Noob To PRO With T-REX DINO in Blox Fruits

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ooh Blox fruits bro you make me so mad I'm supposed to be you know all cozy in my pajamas drinking hot cocoa getting ready to open my presents because it's about to be Christmas but no instead you guys decide to drop the update on Christmas Eve bro I mean it's it's pushing Christmas right now but you know whatever instead of uh you know enjoying Christmas with my family like a good person I'm going to be playing block throughs yeah it's great oh snap the updates out let's join bro all right though today's video we're going to be going from Noob To Pro with the new dino fruit at least that's what I that's what I think it's called anyways I've got myself prepared for this look at my name bro Gatos Saurus Rex that might be my best one yet don't lie it it gave you a little bit of a smirk there jimothy name's kind of tough but let's see is it in the shop hold on a minute wao they got bundles now 3,000 Robux for perm Buddha perm portal brah nah guys they did me dirty they did me so dirty I bought all of these things individually that's aide from the point though I don't think there's anything else that they've added right so T-Rex is 20 2350 okay and and dragons in progress if you guys want to see that be sure to stay tuned with the channel I have my main account right here I'm going to give myself the T-Rex rout because uh yeah we're about to go new to Pro this about to be crazy all right there we go I've gotten myself two times XP for 12 hours and permanent Dino or it's called T-Rex I don't know why I keep saying Dino but that that's 7 a pointy actually you know what get this video to 10,000 likes in the first 24 hours and I'm going give away the Beast bundle that's 6,000 Robo bro one of you guys can win this just comment down your name below drop a like if we get 10,000 I'll randomly choose a comment and I'll give you the Beast bundle bro 24 hours though y got to go crazy all right though I don't know why I went through this from here but let's equip the dino fruit o I'm so excited for this one guys I yo we got a tail we have m1's wait these are like these look just like ksun m1's am I crazy is it just me or do these kind of look like kud m1's it's a little cooler though maybe cuz it's green I don't know but let's talk to the banded Quest Giver as usual to like that abandoned Quest and I want to go test this out so just 1 M1 seven damage about the usual I'm pretty sure for these type of fruits looks like they're giving us a lot of Beast fruits but maybe after Dragon we'll stop with the Beast fruits I don't know let's check out our zto tail swipe and we shoot oh it's like a actual projectile okay okay it's pretty solid so far I'm actually a big fan of fruits that have m1's cuz uh you know it helps me grind and then let's beat up this last bandit look at him spinning around and finish you off with a tail never mind I was going to finish you off with a tail swipe but instead he decided to not get hit by it yeah this was kind of crazy hold on am not going to say anything too insane yet it does kind of feel like this gives more knockback than Kitsune though might be crazy it might literally be the exact same I already know in the comments someone is correcting me right now they're like Acer you're stupid they are literally the exact same I'm sorry bro I swear to you guys I know what the dyno looks like but I have not seen any of the moves bro I've not seen I've not seen a single one of the moves so I I I'm super excited to see them it doesn't look like there's too too many I'm going to guess reptilian scales is like the transformation as you can tell I'm really excited for this FR should they have dropped it on Christmas Eve though probably not you know I would I would love to take a nap to just go to bed right now wake up and open my presents but instead of making content for y'all I had to Goat break come on now all right maybe ke today was stretching it but with the T-Rex bro listen you can't tell me that a T-Rex wouldn't devour monkeys bro about to go actually crazy and eat all the monkeys in sight my lifelong dream okay though we're now at jungle so let's talk to this Adventurer and he's basically like go round up their monkeys so let's go ahead and get rid of these guys get a sck with the usual strategy hit three of them and just kind of just just keep attacking it looks like you can kind of do something cool I think the biggest issues mainly knock back cuz you can kind of use tail swipe at the end of m1's but it does knock him back a little far wait candy candy why is there candy in this game what I think they have like a new system I heard about it where you can roll for like permanent fruits or something or is it like physical fruits I don't know if I can access that from the first SE though all right now we're done beating up monkeys we're we're moving on to evolved monkeys AKA gorillas all right just M1 M1 M1 get this gorilla over here too M1 M1 M1 hit the tail swipe what is that that what is that Island listen I've done a lot a lot of noob to Maxes and pros and stuff bro I know that Island back there has not been there before we need to do some investigating y'all no let's go bait up this final gorilla that should give