Level Up Your Power BI Report DESIGN! Step-By-Step TUTORIAL

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if you're like most power bi users you want to know how to make your reports look better so I went out and found a great looking report design concept and I'm going to see if I can recreate it in power bi I'll show you everything I do from start to finish I'm starting with this report design not the prettiest I know when I first started looking for inspiration I went to the power bi community's data stories gallery but nothing really grabbed me so I decided to go over to dribble.com that's a dribble with three b's you can just type whatever you're looking for into the search I had in mind a dark background So I entered dashboard Dark theme and just started scrolling in case you're not familiar dribble's a site that features professional designers work I looked through a few designs before I finally settled on this one just a heads up that you may need to be logged in to be able to click through to see the full size version sign up for an account is free now that I found my report design let's see if I can recreate it in power bi before starting I want to mention that it's possible to create all the shapes in this report design as visuals in power bi but you'll get better report performance if you use a background image instead for most of the shapes to create the background image you can use any graphics program an easy way to do it is by using PowerPoint I'll start by choosing a blank presentation then under design and slide size I want to make sure widescreen 16x9 is selected that's important because the default power bi report canvas is 1280x720 pixels which translates to a 16x9 aspect ratio you can customize that in power bi but for this report I'm going to stick with the default size first I want to get rid of these text boxes so I'll click and drag to select and hit delete now to give the report a little Style I want a background image I like to use pixels.com because the images are royalty free in most cases you don't need to give attribution so it's one less thing to worry about here on pixels.com I'll search for abstract background now you can definitely waste a lot of time trying to find the perfect image I'm just going to pick something the way I say I can always modify it or even swap it up out later if it turns out that I really don't like it I'm going to choose this one it has colors similar to the report design I'm trying to replicate so I'll download that then in PowerPoint I'll right click on the blank slide and choose format background then picture or text fill then insert I'll find the file then click the insert button because this will be in the background I want to blur it a bit I'll go to format background again click the hexagon shape then under artistic effects I'll select the blur option and for maximum blur I'll set the radius to 100. before I start creating the shapes something that's really helpful whenever doing a layout is to set up guides PowerPoint by default has guide setup to divide the screen in half horizontally and vertically those are the dotted lines you see on the slide but a better way to divide the screen is into thirds the rule of thirds is a visual design best practice it's easy to set up in PowerPoint if you go to the slide size and choose custom size you can see that the slide is 13.333 inches wide by 7.5 inches high to set the vertical guides at thirds it means you need to divide 13.333 by 3 which equals 4.44 since the PowerPoint ruler starts at the halfway point of the screen and goes in both directions just divide 4.44 in half which is 2.22 now I'll drag the existing guide 2.22 inches to the right the closest PowerPoint allows you to get us 2.21 close enough then I right click the gray area choose grading guidelines and add vertical guide and I'll drag that 2.21 to the left so this is the same for the horizontal guides the slide is 7.5 inches high and 7.5 divided by 3 equals 2.5 and half of 2.5 is 1.25 so I'll drag the existing guide 1.25 below then add a horizontal guide and drag to 1.25 above now I'm ready to create the layout let me take a quick look back at the report design to remember what I'm doing okay time to add the shapes to do that I'll go to insert then shapes and choose the rounded rectangle shape I'll click and drag to create the rectangle adjust it a bit flip back to the design okay I'm just going to pull it up then adjust the roundness of the corners now I want to change the fill color so I'll right click and click fill and choose black then I'll click outline and select no outline now I need to add another rectangle so I'll go back to insert shapes click the rounded rectangle click and drag adjust that down a bit change the roundness I'm going to go to fill I'm looking for slightly lighter gray maybe that one that one's definitely too dark I'm gonna go with this one I'll go back to insert shapes need another rounded rectangle this is where the guides are going to come in handy so I'm going to start this one right up against the guide again adjust the rounded corners choose fill and now I'm going to go back to that gray that's a little darker remove the outline and I need to go back to the other rectangle and remove the outline there too next I need to make the two smaller rectangles since they'll be the same color as a rectangle I just created I'll just copy paste here again I'll use the guides to help me line these up I want to Center the rectangles vertically on the guide just like that now I'll copy paste that one and drag it over as I drag it you'll see the PowerPoint shows pop-up guides that help you align shapes with other shapes and they even show relative spacing between shapes that's one of the features of PowerPoint that makes it a surprisingly good design and layout tool I'll adjust the corner roundness of each of these there next I need to make the long pill shape for the lower right since it's the same width as a rectangle above it I'll just copy paste then adjust the height and drag it down and adjust the corner roundness to make the pill shape then I'll copy paste