4 Power BI Report Design Tricks - THIS IS GOLD!

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hi everyone and welcome to my channel data pairs today I'm going to be talking to you about one of my favorite topics of all time in power bi which is of course report design and today I'm going to share with you some of the tricks that I use that make my life so much easier and my reports look so much nicer and honestly I don't know why it took me so long to record this video to create this video because I think this is like gold what I'm about to share with you today but I know you're all very curious so let's jump into my laptop so I can tell you everything about my tips on report design and how to make your reports look amazing impress your colleagues your manager everyone so let's jump into that and of course I almost forgot please hit that subscribe button if it's the very first time that you're watching my videos or even if it's not the very first time you can still hit the Subscribe button of course and like the video comment down below and give me ideas for my next videos I will really be waiting for that so without further Ado let's just jump into all the tricks that I have to show you on report design today so today I want to share with you how do I make my reports look nicer where do I get ideas from and some of the tricks that I use to make the entire process a lot easier for me and for everyone really and the first trick that I want to share is where do I get my ideas from where do I get my creativity from so I'm not that creative I know this might sound a little bit weird but I get a lot of my ideas from random things that I see online it's not always necessarily my kind of creative vein that comes up and just makes some very nice designs sometimes I go online and do some quick search and get inspiration from others so this is one of the first web pages that I go for is Adobe stock and you can do a quick search on dashboard for example and it will give you loads of examples of really nice dashboards and don't tell me ever again that you don't know what good looks like after this if you don't know what a good report looks like or a bad report looks like please go to adoptalk and get some ideas from there because they really have amazing dashboards I mean look at this it really is a nice design that you can quickly replicate something very similar in power bi like this is all very very nice designs very nice color schemes very good layouts that you can use and get creative with it in power bi so adoptalk is one of the first things the first places I go for for Creative kind of layouts and the second one is something called free pick this is my second choice when it comes to getting ideas for my report designs and as you can see here you just do a quick search Again by dashboard and it will show you loads of different examples or really nice layouts and designs for dashboards or reports that you can again still some of these ideas to your own reports don't tell anyone I said this okay and the third one that I use which is not that often that I use this one is Pinterest but if you do a quick research by report or dashboard it also shows you a lot of ideas for reports and dashboards as you can see here really nice reports and dashboards designs and layouts that you can use and try to replicate in your power bi report so this is my first trick layouts go to adoptalk and free pick loads of different layouts loads of ideas that you can kind of replicate and use yourself try to replicate and use in your power bi reports now after I've decided the layouts that I'm going for imagine I'm going for this one now I want to take to to get the color scheme so to get the color scheme trick number two I have something an add-on in my Chrome browser called eyedropper if I'm not wrong I'm not sure but yeah I think there are loads of different add-ons you can choose from if you use it it allows you to pick the colors of the web page for example this yellow I go here and I get the xcode for this image for the yellow in this image which is amazing so I can create my color theme entirely based on this layout and this design so it will make my life so much easier so I don't have to think oh is this color going to look nice or or not that nice so I have my simple dashboards my idea for the the reports or dashboards in Power bi's report it just says dashboard here and I'm confused I have my ideas for my report and I can quickly just get the color scheme from this page here from this image from this example and use the same theme in power bi so you see how much time you probably save just by doing this just by using these two pages to get the layouts and then the color scheme I mean a lot of time saved here this is kind of one of the most priceless tips I think I've shared in my video no excuses for ugly reports ever again okay so after I get the layouts the ideas for my layouts I get the color scheme now the third part is getting all of this as my background image in power bi this is where I'm going what I'm going to use or what I often use I don't do the elements in power bi itself because they might make the report page a little bit slower than it should so what do I use instead I build everything in PowerPoint imagine I have a report like this which looks very ugly I know that's the whole idea the whole point is having an ugly report and making it look pretty right so this is my very ugly report and this is literally just a screenshot for from my report in power bi the good thing about PowerPoint is that if you take a screenshot of your report page in power bi and the size of the slide in PowerPoint they will almost perfectly match as you can see here this is stuff that I added here but just because yeah I wanted to have an idea of the sizes of things and the navigation sizes for navigation and all of that but the screenshot from your report page in power bi will match almost perfectly the size of the sliding PowerPoint so if you just take the screenshot put it here you don't have to worry later about like elements not fitting in like you know you can literally just use this screenshot and start adding elements to it getting the inspiration from the other example so if I go here I just insert a shape I can insert the shape so it kind of fits my kpi card and as you can see it's not that hard so and you can keep doing this adding shapes and more shapes just to fit your kpis of course I'm trying to do this very very quickly but you get the idea you can have all your shapes here just the placeholders for your visuals in power bi and then once you're done you just delete the the the screenshot kind of the background image and hopefully you will get something that looks like this so I have all my elements that fit perfectly my screenshot from before I'm just going to take the screenshot and put it here so you can see what I'm talking about I'm going to reduce the transparency it kind of fits everything perfectly I have to align still a few things in power bi but that's for later but in theory everything fits perfectly in my newly created layout that I created and just created in PowerPoints so let me just delete this image this is kind of my third trick using PowerPoint to get the layouts for your pages in your power bi reports and then the fourth trick is icons how do I get this icon so you can get these icons from PowerPoint itself in icons you have loads of icons that you can choose from in PowerPoint itself but if you want to be a little bit more creative you can go to something called Flat icon or flaticon I'm not sure how to pronounce it and you can do a quick search by sales for example you want something that represents sales in your reports so you can go here and do that research do that search sorry and get loads of different icons that you can download and use in your reports and these icons you can even change the color and choose instead of black choose something else and just download and it yes it's free you can download it for free so it's a really really nice tool to get ideas for your icons um and that I use very very often these are my my four tips for report designer power bi and again if you do all of this it will make your reports like look a lot a lot nicer like straight away so now if I go back to Power bi this was my original report right and everything I've done is adding my background image and formatting the the visuals a little bit and this is what I got in the end you can see it looks so much nicer than the original version and I didn't take that much time to build this to build this design so it's just for you to see that even if you're not creative there are loads of resources online that you can use to get creativity from and just build reports that look so much nicer so much more professional and that's your users will love using so just make sure you use all these tips and you will never have ugly reports again it will impress your colleagues your manager everyone will be super happy with the reports that you build from now on so I hope you enjoyed this video and if you have any more ideas for my next videos please as usual just comment down below I'll make sure I read all the comments not promising but usually I do read all the comments so yeah just hope you enjoy this video and I'll see you in the next one foreign
Channel: Data Pears
Views: 68,593
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Id: zaFTAT6_jCs
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Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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