us the gorilla King yes please no no gorilla King seriously and that's it for the gorillas I li am I like dumb don't answer that I could have sworn that you only need to get the gorillas done to level 25 okay there we go now I'm done beating up gorillas feel like that took way too long wait I was on gorilla King level don't say anything nope nope nope don't say anything I don't know if I should feel dumb or happy dumb because I I I completely misre that I needed to fight gorilla King but happy because I was right I was supposed to fight gorilla King all right time to fight our first boss gorilla King as you guys know the biggest strategy against fighting this guy especially at the start since I have pretty much never invested defense this early into the game we just got to make sure we keep the range yep there we go and when he does his little move where he's like having a little tamper tantrum he's pretty much unable to use a move for like a good couple of seconds so we could just finish him off now easy pey so I have 47 candy right now I have no idea like literally zero what that possibly can do what I do know is there's a mysterious island in between the ice Island and Coliseum that has never been there before and I would not be Acer if I didn't check it out bro my curiosity is killing me wait isn't this the island from the third seene am i c crazy it's like the the second to last island in the second sea or third sea I mean why' they put it here bro sea of treats yeah Santa Claus why is Santa Claus here you interested in trading for any of my limited items he's got like an elf hat and stuff oh okay so I'll probably be able to get all of this stuff 15 minute there's a countdown what what what is it counting down towards bro is that like the free Fruit I guess magic elf oh I can buy two times XP race roll ooh okay I I don't really need any of these right now but that's good to know that that's there anything else any cool Nubia Secrets n pretty much looks like that's about it so I'll see if I'll have enough candies it looks like I'm going to probably need around like 1,000 candies actually let me check all right so Santa had is 500 dang and the slay is 1,000 so I'm going to need about like 1750 yep 1750 candies in order to get everything okay continue on with their Journey though let's go to the pirate Village first up on the chopping block is the Pirates of course let's see if my arch nemesis the brutes will continue their devious streak of continuously killing me I guess I should say being the first people to kill me whenever I do one of these challenges I don't know what's about them that always gets me killed but there's something about them man actually you know what I'm getting kind of curious if I hold tail swipe does it do anything extra nope had to experiment though well I managed to do the first Quest perfectly fine let's hope I didn't just jinx myself okay cool we're done beating up brutes so we can go ahead and beat up Mobby got to be careful though because as you guys know I don't like investing in defenses especially not at the start so one chop and I'm dead One Singular chop or if he swings his sword and that lands but I weave those you see that you see how seamlessly I just weave that bro come on now I didn't even give bro the time of the day to land that nope not again bro endless weaves bro that's my domain expansion wait I was yo I was playing an evil game right there I was way too close to bro okay though we're done with this so we can go to the desert now and usually in these type of things you know you you get your second move around desert cuz that's where you get m 50 masteries so our next move is going to be called predatory Screech which sounds kind of crazy I I don't know what to expect for that one the presence event will start in 5 minutes head to Zone on the event Island oh is that the thing in the middle I guess yeah that's called The Presence event all right I'll check that out in a second let me go beat up these Bandits though real quick let's go check out this uh event oh my gosh it's literally across the sea luckily I got my two times boat so should be good okay cool we got 2 minutes on the clock let's see what spawns I'm hoping it's another T-Rex fruit that would be actually hilarious or any fruit over 1 mil that way it can be uh traded for in the second C that works too all right here we go we have to be in the circle and a present has fallen all right easy peasy T-Rex through watch this guys I got this sace like that do I got to click it do I like got to hit it or something oh click e that was not there before guys I swear what what just came out oh a present what did I get what's for Christmas FL I don't want this I don't know why I just ably I just autoly G bro what the heck nah bro I've had I've had I've had a T-Rex D for too long I was start to transform now get me out this island bro I don't even think I'm should I come in for the next one I probably should come in for the next one but comeing here every hour is going to be really annoying okay we're now Mass 350 so we could check out our new move let's check this out predatory Screech ooh wait okay so it shoots them off at the end but it does look like it had like a bit of a a whirlwind in front of us I guess let me