Hard Surface Modeling - Blender TUTORIAL

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hey guys are you here from blender browser in this video we're going to be designing a Sci-Fi scope concept that can be used in portfolios let's go all right so let's grab a cube and that's why and SC a little bit I think that's cool maybe you know maybe let's keep it squared [Music] um oh that kind of feel like you should be a little bit narrower you're not so squared you know by the way if you are a complete beginner I would suggest you hop on our free course the jumpstart hot service in blender Link in the video description and if you are an add-on user because this is gonna be a tutorial we're gonna be using add-ons I recommend you grab our sci-fi terminal blender which is also free and we use their hard-ups and box cutter to create a really cool terminal Link in the video description so control I apply scale uh let's go to Edge mode and let me see the clamp it so we can Clump the barrel here on the top otherwise it's gonna overshoot here so let's just create 20 segments and um let's just show up in this now I'm gonna create a cylinder here so let's grab a cylinder and I'm gonna increase number of seconds to 60 and RX 90 and I'm gonna scale this and move it somewhere here the front scale it up now let's align this actually with on this area here more or less that will do and let's expand it here and then shift t y move it in here scale it down shift d and then RZ 90 and move it somewhere here and move it somewhere here this one is two I think too long so let's scale it a bit and this could be larger maybe too large not too large yeah somewhere here maybe something like this and sharpen and um Let's uh let's remove this edge here in the middle because you see that clumping causes this so we can do is go to operations and I can clean mesh and this will clean all the unnecessary rubbish um a very helpful tool and let's grab these two and the final difference and operations sharpen and also save so we're getting some somewhere slowly this one maybe it's a bit too long maybe it could be a better shorter something like that this could be um quite scale here and grab this Loop here Ctrl B to split it select that s and shift y um to expand on this axis and Q shift click and sharp and to change the o to smooth value Ctrl B here and you know scan it in um allow that and let's just create a well let's just create the lens here so something like this and again calculate sharpen now we're gonna create like a hood for this so shift curve extract and move it forward and we're going to slice it with an angle like that right and then here a bit okay cool maybe it's too deep so no summer here go to the top view D and I'm going to run another cut here on top you will see that we're gonna get some problems so let's just run supporting edges here that's going to help us to fix the shading uh on this model call so that's that um here we could have another cut on this side so let's just grab a handgun and um grab this shape here what's going on that is a bit weird what's good on here something fun is happening here let me check this let's apply this sharpen and let's just uh you know cut this off while load the houses that's better and what we can do here is um expand it backwards so select this um is this uh select these two and gy and move it back and let's just see increased number of segments so we're gonna grab an angle actually caught in here like that okay cool so this is you know this is it and we could have some decath running on that we could notice a bit for um here we could have um some sort of uh you know um some sort of um mechanism or some such so we could uh let's just start out here macro this inside select all the faces insert them and then shift click extract but we got some problem here with the with the double edge you see so let's see what's happening here one more time Ctrl B Dot and then RTM macro inside yeah that creates some problem let's combine this with shift one and that's uh of smart fat with Machine Tools I don't know what happened there about three to clean mesh just in case and then I to insert it and shift click on curve extract there we go and let's leave it like that we could actually make it a bit thicker Okay so uh modifier solidify yeah something like that I'll just leave that now here we could use some Cuts so let's grab this face q and match tools and let's go to align View right click in the same shortcut Ctrl Q so control q and then hold Ctrl and rotate it and then hold out notice it like this and hold shift and you can align it to your view and then we're gonna run a and then going to cut here um like this I think okay and then maybe we can cut one more here just a regular way let's see how this looks shift and let's fix the smooth um you know what I think I'm just going to cut it Lana I think it's gonna be better color looks cooler I think let's apply that and let's just uh you know battle this and maybe to the other side shift control click on Sharp and let's just um Ctrl B that and chamf whichever so important they're really going to spice up your edges and buy a tone make these highlights pop that's a bit too deep there we go that's better uh here we could um you know have some have some fun so RTM macro move it inside and then we could have one more control basically it as shift y and make it a little bit larger here and