Brilliant Diamond Speedrun in 3:20:23 [Current World Record]

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three two one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't i don't have words i i just don't have words [Music] the only words i have is i've been streaming for 40 minutes and i haven't made it past the first rival fight because this game is really cool [Music] i'd say i want to practice let's go but there's like nothing else i want to practice and let's go like i just want to do runs and let's go like aop i like i'm i'm to the point where i want to grind aop for uh sub 525 but i don't have time i don't have time during the week to commit to runs that long because all that is is you get to you get to rock tunnel kangaskhan doesn't show up in time and then the run's over like i'm at the point i'm at the point where i'm like joker there's there's gonna be only so much pain that i can take on the ultra trolls before the run is killed and that's the only way runs die now in aop other than that like aop was is probably like my favorite category to run because you just get to play the game like you get you get a runnable eevee and you just get to play the game and that's it [Music] and i am a fan of playing video games [Music] today i have not played the game [Music] nice plus defense chimchar good hits okay that was actually my oh wait [Music] the starly like did one damage into three damage i'm confused now [Music] pokemon is weird [Music] oh it's jolly let's go yes and the speed stat is not minimum oh i like this song [Music] joshua here he'd know exactly what song this is [Music] uh it is in fact sun and moon let's see it is sea folk village knight i've never played a gen 7 game other than let's go but let's go hardly counts [Music] let's go a switch [Music] i like this song this is this is good it's tranquil it's it has a good atmosphere to it [Music] [Music] i know this is really good this was a good good good good good good song so was this one [Music] [Music] what are we racing pmd dx get out pain indeed my buddy [Music] what pokemon did you get when you played dx what kind of pokemon are you how do you do the things you do [Music] i think the quiz gave me machop but i didn't want to be machop so i pick squirtle [Music] please be able to run [Music] you [Music] two encounters it's fun two encounters is mid this is how the f1 drivers sit like this basically [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] it was not exactly comfortable [Music] [Music] good everybody should be a czechostan checko's the man [Music] went with me elf [Music] oh good cred good crap let's go do do do cattle i don't think piplup was a choice i don't remember if totodile was or not i think it was i haven't played dx in a while [Music] all right thanks again for the good luck missile take care enjoy f1 this weekend because i'm going to have some trouble watching it i'm going to be on the road [Music] oh i'm i'm gonna be outside of torrance [Music] okay best case scenario i get tackle from the stupid shanks [Music] because if i get tackle i get a put in a torrent blaze get put in a blaze guaranteed two shot no risk of getting paralyzed and i can't get crit from that health and i did have damage anyways whatever cool game i do have to heal that health oh let's go [Music] that was actually a really good route 202 [Music] i think it's 202 right yeah 202 it was basically perfect in fact the only time i had to heal was just now [Music] solid on right yeah [Music] [Music] i don't know why i can't mash very well talking to these clowns it's very weird [Music] i just have like bad matching technique but only for those clowns i don't i don't get it [Music] yeah i'm not available this friday though oh you got the uh so i i sent you the i sent you the json right how were the goals because i didn't really like look at any of the goals when i did it i was just like whatever this card is i'll do it why okay i don't know why i didn't ember but [Music] i just really i just really hope because this will be my favorite goal no matter what that there's bulbasaur charmander squirtle on the card because that will guarantee be my favorite hole i still got a three shot on that it boats really well for my special attack [Music] except against this piplup specifically [Music] i am at very good health right now [Music] nice let's go wacky oh this is gonna be one of those classic 10 shots [Music] ah okay it'll be like a nine shot [Music] at least i know i'm out sped but i won't get any blaze hits [Music] nice status lag let me go i've actually have i've been actually but this time is going to be actually good because of how good my uh first trainer route was [Music] i am jolly it dice of that [Music] no i'm not never mind i'm the opposite of jolly i'm quiet i'm plus special attack minus speed my bad i got my natures mixed up [Music] jolly is unrunnable oh nice abra let's just use this duh [Music] i was half expecting to not being able to run and then the abra teleports which is really funny [Music] this is my fourth encounter now record gets eight so it's fine but we need a