check this out again hold on let's get all the way back here and let's click X oh it sucks them in and then it shoots them away oh that I I can't tell if that's good for farming or not that might be good for farming it depends if like when I'm pulling them they can hit me or not so let's try this with them like a little bit closer or maybe it'll automatically shoot once they're super close let's check this out all right so you guys are all huddled let's click x n they just get Super S so the closer they get to you the slower they get so they they'll never actually reach you bro it's like I'm Gojo with infinity that's cold and we're done with the pirate Quest or desert Bandits I guess let's go beat up some officers and that should be 90 nice so we can go to the Frozen island or frozen Village whatever sheing shebang before we go to the Frozen Village I want to roll for a fruit really quickly cuz I always forget to do it all right those zolas give me uh a T-Rex fruit bro come on now wow wow wow people keep saying I sound like zis I don't think I do do I sound like zis comment down below if I sound like zeolis now that we are at Frozen Village let's go ahead and get ourselves the things that we need AKA Hy ability teacher you got me right let's get air jump for 10K and Aura for 25k I find it so funny that AA is more is less expensive than flash cuz be honest bro which one are you choosing or Flash step yeah that's what I thought try to go beat up some snow bit though you guys all crowded up oh I'm out dude dude I clicked the wrong move I almost got cooked we're at 105 we can go ahead and fight the yeti who is again reskinned gorilla why they couldn't at least give this guy like I don't know yo it would be kind of cool if they gave the yeti the ice fruit right is that a is that a devilish thought is that too evil maybe maybe that might be that might be too evil actually all right though let's bring you in and go is that what dinosaurs sound like I don't I don't think that's what dinosaurs sound like all right hit you with this M1 combo I know you want to go for your little tantrum stop acting like you don't want to go for it Go For It Go Go hey come here here and then go over there now I want you to use that move right now while you still got the chance bro ooh ooh you can't use it ooh okay fine fine he doesn't want to use it for some reason use it you use the use the use the move why is the yeti like highkey kind of bothering me right now are you AFK no no no shot I'm alive I'm alive how how did I do I think that's a first time I've ever lived a Yeti hit bro it's a Christmas miracle it's a Christmas miracle I actually just I genuinely don't know how I didn't get one shot just from hitting like the outskirts of his ability dude that was crazy and you can check my stats bro I still got zero in defense I don't care usually what I like to do is go for 200 melee and then just invest the rest into fruit and then once fruit is maxed out I go for like half melee half defense that's that's usually how like I set up my stats for these new to Maxes where are the snowmen though okay so there's one over here they they be running around I actually really don't like Frozen in Village cuz they they just keep going everywhere all right so we're 120 let's go to the Marine Fortress all right so done beating up chief petty officers so that is that is literally not the quest I just started let's fight this vice admiral this guy usually getes I think five levels he's kind of he's kind of crazy and he does have that little triple sword slash that I would really prefer not really prefer not to get hit by I really don't know how I'm living these moves okay there there we go I had to say something I I had to say why couldn't I just shut my mouth and just just accept my blessings I can't tell if they actually made it so T-Rex is like tankier cuz I know in the anime Z fruits and stuff they're usually more tanky and they can heal faster so maybe they did that for this I don't even know bro all I know is uh I win easy hey we just hit Mastery 100 so we get our third move Hunter's rage shouts crazy I feel like I've just unlocked something insane dude let's check this out though first things first I'm just going to group everybody up all right I got all all of you guys huddled together for this meting where I rage oh we charge something up oh it's like a kind of like a combo move sort of like Kitsune F so far this this fruit is very similar to Kitsune which I guess they're both Beast fruits honestly all the Beast fruits have a lot in common yeah it looks like I could just use Hunter's rage while I farm it's it's it's pretty good actually for all things considered gigantic leap is our last move I'm not going to lie to you bro that does not sound that cool I'm sorry when you got predatory Screech and Hunter rage stuff like tail swipe and gigantic leap like bro who do you think I am let's find vice admiral with our new powers bro all right he's going to go for it yeah I could I could already predict I could already predict when he'll use his move why is he stuck in the why you stuck in the wall like that bro hey yo oh my goodness honestly I'm not going to lie that I deserve that one yeah I this guy's kind of cooking me up bro I got to stop letting him get