NginX Proxy Manager is a free, open source, GUI for the NginX Reverse Proxy making it easy to use.

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[Music] hey it's open-source advocate and I'm back I want to talk today about a program called nginx proxy manager this is basically the way that you should serve up websites so don't misunderstand that I'm saying engine X is the way you should do it I'm saying you should use some kind of reverse proxy manager or a proxy manager and really what that means is a request comes in and this acts as the proxy it says ok I see the request now I know based on configuration what to do with this request so this is kind of your single point of entry and then this figures out what should it do so if you're into self hosting like I am then you may have a lot of things you want to self host maybe not just one application if you did have one application then you may not need nginx proxy manager but it's still good to have it in front of that application because you get some other benefits from it and we'll kind of go through that but whenever you start looking at self hosting applications especially I get a lot of questions from people about how do they do this on their home network because I show you how to do things out there like when you're running a server on digital ocean or on a site like SSD nodes which I'll talk about here in a minute that's that's kind of the way that I like to run things because they have better uptime they're they're more guaranteed but you know to be there when I need them my home internet it's great I'm perfectly happy with my ISP but they absolutely limit my upload speeds because they don't want me running a server from my home for the whole world to be accessing they don't want to put up with that bandwidth that would be needed for that so I don't I don't have a business account it's just like 12 megabit per second maybe you know it's just not much so it's not very fast for trying to host a web server enough it's just for me then that's fine and I can definitely do that and I do have some servers here at my house that we could work with but a lot of times I'm doing things from from another server so when you want to talk about how do you do this from home I want to talk slightly about the difference between doing it from a host and doing it from your home and there's really not much difference except for one little piece of hardware so we go back over here using energy next proximate I don't like - I don't like presentations on YouTube - use a PowerPoint so that's why I have two little slides just to show you what's going on so this is basically what it is I want to run a server inside my network at home how can I do that with a low with as lower-risk as possible this is the key right here you can do this easily if you have a router where you have access to port forwarding and you just need to know what port you're your particular machine or server is running on and you need to forward that point through port through your router so if you know you have a server running on port 3000 then you'd go into your router settings and say I want any requests coming into port 3000 at my public IP address to go over to this server on port 3000 that that's it if you do that then you should be able to access that server and that website service through your through your network so basically this is the internet on the left side of this line and then this is your network on the right side of this line so this is the internet making a request somebody out there making a request this is your router so your router that sits right there after your modem basically maybe it's all one thing it may be a single built-in piece of equipment but there's a router there that says I heard this machine make a request and I'm gonna feed stuff back to it I heard this machine make a request my feet stuff back to it so it's routing that traffic that's why it's called a router in this case you're kind of using it a different way a request comes in to your router and you say oh I see that request and I know it's on port whatever 80 so I want to afford that and and normally you would just say I'm just gonna forward that right to this machine or right to this machine but that's kind of bad because eventually you get a lot of things running and you have a lot of ports forwarded to a lot of machines and then if you have a security issue suddenly you don't know what's open you don't remember somebody start scanning or your server for ports and they start getting through things you didn't want them to I'm not saying that's always gonna happen as far as I know that's never happened to me when I've done that in the not-so-great way in the past but my suggestion is again internet your router this is just a server in your in your network so these are machines in your network kind of like client machines like I'm using right now maybe this is your server maybe this is a client acting as a server it doesn't matter it could be a Raspberry Pi just know that this is where you would want to run the program we're going to talk about tonight Engine X proxy manager and what it does is it proxies that traffic so you're basically saying hey take anything that comes in on port 80 and forward it to this machine to engine X proxy manager and then engine X is sitting there listening it's going I'm listening