control B and you know um do that technically what we could do we could actually alter this one this is a really cool tool from Washington's dose X which is the paid version of machine tools I have a video on this so go ahead and watch it um ey and then s y zero and so we get this kind of like a angled uh look here but the glass inside glass itself is no it's not angled scale this outside control B and you wanna talk about your macro and we got the cool ceiling around it um here we're gonna have some um you know GG EF and control B and then um RTM marker inside let's just s y scale this and then of curve extract okay I got another sort of a ring here for adjustments cool we could um grab this thing here too to the back view and run a well um let's just apply this and all tests scale it down a bit it's too thick and now we can run you know um cut like that and we're going to shift this into Geo shift test to select it and blender is gonna Crush so let's bring it back let's see how much work we lost control s most recent and yes uh we lost we lost a little bit but not that bad so on let's do it again uh Ctrl B and E Y and then s y zero and g y inside it and then extrude it and create this you know glass element in the back here cool um let's just start sharpen this here uh Ctrl R and then ggeef and control B and then you know this could be a little bit um it's a little bit thicker so let's go to a cloud here with machine tools and let's solve this whole thing GYN okay A bit longer so we can grab this one and gy and we're in here so this uh mechanism of course here is going to be a bit thicker so I'll team macro and then select that and inside it a bit and then shift curve extract okay and then apply this and then go here one more time let's save it this time because it will not repeat it let's grab one of these and um or even better um let's um let's move closer here and let's create a cube and let's scale this and skeleton y-axis whatever and okay shopping scale Let's uh bevel these and let's um a rate so smooth array back here I mean the cruiser to this ring and smash tools control click on radial array X d uh axis and is that better yeah I think so it's a bit more subtle here so out a bit yeah I think this is better okay cool let's move this one to come Connors yeah awesome so we got that going uh SX and skeleton and this could technically be a little bit smaller so um I'm going to use my custom Pi menu for orientation origin and Pivot Point from Machine Tools again I have a video on this actually two videos so go ahead and watch the video how to use that I'm going to individual Origins and skeleton Red Bull and maybe make this smaller color it up maybe um okay and let's just search it to Global apply scale and then let's just uh um paint set it embed here and extrude it okay cool and it should do I'll text alright so we got this one sort of Regulation regulator here and then we need to do something funny here because it's a bit boring yes so Cube and down here and scale this and let's see oh let's just cut this with a gun maybe like this and I should do and we're going to bully on this Union and it should be fine and going to apply it and we're going to run chamfer here and a cut okay awesome so that's that and here in the middle let's grab a cube drop it down I'm gonna create some kind of a railing for it so could be narrower like this and then e and scale this and extrude it and let's just alt access and clean mesh so we're gonna get rid of these edges so clean mesh and then we can just you know um chamfer this down you could probably use some angle here too cut the shape in and mayor and we could also probably create Some Cuts here like this awesome and some cards on this side cool and um you know are we good to go uh we could have some wedge cut here on the top just for fun one more time I submit from the other side actually something like this will do I kind of like that and of course we need the rail in the middle so Cube you know um slice it like that and then array this yeah this will do and let's actually shape it up a little bit so we could grab this one and you know um chamfer it a bit to create some depth and uh uh this entire rail could be a little bit more interesting there we go um we will need some screws in here or some such so we could actually borrow this Shifty and move it somewhere here and we probably have to um plot it a little bit so Comfort plus here and F Ctrl D and then you know create like an opening for a screw what not so maybe somewhere here and then shift Dy mode to the back end copy to the other side let's save it cool and then we could have some more you know more shapes in here so we could grab this entire thing here and shift curve extract uh maybe a bit thinner it's kind of like a plating do you know what I mean uh kind of like that and then we can draw uh gravity and gun and follow theme here maybe like this and then this could be sliced off here very nice and this could be also sliced off here maybe you could run like a long cut here side come on so long cut here on the side let's see how this will look it's actually pretty cool um this could be um you know cornered here smoothly like that same here in the back you know this could be a bit smoother here and we could have some kind of opening here you know like this um let's just turn off the dots control and double click which is going to create the same um