Hard Surface Modeling in Blender - SciFi Pilot Seat

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hi guys are you here from blender Bros and in this video we're gonna be designing a Sci-Fi seat let's go all right let's grab a cube and let's get going now left hand side you can see this keystrokes it's an add-on by proxy called scribe and you can download it um there's a link in the video description I think it's on download it's fantastic okay it works all the time over any program and doesn't miss a Beat now we're going to be using machine tools mesh machine hardops and box cutter obviously because who doesn't and if you're not comfortable with these add-ons yet I suggest you grab our course and that's a Sci-Fi terminal design in blender Link in the video description and if you are a complete beginner in blender then probably you should be grabbing our jumpstart course in blender so we're going to move this summer here now what I need is the um is the human reference I'm gonna grab one from German pack called Mech Squad it's on gumroad link in the description it's a bit expensive but it's bloody amazing you get a few Macs over there as well as these engineers and stay fully armored textured and pampered so I suggest you get that now which is a bit too big now what we need to do here is we need to angle this um this uh seat a little bit because it's going to be much more comfortable to sit that way um all the seats are usually angled like that and now she's not too I think she's okay not too big and I think it's perfect so here we can just you know create like a bag here and we can just drop this down so extrude it and I'm gonna move it somewhere here and we're gonna use the uh alt R function Machine Tools which is called Edge constraint that's the Machine Tools those X version ry90 and scale that I can move it in here and temporarily create something like this at the moment we don't need anything else in here right so we got this chair I think this could be a little bit more decline it's gonna be a bit more comfortable I always like to recline in chairs quite deeply um I think they're much more comfortable so I think it's cool now we can bring that over here and check the size of the seat is good I think it's cool looks believable all right good so let's go now I'm going to be doing some Cuts in here so let's just select his face and control Q now if you don't have this shortcut what you need to do is you need to go to I'm just gonna get out of the view so select the face and go to queue with hard UPS Mash tools align view right click assign shortcut this will allow you to align to a face and click here and you're good to go so now in fact you know what we could actually rotate this so and then Ctrl q and I think shift now uh control yeah control and rotate it here then click and we align perfectly to this face and we can cut it so let's enter box cutter and the and we can just cut it in here like that and Mir so we got this cut going on on this charcoal and we can actually start you know adding some cushions and stuff but before we do that let's maybe uh uh you know around this up here a bit more user friendly we can apply this here and you know create another round corner here shift Ctrl click on the sharpen you could also around this in here uh it's peachy all right Coco cool so I got that and to be honest this seat could kind of like you know go um sort of um deeper in on this side so let me let me show you so I grabbed this apart here and extrude it and then I'm going to remove this Edge again Ctrl click on Sharp and we can remove this and then I'm going to cut it with an end going like that you know so I'm going to hold Ctrl to release the angle and slice like that I think it's gonna be pretty interesting uh of a shape and uh you know this end here could be sliced like that so this is pretty cool and we can go with sharpen and move my mouse to the right to fixed Auto smooth although so cool we got that going now back should be a bit deeper as well okay so here what we're gonna do we're gonna grab these two faces and extrude them now you need to enable a tool in Machine Tools called punch it so it's unavailable through the devil Sykes version all Standalone add-on and I think it's called I think it's extrude yeah it's extrude this one so when you enable that and you select faces so let's just run Some Loops here and we can select two faces like these and we're gonna go alt e and you'll see this function punctured and you can punch it in here like that okay this works through the manifold Geo and will not create additional faces which is great so here we've got GG and move this up and then you know g g and move this down and we could grab these two here and panel them okay let's just clean that with a machine tools let's see now that's better so let's just uh you know battle these right and then we could just move this one up a little bit and I just put all this in here and same here just GG and we can just bevel this one here all right and we can clean that so operations clean mesh and then mirror to the other side we're gonna get some additional edges here you can dissolve that we don't really need to search this right so we can get rid of that cool and shift click on Sharp and to fix the how to smooth now here we're gonna connect that and grab this entire Edge connect here too and click alt click that will not work so let's just click the whole edge here and one more time