get to me like this it's cuz every M1 with this fruit like pushes you forward so it's very easy to get yourself he's still stuck in the wall like that bro I'm not going to lie that's uh yeah all right that was our final quest though let's get out this island ooh Skylands is next okay I am about to get 250 candy too I hope the Santa hat actually like makes you pretty strong okay let's go beat up some of these Sky B the sky Bandits were not we're not getting beaten up they did they did not appreciate the slander and they put me in my Place quite quickly is what you'd expect me to say but now I'm coming here for my lick back bro come here and there we go bro yeah you guys really thought you had me there that's cute that's real cute bro I'm a little late I'm about to be I'm like a minute away from it turning 11 so I got to I got to get here quick got to go got to go 30 seconds on the clock but I made it bro okay T-Rex time bro all right here we go big old prison has fallen to the floor open up all right ooh it's purple it this has to be good then I wonder if like it actually pops out the color Rarity no I think the first one we did earlier was green right I don't even know but let's open it up flame again again bro I can't store this bro what do you want me to do with this what is this trying to say about me is this trying to say my Christmas will be fire maybe anyways enjoy the sea little brosi go back to the Skylands 190 now so we can go to prison on my way there though we got to we got to do a little bit of shopping bro we got we got to we got to we got to go a little uh do a little bit of shopping Christmas shopping as you will right so first stop we got to go talk to Santa Claus and we have 268 candy so let's go ahead and buy an elf hat let's see or HP did not it didn't even budge it it or or HP did not even budge bro there energy budge no nothing budged what what what does this even do is is this just a hat to be a hat oh apparently makes her melee and sword attacks better I I really hope that works on T-Rex I I don't think it does though so uh yikes one more thing though while I'm here because I completely forgot to buy it when I was leaving earlier I have to buy flash step that is not flash step all right again why flash step is 100k is beyond me is definitely helpful it's not like the the most important ability but it it is pretty helpful all right we're kind of dripped up but we're in the prison and let's see if this uh this Al hat actually gives us any bonus damage so let's see one normal combo the 734 let's take off the elf hat and 7 wow this is the most useless thing I could have bought yep I I I have am experiencing extreme regret yeah yeah there's not a single feeling I'm feeling right now except for regret I could have bought the Santa hat which might actually have done something for us we're level 220 now so we can fight the warden all right so what thing about prison is it has three bosses the first one being the warden of course let's just hit him with a nice little basic T-Rex combo predatory Screech while our Hunter's rage charges up and you're doneo buddy thank you easy pey and now we're 230 so we can fight the chief Warden this guy is literally the exact same as the normal Warden like they they didn't they didn't even try bro they could have given you like something I don't know something you're done though sorry GG's thank you 240 so we can actually fight a real boss that is that is still the warden Quest I I don't know how I keep doing that but it's time to fight a real boss boss Mr Swan first try first try pink Co cuz we got we got to represent pink Co gang come on now all right he's already on half we got to be dang it dude I I knew that was going to happen I knew I knew it was going to happen that move is dodgeable too I'm just bad I'm literally just bad all right just charge that up I might be able to oh we dodged it that time you're done you're actually done now give me the C first time first try pink coat bro come on now come on now guys come on now guys you can't say I'm not him after that as a lot of you guys know though what I like to do once I get to this point of the game is I don't like to go to the Coliseum which is the next Quest since we hit I think 250 what I like to do is pretty much just stay here swap servers and like server hop to fight the three bosses so I'll fight Warden Chief Warden and Swan keep doing that until I think 300 it's either 300 or 325 but I I'll be right back once we're once we're done and I think next Island after this is Fishman Island oh it's magma Village not Fishman that's up next all right here we go 3 seconds uh and we get another present I really don't want to keep doing this every hour but listen dude I need a I'm going to need a fruit to enter the third sea eventually this one's green I don't I don't got a good feeling about this I don't got a good barrier yeah okay bro it's I hate getting barrier too cuz it's like I think it's 750k like you're so close to Victory bro you're so close to Victory you are the chosen one all right well let's go back across the sea just just wasted my time here all right well let's go beat up some military soldiers I think I only need to take down two more military soldiers to get our final move before our transformation