LBC#36 - Ryzen 7 3700x Glass-cannon Build

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hello interwebs work until let's build computers this is normally the cold opening where I'd have all of this artfully arranged on the workbench however it's late and I'm overworked and underpaid and that was my dinner on the floor down there let's just get on with it roll the intro [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so the build we're doing today is what I would refer to as a glass cannon build this thing is being built for doing a video editing and audio editing and for that reason we're not putting in a big-ass graphics cut we're putting in a bigger CPU I've got a rising 3700 X so this guy is going in now of course the first thing you might be going is oh where's the X 570 board X 570 boards are expensive man we were building on a budget here and basically when I say glass cannon I mean glass cannon glass cannon means you put all your money into one component in this case we put it all into the CPU so no we're not building in the next 570 board the only real reason why you would want to is to be on I mean don't get me wrong yes why 74 so got some features on them but there's nothing really that I care about and I don't care about PCI Express 4 at this time because it's only recently coming out there's basically nothing that really benefits from it in a meaningful way that this build is going to care about and the X 470 boards are dirt cheap because they're now our update but they're more than capable of running the third gen risings I've just remembered as well I probably going to need to do a BIOS update on this thing which is the other reason why we're gonna start with the motherboard I'm going to drop the 700 X in here and power the whole thing up and in all probability it won't post and I'll have to get my BIOS washing chip out so with all the talking done let's get started so I'm just gonna break this go straight open we're doing it we're just dropping the CPU and bam done nice next I'm chucking in my RAM I've got a 32 gigabyte Patriot kit here which was again very good value for money Ram the clients wanted 32 gigabytes I'm not sure if they really need it I'm not sure if 16 would have been enough and if we but if we put in 16 we probably could have spent a bit more on either the motherboard or the budget probably would have stretched to buying a nice graphics card anyway but client wanted those two gigs so putting in 32 gigs so I'll stick that in as well [Music] [Music] this is ddr3 ddr4 3000 well 3 gigahertz we're putting in here and again we're on a budget so I didn't want to buy super expensive Ram but it's worth noting that the Rison third gen really likes memory speed and there are some tricks to getting your memory timings just right so in the past I've said that memory speed isn't really important however the times they do change and as a Verizon third gen the metter is splitting now and memory speed really counts for a lot with rising 3rd gen so make sure if you can don't go under 3000 megahertz and then that way you buy a decent premium memory you should just be able to plot this up to like 3200 no problem whatsoever and then you're at least your memory won't be bottlenecking with chip at their very least so we'll probably be looking at that when we get this thing up and running now this build that we're doing is replacing the clients old computer which is an old FX 6 rig and he's got a media graphics card as I would call it it's like a GT 740 or set of GT 730 or something like that and we were going to put that in here however I'm legitimately concerned that having such a low in graphics card might actually hold the system back because while we're going to be doing all of the encoding and processing on the CPU if he if we're trying to edit an HD video and we're scrubbing back and forth we might suddenly find ourselves bottlenecked by the graphics card just displaying the video on screen I'm not sure if that's going to be a problem yet or not it's not some not really investigated so we're gonna be testing that out for the sake of the bill I've got an old 960 here that we're putting in just because we know that's going to work this might this might not be the long-term card that stays in this computer however for now it'll serve us while we get the thing built up again not a gaming rig and to power this set up I've got a game max GP 500 here which is a good budget power supply and for the record again the budget would not stretch to a modular power supply because at the time of ordering the parts for this build power supplies are expensive I don't know what's happening but for some reason or other power supplies have just shot up in price and yeah I was like really we can't get a Corsair cxm or something like that nope couldn't do it so that's why we've got a more modest power supply but the GP 500 it's got decent rails on it it'll do just fine [Music] okay first a thermal right heatsink on top of the chip for now because I'm expecting this to not post and so I don't want to ruin a nice clean thermal paste on the AMD rate cooler that we're putting on there so power on and we need we need HDMI and we are ready to go let's jump start it now I should have plugged in a beep speaker so we know if it posted or not I also know because it'll you know output a picture and whether having a beep speaker is always handy no can't find a beep speaker and we are stuck on the CPU diagnostic light so this thing clearly needs a BIOS update it was worth a try brand new motherboard however just goes to show that just because you bought the motherboard after AMD 3000 was released doesn't mean it doesn't need a BIOS update you don't know how long this has been sitting in a warehouse for so I'm gonna go and get my bias flashing chip and we'll swap the CPUs over tell you I pretty bummed out about having to buy this chip for a repair quite some time ago it cost me grand total of about 40 or 50 quid on eBay I think it's an a 896 hundred but I tell you what the number of times I have pulled this chip out the box and it saved my butt by telling me whether I had a bad motherboard or not and the amount of BIOS updates I've done with this chair if you do this kind of thing on a regular basis having a spare chip around for BIOS updates is worth