pretty decent much looks like [Music] orbit gate is awkward when you get an encounter [Music] encounter machop yeah okay anything but five anything but five no [Music] bro it's 67 percent [Music] [Music] at least i got it first encounter so so long as i don't get four encounters in the mine i will have fewer encounters now that doesn't always equal a faster time um because it depends on the a how many balls in the shop gets in uh the level of the machab and i have the lowest i have a five so that makes the next fight actually particularly bad it depends on rorick itself like i had a i had a very clean roaring fight i had a very clean roar of gym um because i had a level seven machop in pb all right this is encounter five if this gets too and this gets to eight encounters i'm just going to reset because that will be four encounters in the mine which is unacceptable and it's unacceptable because i'll have a i'll match my encounters uh with having a lower level machop which means i'll lose time in the gym and i'm already at two encounters that's bs [Music] i gotta make it i gotta make it okay this is okay now i was gonna say if i get a third encounter that puts me at seven and i don't think i have a fast enough time [Music] considering i have to leave considering that i'm gonna have a slow uh what's his name uh slow darian fight because of my machop's level i only got a five like six and seven makes a such a big difference i did enter the gym sub 20 so i have a chance uh reminder everybody i don't take any 24s on roark anymore [Music] it's just too slow [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] it's pretty high hp [Music] hey get some crits crits for the fans that ain't crit [Music] crits for the fans yeah that was okay damage [Music] that was not no i have to heal this turd yeah rough rough darius fight darian whatever your name is kid [Music] please would chop chris please [Music] come on you got to crit this one too i'm going to slow fly crit no no don't me don't crit the second turn slower [Music] [Music] i i would have actually forgot to switch but i was like wait chimchar's in slot one i need you switch [Music] uh can i beat rorick in two minutes [Music] survey says probably not [Music] god fight roll out turn one nope [Music] this turn roll up yeah hill go from here yeah screw you and your live defense curl live on one [Music] you're gonna heal that you get a heat no all right technically fat technically optimal okay okay this this might actually be an okay run just don't get flinched dude uh 12 damage okay sweet [Music] this will be okay if i literally just don't get flinched [Music] oh this is gonna be borderline slow as possible i'll take just like the record run where i'd said i wouldn't take anything slower than a 24-15 this is literally on the cusp i said 24 flat [Music] all right this is the run i guess a six encounter poor gym number 26 20 seconds ahead whatever whatever we take it we take it we take it below 24. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] also hello paige [Music] i was complaining about my bad gym when you stopped by yo is that sub 9 gamer hulkery actually this would be about the time you would finish up please tell me you actually had a good time and i'm not just me mean hello [Music] no ah bummer well welcome in everybody first of all thank you very much hulk for the raid playing some legends arceus played the flute oh no so you were short of something [Music] you forgot two pokemon oh that's such a bummer [Music] oh so you pb like after you're like going back i assume being like oh what did i forget you check and you're like these two okay get them go back still pbspb i though i don't particularly like running against like good splits and being like oh don't worry i've got like 10 minutes of time save on the last split of the game and it just feels bad [Music] oh this is [Music] hey that'll work [Music] they are a good split oh then then you're fine and that's why i'm running this game so to everybody in i'm t-pad i'm pl playing bdsp i did just get the record in brilliant diamond on the brilliant diamond side [Music] whereas uh whereas etiquette has the record on the shining pearl side i'm trying to better my run because my record run is seriously like just literally okay it's not incredible by any stretch of the imagination so if you have any questions about the run always happy to elaborate i think i saw the 40 minute distortion that was about when i was watching when i was at work you were having a rough time of it [Music] i thought about going [Music] do [Music] those are not great spinners that's how you could tell i'm like ten steps short [Music] holy moly [Music] my matching is also not great today [Music] get it next time hell yeah eventually i think august is going to be my legends arceus month for sure i just want to see if i can get to the if i get to sub 320 i think i'll i think i'll be very satisfied to put this game down uh let's go is definitely warranting my attention on weekends because i i'm at the point where i actually want to grind uh aop sash catch them all like i want to get to