size of the hole all right it's pretty cool from the top here could have some more fun you know um create another opening here on the top uh slice it we could use some security Loops here so you know Ctrl R and just Throw Some Loops here just to you know alleviate the shading problems here we could have another uh separation so You Know audio macro and deep one it's gonna be interesting and then it could be a little bit less crazy so Control Plus and SX and then copy the other side is better this could be a little bit more open so check for some fantastic guys here to really you know make the edges pop even with battles chamfer is just is something else you know this one could be kind of imitating sort of like a rubber or whatever like some sort of you know um flexible material like this you know what I mean um so something like this could be a bit deeper even so I'll tear marker and go deeper that just make sure there's no overshooting I didn't want camera I wanted um we're just almost there we go cool that's actually pretty peachy let's actually apply some nuts to this thing okay so let's select everything in alt M and just control click on materials which will create different mod for everything let's go here and let's see so um I definitely want to run a battle on this thing um but I want to do it with um with nodes this should be rubber by the way so this could be the same one as here we could technically use key tops um there's a very good mud over there like rubbers I'll click on you would need to have this um cycles and EV mods Park um it works with freaky tops you can there's a link in the video description it's a fantastic pack of few videos on that I always use mods from this is brilliant like you know you got like rubber and just one click deal and you got all the bumps and everything so I won't bother you know what I mean so we could just grab that and this could be rubbers too these two dials could be rubber to be honest you know because it makes sense [Music] um this one could be a bit more interesting because it's that boring so let's um let's just uh sharpen this and select that and in fact you know we could run just to um to transfers here and grab one of these and let's just I'll control click that and grab this one and insert it make a tiny one um then Ctrl i f and delete the faces and then modifier solidify plus two to solidify both ways and we could technically sharpen this in order to apply this move the uh to Geometry origin cursor to select it and the mesh tools and control quick radio with x and you know Bob John call all the time so uh regular array come on control click and just increase the amount of this now you're good to go and you got something like that which is pretty cool here this uh knob here in the middle could be separate mod so we could just you know go here and assign rubber right so a side Rubber and copy to the other side together this one could be rubber as well because why the hell not it's pretty cool and this one could be the same color as this or this one could be less reflective but brighter and this could kind of follow the color I think it's gonna look pretty interesting this could also follow the color here right and this of course could follow the color of this right and then what we want to do is grab that and shift this to face and then Q I'll click here let's go to insights the inserts are free inserts by Master Zion you can get them on Gum Road just type hardops inserts for GitHub Supply that just go to master Zion store I have Link in the video description just go to twist on gumroad and uh you'll find that you can grab these or these These are fine so I'd insert right and you know scale it down you know what I mean to this size and uh and just uh shift it here and shift s and boom select both right click and Rob Royston and you're good to go and you got a scope and now we can have some fun so we can you know add some um decals to it and all that in terms of decals um that's easy we're gonna have some fun so in in fact you know here I was thinking that we could have some we could have some Dream sheet so here we could have uh you know split that and we could run a trim sheet if you need trim sheets then we have a fantastic pack um it's brilliant it's um it's really cheap and it's absolutely brilliant for you know all kinds of different modeling that you want boom sorted so you know who wants to spend seven hours creating details or you can just do it with stream sheets so right let's see here let's see what we can add that will do I like that and here too we could have some kind of a mechanism here you know so D and I don't know let's go here and see what we can get in fact you know what uh this wasn't actually bad oh I can't like that so one click deal basically and we sold it with a scalp um these are fine I mean we don't have to really add anything here this one here is a bit dull this could be some interest in here it could be some kind of like a hollow hollowness to it maybe here maybe I'm just saying maybe uh you know what I mean like just to make this structure a bit lighter I want to control B that and let's select Loop slide so it doesn't um wait I think I'm working on the wrongs let me just go here click alt click with mesh machine mesh machine is fantastic there is a double edge in here and I don't like it I think what we could do technically is shift one to combine them you know