Unlimited space for your Plex using Rclone to connect to your Cloud (Google Drive) – Part 1

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hello everybody my name is alan from sober lab and today will be another video about arclone i know these two it's quite good this reason that i want to show in this video i will show an option that i did myself in my system where i have a cloud system in my case was a google drive where i have all my media in the google drive and i can access it local and make a pointing point local but in the same time i have others application and sonar hadar lidar and others in the same family for r where they manage all my media and initially they cop all my data in the local cloud and then after six hours they will get all this data and transfer for the cloud this six hours is good enough for then myplex can manage this library's research so do not use all my ips the same system can be used in a megan or can use one drive and others cloud base that you can use so if you like this idea and want to learn a little bit more we're gonna show in this video but first don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel and let's do it [Music] before i start to do any configuration anything i will explain what i have and what i come from so it's easy for you guys to understand and see if it's suitable for your application first of all we have our cloud our cloud in my case will be the google drive you can have any cloud base that you want to the arc loan i will do a rclone or cloud folder where they will make a mount for my cloud and also will have a local cloud or local folder that will have all my cloud information to the merge fs i will merge between the cloud and the local cloud to make my whole media once that's all my files start to be download they will download exactly my local cloud after a while they will transfer everything for my cloud and that's everything will be visible only at media doesn't matter if it's a local or it's a cloud they will be seen as the same thing so in this way we're gonna need to make some cash to get more speed and avoid that will be any delay in your experience have this one in mind i will go first through my operating system that i'm using in my case i'm using the open media file five it's a red the six release yes but it's still in beta option so it's not good to run a production or at least all environment in a better system otherwise you can have a risk that you can lose all your date and i don't want to happen it with me after this one i have a process raise a nine but i'm only using one core of those so i'm not use all my 12 cards for these applications i have uh only one gigabyte of run so i'm using a virtual machine only because i want to have everything compact and i didn't want to get another computer i want to do it so have this one i will go in my file system and this file system i have two hard drives basically the first one that will be my operating system that it's compound with eight gigabyte of um royal capacity and i have another one that sits uh eight gigabyte as well where we'll have all my data here in this hard drive just great so have only four four gigabytes of space so almost nothing in this hard drive label as a data i have my shared folders my sharepoint that create its home so we'll have only one shared folder where i will install all my applications also in mismb i share these shared folders and my users has been created only one user called subwaylab when they will have access for everything and run everything for this application in this video i will go only through the how you mod using the rclone and how you do these difference of locations of local cloud and cloud and mesh everything also i will show how you can install the plaques just it the rest of the application are or sonar hadar lidar and others that you can install i will go through a next video only because i realized that if i do everything in one video will end up a really long video and would take longer than expect and no one will want to watch so long so i decided to share in two parts have everything explained all the scope and everything that we're gonna do i will go for the basic thing everything in mind we go now in our smb where we're gonna create all my folders that are gonna use in my installation so i come here my smb i open my home and create the two folders as i start the first one i will create as a docker app where i will have all my applications here or can be called docker config but i would like this name also create another one called rclone this one that will save all my data from arclone remember you don't need to be in the same file in the same folder you can have one ssd where you're going to run all your dock application that will look better and run better for your plex and your media center and that you have a second hard drive only to run my cloud or all my data my media so don't need it to be so fast it's positive so you can use a hard drive for it inside this circle i'll create more few folders the first one will be cloud and the second one will be cloud local as well i'll create my other one called hash and the last one i will get as a log it's quite easy to understand cloud where will be all my data cloud my mind point for my google drive my cloud local where they will copy initially all my data that i have locally and that will transfer cloud and my cache where they will keep my cache data only to be have a fast access and all the log of all the information that is running for i know if it's running well or not you don't need to do this log but i like to do it just because i want to know what is going on if they finish you do my upload or finish it you do anything that it's preset to do have this one now we're gonna go for our putty you can use this md2 on it you can use any terminal that you want you can go directly physically in your server but i like to use through the ssh through the put so i will open my put and open this page the first time that you run this ssh they will ask you if you are sure that you want to allowed it so yes i want to run it and i open this page let's maximize it and do our looking as a route if you are using any other print system you need to do a looking for your user and that after try to looking as a route only because some application that you're gonna run will have a root effect and it's easy only to avoid to put sued and get the passer all the time remember i'm reusing the open media file you don't need to use a specific diesel print system you can do yubutun you can do in the derby and you