Betrayal at House on the Hill - PART 1 - With MARKIPLIER! - Table Flip

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and your friends welcome to table flip hosted by the lovely Susie and the impeccable Barry with special guests markiplier Aaron come along and let's flip tables I am from the town of new Worthington no I knew it man who knew was it me that's a wonder this isn't even real I'm not even real truth be told I'm not even from this time hi oh yes what does that even mean what is time what what concept that's even been invented yet I don't know do you know when time is invent a beautiful reunion I'm glad you guys to see each other again yes no I think there's a wonderful time thank you you're made of Oh No yes didn't your wife speak of him yes yes before she was crushed by that bell tower down underneath it and it just fell right on top of it don't build bell towers under church I learned this as mayor of New Orleans oh thank you for joining us once again in addition to Marvel Captain Crunch how are you I am very good i crunch many things in my day including skulls on that note maybe we should talk about the reason why we it is patriots house spooky scary and spooky betrayal at house on the hill is a horror game for 3 to 6 players players assume the role of explorers investigating a spooky mansion the game is broken into two phases during the first phase all players work together to explore the upper ground and basement levels of the house placing new room to down as they advanced during this phase players may encounter challenges that will affect their stats but they cannot die during this phase when exploring new room tiles must always be placed door-to-door however placing a tile that blocks a door the current player is not moving through is allowable rooms may contain things such as events omens or items as well as other special rules when an event item or omen card appears in the room the player draws the corresponding card and follows the instructions before ending their turn events include things like fighting giant spiders or resisting hypnotizing ghosts item cards are useful things that explorers find and may keep to aid them during the game items can also be traded between players omen cards contain paranormal companions items and events and the player must make a haunt role the player must roll six dice and if the number is greater than the number of omen cards on the table the players continue exploring but if the dice show less than the number of omen cards on the table the game moves into its second phase the haunt the players now look up a scenario in the haunt chart of the traders tome using the last omen card they drew and their current room to find what scenario they'll be playing once the scenario is decided the trader reads the intro to that scenario from the traders tome to the group and then privately read his or her special goal and rules the rest of the explorers likewise read the corresponding scenario intro from the secrets of survival and then covertly formulate a plan to achieve their secret goal the game resumes with the player to the traders left starting and from this point forward players can attack each other and will die if any of their stats reach zero enjoy your self explorers I hear you're in for quite a hard to decide who goes first we have to figure out whose character has the recent birthday should we go over each of our characters first oh yes so who did you pick mark I am Missy the bull and I am age 9 4 foot 262 pounds my hobbies are swimming in medicine at my birthday is February 14 February 14th that's a weird day well I am father Reinhart and I'm 62 years old my hobbies are fencing and gardening and my birthday is April 29th I'm ox bellows lambs ox I'm a guy 23 years old 6 foot 4 I'm in a football and shiny objects my birthday is October 18th just deal with it I am Madame Zylstra I am a girl aged 37 weight 150 which has a 5-0 in it hobbies astrology cooking baseball and my birthday December 10th oh you know what that means that means I go first go all right girlie you're gonna go to the for ye and then boom you're gonna go over there so give me that give me that card we got who the bloody room an angel feather a perfect feather fluttering in your hand when you attempt a roll of any kind you can call out a number from 0 to 8 use that number instead of rolling the dice that's a really good car ok I'm gonna go to the opposite direction oh snap splitting up that's a surefire way to get venture off by herself and you all are not gonna do anything about it ok I go into the organ room I get an event let's see spider spider the size of a fist lands on your shoulder and crawls into your hair you must attempt a speed roll to brush it away or a sanity roll to stand all right then my sanity is tiny cuz I'm a little itty-bitty girl but my speed is fast 25 5 yo-you quick on your feet yeah because we don't need medicine five exactly yes I gone a game one in the trait you attempted to use a so I'm even faster [Music] I'm gonna go immediately and I'm gonna go into the abandon oh man his Sonoma that was my joke society so it's a weapon and I get to use additional to die if you ever want to kill him yeah I guess I will take the lasts no no no wait Oh higher we're not haunted all right anyway I'm going to explore this next room go Hawks go which there we go it's the patio oh right in the front that's nice yeah normal very normal house sequence pass to jewel a section of the wall slides away behind it a moldy tunnel away put a secret passage token in this room roll three dice and place the second secret passage token in [Music] haha for any existing upper floor room so the one that's already stairs great yes we got stairs the stairs good job good job very stairs you're here you can take this to you one it's such a benefit possibility sir I'm going to take the secret passage because I can you know you're upstairs justifying and give me that thank you we gotta work together for this yes we do all right I guess I'm just gonna go over here so let's get that door open oh no not the collapse room oh gosh you must attempt to speed roll of five plus to avoid falling if you fail the world drop be well drop basement tile and put it