stuff 325 get up the true second place on the leaderboard behind only joker and be first in the eevee side pro world record is a 3 18 15. it is a far better quality run than mine except well yeah it's a far better quality run uh the elite four is a little well let's put it this way jarvis uh shining pearl is objectively faster there are only six fights different and in all six fights uh [Music] polka has the advantage there's only one fight of the six where it's like the same number of turns and it's like so it's like oh dialga's better against lucian but it still takes the exact same number of turns and not only does it take the exact same number of turns it takes the same number of turns if i hit the range if i miss the range then polka is still faster on the one fight that's technically better for dialgan every other fight is just objectively better and faster and safer so the e4 is actually like actually really dangerous for dialga it's stupid you'd think a steel type would largely have a good advantage over most typings but not if they're ground or fighting flint to be the fighting type elite four member uh barry the berry fight before and barry's star raptor uses close combat so it is slower because you have to x defend and it's less safe and it's less safe because i lost a 319 like a low 319 to barry because he cripped me on the last turn to set up and really mad about it actually i'm like still mad about it i'm glad that i got my redemption arc but the run was objectively not as good so if i can get into the 319s i will be satisfied even though i'm i am capable of getting a 318 whereas etiquette's capable of a 317 in shining and that's a that means we're both playing at the exact same level like no one's playing better than us in bdsp right now turns his feet running and he obviously proved it his elite four was a little sloppy in his record run so he probably could have gotten like a 317 high but truly had like a little bit of a sloppy e4 section whereas i just had i didn't really have anything go particularly fast i just didn't dive from every split of the game [Music] like all of my early game split comparisons are like i if i'm not green i'm gonna reset especially like through wake like my roarick was a 24-15 that's like meh gertie is okay 46 high but i should be 46 lows and wake 25 flat i should be in the 24s or 23s [Music] like there's just so much room for improvement like i could easily be a minute ahead uh by wake oh the uh which split actually went good galactic hideout went good bart's in jupiter would have been a god tier split had i not hit an optional so there's still time to even be saved on that split um my gold split fantina is stupid i literally just get strength zap times three and it's a perfect fight [Music] like all of my fights are just like okay like nothing extraordinary happens so if i just do a little bit better than okay i'm like totally fine am i really at 23 i might have to use the super potion [Music] that's actually actually an okay crits yeah good i was gonna say it'd be really good if i crit that one too see i'm like not even ahead but i am plus special attack so we'll see i must have actually had a good mars because i'm behind that's kind of rough uh music hello i literally can't fix the music right now but it decided to not play i have a playlist of 190 songs and it just stopped on like like the 20th yes continue watching hello [Music] i definitely have to [Music] ah i was gonna yolo him but he decided to spin i saw it immediately too [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] cool cool cool i might get the explanation point here i'm like really close on in this guy's face [Music] good good good good good [Music] oh screw your charm that's a good crit [Music] oh don't baby doll eyes no [Music] or turn fight it's because i'm minus speed oh gosh my speed is actually pretty bad i'm outspent by the abra [Music] [Music] um [Music] do [Music] bang [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm usually expecting more because the let's go cadabra learns two level of moves [Music] [Music] so [Music] this gym [Music] well hopefully i'll have a good gym i am plus special attack again i have the cherry berry in the back [Music] one shot one shot for the fans one shot for the fans sunny day attack at 35 it's not great [Music] ah the slow leach seed actually does quite a lot of damage but i have good special attack so at least it's not a range when it does it so [Music] all right come on four turn fight can i get the can i get the god three turn fight here that'd be sick bang yes oh yeah i got the 14. oh perfect start i like i haven't caught the 14 in a while i did crit the 15 recently yes dude oh for the fans for the fans three turn badoo fight for the fans in twitch chat ah bummer we did get a four turn that's the fastest badoo fight i've had in a while [Music] oh that feels good [Music] oh it looks spicy but i don't think you can actually oco this turquoise without a crit as long as it doesn't bullet see because that's the slow one uh my attack is still 30 cent [Music] i could go for the 14 and 16 well