Creating media system in an instance on Oracle Cloud – (Installing Emby)

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hello everybody my name is alan from sauber lab and today in this video show how you can install your media server in one of the instances of the oracle cloud in this video we'll show specifi also i will show how you can create your domains using the dockedness and attach this domain through the proxy manager to your aiming this way you can access only with your link you don't need to use always your address have this one in mind the first thing that we need to have is to have the art clone installed in our virtual machine and then you're going to ask me why i need their clone installed it's really simple because they are clouding they always free option they give you only 200 gigabytes of memory and these 200 gigabytes of memory it's not enough for you have a big library so in this way you want to need some extra space to keep all this data this extra space that you're gonna use it's any cloud in my case i use the google drive but you can potentially use any other cloud i'm telling it because in the previous video i show you how to add the rclone to the oracle cloud if you don't have the arc long installed yet don't worry i'm gonna leave the link in description or the card in the top where you can look this video into this first installation so now we can start so if you like this idea and want to learn a little bit more about it we're gonna show but first of all don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel let's do it [Music] first before i start ready to do any installation go through anything i will explain what system that i'm working here i have the oracle cloud one virtual machine the ip address of this machine is this one also the username that i'm using is ubutu this one is because i'm using a ubutum server so i have exactly the same name as i use also i'm using a arm system in this case will be a1 flex where i only allowed one card six gigabytes of run and one gcp pass off internet so for me it's totally fine also i have my virtual cloud here where i already set up some parts to see which part that i've set up i can come here open this one and then i come here my subnet i open this net and open this default setup i didn't define anything else that i need so i come here and i read open the port 9000 the port 8 1 the port 8 the port 443 and port 896 so i can come here right click edit and now you can see how i open those ports i put my cidr as a zero zero zero slash zero and the party that i'm using it's nine thousand i need to put a source port no i don't need it's optional and as well i put the description as a pertainer you don't need to do it but we're gonna do in this case so i have everything in mind we can close this one and that's we're gonna start to do our setup in our machine the first thing i need to chop in my machine because i like to use the putty so i'll open with the putty now what we need to have we need to have our arc long working first thing that we're going to do is check if i have all my files from our clone so we'll put cd slash mnt and i want this one to put ls a and i have two folders i have my cloud and my rclone inside my clone will be all my icon configuration so i didn't need to worry about it and i have the cloud and i will put cd cloud and now inside this cloud i put alias and now i have all my files with all my items it means that if i come in medium or i come in my music or i come in any one of those i have all my medium that is great exactly that i'm looking for so now i can come here and put cd again so now i will check if i have the dock installed to do it i will put docker and version and i know that's my docker installation is version 20.10.11 so i have it if you don't have dock installation don't worry it's quite simple i will leave the steps how to install it's basically two steps that you can do it's only pull the image for the docker and let's install it but now we need to install the pertainer to manage the stock to do it it's really simple first we need to create our volume for our pertainer to create our volume first we need to do pseudo docker volume great pertainer and we create our volume for our pertainer now we're gonna need to install pertainer to do it it's another simple step we're gonna run sudo docker run pertain and the port once that appears this information it means that's the protein work so now we can go to the port 9000 and access it and make our first looking first time that you open your pertainer they will ask you to create a user so we're gonna do it we're gonna create use as added me on two pieces and we'll put our password and we create our user so now i don't need to save it and i will open here our primary and our container i have only one container it's exactly what i want so now i can come here stock here in stock i will start to add our first system if i click in stock first thing that you need to add will be my doc ns application because i wanted to have a website that only click in this website or access this website and will be easy for me potentially with the oracle cloud you can use always your ip address because this one will never change but i don't like to do it only because it's more easy for me to remember a site then remember a ip address so i'll come here and i will use this image the image that we're going to use is linux server docness so i come here down down down down and i will install through the docker compose i will copy all this information and back to our pertainer in our container we pasted this information and that we need to modify some things first thing poid pjd my po gbjd i can discover it if i come back here i put id and my user that i'm using and i know that my pjd my uid will be those one thousand one one thousand one so i can minimize this one again and i can modify it for a thousand one and nine thousand one so now i need to define my time zone please modify for your time zone for your location and then we can remove this part of volumes because we don't want to keep any log and now we need to add our domains and with my doc denasi here i will need to choose those talking to add there and i will have all my sub domain so we'll get my first subdomain and i right have my address as this one don't worry it's not my real p address only modify it so i come here my pertainer again and i will change my first subdomain and if i have more than one subdomain i will put comma and put another subdomain and i will do it until i have all my five subdomains at here now the next step i will change my token and will come here to put deploy the stack once that you modify your token and add the red to your docked ns and put deploy the stack if we come back in the page for the token s and update this page i will have my new ip address this one will be the same p address that will be matching for my server so it's totally fine it's working now i can come here back in the pertainer and i will add my second application if i put add stock and i put the second one as proxy manager any ginx and that i will go to the page for the this proxy manager if i go a little bit down here i can see that the epigrate this docker compose and they didn't put the database on the rest of the information so i will cop something that i already have and don't worry i will leave this code or this docker compose in the description can go there copy and used exactly the same for you so i will do it now well it should be easy for me already would find some information but in your case i suggest you to modify according what you want so the parts will be exactly the same you write open those parts in our port forwarding as well we are using port 3306 for our database and that they use the password red mood file and here i already would find the same user database the location of my files would be this one and that's that