Let's Play: Nemesis

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this let's play was supported by these awesome hobby companies [Applause] [Music] everyone it's as with beasts of war and today we've got a let's play of the brand new nemesis and joining me on this broken-down ship going through space we have Colin hello and who I may call cuckoo if you're into video you may jump between the two now we have lunch though this is difficult well I have to call you lovely things because you're here with me now I'm joined by both my editors which means that this video could look completely different to how I record it how you guys are home see it no we're playing then you give a nemesis from awakened realms and it is worth noting that we are playing with a prototype so this is a Kickstarter game this is an early version of both the game and the rules and the minis so if you're interested in the project go and check ours and Kickstarter but please keep in mind this might not be the exact representation of the game that you do get yourselves if you back it and we are aboard nemesis let's have a look at the ship so that's a pretty cool prototype it is very cool prototype and a very awesome ship and the ship littered with rooms that we have to explore because basically what has happened is we've all awoken from deep sleep we've all woken from the hibernate aureum mm-hmm pronunciation Effie and and we find that our captain his pod has burst open it's covered in blood and out of his chest something has erupted and we're all waking up in the middle of the ship in this bay here essentially without the ability to remember what uneasier we're not we can't remember what's around the ship where all the rooms are we know where the cockpit is at the front and the engines are at the back but everything else is kind of a blur the other thing we know when we can tell from the fact our captain's been eviscerated and his body is strewn across that the whole hyper dorium is there something on board with us that we're gonna have to deal with now we're gonna play through and just let you guys learn along as we go at home but this is really a kind of horror at secret objective games so not only are we running about the ship but we also have these primary goal cards which we were given to at the start and then each of us choose one of these to keep it secret and the goals could be things like get the ship back earth it could be try and retrieve some of the alien it could be even betray our goals like trying to actually take one of your friendly crewmen out like you've been turned who would do that well well I know Danny and the likes yeah you've got to be careful so we all have our own personal goals but generally we all want to ensure that the ship makes it back to earth and on the board we do have this round tracker down here we're 15 rounds I'm going to pop this on run 15 until the ship is going to make its jump if we're not ensured that all the engines or at least two of the three engines are working and we're not back in the hybrid or eum's or into one of the escape pods by the by 15 we're basically gonna get lost in space we're gonna get a better rate a better ship jumping so we have to ensure the engines are working trans I've the identity in Ventus investigation and also make sure the coordinates are going either to earth or depending on our secret objectives wherever we want them to go at the time that we make the jump sounds easy enough easy enough to do this week's have a deck of cards and we start by drawing six of these and I should also mention that I am playing the pilot and who has a deck that's a little bit better at navigating and changing the coordinates and dealing with the cockpit Luntz who you play I'm playing the skirt she doesn't have a name so let's color Sarah okay I like alliteration makes it easier to remember and the skirts more about kind of moving stealthily the scouts better a veering ullians and kind of staying out of trouble and Colin I am playing the scientist and he is going to be examining the dead bodies and find out what's causing this outbreak nice so it will help us if we can find bits of the alien and look at the crew members and trying to find evidence to kind of work at what kind of things were up against and we can actually find weaknesses and different hints and tips to kind of how to deal with the aliens if we spend time researching them but you don't always have that time okay as the highest-ranking person alive currently as it stands that means I am going to be going first so let me have an Uzi what I have available here now your cards in your hand can be used to perform basic actions so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna discard one of those cards to move and I on the board my character is that one just over there I think I was it no this isn't better yeah so I'm going to move my character across to the first room which means I'm going to reveal it and find out what that is so I move across to here I'm gonna find out what the room is the room is well it's actually at the shower room so this is a room that you could use to remove slime from you if you get covered in alien good no that's not all I have to do so I can put the show room back on the board I also have to see what condition the room is in and in this case aren't you short to you guys I was quite a small little talking but this is like an exploration token it shows me there's three items in the room that I can potentially search and look at but it's also currently malfunctioning that's broken down so I'm going to put talking in there just to make sure we're clear that that room needs to be repaired before we can actually use it and the next thing I need to do because I ran about the ship is to make a noise roll and this dice is going to start making where I like to steam it you might do it differently at home by the way I like to do is say that as we're walking about with generating noise and that echoes around the corridors of the ship and if you ever make to noise during one of the corridor too much noise you're going to alert aliens and their goal is gonna basically come running out of nowhere to get you it's a metal ship yeah it's gonna make noise exactly and we've just recorded or probably staggering about a little bit you know we're not full accomplishment us so I'm gonna pop that in there and I get to know if I look at the ship itself then what I do is I take one of the noise cubes I look at the room that I am my in and there's actually a corridor leading off this room with the two in it so I'm gonna put a little cube there to represent that noise I've just made and that's going down according to the dice roll if another cube goes down there to represent more noise we're gonna have the intruders paw fight and we're gonna get to meet one of the vast array of potential intruders that you're gonna see over the course of the game and let's see what I want to do is I'm probably going to search the room actually it's worth noting as well as you can take as many turns you won promoting of the cards yeah the downside being is although you have six cards you can take as many actions as you like whatever courage you leave in your hand represent your determination your kind of your your vigor because if an alien point is on to you you're going to get panicked by that sudden shock if it happening and the number of courage you have in your hand I'm going to represent how well you resist becoming panicked and getting overwhelmed if you go too low and something dumb talk to you you could end up in a panic and some negative effects like falling down a hole or something like that that was very Dungeons and Dragons rather than sci-fi actually you'd fall down a ventilation shaft there we go so I'm going to discard another card and I'm gonna use that to actually yeah I'm gonna use it to move again I'm gonna head towards the cockpit I want to see what is happening where we're currently destined to go so I'm gonna move from here along this corridor into this one and okay I have find hatch control so this is actually used to unlock I chosen a skip pod but that's important because in a three-player game there are three escape pods each with two seats in them but you have to unlock them and then also find where the boarding point is before you can actually get into an escape pod and where this room is also malfunctioned not for goodness sake and but it does have an item there are three items actually I don't currently have a search card in my hand so I can't actually actually deal with it right now I do think though hatch controls gonna be something that I want from my personal objective I'd quite like to ensure that I get off the ship so I'm gonna spend I'll show this to you guys at home the repair car now the repair card you can see here it says repair at the top it tells you what it does which is going to repair a room it can't be used in combat and it does come with an additional cost of one card as well so I'm gonna describe the repair card but also another card along with it which means I can discard a damage marker from the room you're in so I'm going to repair their their patch control basically mmm-hmm you guys are welcome you know the skill pods are probably gonna be useful at some point that sounds suspicious though that you're already planning to escape the ship and not just pilot us home well I'm gonna lock it shi xuxia the seeker of jacobs of course make this a little bit interesting I'll set the coordinates for Earth and then just to make sure I'll just hop in a port to earth myself separate into the ship just you know okay that's waste laughs you know now because it uses less fuel but do it after you no more fuel I do also need to make a signed rule for coming into here so I get myself a three and which is gonna mean let me take another noise ventilation show ya and I assure you guys at home just dying here and there's ventilation shafts which don'tdon't corridors that you can walk down at least at this stage of the prototype of the game and but aliens can't pop out of them you know you can essentially imagine that the intruders are kind of running about the ship all over the place looking for for a center or a noise if you look at the Kickstarter page there may well be a stretch goal in the future which might have a character who would be able to kind of use those tubes use those vents but at this stage of the game we're still just playing with without them so we'll not be going into the vents at least I'm not risking it and at that point at that point I really find to not very exciting rooms Oh a shower and a hatch control what if I rather find something that I could have used to get some equipment and but have new search cards I've got two left so I'm gonna hold on to these two and I'm gonna pass my turn on to you lens so me okay skirt is going to run scythe towards the engine room I think I'm going to discard my suppressive fire over here and can you pass me a dice so yeah this is actually so this is the engine room themselves so this room will actually let you reveal all the status of the engines because the engines can either be working or currently malfunctioning and there's three engines we need at least two of them to be operating to successfully make a jump and no Lance would get to see that and we wouldn't which means he could keep that information to himself depending what his objective is so some noise so for noise that's a 1/1 okay okay and that's currently malfunctioning in that room but there are two items in it and it's worth noting at this point there are multiple different colors of rooms you'll see that's a yellow room and that means any items you take in that room or company yellow deck which are generally things like chemicals equipment tools they're kind of like engineering tools and they're also green cars which generally it to food medicine bandages that kind of stuff and there's also a red deck of cards which generally was an arsenal weapons potentially even grinny years prototype stuff things like that now because it has the cogs on the token I'm gonna use basic repairs okay discard a damaged marker from the room you're in you're in the engine room Check Engine State and brick slash repair it okay so I'm gonna repair uniquely cheap ask me two extra cards on top basic repair is not quite as good as repairs unfortunately mmm-hmm okay so yeah you're gonna get to do a repair and check the engines as well yes okay awesome so take away oh yeah Disco's and we're gonna not look on if you want to pass the three make sure to keep them in order they should have numbers one two and three on the other do you want to share this with people whom you want to keep this to yourself I will happily share it okay well I'm gonna look away and I'm gonna let I'm gonna lunch sure going wheeling okay okay you've done them all yes okay that's it okay so ideally we need two of them to be functioning and now you've lunch was