it's not guaranteed that it's 14 and 16 so i really shouldn't [Music] just don't poison point me like an idiot [Music] all right [Music] all i have to do is heal oh i could have just regular potion whatever [Music] yeah what a good song for this fight uh-huh aha [Music] i don't know if i'm gonna save time on this split the split is real good i'm not gonna go for the range because i don't i can't guarantee that i'm gonna have a 14 and 16 range though it's not worth going for it that's actually really solid first hits like this could kill and it does beautiful [Music] that's like super not guaranteed [Music] [Music] i damaged me [Music] uh i'm ahead but only just so i need to heal [Music] so it's heal pekka berry and swap i'm gonna do that now heal pekka berry swap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay we are in the galactic building there's a psychopath good [Music] i always get fake out [Music] so lame [Music] this is like just let me win the fight in two turns actually impossible me um anyways like this run is so far so good like a 46 mid gardenia is honestly not bad if i can stay in the 124s for awake i'll be plenty happy and some hour for barry will be good enough [Music] [Music] if i'm not being very talkative it's just because i'm vibing right now i'm just trying to vibe the music you know not do anything too too crazy i'm also like very tired so what happens when you wake up at 2 30 in the morning you have to have a coffee with your boss it's just kind of whatever [Music] oh what fitting music for commander jupiter i can't wait to meet commander uranus [Music] so [Music] which sailor scout is that okay that's pretty funny [Music] ah blue [Music] this is gonna be [Music] oh i'm out sped this is gonna be this is actually a little this is gonna be a little tight oh i'm speed tied [Music] because i'm speed tied i have to go for my punch [Music] i lost a turn there and i also died to aftermath so it's kind of lame [Music] man this run is this is making my other run look good which is a little sad because i don't think there's any fights until barry so here's hoping barry goes well [Music] this yeah this run is this runs even more okay than the okay run am i rusty is that what it is [Music] am i rusty do i look like i'm rusty at this game [Music] four four four three [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so i have to pick up both revives [Music] ah yes the illusion of choice pick a hand and he gives you the items in the same order [Music] i'll revive [Music] like even the bike and the slow gear is actually got a pretty poor wind-up so i like uh walking these portions i was gonna try to yellow him but i didn't do it right said i offered him a safe but slow pass [Music] that's right i like the sword and shield music i think the slow gears wind up isn't even that much slower isn't even that much faster than the the fast gear sentence to say i think the acceleration speed feels the same whether you're in the low gear or the high gear [Music] oh my barry fight's just gonna be something i have to go for i mean i have to go i'm not gonna do no heel loop nonsense like i just have to hope he doesn't obliterate me in torrance so there's there's literally nothing i can do about this i don't want to be i don't want to be like 30 seconds behind at the split already this is still isn't even a particularly good split [Music] we'll see how the okay but i mean the best case scenario is that i get hit by bubble beam twice non-torrent or once in so best case scenario just stealth rocks here like turned one [Music] yeah i'm just going for this like i died nope i lived that has to be like 2 hp out of touring like head empty just i'm just gonna like i wasn't gonna mess around and like oh just just hit me now i should be set up for a pretty quick finish this is it should be ideal he should go for flame charge on this turn [Music] or tackle cool that works too lastly achieves the same effects now hopefully mock punch can actually kill from this hp [Music] good thing i actually um do [Music] this run sucks this run actually just sucks now unfortunately this isn't a good this isn't even okay anymore this is bad it's not bad it's just slow i can't start over i'm out of time so i'm just gonna continue to just take the run like like i have to like i have to go to bed and go to work tomorrow remember i wake up at 2 30 in the morning [Music] like that's when i go to that's when i wake up to go to work oh my ah [Music] i know today's not the day but this is basically a practice run now [Music] see i should have just yellowed that [Music] ah don't be sorry at me it's literally nothing i've done i just have somehow gotten worse luck than my record runs oh a bit unknowingly but like those the last two spinner passes i just had were very slow spinner passes and again no fault of my own it's just bad setup [Music] bad movement on my behalf or part of that but like getting stuck on all those ledges and whatever just feels so awkward and bad but yeah the two spinner passes are slow [Music] this is this is not a no reset run [Music] it's just whatever like i can