LFC#163 - 1st Gen i7 No POST

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[Music] hello interwebs welcome to let's fix computers and I've got a custom build here and this is old gaming spec what we got is a brandy an HD six seven seventy that looks like a second gen Intel I think P 60 yeah I think that's 2nd gen Intel and Oasys a power supply corsair XMS the ddr3 ram certainly nice computer apparently it's not posting so let's turn it on and see what it does and that wireless antenna is trying to fall off in my hands right power on the back power at the front alright we've got fans and we've got lights got a power button down there and looks like we have no post now that looks like he's doing a whole lot of nothing so let's do a quick tour of the computer and just sanity check that everything looks right it's dusty but not terrible fans are free oh if that's it this video is getting thrown out nope and there for a moment I thought it was gonna be that easy okay we should probably just receipt all of those round modules anyway and then we'll go through it a couple of other things I'd like to do with this the CPU coolers the wrong way round really is blowing in that direction and of course with these two exhaust fans here the CPU coolers basically fighting the case fans which doesn't make any sense you want this thing to be the other way around so it's all blowing out the back of the case but as it stands it's having to fight too big you know 120 at the back and a 140 at the top so this setup makes no sense at all so yeah okay let's turn that off again and I think we'll start with a memory reseating because I pushed that fellow down but we'll just make sure that those are actually all in properly so I'm just going to open up all the memory banks I'm just going to do a visual inspection to make sure they're not covered in dust or anything XMS Platinum who remembers that there's a bit of dust down there so we're in truck triple-channel here which was them and triple-channel Ram was a brief phase that Intel went through cutting about how long ago again it was well around second generation or so I think maybe third I can't remember I think this is a p60 chipset because it's a p6t and I mean p60 as the chipset which if my memory serves me is I think it's second or third well that might be third gen I think it's second gen anyway yeah let's stick this back in and see what it does it's all getting a bit old I've no idea what CPU is in this is some it I don't know I'm rambling I'm really tired I'm really tired today it's the end of the day I've got a headache I can I want to go home but this needs to be done alright let's see if it was that easy and two-seater post now if it doesn't post now we're gonna do a BIOS reset which requires me to take the oh hello our graphics card isn't plugged in what up hmm visual inspection everyone I spotted the RAM I did spot that the graphics card wasn't plugged in useless let's try it again I bet it's gonna work now I bet that's just made a fool of me no it looks like we still got nothing okay I don't know whether I'm happy or sad about that I'm sad about axe it's not fixed yet but I'm happy because it means that my stupid mistake of not spotting that didn't mean anything right okay power off again let's go and we got HDMI honestly we don't have onboard video that's a pity this was just before it was considered entirely standard Tavern onboard video output like all of the Intel's of this generation we're starting Paula Deen all of the Intel I series have onboard video controllers but it wasn't until a little bit late into it like you know second third generation onwards probably around this time where they said we're always going to put a video output on the motherboard because we can okay that's that less I don't think he's going to be the graphics where it could be the graphics card oh I don't have a spare graphics card do I oh that sucks let's hope it's not the graphics card I wasn't gonna have to open up my own I'm gonna have to open up the the workstation of borrow my 960 fine I'm going to BIOS reset and then put the graphics card back in and we need a beep speaker in this as well yeah let's get a beep speaker in it because if I can get some beep codes I'll know whether it's the graphics card - yeah it's all dusty and horrid in there however we don't it doesn't matter if there's a bit of dust on some beep speaker things I've just covered that up just plugged in the beep speaker up here on the front panel connectors I never know whether to keep the HDMI capture visible or not when I'm doing this otherwise I've got to keep turning it on and off again kind of nice for you guys to be able to just see whether there's anything coming out the computer or not though rather than taking my word for it I'm gonna give that a little bit longer that's good enough I'm impatient it's probably only been a minute but it doesn't really take long - and to clear the BIOS I should probably test it sometime we've got more dust there I'm just gonna keep clearing that out I'm never certain exactly how much dust it takes to cause a problem in contacts but you know you never know get upwards back in again getting there I used to I was six seven seventy with a very similar cooler as well I think power power no this is still doing a whole lot of nothing okay a typical practice Carla can test in it this is cheating but I've got this one I'm not going to tell you what it is I've given a million more points a million Internet points to anyone in the comments who can tell me what I'm putting into this thing at the moment I know one person who will know the answer to this who may or may not be watching this video hi by the way I will do something with this graphics card it's just on hand different graphics card go and go there we go I think I'm gonna start reaching for a different power supply yeah I think it's time for a different power supply here comes the Anzac yep okay antics going in [Music] I'm going to change out to the original graphics card because I don't think it's that ok antic pals fly go oh a beat can we get a signal we've got a signal maybe they all right ok well it looks like we've got a bad power supply which tallies with these old overseas heads they're kind of all getting a bit old and long in the tooth and dying as with a lot of things OC said they were good