for fork requests I'm listening I'm listening and boom it gets when it goes oh I see a request for this application or for this website so when you when you register our domain for instance I have fix it del rio com I can put blog dot fix at Dorio calm and I can say somebody requested blog that fix at Del Rio calm and my router just automatically forwards that 80 that port 80 request it doesn't care what it was for it doesn't know it doesn't care and it says here engine X do something with it and it says blog fix at Del Rio com oh that's this machine it's running over here so Engine X then says hey I need the information off of that website and my machine says okay here you go and hands it back so that's why you've got this little triangle and then it sends it right back to the person that requested it so Engine X is acting as a proxy it's proxying that requests to the right place same thing if somebody says forum dot fix it del rio comm again this thinks just says i just saw something on port 80 here you go engine X figure out what it is and your net goes forum oh that's this machine over here so it sends the request the same way I mean she says I see that request let me fulfill it sends it back to nginx and engine X pushes all that stuff back out to the internet for you so that's what it's doing right here it's a web server and a proxy now it can also you can also be running the web server on the same machine so this could be Engine X running with a web server on it and that's how I run my my servers out on the on the internet so it says hey I see this request 480 here you go nginx do something with an engine X goes Oh chat fix it Del Rio com so we have blog we have forum Chat Chat Chat oh that's me boom so it just makes a request to itself it just goes in a little circle and it goes here you go and it sends it back out so that's all that's happening that's what into next this is just it's just this little guy that says here I can figure out what to do with the things that I'm getting requests from I hope that helps I hope that's kind of clear so now let's go do the interesting part because that was all great but you know it's not super fun so nginx proxy manager and I have it running here on my server out on the internet now the only difference between what I'm gonna show you here and what you're gonna have to do to run this at home is you have to set up your router that's the only difference everything else is the same engine X is here and it's gonna route requests to certain servers whether they're virtual or whether they're actual physical servers it doesn't matter and I'll show you what I'm talking about it's gonna route request and it's gonna fulfill requests the only difference is you need to tell your router at home this is the thing in between your machines and the internet if you see a request on port 80 send that to this whatever it is that's running engine X it could be a Raspberry Pi it could be a full-on server it could be just a client machine you have running it's just saying hey I see port 80 and I need to Ford that over here if you don't know how to do port forwarding we can talk about that later but it's different for every router so it's really a hard topic to cover most the time there's something in there that says port forwarding port or port range forwarding sometimes is the other way that it says it it's the same thing you just want to set up 82 point to 80 as some IP address on your network and you need to know what this IP address is that's it other than that you're done so when we get here you can see I've got nine different hosts that I'm running on this server and what's going on is this server is that my domain force terminate so force terminate comm and you can see that I bring up my host and I log in and I've got my nginx proxy running and then right here you can see so I've gotta fix it don't read oh this is not forced terminate com this is fix it no real calm so I see a request that comes in for fix it no real and all I did was I went to my domain name service so we'll go out here and I'm on forced terminate but let's go open up hover and I'll just show you it's they're all pointing to the same IP address which is that server that we're looking at so I just create an a record that says fix it Del Rio com should point at this IP address of the server or it can point to forced terminate comm it doesn't matter it's pointing here so that when somebody says I want to go to fix of Daurio comm the DNS service says ok I know where to go and it sends it to this server it's the same way for this site juda McGonagall comm it's the same way for this site Lopes paint-and-body calm it's the same way for all of these sites Lubbock large so you notice these are all different domains but they all point to this same server ok which is really in real life forced terminate com they all point to this same server and when they get here I have them set up an engine X so that it says oh I know what to do with this I know where this goes and that's this piece right here it says I'm gonna send it to this IP which the reason I do it is because I'm I could say localhost if I was running engine X straight up on the server but I'm running as a docker container so because I'm running it as a docker container it's kind of at its own little network and if it says localhost it means within docker and this is not