its weight in gold and it probably has a fair amount of gold in it as well right whoop stick are poor man's cooling solution back on top again get some power to the graphics card ok and we have posted it took it about 20 seconds or so but it's a new motherboard so that's to be expected so as you can see we've got post on the screen which my face is hiding most off all right so let's drop into BIOS now so press f1 to run set up f1 ok so the bit I'm interested in is in the top right we've got an X 470 gaming + and we are on BIOS version a 60 and it's a 2018 vials December 2018 but yeah there you go so our BIOS is basically a year out date well it's not a year out dates 10 months out of date issue no it's nice 8 months I know I know what time it is let's go get the BIOS for it ok next was 78 gaming Polus all right overview is support BIOS bars for at least 8 oh look at that as one this month improves memory compatibility I like the sound of that and just for posterity there is the 3700 X BIOS update which is the version a B which was released in July so it came out about the same time as the chips did which is a little late I would imagine but yeah anyway right so let's roll up and down like that except and also I just saw something about other updates what was that about bars does not support below Bristol Ridge oh no it doesn't support the a8 9600 oh no that's really squicky I'm flashing with an a8 with an a8 9600 but here's the thing I can flash the BIOS but it won't work after the reboot but it will then support the new CPU so I'm gonna have to change the CPU are immediately after the flash and just go no guts no glory another who was not expecting oh that's hideous oh that's terrible Muriel no guts no glory I'm doing it right whilst downloaded what's in it an a do file let's grab a flash drive okay right I've copy my boss file to a flash drive the flash drive is fat32 formatted I don't know if you can use NTFS or not I always use fat32 when doing BIOS flash drives because fat32 as ancient and as crap as it is always works so yeah just fat32 when you're doing stuff like BIOS updates is my advice let's safely remove that and plug it in okay we're plugged into a USB 2 port let's go to our BIOS updates there we go em flash in the bottom left auto reboot into flash mode do it alright there's our BIOS right so current bios va6 oh and we're going up to VAD oh and the model name is a perfect match the build date is a null string that's a bit weird but that's fine we know it's good friend Plus also I bought it from Amazon so we'll send it back if it breaks ok BIOS is updating so we're gonna run this BIOS update after it finishes the system is going to reboot and it's not going to post because it will no longer support the CPU that's in there but then we'll drop in our brand-new Rison 3000 cpu which will have become supported this is all kinds of horrendous but there's no reason why it won't work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha would you look at that it still works science people let's drop into BIOS and confirm that the update works I need an f2 I've rebooted or delete well we certainly have a different BIOS where's my BIOS info system status 1 earth have they done to this BIOS advanced where's my basic system information what have they done to the BIOS layout this is horrendous system status DMI information our case down here yeah actually I don't know maybe you don't prefer this I never did the previous bars we were wrong I never did like that layout and this is a much more traditional layout that is much cleaner it's just suddenly they moved everything around on my I don't like change anyway um yeah the BIOS update was successful version a do build day is Jan Feb oh wait no yeah August 2019 yeah and it's recognizing all of our memory so that's fine can it tell me what CPU I have I wonder overclocking I'm not sure and flash security booth dohno that's interesting though so yeah basically if you're trying to do what I just did don't panic cuz it's probably gonna work hmm anyway let's get the crow CPU in there right now we know that the 700 X isn't going anywhere we'll stick in actually am I gonna post test this I'm gonna post test it before I actually put on the CPU cooler for real because otherwise sods law says it won't work it'll punish you for making assumptions and I've already had my piece of good luck tonight so now I'm really nervous right power on and activate CPU diagnostic light CPU diagnostic light has gone out I guess it just went straight through the rest do we get a post note we're back onto CPU what are you doing did a power cycle gone out again all there we go we're on to VGA looking good we should get a picture now there we go and we've got a picture again so well we have the monitor is initialized there we go and yes we are now showing aether Simmons Rex let me move Mike let me tell my face off for a sec okay as you can see top left rising seven thirty seven hundred x8 core processor thank you very much cool beans so yeah it was a little bit slow to post let's turn that off again it was a little bit slow to post that was probably because the CPU had changed which always will upset a motherboard most motherboards get upset when you start and about with the CPU so again always give always give a computer like a good 20 seconds or 30 seconds to post if you've been messing it about you know I mean obviously once it's established you should be flying through post within five or ten seconds however if you've been messing it about do not be surprised if he's upset with you and it takes a while to post again I'm just going to quickly clean up the slide schmutz oh I've got them as CPU so it's nice and clean for the actual AMD cooler alright in goes the RAF max I don't know which one this is called this is the fancy RGB one which is the better performing cooler however I don't like this cooler because it uses the two point hold down which I really don't like I think it's crap and I don't know why AMD used it on this cooler I actually think the lower end RAF coolers are nicer in that regards but hey this one's got the swish LEDs and it has some pipes so there I don't doubt that it actually performs better we go he says bending his nail back bloody - point hold-downs hate the damn things found it alright now one more