a team player here tell us which ones we had to fix if we needed to fix any of them you want to get back to earth don't you buddy you know let us know if we need to repair something right well you just did a magician's check on me thank you that one is I just that you give it them there yeah I think the number should all match up one two three so I think hope this should be all back please these two are damaged so one and two up that side of the board yes dine this one you're saying is fine yes it's fine and there's no way you'd be leading us the wrong way and that's in the one-niners burger now you're confusing me I'm a start not an engineer dammit no no they at least here are broken that one is fine okay I trust you I think we should you know you get I'll never get us to earth now I'm miss kit pods yeah just where we are just think is okay okay any further actions no I think I'm gonna leave it there okay all right cool okay well as the scientist I'm gonna do some science okay with my analytical equipment it's a one-off use item I have here if I pick up this Cuban corpse we have in the auditorium her dead captain you've just been just so happen so you're gonna have to use an action to pick up the item yes so discard one of my cards so you can pick up heavy object objects like bodies or even like alien eggs and driven eggs for example and but the are gonna reduce how many cards you draw it in the attorney you draw one glass for that and but then yeah I will discard another card to use that light oh yeah and reveal a alien we can cool so we'll take the captain away we'll assume you've scanned what you can get from him and then on the the alien board we basically have crewman body and egg and intruder corpse so I'm gonna show you guys at home by scanning the captain's body we've been able to learn something though this one actually says all the weapon attacks apart from fleeing for a Molotov cocktail give one additional hit that's actually really awesome so they're basically vulnerable to energy and most of our weapons across the board except when they're we concoct a Molotov cocktail for example our energy so that's really that's busy double damage or well at least an additional damage okay wait I'll discard another card to move start exploring the rest of the ship trying to remember what this place looks like okay yeah we've got the emergency room okay so the emergency room enables basic and sort of medical procedures and what kind of steered is that room in the emergency room has recently been attacked by aliens okay so those three items in there but there's signs claw marks on the door and wrecked machines where they've kind of been running about there recently this means that you have to make two noise rules because they're basically nearby so if first ones are three okay and again and that's an escalation mark no there's only one of those on the Dyson if that happens any nearby intruders that are not already engaged with another member of the crew come running from adjacent rooms into yours and basically points on to you but because there's none currently in the border Ong at the moment we're fine with that okay that wasn't too bad yeah that's alright there's three items in there have a search okay so I will draw one all these green items take it down to two so green item here sir what are you again I got synthetical food draw two cards from your action deck awesome okay I may as well do that no use a card and draw two more yeah so you're using one and using the item I assume you gets expanded straightaway yep you get two more it's like with the bottom of the pile and no way I don't think well we've got big stacks of items I don't think we're gonna worry too much if we're alive long enough to get 300 the stacks of items I'll be really happy that King ruined good to you three cards left I'm feeling brave enough I'm gonna use one to move alright okay to another room alright where you haven't maybe head up here okay so what have you got in there here we have the generator nah this is a potentially dangerous room the generator allows you to enable and disable the auto destruction on the ship now as Lance mentioned there are 15 rounds until the ship attempts to make its jump back to earth however if you enable the auto destruct that's only going to take five rounds or five hours for example to happen so that could shorten the game drastically if someone decided to attack if it that the other thing that can be done is the pilot or anybody can get to the cockpit and enable a sooner or jump to try and get us to earth a bit a bit quicker and so in the generator room one item and nothing - no alien no broken no doors just okay okay I the change your plan a little bit no you guys you can block I'm gonna use my my other search I'm going to get that one item in there yeah just remove that now there's no items left in that room and you get a yellow car yellow item and that's a fire extinguisher so I can put out fires or I can use it on an intruder to make them immediately withdraw that is really cool actually boss in this game just like shake it away just an improvised weapon are these little any have you got a shotgun in hand and you're like not worth the ammo I left my fire extinguisher just the hose in time and your that's me okay so once everyone's taken a turn we basically moved from the player fears into the intruder fears and the first thing that happens and that place is intruders attack not on the board we've been very lucky so far we've got some noise spread but there aren't actually any intruders showing anyway yes we can skip that the next fears is in fires as it stands we have no fires on the ship thank goodness we did a fire extinguisher ready just in case which is a nice but then we do have an event so something is gonna happen to kind of speed things along so I find joy an event card this one is called hunt now I on the event card it does tell you hi any intruders currently on the board will move and there's symbols to match each type of the four intruder so I'll skip over that for now and then we've got a it says each adult form of intruder which is not in a fight moves to any ring room so if any of them were free to start hunting don't worry if there are a couple of rooms like that we would move to if they had a choice they'd move to the room the door number so generally actually that is great that that's come and gone now because it's not going to impact us at all awesome cool okay end of the round now what we do is we're going to move the time marker and then we have to draw up to six cards as long as you're not card you know currently boarding a heavy item and you've got no intruders or enemies in your Spears so i okay we're heading to the next round with 14 rounds remaining okay so start of the round back to six cards and I have myself in a far better position in a white room which means I can actually draw cards from an e deck when I'm searching here there's three items in there and I have now drawn up a couple of search cards so I'm actually gonna search once and I'm gonna draw from the rare deck and I ground myself and weapon hopefully I do I get the prototype pistol has ammunition three and I can re-roll every combat role however if I roll a Miss I have to discard this card that's nice that's guaranteed hits well not guaranteed hits but hopefully guaranteed hits but it could break because there's a prototype that they feel so that were down to two items left in that room and I'm thinking maybe I'm thinking maybe of grabbing another item just well I've got a bit of quiet here yeah boy you guys are you more keen to explore the ship some more and get some more rooms reveals so we can find some more stuff or would you rather I kind of get to the cockpit find out where we're going personally I would rather we get to the cockpit and save ourselves okay your skins I'm real happy going back to earth right no one's got any other for sure yeah I want to go there as the pilot we're trusting you to navigate us right now earth yeah yes sir no Martian detours please okay um all right so I'm going to search again and then I'm gonna head to the cockpit just to get in the position to do so search again and this time I'll grab and a yellow card for some tools or equipment I do actually grab some tools which can be used to repair a room at cou the open bulkhead doors or I can actually brick or repair engines if I'm done in the engine rooms and cool then let's go ahead and discard a card to move ahead into the cockpit please buddy thank you very much Gordon for Julie yeah so in the cockpit and what I think I'll do in there oh I need to roll my nose yeah so I get a three which if you pop that down for me please Lance up the top there good that could have gone badly actually and for the cockpit to reactivate the room then I need to spend two actions but thankfully I have a card called hi living now this is again showing you a little bit hi each of the decks differ that this is a card unique to the pilot and this is going to be enabling me to use the pilot and the cockpit for just this card and so I've had to add two cards in and so let's have a look at the current coordinates okay so we're currently logged in to a 178 which I'll tell you guys you know that would take us to new galaxies and if we want to go to earth which I'm going to change it to nine our understanding is in the prototype rules that when we activate this room we can do both but it might not be that way in the final game and I'm gonna switch that please to D yet nine six which would be the coordinates for Earth okay so should we hit the department the timer and two engines be working that will be our jump destination now I do have a card called the emergency jump key now this if I wanted to when I'm in the cockpit I could use to plug into the console activate that emergency jump and that would drop us down from 49 meaning to six remaining rounds remaining and a jump much quicker Heidi is field do you want to keep it flowing a bit more do you want to jump nine I feel like if Lance is telling the truth and two of these engines are broken we're not going to get there so we want time to repair them I think so you want me I'll not do it this round I maybe with one run more to give you guys a bit more time to check up on the engine yeah yes we're going to fix them because like I'm way on the other end of the ship right now like I'm way down here to get on the way from here all the way through the ship again and right now we've got very little noise in the ship but it could be much more because it's going to build the noise stays until an intruder appears I'm trusting you guys to handle the engines and quite surprised that the cockpit doesn't tell you with the engine status normally I have Scotty down there like you know on the old intercom just being like yes the correct um yeah okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do the emergency jump this one then I'll pause for Ryan so we're by ourselves one more round and it's trying to remember Michael yeah Michael's ECP's no problems orders to keep us all alive everybody make sure everyone gets home see if as my objective alright Lancer now pass to you sir okay first off I'm going to search yeah let's bring this into a disco pop mm-hmm yellow they search for yellow so let's have looked at the yellow so energy charge fully load one of your energy weapon or motion scanners or remove it together with the tills card and it tastes or card in front of you now one of the things you need in this game as we mentioned earlier with the Molotov as you can craft other things you can make it a teaser and it's one of the only ways you can actually endure ectly interact with other players you can actually tears them and take them down I'd imagine leaving them behind potentially as meat to secure an exit from an intruder and you wouldn't use it for that but would definitely be ammo and I think I'll search again since there's one more item in that room and it another yellow card okay which is chemicals you can fully load your flamethrower or remove it to kill her with the tills card and put a fully loaded and revealed flamethrower card in front of you okay so essentially building up in Thor or reloading your favorite lure chemicals yeah well it works let's see I want to make it over to the engine room so I will go to the Carter facing to please Coco and I will get rid of my demolition card and here where they have a lab know just as we saw a collar at the start of the game he was able to investigate the captain's body that was a one-time yes because he's a scientist but if we want to investigate any eggs or any intruder corpses we will use the lab to do this what's th Stella my lab is broken but there are three items in it so we can't use it yet but we could have repaired it oh yes rule for some noise thank you that's two - that was a close one it was aging on exclamation mark yes let's continue through to the engine room and I will