at least I assume that's our transformation I think this is the first time they ever had a transformation not just be called transformation so it's kind of weird all right though this should be the final one and there we go bro our final move gigantic leap let's check this out oo we got a cool little Aura around us okay yeah it's literally just a leap it's not even that gigantic kind of lying to me like can I even leap over there oh oh never mind mind never I was I apologize I greatly disrespected you great gigantic leak leak leap bro so it just goes wherever you aim I don't how far can that even go bro imagine you could just do this like across the whole map I don't know let's try to LEAP into this blue house over here okay so it looks like that's about the range like a little a little less than between this blue house and this rock over here cuz if I stand on this blue house and then I aim at this rock what what okay let's let's try this again so let's stay at this this rock and go to the greenhouse okay it's it's not as long as I thought it was it's a it's a little less than between this rock and this greenhouse I think I get it now either way though it looks like it does relatively decent damage let's check out how much damage it does cuz I didn't really pay attention there's about a good 800 okay a good 800 pretty decent definitely will help spam into H Farm mobs though cuz it looks like it doesn't really give them that much yeah it gives them a little bit of knockback but nothing too terrible so I'll take it honestly I will 100 gajillion per take it wait maybe if you charge it up you can go farther cuz I just charged it up and it went kind of crazy far try this now nah but it definitely shot me farther it definitely shot me farther so I think the longer you charge it it does shoot a little farther let me see charge it up like I'm not I'm not even going to stop charging it for a bit I'm going to charge it for a good like 10 seconds all right let's try this now n okay it doesn't shoot me further it still shoots really far though I'm not going to lie okay it's time to go ahead and fight the magma Admiral though so this time you know we got more moves please bro please I got to stop doing that he's going to go for the magum move like the little fist that he shoots out just go for it just go for it bro I'm I'm going to jump over it bro I just jumped over it I know you're mad that was kind of crazy bro that was like an anime moment I might be him I might I might just be him never mind I got humbled I'm not going to light you out I just got humbled don't don't even talk to me bro I don't want to talk anymore all righty so now we're 375 and now we can go to underwater city but I actually am not going to I'm going to take a little bit of a detour and do the saber Quest because we're going to need that obviously for observation hockey plus I just like doing it so we got to go back to the jungle for like the magaj billionth time this video and I might actually have another fruit roll so let's see if we can get something cool from that all right zis you got me right let's see a dude dude somebody please make this fruit leave me alone I can't do this anymore I'm infesting the waters with flame fruits next thing you know it's going to be Lava bro that's not how that works that is just that is not how that works but anyways we're here we just got to go push all of these uh pressure plates but only enough I've pretty much memorized all of their placement so uh yeah let me just press them real quick and this one should be the last one yep easy peasy all right I'm going to set my home Point here we need to go to the desert all right so now that we're here we have to go down to the basement light this door on for you pick up this cup we got to go across the sea again we got to fill this cup with water thank you give it to this oh man in here get drink up yep drink up little buddy and this rich guy is like some dude stroll my money okay so then we got to basically get the money back from this mob leader who literally dies in three hits at this point of the game CU this bum trying to talk to me get out of my face anyways rich man I've gotten you your money back thanks for the Relic now that we have a relic we can go back to the jungle and we basically done with to sa request let's put the real the door and Sabers up let's go I don't have the server hop yeah you're done zo bud you don't even have a chance I always forget I have one defense literally Uno deeno that is not how you say defense in Spanish I'm so sorry okay no you're gzo he healed bro it's not even been like 2 seconds he's going to shoot yep and we weave and you're done thank you all right now we can go to the underwater city all right I'm level 425 so we can fight the fish man Lord this guy does have two stages so he might be pretty easy to beat at the start got to be very careful cuz he's going to to shoot his little Trident yep and weave that cool and now he's in his second stage which to be honest doesn't really matter to me because first or second stage bro is probably still going to one shot me but either way easy peasy you weren't even a challenge for me little broki let's get back to farming only 19 more levels to get off this island okay time to go to the Skylands