LEVEL FAST! BEST P2 Hunter Leveling Spec, Runes, and Pets - Season of Discovery Phase 2 WoW

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hello everyone it's Gladius so we're here Phase 2 is upon us and we are leveling our Hunters up to level 40 to make that process more efficient we need to make sure we're leveling with the best build possible and that is going to be the Beast Mastery talent build Beast Mastery is just by far going to be the strongest way to get to 40 even though there's a bunch of really good looking melee runes that are going to be we're going to be picking up here in phase two still Beast Mastery is going to be outperforming everything without access to those runes just yet a lot of this is standard in the Beast Mastery build but we are going to be taking a couple extra things first of all we are taking PATH finding pathf finding is going to be really useful before we're level 40 we're not going to have a mount so we're just going to be running everywhere these this extra percent movement speed is going to really help us just get to our goals a lot faster also I am taking swiftness swiftness is going to help your pet get to the Target a lot faster because it's going be moving at 30% faster if you are doing like a boore leveling with a boore or something like that then you don't need to take this but I am going to be leveling with the cat speed is the name of the game a couple modific ations you can make if you're not interested in taking pathf finding you could put that down at the bottom for Focus regen with beel discipline I am getting one point here but you could take two points here of course focus is going to help your pet just do a little bit more damage so up to you on which you want to prioritize also at the Top If you're not interested in taking endurance training like I did here you can move that over into improved revive that's another option your pet can die while leveling a lot of times you be taking on difficult content trying to solo things and we might bite off a little bit more than we can chew getting off a quick revive in combat help you save the encounter instead of you have to restart it so up to you on that those are just a couple different choices you have next if we're talking about runes we want to take on our path to level 40 we're going to stick with heart of the lion pretty standard it's a really great room to have a beast Mastery on our hands and again this is pretty obvious Beast Mastery has been a really strong option for all of phase one and it continues to be so even after the Nerf that it experienced next if we get our hands on the melee specialist we want to use that for our waist it's just a really strong options and also with that if we get our hands on the dual wield specialist at on our feet for our boots we definitely want to use that as well these are going to be really strong and work in tandem with each other just to make our melee way stronger along with of course flanking strike which we can macro in with a raptor strike as well this is going to make leveling so quick our flanking strike Raptor combo is going to do so much damaged but that combo is often just going to finish off our mobs by itself I'm planning on just starting as a beast Mastery Hunter just taking the standard runes and a standard build path to start with and then as I find the melee stuff I'm going to start equipping the melee items because it does seem like Melee is going to be really strong at least on paper here if that changes I'll make a video on that all right let's talk about our pet and how we can level it up first of all I am going to be leveling with a cat cat seems really strong in Phase 2 and we're going to need it leveled up to level 40 anyway so I'm just going to go ahead and take it cuz I'm going to be using it at 40 I do think bore is another really strong option again that B's char to start combat and then the additional threat it gains from the empowered attack after charge is really really nice so bore fans go ahead and grab it this is your chance to use it because you're going to be leveling and that's really where the bore shines so bite five lowest level looks like it's going to be 32 ples creeper in aathy Highlands that's going to be a good option for picking up your bite five also the spark shell Snapper in Thousand needles is going to be at 34 if you're if you're really far away from the Ry Highlands but getting it two levels earlier definitely worth a trip all the way the Ria Highlands to pick up the PLS creeper next if we're talking about claw five claw five is going to be able to be picked up from the scorpid lashers in desus at level 34 trading a rare just for a pability is kind of a pain in the butt you have to wait around for it and also too you don't know if anyone else is camping it so I don't worry about it with rares I just go for the regular mobs scorpid Lasher is going to be a good option in desus if you want to make a trip out there next bite six bite six looks like it's going to be on in dust wall March you can pick it up from Bight six from the death strike tarantula looks like it's going to be the best option for there there it's going to be swamp auros Death Strike tarantula at level 40 so you're going to be max level at this point but if you want to get your cat as powerful as possible go ahead and pick up this one right here and finally for claw six claw six we're going to want to pick up the scorpid hunter uh scorpid hunter in tenaris is going to be the best option that also the silt crawler in swamp asaros so actually I do think going to swamp pasaro might be a better option CU you can pick up both your bite and Claw while you're there and just go ahead and train it all in one so silk crawler in swamp asaros and then you want to go for your bite also while you're there prowl one can be learned from the mountain lions and the alterac mountains or Ridge stalkers in the bad lands either one would be a good option for learning prow prow is more of a PVP thing you don't really necessarily need it right away um so I I I don't think it's like pivotal to get this during leveling but it's going to be really useful for once we get down in strangle thorn next thing you need to do is check out all of the runes that are dropping for hunter in Phase 2 I have a video on that that talks about all the different runes and and as soon as we find him I'm going to make videos about where to find him as quick as possible as well so if you want to stay tuned for that go ahead and consider putting a sub on the channel there so you can get it as quick as you can if the video did help you out today please HCK that like button if you want to stay tuned for more wow content in the future please bash to subscribe I appreciate your time and I'll see you in the next one bye everyone
Channel: Gladius Gaming
Views: 18,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, world of warcraft, season of discovery phase 2, season of discovery hunter, sod huter, sod hunter, sod hunter runes, sod
Id: fguwY8JBXpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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