place a reload you're having to go fix this engine yeah yes if we jump with it so you're now just walking into that room yeah it's all you do yeah and roll another noise okay noise that's a three the three don't need ventilation yes okay okay so the noise is starting to build up a little bit nine and this is just what's going to happen as we keep exploring around the ship I can't I have no cars to repair unless this repair and an optional yeah you know repair is something you have to have the car to do that special action either with a pair of card or a basic repair card and the other thing is and you know the engine room that you check them or you can check them while you're there for two cars but you ready know what they are so yeah okay well I'm just gonna take a rest until all night where we're really the coordinated crew right right yeah excellent gotta radios like don't worry boss I'm on it okay what happened the captain I'll be I'll feel more comfortable once Colin walks I did one that activates auto destruct I'm leaving the generator room adding to this engine yeah discarding the card I'll go buy eggs that's a one the one that's just where I came from yeah I can see an issue with noise here mm-hmm in your backing yourselves in that corner yeah because if you want to escape you're gonna have to make noise anyway and if you've already got a cube in the corner your table once you start doubling back over yourself that's where you're gonna have a lot of problem I think what we should have done this should have moved as a group in just one circle I don't know I don't think it'd be lighter all of us together yeah engine noise II anyway like this is a 1 or a 2 this is the 3 or 4 always gonna build up in engineers but luckily I have a repair card okay and I can discard a damage marker for the rim I'm in or if you're an engine room you may check engine' state and brake slash repair it and that costs another car yet the card for that so do you want to shew glancing I'll look away and you can chew what you decide to put back into place sure yeah so okay well so this is what was there and this is what I'm putting done because I am a good guy and I want to get back to her my this engine is working that's me guys I believe okay I think we're all I think we all have good missions yeah the objectives you get their primary objectives you do get to see do you normally have a choice they're not always bad and and even are always good there's even in-between ones where you don't even care about the other players and you just want to get a skip on and get off yourself with either some information or even some of the larva to take back to your HQ your corporation to get some income for yourself and so it's hard to know what people are holding on people considering we're only in round two three days yeah but we seem to be making good progress it's gonna go downhill very very quickly batteries in the video feel I think I'll move out of here now okay and I'll may be moving to the lab head towards once in this other room mm-hmm maybe help him light if he doesn't draw the repair coordinator you're moving up there that's a three we're still okay for noise so we're still yeah we've moved as I move yeah I'm leaving noise light we've been ruling really well we now have six different rules that haven't doubled up on top of each other at all and over that same three over here that'll be me I'll just rest there yeah you can just sneak right this way yeah yeah because you up the top of the board is currently noise free so you can just leave fallen to look after his lab and just work away it is important you do even if we get to the stage we want to jump you do need to make it back to the hyper natori to lock yourself in the pod again before jumping you're not gonna withstand those g-forces nope okay hold on yep so intruder fee is again it's gonna be quite straightforward one there's no attacking there's no fires currently but we are going to have an event and the event is development juvenile form we're gonna ignore the movement I'm just gonna shoot you again this card is a little bit more text on it so I'm just gonna read it item that you know what it does so this says draw three tokens from entry cruel and then change all the drone young specimen tokens to breeder tokens so if you want to show calm we have a bag there the black bag which is representing kind of how many intruders we think are around on the board and at the start of the game you randomly put a bunch of different types of aliens so you've got larvae you get young you've got adult and you've even got a queen in there so if you want to draw three of them or yeah you could don't I don't want to be if we hit any young specimens they're gonna basically evolve they're gonna they're gonna call from Joe vines so we got a young specimen a larvae and an old or adult and Twitter that's the specie what we got at the end there and so that young one we're not going to take away and we don't need to put a breeder inside the pool instead okay now that's bad for a couple of reasons first of all breeders hit harder they're nasty big big beasties they're also harder to kill by far than just the adult or the or the young specimens so we altered this in the pool for nine no I says where it gets bad all players present in a room with no intruder have to perform noise rules in order so yep I'll start then so good luck everyone yeah I'm gonna get myself three where does that go on the board for me we have one already so what happens is a second one goes down there just to show as soon as tear in the one space you didn't just take them away and any other noise that would have been in corridors nearby would get removed as well and I need to draw an intruder from the bag now that's about to leap right at me oh don't be the breeder or don't be the queen actually would be maybe a better thing to say okay I get aa larva okay that's how she not too bad so the larva is gonna jump into my room okay that's out of the pool night now larvae are a little bit odd they don't attack and clawed you the way you'd expect the other intruders the larger ones to do they just look for an opportunity to attack you as you run away or is if you feel to kill them to basically inseminate themselves into you so right now I need to focus on killing him otherwise I'm going to be in dire straits and Lance oh yes yeah for or that's okay generally the other than the ventilator yeah that's okay for a night go all in not a three or two it's a one-time perfect yes well you guys are really starting to build up the noise in all those areas around there though not Legris though okay badly we're we're not even using the redos were just shutting each other off camera when we had a little practice of this basically every single time I put my hand on that bag it's a queen every single time so getting a larva for me was a real treat we've already passed intruder attack fears that was the event so they're not going to try and attack us now we then move on to 13 rounds remaining and we draw our hand up as we look to start into the next round okay so 13 rounds remaining actually remember that you draw up to your hand size up to up to your six I only get to draw two high every because I have an intruder in my spear snipe and so it's too much for me to kind of get all my awareness I have to keep an eye on what's coming at me and really straight forward to me though because I picked up this prototype pistol with three ammo put that on there I should hopefully be able to deal with this Lara pretty well there dice that you use for attacking is it's just a d6 and it comes with six different size but what you'll see is it has pictures of a few the different types of aliens so you've got the small the small baby ones you've got the larger adult ones and then you've got just generic hits as well and so the larvae generally is like a one in six chance to miss at five and six you should get it the bigger the aliens get though the harder it is to rule because the faster they're moving they're running across the ceiling whatever way you want to do it the tougher to hit so I'm hoping if I discard myself mmm I'm gonna discard a repair because right now I'm the hatch control is repaired Shara's broken I don't not worry about we're paying out the house right nice I'm gonna discard a repair I don't want to show her after long asleep there are other priorities and and I'm gonna spend one of my animal for my pistol to take a shot at this larva and hopefully take it down Oh get it in yes there we go so because I get the young larvae symbol I will just let I rate him against the wall and it is worth noting that whenever you kill one of the intruders you can then take their body back to the lab to analyze them and learn something the way we've been playing it though is like with the larva cuz they're just little small things and you're shooting them they kind of just if we kill one of the stepping on them yeah it's not gonna be anything left to investigate so we've been playing it like that if you kill a bigger one then you can haul it back matter means up a tray and so at this point we have two working engines and one of the two of your hopefully gonna give us a third working engine mm-hmm okay so shall i aníbal the emergency jump no I think you should I only need two engines working anyway but I think I might repair this old one well I was sooo don't you we're trusting your memory so I'm gonna come and help you I don't know you can you repair it and I do you have the ability to sorry are you finished well I was kinda this is what was trying to work out you see how hard trusting I was I I'm going to use my emergency jump key okay so this will trigger and it says remove after use you can use it in a working cockpit and you basically move the start turn marker to 6 so we're jumping from 13 runs remaining all the way down to 6 rounds your meeting tell me that to there so now we kind of accelerated everything the ships brought a big warning knows it now getting ready to jump this baby and I'm gonna move back I'm gonna I want to come towards the habitat or because that's where I need to be and I want to potentially try and get some more weapons for the inevitable intruder you guys are gonna you guys I'm gonna use my computer skills and I'm gonna walk back to this room please not so you okay so here I have find the communications room so this is basically where you can send messages right but importantly every player has the ability in this room to send a signal light if you want to contact you ever here corporation or your ally is if your objective is really it to this this is the room you'd want to send a message like to and what steel is it in months it's broken with two items okay that's alright I can take broken with two items so puppet damage marker in there to show that program and and I need to wrong noise so I'd like to see where that goes I get a for where is for it's just no open that one there so oh right yes and pop that down thank you okay so just in that top quarter beside the room okay alright I think I'm gonna quit it there and pass it back to you engineers I'm gonna use basic repairs requires me to use two extra cards so I have suppressive fire which I don't yeah I'll really need an interruption which cancels another player's actions if I wanted to I could but I won't no you're a team player team player and so do you want to unlock or no I don't look away and you can show which one you're this was the one that was there that's the other one yeah okay so it is this currently I'm going to change it to be this okay here you go call I don't like the way that's the one board that's going to be yes okay thank you what have you done what have you done to us that's perfectly fine nothing nothing out of the ordinary I feel like if we're all being honest we're all they bad at being honest anything further I feel like I should maybe just hold on and wait for Colin to come yeah right now you there's still one two three four five six seven eight nine ten rooms unrevealed we're like we're being just down the middle yeah you're waiting for colon to come to you yeah just in case he needs help because that looks like a dangerous room there that to me is like a guy who's a way to build a teaser yeah I'm here he's halfway to encourage anyway I just have a look at the building deck yeah you can choose a player in the same room and the player shows all his cards and discards all his cards apart from contaminations difficult happening so I'll tell you what Colin I'm gonna be nice I'm going to use Renaissance and I'm going to wait you're going to have a radius so what this allows me to do is to perform another action but with like the ability to rule noise so you're moving with like need to make any noise but you're paying an extra discarded card to be that sneaky sticky Skyped and that's unique to the skirt card so I'll pay an adrenaline when we move into this other room to see what it keep