Let's Stay Curious. LIVE!

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Denis is the occupant hello everyone can you see us can you hear us I don't know seems like everybody confuse really yeah yeah hang on then low everyone happy Sunday some good evening yes Sunday evening here in the UK yeah yes yes it's so nice to see your oh I have to be careful the table and first of all a you - thank you - Karen and Kelly who are helping us out as a moderators and we are so grateful for that yeah it's so exciting and we hope you're all well and today well we we decided to not we opted for a topic related livestream and something that has to do with staying curious something that always I don't know it it's like in my mind I have to think about Steve Jobs he said that and he was so right and yeah we we just want to talk about whether you have to or that it's nice to stay curious all your life and we want to share well how we do it and maybe you can share your experiences as well but love to love to hear I think we're living in a world which changes all the time yeah it's not like probably like our grandparents experience the world because at that time at least in Germany was the case you went out of school started an apprenticeship or went to university stopped the job and you did his job until you went into retirement and nothing changes but today I think even jobs it's changing all the time and around us yeah a lot of things change yeah no I mean just take just take of this live stream I have to say staying curious also have has a lot to do with stepping out of your comfort zone and to be quite honest this is stepping out of our comfort zone yeah but then again we are curious and it's it's also so nice to see you also it's I mean once you do it it's you are so happy in the end I think it's so rewarding and yeah so this is definitely one of those things and yeah what are you saying yeah oh matching colors almost yeah Emel almost as long as much yeah you know what I actually noticed that we both of us have lots of check stuff yeah okay what makes us curious all know brought up in a way but it's it our parents always made us curious and always told us to be curious yeah and to explore things and to seek things no and I'm always curious about looks because I love books so I always try out different kinds of books my favorites are and save your storybooks but I also like to read philosophy which is sometimes strange because it's sometimes really hard to understand yeah but I also like to read hmm never read a nice book you should I honestly think you should read Pride and Prejudice because so many I think especially men that's what the curious or your soul dies soul dies necklace that's a big yeah but coming back to Jane Austen for example Pride and Prejudice it's not just Jane Austen is not just for women because her language is really exquisite and her wit so I think you should give it a good look and we're Pride and Prejudice maybe I should yeah and I think some of you know that I lived in Egypt as a teenager and I I don't know I I met so many people from all over the world and this is I honestly have to say is when I'm my happiest like meeting with people it's almost like now people from all over the world and this is so inspiring sharing sharing um not only different views different lifestyles different food I think that's so amazing and yeah every day every day is a learning day yes Julian yeah absolutely I say every day the school day yeah that's true and if you make it like this sometimes it's it's good because because if you do things now you have your daily routines we have our daily routines - yeah yeah and but sometimes it's good to think differently because you can discover that you like it more yeah for example for some some years ago I mean where I come from I I come from I come from sand but which is very close to the French border and yoke and I always well regard ourselves as more an Anglo files not Francophiles we thought so because we spent many holidays here in the UK before he moved here but then one day we just said you know let's go to France let's spend a holiday in France so we booked a very nice holiday and explored the noir Valley and model and it was beautiful it was so so nice and this is you you know and like here in the UK we we travel a lot within the UK but it's really funny we don't really stay twice at a accommodation yeah because not because they aren't nice but we are just too curious to explore more I don't know maybe I sometimes think of myself that I can get bored easily that can be a problem as well their life Inger yeah oh yes you mean be one you mean Jane Austen's house and in the you mean shorter yep yes we've been there last year and it's lovely oh it was amazing it was really interesting to see because he could see things which he used in a lifetime and I think his god you can see your bed which belong to her so it's so you really get feeling about her about his size about how she lived it was amazing was amazing yeah yeah and we did it can be other party yeah so required yes so we took our time I think it took us four hours to go for the goddess yeah yeah it was really nice it's on our German our YouTube channel so I think we have to go back to film it again for the English challenge yeah yes I read Pride and Prejudice in English only in English because I think that's how you can experience her language yes Chatsworth we've been to Chatsworth yeah I think even I'm not sure twice or three times three times yeah the first time we've