Let's Go Diploma Speedrun in 4:45 [Current World Record]

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all right will joker catch dratini or i catch pincer first we'll make this a long one we'll make this like a 20 minute prediction this has been a good one too i'll catch you team first no question i'm sure you will uh i'm on begin game you ready yeah count okay in three two one go oh my god ellie it's my favorite you see ellie posts the sippy mo and now i will take a sip of my coffee [Music] thank you who needs hydration yeah if you want a bully joker about his hydration habits make sure you hit explanation point multi and post in his chats about how he should stay hydrated i don't stay hydrated i do have water behind me so it's in reach um but you know then i have to go to the bathroom that's slow [Music] i i beg you not to catch anything before cancer by the way i beg you okay okay i know it's a small chance but yeah the point zero two five chance difference but you know you only need to catch up in it after it's fine okay and i don't have to catch tauros yeah you only catch tauros if you see out on the pincer all right manage pole [Music] oh there's a curve pole i was gonna do the same thing is coffee hydration yes or no i was literally gonna put a poll up about this oh somebody beat me to it oh i just had shitty menu yeah i did not have shitty menu yeah somebody who might be a moderator in chat was me obviously yeah exactly definitely [Music] wait t-pet did i ever tell you the story of me getting mod in shen's chat no tell me it sounds spicy so this was it was pre-coveted i think 2019 i think and something around there and um shen was doing red blue catch them all and so he says to chat for whatever reason he's like the 69th person to type 69 in chat gets mod for like the rest of the stream and so everyone starts spamming it right and he starts counting and then he realizes how bad of a how hard it is to count to six like the 69 69 right yep and then so he's like okay chad new game first person type 69 chat gets mod for the rest of the stream and so that was me and then so i had to go to work so i left work and he just forgot honestly that sounds very shed like i like that story as i was leaving someone's like nice move because he's gonna forget i'm like yeah i bet he forgets by i do have to go to work it was just like a good timing see my secret is that uh i don't go i don't go attempting to be mods in anybody's chats i go attempting to be vips in everybody's chats vip is just better because you don't have the responsibility and i'm only a mod for like two chats that are partners and i barely do any work to begin with so i'm more i'm more like vip with power but not responsibilities i think the only thing i'd want mod for is just to make predictions for people yeah yeah yeah i feel like vip should be given that treatment right yeah you should do oh this is such a good evie uh vip should do polls should have be allowed to make polls uh mods should make predictions [Music] uh i have a rash eevee and i'm alert to sounds [Music] let me i don't know characteristics so that means nothing that is the plus speed characteristic ah so this could be a very good eevee like that's probably okay yeah i just check ah because otherwise i have to wait till the the first forest fight well i know if we were just going regardless then i didn't know if you wanted reset or not uh i typically like to reset for eevee nature's just because it matters more like if you have bad attack or bad special attack it's pretty gross uh minus speed is okay but i usually only want to take it if i'm plus attacker plus special attack so i don't want to do like uh i'm gonna get owned here oh i can't believe it i somehow also didn't get owned there were three pokemon in the first patch of grass it was real bad it was real bad i was like i'm going to hit this bell sprout but i'm going to go for it yo you know this mark thing i spam v i suddenly got punished [Music] oh we are now currently in slow mode in this chat 1800 seconds that's a lot of seconds that's like that three hours of 30 minutes 1800 seconds that's that's 30 minutes 30 minutes [Music] stressing out my brain self iron also how bad is how bad is the slow mode like is it you can only chat once every three seconds or is it like episode or is it like i was in critical roles 30 seconds uh i was in critical roles chat for their first episode their new campaign their slow mode was 15 minutes like when you posted something you then couldn't post anything for 15 minutes it was the longest slow mode i've ever seen there three seconds slow mode see that's typical yay i am not plus defense woo [Music] crit for three turd joker would you like to hear something hilarious what i almost died to rival one yesterday nice that the one i did with josh it was like an eight turn rival one fight because i got parented one yeah when i did with him way back when and then you know i got fully paired i think three or four times it was great yep i got uh crit para fully parrot turn one and then i was fully paired two or three more times and if pikachu would have attacked me on the final turn i would have died but it growled and i hit through so i lived on 4 hp with like a bunch of status leg and everything i lost 30 seconds to just rival one in in pikachu dying to rivals optimal [Music] see i knew that and it's definitely not that an eevee because the fight is just slow i mean it means something went wrong i've died i've died to i've died in pikachu like three or four times and i've never seen anyone else die uh razer said he's died once on the eevee side but that was the closest all right let's see how this prediction is is going 16-12 okay minus defense cool i think a minus defense plus special what's that oh wait oh i was gonna say are we both rash no that'd make you mild yeah one one mild one rash i prefer neutral special attack in plus plus tax better yeah cause you haven't you usually have enough special attack right yeah i like always having a special attack for three turn jesse james fights and hideouts as as i was discussing with you uh the other day about the eevee versus alolan doug trio like there's there's way more variability on the eevee side in that and a good like high special attack eevee honestly is just like it's just so good and it's not even that much slower than alolan dug trio but that's if you're that high i see so many bulbasaurs butterfrees [Laughter] you're a legend you know that oh my god [Music] all right so the i did an offline uk attempt the other day i saw two butterfrees it was like the first spot i saw ah oh you should have seen it i did during the bingo that andrew and i did yesterday with greta i saw the fable unlord onyx on lord yeah so i can't be on lord i'm convinced that in areas that have like high spot like high spawn just popping high spawn rates you don't need to lure if you don't need the levels like like for kansas butterfree get out of here so i think if kangaskhan is the last thing you need in rock tunnel you just drop lure because it will just spawn i think as is like the highest percentage also laura's will give better chance at charlemagne do we know that for sure yes that was in uh and annabus's thing anubis's thing yeah at least i'm pretty sure i'd have to i thought it was i think i thought it was just the catch chain like zero to one chain is point five and you know six to ten is one but i don't think it said anything about being lured i'll look at it again nice cookie three butterfrees get out of here what a legend [Music] uh whatever [Music] i wanted that glowing caterpie but the weedle spot on the other side ah why did i go for the weedle i should have went for the caterpie instead [Music] lame unfortunately i don't really have anything glowing [Music] oh my bulbasaur yesterday was massive so i had i was 13 for brock and it felt real good [Music] okay [Music] mods betting yes yeah remember everybody who's just coming in there is a prediction active or if joker gets dratini or i get pincer first telling you if you're betting pincer first you're sucker probably but think of all the points you can win when joker has a 40 minute dratini and you can't find it forever i'm not razors [Music] mods who are mods anyways but also don't worry you're gonna find squirtle again except this time it'll be when you catch it and then so uh yeah i saw two squirtles that run uh a second popped up when i was on a 10 chain so it was a one percent squirtle nice it was hilarious i would oh okay there's pikachu wonderful and it's glowing were you waiting on it nope okay cool i also saw pikachu what dang it i meant to ask you yeah if there's a situation where we both just evolve arcanine with stone shoppings [Music] um i guess but i don't i don't think it's like vital but i could see a situation i would never do it unless pikachu's just waiting around [Music] that's fair yeah [Music] yeah like if if pika's waiting around and it like eliminates a trade if pikachu is waiting around then they could evolve like a ton of things that and then evie could just like either mess up a trade while menuing or you know if you can't buy pokemon you could just trade a dummy pokemon [Music] all right this was actually a fairly standard slash perfect uh forest for me why do i have rocks i don't know i should just have friends we'll see how much i remember display i probably won't i don't i only ha i have like very little splits for aop oh pedro oh nice we've seen four one percenters on three butterfrees in the beach reel [Music] the beer [Music] [Music] just thinking ahead just thinking ahead here how vital uh [Music] how do i phrase this would it benefit me to just deposit my bell sprout now or do you want me to just hold it in my party for a little bit longer you can deposit it as soon as you have a menu to to deposit that so like don't menu for no reason just to deposit it but if you're depositing like other stuff yeah like i assume i'm probably gonna have beedrill pica and then bellsprout to deposit when i teach uh headbutt yeah then you could deposit and it's it's okay that i'm giving it to you at level 10. yes i'll i can take it at level nine for seven okay okay again just just thinking ahead oh [Music] i might have just got kicked up rock world record kick the brock world record time all right i'm so glad we're definitely on some five pace yeah don't worry i got so five when i didn't even have nsl i mean wait why i always just don't watch part of the vat on my neighbors run yeah so as far as bellsprout so when we're doing it together t-bat you don't have to level anything if you're doing it with someone who is having catch experience issues then you should probably try to get into 20 because my usual spot to deposit bellsprout is right before the route 10 catches and it's typically about 19 or 20. yeah they were like 18 to 20 at that point yeah so i i like atkins 2 like deposits immediately um you got it boss because i ideally or you know unless pikachu's luck too it's either it's either they have catch problems well as far as oddish goes you should or bellsprout goes it's just if they have trouble like getting xp but for like later stuff um if you notice your head because of the luck then i'd probably yeah and it makes sense because with the eevee player having to you know go deeper into the game like waiting around 20 seconds just because i'm leveling up the bell sprout when you could be doing that would make sense yeah that's why also the new notes will say it but um that's why when we do the trade i only trade you stuff to get to 40 pokemon and if like you know i have a manky and it's like level 20 and then i have like a level like 17th century i'll trade you the samsung first because it has less levels yeah that 100 makes sense yeah as long as you can hit 40 i'll i'll do minimum trades [Music] [Music] oh this is gonna be a new spot okay [Music] yeah so in old diploma notes we still had us buy x defend even though pikachu does not go to giovanni yes dude snake immediately nice nice i also dang it also wait wait wait no we're fine no we're not fine or whatever run is blessed nothing [Music] hey this is gonna be a perfect time to deposit now because i did get uh i did get beedrill on it oh why did i do that oh god dang it no attack no attack interesting i always tell myself to just one see great sanchu and manky and then i always forget and i just do control see i finally remember to one see great the ekkans [Music] it's not guaranteed it's like in the 80th percentile which should be guaranteed which should be but you know i've had a lot of 90 plus percent breakouts recently [Music] oh i didn't split for rock woo hey the only split that matters is the last one yeah i need to make that a command that's like my favorite line i can't even i don't even know how these splits compare because i don't have pokemon numbers for my run because i do well for my side anyways i created a uh doc now but if i remember that was very risky of me why'd i do that why did i do it like that i have i have splits for each person that i do it with yeah i have the splits and the numbers now the last split doesn't matter mods can retime it anyways yeah don't make credit go through that yeah greta was very nice today i had dm'd her about the uh new timing in my run and i was like should i resubmit or is this something you could just go in and she literally just went in on the spot and put the new timing in you have an aop run where i where i uh accidentally reset the timer in the middle of the run whoops i just i just never submitted it it was i think it was like somewhere around a 608 so my tv at the time it was my tv at the time i was like whatever i am a big fan of not submitting pbs if i'm just not happy with the run like if i could do better or if i get like really like emotionally tilted i'm just like yeah i'm just not gonna upload this anywhere and it gives me more motivation to just beat it so that way i don't have to submit it the only the only run where i have an unsubmitted pb is shield because i was doing the candy floss run and i mismenued on rose and i lost six minutes [Music] and i was so furious about it it's just like i'm not gonna submit it and then i like never ran it again [Music] i just wish like the middle hours of the game was like the whole game cuz i like that part but like yeah in the end of the run not fun stinks man even casually like the rose tower part i'm like oh that's the worst part like oleana is a cool fight like you know unlike you know old games like we don't even get like okay i like three clefairies a bunch of you dudes no paris that was a very close hit on the clefairy for me oh god first punched you dude in forever can't believe it wow wow [Music] so of course i set the time to 11 32 and i could really have used 11 33 today yeah you got this just everything i just can't i can't win [Music] i'll just find a quick fable like yesterday that's fine uh but typically you get clefable with label slash evolve it so it doesn't matter either way as long as one of us gets it [Music] you have clefairy right i just got it for it was my first catch in the moon [Music] and now i'm on a catch chain for it [Music] yeah that's how i saw more fables i saw like three fables in bingo this is gonna be one of those uh where's my paris runs [Music] hey a first punch geodude hey we both got [Music] yeah it would have been perfect if i would set the game to 33. [Music] like i'm probably gonna leave the room before the time roll's over now [Music] paris paris paris uh all right well no parasites i will just [Music] it's fine i will just simply find a paris yeah were you laura moon t-pad i also love cause i like i i it's like you said i don't like the lore running out in like first room i i lure lure and moon yeah yeah i'm saying the same spot not we don't lower early i lure in the any percent spot so by the uh by the first trainer but i don't go down the first stairs my lure ran out [Music] but yeah i don't like that for aop i don't like luring uh and having it up for that first room i don't like that room hey i got paris anyways see we're fine please don't gain levels none of you are in the party please don't give up i could have probably thrown earlier at it because exp doesn't matter please no yeah an excellent throw on this paris was 97 exp [Music] can i have a paris please yes [Music] ah please cease please part yeah because the uh on the ev side i have to teach headbutt for the first trainer and that's just when i lure can you stop jumping [Music] someone commented on my my overworld dodging and i just realized i like to dodge in like circles so i'm very air bendery like i make i make loops [Music] i also go in circles with like it's a quick thing i put i put the spin move on them go go beast mode go march on lynch just punch right through them just don't