LEVEL UP Your Modeling in Blender

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let me show you how you can very easily create better shapes in blender and at the same time make a better model with it let's go hi guys are you here from blender Bros and in this video I'll show you something really cool we're going to learn a few things one how to create simple shapes in blender with ease to how you can develop your visual library to create better shapes in the future and three how to make a bit of money while doing it now this video is not for beginners guys so if you are a beginner go ahead to the video description grab the jump start hard surface gaussian blender which will teach you everything you need to know to get started with blender and then you can come back here and have a look and as usual we're going to be using add-ons here like heartups and box cutter because who doesn't alright guys let's get started now the way we're gonna do that we're simply gonna grab some examples from internet you know some trim sheet packs whatever and we're gonna put them together in a one purified I did here we're gonna research them and see what kind of alignments we like then we're gonna grab these elements gonna juggle them in our brains and come up with something fresh and original so the first thing we need to do we need to establish which elements we're going to be using for a reference so let's have a look for example this lock here it's really cool this element I like it this is pretty interesting as well and this bit here so you you see you have this one too kind of coming inside of this um panel and it's pretty cool that's pretty neat as well and then there's one more here that kind of caught my eye what is it I think it was here yeah that's pretty interesting too like you grew up this idea for instance and round these edges up here and create continue twin here on this side maybe using some Concepts from you know from these right so we could maybe grab I'd say this part here or even this one and combine it with with this idea here right so let's see how it goes all right so let's just fold this in here and of course I'm going to be working with hard ups and box right now when you're working with decals for decommission because I'm gonna be using decommission to bake it uh what you want to do is you want to work on a plane and you want to keep that plane here in the middle so shift tie another plane now don't touch it don't move it don't move the original point just keep it here and also it has to be a plane it cannot be a circle or anything else has to be applied you can resize it okay but uh you know don't move it from this elevation here okay all right cool so let's scale this a little bit because it's too long right you can hold Ctrl to snap it to increments so what we're gonna do here is we're going to extrude this down right like this okay select everything with a and shift n to recalculate normals and this is going to be our bass plane okay so we're gonna be carving inside of it so let's go here let's go to box cutter and we're going to cut here Press B for bevel you want to be quite generous with bevels you want these ships to be quite supple and let's just extrude it down here and press D for certification and click are we good to go now we're going to apply that and since we did we can actually remove this select everything and we're going to click on Mark to remove the sharp edges you don't want to have sharp edges on the edges here outside this Landing plane the supporting plane we do want sharp edges inside okay so what we're gonna do is we're going to mirror this and deploy the mirror let's multiply there we go and now we can clean that so select you know select these and press f and just mirror to the other side and there we go so now we have these connecting edges here in the middle not in Corners okay so let's just build this and let's say eight segments at least all right and uh that's good and now I'm gonna select this one Ctrl l p and selection so we're gonna basically separate it to its own selection right and now we can sharpen this okay and we can battle this with a normal bevel and if I avoided normals and we also have to apply with the normals here okay now weighted normals um on this Landing plane they need to be a bit special so we need to go here to flexes and face influence all right that should be good cool now here the same thing uh we're gonna go to battle and we're going to go to shading and change it to affected and here face influence and also 100 this will help us to really Flex these faces on the flat surfaces and the shading on the decal is going to be perfect you can't see the difference in a normal blender in like Cycles viewport but when you bake this and you actually look at the decal you can see the difference between um between these two right so there we go now we can actually start designing here so we have this basic shape here in the middle and first of all we need we need this handle right so let's grab that and let's just insert it like this and we're going to insert it one more time which is going to create some disaster actually this is a bit too deep maybe something like this right and let's just select this edge here okay press Y and on the back and we're going to fix that you can scroll your mouse to affect the outer bevel as well then out and then we're going to alt text and ALT text to both sides with mesh machine so by doing so and we're going to be able to create a really nice bevel here around level Control Plus and then control I to invert it and delete faces so we're now left with Justice right so once we're left with this one we don't need this face either so we can remove this so we're gonna grab that and we're going to solidifier okay so let's go to solidification and solidify downwards like this to create this kind of like a handle you can actually scale it just a little bit to fit it a bit better in this Frame here all right cool so we got the handle we can fix