time so uh i can you know that can be done at some point but when i get around to it uh in any case i'm out of here now uh i'm gonna go over to the youtube live stream panel on their head and stream thank you for tuning in as tel tac is spamming in the chat there um there's the link to my discord chat if you want to see more tech stuff and talk more about tech continue the conversation in our discord catch me on twitter for more information leave the rgb on when you're gone yeah bed now thanks a lot everyone goodbye i'm hitting end stream now bye
Channel: Adamant IT
Views: 41,781
Rating: 4.8909411 out of 5
Keywords: adamant it, adamantit, computer, repair, shop, custom, gaming, modding
Id: W_5DY0wwQf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 25sec (13705 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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