even generate the encounter just be like have you fought rocket hideout yet are rocky groin yeah i'm on the zubat fight damn i'm losing listen i'm trying to go fast because because you're going to carry the team and i don't want to be the reason why we don't get survived because lick a tuck doesn't show no no you won't be the reason pincer will be the reason oh boy uh you want me to you want me to pick up the uh helix fossil yeah you can pick it up [Music] lee dojo skip today would you like me to it's up to see how we feel yeah that's usually how matt [Music] oh i'm dumb ah ah i got okay i got super sonic from the magnemite my experience is a little little low okay so i'm doing new strats where where double kick supposed to go slot three and headbutts supposed to go in slot two or whatever but i put headphone slot three and then i muscle memory to slot forward to do that i'm like why didn't where's headphones they're like oh yeah dammit no fable i haven't even seen an onyx i would not catch tunnel on it if you see it skip it no not tunnel onyx moon onyx no i'm saying if you see in tunnel don't catch it you sure yeah vr onyx is better are you sure because i i can't i count it it like moon onyx is better i'm less like golden razz no no i'm saying i'm saying moon onyx catch tunnel on it yeah tunnel yeah tunnel onyx sucks you should just do never catch tunnel you should just do double ultra's uh golden razz on vicky road yeah exactly but moon onyx is fine yeah moon onyx is goaded okay headbutt slot three oh my god i literally brain farted again what'd you do the double battle i started using the second controller i'm catching up to you it's only jesse and james oh that was no tunnel onyx is still bad even if you drop the lure it's just too it's just still too high of level you only have regular raspberries and great balls thanks amber hi amber is the episode out yet oh i see amber okay [Music] speedrun survivor season two let's go no with coaches with coaches etchy etiquette joker and amber not a love live superstar season 2 episode 4 i think see i remembered to do the good movement today now that i have ekans nice no okay it's uh anime is my hero academia season six out yet that's all i care about i don't watch my hero so i can't tell you i watched the first episode and deku annoyed the crap out of me yeah that's yeah [Music] he's actually a pretty good character uh throughout the show but he's supposed to be like over the top and like a little whiny oh i just one shot the coughing that makes sense because i'm plus special okay october let's go that's like so close it's like two months away yo spy fam season two it's coming out everything's coming out october everyone shot the atkins easy i get the deposit here now i almost forgot nice didn't even level up in battle can i please find a makey please be very fun okay clefairy no onyx no onyx yeah i'll be here kurt i don't know if people can hear my alerts but that was the goal because i didn't split before oh so you got the whoa yeah yeah that was pretty good but i thought that was pretty good i could do voice acting if i was in the correct career path [Music] all right i'm in i mean i'm in full on any like old any percent mode i'm in misty's gym with one pokemon which means i save text boxes from the rest of your party gained experience hey we caught all the route 3-4 pokemon yay oh yeah so when i was doing this yesterday uh razer died to misty i don't know how bad well my yeah i don't know how good my pikachu is he got chris he got cripped by skald nice his pikachu suck this is what i'm hearing [Music] his run was full on copium the whole time only was his second time doing pikachu yeah probably i think he's doing it again right now because he's uh like doing a coaching session with uh julie [Music] okay let's see what my attack is 34 nice that's higher than me i only have 33 attack oh that's off yeah i only have like one av in attack [Music] you could use sucks yo i got sideway finally two in a row i didn't get burned by misty dude getting sideways there is actually ridiculous especially at that health [Music] yeah sideway road was ridiculous remember sigh wave can roll one damage it's one to one and a half times your level rounded down [Music] so sidewave does between 1 and 28 damage just flat and that sidewave roll was like 9. it sure does she all right how hilarious will it be when i see a squirtle here and i only have a one controller catch to catch it with no don't do that put something in like it would benefit me to actually dig into my inventory pull something out just the two controller catch squirtle slots yeah cause it has the 45 base catcher oh i'll get a level up okay cool this is not a range yo this pikachu i think is a range for me got it though i think it's no worse than 50 percent [Music] don't prepare for something that won't happen thanks thanks for the vote of confidence yeah i saved six minutes of tcap what's the uh so the benefit of me finding a squirtle is then you just go all the way to blastoise yeah because it's simple enough for me to get wartortle so so 2c great fall pokeball excellent is 59 don't tell me the odds i won't need them [Music] also i think i have them written down ah i have them written down somewhere but not on my particular notes i just when we're done with this just i just want to see the actual note document that you and amber been going over so that way i can just plug everything in because i'm just kind of going off of mostly memory here but that's the beauty of let's go i basically have the whole route memorized like i could play i could play the game without looking at the notes for let's go i i need notes for the shops that's yeah and just the vermilion and the saffron shop that's it you'll flinch the oddish let's go yeah you didn't tell me the odds joker told me and i was like i don't want to hear it oh that first okay speed is good enough [Music] my special attack is uh actually i think it's pretty good bless you thank you oh yeah the other day i uh saw two spawns on route 24 on like the way down from nugget like after like my squirtle spawned yesterday sure [Music] yo didn't get flinched by the meowth dang i'm only at venomnet listen i'm doing good 38. okay that was still a range at 16. this pikachu sucks you know what that sounds like sounds like copium well i mean i'll be able to hit all the special tack stuff [Music] [Applause] oh what's the thought [Music] it's awful oh wait no nevermind yeah what about it i read it the other way around hey i had to uh i had a chain for uh dragonite the other day when i was doing it with pulse and he had his 30 plus minute dratini we just were like okay i'm just gonna go get a dragonite chain pidgey's on 25 24 for it [Music] well yeah you could yeah come on okay better nuts and they also get flinched by the meow let's go come on one more spawn one more spawn one more spawn one more spawn yeah you need to go poliwag in that case hello no me off again it just won't show up my guy did you get me out nope unlucky never lucky i've gotten it like once in all of my attempts okay can i please flinch i flinch the sandshrew and the odds can we go three for three on like good flinches [Music] [Music] man i just hope this eevee just starts getting some special attack avs it'd be pretty pog [Music] make my hideout very good [Music] flinch okay nevermind i avoid the smog yes what is smog percent chance to hit i don't remember i didn't think smog could miss it miss it's got to be like 90 95 then every time i see smog i get poisoned though it's like sludge bomb it's just it's guaranteed it's like scald it's guaranteed to burn oh look knocks get clean as well [Music] i cannot fathom how that works it's just you're so good at it no i am not well this one didn't even have chance of messing up because the youngster was looking to the side anyway don't worry i'll mess up uh grad six kit which is harder you should have seen my baller route six skip yesterday i went from basically from in the grass to getting the skip i can get it at really weird angles going down but going up is like too straight it's like it's like when you're playing pool and you have a perfectly straight shot and you miss it because it's literally too straight that's me with route 6. if it's too straight i can't get it i'm surprised the pokemon direct did not announce detective eevee the sequel to detective pikachu i mean they could base it off of this scene it works so well the eevee's so smart such great detective work wow much clue very spy so observant [Music] [Music] that was very good bridge this run is this run is popping off like i should probably just switch to any percent [Music] [Laughter] like this is actually a very very good start for me you know what i've been better if i would have gotten me off squirtle squirtle no i don't even know i don't even ask for squirtle and i can't even get a meowth what is it 15 20 on that route well i mean stuff doesn't spawn that route though yeah i waited for three spawns and still didn't get it [Music] shitty wing get out of here i'm gonna remember to split i'm gonna remember to split yo two pretty wings boo nice oh it's so bad [Music] yeah two for three out i splits even know what my next one is all right i definitely need a vulpix here because i have i'm gonna have to do a one controller catch now when are we racing something stupid at some point i kind of wish i caught that actually yeah that might have been nice to actually what the apra was there nabra no i would have definitely caught that there's a chancy oh big law [Music] needs keith [Music] how are you doing keith what are we doing diploma that is a good question [Music] well next week next weekend's gonna be the aop weekend he has the race oh i was how many people i knew i i don't know what was up with that jiggly puff but it started to float so early that i didn't even bother wasting balls on it awaited hell yeah i'm i'm very down i'm very down yeah let's go jodo's not half thing so yo so bad literally so bad nothing in my life nothing else matters in my life until i get let's go johto speed room won't even be good if there was one that's lame i just i just lose two seconds now nice i love that is there another item somewhere we don't know [Music] i did i just i had a sick adjustment just there yeah let's go you know but definitely happening [Music] nice oh i can catch this nice [Music] do let's go unova yeah [Music] that's definitely happening uh-huh yes i have to go guard specialists [Music] i didn't have enough money because my because i got two pretty wings and not one better money item why would you even ask the amber i always have nso when i do two formal ones i don't know what you talking about [Music] the the problem is is i'm not going to be high enough level and my attack stat actually isn't even that good [Music] yeah zero feet shuffle rival on boats nice hey at least i know like what's the risk with that fight i just to control it and if i if i get uh say it attack to just sit through [Music] it's like at least i know what to do i am going to pick up i'm going to want to pick up at least one nugget didn't let me summon before arrival well so much for the no feet shuffle rival now i have to summon second controller mid battle because i was just too slow [Music] can i get average falling please [Music] slow [Music] [Music] [Music] dang it i can never get the trainer as i go into the guardhouse [Music] you're gonna attack you're not gonna attack i should've [Music] such a mistake because i'm only level 19. that means i actually cannot one shot the uh the eevee evie oh yeah 21 with the without the guard spec so [Music] hey two more growlithes please andodabra give me an aphra [Music] okay grout going all the way up here there's a guard spec on route six [Music] there's a guardsman guard spec on route six where where [Music] because in this case i probably would want it it's in the top left of the route [Music] i think it would give me a crumb of comfort and allow me to do a more optimal uh menu as well because then i could deposit the vulpix why my game gets so loud all of a sudden yeah it's right behind the gentleman dude oh i see him okay [Music] good call maybe napper will show up ha i'm lord nothing's fine [Music] i two think swan without the lord doing bingo yesterday and i was confused hey this was pretty decent growlithe chain by the way [Music] yeah because if i didn't have that guard spec i'd have to control the fights uh which means i wouldn't be able to menu before and i just want to deposit the uh the wigglytuff and the vulpix now and then optimize as well okay cool no my game just got loud does it sound better or worse gavin i don't know i don't know how this sounds now better okay cool the ssn music glitch usually happens after this trainer to be honest yes we're doing this this is work uh i have just evolved wigglytuff okay [Music] this is work see the game is like in a fine volume now i never noticed it until edgy said after the fight with the eevee in the gloom it just randomly got louder and i was like oh yeah it does but it was definitely noticeably louder after the ssn okay maybe this does not work it was worth [Music] please be 26 no hi russ i don't know why that vaporeon like the lurk i get it it's like coming out of the water but it always looks like deflated when it's at it's like low resolution [Music] [Music] yes it is really nice did you guys hey guys did you know that vaporeon is an eeveelution sure did fine so i've been watching uh shiro play some iron man and he's had a couple he's had a couple ridiculous vaporeon runs oh how did that work it was someone telling how that worked how is the game even louder now i feel like i have to shout over it why does this happen yeah if you and chat post eeveelutions thanks would appreciate you any all evie lucians [Music] i just want to see eevees on my screen [Music] i've got to do cringe radicates [Music] oh no please kill please kill [Music] i had a foreshot the radicate i didn't even think that was possible i actually could have died on that fight i could have died on that fight [Music] okay these shot notes are wrong i think i'm gonna go get that radicate that spawned [Music] [Music] i've never i've never seen that before to like have to four shot the radicate but usually you're lev if you're level 20 it's fine but i was still only level 19 which is not yeah i'm gonna go get that raticate because i desperately need the exp if leave me 19 i don't know if this one before the lore which is also why i'm waiting for excellent throws because i need the exp yeah i know like it i got two mimes instant minds two of them so if one of them runs it's fine we got a second back up [Music] five percent it's five percent i once had two dratinis spawn at the same time and the first one ran [Music] did i double grade the drowsy two [Music] he actually got an excellent on the mind woo hey that was actually a good raticate that i went for first of all easy every time the best route 11 you'll see [Music] oh okay i should've taken the artist out of the party you might notice that she's level 21 already when i trade it to you [Laughter] that's that seems good there's nothing wrong with that exact level i'm sure [Music] uh i do not have an extra moonstone on me right now so i cannot evolve either of these nidorans [Music] okay actually instant stay lit sponsor once can't believe it [Music] oh this is just oh i should have caught this after whatever that's a furo i don't want to see that [Music] nope right [Music] all right no uh no spiro for now unless you want me to go back but i think i'm defeated that's up to you i'm just going to get on route 23. [Music] you get crabby i did not get crabby you want me to go back nope i just need to know because let's see what'd you get uh nidoran male female and raticate so you don't even rattata i don't even have rats hat off do you buy repels yeah buy three how many did you use just one or none uh none i figured you too far for me to say go back so i didn't oh dude i'm getting cringed on by the radicates oh this is wait are you doing lorelei fight yeah right now i didn't two-shot the grunts eradicate that's never happened before and i'm actually in danger of dying hey do you wanna check the grass patch after you fight yeah so i had a seven second controller to heal i just had the worst pair of radicate fights ever that was a 78 range bruh so my eevee could have been good and instead it's bad i'm lucky all right i'm gonna i am gonna go back to the grass patch and take a take a peek here just check one more set of spawns [Music] uh spiro at least and rattata okay which means i will have a chance at krabby [Music] i do have a good v but my av distribution is weird i think i have only like one or two avs in attack it's very strange [Music] all right i get rattata and then i deposit [Music] closet everything except the spiro oh yeah t-pad doesn't know what i did i don't think uh i don't have enough screen space to be looking at you constantly i mean i just trust you no no that's fine that's fine i i i just did something you did something that was good oh oh okay well you have the two mr mimes on screen yeah yeah this is before i mean the hint is that my pg's level 26 for ssn no crabby that's fine yeah no krabby right uh but i got the i got the spearow hey i got cubone this time wow it's a miracle unlike literally yesterday i couldn't believe that that i just didn't see a cubone i so wish that tower keyboard was like a thing you could actually do consistently yeah reasonably go for it's a morrow it's a marrow coal i get it i get it i get it like marowak [Music] yeah screw you graveler yeah i hate you too [Music] tara kevon is so bad nice 90 breakout ate this game well there's our first 90 plus of the game car keyboard's so good but you can never get it unless you already have it [Music] oh you see easy persian ride skip easy as it can be [Music] so enjoy the return of the old sub alert sound please tell me how i get uh a firestone right now before rock tunnel because i don't think that's possible abra please please please okay it's there it's sketchy though [Music] by the way that was the first ever time that was the first ever time i didn't bury the graveler with a 2c great ball [Music] and of course it doesn't get in okay i got an abra sweet if you see one catch one right don't you don't have to do anything i'm in tunnel so you know let me know when you get marrow or not marrow um uh it's gonna be the last thing i catch rhyhorn that's a that's a split sound right there yeah so i've repeated on route 5's had to go up it was facing up too so i was being like super careful to not get rid of it [Music] [Music] you so you do it on aop second time through but why aren't you rock you do know rapidash is faster right like we have proof now that rap dash is faster than arcanine [Music] yo i'm gonna hit 18 for gloom and sand true nice i don't even i didn't even put the ranges in the notes i probably should oh see keith i just catch rapidash and also i'd be on persian anyway because i'm already on persian cause i do the risky the super dumb thanks for good luck i don't know why pause between saying that but [Music] yeah i never ride arcanine i either ride persian or rabbit dash i've done it on river before i think greta did it on like charizard dragon knight question mark there might have been someone else i might be lying and it wasn't greta but it was something all right the good news is that my experience is caught up the bad news is i haven't seen ryhorn yet [Music] yeah buffer speech not the killer influence here how far are you i just fought the kangaskhan trainer okay [Music] oh tunnel onyx tried to get me like in the hallway [Music] um what's sac what's growling sack strategy i don't know what that is [Music] um we're not going to treat that right now so only rocks and bats i have to check that spawn that's below me i i totally i could have gone [Music] i oh whatever we're capping is i don't care please roll nice status lag nice nice [Music] that was nice i know it's only level 21 or whatever i like how the trainers and rock tunnels are trolling me like one of them has a kangaskhan the other has a rhyhorn yeah i feel bad [Music] okay there i good thing i checked the spawn i thought i saw because it was a right horn nice [Music] all right congratulations we're going to bury you so i can get your exp your beautiful glowing exp i won't create that yet [Music] okay i am probably ready to trade in like a minute i think i'm gonna have some evos uh do you have evos i have one evo i i just got golbats [Music] uh so i have six things to trade you okay [Music] hey what up [Music] time right i'll be ready in 10 seconds if that's good with you yeah [Music] all right going in okay uh you choose you choose the code pikachu pidgey caterpie uh i'll trade you the golbat that's in my party for persian [Music] okay yeah and then i'll give you the right horn next [Music] goldberg for persian i never even mark that i had persian nice nice [Music] high pokemon you have uh i going into this was 30 so coming out will be 36. will you be do i how much stuff do i need to trade you for you honestly whatever is gonna level up and evolve should be fine okay [Music] you train me right horn yeah i'm gonna trade your eye horn here [Music] horn there oh with the right horn i actually hadn't one more trade [Music] shimmy bell sprouted atkins next okay [Music] sweet sweet sweet [Music] do you have vulpix i do trade that i didn't mark that either so i still have five trades after this i was bad at marketing i was good at marking what i had i was bad at marketing what i could trade that's fine yeah sends all picks next okay [Music] [Music] okay i forgot i was trading for you okay send me beckons yeah and that's the last thing that needs evolving uh after that i just have raticate and fiero some of you wiggly tough guys oh that too yeah [Music] okay what am i sending you so you growl [Music] i'm getting pretty good at knowing where things are in my box been getting good repetition and then training lately yep you can use mine for hideout if you can use fairy pokemon anymore oh yeah as like a as a sack [Music] yeah i'm still kind of mulling over what might be the best strat for something like that mine works fine i've done it yeah well the ideally we don't have to sacrifice ah wait did you just send me chansey or was that what i told you i was like wait a second was that a chancy so you did go back for it no no no no the second one spawned oh second one so that's why you're a level 26 or rival or whatever yep yep exactly holy crap that's why you're 21 on the uh anything else no that's it you could cancel okay yeah that puts me at 36. [Music] and so one two three one two yep that's [Music] i still wish i had one more color for the tracker yes so specifically for diploma and can we ask etiquette to make it so we can use four colors like a double right click would be beautiful or yeah double right click yeah is what i would want hey etiquette etiquette i had a kid attic just shouting into the void you're so ready to be done with the ncdmv yeah me too and i don't even have to do that [Music] can i get better spawns i got crabby and spiro and then 20 rattatas [Music] uh that sounds like a classic classic route 10. you leave level 28 before entering tunnel oh this is fine thank you to my party layout right now and i have cubone in slot 2 which is fine for the rival fight i think i think i'm getting a lot of hp avs now that i think about my current hp seems higher than normal oh yeah don't evolve with chop yeah it's already put away don't worry i remember i promise i'm good at this game [Music] kang is all you buddy no why do you only find it when you play with pulse yeah two out of three with pulse unfair i know i'm sorry [Music] [Music] i almost forgot to summon again for rival because i'm trying to think ahead [Music] do i need anything else from here no i don't okay we got everything [Music] so you you got everything that crappy from around you got both neatos spiro yeah yo everything except krabby level 28 pikachu before retreat tunnel yeah oh wow hey i got gloom nice all right i'm convinced cubone is the correct doubles partner for this fight because i've gotten gloom both times i've done it [Music] let's not hit this trainer like i've done multiple times oh my speed is decent but it's just barely not high enough to out speed arbok uh you quick candies probably [Music] you know i don't have any quick candies on me yeah it's a nice thought but [Music] but candy's smart candies is absolutely a strategy for stormy [Music] thank you for giving me sancho at the correct level yep feels incredible man see i need everything need levels so i'm like chanting perfect glowing yes i was like i was like was like do i do i want i was like 24 yes it was not actually big though or 24 multiplying wasn't standing [Music] i'm gonna put mime in as my sack i thought i heard kenny's con it was onyx i'm sad i'll put cubone slot three yeah you're just gonna catch onyx and vr okay yeah good to me [Music] do i need to heal i'll be able to tell when i do my party flopping [Music] i wish the game would show you your hp after all the pokemon were defeated because the hp bars just never come back up it's real sad because that's what i think about i'm like hey what hp am i i can't tell the game literally took that bar away [Music] uh does not look like i nope dude no i don't think i needed to heal [Music] admittedly i forgot to look oh it doesn't say oh let's go all right we're going to figure out the clefairy fight do persian go zoom i'm getting more used to having a very fast pokemon at the stage of the game oh come on [Music] okay so what do i need i need nice finally i gotta flinch on this fight get hacked [Music] i've not been playing well from oh i'm speed tied with the upcoming raticate i'm gonna go for it okay i still need cubone and kangaskhan woo [Music] i'm gonna because of my bad money items situation early i'm gonna pick up at least one nuggets but if there's a second and i know which one to pick up the one on route 17 is the fastest but if there's another that i think of that's close by i'll be like yeah that one [Music] but not pp ups because i want because i just want the ultra balls because i'm going to be a little short through well maybe not as comfortable as i'd like to be through victory road um you can just pick up pokemon tower nugget not that far just right behind the first challenger yeah i think you're right i think that's the one unless you want to gamble on uh the random money items no are you already passed [Music] i want two i want i definitely want at least one nugget but if there's two that are fast then that would be perfect and i think those are the correct two oh go onyx beat me so a lo my lord ran out as like the onyx was spawning so i just see like a big thing you know like kanga kanga kanga no i think it there was a spawn yesterday that like was starting to come up and it looked huge but i never saw it as i like hit the ladder i think it was just an onyx because it was so big wait keith if you're still here you told me you got a second pv up in rocket hideout in like the maze and then i went back to check where it was that ppf is so slow i won all the spinnerbacks i won the speed tie twice gotta flinch and dodge superfang and then and then i got flinched by hyperfang boo i ever think in flinch i didn't do hype for fake good flinch and then i got hit with fight so i uh that was but every single raticate fight i had was just the most cringe in the world i could have gone into the hypno at full health and instead i have to heal now because i lost the speed tie twice and got flinched hey kanga you want to come here [Music] every raticate in this game is stupid [Music] kanga uh all three i had not missed the two shot on the first grunts raticate in forever because the it's the range is so good on it feels so bad [Music] you won't feel bad kangaskhan [Music] all right i got a flinch on this hip no [Music] you get did you get it no it was oh oh oh oh do you get it dig it okay that's fine did did you hear that yesterday uh i had one of the route 15 debate spawns be the pincer but i like i wait now i wait before getting in the guard house for that last spawn and it was like hi i'm here and it's like yeah of course you are always this exact spawn [Music] easy first of all let's go [Music] he could use already level 30 before the kangaskhan traitor [Music] oh lame [Music] 63 isn't bad [Music] you said you have clefairy right yeah okay so i am a one speed point slower than arbok that's how close i was uh my special attack is let's just say it's possible i have written down 66 is a 5 and 16. uh but i have 63 yeah so i think it's a one or two and 16. and that has the meow evolution line been in every deck so i think so [Music] [Music] so i have a shot i have a non-crit shot to oco the arbok but i'm one speed point slower which is a little hey evolved clefairy evolve clefairy but neither neato yeah neither needo okay you got it boss because i'm evolving both neatos right now you got it boss and clefairy will be closer for you to find in the box yeah because it's one of your first catches that's right that's how i think about it is you know what part of the game did i catch this it's a little harder a diploma when things are a little mixed up when you trade me yeah after the trade yes but in aop that's exactly how i think about it so i don't have to do like dex order i don't even know decks order to be honest yeah no i never did dex order there's only one thing in one game where i sort of box in a situation where most people don't and it's bdsp tms because i can't stand looking at the numbers i want to physically read the name of the move i'm teaching so i do sort by name and it gets the names to pop up [Music] okay we're not gonna see my stats for a while that's why i'm very curious on what my stats are though on this bbq i'm gonna have to flip on my ac soon i can tell it's just starting to get warm in here it's gonna be like low 90s today you know it it is it actually didn't rain today so so far fingers crossed [Music] i would love and unload charmander right now [Music] how many pokemon you have 38. mississippi i [Music] okay seventy-five percent to oco zero av neutral pikachu okay [Music] we'll go for that 73 this neo king is jacked too bad and we'll have levels um yeah i got 38 now yeah ashley will be 39 yeah and if i get marowak that's 40 otherwise i'll have to catch like pidgey or doduo on 16. or you just fired on the ground but i'd have to put it in my party to firestone it and then take it out of my party which is slower than just cutting one cut bush i'm sorry joker it's slower than cutting one cut bush see i forgot about the cup fish okay oh i don't know if this is a ranger knox i don't know my attack but [Music] like if that's the case i'll just lure through uh celadon and then whatever spawns on 16 would be lured not the worst it's honestly not the worst thing in the world it's just not optimal but it's not as slow as digging something on my party to stone evo uh and also i don't have a firestone on me because i didn't grab it oh you don't grab it no i'll grab the one in mansion for the exact same reason push oh i thought you could do it evie almost no i got faked out on the other meowth [Music] no last second [Music] uh if i get one more level for jesse and james i'll out speed the arbuck i'll i'll tweet i'm in that situation where i don't out speed uh hide out arbok but i will out speed tower out or bach it's the strangest thing [Music] blondies unfortunately my special attack was possible to get some oco's but i did not get either of the ocos right now we'll get another chance on get another chance on the uh the tower arbok all right this is a i think you died a burn ticks oh i got it okay [Music] yum that sounds delish i gotta make like some no-bake oatmeal for uh for work tomorrow [Music] yes finally a pretty this was just a clutch hideout [Music] okay let's see my pikachu attack this is good to know now see it's just oats like i just do like oats and peanut butter and yogurts and i mix them all together and i let it sit in the fridge overnight and then i put like fresh fruit on top like blueberries or raspberries or blackberries whatever i feel like like some vanilla yogurt just mix it all up in a bowl and put it in some mason jars [Music] i said 67 right yeah 67. [Music] oh do i go for the range when i can just guarantee it wait why did i do that [Music] oh so yesterday during bingo we had a goal of catch fire with an ultra ball uh what who also like a single ultra ball no just like with an ultra ball i don't know it was a goal so amber and i did it right so so you know how to do it right like you go to sofia yeah and then and then you go out well you know both of us walked back outside so i've escaped oh y'all funny hey thank you so much for the raid what's up everyone so i go i go to uh like repel rock tunnels since i don't need catch anything and then i see my escape routes and i'm like i'm an idiot it's very funny [Music] hello [Music] so [Music] we are in fact catching them all yeah it's anybody coming in i'm tpat joker is here to hit explanation point multi to watch us both uh we are going to be catching all 151 but we both have to do it but we both have to do it together wait did you just say 151 did i say 151 i should have said 150. there's 150 no we're not getting mew mew is not allowed imagine spending 60 bucks every time you have to ride oh yeah it's blue a scout gross blaster i still have one working that i'm saving for if i ever get into gdq right then i'll use it instead of time it's like we can only do this run once because it is very expensive all mean you the most expensive let's go all-name you i think edgy's patreon should tell to do that yeah because then he could buy it with his patreon money [Music] oh i really i really need ghastly here well yeah you need guests i need gastly but i need gastly for the exp so i can get to level 30 and outspeed arbok [Music] okay i'm going for a range foolishly [Music] i should just go take the guaranteed thing but i said oh okay easy that first roll was not not not too hot but okay this this this needle king attack is jacked 77 at 27. 