the beveling here on this so let's just control click on shoulder pen to apply that and we can you know kind of soften it up a little bit like that okay cool so we got this handle here and in fact this could be you know slightly narrower um so this this will do cool um so we got that and now we can create some mechanism cream here very quickly so let's grab a cube and scale it down all right Skillet here let's go to the side view drop it somewhere here and just go to the y-axis move it in here let's grab a loop here Ctrl B Dot and we can extrude it in here I can grab we can grab this edge here and share for it to supply scale totally apply scale I'm gonna scale is here and we could just move this uh move this down here a bit and skill it up like that and and this one scale it down a bit like this so move it below okay cool and we can cut this here because we don't need the lower part right so now what we're gonna do and let's just scale it up in here like this sharpen apply scale and we're going to add a bevel here but before we do that let's actually bevel this here okay I'll text to the other side we can level two corners as well so we can level this corner then we can level this corner right and then all text to the other side clean mesh operations clean mesh to clean all the junk and we're going to buffer the whole thing okay like this you want to maintain a really um really you know sort of uh soft pedals uh on your mesh Okay cool so that's that and then we need also something here right so what we can do is grab this face here this one rip it off with control click and curve extract and move it slightly uh move it slightly here right and then grab these and GX moving in here and then b e y and move it in here right and then select these two and ax and over in here and then alt text to the other side and then what we're going to do is let's just go back to local click select this one shift d y and move it in here right and then we're gonna align it so align it with one of these using machine tools okay perfect and then we're gonna combine it okay so combine it here combine it here okay and then I'll text to the other side and now we're gonna do is we're going to um run bubbles here so one here and one here how are we gonna clean that so three to clean that there we go around two bubbles here like this okay okay and then one bevel one bevel here I'll solve it in all text so we got this shape let me think let's bring this up so out I select everything and F and I'll text to the bottom and clean it there's something wrong in here I don't uh I'll text you that aside there we go one more time and press F and then I'll text to the bottom how we looking that's interesting cool so let's scale this a little bit on x right could even mirror this across here create you know even um even size there let's grab this bevel here I'll come in this whole escalate to the bottom and move it down so g g y and move it move it down here we're gonna have to fix this battle okay see the bevel here it's problematic so what we're gonna do is grab this bevel right go back and we're gonna use um refuse so refuse press W and we can change the width of it and you know make it more round than alt text and you're done okay so there you go there's a very basic kind of like a latch uh maybe this should be a little bit um down here a lot of days this could be actually a bit thicker you know so we could grab that and ALT s and kind of scale it inside you know a little bit right and maybe the bevel is a bit too um too large maybe you could do something like this so maybe it's scale it down a bit so um scale it down a bit and drop it down a bit like this okay cool all right double two uh we could add some screws here what not so we could you know we could add some um some kind of uh bolts or whatnot right and in addition to this one we could create two more Cuts here just to create some um some interest right so we could run this cut here wedge cut so press W with box cutter hold Ctrl and cut it in here and simply mirror to the other side and to be honest are we kind of done so they go very simple kind of a latch now what I want to do is I want to minimize the size of this Landing plane because we don't need it to be so large in G why and move it in here and this one uh g y and move it up okay cool control airplane scale now let me just uh apply this here quickly so smart apply here just multiply and let's multiply and we're gonna grab all these and Ctrl J okay so this is going to be one object that's important we're gonna have one object here and we're gonna have one object here so I have a really cool design looks pretty awesome and I think we are good to bake this so let's select this one and select this one with shift then go to n and we're gonna go to machine we're gonna do a mesh machine and go to create gonna create a decal all right so simple decal first of all we're gonna try it out so we're gonna go with um resolution 512 and on the earliest thing for always right we don't have any emission but we could have permission you know we could for example embedded a massive mod here to indicate that the um you know this is locked okay so we could do something like this and to be honest so now we have one bevel here right one bevel we don't have weighted normals so we need to apply that someone would try to apply with the normals and influence affected that's right in 100 okay so this one is with by the normals now we want to apply a light here right so we could even create one here in the corner I mean on the corner on the top like this then press T right and just scale it up a little bit like that and space to apply this okay and we're gonna apply that so operations multiply we're going to select it as l p and selection and we're going to you know make a smaller bevel here now when you create a shape like this and you're gonna combine them together now the bevel is gonna be inherited so let me show you what I mean you see what I mean the bevel is going to jump