Let's install Docker + Portainer + NGINX Proxy Manager on Oracle Cloud – Oracle Linux 7.9

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hello everybody my name is alan from sauber lab and today will be another video about oracle cloud basically in this video i will go for the next step in the last video show you how can create an instance and how you can access this instance through the ssh but this one is not enough let's start to install our application the first application that we're going to install is the docker and the portrait why this one because it's a really good application for virtualization and install a lots of containers and in this video as well i'll show how you can install the proxy manager this proxy manager will be really good as well because you can manage your sites to have easy access so it means that you don't need to use exactly the ap address for all the time you can block all the parts from this system i'll show you how you can access it you can allow the trust access all the application through the hit dps where it will use the port 443 or part eight if you like this idea and want to learn a little bit more about it we're going to show you this it but first of all don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel and let's do it [Music] before i start to go through the installation and go all these steps we're gonna go to the basics here it's my virtual machine my instance that i have the name of this instance is overlap where i have the ap address one for zero two three eight one two seven and four one seven four it's external ip the user that i'm using opc and here if i'm going down here i'm using oracle linux why i'm using this operating system it's because some application will work better with oracle linux and others will work better with ubuton so uh it's good to have this job in this video i will show how you can do the oracle cloud the button will be not so different already showing others video how to do in derby and how to do you would do the installation for the docker so it's not secret it's not difficult at all but see if you guys don't know how to do it i can show again as well only one car dedicated for this one and they are work with each one m what it means it means that they use a adm cpu i get the benchmarks only for you guys have an idea and what i understand we are using this cpu it's act 7763 each clock have 2.5 gigahertz and they have 64 cores and 128 threads so you're using one of those cores if i come here as well i'm using only one gigabyte to offer run memory some of the application will be enough some of application will be not enough if it's not enough we can be great for the arm system and that's it will have more run per cpu it means that according then you can have a four v cores or for four cpus and uh 24 gigabytes of run that is plain of capacity but in this case i will go for the basics and run with only 408 megabytes of memory have this one in mind now we go here and look the rest of the information we have a ip address it means that internal network with 10038 have everything understand now we can go and look in with our putty and try to access it in the last video i already show how you can login it basically it's use your p address use your ssh key that's already defined here and we can open it once that you open the first time that you open this show this page don't worry you're gonna put yes and we're gonna looking as opc exactly the same one that show here and we put enter so now first thing that we need to do is update our system to update our system it's quite basic but is a little bit different from new button because we are using the oracle linux so we need to choose sudo ibs um updates and that's they will go to all the updates they will search all the list and that they will do the upgrade so you don't need to run two different applications uh if i'm not wrong the last time that i try to run this update from zero they take around 10 12 minutes so we need to wait but first of all you need to wait to appear the message all the updates has been located and now you are sure that you want to load everything in the upgrade of the system otherwise if you put this one and wait and go out and 10 minutes late you come back they will not be finished and you're gonna be disappointed so you wait a little bit until the next step so let's wait okay to be fair this first step take around two or three minutes so it's not a big deal so now that we'll go for the long step this long step we need to go here and put yes enter and that they will start to download all the configuration and start to install because we have only one car and one gigabyte of run they will take a little bit longer to install if you look the red download all the information is 21 megabytes of speed download and they load 144 and 145 megabytes now they'll go through the installation for six seven applications so 10 minutes go to get a coffee go to the toilet go to do everything walk with the dog and after this one 10 minutes you come back and that should be installed so let's wait it perfectly after finish to update all our programs and everything now we can clear our page so we're gonna clear it and we're gonna start to install our dock engine before we start to install our docker engine we're gonna run some steps this we're gonna configurate some configurations otherwise they don't work so well so it's easy uh don't worry all these steps in the description so you can follow each cop and paste and it's easy for you before we start to install anything we need to look inside admin so we're gonna go sudo zoom and now we're gonna put cd so we are running with admin allowed so we can install all the application that you want the first application that we want to install is this one run it then we go for the second one once that this one finished it will take a little bit and run the second one configuration then we go to the next one then we go to the next one and we go for the next one in a second let's only wait and we go for next one most of them you don't need to do anything but it's good to run don't worry it's a one two three four five steps that you can run will take some seconds but it's worth to do then we're gonna put clear and it's clear again now we probably can start to install the dock engine to do it it's a ips um install yes dock ranging and we'll put enter so now they will do exactly the same procedure as happened with updates they will look for all the list we'll download everything we're going to install and that's once that install we know exactly what's in it should be done it's around eight seven megabytes of total size that needs to be stunned so be red will take around five six minutes to install so let's wait to install all these eight applications once that hit finish we're gonna go for next step so it's great we just finished to install our docker but we didn't enable the service to enable the service we needed to run this follow step system tcl enable docker servicing and now we're gonna start this docker service come here and start once that day start we can clear the page and we can verify that it's really running well the docker to do it we're gonna follow exactly the same style of program but we're gonna do a status and check it and what in and now they show for us that it's running everything's okay so it's not a problem we can clear this