exploring this is so thank you so you have just find Section A's evacuation hatch so previously we find the hatch control which is which is great but now we've actually find a way to get in to the pause and you're not on the full map down here there these are actual evacuation B pods and up the top lands just there that's it there's the to evacuation a pod so you find the entrance to them so if I wanted to I could go on unlock one of them for you and then you could slide in it's on fire oh damn okay that's their bad and so there's two items in there but it's currently on fire so you want to pop one of those fire coats over fire took them down there ouch okay you got a fire team to look on I do have a fire extinguisher why are you saying your eyes smile on your face well it's my fire extinguisher I don't want to go on fire hey gets a bite you need to other ways you're just doing every nothing Wally you wanted Wally kissing my heart okay so that means not an intruder fears busy people that are finished in their turns where the fire are going to take damage and have you got any more cards left to get out of there I could yeah I can use my rest and get out of there good idea so I will move to this tile okay so you're you're you know I got a zero card yeah but this time I have to roll for noise okay let me just show you what the story is so this one basically has well has a potential for lots of items but the big thing about storage is it has an unlimited debt because if you spend two cards you can draw a card from any choose an item deck so this is that gonna limited if you spend the time to go and search what you're after you can get it there unfortunately the door shut behind that's not that bad actually so the bulkhead doors snaps shut behind you which actually closes the fire in there the engines what no sure how I feel like Colin I've started a fire deal with it me the door and you just run into the warehouse like Oh see you later ha so I guess you guys are just getting through evacuation had to a then it's the one that has two pods if I like how to be me as it's just one pod but there's room for two here friendly there is room for two or one person and an egg and control for noise oh yes you do people in the comments I know you were keep us right so one sits up the top quarter there and man all that yellow done that back corner well we okay so that's why go over the fire as it stands each round what little deals we'll just burn that room but there isn't a chance that events could come along that will cause that fire to combust and start spreading it would be dead bad at that started spreading just might be your time to show when will it's bit and if an event comes up okay that triggers our spread well you know what are the tenses of that I don't know actually is the honest answer the event eggs not that big okay well I'm gonna move up towards it okay that way up here okay all the noise so we've got noise down corridor two and one and that is anti X which we haven't seen before and the X means exactly as Khan said you make no noise at all that was stealth at it's very best well to answer so firstly using my elite computer skills I am going to use the rooms ability yet it has a computer icon so I can use the computer to access the engine room and reveal all into the status so rather than having discard two cards you're just using one with your computer skills to check them all again yes I just want to confirm the really do we're okay we do you have two working engines it's not just let you do your thing so okay all three are working yeah baby either you're like the best poker player ever or we're all were all great we're in a pretty good place damn my objective to blow everything up is looking less than that likely I'm going to use the fire still going don't worry hahaha I couldn't use another computer card the Internet you may use this action in a working room with a computer you may perform a room action of any other working room with a computer on the ship I hope our room has a computer in the ship so the generator room what excuse me pardon the generator room which enables and disables other destruction I think I'm good enable the auto destruction 5 turns thank you so just to sure what : no there are three tracks you have your normal Rhine track you also didn't have your quick jump track which takes from six to one and then jumping but then you also below that have your auto-destruct track which starts at five not six so currently we're set to old under struggle let's say a minute or an hour before we would actually jump that's like : we're not friends anymore hey guys we've gotta skip buds I mean you're close to the hatch you can get that thing working be a good idea oh I don't what okay so busy you're telling us that we either have we have to get off the ship in five Rhines otherwise we're dead can we not just like disable that we can you could yeah yeah you've locked the bulkhead door between yourself and a fire though like well it looks like we have no other option I think the priority for everyone should be fixing the escape pods nevermind this room ignore this you don't need to go back into the generator and I might have other internet cards so this is just what's happening guys after fit guys what would you choose in this moment I did not see that coming I thought you're gonna try and do communications or something well I think we all know what kind of scientist I have known the kind that doesn't want any Lea's I admire artists and good schemes why you don't know how I feel about this they got plans that's maybe why you know wheel chair the captain just shot your knees your two rogue man you're doing like you're just too wild and I kind of want to go in to see a bullet and can you can we reach it in time yeah five rooms away which there's really only five cards but it's knowing back through noise it is real I'll tell you this if you do decide to try and come and disable it I have a demolition card which will damage the room and you'll have to spend even more time fixing the room before you can disable it so you know take that into a kind but I will do this for you I will head to section a and put that fire right because I really believe it's Michael escape pods is the only way I so this game points I believe I hope this is right they go back to earth automatically so so long as your object and want you to get back to earth I think you're fine I don't think I don't think the pause can be might not be all number said right but I think that is well you know you've got more turn to do this yeah this is just what's happening guys acceptor a little bit accept that so I'm going to move into the imagination height section a okay so you're going to make its to who well there's no way you didn't make noise and I said right I think it's maybe not a timed he apologized for how well we've been rolling how good we are at this game that we haven't spun any creatures yet to be to be moved away through three rinds and I've not double noise yet we've actually been very very lucky discard a card to use my fire extinguisher and put out the fire you're welcome thank you conflict I'm putting out the fire but I'm blowing up the ship I'm gonna see okay so there's whatever well what deck would you like put me a red I was like peaceful friends and I recommend Babbage's I don't know I deal with it it's just the gun of peace a concussion grenade throwing it into a neighboring room or use it in your room the chosen and trader receives to all other beings you included present in the room receive one like one light would okay it's worth noting that characters in general can tech at three serious wounds but if they take a fourth serious wouldn't they they're dead and to light wounds are fine but a third light when will make a serious win so every like Woodinville sort of build up to a serious one the Dinah said is if you get seriously wounded you could and lose some movement if you lose your leg if you if you get hit in the body you might have less actions to take the serious wounds will vary depending on the current condition you're in which is why those emergency rooms can be so good to heal yourself back up so that concussion grenade hurts intruders and also people mm-hmm and I don't even have to be in the room I could throw it from an adjacent room now you've got demolitions which could be used to blow up that bulkhead door or if you just spent that I have not spent it so you could you could demolish that door to show goodwill to let us back get rid of that bulkhead and that's back into the evacuation hatch getting back into vision hergé is not your priority fix the control room the control room is fixed actually it's fine yeah yeah all broken no that's not broken well maybe we need to find B because there's three of us exactly you need yeah or yeah you need to find room B or yet one of you have to wait for me to come to that pod because I'm not unlocking your pods and then watching you two disappear in a pod and leaving me behind in the ship it's not Atman no we'll wait for you I'll help you find B you had me find problem lady yeah each pod can hold two people so you know unless someone just takes it and leaves okay okay you're all done yeah I'm done so intruder fee is we still don't have any intruders and we don't have any fire well done yeah we do have an event though and the event we have is damaging the ship and place a damage marker in each discovered room with at least one intruder so they would be as you start attacking the machinery right now we're okay this is incredible actually all right we're gonna draw up our hand size and move the well we're gonna move the time marker but more importantly we're moving the junk and the demolition track so we're now down to four rounds until the ship loads up okay twelve rounds remaining technically but five rounds until we jump or four runs until we blow up unless someone to see apples it and I need to find the hatch control or the evacuation hatch for section B and because that's where I am so I am going to take Nala use my knowledge of the ship card this is it here and that's going to let me basically reveal a hidden room tile not the exploration tile another explosion talking but the tile I want to ensure that I don't have to come all the way up that corner because the room could be anywhere so yeah I want to live that one come where I want to search some hoping this will be a tour a live look you know that's just a short buddy this is actually the gun room and no technically I could have looked at it and just gone yeah guys it's up there simply goes to your death but I'm a team player I'm all about working together okay that's good that means I don't need to worry about going there so I'm gonna continue so you guys are probably to come around the top like run this way mm-hmm I'm your head option yeah you are literally trapped well you could demolish the door if you had a demolished card and or if your friendly neighborhood exclusive scientist and I think it's more important do you explore those two like between the two of you you can do the top powerful ya head around the bottom half of this okay so I'm going to expand I don't think I need piloting anymore so can I please move into this room I find monitoring rhythm that's right oh this is actually you can look at one unrevealed room so that actually if we wanted to keep doing it from here we could do so and what is the current status of that room Lance though if you flip that over what is it it's damaged with one item okay so it is damaged and I don't currently have a way to repair it and I do have to roll for some noise so let's see and I got four oh man we've already got one here oh man okay okay we're gonna get our first potential big intruder so that text you need to take that cube away because the second one goes in and then this one here as well with the severe cuz it's connected to the room I think really I'm the next person to go into this bag okay warning here we go and old and true dirt okay fine Oh finally something's come out to play and yeah let's bring one of these big bad boys in the play these guys yeah these guys look absolutely vicious they're they're really nice minis it's worth noting from awakened realms I believe in the Kickstarter that you're gonna have the option to choose either unpainted zenith or some dropped which is what these ones are and it's gonna give you a real nice kind of and kind of wash and look to it you know probably maybe not to see my if you the peon thing that you may pick them up yourself but it gives you a real nice 3d aspect straight away and the are super ibly and they're because I caused noise and he's BAC come running down the corridor after me the way I was walking I have to look at a panic card to see if my cat becomes panic now I currently have four cards in my hand so the panic card is blocking the way if the player has less than one card in their hand he puts a damage marker on this room and