which is the second to last Island but before we do that as per usual I have to do some sidetracking first things first this has been a while since I've gotten my last fuit I took a quick name amp you can probably tell by my voice I'm going to swing by the jungle really quickly roll a fruit then I'm going to go back to Santa's island or whatever it's called because I do have 558 candy which means we can buy the Santa hat and I want the Santa hat that's literally like the only thing I want and and maybe this led I mean there's no reason not to get it because by the time I finished or like halfway through the second see I'll probably have enough candy to get the Santa sled anyways but you know whatever all right BLX we gotta bless up for with the boy did I T-Rex fruit H ice oh my goodness I've been getting a whole lot of not 1 mil value fruits uh that's that's definitely not good nah that's that's not good at all actually the only issue I mean to be fair I could just trade with my main I was going to say the only issue we get in something above like 1 mil or 1.2 mil would mean that I would have to get rid of it and I'm not given that greedy guy in second C like a I don't know a dino fruit or anything or t why do I keep calling it Dino fruit whatever bro I just I don't want to give him mythical fruit but I just don't have to like I I don't know why I'm acting like I need to all right Santa Claus I need to buy the Santa hat yes okay so apparently this one is actually a lot better than the elf hat at least for us so this gives us 12.5% more damage on our Blox fruits so our T-Rex autos and everything is going to do like 12.5% more damage plus we have 30% more running speed 400 more energy and 400 more Health we have 500 health without a single point invested that's kind of crazy actually yeah it's like a good alternative to cool shades so we literally basically have like cool shades before we're even close to finishing the like the first SE so yeah pretty epic actually this does more damage in the than the shades though Shades giv you 7.5% but it gives you it for everything so I guess it's not that fair all right let's go beat up these people at Skylands I actually really don't like this Gods guard area but you know whatever okay yeah the new damage actually is pretty noticeable I do I do a significant more damage normally I think I needed three combos to get rid of them which to be honest since I put all my stats into fruit is not that good but yeah I feel I feel way stronger what what just happened bro I just gigantic leaped through the floor bro it's yo I just gantic okay so first things first I definitely need to set my home points in the island but uh I might not just I just might not use gigantic leap up here I I feel like that might be a Death Wish okay cool now we can enter the good part of the Skylands before we do the Shanda Quest though first things first is I do want to get observation hockey honestly I probably should have got it a long time ago but whatever what can can I talk to you hey want to learn Instinct the power of instinct allows you to sense the presence of others as well as DOD dodging attacks for 750k bro honestly steel of a life can you imagine learning an ultra Instinct for like seven bucks that's definitely not how the currency exchange works but I'm going to say it anyways all right though Christmas event is in like uh 9 minutes so I'm just going to f shandas for like the next couple of minutes and then we'll try to see what kind of present we can get this time 100 so we can fight whisper let's see if we have enough time to fight him before the event starts the event starts in 3 minutes and we're all the way in Skylands actually I think it's pretty close but Mr bazooka shot somehow little Bros oh my goodness I should I should save the smack talk for after I win be because I can die so easily okay we got to run we got to run to the event all right it's over there I have 2 minutes bro 2 minutes I might have made a mistake by doing the Shanda boss or not Shanda uh whisper boss I think I I might have made a a grave mistake 1 minute on the clock can I make it in time I I can't I can't I have to go I have to go okay we we'll flash step over here I got no time I got no time no come on come on come on come on did I make it I think I made it bro I barely made it I don't know if you're not in the the circle if it just doesn't come out that would be really funny if it it wouldn't be that funny it it really wouldn't be that funny I don't know why why I even say that oh we got a blue present this time dude I keep getting the same fruits get away from me bro I'm so mad all of that stress for what get over here all right time to work on the second part of the upper Skylands okay we're F than he FS we can fight an L get you with a little bit of some of this some of that an El does have that like move where he shoots the ball from the sky I prefer not to get hit by that he's kind of getting you're kind of getting cooked right now though bro what what just happened to anell where'd he go I swear he was there one second and gone the next maybe I'm crazy though all right got to grind another 45 levels until I can leave this island so our Royal soldiers get r that is not Royal soldiers Royal soldiers get ready