there we go and battle destroyed by this and then I'll take it to the other side so we got this really nice flowy shape here at the back right so we can now slice this and uh you know we can grab and gone and we could run it from the top create a larger seat here and go like this and run able so you know it it's a bevel here and slice it we got this kind of a really cool sci-fi shape and in addition to that we could run some Cuts here in the middle so you know we could uh have a cut running in here a lot of this B and cut through and another one here hold Ctrl B scroll and click I got this really interesting structure here in the back of course we got to make this even more interesting by introducing some surface here I mean sorry bevels and all that all right so we got this basic you know very basic shape of of the chair here we can create some kind of uh you know you know chamfer and uh Maybe slight Extrusion on this side so we got the ship here going on right so let's just build this and wait a normals we could work on this a bit further we could for example run uh we could apply this um this cut here or we could have some fun so we could go here and for example introduce some some you know support here in the back could be used for whatever reason like this there you go and we want to cut them both so I'll take and grab these two um how are we gonna cut them so around here I like this and then here and we're gonna run the bevel here so B for bevel and boom and of course this one could be cut here as well it's a bit too short so what we're gonna do is in fact what we could do is um apply that and then just GG and sort of you know around the battle on that um combine these here what's going on here hi this is a cutter okay let's get confused so we're on the Bell here and you know same on the top I'm just doing the bevel that's why not all right and then just mirror to the other side we got interesting kind of volcano another support here in the back maybe some kind of uh you know space for some sort of uh Pistons or whatever some kind of a mechanism supporting this chair We're not gonna be going that deep in the design here right but you know it looks kind of interesting here in the back there's a bit of a shading problem here let's just find weighted normals and everything is Peachy the seat is coming along now we could move these elements and sort of continue with this theme here so I'll just see it here I know in this areas could be Hollow so B for bevel and you know cut through so it's gonna be a little bit less the form is going to be lighter right which looks very cool and of course we need some cushions on top of it right so let's just hide this figure here and we need to figure out the cushions so let's just grab a cube or in fact you know what let's grab a plane a plane and we need to align this plane with this uh top surface here so let's go here and face project rotate line rotation and hold Ctrl and align it doesn't matter where it snaps too because we're gonna be you know redesigning it manually so we're gonna do a bit of a sub D here so GG and do something like this and we're gonna split it into several cushions right so uh there's gonna be one cushion in here so GG and move it in here there we go and let's just run a scale on it and we're gonna run the solidification so solidify right and then we're gonna grab this edge here and shift d and Y oh this is going to work um let's actually apply this let's grab this face here and the and shift curve extract peachy and we're gonna grab that and GG whoa what's going on here oh this is solidified uh let's just apply this and then drop these two GG and move it in here and uh we could actually move it on on this axis so grab this face and then uh go here and click on the plus which will create the custom uh transformation based on the rotation of this face so now I'm going to have this gz um sorry GTX it's going to move from this axis which is what we want because when I'm with along this edge here and that's that then we're gonna grab these and mirror them to the other side and we also need some kind of a cushion in the middle here so in fact we could make this a bit more interesting so uh last GG that this way all right and then so here what we're gonna do we're gonna grab this face in Q and colorful click on curve extract which will basically extract the face and then we can grab these I don't know what's that but we can remove this um there we go grab these and literally um e x x and move it here and we're gonna drop these and do the same thing so e x x and move it in here and then we can apply that and we have ourselves you know a proper shape here's the face and I'll text to the other side it didn't work so let's move the origin Point here shift as origin to Third and then you should work there we go and close it in here with f if it works probably the Geo is flipped so we need to fix it so let's select everything and shift n to the calculate normals and everything is good so now we got these cushions now this one is a little bit close so probably all we need to do is GG and move this a little bit or gxx move it a little bit away here so we have a bit more space we're not going to convert them into sub D so grab that select everything and we need our mark it and then Ctrl 3 which will create kind of a yoyo so what we need to do now is create the you know support Loops right so let's create a few support loops and you should