because this bevel kind of kind of merges but not really so let's just merge it because why the hell out so shift one shift one and then let's go to the other side so put it on the numpad key and shift one shift one and then shift Ctrl click and sharpen and Bob is your nephew so here we got this nice do we yeah we do we got this nice um accent here in the front we could have something as well you know um Jay and I could just create kind of like a some sort of a shape here in the bottom maybe on both sides so you know sharpen this and and uh along this time there we go so there's some kind of a highlight breakage you know some maybe notches in here and there like a wedge cuts and you know you know around the sharpening here too fix the shading it's just gonna add a bit of uh you know interest here on the bottom could have something as well maybe some kind of uh I don't know some battle or not you know um so move it in here and make sure it's rubbed why this one isn't draw oh this one changed the color because of the trim sheet you could technically you know plug this month I think hang on let me see that uh let's go to Shader editor and let's see yeah okay let's grab a rubber uh so let's grab a rubber mat which is this one right uh I don't know why it's Captain but okay uh let's grab this and Ctrl C and then go here and grab this one and yeah Ctrl V now let's see if we can actually move it in here with G now this needs to go to the bump which is here which is fun and this needs to go to color and I think it's gonna work so let me see that layout uh let's go back to yeah there you go see like a decal mushroom will not plug it automatically but you can cheat that patch you know what I mean so I don't know why he's not fixing this you know like uh do it do it for the community I mean come on do you know what I mean I would have um control a here and actually let's just um do something like this and create a button here and let's run a let's run a clean rubber on this right so we got this button here but uh what we need to do we need to create an opening for example shift d make it bigger and difference right and you're gonna get this kind of a nice opening here so we're going to sharpen that and run a you know you know I'm gonna run the chamfer here right to just I can emphasize this really nice so I got this nice button in bottom which is cool here we're gonna have some kind of uh that's just gonna be plain and shift one move this vert here and GX and linear and a um a going up and then going backwards and these these two should be outside so GX and going across and then ex here and uh we need to mirror this to the other side and then we need to uh create Corners so shift Ctrl B and you know Ctrl B right and now it is how is this looking I think it's all right um maybe maybe let's um mesh tools and curve extract and see press sn1 and then Ctrl 2. and then we can actually um grab these two and it's actually this is Merit so let's just stop apply the mirror and select this one and this one shift s and move the cursor here and then we can actually rotate the rotate this one around the cursor like that yeah and let's just apply visual to mesh and split this thing in the middle and Altium macro SX and sharpening control 2 and Ctrl 3 maybe even at work I think so it doesn't make sense though that's the question yeah why not just you know keep it like that so we have that and we give some kind of some names so we can have for example there was some Optics here right it was cause Optics because Optics actually could work to have any other Optics I don't remember if you want to see all the decals that you have you can just uh go here and ALT click on um on the plus and you're gonna see all the decals Journey so we can actually see see them all here so let's see we got robotics panamaics robotics cougar Industries that'll be cool yeah okay [Music] um um let's go with cougar why not might be cool so Everyone likes cougars right if you don't like covers means you're too young um where was it this one I need to make these terms a bit more visible by the way these are available only for our members on the membership you can sign up right now but I think well it depends when you're watching this but to reopening membership on the twice here um so cougar Optics um this could be sorry on the top here like this project actually could be a bit to the right I mean the sort of left a bit centralized yeah it's gonna be bad and here we could have some you know some small ones um I got tons of them I can't be reading them to be honest chewy and it doesn't really make much sense but now I'm gonna be able to read it except me so and some Japanese people so give the um let's put it in here um somewhere and projected and we're gonna drop now for uh on this you know so let's make sure this one is way too big should be smaller yeah I did better the stickers needs to be they need to be you know um adjusted to the scale or whatever is that you're doing now we need to do some bolts or like screws or whatnot so you can go to screws to screw park I think this one's gonna be fantastic so let's just grab this because they have to be small because we just scope so they're gonna be small screws no screws you need to place in the way um that is going to be asymmetrical this is a absolutely crucial okay so when you're placing some screws or whatever you know do it in a way that will not