that again to create the inner pill shape and resize it to right about there I need to change the fill and to do that I'm going to use a great tool that allows you to extract the colors from any image if you go to color.adobe.com in the upper left you'll see an option called extract theme to use this tool you need to upload an image so first I need to take a screenshot of the report design I'll click Windows shift s to bring up snippet sketch and I'll click and drag to select the report then I'll save the screenshot in the snippet sketch tool I'll click the save icon and I'll save that as design.jpg I'll go back over to the Adobe site and upload the screenshot with the screenshot uploaded you can see several circles overlaid on top of the screenshot each circle corresponds to a color block below I'll drag one of them down to the pill shape a tip here is that when the color Hues are closed it's not always obvious which Circle corresponds with which Square so if you watch the color blocks while you move the circle you'll see which one is changing I'll click the copy icon to copy that color code then switch back to PowerPoint right click on the pill shape choose fill then more fill colors here I'll click to select the code in the hex box then paste and click ok next I need to create the credit card image to do that I'll copy one of the smaller rectangles paste that and drag it over I'll stretch it to make the credit card shape then adjust the corner roundness now I'll flip back to the Adobe site and I want to get the gradient colors for the credit card so I'll pull one of the circles all the way over to the right and the other all the way over to the left and if you can't remember which color is which like I just did you can go nudge them each a bit so you can see the color blocks change below I see which colors I need to copy so I'll start with a darker color click the copy icon then switch back to PowerPoint I'll click gradient fill PowerPoint starts out with four colors for the gradient but I only want two I'll click on one of the stops and click the delete button to the far right and I'll do the same for the other now I'll click on the stop I want to change and in the color drop down I'll choose more colors then paste the code I copied into the hex box and click OK that's not the right gradient Direction so I'll go to angle and change that to 180 degrees I'll switch back to the Adobe site to grab the other color then back in PowerPoint I'll click on the other stop for the gradient again go to the color drop down more colors paste the code and click OK next I need to add some text to the card so I'll click on the text box tool and on top of the card I'm going to click and drag to create a text box I'll type my bank then drag to select the text and change the color to white to create the credit card number I'll copy paste that drag it down a bit and reduce the font size well that didn't work so I'll drag to select both words and just type the credit card number first now I'll change the font size here again you can see that if you don't select the text it will only change the font size for one of the words so you always need to select all the text in a text box if you want to change the font style I still need to create the name on the card so I'll copy paste the card number drag it down this time I'll select all the text first then type my name select all the text again and make the font size a little smaller next I'm going to create the MasterCard logo I'll click insert then this time I'll choose the oval shape and I'll hold down control when I click and drag to constrain the circle I'd like to get the colors right so I'll do a quick search to see if I can find them well that was easier than I expected I'll copy the color code for Red first then back in PowerPoint right click on the circle and the same as before go to fill then more fill colors and paste in the color code I'll copy paste that Circle then go back and grab the color code then go through the same steps again fill more fill colors and paste in the code colors are looking good I'll switch back to my design reference to see which color is supposed to be on top okay so they're Blended in the middle I don't want to take the time to do that so back in PowerPoint I'll just take the gold Circle move it behind by right clicking choosing send to back then send backward that moves it down one position in the layer order of objects on the slide I'll click to select both circles and I'll nudge the position over slightly there and then I'll reduce the corner roundness on the card a little okay done with the credit card now I'll control click to select the text on the card and the card itself copy that then paste and drag below this is going to be a card for checking so I'll change the card number to say business checking and then I'll click to select the card and over to the right I'm going to change the gradient colors and I don't need any specific colors I'll just pick from the basic color palette here I'll start with a darker orange and for the other stop I'll choose a lighter orange that looks pretty good I need one more card so I'll copy paste the card and drag it below this card will be for expenses paid using PayPal so I want to do a search for the PayPal logo here's the official site let me see what they have I'd like the logo with a name on it if I can get it I'll grab this one here save that switch back to PowerPoint then click on insert choose pictures and click this device click the logo click insert and now if I want to use a gradient again on this card I'll need to get rid of the white background I'm going to try the remove background feature it's hard to tell from the preview so I'll click keep changes well that got rid of the white but it also got rid of the name not sure why it did that so I'll undo that now I could remove the background using a separate Graphics program but to save time I'll just make the card white and use the PayPal logo as is over to the right I'll click the bucket icon then I'll choose solid fill click the color drop down and choose white now I can drag the logo