be good to go uh create kind of like cushions here and then we can you know um form them properly so select everything and you can actually run the bevel here so therefore I press three with hard-ups which will create proximity Loops like this and then you can press Ctrl 3 which is a bit of a faster way of doing it although um you know this bevel is not as flexible as um as running Loops because you can see that this subdivision is much softer because the edges are further away you cannot do it with a bevel because it's going to overshoot on itself in this area here you see in the middle so technically I'm probably gonna be better without a bevel but I mean there's the option so you can go with this as well so let's just find the loops here manually probably gonna be better so Ctrl R and Ctrl R and control R so I'm going to use cushions and same here select everything I just apply this to sharpen what the hell is going on here uh I don't know let's clean that also Let's uh apply the mirror and also let's clean the mesh okay so clean mesh and we're gonna remove the sharpen and then we're going to subdivide it and we're gonna run some Loops here so Loop here Loop here and you know Loop here and loop here right so that will do we could have some kind of a Rim going in here so let's just apply that to operations multiply and click alt click with a mesh machine that we can run a you know a bevel here like that on the top and on the bottom we could run a chair first so I just want to travel here and click alt click and we can run a bevel here okay here we could run a chamfer so and probably we should you should disable the loop slide because it's going to create a bit of a Havoc here so turn on Loops like that's better select everything and Mark to remove all the sharp edges that's clean and I'll text to the other side and we got a really nice you know kind of a soft looking seat so the back could be a bit more interesting we could actually cut in a little bit in here just for fun so we could create you know this kind of uh cut out let's see how this gonna look it's a little bit more sci-fi I think Also let's go the form is going to look a little bit lighter because you know of this cotton here this is pretty cool also we could create um some kind of um I don't know um supports here and start later on but anyway uh we need some cushions so uh we could borrow that to be honest but I want to create something custom in here so let's grab this face and rip it off so Ctrl click on curve extract array and now we could just GG and align this here like that and let me just grab this there we go and then GG and move it in here and then I want to extrude an edge here like this but I want this Edge to be so like wings you know sticking out and also um I want it to be a little bit open here like this uh something like that right I don't know what the hell is going on here it's very weird oh this is a bullion right yeah I just removed this bully on stereo cool so we got that going on and we just need to run a bevel here for sure hang on let's slice it here first straighten it up and slice it like this and then slice it like this how are we looking we're looking pretty peachy so sharpened that there is some Geo left over here I think yeah see that uh let's just select that and remove the verts there we go now let's solidify this so our supply scale and we're going to solidify that so solidify and solidifier inwards right okay and let's apply that and we're going to run some battles here for sure to round it up or calculate sharpen okay cool and on the bevel on this whole thing press one to soften it up it's overshooting here on the top but I think it's due to the geometry here so let's see what's going on here um let's press three to clean it and there we go and that's better so we got that going on here which is pretty cool and then we need some cushions on this all right so um let's uh let's actually let's actually bring it deeper in so kind of like this so it's kind of set in this chair you know what I mean awesome now we have some openings here that will kind of follow the theme so select this face control Q again and we're going to create a cut in here holding Ctrl kind of like this right and press B and cut it through okay it's gonna look really neat from the side and it's sort of gonna go with a theme so I'll click on Sharp and Touch This Way normals and then we're gonna create some cushions here and also here on top we could have some sort of uh I don't know yet but uh we could actually cut that but not fully through let me see that so rotate it and move it somewhere here so it cuts through but not really right and maybe a little bit lower so somewhere here that's actually pretty cool now we don't want this overlapping with the battle because this is gonna cause problems let's just drop it a little bit lower and it's not gonna You Know cover the problem also maybe it's a little bit too deep going down here it kind of looks weak this element here so I have a scroll and now we're gonna select these right and just GG them up a little bit okay so there's a bit more of a structural strength here also so here there's a cut right so let's grab this cut here I have a scroll and we're gonna run a a bevel here right like that before we apply this because when you apply this uh in fact this whole I think cutter here is crooked so let's actually make it straight there we go and let's apply this so precious