Installing Home Assistant Supervised directly on the Raspberry PI

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hello everybody my name is alan from sauber lab and today will be another video about home a system in this video i'll show you how you can install the homa system supervised in your razon pipe why i wanted to show this video it's simple because not everyone wants to dedicate your razon pie just to run home a system sometimes you want to chew on homa system and you want to run others containers stock containers all this application the same device but if you go directly in the container option you have a little bit limitation or in the core option as well you have a little bit limitation don't worry we're gonna show this limitation a minute when i show the table so have this one in mind it's important and in this video we're gonna do this installation so if you like this idea and want to learn a little bit more about it we're going to show in this video but first of all don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel and let's do it [Music] so before we started to show how to do the installation for homeless system i will show what is home a system based home a systems application or a system that you can manage your smart integration or manage your house in a smart way you can set some triggers that will generate some actions in this way you can set that when you're arriving home the light is on or when you leave your house and you stay for 30 minutes out all the lights for your house will be off or your heater will be off or will do something everything you can do as long as you have imagination so you can set up anything that you want have this one in mind we go here in the website and you have some interface and you can run it with a lot of device you don't need to run only with one kind of integration you can do a lots of integration and this way make your house more smart with more application and this one you can have a lot of functionality have this one in mind we go for the different ways you can install or different methods if i come here you have four methods basic ones the first one is os installation these os it's you're gonna dedicate full of your device only for the installation of us what it means you're gonna get the sd card in this sd card you're gonna flash the us from the homa system you're gonna run your raw some pie and that's your razon pie it's only dedicated for the homeless system nothing else you can not install any other token container you cannot start any other application but then if you want a little bit of flexibility you have another option that you can do a container where they will gonna install directly your docker when you start the car container or the core you have a little bit limitation you don't have the supervisor you don't have the add-ons and you cannot do a backup so if you want to try some changing return for that stage you cannot do it so it's it's flexible but it's not the best one because you don't have everything any a lot of my videos i go to guys please go to visual studio and do this installation or guys go to this application and do this or guys to do it to do that when i show it i didn't realize that if you're running your rise on time in a container option you cannot do it so why not we're gonna go to the supervisor where you're gonna have all this option but you will still be able to use your razon pie for this thing remember before you do an installation this version that we're gonna do supervising razon pie is not supported don't means that will not work yes we work no problem but they are not support because at this moment the raspberry pi that we are using the derby that they use its version 10 and what's the recurrence fashion 11. i will show what's a requirement this reason that's not supported but they will work without the issue already use it for over a year and i don't have any problem so i think that's interesting for you guys look for this option if you don't want to dedicate if you want to dedicate a russian pie only for it it's better you work better and you have all these options everything will work as expected so have this one in mind before we go to the installation for the supervised option we need to see what is necessary to do in this page they show the home assist supervised installation and they go through all the installation what you need to do but before we go to do this installation first we need to understand what's required to do if i come here and go a little bit down they tell you that you need to have the docking style at least version 19 or over you need to have the system d network management at arm and a derby 11. don't means that if you install in the old revision of their but not work yes they will work but they suggest you choose standard revision 11 as well you need to have the home assist os hashid they will show that what you need to have if i go a little bit down they tell that you need to install the application this way and to check everything it's work well you need to go for this way as well they show all the latest download options to do it we can open this page and in this page they show all the possibilities that you can download before we start to install anything we need to understand what version or what architecture that we need to have to install it like the tutor from russian pi 3 b that i'm using or resume by 4 it's arm7 so we're gonna need to install this one have everything in mind and everything set up and understand now we start to go through the installation first thing that you need to do is cover your ip address for your resin pipe once that you access your assembly picture the ssh i use the putty but you can use the same div for the windows you need to update your system to update your system it's simple you wanna run sudapt get update and sudapt get upgrade and gonna run it will take some minutes in my case i just did it so they will not have so many applications to upgrade and update so it will be quite fast once that you complete it now you need to install some applications to install applications you're gonna install these full applications remember all this application if you go back in your home system and look for those applications you need to run those to see that everything's okay don't worry this script will be in the description you can copy or you can come here and copy in the same way so i come here and i put enter and they will install all the applications that will be required in order to have the home assistant running well so let's wait to do all this installation okay once that finish to install those applications what we need to do is uh fix all the broken installation that could happen to do it we're gonna use the follow script sudapt fix broken installation and gonna run it in my case they didn't find any problem so now we need to reboot our system in order to have all these applications that we did work well and avoid an issue so now we're gonna run sudo reboot and we're gonna wait a little bit until they reboot all our system so let's wait okay after wait some minutes we can come here and put open and our raspberry pi should be working so we can looking as a pie and put raspberry perry if you did a fresh installation the same way as me i suggest you to run this one in order to change your password so let's do it now we're gonna do password put enter they ask you to put the old password from your rsp and now they ask what's the new password so let's tape it new password and type again it's really important you change