can do anything that you want it then raspberry pi work only you need to do a similar steps so now we're gonna run as a route and put my password here we'll clean this page only to be a little bit tight so the first thing that we need to do is update our system need to update our system we run sudapt updates and that's we're gonna write go for upgrades and how to remove we want that our system eats everything in time and will not have any issue in the future to have library missing or have a application not updated so we're gonna run it and we're gonna wait a little bit this one could take a little bit longer or less depending how often you update your system hopefully it will not take so long one step appear that all the update is done so we can clear this page and go for the next step first thing that you need to do is run our arc long configuration if i come here and run our arc length configuration maybe you don't have the queen style so you need to install it but let's see yes you don't have the curry style so to install the quilt it's really easy it's only you can run this folly step suda pt install cool they will ask you want to install you put yes on it once that finish we can run exactly the same application for our clone to install it and they will take a little bit to install not so long they will show this information that for you to add a new configuration you can only go to our clone config so we can come here and copy this one because we're going to use it so we can clear this page to be a little bit tight again and we paste this arc long configuration and run it first thing that we need to do is to add our google drive account to add our google drive account we go for a new remote so i put an enter i decide the name of this uh drive or this remote i can put any name that i want in my case i will put as a g drive only because i'm using the google drive if you want to put as a drive for any name it's fine so put enter and they open all this page in my case i'm using the google drive so i will put as a drive and enter so they ask you to define your client id i really suggest you should do this client id and do your configuration through the ip key but in my case i'm not to do it but if you want if you look here you can copy this configuration colony dot org slash drive make your own client id and this way you're not running the option that you don't have enough a piece to run your applications anyway we're going to run as a standard we're going to use the client np from the arc long so i put enter now they ask you want to choose a security app no i don't want so i will use this standard one and now they give you option how much access that you want to have in each application you can have a full access so you're gonna be able to read write and edit any file that is there or you can find a little bit less imagine that you are not sure that you want to copy more data there so you can only put as a right or or as a read or do only a fail drive or anything that you want in our case we're gonna do as a full access so we're gonna put as a drive then they ask you want to define some name for your folder supposedly computers no i don't want to do anything so i want this standard so it comes and enter again they ask if you want to define any serves no i don't want to define and they ask you want to do any extra configuration no i don't want i want to be the standard one if you need some extra advanced configuration you can put yes but in our case we'll put no and enter then they will ask which kind of machine that you run because if you you are physically in that machine and you have a desktop option if you put yes they will open pop up that page for your 38 but in our case we are not using it we are using external computer in this case we are use the ssh so i needed to go then put no and enter in this case they will give you our url that you need to access to the authentication so you access it get your authentication code and come back in this page in this case they will ask if you're using a share drive no in my case i'm using my own google drive so i will put no and enter then they will ask you to review all the information if it's correct in my case it's correctly so i will put yes and enter once that they have here we can go for the next remote access to create our next remote access we're gonna do the crypt why because i want that all my media is encrypted before go to my google drive because i don't want that google know what i have there it doesn't matter what i have i don't want i want my privacy there are lots of cloud common look what data that you have and you don't influence any privacy or anything so i want to have everything encrypted so no one know what i have inside to do it i will create a new remote access i will put new enter i'll define as a crypt g drive and put enter now they will give the big list again in my case i'll go for the crypt option so i will type crypt and put enter now is the time where you needed to define your remote name as i told will be g drive two dots and then we'll have the folder that i have my media in the time that i created this g drive i was creating for an ambi but work better for plex this option so i will put as a aim here but only because i created this folder i really don't suggest you to use your google drive to have all your application without any folder because then all your data will be there will be a mess and will be complicated for you so in this way i create only a folder that had all media have this one i will put enter and that they will ask what kind of encryption that you want to do i like that everything gets encrypted everything to work well so i will go for the standard option but you have a different kind of encryption that you can do you can do for a very simple file system or you don't encrypt the file system on encrypt to the extension so no one know what's about in my case i want the standard one so i'll go for the first option version one and put enter now they ask you want to encrypt the folder yes i want you to grip default as well because i don't want that no one know what is inside and try to discover what file is that one so we'll go for one again and put enter they will ask if you want to create generate your password or you want to choose your own password i really suggest you to generate a password and put a really strong one because all your data will be protect against of this one but in my case i will use my own password that i use for everything so it's easy for me but generate it please generate it and put really strong and