been there was during the Christmas season mm-hmm and it was amazing yeah because how they decorate the house how they made the lights and it was feeling based and it was they really brought you into a Christmas mood yeah it was just it was very busy yeah but still really worth visiting I remember entering their the entrance hall and there was I think a few more worth at bedtime at him Christmas a little bit like Alice in Wonderland oh yeah and I was too shy to take photos there was so much over Lance so though I was shy because of all the people and Evan for one of never not to take photos now really but it was excellent yeah we have we still have the German channel but we don't upload there yeah but we still have it so yeah it's yeah what the ring Heights yeah we actually we went to see the Bronte parsonage last year amazing it was amazing and yeah let's talk more about and sitting curious and read your questions in between yeah yes I will I will also I will link the German channel of course how shall I continue yeah staying curious yeah sometimes you have to be staying curious also means to be spontaneous sometimes remember some years ago you have spent some months in Vienna Vienna yeah one of our favorite cities in the entire world and it was wonderful because every day after work Kristin I met in the in the city and we did walks around the city we went to the Christmas markets we went to the Opera as we went to Java the really nice boss but we also went into the probably spots we're not altering not every tourist case and he was amazing and we discovered things every day yeah and it was really after it tapes of work it was really lovely because was like a high yeah and one one evening we met because I I spent like a month there and always you went to the office and I just kept exploring during the day because back then I still had my blog and one night we saw that there was a concert Vivaldi and we I mean we didn't have tickets and then we saw we just went inside and there wasn't tickets left so I will never forget it was one of the most magical evening yes because we were curious yeah I just saw the sign and said you're not in this church must be something special and curiosity when we went inside and it was really it was amazing because yeah they used we old instruments guy was singing and the atmosphere was just overwhelming I'm nearly I really I really at some points I had I started crying yes so wonderful yes yes and I don't know if you go back I think it's about two and a half years ago I it still it's on them on the English Channel and I went to a so called sky high afternoon tea and at first I said I'm not doing it and York said go there you'll meet other people and there is a platform you don't have to be scared yeah and then well I went there although myself which was fine but then I saw but there was there wasn't the platform we were just like up there on the crane having afternoon tea and usually I'm not too scared of heights but when I'm like hanging in the air I am yeah and in the end like especially afterwards I was so happy that I did it and yeah sometimes I just think give it a try and go to to a country you haven't explored but think hmmm should I really go I think you can learn so much and it's rewarding and even if you try something new and it's disappointing yeah that's good because then at least you know it's disappointing it's like trying a new dish nothing and then saying okay it's nothing it's the thing I don't like but at least you've tried yeah yeah I totally agree like for example when there is a there's a yes we are Doc Martin fans yes we've been several types of law Isaac yes and I remember when we did pictures in front of his house before we even saw the first series yeah and I forgot my own yeah yeah I wanted to say something you forgot what was it oh yeah I was like for example of foreign dish so many people I'm not excluding myself we sometimes say no not for me no no and especially me that English food sure because all Germans believe English food is horrible yeah we always like when we visit Germany we always have to do something UK because we don't think it's true everybody pities us yeah that's true and we you know I mean usually we go to pass quite often and hardly and we have a bad experience it's the food isn't any isn't bad no no we had some disappointment but in Germany 90% is excellent but sometimes I'm sure in Germany we say well that was horrible so I wouldn't say so yeah yeah oh really deset do you really think English food you really say that in the States - huh okay yes we would like to see Egypt usual yeah what my parents when they still live there we visited every year yeah so you was there several times as well but we haven't been in years no you should go meet some other friends yeah yeah it's not only Germans don't think that about Englishmen is that always it's really strange it's like the same with them English weather when we go to Germany and we say we live in the UK oh you pull Souls it's always raining and then you know I started asking well have you ever been to the UK no I haven't and then I say see you haven't got the flu because the weather here isn't any worse what's wrong my question here which one about your accent now you didn't take any lessons to get me accent here now yeah you're just good at it now are ya that was because I lived in Egypt and I went to the British Council and my parents had many friends from from the UK so and you've gotta tell us I don't know because some people I've met people