multiply and now we're going on a bevel here so on the double here and we're gonna you know actually you don't have to clean the mesh just alt x uh we don't have to worry about it here we probably need some um chamfer so chamfer and I'll text again and repeat G and we need some traffic on the whole structure so just a little bit of a check over here and we're good to go right awesome so that's good uh here we probably need some battles as well so click these and create subtle bevel transition and again Altex and everything is superb all right good so now we need some kind of uh you know cushions here right so um let me just grab her and make it a bit smaller so if she sits here yeah she needs some cushions in the back seats it's perfect height now so now here let's create some interesting cushions here so let's grab a cube I can't be bothered with the planes anymore uh let's go to the cube and make it smaller s z y no why that's why no s all right we need to switch this off here to Global s y y there we go and move it in here somewhere and make it bigger and let's see what we got okay that's cool we want to split it okay so we want to split that into maybe three cushions so it's gonna be kind of cool because support for the back you know and then the other things so uh let's just uh uh this should do and I'll just run Some Loops here and maybe two here apply scale and then Ctrl three we need to remove the uh a little sharpens so there we go so that's the middle okay and then we need one two uh one over on the side so shift the X and now this one could be interesting okay so what we could do is remove the excess geometry so clean mesh and uh in fact what we could do is disable the subdivision in edit mode so we're gonna see the ship a bit better and you can extrude it up here and bend it like this right and ALT R and boom and then uh let me see that um this could be split though probably and here we could have [Music] um this could be wider for sure um GX lattice right this needs to be beveled for sure because it's curving so bevel that and it could be a very long kind of a sort of a cushion which is interesting right so we could do do something like this and see how this will behave so let's let's do that that's interesting and this one could be much shorter okay so s z z yeah much shorter and we could actually um you know array this so do something like that right and the rate is so make this bigger right and drop it down so drop it down here so it's gonna be like a lumbar support yeah serial number support here in fact it should be a little bit higher and then we could just you know shift d that and actually make it smaller so s uh s y y kind of smaller or thinner and kind of make them smaller towards the Top If You follow my drift and blender Crush so let's recover that Ctrl s and mode most recent and load the okay so we lost a bit of work no problem so let's just recover that so we're working so fast we lost quite a lot actually uh so let's just do that I'm not sure this kind of a long pillow is a good idea you know maybe maybe maybe I want to make it shorter maybe I'll delete that and simply you know run with something like this I think this is going to be much much more interesting and of course this should be um wider so GX and you know some another one here like this um yeah this could be interesting right then you got this cushion going on here and this one could be shorter so uh Control Plus and just f GG and drop it down and then you know drop the uh and drop it in here shift test to Geometry make it larger and it's going to be the lumbar support right and it should be actually higher lumbar is higher than this right here there you go in fact what we could do is do something like this so we got this and move them in like that that's pretty cool right and then grabbed his face and shift curve extract here and this is already subdivided right so I'll sharpen that and remove all the sharps and simply run a subday here on that yeah it's pretty cool and this one could be actually an hour so as well why and let's save it because if I have to do it again I'm gonna start mentoring my neighbors okay here and that's cool this one could be in there so you know mirror to the other side awesome um and this one could be sticking out a little bit more here so oh you know what I mean so it kind of supports the um the lumber section maybe this one is a little bit too too far out far out groovy you guys remember that from Fallout this crazy um General atomics robot far out groovy all right so here we could have actually two cushions so Shifty and ryy 90. and move it in here whoa shift test to Geometry make it larger drop it down and in fact as YY and this is freaking rotated a little bit or is it me yeah something's wrong with it so you know set it in here and then we need one more here which is going to be smaller so s shift y so we're going to scale it on all but y 'all move it in here and I think you're good to go so now alt H and we almost have a perfect situation if I could have like an overhang here over her head so let me just hide that so here what we're gonna do is we're going to grab that and we're going to shift a control click on the curve extract but we're going to remove the subdivision because it's just so if you apply some notification and subdivision ain't gonna work um so now we can apply the certification remove the sharpen and then Ctrl three and then we're gonna have to fix this