post test just for the road and we can finally get to building we should find a bit posts faster this time around let's switch over to the HDMI account there we go MSI logo and straight to boss good stuff alright let's clear all this up and get to building right now we've removed a load of the junk we can put in a cheap little SSD and we've got to move the hold down for that it goes back to the ATM Mme to hold down point this is only a 2 foot a 250 gig SSD and the reason for that is that the client already has a couple of large two and a half inch SSDs from the old computer that we're going to be adding into this one later on so we're adding in just a little 250 gig just as a Windows boot drive and then all of the software and working data and stuff like that it's going to go on at least one more terabyte SSD values to come later on good that's built now we need a case and the case we've got today is a corsair carbide 270 R which is a syst case we've built in before and this one was chosen for professionalism and price point because this is not a gaming computer I didn't want to buy a gaming PC with the glut with the tempered glass side panels and all the rest of it and this is a workstation so when I say glass can and I don't mean literal cannon so yeah I picked the 270 are because is a good premium brand case and it also has real hard drive bays in it because we've got like three or four hard drives that will be going into this over time so that was actually required whereas normally I'm not too bothered about modern faces only having two hard drive bays on this particular build he does actually matter our life stories at 200 are not the 270 are and in addition to that it also has a DVD Drive and slot which I think we need to be confirmed so yeah we basically we still have the usual creature compass of an old style case which we actually require for this one so let's do a little bit of prep work here and check what fans we've got there in the right place we've got two three pin fans one of the front one in the back I'm ok with those being as they are so we'll leave those in position we'll put in the i/o panel and in addition to that I think our standoffs are all good as well yes they are the motherboard requires nine standoffs and we've got nine already positioned in the correct orientation [Music] [Music] really like cases where that Center standoff is a pin that sticks up because it just means that you can just drop the motherboard in and it will just sit in place while you go and get your screws and do it all in your own time not like the old days where you needed three arms once or holding your team and then one holding the screwdriver and another holding the screw on the end of the screwdriver so easy these days okay and our standoffs ah Imperial I always loose fit the screws the first time I put them in so then I can just give the motherboard just a little bit of a wiggle just to make sure it's seated correctly there's nothing worse than having cross threaded screws in a standoff because then when you remove the screw the standoff comes out with it a nice are there horrid case in point that's screwing the top left doesn't want to go in properly so we can just give the motherboard a bit of a push because all the other screws are loose there we go just tweaked all those screws up I haven't grants them tight you don't need to over tighten screws in computers I say in so many videos but I'll keep saying again and again for all the people in the back who didn't hear it the first time don't need to tighten screws and computers they just need up just need to be up to the buy point it's not a car doesn't need to go down a motorway at 70 miles an hour okay right those are all going to get routed around the back we'll do that in a moment and I think we'll get our power supply seated and this case doesn't have a power supply shroud as you can see so the power supply fitting is going to be pretty straightforward we'll drop it into place and then we'll put this thing upright and root all of our cables roughly into position yes I'm mounting a power supply fan side up come at me comments I prefer X it means the computer isn't in taking from underneath and Hoover in a Hall of the dust off of the clients desk struggle is real it's very difficult to resist the urge not to look into the camera when we're doing this because you want to make sure that you're still in shop but you also don't want to keep looking into the camera right let's pull all of our front panel cables back through here and then we'll take all of the hmm yes we'll take all the house by cable stir as well the CPU power cable isn't long enough with the power supply fan side up let it not be said that I won't admit when I made a mistake I still don't like putting the power supply fan side down but it won't reach if I have it this way around [Music] [Music] [Music] now our CPU cables just got another couple of inches on it that it needs to reach up and over even then it's not the longest fella that's the one disadvantage of these game max power supplies the cables are only as long as they need to be no more they're not great if you want to do cable tidy porn but then if you want to do cable tidy point you're probably gonna put braided extensions on them anyway we've got a basic cable routing done now I'm gonna flip the whole thing round plug everything in then we'll put it upright again and pull everything tight and zip it down quick protip as always these little noodly front panel cables catch a lot of young builders out and so the the two switches doesn't matter which way around those two plugs go because their switches the LEDs it does matter and so the hard drive LED I've got here on the other side of this you won't you won't see it on camera but there's a little triangle on the back of the connector that triangle denotes the positive pin and the positive pin will be toward the back of the case so positive pin goes on the left when the board is upright and then your power your power LED is typically labeled positive and - anyway [Music] there we go that's that what plugged in I split it over and tie it all down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right now we've got some hard drives to go in this is the first and only one that I have at the time of recording this