living for 25 years in the UK and after three words I can hear their German there is an interesting Susan asks do you ever take separate vacations no no we haven't but you know that's really funny because I sometimes read about that on Instagram no but that's probably your faith you could I don't know take into consideration but that's probably you think I would say never know you guys know you know why I think so we can separate too much nah yeah then I would think that would be like last time I don't know and we always agree a good destination so there's no reason for us to go to separate destinations yeah yeah because I mean some some couples have really different interests some just want to spend all day long at the pool others want to go to your Museum we are no pool persons whatsoever so yeah yeah now we always be German of course we are both German when nobody's looking us yeah sure once the camera is off yeah it's German because it would be really weird to speak German - speaking mission I wouldn't feel natural no German is our mother language yeah and we've been together for more than 30 years so it would be really strange yeah people do that remember when you were in Cambridge I'm up here people German even German people said ok we stop talking German from now on because we're in the UK we only speak English someone Ruby do you speak German and cupcake yes yeah yeah to be honest I have to sometimes a napkin I maybe to speak determinate minute no work because because I work in for a European company and some of my colleagues are in Germany yes and we will keep our Drummond citizenship yeah please say something in German by Sonja that Sam was much too dear than one weak link Dustin how does that sound see you when he shared storage pleasure we got sister Sam complete Anders yeah yeah last meinster the harbour I'm a little looser me host me oh really hey Jessica when I lived in France for the year the family I live without me from speaking English well I mean I get it what when it was a if when you're spending some time to learn French maybe an inner yeah French family that makes sense I think yeah its main event I think they weren't me when I was trying to help you to learn the language yeah yeah absolutely I think so too and also learning a language they are speaking a second language that helps you being curious yes it helped us because because now which because we can speak English now we can travel in a lot of countries and understand a lot of things because oh let's see what are you you've learned French English in school I've had to learn French in this school and also helps you because you understand things better because you learn everything learn about other cultures and it helps you I just wanted to say I haven't been to the hairdresser anything about that no no no no it's still yeah I don't know it is some I trim in between as best as I can and I die at home so yeah really you think that doge is marvelous like a song so some people think that German sounds really hard but sometimes I've read on YouTube some some people know my kid so I don't know and yes I I do this YouTube content creating is what I do as a yeah John I've got yes now during during the Lachlan I was working for nobody was Rita yeah because I don't know office room and to keep in touch with all the people who was what wasn't what sometimes but you have now like your um yeah you said up your your office yeah and it sounds a good that's a thing we discussed today that name this thing which is not with coronavirus probably because it forced some changes on us and it also made you curious to do things in a different way first of all you had to and some of the you discover maybe things out looking really well I build them why am that changed earlier yes we just we sometimes speak about it because of the virus and things changing so many people working from home that like office mentality I don't know how how to call it will checking sure it will be more flexible so it can be a good thing for example for women with children and yeah we think well we have to try to see the positive side and we think for the office culture it can have a positive effect especially with flexibility there's a good question one thing the German should a duck family Griffin I don't know yeah I think whatever several times I think [Music] even at least there were culture it's not as competitive as environment sometimes I know thank you show me German sometimes in the work lab we should be more relaxed and I have one thing that I really would love pubs yeah very nice country class yeah we don't have that in Germany and we really love that so what's more about being curious share share more about your your for example do you have any like did lockdown change anything for you for the better maybe ah yeah Hyuk Hyuk is labelled nice his back is in the offices and like two or three days a week and a rest working from home yeah yeah the pups are very nice anything else about saying curious oh yeah no I think one thing I've been in them - yeah see it's senior daily honest yeah if you stay curious you also how am I able to connect to younger people because otherwise are just an old crusty and generally call us 15 and see oh yeah Valentina I have to where is it now try to live off the grid in yeah yes that's amazing sorry we have to read them the comments and questions okay yeah juggling job and homeschooling that's what we think so - that's what we think as well we sometimes and one of our neighbors has three little children