coming in through within docker it's coming in from the Internet to the actual host so all I have to do is tell it go to the host IP address on this port and that's where that docker container is listening with the WordPress install for fix Adele Rio so if I go and type in fix it Del Rio com nginx is gonna get that it's gonna see and it's gonna go oh I know where to take you here's the website all that happened was right here my request came in from the internet it went to this machine which is running engine X and engine X goes all fix it down real I know what to do with that I'm gonna send it over to this port where docker is listening on this port you see here I've got a different port for this one same exact steps same things running is still just a WordPress but if I go to it it's gonna bring up this website because nginx is gonna get that request it's gonna go oh yeah I know where you want to go here you go it's the same thing over and over and over now the way you do this is you set up the engine X proxy manager using docker so we can go over here and talk about how to set this up so you click on get started you can see all of the information here and we want to go to setup instructions over here now there's a config file that you want to set up this isn't a hard config file you can actually just copy this thing and paste it you don't have to do anything special here all you're doing is telling it hey here's the this is a base configuration here's the database here's what its gonna use then you can run down here to running the app and basically you're just gonna take this information right here and you're gonna create a file called docker compose dot yml so I will show you exactly what I'm talking about so I would do nano I'd be on my server now you want to do this on your server Nano docker compose dot yml just like that it's gonna open up a blank file so I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna highlight all of this make sure I get the whole thing I'm gonna do ctrl C in the browser to copy and then in here I can right-click and do paste or I can do ctrl shift + V like Viktor to paste so now I've got this entire yamo file paste it in now I don't want to mess with anything except for a couple of things down here this is correct I want a T to point to the a T of docker container I want four for three to point to the four for three of the docker container and I want 81 to point to 80 one of my docker containers so these are correct make sure that those aren't in use by anything else on your server right now and if they are you don't need to fix those little conflicts okay you can point these to something else you can create a forward if you need to but I highly recommend even it like this because engine X should be the thing that's listening on these ports and then it should be handling all of the requests that come in and dealing with those things for you that's the whole purpose of it so as moot as we move down I'll leave disable ipv6 I just go ahead and uncomment it like that because I don't need ipv6 today someday we might so I just leave it disabled so if you take out that little hashtag in front it becomes enabled that's what we want if you're not going to do that if you're gonna if you want to leave it like this you actually need to just remove this entire section because it won't like it with with this leader section and then not having anything here it's gonna gripe at you so either remove the hash tag and make this true or false one or the other or remove the section next volumes I didn't mess with the volumes I left them exactly like they're set right here okay depends on DB which is just a little network that it's gonna create don't don't sweat that leave it alone now down here this is where I changed up some things because this is setting up a Maria DB or a my sequel database for you change the root password change the the my sequel database change the my sequel user and then change the my sequel user passwords so the root password and the the password are different this is the root password for my sequel make it really strong really hard you should never have to mess with it the database you can leave leave it as npm that's fine the user change this to something else okay change this to anything you want Brian Robb Bo Bob your name it doesn't matter and then your my sequel password should be a nice strong password you know really long something that is hard for somebody to crack okay so this password is the user password this password is the root password so you want both of those both of those passwords to be strong once you've got those set then you're pretty much set now we'll go back up that's really all you have to change on this thing okay so you're gonna go here and you're gonna save so you're gonna do ctrl o to save and then ctrl X to X out of that okay now it's telling you docker compose up dash D so this is how you start this thing now the config dot JSON file that they're talking about is right here now this is the part that you need to make sure matches so create even though they have them in this order I suggest you create your docker compose file first then come up here and copy this with ctrl C go back to your terminal and you're gonna create a config JSON so nano config JSON just like that and then you're gonna control shift V to paste in those characters or all those