27 okay i totally almost just didn't talk to the poster and just went to the into the other corner classic [Music] gastly thank you i was like if it spawns it has to be in this room yeah i used to forget to talk to the poster a lot okay i should be able to just zip these out poison jab and just one shot if i can like calc right all right that's 30 knocks i have 39 pokes oh don't want to help oh it didn't get me bubble 30 god damn it that's so dumb oh it's so silly oh that wasn't even close nice haunter spawn oh that's so silly because any like a little bit more exp and i out speed arbok and have a chance to oco it but now i haven't neither think i might done something wrong so dumb and now there is a chance that cubone is still not evolved either [Music] do you have autism vault yeah i guess i should have traded you one more thing [Music] yeah we'll see because all i'm gonna get is the jesse and james exp [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna try to force it by giving cubone full exp on this fight instead of half [Applause] [Music] what what it must be screeched right double screech we take i should probably still deal though oh now i get level 30. stupid yeah i had 71 speed at level 30. oh lame cubone got double targeted so now i ha i 100 have to catch something on route 16 because i'm a pokemon short just everything was this close to being perfect literally exp speed special attack like it was this close to being really good and i just couldn't hit any threshold on any of my strategies i did get crit by crunch which did matter because dark pulse wouldn't have killed otherwise because i have the light screen up from glitzy glow [Music] that's so lame dude uh okay that was a great menu very lame i didn't split for ride before again woo i need to make that split exit tunnel it's such a better oh my special attack's so good thunderbolt just one shot the grimer let's go literally just shy on eevee exp cubone exp speed and special attack stats in two locations it just ah man that's really upsetting i'm looking at my run with ut pat like the first one we did my slime was awful it was so bad i'm six minutes ahead on my side by the way nice uh and i just missed a split [Music] well it's closer to like four minutes [Music] but it's so close like i could have legit saved like a minute and a half [Music] rng was not in tpat's favor it's not oh they're hey if we get it for this if we get it for pins responds though we don't care about this yeah we'll take this bad battle rng if we get like the best concern rng animal trace [Music] [Music] against the snorlax that i still ran aha very funny uh pidgey pidgey [Music] oh no cringe oh thank you thank god fringe spawns [Music] all right and pidgey is 40. and before we see 41 on the thing it'd be pretty funny you know what's gonna happen is i bet i get the cubone evo on this for some stupid reason and i get 41. it was close [Music] okay jesse james time do you think my like 84 special attack chancey chancy's fun on 16. so nice yeah i don't know if i can three turn jesse james i don't know no circle chansey and moon basements shiny glowing paris very funny phone's ringing [Music] come on crit arvok is dead if it crits come on come on [Music] my special deck is so high if i hit 33 this spec i would have one shot our box nice crit poison wheezing i don't like you oh hello hello ponyta that just spawned in front of me nice oh that arbok was so close to dying i wonder if that was a rain oh feels bad [Music] wait what am i doing [Music] [Music] oh i'm well i'm dumb [Music] all right am i gonna see an eevee for the fans don't catch it you uh really you sure yeah yes i'm sure eat even one to yes even one yes [Music] you are 100 sure about this yes i am 100 sure okay all on you man [Music] if that's i didn't even see the psyduck spawn it was just in the overworld waiting for me nice so you just need pidgeotto uh no i just need dough duo oh you already got video i already got pidgey because that was my route 16 catch and it's still high enough level to evolve into levels that's right [Music] because it's 37 instead of 39. i'll be like plus 10 minutes on this video one split by the way damn it person too fast that is a pidgey of course i i d spawn and a duo spawns immediately can i one shot this wheezing all right i already dropped the lure i'm gonna i'm leaving uh route 17 airwax so you got everything i got everything 85 at 32. now yesterday i had to wait for ponyta isn't that hilarious 79 attacking 28 this needle king is jacked [Music] i didn't even i didn't pay attention to my attack i'm just gonna assume i don't have the stats for this oh nice i miss the nugget well literally the easiest item to pick up in the game and i forgot it oh whatever you want to buy a pokemon game on the switch which one do you recommend uh they are all very good i will make a case for all of them um depending on what you like uh let's go is the easiest of the games but has a really big like kanto nostalgia so if you're if you are like if you want a quality gen 1 game let's go 100 uh if you want a more classic pokemon experience then you're gonna want to get sword and shield uh and sword shield's very fun casually i enjoyed it and there's a lot to explore in the game yeah i don't know especially with the dlc i would very recommend getting dlc with sword and shield uh if you are a big sinnoh fan if you loved loved diamond pro platz uh i would get bdsp mind you it is not a platinum remake it is a diamond and pearl remake so it's there's no like distortion world or some of the other things that you may or may not remember uh or if you want something different uh legends arceus was honestly extremely fun uh but it is very different i would recommend like looking at the game first and seeing if that's something you would like you know very very monster hunter slash breath of the wild e legends arceus is very good i loved legends arceus rcs is the best bdsp sucks let's go is boring and swish is good personally i didn't enjoy this game casually but it's my favorite speedrun game yeah this game is boring uh but if you want seriously if you want a classic experience like a classic pokemon experience then weirdly enough sword shield is like right down the middle for that wow you guys are toxic so that is i i mean i know i'm confident in my good takes and people just have bad takes it's not me so that's my assessment of all four of the current games or you could just uh jump on the uh uh you can just jump on the uh scarlet violet bandwagon because that comes out in a couple months but no one knows what they expect over that you're that's just just kind of diving in head first anybody who is just like oh scarlet violet's going to be good or bad you don't know you just actually don't know no one's playing the game it'll be good simply because it's a pokemon game yeah but it will be amazing that's tv determined uh no wiggly woo so you get tangled that's fine please find a magmar unlike amber [Music] oh dude etiquette's open the curtain thing actually doesn't work it actually throws too far to the left thoughts on poison whooper friend [Music] he is friend [Music] that's right i have to catch a magikarp here too there you are [Music] [Music] okay who needs the lord for tower not me oh that's such a bad breakout [Music] i say rc is the best but i haven't touched it since my original play through months ago five months ago now oh like 200 hours of it of all the casual experiences legends arcus was my favorite also i'm pretty sure i pronounced it wrong when i say arceus but i don't care is it uranus or is it uranus [Music] sure uh might just be you it doesn't look like i'm dropping frames [Music] or it could be twitch what doesn't drop frames he busts ryan he drops i dropped a couple frames actually [Music] well connor just spawned on top of me i don't know how it's going and it's always so big but my um stable now oh you capture card oh unlucky god damn it okay oh rip that run i i actually just can't get it to come back oh is me stopping then oh all right i got it back capture card please i have no audio yo excellent i think i i actually i have a feeling this this wouldn't be the cable i think this is my whole capture card i think it's my whole elgato oh see you need a new one and that's expensive dude why isn't it the application has stopped working i'm new this this is actually this is actually a critical failure of my capture card okay unlucky let me let me see if i can like unplug literally the whole thing yeah i'm still going don't worry no there's gameplay and audio on stream apparently you sure well i can check i mean i can still see it on stream or is it frozen image it might be a frozen image this is a frozen this is a frozen image right now yeah that's just starmie or staryu all right there it is i got it back we can keep going okay well that really sucked at least it's not critical failure right although do you think you need to buy a new one i think i need to buy a whole new capture card but i'm not gonna buy elgato because uh not if it's going to be like that for me yeah i think i just got lucky because i've i've seen people say they've elgato problems i've never had one this is three streams in a row it's happened now so so i need a whole new capture card yeah probably [Music] but you want to continue right yeah i just want to keep i just want to keep going it sucks though i think it's just very unfortunate why did i do that why did i do that you room for an internal card uh i didn't build my own pc so i would need i would need help with like um so so i didn't either and it's very easy oh yeah i would need help like taking my pc apart yeah i just had to open the case and then like insert it like and that was it it was pretty easy [Music] how good is the star it's okay it's it's a three candy because the speed was bad oh i'm lucky uh the only unfortunate thing is that by fixing by fixing everything i've it moves everything with my monitor around oh yeah annoying what happened to me during like this i don't know how i dodged that yeah i was a three candy starmie to get to 1 18 speed uh i do have magmar i have two hey nice all right i think i'm fully back let's go man that's so upsetting no time to do a sellout to raise money to buy a capture card and that is money i currently do not have because i've i've actually lost money uh the last three months in a row like mike's ah that was a massive magmar it was eleven thousand experience one shot the yarmouth let's go well i could take a bathroom break if i want to because i have five evolutions okay game as psyduck ever learned amnesia for you before all of my pokemon just gained three levels off of that yeah to turn jesse jay's point let's go well the good news is is i can do a three plus zero candy strat now off that holy cow uh so what was all in my party it was i so one one two [Music] uh three [Music] hello i'm 10 minutes up on mine how do you i had so much in my party i don't even remember everything that evolved four and five [Music] yeah i think pulse recommended the uh the avermedia which is i know a lot of people i think i'm gonna go with that one is it an is it internal external well there's options for both i'm pretty sure because i think greta has external and i know people of internal i wouldn't mind getting an internal one uh but i would just need somebody to walk me through how to stick it into my pc yeah you just there's there's there's this slide you just stick it in then that's it you just need like screw it like like i trust that everyone says oh it's easy i'm like i trust you but please just walk me through it because like i don't want to mess something up and then not have a pc because i've done something stupid i was so scared doing it doing that because i just didn't like buy my like i watched a youtube video and did it but i'm so scared building your own pc is easy now you just lay down the the heat resistant glue patch and i'm like that doesn't sound easy i don't hold on it's like that's not the easy part of the building the computer i'm wasting time i'm wasting time oh don't worry i sat on this i sat on the star you catch for at least a minute i'm wasting okay i found a flaw on the new notes oh what happened uh stone shopping is not here i remember my stones so remember when i said i caught that magmar yeah i just got done with the uh i just got done with the like the evolution catch screen nice yeah i lost like five minutes to like a chancy catch one time okay i'm gonna remember to not deposit all of my pokes uh at the end of mansion because i have to revive the other pokemon that need to not go in my party [Music] i think i just take the any percent uh route and just uh what is it like i deposit after sabrina i mean you don't really need a level anything right no but if i deposit anything early then extra pokemon will continuously go into my party yeah like the omni aerodactyl or and then the lapras porygon so it's like lap reporting are fine because you could get rid of them on the because they don't level up just from fighting sabrina but yeah you could just probably yeah but there's but it's still dipping into that menu yeah yeah no i'm saying it's just wait probably something yeah you probably don't need to change yeah just wait until huh i'm not on the bottom floor yet oh okay i'm just fighting ted well no one percent didn't come out i can't believe i've got it before yeah i did i think i cut it too [Music] like all i want i rock is for somebody to supervise me not show me not like here i'll do what you watch like supervise me doing it so that way i get the hands-on experience but also like the safety net of knowing when not to do something wrong am i gonna beat this coffee or is he gonna box me in did the coughing box you in he did not i beat him nice [Music] okay can we get in cvs oh i would have made that cycle what the hell oh okay well i never make that cycle [Music] i used all my walls or something cool [Music] i'll need to show you that [Music] oh that's right i did not ride rapidash yet when i so close [Music] wait is this my cue to actually hydrate now [Music] two extra levels i got first one rapidash [Music] there you go everybody i hydrated with coffee or with no amount of coffee i got water okay that this just means we're going to do another diploma i promise i'll get a capture card because i i'm convinced this is how i know i'm convinced it's not the cable because it went out on my tv and the tv is not on the usb cable that's an hdmi hdmi so i think it's the whole elgato unfortunate i honestly i would if i ever see all reddicks again i would just give him my elgato because he doesn't speedrun and i think it would work fine for just casual gaming and he needs he needs a low latency capture card because his is currently over a second latency which is unplayable [Music] can i have a doduo please appreciate it every time you lose your sippy modes i have to hydrate now every time you post it okay i will that seems good that's i think it's fair [Music] no ever right i gotta trade to you correct i have not seen an abra would you like me to at least look when i get to uh sell it on again yeah yeah just do the one check when you go to saffron okay but like don't wait for it just like go so don't even you know like don't even go out of the guard house once yeah don't eat no no don't even go out of the darn house once that evie looks too happy uh by the way ellie that is my other favorite e-mode of yours that's like okay and i think i want to level [Music] hey i'm definitely gonna should i catch the dodrio [Music] yeah that was expected all of my time lost on this lane split was from my capture card directly doesn't matter now what it doesn't even matter if i get a good pizza or not i mean getting sub five would still be like an accomplishment [Music] ballot or invalid i don't care always is [Music] i mean just because it's not leaderboard valve doesn't mean it's about it's not like we're doing anything baby yeah i mean uh actually t-pack you definitely did some tool-assisted stuff i know so untrustworthy you know you know what sin i've cheated with you once now now i'm ready to cheat when i get into gdq baby let's do it i'll be so famous i will cheat i'll be like oh no my