back to this one so all we need to do is we need to actually apply a bevel here okay and the same here we're gonna have to apply the bevel otherwise it will not work so Ctrl J to combine them together and now what I can do is I can actually um insert this here like this right insert this here like that you see this a little bit more and then insert it outside like that so what I could do now is you know bevel this manually okay then I'll text to the other side the same thing I could do with this one okay so click these two and same bevel here and I'll text to the other side and we're going to clean that so clean mesh okay and then we're going to Bevel it so click click alt click and bevel it and click alt click and bevel it okay cool and then we're gonna add a massive material here right so to do that what you need to do is add much to it first so go here and add a mod right and we're gonna make it darker and then here uh with this one what we're gonna do is um add the mod to adjust the submissive bit okay so click that control Plus up to here and then click on the plus here new mod and then we're going to change it to a massive and a sign okay now make sure that it's not white because if it's white and then it will not work very well okay imagine maybe let's set to 2 and the side and this should work we can check it if it's working here it's working perfectly fine and let's just go back in fact this should be probably rather some orange whatever cool so we have it done and now what we need to do we don't need this anymore uh we can power save this so now with this done we're going to bake in the mission okay so back in the mission you could also bake the bounce light okay but um if you back the bounce light in remember that it's going to take more time to render so be careful for the purpose of trial render um I'm gonna just you know just bake this so select this one shift select the plane that is the Base plane and go here to create subset decal now you just have to wait now depending on how strong your PC is you'll have to wait a specific amount of time when you bake in lighter machine it's always longer and if you have a lot of battles it's also kind of longer sometimes so you know be aware of that okay so the decoys are baked it's on top here you see that it's equals on top now the trick is not to move it right so what we're going to do is we're going to grab a quad sphere move it in here okay electricity make it large really large and make sure you're gonna subdivide it control 3 is going to be smooth okay now we're going to drop some mud on it with hardems go to um Cycles right and we need some light okay so let's go here and make sure that we have some Azure I array so let's go to world and click on this Ctrl T if this doesn't work for you make sure you're gonna go to edit preferences and add-ons and enable something called node Wrangler okay this will allow you to create shortcuts with nodes here now download an Azure from internet I would suggest grabbing abandoned slip away from polyhaven.com and we're done and this is too reflective let's make it a bit more rough and maybe a bit more dark okay peachy so now we're gonna grab this decal here from the top right and I'm going to shift d that okay and drop it in here and just press W to turn on box current now D and when you project hold alt to create this kind of like a distance you know like a distance box you know it will allow you to wrap your decals decal battery around your surface okay especially if it's curved boom now look how cool this is now this is only right I mean remember this is um you know 512 so it's not a super detailed one but it's pretty decent nonetheless now what we could do is you could create additional kind of like a line around this shape to emphasize the to emphasize a bit more the um you know this these edges also these kind of poles here the chord normal especially when you are baking something that's perpendicular to the race because um blender always bakes from the top so like this so if you want to avoid these pulls this is Parallax basically you can actually scale your model in so let me show you so if I delete that what you could do is grab this inner plane here all right and scale it just a little bit in like this okay now be careful because we have this bevel here right so we need to do first we will need to actually um on um unbevel this the case on bevel this this whole edge with mesh machine and then go to the top view scale this a little bit in or even better right what you could do is press F here and inset it okay so insert it a little bit and then Ctrl plus and then go to Edge mode then select this edge here right around and dissolve it okay this will basically create this kind of like an insert you feel like it is kind of like a so the angled edge here and uh select this on the top and let's just you know bevel this one more time and you could actually bevel this one in here but just with Market sharp and about this okay and remember these edges here they all should be marked sharp okay that's very important okay so we have this kind of situation cool that looks awesome so what we need to do now is we need to I mean what we want to do is we want to create kind of like a area here right um in the middle so select this this plane here and we can insert it like this just a little bit right so you set it like that and uh we're going to fix this so select these planes here and press F and I'll text to the other side this one as well here so I have an Optics with your side because all we need now is the sides so now we're going to select this edge around here right this one so let me just collapse this because we don't need it so click alt click and we're going to Bevel this right like that Ctrl B and we're gonna drop that okay so don't drop it below this plane here right so you know just a little bit yeah we'll do and we're going to click alt click here and bevel right be generous click alt click and bevel hey cool and we got this kind of