as you're about to get destroyed for the next 45 levels we are at Mastery 284 so only 16 more Mastery away until we can reach success with their final form and basically have a whole new move show okaye with every move there we go now we can get off this island and I'm literally one Mastery away from the transformation that's hilarious usually I get it at this point too I wonder why I did it all right Freeburg time for the final quest of the first seat all right now we're Mastery 300 let's check this out ooh ooh they had a whole transformation for that nah we got to check that out again bro we got to run that b yeah it's got a little logo to it dude this thing looks crazy look at all like the spikes check out the m1's okay I got a little I got a little chomp at the end and it's got a roar like leopard okay okay it looks kind of cool it looks kind of cool it puts a mark on them what does that what is this Mark dude what does it what does what does this Mark do I got to I got to search this up wait no I got to check out the moves first so we got tail swipe which shoots way more nowator Screech is about the same I just clicked Hunter's rage and nothing happened I think I used it wrong but let's check out gigantic leap ooh okay they made gigantic leap kind of cool hold on a minute gigantic leap and it causes a whole Chasm on the floor bro wa let me check out hunter's rage though oh you grab him and shake them around a bit okay okay this was a little bit better now I like that wait does it burn oh the hunter Mark or whatever the T-Rex Mark is going to end up being called it puts a burn on them also for some reason I thought the T-Rex route was legendary but it is a mythical oh so apparent L the farther they are it's called the pre Mark the farther they are Yeah the more bleed damage it does oh my gosh 2,000 damage in bleed dude 2,000 damage in bleed that's crazy hold on I got to I got to see how crazy this is a part of me wants to hit them and go home and like put home across the sea or something and see how much damage it does but yeah 207 up dude that's crazy I don't really know what the point of that would really be like there's got to be some cool strategy could use that for I I cannot think of it right now I would not lie to you he T can't go over water but leopard can't can oh it looks like it looks like it looks like T-Rex can't go over water that is so unlucky to be fair though um to my knowledge T-Rexes cannot walk on water they are not Jesus but hey you know I had to try all right time to go ahead and get the present again 4 seconds on the clock that is the most close one we've had yet actually let's open up the present what kind of gift we G at open it up light light is 750 right dang it dude pretty yeah I'm pretty sure light is 750 it might be 800 actually doesn't matter either way it's not enough all right we're 675 so we can go ahead and fight cyborg the question is can bro take on a T-Rex I don't know let's just hit you with this nice little basic combo yo you can scream and then grab them all right we got to run away for a second all right he used a move get a little closer hit that tail swipe gigantic Le dude I love gigantic leak might leak gigantic leak might be my favorite move honestly in this transformation it is so cool look at this boom okay let's grab you at and you're doneo buddy there's 21 levels to go till we can leave the first SE bro all right final quest for the first SE and there we go level 700 bro we're done all right though let's talk to this military detective get the key and then we have to go to the Frozen Village and open up this door and basically have to fight this ice Admiral I love the transformation for this fruit dude it's so cool there are like a couple things that I thought were like a little bit underwhelming but honestly bro nah this F is this F is sick well I lost it happens to the best of us assu you were sent here because of my little encounter with Swan I cannot say that this is the correct way Justice blah blah blah yo nobody cares bro get me out of here all right and we got to talk to the military detective again and basically we're done with the first C now we can just go to the second C let's talk to this experienced captain and let's go to the second SE and if you want to see me completely finish this game by doing a noob to max level be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more future content that's it for the new to Pro you enjoyed this video you'll probably really enjoy this video where I went from Noob to max level with only game passes
Channel: Aesir
Views: 652,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aesir, Koopekool, anime, beckbroplays, inemafoo naruto, roblox, socksfor3, one piece roblox, blox fruits from noob to pro, blox fruits from lvl 1 to max, blox fruits level guide, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits level 1 to level 2550, blox fruits noob to max level, blox fruits i started over as a noob, blox fruits, Sai, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update 21, blox fruits t-rex, blox fruits dino, t-rex noob to pro, t-rex noob to max level, trex blox fruits, t-rex blox fruits
Id: kfDJof6x7MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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