takes a panic token so thankfully because this happened early in my turn not later on I still have four cards so my resolve is strong but I still have this intruder in my space and I'm I'm sitting with two shots my shotgun two shots my pistol I'm really caught between wanting to shoot this and between wanting to run yeah take a look I want to shoot him but you've put a full round demolition background on which means I need to find the hatch opening I think just you just shoot him ya know I don't trust you guys I'm gonna get I'm gonna run if you wouldn't mind bringing me actually dying across into you back to the shara room yeah this is done using what's gonna ski up action so I do need to discard a card I'm gonna discard taking Ian because my reloading my re-rolling pistol should hopefully help with that two things happen though first of all he's gonna get to attack me and when they attack you you draw cards from the alien attack deck and so in this case I get a claw attack which says if the player has three serious wounds he dies okay if he doesn't he gets one light wind okay pop that I'm a player board and a card from the contamination deck now on this card you'll see actually there's little symbols at the bottom that tell you which one's actually which aliens perform this so for example young or a larva I wouldn't be able to do a Clare attack but an adult a breeder or a queen could do this and so a light one is actual kay they can't amination deck though not so nice because I'm gonna have to take one of these contamination cards and pop it into my discard pile and what will happen is that cards gonna then be in my deck and it's gonna clog up my hand or contamination cards also have that little red area at the bottom to an actual yeah so this all red area basically is wholly relatively invisible to us tonight however if you make your way or use a car to scan yourself you can use this scanner which we passed over your card I'm going to do mine no don't I don't realize but the pass is over your card and will tell you whether you're infected or not so that's gonna be there and then that's okay I like wound for running away from the downside is I start to make a noise rule as well because I've busy tried this skip from this intruder and I really do not want him to chase me you know an over saucepans there's three okay that's that's okay if I will Ness Commission market attea staffed me for now though it's just added another noise hook into this Pierce so yeah I'm gonna legging it the other way I'm tempted to keep on running keep on you you okay I'm gonna start another card to move again and I'm gonna kind of run on down this way and reveal of this room don't get me okay so here we have a security room and this room if it's working can be used to put down fire tonight that's a computer activated as well which is a nice room and the token in this room tells us that it is broken but it has four items to find there there was a mean both put down fire I put out to be a sink putting down a fire and what's really cool about the game I don't think we've really been very really mentioned that too much but all the rooms are randomly put out in the boards so they're going to change every time as are the exploration markers so what rooms are broken or working or on fire or have aliens nearby will change and every time you play um two cards left Oh noise sorry pickup with noise three so this little vent actually down here again I still doing quite well still doing quite well touch wood and two cars left I mean I shouldn't if I don't alert another alien I shouldn't need another card so I could probably expand it but I can't know I'm the joy I'm gonna spend a search card so again just a mime actually use it for his proper search action and I'm gonna use that to grab myself a yellow card from that room and it is some chemicals but I actually have tools um no doesn't actually work with my chemicals dang it that's hoping I couldn't make something oh no it does actually I can remove the chemicals and with a tools card to make do it oh boy I actually forgot as well because of our early research at the crewmen we have we know they're vulnerable to energy so actually fighting them it's gonna give us an additional hit when we hit so throwers maybe not the other words not so much here cuz they're fleeing BIST rather than energy based um okay I'm not gonna make a flamethrower now but potentially in the future get the notes there I'm gonna pass over to you sir I don't want to start any more fires okay I'm gonna move to room number six okay which is the surgery okay so the surgery room is really good and really bad at the same time because the surgery if you actually get contaminated as I have been you can actually end up potentially getting infected and having a larva inside gene the surgery's gonna let you basically cut yourself open and get rid of that the downside is that we have to discard your hand and you also get wounded lightly because you're obviously performing surgery on yourself unfortunately there's been a creature that's already been in here so those two rules noise from me so one as a one is one could I recommend your motion sensor to re-roll that yes I think I will because I what r2 is gonna mean intruder uh-huh so first of all again all that as an esky mission MRSA exclamation that's fine no no that's okay there's no intruders nearby so that's actually perfect but you got a second rule okay yeah good motion sensor that's true oh no does it limit it to pair turn or does it say use one charge after the noises rule to be rule it you can use energy charge to fully read or reload the motion scanner using scanner is not an action you don't have to discard an action card to use it so you could use your second and final charge for an eye on that role again if you like I think I will because it's so much this gun is currently out about 3 that's a 4 or than the bit it's an event Wow so the utility of the scart really coming good there to keep yourself safe I'm going to discard my search you search for an item it'll go down into two yeah and it has to be from the green oh yeah I get a medical kit remove after use heal one dressed a serious wound or he'll all of your light wounds or removed together with the chemicals card and put antidote and card in front of you oh nice okay nice Ranger options I think I'll search again was there a limit to what I can carry as far as I'm aware no that may change in the front of game in terms of how many weapons you can carry but whereas we're currently playing at the minute whatever you've got in your person is okay I'll search again yes you'll bring the item list it down to one yourself in the car and let's see what it gets it's bandages remove after year stress one serious wound or remove it together with chemicals card and put a multi of Molotov cocktail in front of me you do have chemical thought yeah I do really I can make a free throw and you can make a Molotov cocktail we're just were to set fire to this entire ship cuz I could just run in here and threw the Molotov cocktail into that room maybe how many cars do you have left to make that dashing run done therefore oh my goodness you guys thinking about it maybe do I need to does it take a remove to create this I to be honest with you again this is something we're not huntin sure but yes we do believe it would take a card in action to remove them you're basically using an item well it's let's discard reload because I'm a crafter I haven't shot anything yet I don't need to reload so you'd like to craft a Molotov cocktail yes why not there you go let's have some fun thank you let us show everyone at home just again in case you haven't seen that's what these little crafting Molotov cocktail cards will let you do and this guy's gonna let you choose a neighboring room and that room catches fire and all beings present there will suffer a hit or a serious wound so again there's no direct combat between us but if you accidentally through your core you know I don't know you're in there you know and let's move into room number seven look at your period and this is the command center okay so the command center and this is actually quite you think it's quite a simple room but it's actually quite dangerous because this gives you control of doors so you can basically open and close bulkhead doors around the entire ship to a close calling in for destroying the ship you need my help I can see eyes brain but my help I got a get well what state is the room in it's broken with two items okay and you're gonna have to make a noise role and currently no way to deal with this if it's bad that's a three to three so it's in here that's fine okay my word and I think that's going to be me calm you go are you sure you don't want to move away not be adjacent to the intruder you're just trying to make you over no anyways the next one closest to the well we know that comes there we've gone room so you can move in by ever having a tour him if you wanted is this is this thing gonna cheers me in the event so basically and because there's no one in the sea and SPS is it won't attack but then when I get stay bent fears at the top of the event there'll be a movement option and it's gonna move some way around the ship or the event could trigger that it might start hunting or chasing after so yeah it could do can I throw the Molotov cocktail yeah you're gonna have to spend a car to do it you're gonna use a neighboring room yeah if it's both here doors is open or destroyed the room catched fire it's all beings yeah present there let's use basic repairs and fire will talk to it yeah you don't use the other card because if we use the basic repairs to fix the security and we can put the fire right after the intruder dies that's yeah that's a very good point that's very smart thank you call because we don't want to keep the fire burning and maybe touching the hot control of my earlier that you're like don't burn this blow up the ship guys don't burn the ship are you insurance claiming well yeah I just want to make sure enough of the ship is not on fire then we can get out I think you don't have third-party fire and theft but you do have full comp or you do have like exploded have some kind of plan so the room the Molotov cocktail puts on fire right yep so you're gonna pop that in the room just to shoot us on fire and he's gonna suffer a wound and just for clarity so everyone at home can easily see we're using these sort of big red dice so we can track the wind and the guys and so trying to pop that on him now what happens usually whenever you attack any lien so when you physically make an attack against them you draw a card from their attack deck and the top left hand corner the number will tell you how many wounds they have because the intruder is kind of change their they're not always you can't really tell how much damage they can text you could shoot them once and they might be fine but if you hit them in a vital area you can take one eye straight away if you get lucky in it on a shot so it's currently got one damage but I think the way would be drum what's interesting to play is we have to deal with them whenever we fight them we can't we can't see right now if he's if he's dead um anything further rambu yeah Rama wouldn't exist in this universe to be fair actually that's completely wrong because you you stealth din re rule to avoid making noise motion sensors your way up and Wong a Molotov cocktail that you built craftily around the corner into any like that was pretty that's pretty badass no nothing further in this round okay do I need to pick up a card nope not for naught you're absolutely fine and yeah you burning it as head not yourself fantastic it's no cone mmm traitor hey look I heard there was a load of imperfections on this ship and I just want to purge it I don't want to bring an affected ship back to earth I'm doing this for the good of all human have just realized I'm contaminated which is actually potentially that bad okay move out of here okay the engine okay Oprah noise I wonder what her sponsors are that is a1 oh yeah but burning your ship okay there was a noise there already yeah here we go from Oh egg time another intruder come on we get a little larvae cream queen queen and it is a moment what skill what okay you are you go away there you go all right let's take this guy I only have a pistol which only does a maximum of one damage so but that should be enough it's all you need for an hour they're very very weak I feel like these are like the biggest things I should be fighting anyway okay that will there we go Oh mmm that was fun and that used an ammunition okay and you started the car to shoot it as well I think your tie off do that interruption okay I will keep going though move right up here into the hibernate Orion yeah you have to roll for some noise that's a - oh my knees creating noise down your corridor lines no no I'll keep going try and get to these two down here and