here so um you know this could be lower so gz let me see that Jay-Z's no why why no XX right yeah so gxx and bring it closer here and these could be you know sort of feather away so rotate them like this and literally move them away here so now create kind of like a cushion you know and then we're gonna need some um some connections here so you could suck this face with a Ctrl T and then Alt J which would more or less quadrify it except for this Edge from whatever you are we are distinct here and then we need to do the same thing here so Ctrl T and LJ and we can then create you know some sort of shape here and here as well you could drop one of these and we're good to go and let me see how looking that is pretty cool so this one could be a little bit you know a little bit sort of uh you know out there you know what I mean g-y okay and then alt r a word called our kind of no no really uh rxx is easy right no RX yeah this x is always confuse the out of me man every content time I think this is pretty cool um I think this is pretty cool so neat seat alt H and have a look in yeah we're looking pretty peachy man looking pretty peachy so here we could have some kind of uh support going from the bottom like this now before we do that what we need to do is we need to save it okay guys so now this whole seat could be a little bit more comfy I'm just saying so you could push these out you know whoa you know what I mean push them out a little bit and sort of angled on its head Maybe yes I'm not a and same here actually these could be uh this could be flattered at the end you know basically flatter at the end here so they don't pinch so let's just select that and s z and scale them and move them down here yeah we could kind of relax this a little bit here you know so I'll sort of grab these and G color locks these Corners a little bit Yeah they could be also sinking into the chair itself so let's see how this is gonna look so let's just move them down yeah I think it's better you see and this corner here could be a little bit better sort of arranged um let me see that maybe these could be moved a bit deeper somewhere here so this corner is not so Pinchy and same here this could be same down a bit um so let's just grab that and then just sink it down there we go it kind of connects better with the chair doesn't look like it's floating or anything right same here you know this could be connected a bit better with the chair so let's grab them and uh literally you know move them in so gee and then move them into the chair or deeper basically same here and I'll grab this whole thing and over the inside of the chair oh that's a bit too deep sticking on the other side there we go and the bottom could be a little bit uh you know a bit more sharp in fact the top could be narrower so let me see that here you should change down whoa this could be connected and this could be connected too I'll text and then we could uh oh yeah narrow down this here so sort of you know move it in yeah so g x move it in here like this and then so it's going to come sort of tapers up up a little bit this could be narrower so this seat kind of fits a bit better here and now this looks really nice and maybe these are a little bit too high you know maybe this should be a little bit lower somewhere here like that and maybe these corners should be a little bit higher so here a lot yeah yeah that's a little bit but if it just follows the chair a bit better right so it looks comfy and you know here we could have some some kind of you know seat belt um mechanism or what not cool stuff all right so now the base you know the base needs to be rotary right so we need some cylinder and uh preferably more than that so 50 and you know scale it down move it somewhere here can it be too big but cannot be too small you know the chair needs to rotate so let me see it's going to be a floor here so plain and you know whoa it's gonna be a floor so that's a floor she needs to be comfortable here right what the hell happened to this flying flip what why is it so weird it's so strange um there we go uh this could be a little bit larger actually just a sunflower that would be good right so we have that and sharpen and then you know we could have some kind of a mechanism in here because of a you know rotary mechanism or some kind of like a maybe well it's good to be able to rotate in the chair isn't it so Altium macro and then let's just apply scale uh select this one and all tags and then sharpen and then we could actually scale this up here and move it up to this position and let me see that uh create another Cube so let's grab a cube in fact this could be even smaller I have an idea so add something in here that's going to be rotating I had a cube here let's just scale that and create a mechanism in here so scale it in um Skillet go through this cut though or what we could do is actually slice this one here like this okay could create something like this here and then this one to be embedded in this mechanism here right so let's just grab them both and this could be going this way and it could be chamford yeah and moved up to here like this perfect and scale a little bit let me see that is it actually encompassing the chair kind of so this could be moved past the chain back here so GX and move it up here not so far and then e H move it up and select that and grab this edge here in GG and move it in here and then we're going to battle this let me see