Level 1 - 1,000 With All PERMANENT SHINING Fruits... (Blox Fruits)

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today we're going to be going from level one to a thousand with all the permanent shining fruits so light fruit Buddha fruit Rumble and Phoenix and after every 50 levels we're gonna spin for a new fruit so let's spin alright so what are we gonna start off with that's perfect we're gonna start off with the Buddha fruit the best fruit for grinding all right the Buddha fruit bye the best thing about Buddha is that you're able to hit enemies from so far away I'm about to Blind this monkey with my lights monkey get blinded you gorillas can't handle the shine what's up gorilla King yo I gotta watch out you might mistake me for one big glowing banana what you getting mad for I already told you I'm not a banana man I already told your king and now I'm gonna tell you I'm not a big glowing banana I'm coming for those pirates come on Pirates if you push a little bit harder you might be able to reach me or I stood in the same place and they still can't reach me bro Buddha fruit is seriously making me speed run these levels right now man this makes grinding so much easier bro oh it's a beautiful day today the sky is blue and the Sun is shining and these brutes are dying alright we've reached level 50. it's time to spin you know it would be nice if we can get the light through next alright we got Rumble let's see what it does let's get ready to rumble I don't know much about this fruit but you live you learn Rumble dragon [Music] um it's all right I guess I mean it's good to finish off the enemies with it not bad for the first move oh yeah it's also a logia yo look at this clown like he's actually a clown yo I want a Happy Meal oh is Bobby angry uh what's that supposed to do man I said give me a Happy Meal all right we just got lightning Dash let's see what it does lightning Dash does it not deal any damage yeah it doesn't so I think it just dashes you forward then whatever it's all good oh wait I think I figured it out it dashes you forward wherever your mouse cursor is so if my mouse cursor is there and I press F I go all the way here okay that's actually good it makes for some pretty good movement Now You See Me now you don't I'm freezing can you guys form a circle so I can stay warm please thanks guys I appreciate it now die alright we've passed level 100 it's time to spin now alright so I'm hoping that I get light fruit okay we got Phoenix hopefully it's decent Phoenix through and we got it let's test out the cannon okay so a bunch of knockback and barely any damage nice [Music] holy moly it sent them even farther bro bro I'm just glad that the NPCs are not smart enough to actually walk inside of the house because if they were I'd be doomed oh this is gonna take forever man absolutely horrible fruit for grinding so we just got a new skill and it's called hybrid flight okay okay so you can fly it doesn't appear to do any damage though I mean it is a bird after all yo Yeti you're about to get melted by my Cannon soon all right oh the Eddie mad I'm about to leave the yeti to my trap okay look at him he's so mad it's time to melt you man sorry old pal he didn't die okay fine now he's gonna die there you go and he dropped me some Yeti fur too buying all the stuff and we're off the Marine Fortress alright grinding the petty officers without a logia right now was just too hard man so I'm gonna go back to the Frozen Village until I can get a logia because I am not gonna deal with all of this just for one Quest man it is not worth it okay so I've been server hopping the yeti for a bit and we're about to be level 150. okay it's time to spin now since light is the only fruit that we have on the wheel I'm just not gonna spin buying the light through in some 150 I basically just skipped the Marine Fortress but actually I still want to fight the vice admiral what's up vice admiral I'm right down here good job man very easy and simple kill I'm gonna blast you with my light Ray oh I missed it never mind Skylands here I come okay barrage of Lights all right all right gotta love logius man especially in C1 get blinded by my light bro getting Mastery is so easy I already have reflection kick reflection kick damn man guy beam barrage bro that move is actually good light always beats dark since prison takes a while I'm gonna keep grinding the Dark Masters so my XP boost ends alright we have past level 200 it's spinning time since we're going to the prison I would appreciate it if we just got Buddha okay we got Rumble yo listen to this beat these prisoners know how to make music huh these guys don't belong in prison they belong in the studio anyways we got Sky Thunder now and I want to see what it does Sky Thunder okay so it summons lightning from the sky it's not bad but it definitely could be better fight the warden Rumble dragon Sky Thunder I think it stuns him for a little bit which is pretty good bro all he does is walk after me and try to swing his sword at me you call this a boss there's no way this guy is called the boss fairly easy boss fight we got the chief Warden he's a chief yeah he only carries one sword and he does the exact same thing as the last guy he doesn't even do anything he just chases me with a sword maybe a little bit more damage than the other guy that's it yo I can hit him through the trees defeat Swan I would if he was actually here my man is still sleeping somewhere since it's time to spin after this Quest the fruit that I get I'm gonna use that fruit to fight Swan if he decides to actually spun in please Buddha