the password because everyone know that the standard password for razer pi it's rather so if you don't want that's anyone that's a have access for network pa bootraks or azonpai change your password it's really important to do it have this one done now we need to looking as a route only to avoid that there will be any issue in the future so we're gonna do sudo so now we are looking as a route so we can start to install our dock to store a docker we can go in and install the instantly script for the docker should do it will be cool and that's the website get docker dot com so they'll create a file called get docker sh and that will have all the information that will be the we can check it ls a and now we have exactly the same docker sh so we can install it so to install it will be sudo sh get docker sh and we're gonna run it this installation will take a little bit because they will do all the installation for the docker and get all the necessary programs to make the docker running well so let's wait wonderful in this stage you should have the dock installed but this docker don't have any user yet so now we need to add a user for our docker i will add exactly the same name as user that i'm using now time so run this script sudo user mod docker pi and i put enter now we're gonna double check the dock revision so we're gonna do docker version if you look here the version that we're using it's version 12 so it's great we can clear our page now we need to install the home assistant os to do it we're going to come here and we'll look with revision of a file that we need to install so we need to install the revision arm 7 because our raspberry pi have architecture arm 7 so now we're going to use the follow script to download our application double get and we are using the rm7 so we're gonna download all this script after finishing to download this script we're gonna install this os agent we're gonna come here and put enter it will take a little bit until to install it and now should be working so how i know that it's really working this os ajit it's easy we're gonna run this script and if it's running they will show something otherwise will be wonderful it's showing something so it's working well and now will be the last step to do the installation for the home assistant will be basically install the homa system supervised now we're gonna use this code to download the script and we're gonna put enter and once that finished you download the script you're only gonna install it choose style will be exactly the same procedure that we did to do the installation on the os agent so we're gonna do it and put enter so now the first time that i tried to run this one i don't know why but they didn't work what i need to do i needed to use this follow script to make it work i don't know why they show this page but if i put soda pt fix broke installation they'll take a little bit and they will say you have a 1.488 of capacity to be used so we'll put yes and end and that they will go through all the broke installation and now incredibly they will finish to install the homa system supervised so let's wait the ready started to restart and show this page so what it means we need to decide with revision of the homa system that you want to do in my case i'm running the raspberry pi 3 so i will decide this one i'm not sure what the difference between the ryzen pi 3 and raspberry pi 364. so i will go for the standard one and put enter so now they will finish you should do the old installation will take a little bit more until to complete it so let's wait wonderful we just finished you to install the homa system supervise but how i'm sure that this happen the best way is to have the pertainer where they can manage not only home assistant but all the docker applications so now we're gonna create our volume for the pertainer to do it we're gonna do soto docker volume create pertaining dot and now we can install this application we're gonna use this follow script and put end now they will do exactly the same procedure they will download everything and install so let's wait once that opened this information it means that our pertainer has been installed so now we can open our pertainer using the part 9000 once that opened the important using the port 9000 they already showed this page where we needed to create our user to do it we're going to create as admin and i will pick my password and i create my user so now i can come here in primary we're going to check containers and here the red appear all my containers now we can check really if my homma systems work well to do it so we need to use the same ip address but part eight one two three wonderful now appear the information that they are preparing your home assistant will take about 20 minutes to finish the installation so let's wait for these 20 minutes once that they finish we can start to do our configuration okay after wait hour 20 minutes they already show this page where we can create our user to do it we're gonna create sauber lab and our password gonna put create but before we create remember you always can come here and alternatively restore from previous backup so if you write the have your homework system and you want only to restore your backup here's the time and it's quite easy for you so now we're going to create our user in my case oh not to change the address so leave exactly the same and i will not select any one of those because i'm not using a supported revision so will not be worth to send any data and it's not a supported one so i will come here and put next now the red shows some integration that i'm able to do but i'm not to do anything at the moment i put finish once that's finished they read up here my home assistant page and if i come here in the supervisor i really have the opportunity to do the add-ons so if i come here in head-on stores now i can install all the application the same way that i could do if i'm use the os option also i can create a lots of pickups as many as i want only to protect myself and to guarantee that if i do any change it will not affect anything also if you want to migrate from this system and another system or basically decide that you're going to dedicate a computer or razon pi only for this homa system and now you want to migrate you can do this backup and migrate it and now we're gonna go in system as i told you we are not running a supported revision this one happened because we are running a raspberry pi with a debian 10 and what's the required disturbing 11 so this reason that's not supported don't means that's not gonna work yes gonna work without any problem but it means that it's not properly supported because if you be a supporter version you're gonna add all that lease that they required and in this case not happen so guys i hope that you like this video in this way you can use a raspberry pi running a homo system but not dedicate the full of your raspberry pi only for this one homa system as well don't need to compromise you don't have all the supervisor or all the add-ons that it's quite good so if you like this video anything that was interesting don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel and see you next time bye
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supervised home assistant, Supervised home assistant raspberry PI, Home automation, smart home, externally lit home assistant, getting started home assistant, open source application, file server, home lab
Id: FdzPJ8LhAx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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