and that really must be hard yes that must be like immediately entertained and to keep them focused on school yes yes absolutely Patricia after your last life I tried gentleman style record that's fine yeah I think I'm German style bread it's not the same it's different if you get a very nice bakery in Germany that's for sure yeah travel plans and ask yeah we we have travel plans because we there are still so many things we want to see hmm okay our next big travel will be to Germany because we need to see the family now because we really really know what was going on yeah miss that and working was to be at least that feeling it brought us closer together he would account in Germany because he's calling more was speaking more because we want to know what's going on are this is anything happening I think we was to meet was good I have a feeling how much concern out in my family as there was a half a year ago yes you are I am the same because I talk to my parents every day by the way though yeah that's a lie I haven't talked to them today okay yes and we always say good night oh you know what there's actually one thing about staying curious that I have to share and that's what about my parents my mother was always so afraid afraid to even touch an iPad and then we moved abroad and we sky almost every single day and she just learned and that she was like um over 70 and she just learned she and and now she's like completely I don't know she's not afraid she's on Instagram hooked home and it's amazing I really admire match say let's just take a person who didn't even touch a computer or anything and just I don't know she she's like she was curious and also and now she's discovering a whole new world curiosity can it come can come from a necessity yes well and yeah I know yeah it's not drinking red wine is it no less water looks like I'm drinking Bowie the red one half of this I don't think anybody wants to see me getting drunk who knows that's um Patti have you ever been to Antarctica Iceland or maybe Greenland Greenland are you attracted to visiting these bones yes yes yes very much you would very very much I think we've been farmers not we've been was to Stockholm that's my fast yeah I've been on a Navy ship of a German Navy ship to Norway that's the farthest month I've been yeah I think you see Suzy I think we realize how good we actually haven't and how others perhaps do not that is so true that's really really true we we totally agree because we say we have this house and we have a small courtyard we have the countryside here and we think that's a luxury that's a real luxury nicety of the luxury yes and yeah amazing do you have a favorite German liqueur no like beer come on set the timings hopefully which is a beer from the southwest but I'm curious and that's why I'm bringing all kinds of beer so I'm always trying where we stay to get some new beers to new flavors and it's always interesting because when you drink a local beer I think special Monica I hope it's okay that I read it in them in English if we could trouble now where what's your trouble well in there just about I think 10 days time I would have traveled to Scotland my sister now husband would have visited of course they can't come and so we postponed or well we don't know where yeah so no real plans now but we still have we rescheduled our lake district yeah and visit for the end of September another good question in German did you also have a cottage no we didn't but we did not have a German house well we had a house which was built in Sweden and it was a yes Swedish House would red with white windows and it was just like.he fine the really usual Swedish house and it was not German house because we were curious I don't know I think was because of periods because when we all about building our house and we dipped it to all different kinds of things that starts and this was the style we love most yes and even what people told us we were crazy yeah because because the house really stood sit out the ball we have a host because the usual German houses are white or gray or mix ours was wood and it was red 90 and Watson was really unusual but totally normal yes we did funny thing is everybody said it's nice but one of thee it was not only because we thought they were or still are beautiful houses they are such good quality amazing quality and yeah but lots of people said like it sometimes when people walk past it and we could hear why did they build such a house here they are crazy they have to paint it every single year we haven't painted it we live with it for 13 years the wood is such good quality it was no but not that the whole house and I mean like yeah so yeah we've got some pictures but I don't know where we have them yeah yes we could show them yeah yeah what do you hang on hang on hang on Jess what do you think about the fashion to paint everything gray you mean like interior-wise hated yeah I have to say I've never looked for fashion what's fashionable now we don't we just don't we just do what we love and you can see we love color and yeah we will never be fashionable probably in that respect oh yeah yes great praise I just pumped it with gray no I couldn't it would depress me to be honest yeah yeah no we like it colorful because that's life yeah I know Gradius cool yeah but I don't need to be cool anymore and yeah I see lots of them Instagram accounts that perform quite well interior accounts but I don't follow them grey black white I just cover this I can't but it's very definitely very fashionable in