that oh that's actually pretty cool now this one needs to be a little bit higher so cheesy and so it maintains the angle with the chair so this angle here needs to be fixed okay needs to be fixed there we go that's better so we got this awesome and this one technically could be moved inside of the chair here cut so extrude it and then it's going to get cut by this by this angle here so sharpen this and L and remove this and then we're good to go right so now we can just um create some connection here between these so I'm going to insert them another bread model right and let's see if there's nothing over shooting in here because it is so I just fix that I'll text to the other side cool so like select that edge here and run Mark Sharp and then select all these and we're going to extrude them so e to extrude them like that cool right and then we can run a battle on this okay press one don't make the level too big because it's going to be problematic but this is actually interesting mechanism here and then all right we're gonna have this connecting to the floor so solidify the floor down unless maybe too much notification so you know something like that and we want some kind of a base here right so Cube and you know drop a bass here maybe like that the bass should be a little bit more robust okay because you know it's a chair so we look in a combat vehicle so you know it's gonna be probably some pressure and all that now don't worry about the height the height can be fixed so uh it's gonna be a little bit um lower here on the side we could have bevel but we need to apply scale so but before we do that actually I think we're gonna cut it so let's go ahead and go and let's cut it like this right and let's just mirror to the other side and let's see what happens um let's just bring back this angle and slice it from from this side like that okay cool and then [Music] um you see that so I want to cut this this shape here and there like this there we go and sharpen that and what the is going on here man I'll just press F and ALT X and select everything and shift n and it should be fine it isn't seriously uh alt and and recalculate outside what the ah double faces okay select select this and F and we should be good all right cool so now we can run some battles here and bevels here and we can know the battle here I'll text and we can definitely run the bevel in the back our text cool and uh looking on some Cuts here on the side just to you know go with the design cut it and way to normals Crow and the backs come out some you know some mechanism or whatnot but this you know this looks pretty pretty cool this could be a bit thicker to be honest so let's grab that and split that and Altium macro I could like it thicker it's going to look a little bit more robust and here I could run some kind of reinforcing um bits on this see like that and bevel and you know wait whoa why the normals for it cool that's awesome that looks pretty dope to be honest I'm gonna go that way this joke would have a bevel running on sure oh that's good and let me see I could never definitely Trevor here so sure Loop and run the small traffic on this small one guys not a big one small one small one it's gonna look really nice yeah let's just apply this and click on click another jumper here and then just you know select the object and recalculate sharpen it's good and we're good to go we could have some vents here on the side or whatnot or some kind of even slash here that indicates some mechanism in the back uh yeah but this could also be done with [Music] um you know with decals so t to create like a panel in the background so suggestion of opening and you could even run some um sharpen this let me just apply smart apply and grab this in l P selection and then you can run some wedge Cuts with W here it's going to look pretty cool mirror to the other side okay here we're gonna have some kind of like a spring or whatnot so to use these you know also this could have some another cut in here so we could grab the handgun and we could sort of uh you know like this with the bevels of B for bevel you know what I mean I don't have to go through but you could go in a little bit like this and it's gonna be interesting Okay so create a little bit of you know some kind of a detail here some here in the top I'm going to run a side of the chair I want to cut here at the top like that what the control B scroll and you know just a bit of a cut here this could actually go through to be honest now it's going to be a bit noisy um let's recover that and doesn't go crazy let's go just same within the bottom to get this detail here you know kind of creating remote depth to this chair we should definitely clean this garbage here man this is terrible it's a flat surface there's no way to have all these right I'll text to the other side and uh now we're gonna be able to do that in fact you know what yeah let's just round it up here and we need to repeat this edge here on the top right so okay and run the edge here and then one more time uh let's grab this edge here and Shuffle and click alt click and loop select end smaller chamfer and turn the flip slide yikes stuff there's three let's just remove this shorter patch also there's something wrong with this bevel here press one there we go one more time click alt click and loop and run the bevel I mean chapter sorry maybe a little bit bigger there we go okay I think that's clean now right awesome perfect