values now you need to make this match so whatever you just change your DB password to your my sequel password you need to put that in here your user name put that in here we're gonna leave this as in p.m. your hosts leave it alone its DB and your engine is my sequel so leave all these leave a leave excuse me leave these three alone just change this one to the username you picked and this one to the users password that you pick now if the root password but the other one leave everything else the same and then when you're done hit ctrl o to save ctrl X okay when you're ready to start this thing all you do is type da / da / docker compose up and that's gonna tell it bring up this docker container and use the docker compose file that's in the folder that I'm in so you should only ever have one docker compose dot llamo file in the folder the system shouldn't even let you have a second one with that same name so make sure that the config JSON file and the docker compose dot yml file are in the same folder and you're gonna type this and then - d this means run as a daemon a daemon is like a process a Windows process those things just run on the background and you don't really know they're run until they crash on you well demons are kind of the Linux UNIX version of that so this - D means run as a daemon it also means like run and disconnected mode which means you can disconnect from the terminal session and it's not going to stop your application from running if you do it like this it's going to give you a bunch of text on the screen as it starts up but then it's also going to create a problem because when you try to exit out of that terminal if you disconnect from SSH or whatever it's going to stop that that docker container from running so it's - D is what tells it even if I disconnect just keep going don't don't stop because I disconnect it once you do that you hit Enter and you're done once it's up and running you can go to your IP address and basically port 81 is how you get to the admin console that we're looking at so IP address port 81 so they say okay great I've got this thing up and running your dashboard is gonna look basically like this except it's gonna have a 0 right here as well it's gonna say nothing that's okay you can just click in here you've got against anything but you'll see this button that says add 1 so we're gonna go do that and I've got this one called net data so I'm gonna delete it and we're gonna go back and rebuild it basically somewhere I have no data right here so we're gonna go here I'm gonna delete that entry it's gonna say like are you sure yeah I'm sure I know it seems crazy so right now if we try to go to net data force terminate comm yeah okay so there we go so that's gonna give me this warning because it like hey you're trying to go to a site that seems like it should be legit because I just deleted my entry so it doesn't know what to do with it okay so I killed that I'm also gonna go take care of it on the docker side so I'm gonna close this just annoying me I keep clicking on AB accident so we're gonna go into port Ainur here and we're gonna just go in to here I'm gonna find the net data so these are all the containers that are running on my server so we're gonna go down here we're going to find net data somewhere in this list right here net data when I say stop okay it stopped our net data we're gonna go into it we're gonna say remove I'll tell ya you can get rid of the volume if I had one and it's gone so now we can look there's no net data here okay and that data's gone so what we're gonna do as I'm going to show you real quick and Go Daddy so it's it's kind of a few steps so step one set up into next proxy manager on your server step two get your public IP address so if you are doing this from your home network and you don't know what your public IP address is then you'll do IP CH IC ke n com IP chicken comm when you do that you will get your public IP address here on the screen as long as you're not connected to a VPN it will show your current public IP address through your ISP this is something you're going to need if you're doing this on a server on digital ocean or on some other host like Linode or SSD nodes that you need that public IP address but for now you if you're doing this from your home that's how you get your home IP address so you're gonna go over to your domain registrar whether that's GoDaddy or hover or Namecheap or or gandhi net it doesn't matter whoever your registrar is for the domain that you're working with you need to go there and you need to select to edit your DNS records so we're here and we're gonna go into my DNS records and right here you see I have net data so all I did was say add a record I went down here and I said I want to create an a record now I could have made a cname because I'm using force terminate comm and they're both gonna go to the actual same IP address but it's okay just in case you don't do that we're gonna say a record and then I'm going to type in the name which is net data in this case it's already up there so I'm not gonna save this but I would type in net data and then I would say I need to put it to the IP address that I want to go to where my where my nginx proxy manager is running so you put that IP address in there maybe that's your home IP maybe that's a server IP out on the web you can change this so on most sites you