capture card died and then oh i got i got world record wha in a pokemon game at gdq no way he's so hype and then i'll go on some rants about how people pushing for world records are doing it for the wrong reason [Music] why do i pick up the elixir i don't need it oh my god [Music] every time [Music] hey it i don't care [Music] this is dumb i shouldn't do it i'm doing it anyway [Music] that's okay that's better actually [Music] wait i can't even read that on my whole obs can you please not use the term world record it's very misleading it assumes that the video posted is the fastest time where in fact somebody else could have a faster unrecorded version could you please use the term b k t w v e a a a v b m o f s r c that's no time with video evidence as approved and verified by members of the speed running community in the future this would help lower confusion in these types of videos that regard to the ever updating and evolving nature of speedrunning community split [Music] see that way so so when we get record right now t-pat i'll change my current record video to that term all right i lost it because i rock posted something and now it's hidden [Laughter] [Music] hey it's evie let's go do you know what i still haven't found an eevee needs [Music] 81 you should get in not even a that was a one shake 81 what that's lame okay remember to get strength this time i never i always forget to get strong push hey jarvis i don't think sheep is here sheep is crying because uh there's no f1 this weekend uh we're on summer break it's very sad so i'm dojo skipping right [Music] because i have more than enough exp already yeah yeah you could dodge escape see we could get the actual world record and then bam and then bam we can title the video that that we got world record except my capture card is bad dear elgato please sponsor me and send me new equipments oh my no no no i'm really bad at marketing by the way like this is i i have no idea how to do marketing or sales it's uh it's just not my dna but this is this is probably also why i'm not a very good influencer online because there's there there's because you have to mark it yourself and this is what feels gummy doing yeah i know it's like like comments and subscribe baby and it's just like i like i get that that's important but people should also like like comment subscribe if they feel like they enjoyed your video have something to say about it would like to see more i'm on a chain eevees evie but i tell you what there is something to be said about call to action because if you don't say to follow me people are just like won't do it because they don't know that that's something they're supposed to do hey y'all if you enjoy the beautiful let's go content maybe y'all should actually subscribe to my youtube page because i could really use the subscribers to you know what if one person subscribes to my youtube page i will be at 169 subscribers and it will all because be because of you but that's not the number you need like four times it's close to the number okay [Music] everyone should just make buck count so we get event before 2069 and then you all have to subscribe in 100 batches of 100. so that could just go straight up to 269. if you don't have like 100 alt accounts what are you even doing with your likes yeah where's all your burner accounts just normal content find a new slam listen i want to make money off of youtube but you gotta get to a thousand subs and that feels literally impossible [Music] there we go duff thank you so much for the subscription assuming that's that's what you did abraham yeah let's go let's go evie come on you're i'm on the chain where are you you don't even need to native abra you just throw you just throw immediately to the left and you get it excellent every time evie evie that's a rattata i just got so wrecked [Music] that has to eventually come into my party though yeah you're evolving that yeah yeah it's gonna come in with my uh tentacool all right that wasn't the hype assaber i've had like ever so our trades are perfectly even right now right yes 50 each we have one extra trade because of crabby yep that's what i have 51 with the krabby mart well now it's 50. we're 50 each i have 51. uh you didn't mark one of our trades though uh probably okay now i need to wait for imagine waiting for doe duo oh i had to wait for pony till yesterday so i've seen so many dojios i caught a dodrio so i don't think i could do jump kick strats no you didn't you didn't no he didn't trade me maggie yet and it's actually on my other tracker it's something that i have traded that i didn't unmark uh i have traded atkins growlithe vulpix i have have that marked as traded chansey was probably one i have chansey marks okay [Music] you wigglytuff marked that's it yep i did not undo wiggly tough but now i have one whatever i whatever you traded me i didn't mark well that time it was really tough chance okay let's look something up i have chancy marts mine stand by i got my marked audit stand true oddish and sancho are marked so right now it's 50 trades for you 51 for me yeah that's what i have okay um what did i trade you hurt persian you marked persian right [Music] yeah i did um you haven't marked that you train me then both needles right or no you're sorry you're showing me fable right yes i switched that yep i switched that immediately [Music] so i rock if you hit explanation point trade you'll get an example of what the trade tracker looks like because i took a screenshot of it and put it in a viewable spot [Music] i'm here might as well um growleth you said you marked that's what that's it i did not mark growlithe from you damn that was the first thing i said then that was the one i missed so now i'm 15 50. yeah okay cool [Music] time for our chair yeah and since i'm using two trackers like what joker suggested i have even less screen space hey joker did you know that uh archer's muck is a range it low special yeah yeah i've missed it before yes i forget who i forget where i learned it but someone missed it and we were all like oh [Music] yeah it happened to me i think on an aop run i was like huh i always boost my special attack [Music] it would have been self-destruct bone rang he would have died instantly eyes focus energy because he went into the cubone and it failed humond cubone you have this exact turn to ko and it's a four turn otherwise i have to do literally everything myself do not headbutt and do not miss bone meringue find split again no he missed again he missed phone more egg twice he missed phone rank twice and i lost a turn because of it oh so so talking about aop t-pat so you know how you've had like you have issues or like there's the issue of eevee evos and like stoning yeah eat stone levees at the end all of them at the end so i try to keep open slots for the eevees to go into and then try to get flareon or vaporeon because that's when you have those two stones yeah that's what i do that i try but it's not guaranteed yeah yeah so i just do it if not it just it goes at the end yeah yeah that's what i do uh it's really nice if you can get one because it just makes it more likely that you only have a stack of six sony bows at the end instead of seven or eight because i've been getting seven and eight a lot i just evolved both uh i got flareon and sleep for you already oh yeah neither of us got vocals or huh true so yeah i don't know where dojio's moves are i don't remember i can't do jump kick stress anymore feels bad [Music] all right please yeah my time with you stopped that's all i could say about our first run it was off it was awful you did but you only got two gym badges yeah i did yes that didn't happen no but even higher like pogo flew spit i is up 10 minutes so that kanga was awful on our run first run [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] huh [Music] all right so you're you're fighting giovanni right right now oh am i going to get four badges before you i think i will yes i'm wedding i i have five badges were you five already yeah i fought blaine serge and erica okay where's swords dance oh my special attack is so low oh it's so low it's 121 at 49. okay that's so low it's so low that means i have to psychic all the things on koga so unfortunately [Music] it's a sad day i i can't jump kick jump kick jump kick because i don't have jump cake yeah this is a situation where i think dojo skipping is i basically i base it on do i need the dojo exp if i do i do dojo if i don't i can save it for later gdq it's always to do oh yeah marathon we should always skip it yeah because it'd be super hyped right factor is in fact a legitimate play so i don't even have i technically don't even have to pick up the rare candy uh here because i don't need a candy oh [Music] and yeah not going to drop any on [Music] uh not going to drop any on dragon air because i trust you well i mean we'll know by then but i mean i should be fine my run right unless unless i get like a razor dratini then then then something might happen but that never happens to me so i think i have an extra card anyways i can't wait to get punished one time for talking so much about raising oh i know where i have the extra candy because i didn't have to use it on uh ponyta that's what it is so i have one extra candy anyways yeah yeah no i will be fine [Music] so this is the legendary three plus zero strat it's a little slush just because we have to get charmander like charmander plus dried routine levels can be sketched sometimes even on good runs all right i need to sell the nuggets because this is where i'm gonna get some extra ultra balls this is where i wish i would have got two of them let's get better money items the scale issue wow it's so toxic over here that's that's my partner everyone [Music] don't you know random money items are totally skilled it's totally skill issue 100 what do you expect also we need to figure out the special attack shopping here because i still buy 29 oh i died i'm dumb i need jump kicks for magnum like i am dumb okay whatever fire blast time yeah see i had 64 ultra balls that was perfect no i won't have to theoretically won't have to show up in a victory road unless i have a bad pincer and i run out of lures nah invalid run means our our thing just got like so high and that means we're gonna be world record which can't be more official but that's fine it's fine still world record i would probably still post it [Music] i mean i would post non leaderboard stuff because it's still running right yeah like it's still fine you know there's obvious like you know like mistakes and then like obvious like obvious cheating yeah i literally have no motivation to cheat that's the thing right also it's co-op right like yeah this is not specifically like how the i mean you can't even do it and let's go what that's vs vs i call vs that's my joy-con spazzing out i've had perfect teleporters so far and i got uh two to go here i always mess up one minimum this last this last trainer cycle i can't figure out though so i feel like the perfect you should go off the top but i always wait for the turn so bottle so i was going bottom and i've had to wait as long as two seconds before and and i had perfect teleporter so i was getting there fast and just then i would have gotten easily hit if i would have went to the top so i i just i don't get it he's the only one i can't figure out on this local cycle yeah sorry sorry you're right you're right pat yeah we can't have fun doing speedruns uh yeah exactly no it's fun it's not allowed yeah i'm sorry i'm having zero fun my name is joker sleeps i don't know if anyone gets that reference but all right please do not quit me on this turn because my special defense has been fallen [Music] you see that argument doesn't work because that's the exact argument used by cheaters dirty stinking cheaters so i figured it out yesterday i did crit the mr mime in one turn so i got to the alakazama turn early i should have went for hydro pump if i would have noticed it yeah i'll make sure i would i'd hit hydro pump and kill and then light screen goes off or b you missed but you weren't gonna kill anyways if you should click scald so there's no risk [Music] okay get bald gyarados learned hydro pump that's the exact move i wanted to see be learned you know i can get golden to level 34 and teach horn drill yeah all right so it's going to be party manage [Music] uh i've i had perfect teleporters today nice feels good i i've never had them though getting the last one feels so good because it's like a it's like a blind one oh i need to pick up the uh moonstone oh you get the moons though i forget i'm surprised well i guess probably because i started running the longer stuff i just don't forget it i don't think i've forgotten it yet just a more use of double moonstone but apparently i can't set my clock correct anymore i looked at the fossil for a second when i was in the cell menu holy i could buy a 102 ultra ball i think that's enough what do you think [Music] i think that's plenty finally a decent menu wait did i buy magikarp i don't remember i don't think i did i think i was going to and i think i didn't catch a magikarp see i'm dreading coming back to any percent for that reason exactly i haven't bought the magic carpet forever oh they're fine coco move only on me oh that sounds awful what this is a gen 1 run oh what is that that's a magikarp we don't care about you double magikarps uh what have i not marked uh coca just said i had 61. hey at least it stops wait are you 59. yeah he just said i had 61. am i only supposed to pick one do i only thunderstone jolteon right yeah nice tentacles [Music] oh dratini easy every time [Music] oh wait you got it already yo hey pay out the prediction peeps [Music] it's hold holy i didn't get it yet i'm still in coga's gym oh i got moon blast turn one that's crazy okay what happened you marked yeah i'm trying to get me out magmar yes that's one of them so that's my that's that's my i have amazing dratini luck by the way [Music] gold no golducks listed in blue and that's uh that's in the county category blues and reds are counted tan is not [Music] um you did dojo no did you trade me diglett or manky no no i didn't trade either did you catch a bit now you catch your video net now no i did not catch ben and nats uh ekans smarts [Music] yeah just the one moonstone that was wiggly tough start you oh yeah yes i i actually just marked starmie recently being like oh i forgot to mark the evolution i just didn't mark starvious star you starve me at all okay thank you thank you everyone see this is why i like koga he he's looking out for you to be honest unfortunately none of his pokemon are even remotely good ranges with skull so i have to psychic everything uh looks like i'm okay so long as i don't get double protect buck [Music] [Music] can i have something spawn please anything's fine that's not a grimer magnus in my elect yes i'll get you later oh yes please guess buddy yes please yes please thank you uh my heart skipped a beat he went for double protect but failed well let's go [Music] [Music] expect nothing less from koga that's right fine here that's right uh zyra oh such an idiot [Music] no no see that we could submit this because because you were on the star you screen when you got the issue and then you ended up yeah i i let go of the controller yo this is a really good time considering you had to uh deal with that that coca time really good yeah no this is this is plenty good like i'm trying hard man like i'm legit like trying hard say go fast i'm using all i'm using all of my diploma and aop knowledge to to try to get the sub 5. let's see what pitzer says we will in fact see what pincer says oh i should have thrown oh i couldn't do anything but you did get dratini right yes only 13 of people thought that you were gonna get it first they obviously don't know anything about you because you were right all along like i'm not even on the route and you're finished i told you i'm not i'm not razor i'm sorry i'm sorry it's funny because both razer and pulse have gotten to route 10 dratini route 10. right when i got to route 15. okay so the plan is literally don't catch anything except pincer right yeah just pincer yes and then catch venonats and not twirls and then only tauros if it's there okay uh you know what i should have done lure it may have helped you know what this is that you know what that was a uh that was a good that was a good experiment to prove that this is one of the routes that you should lure on because of spawn rates but like but like rock tunnel is fine to not lure i still need electabuzz and i still need a magnemite just a reminder kids pincer is a precisely 0.995 spawn and if i go on a tauros or venonat catch chain it becomes a point nine seven zero spawn because of the catch chain displacements as well as the rare spawn hey this might actually too