create boring patterns match we could make them really dark and rubberish doesn't matter you can see it's a rubbery to see it's a dark material so this one should be rubbish so um boom right um this Crews also could be actually technically a bit it's gonna look a bit better I think I think personally okay I could be wrong um here on top we could have some other you know stickers we have some lights as well uh because you know it's a scope so we could have some indicators and that the scope is on like for example this one so I could have a light here right and project okay and then we need to Simply match it so match it make it darker so we got that going on and um here we could have something as well that's going to separate this thing so we could do is use the long one here this one this one is pretty cool so I'll adjust make it larger and you know do that and we're going to cut this with because you can actually cut your decals with a bullion I don't know if you knew that but you can and then we're going to apply the Boolean and then we're gonna apply the decals so um project boom and mayor to do the site and that's pretty cool that's quite small it's money it's underneath and we need to match this so D and match scroll through my mods or I can't Scrolls my D and hold shift also this decal here uh Ctrl Q we need to cut this bit here with I'm gone so we're going to cut this bit out because it doesn't look good yeah cool beans save it right here in the bottom you could have something um so what I would like to add is another decal from our Park here this one would work nicely make it smaller and d and project and we can simply copy to the other side I mean you don't have to because we're not gonna be rendering the other side but you know something that's gonna break team um the surface here okay cool we could use something here to be honest you know maybe some kind of cut or um move cursor here and then go with a decal like this you know and then um pop it in here make it smaller and then D and project it and then what we're gonna do is we're going to array this um just three times yeah not seven million times boom right and it's gonna create some really cool effect here um this one could be you know so it could be trim shaded up so [Music] I don't know which one here would work this could work I think I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know let me try something different uh oh this one is cool I like that and blender's gonna crash again so where are we uh how much work did I lose not much really okay so let's grab this Ctrl J One More Time decent barbecue and let's just create a five centimeter bevel here let's repair the mods which will go back to the real Mata now we can remove this bevel from these areas you know around the one centimeter bevel here and um you know much smaller bever here as well right because it's just too big so this one could be larger here that's okay um these two I mean these should be also smaller here this makes no sense but this one could be larger here which is fine and we could fix other bevels as well to fix bevels on this one just one two centimeter Barrel this one could be running you know on the same thickness bevel these ones could be tiny so let's say not centimeters but um millimeters let's run like five so it's gonna be really small let's repair this same here you know and repair the mat and here technically what we could do is just leave this uh procedural bubble that we have here this one could be combined together with Ctrl J which will not work because we need to First visual to mesh and then combine it let's try now that's better then we can run um one centimeter bevel on this let's repair it here the same you know just visual to mesh and Ctrl J and then we could run two as well here compared the mods uh this one has a bevel already this one too the procedural bevel here I think if it doesn't you can just run it manually like that we're just literally cheating that's now yeah we just you know um so it's all smoke and mirrors now the top here could have some uh decals as well how about this one would work um let's just reset it to individual and project it and Merit and there you go and here we could have something here in the front as well we could actually do it with a decal you know um pop a deco in here and project and uh this will work actually it's a bit too dark to be honest it's a little bit you know this one will do there we go rendering because you know we need to render this um alt cue and I'll click on the asset loader and let's go to other and grime this is all the avian Cycles mud thing um it's really cool you should get this pack is fantastic actually this one's a little bit too reflective let's go with actually a generic mod here and maybe increase the roughness a bit and we're going to pump the clear coat and pump the clear coat roughness and maybe make it a bit um brighter or darker hang on so let's rotate this a bit because we're gonna be shooting just from the color like this angle oh we forgot about the glass man um here should be glass also let's separate this from from everything let me see that yeah so p and separate that and we're going to um actually run the metal on this to remove this trim sheet and this one should be glass so I can't be bothered creating glass so I'm gonna go with hard ups and just add the mud here and I'm gonna make it look like a glass so