can make this less time so if you do 600 seconds that's like 10 minutes and then you click Save make sure we think spelled correctly it's an a record I'm going to do net data dot force terminate com so let's just net data I'm going to put it to this IP address so when somebody makes a request for that site I want to go to this IP and I'm gonna set a custom time for 600 seconds so to take 10 minutes or so for that to update when you save so be patient save make sure it says it did it make sure you see it up there in the list of wherever whatever you use for your DNS management and then go get a coffee you know go watch a couple of YouTube videos and then come back and check it and see if it seems like it's going to the right place so I'll show you how you check it so that's good we've got that set we've gotten that data it's going to the right IP address so we've set up our host now if you want to check it you can do this so now I'm getting pings that means everything's running it's going to the place where it expects to go so this is being forwarded to an IP address and I can even check to make sure it's the right IP address right here if I don't get anything back on ping or if it says timed out timed out timed out then DNS hasn't updated yet and and it's not going to go to get to your server yet so chilled even start working on the next part first make sure you can get to your URL and then it comes up with the right IP address once you've got that step done you're you're good if that doesn't happen after you set like if you sit like an hour and it hasn't happened in like three days you might have something setup wrong you might need to go back and recheck it but generally you should get this pretty quickly if you set up your ping so once you check your ping you're good so now we're gonna go back over here so I'm gonna set up net data on a docker so I'm gonna go back over here and I'll show you so let's just SSH into this alright recitation' to our server and here I'm gonna say docker PS now it's gonna show me a lot of docker containers and I'm gonna actually make this a little bit bigger so it's easier to look at okay there's a lot of docker containers here but I'm not gonna seem that data I don't imagine because here's my names we'll just look down through the names real quick and it's not because it's not running so if I do docker PS - hey now we'll probably see a net data container no I told it to remove the container okay good so and that date is gone now what I want to do is I want to set up net data so this would be whatever you're gonna set up for your server if you haven't already done it so basically I'm gonna go here and I've got it and somewhere right here so I'm gonna copy this command that I'm really not gonna change anything about what it's doing here all right so I've got the command basically copied directly from the net data sight but I'm gonna add one thing I'm gonna add another port and I want that to be 39 43 so I don't have a conflict with some of my other containers that are running but I want that to point to 443 on the actual net data side so once I've got that set up I'm good with everything I'm gonna hit enter and this should create my container and it does now we can go test this right now I don't have the forwarding setup yet through engine X but we can actually just open this up and we can say net data dot force terminate comm : nine nine one nine nine nine nine and it takes us and we can see what's going on on the server so this is kind of cool and I'll do a video on net data later but it's running so we've got that up and running that's great if we go to pertain ER and we refresh we should see net data in here again and we do so here's our here's our ports everything that's being forwarded now we're gonna go here and set up engine X proxy manager so I'm gonna say I want net data dot force terminate comm this is what it's listening for so I'm telling it listen for this address if it hears that address I want it to point to the IP address of my server if I go back over here to GoDaddy I can just grab that IP address I can grab it from here I'm net data as well if you're wondering is that it's different it's not I'm gonna paste it in now gotta make sure you don't have any extra spaces in front but there we go so it pasted it in and I'm gonna tell it when I hear a request like this I want it to go to that port that I just typed in one nine nine nine nine now this alone will work so I'm gonna hit save just to show you I haven't done anything else with any of these other tabs but right here we're saying listen for this and point it here I'm gonna save that it's gonna refresh so we're going to go back we're going to take off the one nine nine nine nine now it's just saying that data that forced remain calm and you see it's gonna come right back up and it's gonna show me the exact same stuff so I can see everything that's happening on my server my stats things like that all right now I say hmm okay that's great but that's on port 80 that's not secure you can see the little slash the lock it's not great right so I want to go and I want to say whoever my net data just went right here I want to edit this guy someone to edit you don't have to do this in pieces like I am I'm just kind of trying to show you what's happening so I want to get SSL and I know I've got it set on a certain port it's not 