segment I'll just slot that in up here which I think will go in to some truly truly tool-free enclosures go lovely and we'll just run plates SATA cable around the back for that in fact I'm probably gonna plug in a full complement of SATA cables now all two of them that the mogul came with because as I said we've got more drives to come for this one the customer needs to bring me their old computer which is still in service at the moment which I will then remove some bits wrong now while I'm here I'm going to double check because we have a SATA based SSD connected and when you have a SATA based SSD in an m2 slot it will typically occupy one of the satyr channels disabling one of your SATA connectors so if you're using SATA hard drives and as Santa m2 SSD in your computer you'll probably want to consult your motherboard manual to see which port that will actually disable so I'm just gonna flick through here right here we go overview components m dot 2 slots page 16 importance SATA one port will be unavailable when installing SATA m2 and PCIe 6 will be unavailable when you use a PCIe one hmm in addition to that m2 underscore one only supports PCIe mode which one did I install in I installed an m1 so I've got to move my SSD as well good thing we checked up on map so what happens when you try and put a SATA SSD into an m2 slot that only supports nvme is that the computer won't post now it's really easy to spot when you're using an MX 500 Drive because the drive initial the drive activity light on these SSDs will stay on when the computer has not posted which makes it very handy to know when your computer is not posting so yeah I've been caught out by this one before it was actually a problem when I built my gaming rig I got stumped by that for a while before I suddenly realized what was happening so we'll move that down there and we need to make sure that we are not using sattell one which is down here so instead I'm going to move that up and I'm gonna start from the top down there we go and I'm gonna deliberately leave all of these cables flapping around in the breeze because I know that there are more hard drives going into this later and also this is a working computer and certain drives are going to get swapped out now and then so I'm not going to tie all these cables back because that just makes life difficult when you need to move it about this isn't a show computer it doesn't have a side panel I will make it nice and tightly on the inside just for the sake of a quality build however this is a working area of the computer doesn't need to be tidy it needs to be functional ok and with that we're basically done let's give it one more post test and then we're ready to slap Windows on it there we go and we have posted again oh he says is it boots looped now you're okay post it and then it through cycled hmmm shown me that no operating system message please or go into BIOS either or is fine yeah that's more like it cool right I'm gonna move straight to installing Windows so I'm gonna plug in my Windows 10 flash drive okay we're booting into the Windows setup now and while I install windows are disconnected the SATA cables there we've only got one drive connected but I disconnected both of them cuz I can't remember which one is live because the Windows 10 the Windows setup has always had a nasty habit of putting system partitions just on other drives there's probably a pattern to how it does this and why but I'm not going to run any risks it's easier to just disconnect the other drives while you're working on it so let's just whiz through setup I don't have a product key right now we're gonna do that afterwards and we're putting Windows 10 home on this one and we always custom install because upgrading never works and off it goes see you guys in about 10 minutes let's start with region I love installing windows on a desktop because there's no speakers connected so I don't have Cortana Wittering away into my ear oh yeah sure will give us some Internet [Music] we're going to login with a youth local user account so I don't technically need the internet at this stage but it means that it can just start downloading drivers and stuff in the background at this point basically windows I think Windows Update does actually kick off like right away almost now let's see what's new from Windows well it's programmed in we're getting everything ready for you right now while it does that I'm gonna put side panels on this bad boy as a cool camera angle you can just see the RGB color through the mesh grille [Music] for the record there is a RGB cable that comes with the cooler still in the packaging hand that allow and that allows you to these two cables that come with the the RGB cooler one of them connects to the motherboard and the other one connects to the cooler and that allows you to control the RGB fan and an RGB strip via the motherboard connector however I've never really looked into that because any kind of semi serious setup I've done with one of these has been in a case this God is unlight in any way however when you have the right controls I believe you can do some pretty funky stuff with that so yeah at some point I need to do a video about it because I've seen some really wicked effects with just the rate rate the max RGB cooler whatever it's called the the rainbow one cool right and now we have it every one this thing is all ready to go I'll be getting on a call to my client and getting a couple of extra bits from them and then we'll be getting it all set up with this software so I'm not gonna show you guys benchmarks and stuff like that if you want to see benchmarks about how fast the first 700x is there are big there are big YouTube channels that do plenty of overclocking testing and benchmarking and stuff like that much better than I could ever do it so go and check them out to see all the facts and figures but as an example bill and just a little walkthrough that shows you some of the common pitfalls in building a computer I hope that was interesting for y'all see y'all soon bye for now you
Channel: Adamant IT
Views: 24,725
Rating: 4.9368658 out of 5
Keywords: adamant it, adamantit, computer, repair, shop, custom, gaming, modding
Id: sQb66H1cdAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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