please Buddha please Buddha no we're gonna use Phoenix to fight Swan here goes nothing Cannon Swan don't be too hard on me all right the goal is just to keep on moving and fly around Warren's after me too we're the chief warrants are in front of me for no reason also I have to regenerate we're so close oh my God he can do that yes we got him bro man the first challenge of the day bro we gotta use Phoenix at the Colosseum now and grinding without a logia at colossium is not fun and this ladies and gentlemen is gonna take forever just end my misery you know what I'm gonna use the tree to protect me it actually works pretty good kinda that was much faster this time new skill available for this painful fruit regeneration Flames let me see what it does um I think it's supposed to heal you let me take some damage real quick think I'm low enough now regeneration Flames so it heals you in return for energy that's cool but it's nothing that's gonna help me for grinding in this freaking place it's been about 50 painful levels later and I can finally leave this place and switch my fruit since budo is the only fruit remaining I'm not even gonna spin I'm just gonna use it the good thing is that we get to use Buddha and magma Village so grinding shouldn't really be a pain now normally I would hate this place but since we got Buddha grinding is such a bliss whoa whoa I think I might fall oofs sorry I have good news and bad news the good news is that we're about to pass 50 levels the bad news is that we have to fight the magma Admiral so we need to spin a good fruit out of these three I just want light yes we got light fruit all right magma Admiral let's see how you'll match up against light light Ray oh I just dodged that the good thing about Sky beam barrage is that it freezes him while I do it and then I can just hit him while he's Frozen almost dead reflection kick I think he's done now it was actually pretty easy this time bye magma Village to the underwater city where dude shoot waves out of their swords now it's fine while we have a logia but we won't have a low gear forever my Elemental immunity finally activated this is gonna be so easy it's almost time to spin and I feel like I didn't get enough I mean this fruit is just so fun to grind with I'm gonna launch a bullet of Lights oh I just can't contain the lights alright level 400 time to spin I'm hoping for rumble as underwater city sucks without a logia we got Phoenix bro this is actual torture bro if I didn't have combat and I only had the cannon from the Phoenix and I was forced to do this all night long I would probably lose my mind we finally unlocked fast kick I'm just waiting for an NPC to spawn so I can test it on the NPC okay one dude's right over here fast kick oh my God more knockback dude Phoenix is absolutely the worst never grind with Phoenix or you'll go insane look how far he went Team Rocket blasting off again I'm gonna fight the fish man Lord with Phoenix the prize surprise fast kick yo for some reason this dude loves to fling himself across the room like Spider-Man all he does is run after you and swing his own fishmen are easier than him this guy is so simple and then when he gets low enough all he does is regenerate and do the same thing again he's gotta be trolling or something bro there has to be more to this boss that I don't know oh what the first hit of the day huh this guy is horrible that was so easy he does nothing he just literally runs around and swings I think he watched the new Spider-Man movie yes finally I can go to the Skylands now I can leave this place and most importantly I can leave the fruit I wonder what fruit we're gonna get guys oh wow well that's a shocker bro these two should play basketball look how high they jump man imagine getting Dunked On by a Gods guard yo guess what your fists can't phase me we just unlocked Sky Beam Beam that comes from the sky oh that's actually cool I'm ready to fight but I think I have to use the bathroom oh oh much better level 500 let's go spin that wheel it would be much appreciated if I can just get a Buddha right now you know what light also works yo whisper you know for dude who has a rocket and looks like that you're actually pretty quiet I mean your name is whisper after all miss me try again bro how are you so quiet first time I saw this guy I was expecting like a fee fight for thumb or something even his rocket is quiet good game whisper yo I forgot to put on damage counter forgot that was even an option yo why you looking at me like that he looked at me funny level 550 it's time to spin for some reason I get the opposite of what I asked for so I'm gonna ask for Phoenix so I can get Buddha oh my God we asked for Phoenix and we got Phoenix since watching me grind with Phoenix is not gonna be fun for me or you I'm just gonna skip it and when I get 250 Mastery I'm gonna show the full transformation I mentioned this in another video but I'm gonna mention it again this spot right over here jump over it and beat him up and then get your Mastery alright level 600 it's time to spin again actually never mind we're using Buddha I've never actually used the Buddha explosion so when I get it I'm curious on seeing what it can do so we gotta grind that mastery yo I wonder how much Buddha would match up against the Thunder God hello Thunder God so far so good ah he tried he tried to get me with that that's not gonna work on me man come on man push push you can do it ah too bad thundergun he just couldn't get close enough three two one belly flop oops it's about time I change my fighting style to Electric yes please