443 if it was I could skip this piece so if I was just gonna do it straight up 4 4 3 2 443 that would be right I could just go here and I could say request a new SSL certificate I can even say force SSL so if somebody tries to go to port 80 it's gonna push them over to the SSL side regardless and then here's my email address for let's encrypt and I say yes I accept their terms and conditions and I could just hit save this this would totally work if it's 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 but since it's not have to do an extra step so let's say add another hostname post entry we're gonna do the same thing net data force terminate comm make sure you spell it correctly here I'm gonna pick HTTPS for secure I'm gonna put in the same IP address get rid of the spaces there and then here I'm gonna put in 39-43 because that's what I have the container listening for so 39-43 is gonna forwar it over to 443 inside the container which is great so this is gonna tell it hey you need to go to this port so that you can deal with this and then docker saying oh I know what that is ok then we've got all this set so once you've set this you at SSL and you set up exactly what we just did I want to request a new certificate if you don't have a new if you don't have a certificate already say I want to request one in this case I've got one down here so I can probably just grab it and use it but it's okay we'll request one you can say force SSL you don't have to but I suggested if you're gonna set up SSL you should get people to use the SSL side of your site so I do this force SSL and then I accept the Terms and here's my email address I'm gonna hit save it's gonna go out and it's gonna tell let's encrypt hey I've got this request for a new certificate if everything is set correctly this box should go away with no errors and we'll be good if it's not it's going to give you an error and a pop-up to say hey something happened you need to go fix this thing and then try again no errors so we should be able to go to our 443 site so if I go over here and say HTTPS we should still get in we do and now we've got a valid site so now I've got this thing set up and it's running and it's off of nginx proxy manager now I know this video takes a little while but once you figure out how to do this and how to let nginx really do its thing for you it'll take you I don't know it probably took me 10 minutes total they get all these sites set up through engine X proxy manager I'd say this course was the trickiest because this course kind of expects to be running on its own server even though I didn't have it that way so I had to do a few special things there on that point of discourse here but this course was definitely a special one get lab wasn't terribly hard but it wasn't terribly easy but it was more because I was migrating for another get lab and there was some weird name conflicts that I had but everything on here is pretty straightforward other than this course which I had to put in some extra stuff for so it was really really easy so I run a lot of servers off of this so I know I normally talk about digital ocean digital ocean is great but I want to come kind of call out this other site that I found on reddit on the self hosted reddit so SSD nodes calm so what these guys offer is a little different from digital storage in our digital ocean and Linode so digital ocean and Linode both have short term what I call storage you can run them for long term if you want to but it's it's what I consider short term storage so it's really you set up a small server so like on digital ocean for example I can set up a two CPU two gigabyte server with 50 gigabytes of hard drive space I think and I think it's $10 or $15 a month I don't remember so $120 a year maybe a hundred and fifty dollars a year some somewhere in there you know 170 dollars a year or something like that just depending on which which price it actually is so you have those two things and it's a small server but that's 150 hundred seventy-five dollars a year now imagine that I was running multiple servers I think I had 12 or 13 servers I was running on there somewhere the $5 server somewhere the $10.00 somewhere the $20 somewhere the $15 so that adds up all the time I was lucky enough to see somebody post about SSD nodes over on reddit these guys are not paying me by the way for this I do have an affiliate link that will be in the description so if you're interested in signing up for SSD nodes please click on that link because it'll give you a credit it gives me a credit helps both of us but it helps me keep these things going for you guys I also have digitalocean affiliate links in the in the description so if you're something gonna sign it up for digitalocean you haven't already done it please use that link it gives me a credit it gives you a credit for some free usage on the digitalocean site to kind of see if you like the service before we even start paying anything so on digitalocean I can spin up a server use it for a couple of hours spin it down and they're gonna charge me for those two hours it's it's very little money it's that's almost nothing that's really easy for me to spin something up do what I need to do and destroy it same with Linode I imagine SSD nodes isn't intended to be up for hours so digital ocean could be hours days weeks months SSD knows is like hey you can