was that i thought that venomoth was shiny for a second i looked away for a second i did not see the sparkles that's the one thing i wish so one thing i wish let's go would add is the shiny sound that legends are oh my god it's on the screen oh yeah oh my god i had a chance too [Music] you don't need a chance anyway cool [Music] oh no i didn't want to do that no no i almost killed my magnet [Music] like four minute pizza is what that was just now four minutes i switched up the excellent i was 15 i spent the first minute of it [Music] all right now we catch a venonat and then we can leave where do i go from here i just go to viridian right right i don't remember oh yes um yeah i got a video from here all right just need a regular good old-fashioned venonats it shouldn't take too long tauros tauros toro hey this is good for your shittiest rv yeah okay this this is a bad bird well the to be fair the gigantic magmar was good for the shitty starmie the 11 000 experience from a magmar can you imagine no mine was that too in my aop run because it's huge can this zapdos get in please all right i actually deposit here oh yeah this is actually the perfect spot to deposit i was waiting for the tentacle to evolve uh unfortunately the abra gained like five levels while i was waiting but like that's fine it's at least it doesn't yeah it's whatever it's not a big deal we'll take that pizza all the time every time zapdos please so you're doing late stone shopping right yes okay it's always so hype just to see a pincer is always hype this bird sucks it's been over 10 throws oh i like how this video is now yeah this is now my second reset of the route okay hit excellent 18.11 come on oh my gosh [Music] please get in this is so bad oh i was supposed to depo no i can deposit here because the vetted that's not going to be all that much exp you want to you want venomot you want to evolve it yeah but it didn't go straight in my party actually this was optimal because now i can menu and put it in my party at the same time yeah then fly yeah this zapdos is awful [Music] that was like oh your teeny was so good well how do you feel about this holy crap okay that's a great come on give me like the 16 or whatever oh my gosh see this is what so the my marking problems are definitely stemming from not having four colors this is definitely why please give me a fourth color please get in yeah etiquette where are you we want this fourth color i didn't get it split for the route man it was good though it i'm 13 minutes ahead just don't worry about it this is so bad oh thank you careful and i'm straight up 13 minutes ahead because i skipped dojo in our uh 500 as well so i'm not even borrowing like three minutes can i please get this in thank you holy crap that was like actually five minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no no no whoops i hit the slope hoodie optional outside trying to get a magic card yeah he sucks lily have a ride horn i'm yeah he sucks he's a bad trainer to hit i'm dead it's just a death warp um are you two controllering like you should [Music] hopefully i have hopefully this kills hey [Music] okay we're fine [Music] special attack is low i feel like it just is getting worse like i'm losing special attack i'm at 129 special attack at 51. the defense is high though so there's that [Music] like is naomi even a range it's 12 and 16 right now with a hydro pump i think i'm in the second lowest here yeah rip good thing you're so high level [Music] that means i probably was going to be in the lowest here because i think i'm a level higher what level are you right now 51. yeah you're one level yeah usually you're 50 exiting giovanni [Music] just hit it like i just hit 51. are you ready to skip all the vr trainers now yeah like that's gonna happen and we know it's possible on their doctor technically possible [Music] well good thing my defense is so high that i definitely lift three earthquakes like easily oh my god he went for slash and i was like good and then he crit me and i was like bad and i lived on five [Music] man i'm gonna have to respawn this route for freaking elected ones good thing my defense is so high because sheesh [Music] how is that not excellent hmm well pidgeot's quick attack does 21 points of damage and i am at five so we are going to heal i think you should heal i think i'm going to heal that was a little spoopy i'm not even healing to full i'm healing from five to 125 out of 133 thank you very much [Music] and if you're wondering why i don't say for giovanni that's what the max revive is for it it allows me to not save on a handful of fights because you just bail yourself out by max reviving and then two controllers and it's faster than resetting the fight quite simply don't get crit twice in those cases [Music] [Music] so joker do you fight both coach trainers yes [Music] i mean that makes sense i was just wondering why my other partners weren't wait do they not yeah they were both pulse and razor were just like just fight the one that's aop yeah no you fight well all issues i think that's why they're having issues is they just only fight the one coach trainer but the no say to fight vote there's no obstacle doesn't like the buzz is taking longer than the freaking zucchini i've got multiple magnum times now that i don't need it fourteen percent by the way i'm finding five percent excuse me excuse you nice five percent uh electrode and magic this will be fine i will definitely live this i'm short of psychic so i have to hydro pump how did i get short of psychic i mean i should have just scalded the marowak but instead i went for hydro pump on the raichu it's all fine why are you all panicking everything's fine [Music] uh i don't think you can keith uh i don't because uh the risky like if you want control of the fight and you just go to uh plus two you you have to wait can you scale the f plus four i don't think though wait maybe i'm wrong he's right [Music] i say because in the right one in the one controller stat one controller fight you just ex special attack once and go to plus two and you would scald the marowak psychic the vile plume thunderbolt the pidgeots and then it says hydro pump but that's hydropon plus two so i think plus four where my my special attack's a little bunker so maybe i had to hydro pump there anyways okay okay i got a chance can i get this 14 collected bus i've been here for three minutes did i tell you about the time i had a five minute uh execute yeah that was the same day i had that three minute magma this is worse than the magmar holy uh i actually should have i actually should have waited to do my depositing and other menuing until after i had my next few pokemon because then i would i heard oh there you are one of the things that you got 47. three more things [Music] hey it's finally here oh my gosh it only took years i saw so many five percent skull plus 4 is more powerful than plus 2 hydro pump done noted [Music] i just don't think i've been in that situation before [Music] hey here's the marsh batch trainer that i remember that you tried to skip all those years ago yes dude finally the eggs just show up right away as they should you paulie yep yeah i had a good route 23. [Music] if i actually had so the power plant got ruined because of stupid alex buzz well and uh it was already not great because the stupid doctors but thanks uh okay oh yeah i need onyx [Music] would be pretty [Music] uh those are some awful immediate spawns because they are in the way they are literally blocking me [Music] i thought about repel repelling but the geodude remember you need uh you need uh yeah i need onyx that's gear that is uh required uh it's best to get it uh in the room nearest alexa [Music] it's the most open space yeah no that's the best room yo what's up cruel thank you very much for the raid uh everybody why did i never catch a tender pool on route though yeah welcome in everybody hi cruel hopefully your stream went well um t-pat uh he's joker you can hit explanation point multi and actually watch us both because we are doing a co-op speed run uh this is pokemon let's go i am playing evie and he is playing pika and combined we are going to catch them all all 150. you gonna get some sleep i i know the feeling bud thank you very much for the raid much much appreciated why am i emmy nominated because i'm a tv meteorologist and i'm emmy nominated for my uh work in the weather field with my tv station i'm nominated for uh just just best weather person uh in the northwest and for best evening newscast in the northwest because they're regional emmys i'm a meteorologist in spokane washington so i am just a local meteorologist uh but the emmys are regional emmys so this is so though so that basically includes uh seattle portland boise billings uh eugene uh all those uh tri-cities lewiston does tentacles want to spawn do they even exist why am i losing time to the dumbest i mean i haven't seen lots of people on tv that are emmy nominated i mean that's fair [Music] teapat lives in florida and does okay news holy crap bro that is so cringe the hypno put me to sleep twice cringe oh come on so the prime time tv is called the daytime emmys so those are like the actor emmys uh the regional is like for journalism so those are like local tv stations uh your local sports region so like root sports fox sports blah blah uh would also fall under that category of regional oh i could have went i didn't realize i would have had i have that cycle yeah like yeah bally sports is uh you you said you poliwag right yep okay we'll trey when i get the squirtle uh it'd be great because i'm getting close to moltres it'll be after multiples because okay you know this would be we would have great timing if electabuzz didn't take 20 goddamn minutes [Music] but between you and me chat i'm actually also not a fan of valley sports because it's owned by sinclair and i used to work for a sinclair tv station they sucked like that was the by far the worst company i've ever worked for and i'm really glad i don't work for them anymore i work for tegna and tegna is nice to me [Music] i love formula one that's on the summer break and i want to watch more races [Music] who's everybody's favorite f1 driver do you find onyx or ride on no no not yet i haven't no like nothing spawned oh i got flinched cringe [Music] max was snapping dude i was i was big on the max wagon uh last year this year i'm like yeah he's so cool but like probably lando norris is my favorite right now dude should have two wins and it's a shame that he doesn't have two wins right now he should have won um he should have won russia and italy last year in the mclaren freaking deserved it [Music] russell is always dude the um his pole position last week was hype he's a big fan of that [Music] the good old daytime emmys there we go i got an excellent throw in the moltres get in you're 20 [Music] yeah he's the best driver on track in the best car so i mean he's in the no one's gonna beat him this year i thought mercedes probably really should have won last year because their strategy to uh add yet another engine to their pool was really paying off like they just had so much engine power at the end of last season i'm glad that verstappen won don't get me wrong i was like screaming i was like oh last second pass on the last lap of the last race to win the championship site oh dude my vultures is cringe right now i think i'm on ball seven or eight oh cringe [Music] pidgeys [Music] moltres please all right who wants to bless me with some better moltres luck please [Music] all right are you are you almost ready nope all right i have to deposit now thank you keith i'm on four pidgeys five pidgeys oh we would have been so good if the stupid elect of us wasn't today i saw so many five percent mocks and magnetons and electrodes but no 14 classic all right i gotta look for onyx before i move forward oh i got him yeah let's go let's go [Music] huge let's go let's go [Music] [Music] popping off all right now i need an onyx yeah the onyx and then if you see a rivalry that's nice too yeah they're right on [Music] yeah these are the best two rooms to farm for the encounters it's really just the one room i i got the hip on lee in the bottom room though so yeah yeah yeah so it was like it was worth it but the onyx here no it's it's worth the check there we go it's worth the check bowl but the hitmonchan floor spawns more from my experience [Music] i think we're gonna be short on charmander xd [Music] just an fyi that's a bummer so when i right before i trade charmeleon back i should probably just put that one or two candies i have into it yeah just just for anything 14.5 pidgey so i care about some pidgey pidgey big pidgey kind of big like jinx or ginormous jinx [Music] yeah so you're out of vr nope i got two trainers left oh okay okay so you're still lowering your now i am so luring just in case i get uh right on see so no ditto right uh no did oh no okay [Music] fine that was the best use of the rng reward see common is actually not the correct word ditto is only a five percent encounter in cerulean cave uh chansey is more common than ditto it is most common at the bottom floor of mansion where it's a 10 encounter i'll see enough spot i'll see enough spawns that'll be okay but it could be bad [Music] right on nice where are you did you fight caroline yet yes i just have uh dawson ago okay oh zoom and lapras because the rare spawns almost right into me [Music] [Music] all right everybody say goodbye to this right horn [Music] damn it crushed it uh no chansey's already caught uh see it's already marked on my tracker actually it was joker who caught it [Music] but it is nice that there is a spot that chansey spawns that is not a rare spawn zoom lapras uh the only thing i need to catch in cerulean cave is like a tongue and ditto liquor tongue only spawns in cerulean caves so that's always so that's always guaranteed there ideally that's the only catch you want to do but yeah more likely than that it's like at least ditto and then subtitles right uh this better kill okay i went for a skull on the on the looking tongue but i am 53 so that should have been guaranteed well you got the better ranges yeah here's the thing i think i'm so low that i still have to go to plus six for lorelai wow actually wait i might i might hit 54 for the jinx because remember my special attack was low it was 129 at 51. yeah it's disgusting uh i bet i'm okay i bet i'm actually okay i bet i'm 1 33 which is just marginal i'm just gonna actually repel off of this uh last row because i'm they're blocking yeah you don't need anything so faster to repel than getting the counter yes 43 minutes ahead what i wonder why i don't mind the fact that i am 42 pokemon behind so still we're still not trading yet no either either before bruno or before i get though oh hey do you mind what you have extra special attacks for you two or no like yeah like ex-special attacks yeah yeah you starving oh plenty cause i forgot to to trade the grimer oh right because that would be in uh this uh it would have been in the previous well the one we're supposed to do yeah are you fine to do starmie straps yeah that's fine okay i still buy way too many ex special attacks good i was like oh that that's right that thing see i came up the strat i still forget it yeah that's fine okay cool all right we're gonna risk it we're gonna go plus uh plus four because i should if i'm 133 then it should be a 14 and 16 range with skald on the jinx i know i'm guaranteed for the uh lapras all right should be close 132 is guaranteed for lapras if i'm not 132 there's a problem how do i predict the weather i'm a degree in meteorologist so i went to school for it [Music] has esp towers i was exactly 133 on special attack but now i'm 135. this is so low like dragonite is still a range oh my god oh i missed the range i missed the range on the jinx are you fine it was a 15 and 16. i gotta i got those i got the scald burn and that's how it died nice [Music] and i have high enough defense that i still don't need to heal for bruno like i can't even be crit at this health that was ridiculous i'm level 54. how did i not kill the stupid jinx this stormy's garbage it's really bad man you know how bad it was it broke my capture card yeah if you think about it that was the exact catch yeah look at the computer models i analyze the computer models and i use my intimate knowledge of my local forecast area uh in terms of like micro climates and i'm able to adjust any kind of biases to uh craft my forecast on a daily basis kind of tldr but yes i but yes i do my own forecasting and i make my own weather graphics uh and i present my own forecast so it is a uh it is a very skillful combination of the meteorological science and the communication science [Music] where are you bruno okay can you just start i'm in the middle okay might have