save in a place that you never forget because otherwise you're gonna lose your encryption key and you're gonna have a lot of trouble and no one wants to pass for this one once that you lose the encryption key will take really long time to recover and don't have ways to recover so don't lose it have this one i will put yes and i will add my encryption key here i'll add my encryption key put enter add again and enter again then they will ask you want to get a pass code or a second encryption key yes i want because i want a little bit more protect so put yes enter and pass my encryption key and they will say you want to do any advanced configuration no i don't want i want this standard one to put no and they will ask you can review everything it's okay for yourself yes i think that's everything's okay it's a grip crypto drive the name of this one will be g drive inside the folder mb and all my passwords will be encrypted so it's fine i can put yes enter and i can quit this one let's see if it's really work my encryption i can go r clone ls and then the name of the remote the crate in my case will be crypt should drive and put two dots and end if everything is okay they will appear all my folder here so i can stop here and i know that everything is working so i have access for it in my crypt so we'll clean this page and now i can start to do the next configuration this next configuration i will do my mode point to my arc loan you have two options you can do a schedule job and all the time that i start the system it's working or you can do a system that's all the time that the system start they will do it in this case we're gonna do a system so i will need to create this service to create service it's really easy but let's first locate all my configuration for my arc loan to do it i will put ls and i know that i'm have nothing ls slash a and i have my configuration so i will want to enter in my configuration we put cd dot config and they will see what is inside the ls a and i have arc long so i can come here and put cdr clone and ls again and inside this iclone i have only my configuration so if you want to access your configuration will be basically this absolute path so in this way i will create my first configuration but before i create this configuration i will get my notepad plus plus and edit this configuration so it makes sense for everyone don't worry you don't need to tape it manually because in the description i will leave how this configuration that i did work so it's easy for you so with our notepad plus plus open we're gonna see what we need to configure it already create my service or a copy what you wanna use in your services and a description put our clone amount servicing that's fine once they will wait to start this serves is to have network online targets why because i want to mount the disease only after i have my arc long running otherwise they will not run correctly and will be bad for me so it's better to wait myself after this one they will have notifications is back and they will do a arc long amount and here they will look all my configuration after this one they will create a log file in this log file will be a left for info and here i will save my log file where i'm going to save my log file i will show you you can come here in our open media file again and open my shared folders and here in my shared folders i can click in any of the of those options column and add absolute path here in my absolute path the right appear my absolute path so i can come here inspect double click it and copy this absolute path now i can return my notepad plus plus and we'll pass it if you guys remember inside this home we'll have the folder called arclone so we'll put arc long r clone and after this one we'll have a photocopy log so we'll save all my log here after this one i will use my user agent sauber lab because i'm using my user as a software lab you can use any user that you want or you can revamped but in my case i want to dedicate all this configuration only for my users overlap so in this way i will use my umass as a 022 my jd has a 100 and my uid as a thousand how it's cover it it's easy i come back my putty i will put id and sauber lab and this way up here i read my git and my uid so i know what is it so i can return my notepass blueplus and i will put that i won't to show other others as well because i don't want only this user to have access for my art clone i have other uses of this one i will put as a time out for one hour i will put the interval for pull for 15 seconds i don't want that to stay for all minutes or every second i want each 15 seconds then now i will configure my cash configuration this cash is only interesting if you want to do a cash i really suggest you principally because sometimes the latency between your cloud and to your computer it's quite high and that this will affect a little bit your experience for your system so i put my cache as one hour my cache location that will define if you guys remember it will be exactly the same so we'll put here arclone arc lone and that's inside this arc long will be the folder called cache that is great for me what kind of mode of cache they want i want a full mode what size of cache guys remember that my hard drive is only eight gigabytes so if i put 150 gigabytes not work at all so we need to reduce it should we do that we put only five gigabytes why not and that will maximum time for this cache be there it's 12 hours and that now i will make the modes where i want remember guys that i put that crypt g drive yes i put my connection as a crypto g drive and now i will put the location that i define location will be exactly the same folders from the arc long this risk that i want to put everything this in place to be easy so will be snv dev hom arclone cloud after this one they will make the same fuse mode so will be exactly the same cloud and that's the he start on a board so if he stopped we started and that will be uh he started in five seconds interval of try for six seconds and the maximum times that it will try three times and that's the install there will be a multi-user target have everything set the way that i want i will come here i copy this information and come back into my putty so my service will call this one nano arc loan service and put enter so remember that i caught before so now i can paste it ctrl x y and enter and now we're gonna copy this services that we define in another folder to do it it's easy we're gonna copy it for my system to do so we're gonna run this following step sudo cp our clone servicing and the location