Germany as well and it looks there's so many people also from the outside and have it like have their house like this and it looks not really a 19 does it yeah can you play bridge no but I would like to learn yeah yeah yeah that's like a Satan we have to put on our curiosity list one thing I really have to want to learn is not to see how it works is rip wrist took oh yeah that's the card game horatio home floor always claimed and was really good at okay but I've never managed to get the set of rules so to see how it works no because I think they don't play it anymore okay but he always played it in one of his books he was living from mother as a plane for it as a profession so we wanted to class and play it for money and because it was really good at it he won really yes oh okay yeah it's a because you don't think a bridge teacher I will teach you need to put it online as you've ever had a motorbike no no no no no I never try because when I was young my father because he hadn't looked alike and he had several accidents did that allow us to have him voted like so he brought us a car and they drove I never my wife hmm no so I know I did whoo anything else about staying curious yep you know what I also thought which has I don't know it just got me thinking because of lockdown we have to spend a holiday or just five days something like that in Germany maybe go to the barrier to the mountains and extra again I would love to do that yeah yeah yeah Germany social habit would be able to be a no-go Germany anything like a German social habit I think I mean it's not gonna be as direct as the Germans sometimes much because yeah yeah because the British are very polite and they tried to say to address things in a polite way and we Germans up for I was really really really direct and also I think when you go for example you go to a shop grocery shopping and bump into someone yeah and here even if if it's not your fault the other person says I'm sorry yeah and then Germany you don't say anything no we just look good and it's not really friendly is it so yeah I I don't know I think that's a no-go here a little bit yuck Chelsea house young ever thought about publishing his photos well you sort of publish 50% of a photo is on your Instagram or Pinterest after they are sort of published yeah and they when I had a block they were published that's a funny thing because I never never thought of two photos and I always liked it and now I very lunch and then it's really really interesting because it makes you see the world in different ways because if you want to catch things with the camera you really have to keep your eyes it yeah together together yeah the view of the world changes yeah yeah but it also it's not always the best you sometimes you start to also have like just few things in squares and I don't know why I stopped doing that yeah it's not really healthy really you want to see more or you want to see us cooking not baking cooking mm-hmm look at us miss Lydia where where yeah look uh look uh says mine up here it's really beautiful in Germany yeah by the way 70 told Luca was awesome and then and the video from Devin from the cottage which um Susie do you always use gluten-free flour yeah yeah big yup doesn't have to be oak is including free I am so yeah we just use human freedom yeah because it's easier because I don't wanna have to break to grunts yeah well we don't really make brown dude yeah that's as much yeah even a lot as much because I couldn't get anymore yes the painting behind us is the cottage where is it yes when Scottish in Dublin yes someone saw it as an artist in New Zealand saw the video and well I got in touch with her and we bought the painting because it's somehow where the channel started to take off with you anything more about staying here oh yes yeah yeah yeah know what I think it's important to stay curious because because that brings some flavor into your life he thinks he brought flavor and ha ha ha because because of our of your curiosity to do things different because to bring because you were wearing happy wood good job you were no wait boring with your job and you did miss things so you started with your blog or social media and because of that we had to learn a lot of things which is still learning still yes always learning it's like I don't know it's probably the same in every job like I have to learn more editing skills and new program new plugins a new camera stuff like that always learning and I think it's really good sometimes I think I know but then again but then like I I start that's good about YouTube isn't it tutorials for everything yeah so that's really helpful and yeah I'm Brown in the end and it's always sometimes are people complain about the sound in the old have bitten very first videos and I just I always say like starting a YouTube channel it just is also stepping out of your comfort zone and just try it and then you can develop skills and it will never be perfect never but it's always nice to learn yeah and I think that's important because especially when you get older yeah you get with resilient to them true and it's even I can have feelings sometimes it's harder to learn new things because you used to do things in a certain way and it's really hard so if you do it yeah stay curious and try to do new things and things differently it helps you it's for health for your mental health that's true like sometimes I wish I wasn't so curious teaching yourself new things is fun but exhausting at times total you get what you mean yes totally