you playing [Music] so for that um there are two types of forecasting there is what's called deterministic which is like looking at a computer model that's saying like oh it's gonna be this rain in this exact spot but then there's also probabilistic which is what is the percent chance in all possible scenario like meteorological scenarios is it a 90 chance is it a 40 is it a two percent chance and then you have like a gradient of possibilities you still want me to go to agatha agatha yeah yeah do agatha yeah we'll trade out dragon though still gonna save for safety even though i think i could just uh max survive and get out uh what's just curious like what's the danger if i say if i lost my x-speed and the gengar outsweeted me does it have like crunch or something shadow ball oh that's super effective right yeah i know it's instituted i'm just curious just curious no i know i really i don't probably notice buy extra yeah we got a power of love no term one crunch no i i i'm back to just my normal glare turn one so no defense drop and power of love turn two optimal agatha okay i'm i'm just catching jason and i'll be ready to trade all right uh i got i got three pokemon to kl [Music] this is very likely uh assumptions based on previous data we can still use previous model runs and then analyze trends like for example like a heat wave that's upcoming this week was was originally forecast to be like 98 and then the next day was 99 and the next day the models were 102 so that is trending up uh and i can account for that my forecast but usually like people understand like oh this is trending higher blah blah blah oh my god level 55 and i'm still only 138 special attack that should guarantee the range it does guarantee the dragonite range but not in special attack because of level yeah yeah i know yeah because 139 i'm like regular yeah if i was at level 53 it would have been at 12 and 16 range okay i'm ready you ready yes oh that is the wrong pocket others oh what do you want me to like trade first is there anything do anything in your party uh yes i do pikachu pidgey caterpie so i need the stuff in your party okay how much stuff you have in your party uh i have five things one's aerodactyl one's starmie so i have three things that can go in my that are in my party to trade we played those first yep [Music] it's gonna be my victory row catches so the ride on the onyx and the hitmonlee okay cool what did i just trade you squirtle [Music] he todd and you just [Music] so [Music] okay next is trunk [Music] alex beautiful thank you thank you would you send me onyx [Music] this is gonna be like a medium-sized trade okay yes send me the last party thing the absolute hype monster that was the hitmonlee yeah hi [Music] uh okay so from here nothing else is going to my party but you need polywhite yeah let me polywag [Music] after that there are only two other pokemon that evolve the level that i trade you [Music] yeah send them i'll send kabutops and yeah the night oh mommy and coughing hey they're right next to each other i saw them send you flareon [Music] polly [Music] [Music] ah there goes my 50-minute lead on agatha [Laughter] i just wanted to explain it yeah coughing or oman yup they're right next to each other actually it's very convenient [Music] i set you seal [Music] which one did you send me this time coffee [Music] all right here's where i'm gonna use my third color to mark what i need to evolve but is not in my party [Music] you beat agatha yes i did so i'm standing in front of lance right now okay [Music] i send you slowpoke you send me i sent you the ammonite [Music] okay so fight lance [Music] and then if squirtle doesn't evolve candy okay i can almost almost guarantee that it'll probably need that candy but maybe not uh anything else you need right now no we're just leaving we're leaving okay i'll let you hello dark lucky [Music] now i save because my party is full of all evolution things like i deposited aerodactyl just to get a full party of folks to evolve please be fast i don't want to let me know when when when i'm done with lance and things are evolved let me know when you're done setting up okay [Music] that was a pathetic hyper beam it did 32. good to know my defenses are high [Music] done setting up and uh and i've defeated lance because he was on a charge turn so i didn't get crit all right attacking [Music] you're attacking right i'm attacking so the herod axles out please get in i beg of you [Music] i am gonna have charmeleon you should have zucchini too [Music] two pokemon to go did your team level up not yet it just did now okay you already know it okay we're fine all right i'm on dragonite cool cool [Music] come on come on wartortle come on nope [Music] and then we'll trade before champ yes [Music] how many evolutions are you in just the two uh and about 202 no no which one are you doing right now ah this is the charmander the first thing that was the second one [Music] cutscene the oaks talking to me cutscene all right evolving let me know evolving now i'm lucky i had the one extra candy [Music] level 55 and i can't even do plus two thunderbolt man that sucks okay i'm ready you go into the menu yep i'm in the the trade menu [Music] dude pidgey caterpie and i'll start by training by trading those three things back yeah [Music] player has been found it's you [Music] you send me wartortle i sent you something kabuto [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is a ball of war torb [Music] orb torb [Music] [Music] fish [Music] all right everything else uh that i'm gonna be sending you will not be in my party uh but i do have some things to send you uh when do you want to do the trade evolutions um you can send me cadaver first right now okay [Music] see if i can find it real fast come on you'll be in your pincer-ish ish in a weird spot it's like smack dab in the middle [Music] oh this run was good besides stupid zapdos and like electivo don't you hate it when something that's not a troll trolls you yes that's when i get mad like if you know if psycho and stuff it's like disappointing right but it's like whatever that's what i expect so it's not like i'm really mad like when it's the unknown stuff it's so annoying that was that was being my execute the other day like a freaking six pack of eggs just didn't show up on route 23 and i was like huh yeah i hate when eggs [Music] i was looking for machamp i don't know if it exactly works like that okay we'll do the next training yeah goodbye 50-minute lead this is so funny ignore the fact that i'm 50 pokemon ahead ignore the fact [Music] okay i'm looking for haunter [Music] uh [Music] see did dojo skip i might just have you not go give skip like you need me to slow down now [Music] man i don't need you to if seither just spawns oh you might need me to do the dojo to get the the chan yeah oh boy yeah oh it all depends on tonight there if [Music] you know if snorlax just wants to be gigantic and just like you know give me what i need the like the static spawns do still have like big and huge properties to them right yeah so please please [Music] okay i need uh i need gloom and eggs yeah gloom and eggs uh yeah that's all that's all that needs to like absolutely we need to trade no i need to trade you all the stuff oh yeah that too then from my yeah you're in my natural priority i'll do eggs first because i uh do eggs for no yeah because i think i know where they are blue should be oh there it is [Music] oh dang it this would be so good if the lights were is showing [Music] [Music] [Music] did i send you did i send you poliwhirl i don't think i did did i no you haven't how many things you have to trade plenty uh 14. you can't trade air doctors so no that's that's what i accounted for because i have 15 remaining trades no air dactyls 14. [Music] i'm gonna start peeping from the top here creamy treat me porygon lapras toro's pincer magmar okay that was fine [Music] so my bottom yeah here's regular grimer because i forgot okay try and fight meet you with it just obliterated like huh that didn't work at all [Music] i even bought the extra x attack this time unlike last time [Music] [Music] i have lots of things to evolve don't i yeah you do it's fine i just worry that it might take more than one lickets on catch what did i just send you grabby yeah [Music] uh semi porygon yep it's gonna be that lapras is kind of next to the light [Music] [Music] this is porygon you said correct okay so the only thing i need to send you is paris drowsy they're sorry i meant drowsy not parasite elsie is it drowsy right that's the only thing i think yeah yes i sent you slowpoke great yes that wasn't here the fact that's in my party is one of the first things uh i have nine left no no sorry i'm in on the tracker hold on how many trades [Music] uh uh 30 i i miss one i mismarked one of mine somewhere oh no i see that no i thirty two three three two five thirty also dirty also hi yeah i have i just haven't unclicked like two of mine [Music] i found one of them okay send me uh magmar yes because that's the thing i can find the fastest [Music] don't evolve this yep i remember uh i'm just trying to find the one thing that i already sent you that i didn't unmark i didn't send you ditto yet did i no you don't have it that's right that's i didn't say you did yeah okay very good yeah yeah i'm so good at remembering things no no we have 29 trades 29 i got it okay the raticate was what i didn't unmark yeah i'm perfectly 29. okay uh i'm leaving okay now that is what i call a party i am hoping for five evos on champ which would be my second five pack this run after the magmar and i had five evos it's hilarious i love that i can still hear you you're because yeah it's just a little bit in the background it's like nice this army was so bad that if i wasn't 55 i'd have to plus four thunderbolt does it start me so bad this army sucks man it literally has only defense okay can i have horsey oh the horsey you're all the way over there so far how many balls do i have left 22 that's fine [Music] what what am i doing okay nice what am i doing nice air slash dodge [Music] i got crit but i lived because i was i was at full health uh that might be quick attack it's just it was not because again high defense i didn't know exactly though so i didn't want to risk it it was fine yeah it's fine i've seen it use heatwave before by the way the pidgeot or yeah really yeah why would it ever use a heat wave yeah i said quick attack that heat waved me i was really confused it would have had a pre-roll uh heat wave crits question mark yo where all my levels at on all my peeps that are in my party there we go thank you there's one but there's one but not an evo there's two in a divo the golden is gonna be the only thing yeah i couldn't get to 32 this time the hopeless is three more pokemon it got a level off of three so maybe can this seizure get in i know one controller slots it's gonna run last chance it's a great get in come on come on yeah last ball come on come on more levels more evos there's a third that's it just three evos [Music] damn this is all the horses today what wait i accidentally swam past the snorlax but did i just see dog i think i saw duck i saw a duck yes instant duck can this happen on aop please instead when we get oh my god rights but like like actually though yeah [Music] all right so this is actually a perfect time for me to go to cerulean get my bulbasaur go get the meow and then go to cerulean [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] did you be are you in credits nope i'm just talking to i had oakley evos post champion yeah [Music] [Music] well i may have swam fast snorlax but it was worth it if you get if you get a duck it's very worth it [Music] now i'm in hall of fame okay [Music] my evos are every other slot my party they're slots two four and six very funny now i'm in credits okay which means it's a bathroom break nice nice i'm gonna use that and then actually hydrate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got me some cheez-its nice [Music] oh that's where you got that picture from [Music] the the uh the fly the fly hm picture in your latest youtube video oh it's in the comments it's in the credits wait it is yeah i was wondering where it came from yeah so uploaded like a bunch of pictures right [Music] yeah it's in the credits i was always wondering where you would see that i was like inside the cutscene we skipped [Music] okay psycho come on just come in now i would really appreciate [Music] if if there's a glowing chansey we take youtube oh for exp absolutely yeah hey scyther yes let's go nice i'm out of credits you just got out i just got out so i have a the text cutscenes i think you're gonna attack one throwing anyway we if if this doesn't get it i'm in trouble okay cool in let's go let's go now i just need levels desperately i still need vin on that [Music] the problem is i don't have ultra balls [Music] uh i just put the crabby and the diglett okay we're gonna sell everything oh why did i do that i should have literally have rode around before i wrote aerodactyl that realized i had to get bulbasaur unlucky whatever great is this the correct play i don't know it might not be that's what we're doing now okay good good immediately got it those don't sell for i don't need okay this should be fine i need like 10 levels this is ridiculous this all comes back to the stupid electric buttons [Music] okay you don't need catch ditto what no way one percent easy i'll let you know if i catch it though i don't have any razzes so [Music] i only have regular rounds i don't have silver resin so but our trade situation i mean [Music] it obviously makes sense we'll see if i catch it though i just about to just start chaining stuff and then ditto is the second spawn after eradicate all right here's my glowing lukatunga uh yeah okay so you did catch ditto yeah okay okay yeah i can i can go straight to mewtwo yeah um what is better though is extra trade better [Music] who tried to learn horn drill was it goldeen golden at 34. yeah 15 candies 50. [Music] okay we'll see so that's four evos and then i have to put four things in my party do you think they will all evolve on mewtwo they might well i mean you had did you get any of the ruling cave candies i think i should i think getting two can getting both the candies for safety is gonna be the play and then cerulean i did not get the cerulean candy no no you could get it after you escape yeah [Music] um but i'll get the two cave candies [Music] [Music] i don't know if what i'm doing is correct [Music] if one of these were glowing it'd be really nice [Music] i think this is fine t-pass can be waiting on me a bit [Music] well i got a ton of evo's to go still i had this batch of four and then i have another batch of four uh awesome you two oh you four after you catch me two i have four after i catch mewtwo and then all the stony evolutions okay so so you have three extra candies i'm only gonna oh yeah up to up to three no and then you can get celadon right you don't normally get celadon i have no idea where the saladon candy is so just go behind the uh stan stand by i think i have to use my stupid brain yeah just just hold on [Music] uh we are going to repel okay say again okay so you fly to pc right you fly to the pokemon center yep and then you just go behind the pokemon center and then just go go oh nothing go all the way left okay that one yeah i can get that one so that'd be four right that would be four but i still have mewtwo catch so i might not need all four yeah yeah see what the new catch is first you're about to get it [Music] oh that would have been great uh [Music] oh okay i just realized what the problem might be what not all the pokemon are even gonna get any experience on him oh yeah so you'll need how many candies you think i need [Music] hopefully no more than four i just know that the one pokemon i'm not gonna sack is bulbasaur that'll be the one that'll be the one i intentionally avoid did you catch me out yep yeah it was immediate but just to confirm you did give me everything with like one level to go right yes except the goldie which you already know [Music] oh my starmie is so bad nice one percent ditto again i got a second one okay this is nice please be i don't even know if i need gigantic but eradicate foreign [Music] [Music] yeah the things i had in my party were the things that needed the least amount of exp from only mewtwo 2k was enough i only need two you just need two candies i just need the two candies that i haven't picked up i didn't i didn't waste a single level from mewtwo because i got drowsy up one level and bulbasaur up it's four to sixteen [Music] yeah so he does candy twice [Music] you are allowed to candy fainted pokemon okay very funny it's like a revive it's red bar strats [Music] you're gonna fish before me we will see about that i have