reflective and non-metallic how we looking well kind of right so um select that and control I and here we need to have a different mod so this one oh here we need to be in object mode there we go cool um let's select this mod and make it a non-metallic and much rougher and darker right and this one in the middle should be way darker and more reflective and actually maybe not as dark so it kind of resembles glass you know because they're coming by the making glass so that will do the camera so camera and let's go with the long lens to 50 because reasons um the compression is always good it's like sniping a hot chick with a Paparazzi camera you know what I mean it's always cool this one should be slightly forward um it's gonna look very composition wise we should give it a bit of a ground right but uh the shadow should be a bit more prominent so I need to move the background closer and the camera I think should should be a different framing so 3.4 volt 3 on 1440 and then we can actually zoom out a bit and get a bit more intimate with this thing you know what I mean yeah that's pretty cool let's just unlock this from the View and I think we go this cougar is a pet strong man so what we're gonna do is um oh drop off on this one just a little bit to make like 0.58 that's better it's less you know intrusive so there we go um now this background is a bit a bit boring so let's see darker uh let's just go here and go to Shader editor and world and we're gonna change this abundant slip way into one of this insurance by Alex Central and these two one more time to top down that's a bit too dark it's nice but it's a bit too dark so let's try simple lighting yeah this one isn't isn't bad um we could just lower down this uh you know craziness of this background and when you do that um you'll get more focused on your object the interior here is a bit dark so we could brighten it up a little bit so you can see some highlights and mods and whatnot um you know you can just always manipulate with your scene to do that this one could be a bit darker and to be honest a bit more rough to remove the the focus from from the smart and bring it up again and we could increase the strength here to 1.2 it's not a thing we can do or even 1.4 this is going to create a bit stronger highlights on the top and but you know that's fine um and I think that's cool this one is a little bit reflective so we could just roughen it up a bit to reduce you know uh reduce the Highlight just a bit trim four let me see that one of these streams is causing this kind of like a reflection over there but I think this one cannot be avoided now what we can also do is grab the plane and move it in here and what we could do is create a reflector okay so do that and at the mod make it white right and you see that now we get a light being reflected back onto our model right it's outside of the camera view but it reflects the light back into model now this one is too bright so you can drop it down so it's not too bright it looks pretty decent so now let's see if this floor isn't too actually bright at the moment I mean it's it's pretty dark but uh we could maybe remove the metallic maybe we could make a different rougher and darken it down because the the more rough something is to less reflect if it's gonna be right so you could just manipulate with it you know make it brighter or darker that's up to you this is pretty cool looks like kind of a military scope I can like that maybe the background could be a bit brighter to sort of separate it a bit better from the you know um create a larger separation between the background and the scope itself now that is pretty cool I like that so we can render this surrender settings you know Mark sample 300 the noise automatic noise is fine and of course GPU compute Cycles I'm not using Optics because sometimes it's doing stupid things so I don't just I don't use it and now this decal here is a little bit strong um this is a massive one so what we could do uh we could just grab that and adjust e and you know drop the lighting on it just make it a bit less insane so it doesn't really poke our eyes at that's strongly right cool and let's render this and see how it looks it's a large image because we're rendering almost in 4k so it's going to be nice quality should look really cool out of the camera see like these bevels um do really nicely um offset the shapes that looks pretty decent I'm not gonna lie it looks pretty cool when I render something like this usually I render it twice so I'm rendering the main object and then I'm rendering also the background and that's how you should be doing all right guys well that's it for this one thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 115,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hard Surface Modeling, blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, Modeling tutorial, hard surfce modeling, hard surface modeling blender, hard surface modeling tutorial, hard surfce modeling blender, hard surfce modeling tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender modeling tutorial intermediate, hardops modeling, blender hard ops tutorial, blender texturing tutorial, blender texturing addon, blender rendering tutorial
Id: qMtbTccvDQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 14sec (3134 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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