for my cp8c system md system and copy it now we can run our system i can enable this system that all the time that hey start my computer will run the system so i'll put as enable i put sudo systemctl enable our clone servc and now we're going to start it serves to start service we're going to run sudo ctl system start our clone service they'll take some sex until we start and now we can check if we really start going on the same script that it's a pseudo system ctl status arc long service and if they appear active running so it's running and here is the command that you're running so we can check if it's really running well to check if it's really running well we're gonna open our cloud and here already up here all my media so everything it's not local based it's cloud-based they're only making the mount location here have this one now we're gonna need to do our merge mfs to do our merger fest first thing we're gonna go back for our putting we press ctrl c only to stop this service let's clean our page and now we're gonna need to install our magic otherwise you cannot run a merger fast without install this application so we're gonna come here and put sud apt install merge fs and put enter they will take some seconds until they finish the installation that is quite fast so now we can check if we have installed in which version that we are running so we're gonna run merge fs and version and put enter so we are running the version 2.32.6 so here now we can create ourselves to create our service so now we can create our merger fs service but before it we're going to do the same step that we did before we're going to open our notepad bluetooth before anyone start to copy it and try to tape it don't worry this is exactly active or these descriptives are read in the description so you can get there go there and copy so let's focus what we need to edit it first one will be the description merger fast mode no problem at all requirements they need to have the arc long services started and they will only start after their clone service restart otherwise they will not start because what's the point to marriage is something that didn't start so now the tape of the activity will be forking and that they'll run the following script mergerfest they will merge fast first the local cloud the absolute path for local cloud with the cloud and both will be saved in my folder media after this one i have some strings that i define don't need to worry about if but if you want to learn a little bit what is string that's better for you you can go tracking the merger fast website and you have overview for all these strings that you can use after this one i will put a fuse mode in exactly the same media so i will kill it no and i will start on fail if i fail anything they will start it and that will have the same application for boot user target have this one done i will cop all this script and go back in our putin in our boot i will create exactly the same nano merger fs and point service and i run it so now i can paste all my script that i did ctrl x enter enter and now i have my service crate let's see if it's really great i will put ls slash a and i have read my merger fast service my clone and my arc long service now we need to do exactly the same step that we did before we need to copy all my information from this arc long location to my system location to do it i will do this follow a script sudo cp merge fast serve etc system cell system and run it now we're going to enable this activity then all the time that they start computer this activity will be on so we'll put sudo system ctl enable merge fast service and put enter then create this activity this service now we're gonna start the service because i don't want to restart my system now to do it i will run sudo system ctl start measure fs and put enter and now we're gonna check if it's really run it to check it we're gonna check the status so we come here and put his status and run it look it they appear as active so it's running let's check if it's really running we open our folder it's easy come here my media and here my meter appear all my data that is fine i will create a new text note as a test and i come here and return so now they should appear everything in my local cloud let's see test them perfectly and if i play my cloud they don't have so all my data will come here initially for my local cloud and after i will need to move manually or automatically for my cloud so far everything to work but i don't want to need to move all my local information manually i want to make i script that every time they run automatically to do it it's really simple we're gonna run a crab lab to do it we come here back we go ctrl c and clear all this page and we run sudo crop tab and we run it desk what kind of editor that you want to use in my case i want to use a thesis one nano so i'll put one and enter they appear right at this page so i will go in the end and will create my script to run it automatically so i try to get i get all this information in my word because i try to use the notepad plus plus and it's too long and it's quite difficult to understand so to be easy to explain we're gonna do this way basically we're gonna define that each six hours we're gonna run this move why because i can define as well that each six hours the plex will do this kind of for the library so once that finished discount for the library what's the point to have everything local we can put in clouds and that's the plex already did all the job so not to consume all your ip after this one we're going to define that arc length move the location that i have my local data and that's my crypt mounting point that defined that will mount everything after this one i wanted to cop all my configuration in this location remember that i told about my absolute path yes it's this one and that's they will save my log all the log for i know what's it's going on will be saved in my absolute path rclone log and upload log and that's what kind of log that i want i want that will be as i info and i define that's after all the empty folders that will be delete they will make a fast list once that this program will run and after this one all the items that will be added they will not really look for this date and they will look at the list all the items that has been uploaded at minimum at six hours i don't want that they do a list for everything that's just put there and maybe the plaques don't have time to upload the list so i want to prevent it have this one in mind i will copy this information and go back for my put here my put