over the card and I'll just resize it a little so it fits there I see that there's a faint outline around the logo if I right click on the logo then choose crop I'm going to crop it in just a little then I'll click outside the crop and there are no more outline around the image next I want to group the objects that make up each card I'll click select up at the top to open the selection pane and I'll control click each object that makes up the credit card then choose group over to the right I'll rename that group credit card I'm going to do the same thing for the checking card control click to select each object then right click and group and I'll rename that group to checking and the same thing with the PayPal card select the objects group and rename to PayPal now that they're grouped I can right click on the credit card and choose save as picture this is a really great feature of PowerPoint because it lets you export everything in the group as an image I'll save that as creditcard.png then I'll do the same for the other two cards right click save as picture and save as checking PNG then the same for the PayPal card here since I don't need the PayPal logo file anymore I'll just overwrite that with my new PayPal card image next I want to export the background so first I'll turn off the visibility of each of the cards then I'll go to file save as and in the drop down I'll choose the PNG file type I'll call this background and I'll click the just this one button now that I've created the images I need to get started it's time to switch over to power bi I'll go to the format tool click canvas background and click the box under image find the background image and click open I'm not sure why but Power bi initially sets this to 100 transparency so to make the image visible I'll set the transparency slider all the way to zero percent now we need some icons for my report one side I like to use for icons is flat icon.com I'll search for a credit card icon first here I'm looking for simple black and white outline icons so I'll switch the color filter to Black I'd like something that looks like the front of our credit card this one looks good this site is royalty free also but here you're required to give attribution they make the attribution part super easy you can just click the copy link button I'll then switch over to power bi and I'll create a new report page where I'll include all the attribution links first I'll add a text box then paste in the link you can see this is formatted as HTML which won't work in a power bi text box but I'll leave it as is for now and come back later to clean it up next I need an icon to represent checking I don't want a bunch of check mark icon results so I'll type checkbook into the search and see what I get I'm gonna go with this one right here I'll click the download icon then click the copy link button again and back over in power bi paste it into the text box and I'll do the same thing one more time this time I'm looking for a PayPal icon this one here is perfect I'll download it copy the link and paste it into Power bi I have the three icons I need for now but because I'm creating a dark theme report I need the icons to be white outline instead of black to change that I'm going to use which is a free graphics editor after opening the icons in all I need to do is go to Colors choose colorize then click the color bar and in the HTML notation box I'll enter the hex code for white ffff then I'll click ok then OK again I don't need the Black Version so to save it I'll choose the overwrite option and I'll go through the same steps to color the other icons white once I've finished all three icons I'll bring them into Power bi to do that on the insert menu in The Element Section I'll click image and the first icon I want to bring in is a credit card icon that's much larger than a need but I'll leave it as is for now until I bring in the other two icons again I'll click image find the check icon file open that and I'll do the same for the PayPal file next I'll start dragging the icons into position and resizing them I'll grab the PayPal logo first and resize it to fit inside this rectangle now I'll grab the checkbook icon drag it up and again resize it to fit the rectangle and I'll do the same for the credit card icon but for this one I'm going to move it up to the top I'm just going to be staging it here for now now I need to copy the checkbook icon and I'll drag it up here again just to Stage IT what I need are three sets of each icon and then I'll copy the PayPal icon and do the same drag that up to the top and then I'll copy the credit card icon and then drag that up to the top over here it's time to add the card images I created so I'll click the image button and I'll open the credit card image drag that into position and then resize it I'll bring in the checking card image next I'll drag that below the credit card image and resize it as you can see Power bi also has these pop-up guides that help you align in size objects I'll drag that up to make some room and then I'll go grab the PayPal card drag that down below the business checking card and resize it next I need to create the card visuals to show the totals for each payment type so in the visualizations pane I'll click the card icon and drag that over I'll click to expand report measures and I'll check the box next to expenses checking to add the field to the card I'll click the format tool and in the visual tab I'll click to expand callout value I'll reduce the font size to 18 and change the color to white I'll turn off the category label then I'll click the general tab expand title turn on the title then enter checking for the title text and here too I'll change the text Cloud to White I'll set the horizontal alignment to be centered then under effects I'll turn off the background I'll resize that and drag it into position under the checking icon I think this title is a little too big so I'll click the format tool again then go back to the general Tab and under title I'll reduce the font size to 12. one of the downsides of using a background image is that I can't use the