T-REX Fruit Is The MOST INSANE Fruit.. (Blox Fruits)

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so today the T-Rex fruit just came out for the winter update you already know what that means if you don't know what this means it means we're going to have to spend some roox I don't have the fruit yet and I don't know how much it cost and when the katune fruit came out it was 4,000 Robux hopefully the T-Rex fruit isn't more than that here we go man let's find out in three 2 1 and oh you know what it's not too expensive I mean it's 2300 Robux which is still expensive here we go man let's buy it and then of course we're going to have to Max this bad boy out oh I got a tail oh my God oh my goodness I thought that was my butt for a second but it's just just a tail now it's time for the next step we need to go see my baby cake Queen and get all the way to Mastery 300 so we unlock every single ability but before we kill K Queen all right we need to test out our first ability which is tail swipe all right so NPC you're ready for this tail to slap you across the face 3 2 1 and boom 2700 damage H I don't know how I feel about that I'm I'm going to be honest I feel like it should do a little bit more damage maybe like 3,000 would have been good but the T-Rex fruit also has a clickability so let's use that now bop oh my gosh bro the clickability is kind of like the Kitsune clickability which is kind of sick Bro I actually love this fruit right now oh my gosh tail swipe Bop oh we just did 5,500 damage what oh yeah back up oh yes sir we're getting Mastery already yeah what's up buddy tail swipe Bop you're dead too oh let's go that was easy oh my gosh we got the second ability which is the predatory Screech let's test it on this NPC over here all right here we go 3 2 1 oh okay how much damage is this going to do oh basically 5,000 damage oh my gosh oh my gosh wait a second guys you can literally do combos with this look I can do the predatory Screech boom tail swipe and then oh wait no that didn't work okay uh never mind all right Kate Queen it's your turn because after we kill Kate Queen We are going to get the Hunter's rage ability which I saw in the Showcase where when you use the transformation you can literally bite the person and then throw him on the ground it's it's kind of sus but anyways we got to spend even more Roo to spawn Kate Queen in and there she is 3 2 1 boom tail swipe Kate Queen what's up yeah you never seen this before bop bop bop oh yeah oh yeah bro look at us we're already doing so much damage uhoh uh-oh yo chill K Queen come on relax you want the predatory Screech boom bro she can't even do anything look at her she's like stuck you can't handle the T-Rex fruit I feel like block fruits is going to start like releasing dinosaur fruits now but anyways we just got to Mastery 156 there we go we fin got Hunter's rage so let's go down here and test this ability out okay we're going to guess the damage it does I think Hunter's rage is probably going to do about come on 4,000 damage right come on block Roots 4,000 damage isn't too much all right 3 2 1 boom 3100 okay I guess 4,000 it was 3,000 so we're not too far off but I don't know if I really like that ability that much I love the ability when you're in your transformation but let's see this again all right I'm not going to lie this doesn't really look too cool but here we go 3 2 1 boom okay that actually looked really cool what the heck but now the next ability gigantic leap looks really cool if you haven't seen the Showcase well uh let me kill K Queen a couple times so I can show you but you basically like jump and just land on them it's kind of like the mammoth fruit come here K Queen yeah what's up I got more abilities now oh my gosh she's just getting destroyed she's already almost dead and she's dead there we go are we going to get Mastery 200 no we're not okay we got Mastery 195 I hate when block fruits does that I hate when they stop right before what I need all right another 50 Roo down the drain there we go but K Queen you're about to go down the drain too what's up and she's about to die in 3 2 one and okay oh now she's dead there we go Mastery 200 let's go use our new ability which is the gigantic leap I'm pretty sure I can Lally stand right here and leap at this guy so let's test it out 3 2 1 boom Oh okay we went a little bit too far oh my gosh okay let's try this again all right right here 3 2 one boom Oh 2,900 damage okay I want to see the max distance like could I hit him from all the way over here boom Oh okay let's go super far I want to see how far we can really go there's no way I can hit him from here what can I go on top of this Chariot and hit an NPC from right there there's no way boom a okay I missed dang it okay so there is a max distance let's rate that ability I'm going give it a 7 out of 10 on the f scale but now boys there's only one ability left which is The Reptilian scales which is also the transformation and with the transformation it's going to give us new abilities as well so we're going to have to kill CR Queen a couple more times yeah more of this yeah this is Robux pop oh yeah bro I actually like that ability a lot oh my gosh and she's dead Mastery 239 it's going to take a little bit to get to Mastery 300 come on K Queen give me more Mastery I need more Bop bro we literally like delete her health look she's dead already oh my gosh we kill her in like 30 seconds it doesn't even seem fair I'm not going to lie and she about to die already oh my goodness I'm getting Mastery 300 at no time okay so I'm just going to skip to once we have it 3 2 1 Bo Mastery 296 all right we only need to kill Kate Queen one more time which will probably take like 10 seconds and then we get our transformation and our furry meter is already all the way up so we don't even have to wait for that so hurry up speedrun cake Queen kill her bro she is getting destroyed right now oh my goodness she hasn't even hit anybody yet and she is about to die oh wait she's still why what the heck kill her yes she is dead there we go every single ability and we even got the transformation of the T rex fruit all right boys this tail is about to get a lot bigger okay so uh let's test it out in 3 2 1 boom Oh my gosh oh I forgot I do damage when I transform oh my gosh ew ew why do I look like that this looks weird hold on hold I'm going to untransform and transform next to an NPC I want to see how much damage it does 3 2 1 boom bro I do 1,500 damage just by transforming what the heck okay let's see the clickability oh my gosh bro this fruit is Unstoppable what the heck I'm still doing damage I'm what it it's it has like a tick ability look I'm still doing damage I'm not even hitting him bro this fruit is sick I love this fruit bro is it better than Kitsune I'm going to say no I like K better than this one but this is definitely my second favorite it is a little ugly though because you know I'm used to being so handsome so but oh my goodness this fruit does so much damage all right but anyways that means we have new abilities all right so let's test out these abilities again and see what they do all right NPCs let's see what the tail swipe does when you're in transformation oh my gosh look at me I'm I'm getting ready to swipe my tail boom 6,000 damage oh wait no I hit this NPC too oh my gosh wait does every ability have a ticking ability I like do damage when I'm not even hurting them hold on let's do that again 3 2 1 boom look the damage counter is just going up this fruit is so good okay now let's try predatory Screech oh it does the same thing all right let's see Hunter's rage oh my gosh 3 2 1 boom Oh yes that's my favorite ability that is my favorite ability where I literally put him in my mouth and spit him out and yes I I know it sounds sus hold on let's do that again hold on Amir NPC H look at that and now the gigantic leap let's see this oh my gosh what look at the damage wait a second no no no wait a second what the heck that was way too much damage let's see that again H 3,000 damage and it just continues to take bro look I'm still doing damage this fruit is so good guys so I'm going to rate this entire fruit a 9 out of 10 kitsume fruit is a 10 out of 10 I think it's the it's definitely the best fruit in the game the only thing I would change about this fruit is that it is still ugly all right but anyways I hope you enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe all right if you're not subscribed subscribe right now and uh I'm Fon and I'm out
Channel: FoltynPlays
Views: 572,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foltyn, foltynplays, roblox, roblox gaming, family friendly, foltyn family, foltyn family roblox, foltyn roblox, roblox foltyn, no cursing, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, roblox fruits in blox fruits, blox fruit roblox, blox fruit, t-rex fruit blox fruits, blox fruits t-rex fruit, t-rex fruit
Id: 5lFZp4D4jrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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