Learn to Fly This in 10 HOURS - Yes, really

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one of the biggest barriers that stops people from getting their pilot's license or pilot certificate is of course the cost and the time that it takes to get it well today i'm down here at right rudder aviation in inverness florida and they have a way to get a pilot's license in half the time it takes to get a sport pilot rating so let's go see what they have found out and how you can do it for the cheapest most inexpensive way possible let's go check it out [Music] we're here right rudder aviation in inverness florida and behind me you can see the awesome pipistrel alpha this paper stroll alpha is specked out as a glider so if you look at the airworthiness certificate it says glider and because of that we're able to utilize the regulations the federal aviation and regulations to our advantage so we looked at the regulations and said how can we make this even easier and get more young people get more people into aviation and so we combed through the regulations and actually found a really cool thing if you look at 61 129 and 61 109 you will find that for glider private pilot you're only required to have 10 hours of flight time we launched a program here that has been incredibly successful as far as we know this is the only place to do it but to get your private pilot glider certificate for a total price of three thousand dollars that includes everything that you need the 10 hours of flight time 10 hours of instruction the books the cost of the written exam the cost of the practical exam your headset your log book everything you need to get your private pilot glider certificate and what we found is that's lowered the barrier of entry of becoming a pilot and because that more people who are interested becoming pilots are actually doing it now once you get your private pilot glider certificate that gets your foot in the door you're like yeah i achieved something and so our conversion rate of people who start off with the private pilot glider and then transition to private pilot airplane is about 70 percent it's a great number and those are people who maybe otherwise wouldn't be in aviation so any limitations with private pilot glider like can you still take a passenger can you still fly to a new airport can you fly across the us with uh this specific airplane and a private pilot glider rating excellent question that's obviously a very common question the private pilot glider rating is actually gives you a lot of privileges and fewer limitations than the sport pilot for example you were not restricted in altitude with the private pilot glider so you can fly above 10 000 feet which you cannot do with a sport pilot airplane certificate you also have the capability to fly a properly equipped glider at night as well you also don't have distance or passenger limitations uh but you could fly all over the country in fact um two years ago a young lady flew a piper still sentence from the west coast to the east coast entirely solo at 14 years of age that is a wonderful achievement awesome well i'm ready to go flying let's go check it [Music] out [Music] all right perfect so when we were doing that i was looking at my fuel pressure my oil pressure my rpms those are all looking good the choke is off choke off perfect all right so now before we get uh going we're gonna go ahead and make sure that our screens all set up for our flight today there's the um you know there's the fancy things you could do if you were to go like over to your airports and then i can go frequency oh and i could hit a wasp there okay it has a bunch of fancy stuff that you could do like that yeah a nice uh sectional chart right there i got the sectional chart on here beautiful while we're starting i'll like to swing it over to my engines and we'll go ahead and take it forward all righty so yeah we're talking earlier how the last time i was here you were you were still working on your private rating that's right come back a few months later and now you're a commercial pilot you know teaching people how to fly that's right so what are the our requirements for uh private pilot glider to get to commercial and then cfi all right so for the at the private pilot level it's a 10 hour minimum requirement and then if you were to uh take it up a step and you go to the commercial pilot glider then it goes to 25 hours commercial pilot glider 25 hours that's right so you can do your commercial glider in 25 hours so i was able to get that done right at 30 hours and the very next day i was taking people up for you know their first flight really what was that like that was a surreal experience because you know i just the day before you know i passed the check ride and then the next thing they're like hey you're going up with this guy you're gonna you know show them the airplane i was like all right sounds like a plan that's awesome so not only does private pilot glider or glider rating not take that much time to get your own license but also if you want to work as a glider instructor it's a lot less time than actually going the full private pilot route that's that's correct because um you know at that point only 30 hours you know some people would still be working towards their private pilot airplane but at that point i was already giving flights in this airplane amazing okay so go ahead swing it around here okay all right so uh based on the weather that i was seeing said these clouds were sitting at about 4 000 feet so that means we can comfortably go up to about 3 000 feet okay shut her down and then that will give us plenty of time to kind of maneuver our way in to join on the downwind so we're gonna just kind of stay in the traffic pattern we're gonna climb up to uh you know 1500 feet at that point we're good to cross over the runway i like circling up on the um the west side of the runway there that way we're out of the traffic pattern area climb up to about 3000 feet we'll shut her down and then we'll come back in okay very good sounds like a plan inverness traffic piper stroll 3-4 romeo romeo departing runway 1-9 stand in the pattern inverness drop it rotate at 40 climb out 60. that's right okay all right all right i'm ready okay here we go good rpm's above 5000 all right and rotate there it is pitch down a little bit for 60. what a beauty man i love this plane oh yeah so we'll see how to how we can maneuver around these clouds here we're going to be long as we even have uh traffic 2 000 feet we should be just fine and we'll kind of just circle up through these clouds here and make sure they stay out of our way okay so uh what i like doing is when i turn my engine off i kind of have like a procedure that i learned from alex actually oh yeah so he was my instructor he taught me everything i know so i kind of do the same procedure that i did um when we were doing our engine off stuff when i was doing it with him so what i like doing is i like get to an altitude here i'll put myself in a position where i want to overfly the runway facing up the other way okay so i want to turn around up here exactly and then i want to overfly that runway at 2 000 feet all right so yeah what we'll do