but now I know but they just didn't eat very well story of their life really remember when I said were relevant what a pity what a pity ok let's plug that one in and do a double test so back over to the USS ocz power supply remember to Like share and subscribe if you think I should call them ocz instead of OC Zed cool that's all plugged back in back over to here go yeah okay well this I've got dead power supply okay and one more time for good measure we'll plug the antec back in it's the one thing I hate about this antec power supply it's been unplugged for like five five or ten minutes and it still got a live five volt rail if there's nothing draining that it takes so long for the rails to drop off on this thing really annoying it's not really very good for diagnostics this power supply the reason why I have it is just because whatever computer comes in no matter what there is inside it I'll have enough watts to power it and I'll never be but I'll never be tempted to try and flog it on to someone which is why I have this obnoxious thing but yeah it's not great for testing to be honest whoops and I'm just going to plug in the SSD as well just to see if we can actually get a Windows boot from this right that's everything we need to boot windows power cable over power on let's go so we should actually get boot to Windows this time oh we won't because it's gonna complain about no keyboards one manĂ­s yeah that's a Windows boot so the last thing that does is that just confirms that it wasn't a shorted SSD or something like that and so yeah that's that's dumb cool okay that's a bad pass flight let's go get a new one okay so we're putting the new power supply in this thing so the first thing we've got to do is strip out the old one so I'm going to take out the CPU cooler as well cause I want to turn that around so it's facing in the right direction so I to be honest I'm going to gut this whole thing out then I'm going to clean it all out because it's full of dust and then we'll just rebuild it all basically some of the things I'm going to change is some of them I won't I mean some of these wise are a bit you flying leads everywhere but there's no real power there's no real cable management in this case and so trying to do any kind of beasts and cable tidying job is going to be an awful lot of work for very little return so I'm not going to go crazy with this thing which is going to make good basically so let's start by trimming out any cables that are power related wahoo bloody hell thermal paste been spread on this thing like it's a chocolate sauce look at all that excess bloody hell well that are too much that well that are too much than too little maybe just put on the right man in the first place interesting they've got a CPU power extension on this how short is that what the hell is he said you didn't give people much for that did you even a direct route that's only just long enough hmm that's tea boy okay so what was it then so OC said 700 watts and yeah it was fairly math 80 plus rated but on a 700 watt power supply only 550 watts on the 12-volt rails which isn't great in fact that even add up 556 fifty-year now it does add up but yeah that's and that's not that's not a real 700 Watts not that it matters I mean 550 is more than a third car look at the dust in that just dust or dust is what will kill you and whether it's you know whether the fan is in on the inside of the computer or whether you've got the fan sucking in from underneath your computer like you know I disagree with many of my comments about how to mount power supplies but whichever way you do it just make sure you keep an eye on the dust getting into your computer because this thing has just cooked itself you know the dust in there just speaks for itself you know I think we'll do a little bit of an autopsy on this thing when I'm done we'll open this thing up and have a look at the inside lots of SATA cables to nowhere here I'm just going to unplug all of these for now and we'll just put in what's needed this build is currently running just a single X Fe and the DVD drive and there was one two three four SATA cables in there so yeah I don't think we need that many right this front panel connectors yeah those are okay they can stay there dunno about the as a weird pin out on the front panel connector math whatever it's an Asus board huh and these fans are all no less connector which is a bit annoying it's quite an old case this so that's not surprising we will be able to connect these back up but that's all right okay let's clean up that CPU a little bit and then we'll hit the whole thing with the air compressor [Music] try not to spread it all down the sides of the chip and some alcohol just to finish off the top okay so this is an i7 920 so its first gen i7 all right looks a bit better doesn't it let's let's start putting this thing back together again so I've got a replacement power supply here it's just a coarse there nothing fancy so we'll just drop him into place and we're going to fan side up on this because there is no vent in the bottom of this case so don't at me and for the record I have a video coming up that discusses orientation of power supplies because I get a lot of hate for mounting power supplies fan side up and yeah I'm actually planning a video that's going to go into a lot more detail about why I prefer having a fan pointing up and just other things in just general commentary on that so stay tuned I will be doing that at some point however on this one there is no bottom then on this case so it's definitely going this way up regardless of your your feelings on the matter right I'm going to stick some screws in the back of this and then we'll start threading those wires into place okay so I'm going to thread these in by the heaviest wires first get them squared away and I'm just basically going to try and push everything to the back of the case however as I mentioned because there's no real cable management as such in this thing and you know this isn't really a fight we're going to win but I'm going to do what I can with all the as you can see the CPU Cable is much much longer on this power supply that OC said really had an unusually short one however this is from an interesting era where we're case matpat we're having cable management in your case where's kind of an emerging thing so it was still quite