i will pass this line and i will see what's about it's exactly the same the first time that i copied i was having pressure that i only cop the end he started deleted then realized that now it's correct and that's a leave this way so now i have this one i will put ctrl x yes and enter what we needed to check now we need to install our plex to install our plex we're going to use this image linux server plugs this image has been updated eight days ago and have over 500 million downloads so it's used quite a lot so we can go down and see what altitude that plex will work in this case we work in 64 and 86 bits so we work either for a computer or arm for a raspberry pi or any arm system so we can come a little bit down down down down so we're gonna run through the docker and compose so we can copy the code docker compose come back in our portrait portrait and open it and come in stock in the stock we come here add a stock and we define the name first name will be plex and that's we paste this one after have to paste this one we can start to modify the information that we want let's see what's it's important for us the image that you're gonna download will be the linux serverplex that's fine the container name will be plex the network will be host and that's pydpjd if you remember in the start of the video i show how it's called the pyd pitch id in my case will be a thousand and a hundred so i will remove here the verse that i run is attacker so it's fine plex claim no i don't need to do it only if you guys want but it's not necessary to do and now the volumes the first volume that we're going to use will be our configuration if you guys remember i create everything or all the volumes in my home so i come here my open which i'll open this one and inspect my absolute path cop here return here pass and create inside the door okay app and we'll create as a plex so we'll create all my configuration inside this plex configuration before anyone ask i will tell you if you're running with 80 gigabyte of a hard drive forget because blacks you use a lot peacefully if your library is quite big they will have a problem because they will run out of space so don't try to run plex only now 800 bytes i suggest you to run at least in a hard drive of a 256 or 512 gigabytes of uh hard drive or ssd principle if you're running a small hard drive they will end up using all the information all the term names that the tracks keep they will use all your capacity and soon you don't have any space at all after this one we're gonna define our media where we'll be safe so we'll cop the same i'll put arclone inside its media i don't need as a tv i can define as a media so after this one i can locate each folder in their selves and everything will be only media should be easy for me i can remove the last one and once that i define everything don't forget to define restart and desktop but it's right there we do not gonna move it and we come here and click deploy the stack now will be that's boring time that they will be downloaded the image install the memory look for all the database and everything be ready for you once that they finish should apply this stack they will show that the amazing message that deploy has been done and that we can look if it's everything to work so let's wait once that's up here this page we can come in our container clicking plex open the log and see what is going on if appear that said log okay so should be working let's try to access the plex tracks the plex we're gonna change the port the part that you're gonna use will be three two three two four zero zero slash web and we entered this page so first time that appear the a period this page for plex and they ask you to look in for your account for plex so i will put singing after this one they will ask you to start the first configuration we get got it before anything they will ask you if you want to get a plex pass in my case we'll say no but if you want you have more applications i never try it black never wants to give me a free one so i don't know if it's worth or not let's put next and we wait a little bit and uh show the next option now we can put next and they can allow you to add your library let's put add library we define what kind of library my case will be a film films yes the same name i can define any name that i want but let's leave a film add folder browse media and i put media and i want movies and i can put that here the red i'm going to appear my movies so i will show how we can scan in the future i'll get add library there are right up here and i can add all my libraries can be any one that you want you don't need to be films can be me that can be my own movies can be anything that i want it's there so now i can put next they will ask if you want to get plex app from its fine but if you want you can click here and that it will open for your tv will open for your phone it will open for anything that you want so we can come here and put done once that is done if you come here in the configuration you'll write appear this page we can come here in the dashboard to see what is going on but now we come here in library and they started to scan our library if i click in actions they will show what they are doing our library for this omev 5 the name that they define if i have more ones i can come here home or everything in my case i will leave this way they will show go through all this gun and check everything it's okay once that is happen you can start to watch your media so as i told for now we stopped in this stage we finished install plex and uh the next video i will try to go through which application that you can install to manage this library we'll try to do a general one that will show how to start leader hadar polar and all the applications so you can manage all your library as a whole system i didn't want to make everything in one video because in this way will be really long video and some people stop in the middle or don't want to watch all this art clone configuration only once you go to the art programs and everything so if you like this video anything that's useful when you think that you're gonna install your system don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel and see you next time ciao
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install Rclone, securing your file server, encrypting your data, securing your data open source application, file server, homelab, home lab, unlimited Plex, unlimited media system
Id: ghGconyrF3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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