alignment Tools in power bi to align things with the rectangle here so I'm just going to eyeball the alignment that's roughly where I want it so I'll copy this card drag it under the PayPal logo adjust the alignment slightly and I'll go back to report measures uncheck the box for the expenses checking measure and check the box for expenses PayPal then I'll click the format tool go to the general tab click to expand title and change the title text to PayPal I still need to make a card visual for credit card expenses so I'll copy the checking card drag that below and back in the format tool I'll click the general tab again expand title and change the title text to credit card I'll switch to the field list actually I didn't need to do that I can just unselect expenses checking and click to select expenses credit card now that I have a card for each expense type I'll be showing in this report all I need to do is make one more copy of each so I'll copy the checking card drag it over here then I'll copy the PayPal card and drag it down here and then credit card and drag it down here next I'll go to the view Tab and click selection to open the selection pane let me close the visualizations pane to make more room I'm going to group together the visuals that will appear together so first I'll control click to select the credit card image the checking icon checking card the PayPal icon and the PayPal card over in the selection pane I'll click the three dots then click group I'll name this group credit card I need everything to be aligned the same so I'll drag the checking card to the same location as the credit card the reason it disappears that it's underneath it in the hierarchy of layers in the report but that's okay for what I need and I'll drag the PayPal card visual up into place and I'll drag the PayPal icon down I'll do the same with the credit card Visual and the credit card icon now that everything is aligned I can turn off visibility for the credit card group and I'll select each of the objects that will be part of the checking group I'll click the three dots again and choose group and I'll name this group checking and I'll repeat the steps with the PayPal image the credit card icon the credit card card visual the checking icon and the checking card visual then I'll turn off visibility for the checking group and I'll control click to select all the remaining objects and group them I'll name this group PayPal next I'll expand the visualizations tab and click on the table visual I'll drag that into position and drag to stretch it this table will show the expense details under expenses I'll click to select category date description and amount now click and drag to adjust the column widths then over in the format tool under the general tab I'll turn the title on and in the title text box I'll type transactions I'll make that bold and change the text color to white then under effects I'll turn off the background I'll switch to the visual tab click to expand values and in the background color drop down there's no option for a transparent background so I'm going to see if I can match the color and I'll do the same for the alternate Rose background color well that's definitely too light I'll try something a little darker still too light let me go one step darker and now I'll change the text color for the data that's too dark I'll go one step lighter hmm still too dark let me try one more step lighter that's better and I'll go to column headers change the text color there and change the background color to the same as the data rows now I can see that's not the right color gray so I'm going to need to change that before I do that though I'll expand grid then expand border change the color to match the horizontal grid lines I'd like the grid lines a little less pronounced so I'll go back and switch those to a darker color and I'll do the same with the Border that's better but I think the rows look too cramped so I'll go to options and increase the row padding then decrease the font size a bit okay now I need to fix the Row background color so that it matches the report background to do that I'm going to switch back over to PowerPoint I'll right click anywhere on the slide click fill then eyedropper and now I'll click on the gray background this sets The Fill color to the background color then I'll right click again go to fill more fill colors and copy the color code from the hex box and I'll undo that since I don't want the PayPal card to be that color after watching this I realized I didn't need to go through all that work with the eyedropper I could have just clicked on the shape and looked at the background color and now I'll go back to Power bi click the background color for the rows click more colors and paste in the color code I'll do the same for the alternate rows and for the column headers background too now my table perfectly matches the background color I'll expand it a little so the last row doesn't get cut off I'm not seeing the totals rule so let me check that I'll collapse a couple of these hmm the tollos are on but they're not showing I'll click the background color drop down and choose more colors that's strange the totals are all suddenly appeared that must be a bug anyways I'll paste in the color code here too and I'll set the text color next I need to create the card visual for total expenses so I'll copy the checking card Visual and drag that into position now I'll click on the format tool expand call out value increase that to 20 and make it bold that'll switch to the general Tab and change the title to Total expenses in the fields pane I'll uncheck the expenses checking measure and I'll click total expenses I'll expand that a little to make sure it will accommodate larger numbers next I'll click area chart in the visualizations pane to add an area chart I'll drag that underneath the total expenses card and expand it to fit the background rectangle I'll add the short month into the x-axis and I'll add the expenses amount to the y-axis then I'll go to the format tool I'll turn the title off and under effects I'll turn the background off on the