the same thing for let's encrypt the same thing for my sql so all my data all my information will be exactly the same location have everything matching don't forget username needs to be exactly the same your password will need to be exactly the same for our user otherwise will not work well everything set up and matching the both information we can come here and put deployed stack once that i finished deployed this is stuck i'll install my last application my last application that's the idea for this video will be ambi so i'll put add a stock i will add as ambi and now i'll go to the image for the ambi here in the image of the ambi we're gonna go down until we find our docker compose yes wonderful and i will copy it before we go back for our pertainer and save it and start to modify it first we need to understand what we need to modify if i come here a little bit down you can see that those it only will work if i have hardware acceleration in this case we are using oracle cloud so i don't have any kind of hardware acceleration so i will only remove all this part of hardware acceleration as well from the erasmundpie information because not work for my case so i go back for our pertainer and i will paste this information first thing that i need to define it's my pure id my pj team has already searched before my poid my pid id will be a thousand one so i can modify it now is that time that you need to modify again your time zone in my case it will leave exactly the same and here i will define my configuration path so i will save my configuration in the mmt folder so put slash immunity and that will be amb and that here will save my configuration so the next ones i can remove and i will define my media only because i want to save time i will not create media data and all different folders i will only create a mounting point called media to do it i will define exactly the same folder that's already configured to my arc long so we'll put slash mnt and that will put cloud now here we define only for media so it will be easy to find and if you want to add more than one medium different dates of media i don't need to look for each one and as a separate folder i can only go there and use exactly the same folder now the parts i will leave exactly the same i don't need to worry about it and all this device i need to remove because it will not work at all so i finished to do my configuration next step is deploy the stack once that i finished to deploy this stack now i have all my problems that i will need to choose in this video what's the first thing that i need to do it's start to configurate our proxy manager but before we start to do any configuration we come here and we copy this ip address and we come here environmental primary and we change this ip address so i can put here exactly the same ip address that i'm using so if i click any link in my containers they will go directly for the ipad address that i'm looking so i come here and put update environmental i come here my container and first container that we need to modify will be the proxy manager so i come here in the part eight one in the part eight one i will change my user and my password to locate my user my password i need to come here in the webpage for my proxy manager and i come here and i copy this email and my password and go there to modify and follow the instructions quite easy once that you create your user next step we need to do our portfolio to do it we come in dashboard we're gonna put proxy host and we add a new proxy host as i told we need to put our domain here and that's we're gonna put the part that i'm using and the part 896 so let's do it once that i put those information as for my system i put websocket block common explode and that i will come for ssl and request a new ssl i'll put here request ssl and i will activate all those options remember you cannot use the dns challenge because you're not using one of those providers that they told if you're using cloudflare you can use if you're using any other of those provided that allowed you to do a dns challenge yes you can use but in our case we're not used so not allowed this option and now we need to agree with the terms of let's encrypt and i put save once that our certificate has been created i will show as online now i can click here in my web browser and that's the where i go to open my aim b in my aim i needed to start configurate at least the first time display language i will define as english and i put next now i need to create a user so we'll create a user as a sauber lab my password defined if you want you can put here your email address but in our case you're not going to do it and we can put next now we need to link our library so we can put add a new library i will define what kind of library my case will put movie and i add the movie and come here exactly media immediately i will click movies because i'm looking for a movie and i put okay and now you can would find all the rest of the information but in my case you will leave as they are and put okay now i have read my folder movie if i want to try the more libraries i can come here and add as many libraries as one but in my case only add library as a movie so now put next they will decide what linkedin country i'll only move for uk and i put next and now i enable automatic mapping put next again and then you accept the terms otherwise they'll not allowed me to complete it once that appear next and i finish i will need to do the login so let's do the login i come here and put user will be sauber lab and my password again and i put singing so now they read have my folder they will do all my scan of course would take a little bit longer to do this scan because all your media is on the cloud and maybe to do all these ls or all this search will take a little bit longer but not think that will take too long we'll come here menu will come here and manage a server and here the red start my library scan so first we're gonna need to configure our network so let's do it in our network we need to mod find some information first thing we need to modify our port that we're gonna use will be for for free because we want to choose a https protocol so we are using port 443 now the external domain i will use exactly the same data right here and then the next step that we need to do is put secret connection mode we want to handle it by reverse proxy and i come here and put save so once that i save it if i come here in my dashboard they write updated for my web browser all the time that i want to use externally my ambi i can only use this ap address i don't need to put 443 because it's automatically https protocol will use the port for for free now can you start choose amb so guys i hope that you like this video in this way you can use the ambi directly connect to your instance in your oracle cloud in this way you have always available media server of course if you're using one two three or four v cores they are not so much powerful to make a lot of transcription but if you want should only one 4k for 1080p i believe that will work if you want to directly stream one or more than one user will work as well but if you want to have much more users this one will become a problem and will not work as you expect if you like this video and think that is interesting please don't forget to leave your like leave your comment if you already did it and work well at least others will know about your problems or what you think about this system also consider to subscribe for the channel and see you next time bye
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 38
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oracle cloud, instance in oracle cloud, Media system in VPS, Media system in Oracle cloud, Installing Emby in a VPS, using an instance in Oracle cloud
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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