see what they're about can I work out what you want to discard discard my demolition was that a grimace that you didn't want to get rid of the thing that blew is up well you know it's always nice to have a way to bust open a closed bulkhead door it's a four or that's the vents the ban just okay there see if one more one more let's do intranet new room what's this gonna be okay oh there we go there we go okay we have to find the section be evacuation hatch so this is the one that's going to link to the pause that I don't beside me mm-hm so yes darn there's a single little part down there and none of the pods are currently unlocked this is a double noise room for items but pretty dangerous does intruders been here recently that's - there's a - for the first one where I kill and that's a - oh my goodness another one okay well here no way you can escape another intruder here I don't know if I'm rooting for you or against you as you know coming against you all intruder hold interest okay well that's getting a bit more I don't feel like a pistol is gonna do the job here oh I do have a concussion grenade I don't to be in the room when I use it though mmm let's don't you run towards me let's bail out of here no it get words the pilot the senior officer he'll protect me yep God dang it okay so let's review this oh you're just oh no Collin has stumbled across a nest and so the nest not only does it not have any items in it nothing that we want to find because it's basically being taken over aliens it also has a bunch of eggs in it and I according to the rules of the stands you should put it into the room and and those eggs you can destroy and physically just kind of bash them take them out for an action and Wow there's also been aliens here recently surprises the price of too little to go rule to noise rules oh dear silence on the first one Wow and foreca one just make a noise behind me okay so quick overview soon I every rooms been explored except for the one way up there which we know is the gun room all the pores are currently still locked but I can use this room which is repaired to unlock them then we need to get to this room and section a hatch up there and there can't be an intruder in the room when we because you basically if you're going to hop into an escape pod you have to do it like bein seen otherwise they're just gonna follow you in and I'm cornering you so okay that's me no one but come on just like tumbling up the ship has everything most said is irrelevant below and stuff up these guys are gonna die one way another the intruders definitely not these guys my friends who could help me get out of this situation this is the worst wake up after nap I've ever had my love the top snap secrete okay intruder fears intruders attack some high none of us are in space with intruders right fire though so this room that is on fire here will burn this intruder at 401 damage you're gonna stretch that to it to there Lance he's gonna take one and we then have an event fears and the event is development larvae molting so just show this and we also have some movement so to begin all eggs and young breeders and queens will move so the adults actually aren't on the movement for this car so there's not that's they're staying where they are which is pretty good and the rest of the car then says draw three truck tokens from the intruder pool and change any drawn a larva tokens to adult tokens so three and let's see what they are you're gonna love the last bit of this card so what if we go one two three so we have a larva and old intruder and another old intruder so this larva here needs to become an old intruder yeah and those three need to go back into the bag so because we're taking so much crime then there's a picking them up to bring them in yeah we thought they'd actually just go in the bag there am they're basically evolving as we're taking too long on the ship they're just kind of growing and the last part of this card actually says all the players present in a room with no intruder after before noise rules thanks so I am down here right in this weak corner here and I'm looking for anything but a three would be really good that's a one which really isn't too bad that's gonna mean this quarter a dime between Collin and I here and I has a noise if you go Lance okay three three oh yeah okay yeah that one away that and you're gonna need to draw one from the bag yeah this is this is about right it's gotten quite noisy all of a sudden we have it's an old intruder another old intruder right so it appears and you're gonna have to have a panic check my friend because that has jumped out into your fear so your panic card and I'll sure this this is called discarding the item so we can see here and in the top left hand corner it shows the strength of this panic it says if the player has less than three cars in his hand do you build one he discards one hit all of his items it can be a heavy item and texts a panic token do you keep all your through new moltov already well discard the medical kit Wow okay medicals go on now the panic tokens very important because everyone can get into your stage of panic so this goes onto your player board to show that you're annoying panicked and what that means is if you get surprised again so if another intruder jumps out at you or you make the mistake of having one from too much noise or an event you're going to instantly have the negative effects you don't even have doesn't matter how many cards you have in your hand you're already panicked and okay you can rest to get rid of that though if you do draw a rest card we were unlucky that we didn't get the canteen contains one of the rooms you can run when we get which thinking that you're gonna have a little rest we all know an alien the canteens where everything kind of goes down in the first place and no yeah we look at that you know one or two years annoys and the three or four has a noise so you need to raw silent or nothing as a diversity so so yeah now go away you need to draw one from the pool you are in the nest I mean I've disturbed the nest not arousing the Queen oh goodness she's mad dal-su thematic yet get her in here let's look at Queen she's an absolute monster mole and this again very worth noting at this point this is still just a prototype I know the final version they really even meet her even more impressive they kind of they lost a little larva spilling out of her beer so she kind of monsters forward and she's what I love about this model is it looks like she's throwing larva to just like get inside him like go ahead go to infect them and see how far back at the cream oh yeah that is incredible that a queen is pop out in the nest and all of a sudden we've gone from no intruders for like three rounds to three old ones and a queen you need a panic okay irrational curiosity you've no cars I have no cards yeah if the player has less than two cards in his hand he takes a slime token and hammock cookin my okay I wish we'd repaired those showers now get rid of this life yeah slime is gonna be increase the chance that aliens are gonna be kind of hunting you down and chasing you well you're in the nest or you're in the space with an intruder as well you only draw two cards instead of drawing up to six and so we're gonna finish up this right and come right back okay we're back with the new rind we have 11 rounds left technically four rounds the jump but three rounds to self-destruct again because we could still turn off the self-destruct if we wanted the jump can't be averted though it is happening right I am down here and I can hear noises absolutely everywhere I'm now gonna jump on board the Collin plan and head straight to the unlock hats because at least know where you find the evacuation point for me so I know I don't feel so bad about you guys trying run away on me and it's working at least yeah so I love the visuals so that you're just gonna avoid the Queen like it's okay Collin you can do with it but like if you like if you look and then a quarter I was walking on a quarter and then up ahead with a small angle like you just looked dying this quarter and heard the most horrendous like get away from my babies type alien screech the tiniest istel in the game they do take additional damage man you can take him/her it may be so that's two instead of one yeah the difficult thing about the Queen is the Queen does not have a symbol on the die so really you need to rule the single hit or the double hit and any other symbols are no good to you and making her much more difficult than the lab reticle alright I am outta here guys not that I am heading straight to that and hatch control so I'm gonna discard our search to move to here and roll me some noise that's a - that's okay that's actually I'll go in there and then I'm gonna discard another card I'm gonna discard an interrupt because I don't think gonna interrupt any actions how do you guys I'm full on board the trust trien to head down this corridor and Ike towards the hatch control anything but a three and I think what a three that well already I mean we had so much luck for the first time in another queen so no it can't be another queen there is only one queen but we did put a breeder in here yes there are wait they're quite few tokens in there I am okay here we go Alden Twitter okay all right you know what it's it's man up thing well it's panic time actually is what it is and I have four cards in hand and my panic is shot in the dark and this one says if the player has to your last cards in his hand he loses whole ammunition from one choosen weapon and get into panic but I am resolving myself it's time to fight one of these things deadly it's absolutely it's go time I love that this has come into the ventilation shaft like it was wheeling yeah or like it was like in the pod area and just like heard me was like just lately Clark slowly crawled out yeah cuz I run in there were falling to the computer yeah quickly the hatches man just a girl and the auto-destruct peep and it's like the go-ahead for the hatch control I mean I don't know bullying in the auto-destruct beat that you turned on but this is probably what's gone fishing anyway I'm gonna just go to demolition car to make an attack rule on this and I and so my shotguns great because every time I hit I do an additional one which means with the vulnerability the energy it's three damage on a hip the good thing about the pistol is I get reroll so it's like I'm gonna expend the pistol first I think so I use my second I'm leaving one left and that and I'm gonna take a shot at this adult intruder that's a hit so that'll be I'm not gonna reroll it that would just be one hit usually but because we successfully research the crewman body it'll be two and what we do because of this kind of em versatile alien health we draw one of their attack cards and we look in the top left hand corner and this one says fine so at the moment let's just get somebody gets discarded I know I haven't taken them down but we put two wounds on them to signify right this alien has taken two wounds if I keep attacking him we keep drawing more attack cards hopefully taking down that's not to say aliens are stupid though they can actually run away if the card comes up and it might have to have a retreat action for them if they've been too wounded they can jump back into the events and go back into the pool again and basically just come back at you so I'm going to give another shot just need more fire extinguishers I'm gonna get rid of em hi why do the hatch controls not have a computer man why are they like manual things my computer skills are useless I'm gonna use them to ship and pistol again so give me that reroll wrong dice I'm out of ammo for my pistol but I get a double hit mm-hmm so that's gonna be three damages up to five and we draw a card to see how much healthy has here's two no three so that is enough that'll take him down boy and there what we're using because it's very important actually if I hold on to the token and this is to represent the corpse because he's gonna die so his body basically just goes down in that room and this means if we had the time I could take that body to the lab to learn more weaknesses or more kind of attack types of the aliens to just pregnant through the court I'm well no I'm not gonna all the way from the top of the ship back here to the end I'm glad I'm gonna push it down into one of the escape pods so in : wheels then he gets the panic of his life hanging on by threads and no the difficult thing is that I have two cards left which is what I need to activate the hatch control it'll leave me on new cards so I need you guys to promise not to bring any heat my way mixed turn I don't think it's gonna happen but you know well if you connected me that I had to be a card then I don't need to use in that's okay so you're not gonna run to what you're not gonna you're not gonna run and bring something down into that because I need to stay here for like