there you go we got the electric fighting style I wonder how far the Buddha leap can go imma see if I can make it to that NPC over there Buddha leap oh oh that goes so far I didn't know Buda leap can actually go that far that's impressive yo can combo the NPC in the air look I can stomp him and he stays in the air three two one blast off and we've passed 50 levels so it's time to spin the fruit that I get is what I gotta use to fight cyborg alright we got light I'll take that oh my God guys look I'm level 666 Ray that comes from light you cyborg you better not part on me like you did in the last video fix your aim my boy Q yo good thing he didn't fart on me man I'm right here come on and he's dead all right level 700 it's time to go spin that wheel I'm just gonna hope for rumble we got Rumble all right I'm gonna just speed run so I can see stuff bro using rumble on this guy is so annoying finally the problem with using Rumble against that guy is that Sky thunder only works on the surface and he's underground yo Boss take me to the second C all right we made it boys alright so since my Elemental has not picked in yet I'm gonna go back to the first C and grind cyborg because these dudes are not fun to fight after a while of grinding cyborg I am now immune to the Raiders attacks now it's much easier I finally got my Elemental immunity against the mercenaries but the problem is is that it's also time to spin and the only fruit we have left is Phoenix it means that we have to use Phoenix to fight Diamond wish me luck alright he finally spawned in but before I fight him I'm gonna use an XP boost because I'm trying to get as much xp from him as possible Cannon him fast kick bro he barely took any damage man electric floor and then kick that's a combo right there bro I try to dodge him how did he hit me still bro his moves are just too fast regen regen regen bro he's so close man he's so close fast kick oh my God what a combo bro electric floor I think it's over ggs we got him boys all right after this Quest you know the drill and it's time to spin honestly I'd rather take any of these all right we're taking light you guys are pirate spot I don't see any eye patch your wave can't phase me I am untouchable it's time for you to get vaporized boom made it into nothing nothing but a bunch of particles level 850 bring me the wheel the fruit that we get is what we're gonna use to fight Jeremy we're gonna fight Jeremy with Buddha sounds awesome to me man what's up Jeremy I am I've just unlocked Buddha explosion let's do it food explosion bro every boss that I've ever fought with Buddha it's just too easy man hey yo you guys trying to get blasted but boom if only these dudes weren't so spread apart if I move too far then one dude ends up teleporting all the way back to where they usually spawn and then I have to go all the way back to get them again after this Quest we're gonna reach level 900 and we did it boys level 900 it's time to spin the only one left is Rumble so we're gonna use that we're gonna fight Vegeta with Rumble and I'm gonna have to kill him before four minutes and 13 seconds because that's when my XP boost is gonna end Vegeta hit me once and dropped me to half HP bro oh my God bro I'm already this low no way bro first boss who actually killed me now this guy actually deals damage bro I can dodge all of his meteorites by staying in the air bro 25 seconds left on the clock he has to die man he has to die right now no way he was like one HP and I have one second bro XP boost ended you know what I'm just gonna buy another one because I want to kill him while I have an XP boost on honestly I think I should have gotten observation hockey oh and he's back to full HP I changed my Strat to only fighting from a distance at least until I can up my health I think he's finally dead yes bro oh my God man fajita is not fun yo Zeus can you help me out real quick appreciate it now I probably won't be able to reach Mastery 250 to get thunderbomb but in the future I might be able to do a part two where we reach the max level level 951 it's time to spin the last fruit better not be Phoenix thank you we got light I'm Coming For You graveyard now all I gotta do is hang in there till I get elemental immunity if you're using the light fruit and you don't have elemental immunity yet what you can do is use barrage of lights and then use Sky beam brush as you fall down hit thumb and then fish them off with a reflection kick and if one dude managed to survive then just light Ray him and there you go we got our immunity boys somebody grabbed werewolf claws and glued them to your head if you guys enjoyed the video and you never want to miss one in the future then hit that subscribe button because it helps me out a lot and also comment down below your favorite fruit and why and I might just reply I'm most likely gonna do a part two when I reach max level and yeah guys level a thousand we made it if you like this video then you might like this one
Channel: Its Crystals
Views: 1,202,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits glitches, noob to pro, blox fruits leopard, leopard fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits pro, roblox blox fruits buddha, blox fruits mythical fruit everytime, its crystals, its crystals blox fruits, blox fruits all permanent fruits, noob to pro blox fruits, shadow fruit, dark fruit, venom fruit, gravity fruit, Blox fruits shining fruits, blox fruits darkness fruits, blox fruit light fruits, buddha fruit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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