to do dojo so yes you will finish before we will see about that i could still mess this up somehow don't you worry [Music] [Music] i have dojo and then all my estonians [Music] [Music] 17 38 to 55 to 17 right say those numbers again 38 plus 17 is 55 yes correct [Music] what wasted candy oh that's fine because i was mashing yeah okay i need hit mon chan yes we have so many trades i normally only have like 30 trades to go yeah okay so if you have extra time after you so let me know when you're done with all your evolution i'm on the last one okay if you want to catch a horsey and then evolve it okay i think that's the easiest one [Music] i just have five stone that's what it is oh don't evo first and then let me know where you are [Music] do all your evos first and then i'll tell you if you should catch it or not uh i'm evolving the fable yes cool uh i am evolving there's puppy i think you have given me them see this is the tough part is i can't find i literally cannot find any of the remaining stone evils well you can now and then you'll know where they are okay don't catch horsey i think but just i okay there it is you want me to do all my stone evils first yes so i i don't think i don't think you'll time to get it where are you anyway i'm literally just standing in cerulean uh by the candy that i picked up in cerulean cerulean because i picked up the cerulean candy and now i managed my party gonna do the arcanine stone evo to ride arcanine to have a more efficient traveling make sure to get off oh yeah i did it last time [Music] okay hit my chair [Music] so stone evo's first and then kind of see where we're at yeah i think we'll just i think based on where i am i think you're just gonna get the trade you're just gonna go you're just gonna fly to zelda [Music] um what do i need i need eggs [Music] [Music] you have an extra candy right nope i'm at zero candies you just get it sold on what do you need me to candy um well have you finished your ebook yet yeah well i just have stony bones yeah yeah have you finished the stone evolution no okay i'm gonna do them now yep how would you do three okay i think you won't have enough time which is fine oh i wouldn't i would need the candy for horsey [Music] yeah i'm like trying to figure this out my stupid brain cell is like fading yeah you're not going to i don't think you're time to go to horsey so trade me star me please star me yes okay [Music] [Music] i didn't mark a train okay oh i see [Music] and then you can judge my starmie and see how freaking bad it is [Music] how many stones do you have one to go yeah just just go to the celadon [Music] and then just trade me stunning okay so it's 30 trades for you 29 for me yes no 29 for me 28 for you okay that means one of the things i forgot to mark already oh i know what i forgot what cloister oh you you got it yeah i traded that yeah did you evolve it nope okay i just looked at it and i was like i need another water stone i didn't shop yeah i gotta go up and buy one [Music] it's going why do i need two oh i still need a i still have an extra i didn't i need to hold the vileplume we're forgetting stone evo's everywhere so you said 28 for me yeah 29 for me is that how you is that how you got it now now yeah that's how i got it i still i still missed a mark but it's correct on my uh visible screen [Music] where are you put you in over arcanine so that way it removes the ride pokemon did i up i don't think i did [Music] okay now i'm caught up did you evolve it yep are you going there i'm in the building okay i'm coming i'm almost there all right i'm ready i'm slowly going there should be one more thing i need to trade it mark what is it oh is this [Music] okay i'm heading in [Music] okay i got the link code up [Music] okay round 29 trades [Music] i'm gonna go from the bottom up and we'll go from there [Music] yeah 29 trades oh this is sub5 this is so the question is is this record it might be no way no dead serious like with me just waiting around on a suit like fixing my capture card for a minute because it was like a full minute if um so it's definitely beating my in your retro time at 4 55 because we have 29 trade 28 trades and we still have a half hour to go so it might be record what did i trade you the first time you just gave me exeggutor and what'd you give me and i gave you mewtwo and then you gave me look it's on here i gave you i'm gonna make it easy on myself i'm gonna go from the bottom i give you parasect and execute okay yeah this is just trading so 27 trades 24 minutes yeah you mean second one i'm joking i'm joking come on get the freight cell no no it's not 45. no it's not that good what'd you send me meow [Music] yeah keith i i don't think it's 4 45. see we just submit anyway and see what they say good point i'm so sorry my capture card is like this like no no it's not your faulty pat don't worry about it i will i promise i'll fix this don't worry about it i ain't totally this is totally fun arvak so i just said you arva i think you just saw me arbok and i gave you uh oh my god pizza you mean pizza time pineapple on pizza i i love and hate that that's a global e-boat yeah third straight day keith uh if you want to look back it happened right at the star you catch and it full on died on me like i had a control alt delete uh and cancel out like the whole elgato application to get it to come back up [Music] articuno you send me electro [Music] you [Music] i honestly i honestly think we could have a run that's just this good again were you were you okay on the charmeleon experience at the end not well i needed to get i needed to gain a decent amount of levels um see i would have been fine and i would have been done before you if stupid electabuzz wasn't stupid [Music] you saw me seeking yes and i said electabuzz was dumb i believe it went out in the middle of the like the catch registration but i do not believe i hit any buttons [Music] and i mean the other thing that's i have going for me is that like i'm obviously in good standing in the psr community they don't have any reason to believe like i would like actively try to cheat well also this is co-op run right so it's like [Music] yeah we're the only people that care about the football ones it's just yeah i know such a prestigious like if you impulsive submitted that one run they cut out i like it would have been fine i don't know if you did or not but uh no we didn't even pb that run [Music] no my pv with pulse is 506. [Music] didn't even use muck straps because i forgot yes it was fine it just meant i had to pick up it meant i had to pick up an extra candy and then because i effed up i had to actually pick up an extra candy [Music] my one brain cell can't cook up any cheats yeah you're right please can i please have that route 5 on like a good aop run please i will forever about this i will complain about this sorry forever and ever and ever no i've sworn just a stupid it's a stupid uh [Music] stupid uh stupid [Music] it didn't really matter in the end yeah because i guess i did finish first kind of we were kind of right there no i finished last actually so it did matter no i finished last he had to wait for me not by much by like 20 seconds yeah yeah but would have been zero seconds if uh it just came and spawned [Music] how did you guys optimize this category by as much as it is where we're basically like nover who had to wait for who for 20 seconds i mean it's not that optimized i think it's not optimized until until you get trainer skip every run oh god everything wait i don't think it's possible with persian though right no you don't you don't get enough height no no it's not height it's speed is it so did you see at eddie's twitter thread yeah but i don't fully understand it yeah so so you'll notice the numbers that's like the the movement like or i think it's how many tiles it can move or something or like frames so pers or so rapidash and arkhan are rapid dash and air dactyl 26 like they can move 26 whatever 26 units and persian not consistent though and persian arcanine um moved 24.67 units so it's slower so those two are slow um so that's that's why we think uh [Music] that's why we think only air dactyl and rapidash are fast enough not necessarily high enough yeah what'd you just send me victory bell [Music] yeah the number is is the delta and x axis location yeah so so it's like sub pixels or whatever some frames yeah [Music] [Music] or what whatever the units are like there's if you look in if you join echi's discord keith um and see what like anubis wrote maybe you know just put it in like but like there's a whole thing they like went in depth and stuff and just like so anubis tested it with persian but couldn't get to work at like point point three or point zero three intervals um so if persian can work it's like point two or point one intervals so you know like not realistic at all [Music] you train me arrow yep you got off arcanine right i did because i put it in my box when i had to put the when i had to put the shelter in i put it in over arcanine to to cancel out the ride see i'm thinking smart i'm using my brain cell optimally today ignore the fact that i didn't buy enough stones in the first place hey get ready we're going to need nms aop in support can we just ban mouth skips and diploma i wouldn't even get them anyways i've never done one [Music] you sent me slow bro yup so you have 136 right correct okay and you have 137 i'm gonna beat you ah no i've tried to mount skip accidentally all the time i've intentionally tried to mount skip accidentally all the time it happens all the time never works and i've only gotten them in like when i spent like you know a lot of time like trying to do them all for the first time like get like actual video proof that we could do it [Music] all right so i got naomi twice and then i got all the other ones once and that's all i got i've got them all none so really the first time naomi the first time was tragic because i wasn't recording and i got it and i totally forgot about the record feature i'm like no i have to get it again now [Music] oh this is record i need a master round 25 skip first damn you right [Music] oh this is definitely record tragic [Music] hey now i can play now i can put that acronym in my current video if i rock stole your idea to post that again it's so cool rock if you're here post it again home record no more it's now it's now whatever the speed money that long ass acronym i guess i'm going to have to buy digital soon get internal capture card just buy it in digital yeah oh yeah this is physical well retro so just so you know you have competition on the boards oh hell yeah then that retroads in mine 455 retro was running physical so it's a comparison it's a comparison to have and retro was also eevee so [Music] just think about the four to five minutes time save i could have had if i was just running a digital version of the game yeah you would have been waiting for me for four to five minutes i probably would have had you do dojo to be honest if that was the case don't just get to just do dojo anyway it's hilarious it's so funny he says you nine tails i have like somehow managed to capture the trades while being distracted yeah that's still physical so sell out t-pad stream for a new cash car in both let's go coffees [Music] so i so so i just sent you gyarados but i also already sent you tentacruel right yes this army is next because i know where it is i die of choking i'm choking [Music] all right that's everything from the bottom from my list so i get to work from the top yeah you're right keith it'll be somewhere around 447. [Music] it has been suggested that if i buy a digital copy i should buy pika so i don't double up but then but now we have to beat this that's why you sell out for a bull i think there's gonna have to be a sellout stream soon like holy crap okay i know where other stuff is around here so all right i'm going from the top now i just said would you send me ride you right fair trade electric for electric yeah [Music] i'll get a bed ready except to accept this run [Music] i'm gonna please accept the run just don't watch part of the video yeah just uh it's fine just just just trust us what what am i gonna trade you okay i need to trade you all this stuff [Music] oh yeah so so the bingo yesterday i did arca hideout wait did you send me gold duck i did yes what did i send you that i didn't mark oh dragon okay [Music] this will be 47. but i want the actual physical cartridge like that's the point oh boy okay i saw a blastoise this is what you send me a clefable this is what get where it's gonna start getting real hard for me so so i need i need polygraph pidgeot firo sandslash and placer [Music] using my 20-second delayed stream to look at my box physical for life that's right right right okay i know okay i know where everything is your power plant stuff so easy [Music] would you just send me [Music] cool [Music] [Music] um okay so i saw you here [Music] okay i see where pidgeot is oh it's a stupid polly wrap my stupid water evolutions are gonna be last because i can't find them [Music] okay i see polly wrath so cloister is going to be the last one for me so i just got blast ice okay i need to find all the power i saw right here okay i see magneton [Music] i just said you like the buzz right what'd you send me his yacht so you know you've won dummy trade [Music] yeah so if you can't find something just send me whatever yeah i'll be the bee [Music] i can find something here that's good to know though [Music] i mean cloister should have been the party yeah that's what i'm thinking but it might be at the bottom [Music] hey you found it that's the one i knew where it was so i don't know where cloister is unfortunately well this quick look and then when you see me select something just pick whatever you're on okay cloister right at the top is it apparently that's what stamilot said two to the oh it is it is right at the top i guess i kept looking down on the screen i'm like it has to be down here disqualified for coaching now who's disqualified from coaching yeah neither of us we're just the dummies oh ibt pat 150 for me man this could be five four forty six holy it might be 4 45 but it'll be on the upper limit it'll be close i i mean i'm standing right there yeah i'm standing there too so i always stand in front of the thing i don't think it's optimal to stand in front of the thing but i don't care i don't care [Music] why to wait anyways so what am i sending you jolteon yes [Music] oh this is 445 easy oh yeah easily oh my gosh let's go yes high five how to catch all the pokemon in four hours and 45 minutes god that's blindingly fast easy okay who's gonna win who's gonna win the race though between us yeah it's gonna be you because you're probably already out i am out yes i win [Music] talk talk talk talk talk talk time 4 30 yes 4 45 32. yeah let's go right all right well i begged greta earlier today to re-time my aop run so dear greta just accept this please don't look just just don't look at part of that stuff just uh be like i didn't see anything that's insanely good i had no idea we were gonna just thrash this oh yes [Music] [Music] hey let's go can someone post [Music] is someone post what can we have the rock this coffee pasta [Laughter] oh my god it's so funny i need to rename my video whatever blah blah blah blah blah blah that's just the description it's just that well wait i still ha wait wait wait wait [Music] okay okay okay hold on hold on give me a second don't do anything t-fat [Music] where the heck are you oh here we are [Music] here we go here we go okay my my my 449 video is going to be e a v-a-e-w-v-e-a-a a v b m o f s r c i'm gonna use that as the raid message today i'm gonna post it your chat now it's so funny can you please not use the term world records very misleading it assumes the video posted is the fastest time when in fact someone else could have a faster unrecorded version could you please use the term t w v a a a a v b m o f s r c best no time with video evidence as approved and verified by members of the speed running community in the future this would help lower confusion these types of videos regard the ever updating involving nature of the speedwriting community [Music] oh yeah this one this one will be eating my mom brought me down dinner this run good beef but also better time oh this is fun this is amazing yes dude
Channel: Thomas Patrick
Views: 262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, let's go eevee, let's go pikachu, lgpe, speedrun, pokemon, pokemon speedrun, psr, world record, pikachu world record, eevee world record, speedrun wr, speedrun world record, tpat, thomaspatrickwx, switch
Id: Zg2Z9seH7-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 289min 6sec (17346 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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