get what you mean but still I think in the end it's really rewarding because I think if you don't do it and go to the same place like 30 years in a row or I don't know that I think it's not nice yeah it caring I think it's important for brain health to learn you know as you get older absolutely have to yes you have to and to be honest we've met some really inspiring people which had an old age yeah yeah 80 or 90 years old yeah which we're really inspiring because of the knowledge way they saw things about how curious they were but the stories they told I always I think I've been like that all my life I'll never pay attention to age never I've never when we went in unique and I started my first job and unique I was like 20 and I had young colleagues old colleagues and I often I don't know they're the age range from yeah very young to all all the people I and I got on so well with all the people as well and still I think some people some even very young people they are can be they can be so cold do you know what I mean like really old people and all people can be so young that's why I'm never pay attention to age never oh there's a helicopter bothers yes do you go to uni now Suzy nearly 50 it's what I did like I did my a-levels to through night school and then went to university I mean I was still in my late 20s but older than other people and yeah absolutely I just Kathy uh yeah I just love people of all ages because for me for years learn about personality not age knowing it's because people have all educates you you can aspire you now when I was said to you drink for you leatherby young well yeah what was that yeah we just said it to you think mother be young and I remember when I was at the army because I because I was an officer in the army for 13 years and which was really inspiring was to get young people because they always product if you are things and even only being 10 or 15 years it was sometimes amazing to see and you can learn from even from them yet things now you can see how the life is a habits change it's a speech changes because we knew simple words you know what I sometimes do when I have to learn something new for YouTube i watch extremely young youtubers like 18 19 years old because they are the best they know all the hacks Jeff and I will never be YouTube - probably because we we are not that young anymore but when it comes to learning new things I always go to the very very young people the complete opposite of me because I think they're just no best yeah yes Miriam you you remember me it is not a to achieve your dreams that's really kind I just yesterday I said to yet I will probably I don't know if I'm just a big dreamer but I can never I don't know I can't leave her alone no I initially I just dream all the time but not all the time but I have dreams and goals and I I don't want to give up no I remember when I was at school somebody told me and I think it was Martin Luther mm-hm during the famous German and he was asked what he would do if he knew the world was being destroyed tomorrow and he said I would plant a tree today yeah and this brings it yeah you first of all none of us knows when the world has a day and now so nobody knows what's happening tomorrow so you can always start doing things today because you don't know what's happening from we don't know what's going on you you didn't now but now is important in its and so do the best but there now yeah yeah yeah this last is the past you can't change your past you don't know what the future brings the only thing you can do is not who said that just again I know in this series I don't know but I know it's from Roman philosopher yeah but and we just saw it this week and the series fails try and seriously watch a place ok support oh yeah we are on the season season 3 now I think yeah what is your next goal to be honest I don't know if it's a goal but to see my family yes that's a big goal yes ok and here to do the landing yeah it's the landing yes then the second bedroom yes I've got it girls in the house and when we can travel again to do some traveling tissues to show you more about his lovely comfortable living here sorry Mary but you could learn from the past its latest yeah absolutely yes but some people just keep focusing on the past that's what you yes it's what you mean right yes that was know what I thinking today to put it in words it's like driving a car when you're driving a car you're looking forward but you also have a mirror where you look backwards and that's how life should be we always should look forward because that's why you're adding to that's where you're going to but from time to time you have to look into a mirror and see where you're coming from yeah yeah because this also helps you helps you change things for my future and Mariana would you love to write a book slash novel I think I couldn't no I'm not going I'm not good in writing no I'm not good enough for that I would love to but I don't think I won't ever patients maybe what well no but I still asked you if you could write a book what book would it be a history book I guess no it would be it would be a no Whoopi and all but it would be that they said in the past yeah don't be a prize don't know adventure and me history would be like AHA Horatio Hornblower books are you could write a murder mystery murder mystery yes I think the past yes yes I get that in a lot down time I had some anxiety about future no yes I have the same I have the same but then just try to focus and think about what we have here and maybe