visual tab I'll expand x-axis reduce the font size and set the font color I don't want to show the y-axis so I'll turn that off and then I'm going to stretch this so that it fits the background power bi doesn't give you a way to control whether the x-axis labels extend beyond the chart I'll need to leave it just inside the borders now I'll go back to the Adobe site and get the color for the chart aside one of the circles over then I'll copy that color code back in power bi I'll go to the format tool again and on the visual tab I'll click to expand lines and expand colors click the color drop down choose more colors and paste in the color code then I'll expand shade area and increase the transparency a little I'll try 70 that looks good now I'll click on the Stacked bar chart icon in the visualizations pane to add a bar chart and I'll drag that underneath the area chart I'll stretch it to fit the background and make it smaller and I'll make the area chart a little smaller too I'll add the expenses category to the y-axis and I'll put the expenses amount on the x-axis I'm going to try the format painter again to copy the settings from the area chart and paste them onto the bar chart and I'll stretch it to make it a little bigger now I'll go to the format tool expand bars in here I'm going to click on the FX button to use the conditional formatting function first I'll switch the field to expenses amount and I want a three color gradient so I'll check the add a middle color box I'll go back to the Adobe site to get the colors for the bar chart I'll drag the circles over the bars one for the middle color and also one for the darker color I'll start with those otherwise I'm going to forget which is which I'll copy the color code for the darker color then I'll go back to Power bi click the color drop down under the maximum value click more colors and paste the color code into the Xbox next I'll click on the color drop down for the middle color then I'll go back to the Adobe site and copy the color code for that color switch back to Power bi click more colors and paste in the color code then I need to do the same for the last color so back to the Adobe site I'll drag this circle down copy the color code and back in power bi I'll click the color drop down for the minimum value choose more colors again then paste in the color code then I'll click ok to close out of the conditional formatting window I see Power bi added a legend but I don't want that so I'll turn that off also instead of a reverse sort and amount I want an alphabetical sword on the category so I'll click on the three dots and change the sort access to category that's still reverse so I'll go back and change the sort to ascending and I want to add data labels so I'll click the format tool and I'll turn those on I'll also expand the spacing and increase the inner padding to maximum to make the bars as narrow as possible now I want to use the scroll bar I can see the gradient in effect on each of the bars on the chart next I'll add the label for the pill shape to do that I'll go to the insert menu and click text box I'll make it a little smaller and drag it over to the colored part of the pill shape resize it a bit more that looks good now I'll type cash back select a text make it bold and change the font color to white then in the format settings I'll expand effects and turn off the background I'll adjust it a little to center it there now I need to create a card visual to display the value so I'll click the checking card copy paste that and drag it down into position I already have a label so I'll click the format tool go to the general Tab and turn off the title and I'll switch back to visualization settings and click the cashback checkbox under expenses I'd like to show that as a dollar amount so I'll go up to the format drop down choose currency and set the decimal places to zero I'll slide that down a little to center it vertically then I'll go back to the format tool expand call out value and reduce the font size I want to switch the other card values to currency also so I'll click on the expenses checking measure and again in the format drop down I'll choose currency I'll do the same thing with the expense's credit card measure and also do the same for the expenses PayPal measure next I need to create a slicer so I'll click the slicer icon in the visualizations pane drag the slicer above the table and resize it then I'll check the box next to payment method to add the field to the slicer and I'll set the layout to drop down I'll click the format tool and turn off the slicer header then I'll expand values reduce the font size and change the font color to match the data in the table I'm going to try a shortcut again here I'll click on the table then I'll click format painter and now I'll click on the slicer well that didn't work so I have to change the formatting manually I'll go to the format tool expand values and in the background color drop down I'll choose more colors and I'll copy the color code I'll select the slicer then back over in the format tool I'll expand background click the color drop down choose more colors and paste in the color code that gets me halfway there now I'll switch over to the general tab expand effects and turn off the background that looks good I'll slide the slicer down a little and I think I'd like a little more padding for the rows in the table so I'll select the table go to the format tool expand grid expand options and increase the row padding to 10. and I'll stretch the table down slightly so the last row isn't getting cut off it's time to create the interaction so I'll go to the view menu and click on bookmarks to open the bookmarks pane I'll close the visualizations pane and the fields pane to make more room on the screen I see I have some formatting issues on my credit card and checking card visuals I'll take care of that first let me take a quick look to see if it affects all of the card visuals no looks like it's just the two I saw so I'm going to try the shortcut again with a format painter I'll select a card with the correct formatting then go to the home