common just to run all your cables just straight across the front of the motherboard when this thing would have been built which might then why they weren't particularly first whereas now of course these days we want the link to be able to run around the outside that much being said of course if you're in a case like this one that has zero power that has zero cable management on it the best thing you can really do with your CPU power cable is you know in some cases you can run it under the motherboard but that's a little bit sketchy and you've kind of got to remove the motherboard to then change the cable this is not a great setup it's doable it's just not great but what I often like to do is I'll run it up the bottom of the PCI Express channels like this and I'll just tuck that down there for a sec and what we'll find is that I can actually put these PCI cards back in on top of it and it can just sit in that little gap underneath the what the cards there and that still just keeps it touchdown out of the way so that way it's in place it's out of the way but you didn't have to go down the side this is also very handy if your cable is too short as the old OCS ed was and also as sometimes we do see on some of the cheaper supplies sometimes the cables are on the short side they just you know they want to save every penny how to connect had a bad time okay let's fit our CPU cooler back on so that's going on that way around and and then stick some arctic nx4 underneath that cheap and cheerful thermal posts does the job nicely I say cheap and cheerful it's actually rated pretty good okay and we're just taking those screws down to the stops I have not granted it up I've literally just gone to bite tightness with this screwdriver which has very low torque on it you don't need to grant your CPU cooler screws down okay and let's do the fan back on that it's a little bit grubby but I to get this dirt off I'd have to go at it with like cleaning fluids and stuff like that I don't have time to that so this thing was mounted the wrong way around and I think the reason why the builder had got this standing the wrong way around was I think they didn't realize that this is a reverse bladed fan and so the general rule of thumb with fans are are the general rule with fans is that they always blow toward the label and so if you look at this one it's got directions it says rotation airflow going that direction so the airflow blows toward the label and we can confirm that because if you look at the curve of the fan blades there you can see that the fan blades are concave towards the direction of airflow so they are they are concave to grab that air and scoop it down and blow it out the back toward that label and so likewise there's the label of this fan so it's quite possible the system builder thought oh okay it's just a strange fan it blows that direction so they had it mounted that way around probably thinking it was going to blow out the back of the case which is the direction of airflow you want in this setup we've got an exhaust fan there and then the exhaust fan there so we want the CPU cores to be blowing toward those exhaust fans and evacuate everything out the back of the computer however it's a reverse bladed fan so that much being said it's got another label there that's kind of interesting but the point is again if you look at the if you look at the blades on here you can see that the blades that it's not pronounced on this one but they are curved in that direction so the this fan blows in the opposite direction to how a normal fan would blow its reverse blade it and we've seen that there are a couple of coolers out there that have reverse bladed fans the Intel stock coolers and our reverse bladed as well and so you know they're out there they do exist so let's just pull that round and that plugs in down there stick that around the back I think oh girl I'll do so by turning that around now we've drastically improved the air flow across the CPU cooler because this fan is no longer having to fight against too much larger fans right next door to it those are all working together now to draw air from over here through the CPU cooler and out the back of the case jobs done right I think that's ready to turn on everything's plugged in let's give it a quick post-test all right there's our post that's all hunky-dory yeah BIOS has reset at the sign let me just grab the keyboard for this and give that an f1 absent that all looks great so it last item of business then let's pop open the cover of the old power supply and have a quick look inside okay let's crack this bad boy open I wonder if we can see exactly where it died or not I'm not sure it might not be visible quite often when especially by virtue of the fact that this thing still turns on and the fan spins there probably won't be anything to see except a crap ton of dust but I don't know it might be interesting hmm oh my word oh my word look at that oh it was worth it for the video wasn't it well there's your problem poor thing the only thing that's not completely the only area there's not entirely chock-full of dust is there and that's because there was a blanking plate across their panel supplies often have these bits of plastic across a bit of a fan to direct somebody to direct the airflow toward the back of the power supply and because otherwise some of the airflow would just be going straight out the back there and I presume they've done tests and they found it's more effective to block off part of the fan I don't think that's effective personally but I'm sure they know a lot more about it than I do however yeah man poor dude it's it's like a it's like a dirty coal snowdrift it looks like a volcano erupted all over it yes sir there's our main filter cap in there and just oh this just this is just ah ah mmm well yeah I we don't we don't need to we don't need to go any closer than this everything in there is cooked it's it's like a little fluffy cloud only the calcloud is carcinogenic and where it shouldn't be and just thanks for watching it everyone I'll see y'all next time goodbye you
Channel: Adamant IT
Views: 25,802
Rating: 4.9630871 out of 5
Keywords: adamant it, adamantit, computer, repair, shop, custom, gaming, modding
Id: --VJseNXdZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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