others don't have countryside or enough space to go around and then I just feel them grateful yeah yeah thinking pure always fun little gray cells yes that's a very very common word in Germany planning I would say yes we really wanted trouble again yes as well but even we we said we will even if past open soon we will probably still stay away from them and just travel in the countryside and you're not big big cities so yeah it would really young excited to get on the road again yeah yeah if I have to wait and to do what it's safe yeah because I think when it's in our love tangle the East a lot of people will be aware that other people will be out again and that's a dangerous time yes for all of us yes yes so we want to take it slowly and to be honest you can wait a week or two or three or four it doesn't matter we can do other things yes we can do other things I know we I don't know how about you but we I don't know we never get bored yeah we never get bored no Karen yuck I'll be the first to buy your historical murder mystery yeah start writing stay curious stay curious maybe you could my favorite onto a book yes I think the one where he's the captain and he has this encounter with a Natividad so he goes into him and the Pacific that's a one that's has been captured and he's been in trying to do love his country that's gonna and I love the early ones with Tina and an ensign in a lieutenant because they're really really good they just this Krakus me how home lower develops as a person and that's also tingling we're now ready does it as a grownup or coming up yeah because I read when I was 13 14 15 this was inspiring because he was a person who was also curious he learned French he learned Spanish he was good at maths and he learned how to handle and he was always curious about new things and that's inspiring and it's been and it inspired me I kept on reading thank you yes yet the series as well is really beautiful as well absolutely yeah no we don't have a piece in our house no it's a question no no not really yeah it's me you're snoring not because you that's the good thing you don't really snore not now or not yet anyway no you are also kind thank you so much for watching did you already know English before you moved from Germany yes yes because otherwise I could I don't know if we would have moved no now we've been on I hear you've stayed for University yeah yeah yeah so we knew a little bit more about the company what about a Cooking Channel I think we would cause a lot of hate because we're not good enough no we could oh we could start a cooking channel how not to cook yes oh yeah our refrigerator is just behind look yeah this is I yes see you i Daraa yolk you are very chatty today either uh-huh can be really deceiving he is a very chatty guy he is if it's the right topic is he is a very chatty guy see wheel along I think we should yeah come to an end yeah it's like more than an hour yes we have trouble in France so because that's a question and one of our plans for next year is to have a holiday in the nandi yes because that's a place where I always wanted to go because because and when I was working in Joni I had a colleague which was a French guy and he told me amazing stories about doing kite surfing in Menomonee yes yeah yeah absolutely you want to go there and it's also a place a lot of history I think we should call it a day yeah yeah yes well thank you so much guys it was really nice and that he took the time to join me yes it's always I before before the livestream started I said I can't believe that any anyone is interested in joining the livestream to be honest yes that's mr. Keshe honest Europe on a Sunday evening that's why we are really really grateful yeah thank you so much guys really and yeah we'll do this again you can let us know if we should what kind of live streams could we do yeah give us some information you know what I thought we could do like cooking life even if it fails yeah that would be nice would you like would you like yeah like a cookie baking on a stream I don't know and yeah take care I'm sorry okay guys I think I need to drink more and again thank you so much Karen and Kelly for helping us out you know this was a huge help yes you know made a big difference yes thank you so much and yeah we filmed another video I don't know I can never sometimes when I film I can never tell if it will be a longer or shorter but I think the video will be shortened I don't know I will edit it tomorrow and yeah we'll see you soon yeah thank you so much for joining us I repeat saying it that these are special times for all of us in every in each of our countries so stay safe be positive the times it would be it's a different type of thing which is a challenging class but stay positive and especially stay safe yes stay safe I'll take care and yeah again thank you so much it means the world you know no idea honestly yeah say bye guys thank you so much
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg
Views: 32,518
Rating: 4.9369087 out of 5
Keywords: kirsten, lydia elise millen, unser leben in england, so anders ist england, uk travel, als deutsche in england leben, lockdown in uk, what did we learn from lockdown, cultural difference germany & england, explore the uk, travelling england, places to visit one gnaldn, in england wohnen, english countryside, why we love the uk, expats living in the uk, traditional english country style
Id: I3uUhO11ohI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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