menu click format painter then turn off the checking group turn on the PayPal group and apply the format hmm that didn't work it looks like I lost the formatting as soon as I clicked on the group visibility icon so that's not going to work I have to make the changes manually I'll expand the visualization's pane click the format tool go to the general tab then expand title and reduce the font size to 12 and also set the alignment to Center next I'll click on the checking card Visual and do the same reduce the font size and set the alignment to Center now I'll get back to creating the interactions first this is the PayPal group so I'll select PayPal on the slicer then I'll turn off the visibility of the slicer I want to be able to use the bookmarks to control the report so I'm going to keep the slicer hidden now I'll select the slicer along with the PayPal checking and credit card groups in the bookmarks pane I'll click add to add a new bookmark and I'll name this show PayPal I'll click the three dots and here I'm going to choose selected visuals rather than all visuals because I only want the bookmark to save the visibility of the groups and the slicer selection next I'll create the bookmark for checking so I'll turn off the PayPal group and turn on the checking group I need to change the slicer so I'll turn on visibility and change the slicer to checking then I'll turn off the slicer again and select the slicer and the PayPal checking and credit card groups I'll click the add button to add a bookmark and I'll name this show checking and I'll click the three dots and choose selected visuals I'll do the same thing again to create the credit card bookmark turn off visibility for checking turn on visibility for credit card make the slicer visible change it to credit card then turn visibility off then select the slicer along with the three groups click add to add a new bookmark and name it show credit card now I can click through the bookmarks to change the filtering for each payment type perfect next I'm going to set up the icons to trigger the bookmarks first I'll select the checking icon I need to click twice to select it because the first click selects the group and the second click selects the object within the group I'll go over to the format Pane and turn on the action and expand action and the type drop down choose bookmark and in the bookmark drop down choose the show checking bookmark next I'll click to select the PayPal icon and I'll do the same thing turn on action under type click bookmark and under bookmarks choose show PayPal bookmark now need to repeat the same steps for each of the other two groups click the PayPal icon turn on the action choose bookmark under type and in bookmarks choose show PayPal and for the credit card icon again turn on action choose bookmark and then choose the show credit card bookmark then I'll turn off the checking group turn on the PayPal group and repeat the steps click the credit card icon turn on the action choose bookmark under type and in bookmarks choose show credit card and then click the checking icon turn on the action choose bookmark under type and in bookmarks choose show checking I just noticed the titles on the cards are bold so I'm going to fix that I'll click to select the credit card go to the general tab expand title and turn off bold then I'll select checking and do the same and I'll double check that none of the other card titles are bold looks good now I'm going to walk through each icon to make sure I set up all the interactions correctly I'll click through the icons on the left first okay great next I'll click through the icons on the right great everything is working properly now I need to edit your slicer so I'll click the slicer icon on the visualizations pane now drag that up to the top right make it a little smaller I'll expand the fields Pane and in the date table I want to select the year field I'll go to the format pane but first I need to change the slicer layout so I'll expand the slicer size a little so that I can see the header and I'll click the down arrow and choose list now in the format tool I'll expand slicer settings and the orientation drop down I'll choose horizontal I'll make the slicer a little wider then I'll reduce the height so that the slicer buttons are all in a single row I'll move that down then I'll go to the format tool expand values click the font color drop down and set the font color then I'll expand background and in the color drop down I'll choose a dark gray I'll go to the general tab expand effects and turn off the background now when I click through the slicer I can restrict the data to a particular year next copy the cashback label drag it to the upper left and expand the text box I'll change the text to business expenses increase the font size to 18. this will be the title for the report since this report is more than one page to keep the app field I'm going to add page navigation to do that I'll need some navigation icons so I'll go back to flaticon.com and download icons for each and change them all to White like I did earlier okay I found my icons downloaded them change them to White and I've added them to the report page here on the left side to add the navigation function I'll click on the income icon then in the format pane I'll turn on the action and expand action and the type drop down I'll click page navigation and in the destination drop down I'll choose the income report page now when I control click the income icon it takes me to the income report which I haven't upgraded to the new design yet I also need to finish the attribution page well I go work on that now that you know how to create a great report design watch this video next where I'll show you all the ways you can share your shiny new report design with others I'll see you over there [Music]
Channel: Brandon Michals
Views: 17,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi, power bi tutorial, power bi design, power bi report design, power bi dashboard design
Id: ModwzBamuxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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