is stretch it out here we'll put a nice 180 degree turn you got the right idea oh beautiful day though oh yeah the clouds really add some texture yeah they sure do okay stand clear of clouds here all right perfect all right very good all right we'll take it up another couple hundred feet here okay climbing up a little bit no yeah so we'll go ahead and run through my uh the checklist i have here for our engine shutdown in flight okay so the first thing we want to do always is verify we're within flight distance from the airport yes well it's right here so i can confirm that's the case now what we want to do is let's reduce our electrical load let's go ahead and get all these green switches off here all right nav lights off and everything else on now we can go ahead and bring that power all the way back to idle so what we're looking to do is we want to get our air speed below 60 knots we're just gonna hold that nose up a little bit and we're gonna get below 60. all right so here's 60 coming up there so now that we're at 60 go ahead ignition to off okay all right one two three we'll get our ignition to the bolt now yeah we can kind of maneuver around here oh man it gets me every time this is beautiful all right clear left i'll turn it back towards that direction yeah so actually what we could do here is we could just circle it around real quick we'll do another 360 and then we'll enter right on our downwind for one niner okay so we'll kind of swing it around we'll join right on that downward and we're gonna treat the net landing just like a normal landing okay so you see this lake right below us here i want to kind of be on the left side of this lake and then we'll swing it in and parallel the runway so yep you could keep it coming around here okay go ahead get your first notch of flaps in first notch of flaps there you go there we go and you're just going to hold this 60. infinite traffic glider at 1 100 feet on the left downwind for runway 1-9 in venice yeah so about right now we purposely come in a little bit high there's nothing wrong with that okay all right and we're looking for good so we'll go ahead and stretch it on out here and what we could do here is we can go ahead and activate those air brakes okay so turn it that's right get two clicks and then you feel it's coming down yeah and we'll go ahead and slide on the final we'll follow him behind me on the downwind huh hit that nose up just a little bit for me uh internet traffic glider short final runway one nine and venus there we go okay yeah but now we'll start coming down okay so we're looking just fine here yeah you can do a nice little side slip get us on that center line okay a little slight slide side slip there you go [Applause] all right and we also have a little more flap too if we need it that's right all right we're looking good keep that nose coming down here all right we're gonna wait till we get just a few feet off the ground then we'll go ahead transition into our land there it is looking good oh man check you out all right that's looking good so we'll go ahead and do here is we'll just let it roll on out here and then we're going to swing it right off there you go okay all right go ahead swing it right off all right that was awesome it's a lot more touchy than a 150 oh absolutely yep so we go ahead and we'll unfeather the propeller okay air brakes retracted flat and then go ahead and kick it on over to the start alrighty there we go beautiful i've had people 3000 hours and they'll be like i have never in my life thought i was gonna shut the engine off yeah it's different and it a lot uh smaller control inputs on this airplane oh absolutely be a little careful well yeah so literally i tell everyone you just need two fingers yeah just a little circular motion that's everything you need to fly this whole entire crown don't forget yeah every other airplane must feel pretty terrible after flying this i feel spoiled more than anything inverness traffic pipistro 3-4 romeo romeo departing runway 1-9 standing in the pattern inverness yeah all right so yeah we're going to go and bring it on up full throttle all righty there's our rpms coming up above 5000. air speeds alive nice piece of life just get some weight off that perfect damn rotate rotate get some speed here [Applause] [Music] and we climb it out at 60. all right there's our 60. have you done any little trips in it yet no um i personally haven't done any trips but we have one of our students that had made it through the program he actually occasionally flies down to arcadia from here and does that taco tuesday that they got going on there i've also we had some of our students that made it through that have hit like one of them he took his wife to cedar key they went out had some lunch there beautiful and uh yeah so we have a bunch of people that have been doing their own little trips we've brought it down to sun in front yeah okay now i've got my coordinated turns back there you go bud into this little hole over here all right perfect bringing it on back once we're under 60 knots we're going to go ahead and get the ignition off very good that's right for a quick start right that's correct have you ever taken up really high and cut it off yeah i've done is 9 000 feet that's pretty high shut it down and then and just enjoy it just yeah have fun it was a nice clear day you know do all the maneuvers that we want to do so what i'm looking for is when i come a beam that 1-9 on the runway that's what i'll go ahead and start uh getting my notches and flaps okay all right first notch there we go and then if we want to put that second notch in we're going to wait till we get below 60. okay so there's 60 second notch of flaps second notch and then we're going to hold that sixty traffic bearing four six five seven outputs on our right base all right and one thousand one hundred feet there it is level it off here we'll kind of just stretch it out all right so eminence traffic glider three four romeo romeo on a high left base for one nine and venus okay you'll do the same here i mean you could do the slip nice little slip perfect i'll keep it going for just a little more yeah it's perfectly fine it's looking good all right yeah then we'll level it out just hold that 60. [Music] all the way down oh that was a great landing thank you very good see if we have enough juice to roll off there we go all righty all right it's so surreal how quiet it is yeah i guess that's what it would sound like if you lost the engine in a regular airplane yeah right yeah thank you to both andy and tommy at right rudder aviation for showing me how awesome motor gliders can be if you haven't yet make sure to like subscribe and check out the brand new florida flying online store until then blue skies and i'll see you on the next flight oh peter that was fun yeah thank you tommy always a blast always a blast [Music]
Channel: FloridaFlying
Views: 946,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pilot, license, airplane, plane, aircraft, glider, light, sport, private, experimental, Engine, Failure, Deadstick, Emergency
Id: PFrB4x9gFrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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