that's cool now we could have some you know additional mechanisms here in the back maybe some like a dampening mechanisms some additional mechanism here in the back just rotate it like that and you know um drop it somewhere here uh even in the middle here it's gonna look cool uh maybe that's a bit too big some kind of a ventilation or whatnot you know scale and bevel this and you know chamfer and then G Z and then I'll do something like this so we could technically everyone kind of look at a point here some some stuff or we could even repeat these smaller ones on this yeah yeah don't ask me what it is I don't care let the Cherry Specialists decide yeah watch me getting flamed for this alright so now here I'm not gonna be connecting them I'm just gonna leave them like that it looks pretty badass to be honest so here we could have some kind of like a you know I don't know some kind of like a bar or not um maybe here kind of like a spring um so let's grab a plane and shift one and move it in here and uh maybe somewhere here right and let's start in here actually it's starting here so e and then e ax oh yeah it's a bit too high perfect and now let's see that could go down here and then shoot it oh I extrude it on this side e here in fact this could go up here like that um something like this could be interesting and then [Music] um let me just remove this chick for a second on the floor because I can't bloody see um here you know I have checks it away you cannot see anything blinded very dangerous so um let's grab these two shift Ctrl B and I think three is enough they should also be beveled and this should be slightly beveled and this should be better all right and then e this could go this way so this could be combined and this could be battled and then let's grab what the hell happened in here okay you know what wait let's do it properly um there we go and then Master some curve extract foreign yeah that's pretty cool like that um so in fact you know this could be loathed and this could go this way I'm just saying um this looks pretty dope and then Ctrl 3 to smooth it then we need some kind of an element here so let's go with key tops and insert stuff free inserts it UPS by Master Zeon creator of hard ups and box cutter the one and only whoa let's go to edit mode select everything alt h some stuff in this insert is hidden for whatever reason let's remove the mask because we don't need them and yeah let's do something like this that's pretty cool right awesome and just rub a bevel on it should happen and mirror to the other side have a look in that looks pretty freaking cool to be honest we could use another mechanism here like a bar Maybe so let's do that um so let's grab uh let's grab one of these so shift d and do that here can we convert this to mesh virtual geometry to mesh that disappeared okay uh let's just shift d that and um you know virtual geometry to mesh let's grab on third shift d and P selection delete that grab this work and I can keep playing with it so move it in here and this one's gonna have to be a little bit more interesting so ax move it in here move it down ax perfect and then g x over in here effect no I'm gonna move it up here so gz and we're gonna move it at an angle yeah let's move it like this it's going to be kind of cool that's kind of interesting right and we can make this a bit more narrow here but more kind of wider in this area or in fact we could introduce here one more word but I think it's gonna be okay Okay so shift Ctrl B and shift Ctrl B and then um ex and maestros and curve extract and S made to the other side and we'll get here yeah it's pretty cool man that's pretty cool this could actually be a little bit lower so it look kind of like this here let's just rotate it and control three and uh how are we doing yeah we're doing pretty good man and this one could be uh you know kind of thicker here so let's just remove that and grab a cylinder and we can just 32 it's fine and move it up here Ry 90. scale it move it somewhere here SX and sharpen and apply scale Altex done all right and then well uh let's go here to select loops and Boundary loops and shift tilde why is it not working my shift holder there we go and I'll clear marker right and then Bell sharpen cool awesome so now here in the bottom we could have some we could actually borrow this one shift Dr y90 and scale it and drop it in here and we could have some kind of you know I don't know whatever the hell some some mechanism here in the back one of them could be larger and offset here and this is gonna be interesting cool old age let me see how this looks it looks pretty awesome guys I think we're done so this is how you create you know an interesting sci-fi chair for your pilot or whatnot well thanks so much for watching and I'll see in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 26,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hard Surface Modeling in Blender, blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, Modeling tutorial, hard surfce modeling in blender, blender tutorial modeling, hard surface modeling blender, hard surface tutorial blender, hard surface tutorial, hard surface modeling tutorial, hardops and boxcutter tutorial, blender modeling, blender modeling tutorial, hard surface modeling, hard surface blender, blender seat tutorial, blender seat modeling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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