another full round Colin No no I've only got two cars there's only so much I can do okay so I'm gonna discard two more cards to activate the room and the hatch control will let me unlock I choose an escape pod you've got three to choose oh yeah I'm not gonna log be just guy cuz you know there's too much going on down there right now B is absolutely swarmed with old and Twitter and then Queen if you don't then I might have to go away from B and ahead well that's probably for the powers a yeah so you head towards a and leet them away and then I can sneak into B I'm gonna unlock one of the a parts of the top please and so you flip that over you'll see they have a blue side or right side to signify hats unlock tonight and and that's me I'm all I'm all action right okay my turn I'm gonna use scouts ability notice actually first I'm going to use this energy charge you re reload my motions counter yeah I think it will you have to use an item though I think you will have to spend a car to keep that in mind okay let's just have a look here first then I might be okay if I use a suppressive fire and I can discard an ammo token from my weapon to move chosen character including myself yeah to neighboring room as if there is no intruder in my own room Oh invited that there are open bulkhead doors in the quarter leading to it that's really nice so and discarding enamel from my rifle yeah and I'm back into the high road or in the auditorium I think I will I do have to set as if the intruder wasn't there which means it doesn't get to attack you you're not making a skip but I think you'll still need to make a noise role for going into the room I think I am so you're skipping attack but you may not be escaping completely three oh all right okay and today we're ready for your plan and I can't I can't do anything about that because you mercilessly two spresso fire first instead of reloading my motion scanner : the bodies oh man larvae larvae live in Arma here it's not a larvae what is it it's an old intruder my goodness and now we see why we get so many of these miniatures in the key and it's gonna it's gonna panic yeah hello yeah there the middle of the board all of a sudden is full of action so I'm already behind you're already panicked which means the effect is gonna happen instantly the effect is paralysis and you discard all cards from your hand apart from contamination cards and take a panic talking but you've really got a pint token so you BAC just lose any cards remaining in your hand I can't rest before I see this I can't really hello little snooze yeah you can't rest when there's an intruder in your spirit well because it's a bit there two tenths okay so I've lost all my cards I can't do anything else unless my should know you'll need wires to shoot it okay well then there's nothing I can do other than to cry deeply wibble in the corner watch my inevitable fit they okay maybe blowing up the ship it's for the best maybe you should start killing things I just didn't kill something more of things please I bought a pistol ammo I could do with some energy charge Lance I could come to you and you could pass me an item and I'll be dead good no I'm paralyzed yes you are yes you are alright cuckoo what's the plan let's fill me up I'm it I do you stop shotgun shells left too I have two cards left I think you should I move once and then rest get rid of the panic or just move twice I think move was lined yeah I think you have to move once and then to see what happens with your rule because the Queen could follow you or you can have another alien appear like right now this bottom part of the board is getting really this is kind of scary place to be so yeah for sure I'm getting out of here so one card is not one to move and this rule is like just the role of man yeah usually that would be silence and you'd be a-okay but because you stink of slime so slimy the queen is going to chase after you so there comes the queen no I don't have to do a panic test no you have to do parent test but you're a really paranoid panicked so the result of the panic is poisonous fumes and he draws a card from the contamination deck and takes a panic token but you're already panicked act so here is a contamination card into your discard pile okay I'm going to keep running into the chars because it's good all horror movies and elia movies and well when people run to the char oh my slime slipping me up and so stinky yeah and another payment card as it chases after you lens is so delicate with the green I love it hello and the panic card at the time is painful fall if the buyer has less than three cards in hand he gets a light Woodend and takes a panic token so there's only your first light winter you're fine what I imagine is because this guy's in a wheelchair is frantically willing running the quarters and there's like an Indiana Jones scene behind where the seal is merrily after and okay so what's actually happening now is we're all leaving the aliens back to the habitat Orion where we're meant to be going to sleep well yeah that was never the plan anymore once the auto-destruct isn't gonna be disabled this is all done then yeah I think so you might be able to escape I wasn't gonna say I'm just gonna do I've gotta go back my business intruder attack fee is dead so anyone has intruder in their space is going to take attacks so skyped alien attack is claw tak which will work with adults if the player has three serious wouldn't he dies if he doesn't he gets a light wind and a card from the contamination deck so wind and a contamination card please yes our decks are all starting to get a bit fill these contamination cards which can't be used for actions that are tall they just like to clog up your deck and and you like winds so that's you done and cuckoo and put a queen queen bite if the player has at least two serious wounds he dies but you don't sort okay if he doesn't he gets one serious wound straight-up serious wound and a card contamination deck so for the first time there's your contamination deck car we're going to get to see serious wounds member for serious wounds is death but a lot of the attacks that happen will kill you if you have multiple serious wounds already the other downside with serious wounds is you get a serious within card so this one is a serious wound on your leg then so what this is going to do is the player has to use two cards instead of one two before movement not escaped though so for a skip you still find with one card to train getaway which is crucial to the current predicament tonight's what fears now no I it's fire fears which is not too bad because it means this little guy he's stuck in here is gonna go up to three woods he's gonna take another hit from that fire and then we're gonna have the event fears an event we have is lurking move all the intruder tokens that are not in a fight to the pool this is actually pretty good for us so my understanding of this card is they see anything that's not currently engaged finding something else and it's going to head back to the pool the unfortunate thing though is they're gonna move first we have to check to see if anything would become engaged and you can see here cord to the movement any larvae are young or adult ones will move according to four on the map so this guy would actually move back to the nest which is fine let's go this guy on fire would move away as well so actually this all three of those have a skillet they are basic winter to take all their models off the board so three adults and three adult tokens are gonna grab three adult intruder they're calm they'll go back into the pool now in a way this seems good but actually that aliens not going to be essentially healed because he's lurking away and and those now I have to attend to come back in our faeces rather than being on outside of the map no all players present in a room with no intruder have to make a noise role which is just me and thankfully my noise is all gone so hopefully nothing too bad silence that's good that I can't work right at this point I feel like that's helped us now but in a turn or two time women have made more noise that's going to come back and bite us okay we're gonna take a quick break here and go right back with the next right okay so we're dying to three runs until a jump two rounds until we reach the final air this is it this is a plot around we only have one more and then it's shipped destruction and I get that right yeah we pray this one moves play this one no good yeah so I don't think I'm gonna make it back to the hatch so looking at the board if I spend four cards to open two more pods can you guys take the same part together it's not possible if you can you guys both territory together they're both the same distance away I may be able to get ta the hibernate area oh man I kind of feel like are you in at two cars Lance because of the intruder in your space mm-hmm so I will get there but I don't think I'll be able to get into the pod well chances are the intruder might follow me anyway well at least there's no noise there at the minute you could get away with it and I make a risky for me coming behind you yeah mm-hmm I'm tempted to come to your Spears to help you fight the Queen oh yeah with my shotgun the thing I'm concerned about is the Queen I love with their breeders draw two cards before they take a win which means the Queen can have anything between like six and twelve health at any given moment and I'm not sure even in two rounds if I come out or I'm gonna go together so I think running from her is maybe she just go to the cockpit and stands captain the ship choose the destination to somewhere that will look really beautiful yeah okay so my plan I think is to you open one more hatch for B for either me and you or you two guys go to a together and I'll go to be on my own you need two cars to activate a hatch plus you can't have any intruders nearby otherwise they follow you in or else return I want to support you guys I feel like you're being honest it's a good blend one more I kept up and waited orlimar not destruction oh you started the jump I had to get the okay okay I'm going to do the honorable thing I'm going to discard to search cards to open up well this is this is hard to be done here so we now have a to see part here active and a to see pod up the top hatch a up there active as well mmm-hmm what's next on your plans I'm trying to work out if I want to fight this Queen or not I'm scared if I run in that wicked end up with even more intruders maybe don't because just weird the chances are we're not gonna kill it with your to show you there may be three six the maximum damage the absent max McEntee would be something like your yet ever all double the the the shotgun does next one I mean no they're weak to energy so well mostly for for without being credible arts like that would be just ridiculous and okay I'm gonna use rest which that's me either discard a panic token and this is my just real ever this is a car that everybody has and be you use it when you're not in combat crucially or it let me scan one of my infection cards so I have a contamination card in my deck in my hand currently and I'm gonna scan it to find out if I'm infected or uninfected night I don't know if we're gonna be able to quite see that it's quite difficult after sewing looked so I am NOT in fact currently which means I remove it so that card is gone from my deck which is grreat if it was infected I would have to take one of the specimens and put it on my character sheet to show that I have find an infected larva inside me that could potentially burst out so that's quite good and there's nothing worth revealing do you know what I'm gonna do just in case just in case I'm gonna get rid of my knowledge of the ship and I'm going to combine my tools my chemicals I'm gonna make a flamethrower even just maybe if we have to go ham on the Queen in the last turn if it turns out that we're not gonna make it I'll take the Queen down for pride okay so I don't do those I'm gonna get myself it's such a turnover that it's gonna be just sure there's that flee I'm Thor check them out yes the flamethrowers gonna enable for me that with for ammunition if they always do damage unless I really miss the downside though is if you roll double hit you end up saying fire to the room which could backfire a lot or do you sir what do we got I'm going to describe my interruption to run away right away okay so when you're escaping you've got to make an attack rule to see our make an attack card to see if there's anything you've got claw attack and if the player has three serious wounds he dies good if he doesn't he gets one light wind and another card from the contamination deck so true light winds emits a third light wound and you would be seriously wounded once so for now you're all right and a dice for a noise a dice for noise okay so three there's a three in the vendor oh that's good yeah that's actually spot-on and I'm going to discard my last card