page once that is clear we can go and try to install the portrait basically portrayed will be the way that you can manage all the application and see what containers that you have and this way it's basically easy for you so to do the installation first we need to create the volumes of our container to do it we're gonna do a pseudo docker von crate portrait underscore data you can put only portrait but for me i prefer to put this name so now we're gonna install the portrait to do it we're gonna do a pseudo docker run the part for the portrait will be nine thousand the name he start always as a policy and a docker stock and the name of the volumes that we are using will be pertaining slash c last and we're going to run it in this state we'll download portrait image and we're going to do the installation so let's wait to do it perfectly they show this information so they finished the installation we can access part 9000 no because we did not allow that this part is open for the network so now we can close this one we don't need shoes anymore and we are back for our instance in oracle cloud so we can come here matrix only to see what information that we have and here match we can see what steps that was doing this one i presumed that was the upgrade that we did and this one was the installation for the docker and the rest of the time the cpu was low if you look we didn't bottleneck any stage i think that's massimo that got it six seven percent and if you look the mass muff run that's used is 76 percent so you have a little bit gap anyway they are running quite high 46 percent as a standard run but it's not a problem as well we can see how much they read how much they use the internet and everything so to configure our part for things first thing we're gonna come here in virtual cloud network in my case i create only one virtual cloud network for all my instance this is because i want to control everything in the same way and i want that one machine work with the application for the other machine in this way i can install a proxy manager only one machine and that they will uh follow for the others machine and it's easy for me basically it's only to save my time so i can come here my subnet and come in default security and here is the parts and all the protocol what i allowed to access and what they don't allow it to access in this case if i look here i rather allow the port 9000.81 and 8 and 443 these three parts will be used for my uh proxy manager so 81 to access it and 8 for http protocol and the 443 for https protocol so my user is admin i can define the password that i'm going to use exactly the same and i put create user once that created to use the red show this page i don't need to save i can dismiss it i can open my primary and i can come here in container but it's only running the portrait so i can come in stock and i will be able to create a new stock and now what i need to do i need to go in my proxy manager web page to do it i will open my proxy manager web page i go to get start and go for the docker compose the version that we're running is version three so because i'm using the portraying version 2.9.2 so we'll run easily the version 3. i think that they're limited for version 3.9 or something looked like it but version 3 run no problems so i can come here and copy it now i can come here my primary and i paste it now i define the name of my stock it will be proxy manager here and now it's the parts i will have a look and see if i need to change anything all right allowed for access for eight eight one four four three so it's fine for me after that i finish configuration for this proxy manager i can remove the port 81 and port 9000 for my machines so i can remove it and remove this one and only create a extern website and allowed only these two parts to be able to access so i can come here and now i can change my host now i can change my parts my user and my passwords remember if you change your host you need to change your host here otherwise we have a conflict remember if you change your host here you need to change your host here otherwise they will not work well and will have some problems now the place that i want to save will be slash community slash n g i n x and i will use all this part for exactly the same i don't need to create the folders in advance because once that they approach configuration they will create automatically have everything set up the way that i want i can come here and put deploy remember this image will work only for adm processor if you're using the arm you need to choose a different image for the database because this will not work well but this one will be the topic for other video you can use the alpine marian database in this case but don't worry about it we're gonna come here and put the plug stuck now we need to wait for them to download the image do the first configurations and once that they finish to do everything we can go for the next step so let's wait that's great our approximate has been completed so we can come here in container we come here in up and we come in lock so we can check what's going on all these ones info and renew complete so we can try to access it to be able to access it we can come here environmental we can come in primary and we copy this ip address and paste in our environmental we only remove the http because i don't want to hit and put update environment now we can come in container and we can access part 8 1. i click here the red up here my eight one part so i can come here my proxy manager i can use this email and my password to change it so i can come here copy now it's the time that you need to set up your user it's the first one don't forget if you define the email you're gonna use this mma to make the login now use my full name my nickname and my mail address please don't try to send email for this email because they don't exist so not work i come here and put save now they'll ask you to change your password we're gonna change it i use exactly the same that i find in the proxy manager website and i put save now the red appear your user you can create others users to administrate your proxy manager now we can hint dashboard proxy host and we can add a different host in this way you can add some hosts for the documents you can use the cloudfare you can use any dynamic dns link for your website and start configurated for the moment we don't have any other application but in the next videos we're going to install all these applications so guys i hope that you enjoyed this video in this one i go for the basics install docker install portrait install proxy manager this this applications this application will be the basic for the next videos so if you don't have this one installed in next vid you're gonna have problem because you gonna miss how to directly parts how to configure the rest so if you like this video and think that was interesting don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel and see you next time bye
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating your VPS, Creating the VM in the cloud, Installing the Docker in Oracle, first steps with the Oracle Cloud, creating your instance in Oracle Cloud, Virtual Machine online, Using Oracle Linux, Linux in the cloud, Virtual Machine in the Cloud.
Id: Pnv4dK7zf94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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