in play you fall there and take one die of physical damage oh no I got a speedy lead to roll this dice you got three speed you're slow no I'm slower cuz I'm like I'm like the battle-torn snap fell into the furnace room we're all a die for damage wait if you end your turn here take one point of physical come on see you're all for the first one if they're all for this one well I'll take one die of physical death oh my gosh my might downs I am NOT well off yeah hopefully you don't need to be mighty later Apple oh wait no is that good what's wrong with the chapel oh no I again the organ room right next to the chapel this is very well we're gonna as mansions yeah okay so an event happens in this one phone call a phone rings in the room you feel compelled to answer it roll two dice a sweet little granny voice says to like just said what you write to I'm here sweetums give us a kiss take one died of mental damage to me it's pretty traumatizing dude what my granny kisses me that's trauma but you get one point of sanity so all that's bounced that all right do you yeah only once per game right all right well I'm gonna start heading out of this room now so I'm gonna go into the game there's an event in hearing disquieting sounds a baby's cry loss and abandon a scream the clack of silence freaking the silence rule six days [Music] all right roll six day if you're really close to one or more equals two or more than the number of omens that have been revealed you gain once and you've not take one dime until damaged and I think there's only one open now yes okay so as long as they roll more than one and we got several close I saw a bunch of blank ones and I was like one Cyndi okay we're working together unless one of you is a traitor and I think one of us is fair yet it's a next room it's servants quarters oh oh hey there's an omen oh man see I still got my joke yeah masks a somber mask to hide your intentions once during your turn you can attempt to sanity roll to use the mass Wow use the mask well it turns over I got a mask but I put the mask on I gave to knowledge and lose to sanity pretty smart but be a little bit strange yeah weird a mask you want to do it well that's my turn I got the mask make an omen roll oh gosh oh man so we have to don't meet thanks it was all skill so you this you want me good for you yeah could you move her a little bit towards me yeah yeah that way good little basement going on there throw that down there I will for you what is that the pentagram chamber what does that say when and exiting you must attempt knowledge role of four plus if you fail you lose one sanity would continue moving it's only when you leave does that apply when you get omen.oh skull a school cracked and missing teeth if you take mental damage you can take all of it as physical damage instead oh my so I guess that's just a thing I keep and there's no three omens on the table better be the saddle to speed of six so I could go anywhere really we invite you into our game inside this house of cards okay we are gonna be haunted real medallion the medallion inscribed with a pentagram you are immune to the effects of the pentagram chamber Krypton graveyard Oh Rose that you could but you can't now the raving frothing madman Jane two might lose one sanity right now alright so to my that's that's crazy strong and one sanity oh man no you lose one Saotome say uh lose to maintain one sanding if you lose custody of the madman okay so basically just like my companion now I keep them with me I have a friend she's gotta make it wants to be the raving Manta did he's just with her yes you gotta make a right so 6 or higher [Music] okay I'm going to explore upstairs room we go spirit board a board with letters and numbers to call the dead Spooky's before you move during your turn you can look at the top a tile of the room stack if you use the spare part after the haunt has been revealed the traitor can move to any number of monsters one space closer to you hey dude you better roll to 7 or higher geez that means like one of them has to be you too and the other incredibly smart I am super smart for knowledge sanity hit - okay sir would like to go get to my knowledge so out that way yes it's the mystic elevator once per turn role to die and move this room next to any to open door on any floor oh do I do that now yes yeah but he doesn't get out of the elevator what's a good player oh jeez okay rule to die alright so the mystic elevator died for is going to take it hope they have chocolate there get it no not the collapsed room come on you guys sadist Wow there really is like nowhere to kind of branch off to you go to the game room and then yeah take me to the abandoned room mystic elevator oh I didn't hit an omen all right okay closet door that closet door is open just a crack there must be something inside put the closet token in this room closets in the library oh yeah input and once during an explorer's turn that explore can roll two dice dope in the closet do I do that now well does it turn in with the event cart roll that die does it someone stop me cuz I'm gonna do it draw an event card and remove the closet token well that was fun guys hope you enjoyed that and was a spooky closet next possession a shadow separates you from wall as you stand and Chuck the shadow surrounds you and chills you to the klore core you must choose any one trait and attempt to roll for that trait jeez man you're a roll Kingdom shut up I'm going for speed give me six you're not very good at ruling the kingdom no no wait what was your role a lot yeah I know give me thank you mother and child still embracing too many ohm use your almond I'm glad you guys are my friends in this mansion [Music] human body parts scattered through the hallways half nod and overcooked lead to a severed human head on a silver platter can't believe they're overcooked yeah
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,236,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, suzy, funny, barry, mark, markiplier, table, flip, table flip, betrayal at house on the hill, polaris, betrayal, board games, tabletop, game
Id: 2y8CTjjDHwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2014
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