into the section a evacuation hatch okay do you do you know just before you do do you want to consider weirding for that movement and reloading your motion Center because if you run in here and you rule - all of a sudden 50 59 minute what does like this this was okay it's we it's only a television yeah okay if you have order to this is the best play ever the time said is you can't reload that motion sensor with like panic card and you have only got one card says move or refill it get this close that's why risk it like you've got a whole other road to go you could still make it out how are a risk it I really want to risk it give me that oh man so one three or four would be fine a two and you're gonna get punched on at this skip hatch oh really satyrs I swear that sound to Dan rolled back three so where's that gonna go up beside about this side of the ball this I am at all it's all one corridor basically and you've got cojones a steel man I would have had the nerve to chance a dice so you're ready you're ready to get outta here yep unfortunately it doesn't go towards my primary goal which was to see if the ship no was it really a man you could have absolutely around a generator and stop the explosion ah well I would have prevented that um okay cuckoo okay right I've only got two cards but I'm going is one of them too literally I got a skier back um are you running to let's head this way into the hybrid Terry yep so you're gonna have to make an escape attack first of all yeah so this is transformation change a young specimen form into a breeder all the players present in this room draw a panic card so I don't think I think that's on the board specifically hello Debbie and because it's actually a form a model I think and we don't have any young specimens current in the board so that's okay and all the players in this room though do draw a pilot card and so your planet card is this might kill me oh well to build the tension it's just a simple shuffle card which basically just means that what we do is we pick there the deck fill up it I just draw another card and then we're shuffle so I'm just gonna shuffle first I'll let you know what he choose your choose your feet we'll do it that way is a bit of a paralysis the player is less than four cards of his hand he discards all cards from his hand and takes a paddock token well that's okay well that means you're stuck in the room with the adult intruder though but I'm not dead you know that's what I was fearing okay at noise rule yes good luck that's a 101 that's how she did good that's so bad that room is kind of quite at the minute okay I don't want I'm looking like the one that can't make it all right you better not take that beep on would like me no I won't do that I'm moving very slowly okay all right so it should Orpheus no one shooters in the room oh no you haven't written sorry so your is this one room yeah yeah I've no Torian base is just one big chill art area frenzy this will work with breeders and queens but not with adults so you are fine I got that would have meant that any players in the room with to Series wins just died um so that's good no breeder means you skip that one just make sure that's right yeah that is right thankfully I didn't draw the escaping the Queen fires well that fire continues to burn that we had in the monitoring room and then event we have oh my goodness speaking of fires we have the fire expanding I'm not sure I could about this is for us so first of all we have movements so all young all breeders and all queens are going to move by four oh that's actually amazing that has cleared this no no he is an adult so he's gonna stay where he is but that's cleared a room that I had to run through no we lower the number of items in each room with a fire nut marker by one so the Monitor room is gonna burn and it's laughs I was gonna be gone then the fire spreads put fire markers on all rooms neighboring with rooms where the fire was to be fun so command center - our room and the communications room are all going to catch fire fire doesn't spread through Clues bulkhead doors or technical quarters so wow that was epically timed and all right this ship is definitely going down yeah it's absolutely going down and that's our event time mark is moving forward we are dying to the final round before this ship self-destructs t minus one ranked one round this is it and then the ship is going to blue unless someone stops it and then we'll have two rounds until we jumped to wherever our coordinates are currently end first of course and all right I'm making an absolute mad - I'm going sharra room cabinet or iam emergency room evacuation that's one two three four with two cars left my final two cards to hopefully jump into an escape pod and I've six cards it has to go perfect otherwise might you actually be better going past the Queen because that's something and at once be a Celeste but oh that's still one escaped so underway three four one two also seem to say the way one two three four yeah see this so - three noise over here as well which there's more chance - something can be troublesome for you the scary thing is if I get panicked that will be I'll be like going to two cards at that point and if I get panicked and something causes me to lose my cards just before I make it to the back uation I got it you have to this is it this is there there is 60 seconds until the ship blows up it's time to go and okay so the scart a card to move I'm gonna move across into the shower room and I'm gonna roll my noise I'm hoping for no two to one that is a okay so just go beside me now I'm gonna make a - blue sorry Queen I'm gonna move into the hibernate Orion please Airlines if your mind gets tough and I need to make another roll you know push him on the way yeah before that is fine that's gonna go up into that corridor up there and that's wrong yeah wrong color cube and because I knew the intruder was there I don't get panicked they're walking into a room with intruder that's that's absolutely fine I'm sorry corn if I could like lift you you with me man I literally don't have the cards to spare so I'm gonna run by the scientist into the emergency room and everything looks bad here a to is what I really need or a silence over on so that was one at two three I need to move I can't and get rid of my repair card for my final move which is gonna bring me down from there into the evacuation hatch itself and another noise rule yeah three for us to the - okay no that's means one's gonna appear and I'm not gonna to get into the the hatch you have to kill it use that shotgun but then I need two cards to get into the hatch maybe a larva well oh oh just go down in a blaze of glory no your flamethrower I can't believe I made it that far over um I get myself our old intruder here we go no so close you sittin in the pod waiting for you here comes the panic it is poisonous fumes if the player has less than five cards in his hand he draws a card in the contamination deck and takes a panic token mother trucker so if I do want a attacker and even if I kill it I've only got one card left and I need to to get into the hatch I believe the glory time get that flamethrower right flamethrower you think I'm set fire to my own room yes no I'm gonna go show up I'm purely because and does Mordor it could it could tential II do much more because it's an energy weapon and we know that's what their weak to and so gonna make an attack and any hit or basically any em adult symbol as what we're after that's one hit and with shotgun that will be increased to hits and with the weakness energy be increased to three so he's doing - he's three wouldn't Tekken and his current health is five come on come on for pride for pride my last card getting rid of my pilot skills to make my final ammunition shot for my shotgun so what happens now is as gets eaten alive so close I opened the balls for everybody I was really just the panic you were shaking you didn't know where that you last shot miss I love the idea of like often wounding him then just acid spewing over me and just like as I slide on the glass of whiskey at port hearts going Lance can I interest you in see if evacuation yes and you may immediately launch that pod I was only trying to save humanity do I see if life is safe with me hold on a second actually oh well you'll find out at the end oh my what happens to you cuz right now you could still be carrying a larva inside of julie's I hope you're leaving me behind come on guys what's the plan sir I've got two cards left yeah because of my serious wound I would need three cards to get to either evacuation hatch so I'm also gonna go at the place of Gloria I'm gonna try and take this out okay yeah don't man so Jarrod fight with the first one I'm gonna throw a concussion grenade at him because why not okay it's gonna give me a light wound but sure what does it do though throw into a neighboring room or use it in your room the chosen intruder receives two damage and all other beings included you present in the room receive a light wind so alright to put to damage on him there I'm not looking so great okay he's down to 2 that would be 3 plus thee yeah and I will draw a card from cuz this was essentially an attack so Oh oh my that is a P which means here to retreats oh you just scared him away yes and we draw an event card to find out which direction he retreats and he retreats by number one to the emergency room where you need to go to get he'll [Laughter] just get into another hat I'm never gonna get into hibernation puddin sleep like these last moments of the shipwide usefully enter okay and so player fears would and intruder fears I am locked and come up with one which means it's going to attack me and it is an adult which will trigger off this one says if the player has at least two serious wounds he dies if he doesn't he gets a serious wound and a card from the contamination deck no more combat fires would just burn away as they currently are and then we'd move the timers and we would hit that dreaded skull and the ship erupts as the pod Jets this is way my blood disappears out and you prayed freely tech come back the main room yeah no it's not over not technically I'm dead you're dead but Lance you're currently making a dash for it yeah know what we have to do is check to find if Lance is actually infected so to contamination cards have your scanner so I don't know if this is gonna show we'll try and I don't think it'll show on camera but so what does that say yeah I'll let you see it you get up that close but it says not infected come on we got to go Chancellor Chen says not infected what was your primary goal you pass it over and I'll put on the camera so where what was it it was to get to earth on the ship with two engines see if you were honest from the get-go on yeah you were all as you trying to get us back to earth so you feel but I'm alive to tell the story of the corner betrayer mine was at all for one one for all at all three are or at least three of the crew members must survive including me I was very my life noble goals for everyone except for me what was yours go I had to send a signal which I failed to do the room was broken it was so far away but secondary to that I also had to destroy the nest or blow up a ship which would withdraw all of the ships oh wow we really looked like we were doing so like exceedingly feel bad how well we were doing for the first 3 rimes and then just the noise cascaded cascaded the fire cascaded the nest into Queen into cheersing into the slime was so impactful and yeah you guys play terribly I don't think I'm the only one that killed anything I'll take a glory stores Ile de la this is me right now right off into offshore camera into space and we'll look as we really hope you all enjoyed that if you are keen go and check out the Nemesis Kickstarter from awaken realms hopefully by the time you're watching this this it is still going please bear in mind everything you saw here it was still a prototype including the rules which we did Jerry when we needed to and but we hope you enjoyed the I definitely thought it was it the real bit of suspense there and I'm very glad lured me in I did think we were on for a chance all right leave your comments below let us know what you think of it and we will see you again soon we hope you enjoyed this let's play go ahead and check out our 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Channel: OnTableTop
Views: 99,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kickstarter, Tabletop Game (Game Genre), OnTableTop, Nemesis, Board Game, Miniature Wargaming (Game Genre), Miniature Figures, SciFi, Awaken Realms, Tabletop Gaming, Space, Beasts of War, Semi Cooperative, Wargaming, How to play, ontabletop.com, Let's Play, Rebel Games, Horror, Hobby (Interest)
Id: b2qOXwkX_4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 5sec (6725 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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