like a head coming around so now I'm going to turn on this 1K resolution and also I'm going to go with mouse light let's make it look nice and it's gonna take some time to bake so you know be patient because password takes really a long time especially if you have a lower end PC so be aware of that all right guys so let me just render this all right guys so it's baked let's check it out so let's just save it because reasons we're gonna delete that old actually let's keep that one for comparison shall we so since this one is an actual bake definitely We're not gonna be moving that so we're gonna shift d that so if it's okay we're gonna be able to add it to our decal Library so I'm going to project it here on the right hand side okay somewhere here so D and Let's Line it D and ALT on project and click and then we're going to go to our cycle here now you see that the quality of of the back is much higher the resolution is much higher just looks much better here so once you back your decal you need to look around and see if all these kind of issues D adjust and D again and we can control the products you see so you can hold shift and adjust the Parallax so adjust the Parallax to um you know a place where you think it's working for you but it's not breaking the declares now another thing is don't preview articles in orthographic view like this always preview it in perspective mode okay so this looks pretty clean to me um this decal is going to be much smaller when you're gonna actually add it to your library but it's really clean came out really nice and we have a really awesome you know kind of a Sci-Fi hatch I don't see any shading problems always check for shading problems at you know steep angles if they're not any funnel lines going through Etc you will see a bit of a parallax going on always um so you know don't worry about that it's the nature of decals and then but this looks pretty pretty clean the way you add it to your library you simply have to select the folder to whichever you want to save it I'm Gonna Save it under test and I'm gonna click on this decal okay this decal here and simply add to the collaborate and that's that now what I'm going to go here to D menu so when I'm going to go to my test folder here you can see my decal is here and I can see that it's much smaller than the actual you know decal after bacon right so this is the real size of a decal and just let's project it and see how it looks it looks really clean very nice you can you know hardly tell it's a it's a decal you know looks pretty nice so you see this is how you can create awesome details for your for your sci-fi models and you know that you created it and this is your design and when you add it to your to your you know to your models it's gonna maintain the consistency of style and you can create massive libraries of these and the same with trim sheets and then you can put them into packs and offer them on you know blend the market on government now I can tell you that in terms of my private decal collection that I started to creating I think it was the very end of 2020 so let's say two years I made about thirty thousand dollars which is not much of course if you cannot live off of the cost but hey 30 000 bucks you know you could buy two very very powerful PCS you know with this so maybe even three okay so you know it's not a joke um we could make some decent money out of it there's a whole way of selling your products you cannot just offer a paid Park and expect you're gonna make millions you know there's a way of selling it you need to show people how to do it help people you know provide a lot of value maybe offer a free park so people can see how good your decal really are and if they you know the paid pack is actually worth testing because no one wants to buy something and be disappointed make sure that even the free decal pack is spot on is spotless and flawless I spent countless hours creating really good quality decals so I know that if someone buys my pack you know they're gonna be satisfied so anyway guys this is how you can very easily train your brain to create small sci-fi details that you can later on use for your for your models so not only you train your brain how to think in a specific style which is your style developing your own kind of a you know visual library but also you create something that you can use in the future so you're not only not wasting your time because you're learning something but also creating some assets you can be using for the future models that will save you a lot of time because let me tell you if you haven't seen go ahead and watch my video on Star Citizen and it shows how many decals are they using in their design now so many decals in the ships from Star Citizen that when you detach the atlas of you know the decorations from ships does so many decals literally thousands they actually form the outline of the ship okay so all the details are created with decal atlases so decals are very powerful and they can be used in gaming and they are used in gaming and so like I said not only you can sell them but you can also use them in practice for creating models for your portfolio or even creating game assets because we save you a lot of time in the in the long run and again teach you a lot of valuable skills and potentially earn you some money alright guys well that's it for this video thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 18,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creat improve earn, blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, Modeling tutorial, hard surface blender, decal machine, decal machine tutorial, hard surface modeling blender, hard surface modeling, blender hard surface modeling tutorial, decal tutorial, blender hard, blender hard ops tutorial, blender hard ops, blender hard ops box cutter tutorial, blender hard surface details, blender tutorial modeling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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