do this monthly but it's gonna be pretty expensive like 50 bucks a month but this is a beefy server so don't misunderstand the server I'm running is a 32 gigabyte ram 6 cpu 320 gigabyte storage SSD server so that's a beefy server for what I normally run that's that that's an amazing server for what I normally run so again I'm gonna say that again 32 gigs of RAM 32 gigs of ram okay that's just just memory 320 gigabyte SSD that's a really nice sized SSD for what I'm doing and then it's got six CPUs so this is this is a this is a great server for me to use for a lot of the things that I'm doing I've got lightweight usage 99.9 percent of the time so if we go over here and just if you just want to look at their pricing I'm happy to show it here if you're tired of listening to me talk about this great but look at this if you just think for three years it's $109 and you're looking at 16 gigs of RAM I mean this is a pretty nice server right here right if you jump up I mean $149 for a year for that server that I just told you about so remember I said it's for a 10 for a $15.00 server on digitalocean for a year's 135 bucks and that's a little 2 gigabyte or 3 gigabyte ram you know one or two CPUs this thing's 32 gigs of ram and 6 CPUs and 320 gigs of storage that this is a much beefier machine by far if I was to try to get this on digitalocean it would cost me probably 10 or 12 times as much as this it would cost me $1,000 a month nearly I would imagine so so this is really cool I like SSD nodes I've moved a lot of my long term stuff over here over the last week so just to understand I'm still testing out their stuff but I really like the offering they've been very great to communicate with me which is awesome so I'm looking forward to more of that I really like what they've got and I hope they can keep it up and if folks go to them I started using what they've got I think they will so I'm really excited about this so there's my plug for SSD nodes again I don't get paid by them unless you use my affiliate link somehow so just understand that all right so we've got port ainur we've got Engine X proxy manager the things that I'm sure I'm showing you guys are starting to come together for you I hope you know now that I'm on this server I can say okay now I want to see kind of how it's performing I could say see top and that's a that's when I did a video on last week and you can see here's the different servers and what they're doing the traffic that they're getting you know what the CPU usage is what the RAM usage is you know receive and transmit and you get some really nice information I see top and of course you can move down here you can hit enter and you can say you know let's do single view I can see what my get lab server's doing here I can kind of watch what's happening with it I'm not using it right now so it's not doing much of anything which is fine okay but you can kind of see what's going on with it I can hit enter to get back out of it and come down here to net data which is running and check it out for a single view to see what's going on so you can kind of see what's going on with it okay hit enter and go back out of it so this is a really great tool so all the things that I'm trying to teach you guys and give you information about for self hosting I hope that's coming together for you the only difference again between what we did here and what you're gonna do at your home network is you set up internet proxy manager on a machine and on your router you make sure to forward port 80 port 81 and port 443 those three ports you're gonna forward those to whatever machine that is on your network other than that make sure your ports are all firewalled and not forward to any other machines on your network and then use nginx proxy manager to do the rest of the work that's what it's for and that's what it's built for I hope this helps hope you enjoyed this hope you get something really great out of this and if you do like subscribe share this with your friends share this with your colleagues let people know about it give me some constructive feedback so that I can improve and make things better for you in the future but I appreciate you I'm almost 2000 subscribers which I I know that doesn't sound like a lot when you're talking about people on YouTube with millions of subscribers but to me that's a ton and I appreciate all the people who subscribed I'm looking forward to doing more of these things I'm looking forward to some giveaways I've been doing some testing and I've got a video that I'm putting together but it's taking some time because there's a lot of pieces to it I hope it'll be really useful and interesting for you guys but I'll have a giveaway after that one so I'm really really looking forward to hitting that 2,000 subscriber mark and I think it's gonna coincide with that video pretty nicely so that's great but really I appreciate it have a good one stay safe [Music]
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 55,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, digital, ocean, digitalocean, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, docker, nginx, proxy, service, application, frontend, front end, front-end, reverse, portainer, netdata, ctop, traefik, apache, usage, use
Id: RBVcnxTiIL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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