just take it why am i doing so little damage my attack stat must not be great which is hilarious considering i got the power of punch two shot on the cherubie in uh gardenia's gym i want to take a little more damage there we go that's perfect might be a little low now oh no never mind because he takes recoil damage that's actually perfect hp then [Music] [Music] [Music] why wanted to see if i wanted to yolo it but i ended up deciding against it [Music] [Music] do [Music] get the one shot it's a one in sixteen range uh oh i thought i had a brisket oh not fury swipes okay okay that's fine theory scientists was like don't 5 turn me [Music] look [Music] oh i got an exclamation point on that that's lame [Music] whatever this game is it's raining [Music] oh i'm doing something in this game [Music] i'm just moving along i'm in the ball i'm in shouting distance my record run like and i can recover one particularly call ah that's good 319. i don't think this run could 318 though hey what's up nick hmm [Music] sorry big focus it's the it's the it's the uh shopping time [Music] escalators uh-huh [Music] [Music] my [Music] okay that was the best i've ever done the shop like the mart as a whole so [Music] whistling is cool [Music] no here we go [Music] flamethrower [Music] [Music] okay come on come on good jim come on good jim come on good jim [Music] okay [Music] it so far good so far good so far [Music] my back [Music] here we go keep going oh i got it i thought i was like perfectly on it [Music] i chickened out i might have been able to make it but i also did this incorrectly [Music] hello [Music] okay that's okay that's okay [Music] i think i ran in that tile [Music] hello it's always that last i always try to turn frame turn right walk up and then run the rest of the way just because that last little bit is so annoying um i might have had a slightly unsafe pass on the left but ended up working out okay [Music] i get light screens for one almost always [Music] i need two of these one [Music] two bulk up again i go [Music] okay this would be the uh best version of maylene at least because i didn't get flash and i didn't have to xp and it's not safe [Music] because i give the lucario a turn but lucario usually just uses bulk in that case [Music] but if i don't die if i don't get crits by metal claw then i'm fine and i actually will save time [Music] all right chipped a little bit back not a perfect gym because i did the gym puzzle a little wrong but i recovered [Music] only seven seconds though [Music] [Music] whoa there we go i'm trying drunk i'm trying jarvis i'm trying [Music] like this run is okay uh i tried i don't think i even have java installed on my computer and when i go to like the java site it's like a bunch of zip files and i'm like okay i need somebody to walk me through this [Music] because i'm i'm like horrifically i'm like horrifically like inept when it comes to like technology surprisingly like teach me how to use a program and i'll make it sing but like i don't know i'm it's weird i just am really bad with like like teach me how to do something once and i'll do it a thousand times but tell me to just do something from scratch and i'm just like [Music] no idea oh don't don't don't okay that's i'm really glad i took the takedown damage now because that is that hp is a little marginal for wake if he uses mudshot instead of skulls i'm glad i gave myself that little bit of extra to work with that's why i like going into this fight at about half hp [Music] you going at three quarters hp you'll come out full [Music] you mean you mean etiquette because etiquette's been using the program i could also ask fury who was in chat earlier probably would help me set it up no problem heal [Music] ecchi is in fact a nerd [Music] i got my menus working out pretty well what's up iroc whoa whoa you just can't be calling people nerds you nerd [Music] also hello nerd [Music] [Music] just hit the four and 16. that's not gonna i'm gonna do it at least it didn't damage me we'll take that [Music] that was smooth hello [Music] ah why why can't i hit the down button on the on the stick [Music] [Music] all right i've at least made it to wake's gym [Music] in a very terrestrial amount of time [Music] i might just have to get more comfortable at certain spinner passes there may come a time where i'm just like yolo all the spitters but probably not i find more value in just seeing the runs through than i do with just like trying to have top end every split as is apparent by my current split comparison imagine if this run goes the distance and it's like wow i have even easier splits to compare against now [Music] like my roaring time my roar and my gardenia times got a little better but everything else was like [Music] it's that just makes me a little mad at barry for that literal one run all right nick all right nick you gotta go and she's live go get those olos and oohs in he'll be able to entertain you far better than i or i'm just go on leave i'll catch up later [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh i get edgy notifications when he goes live just because i'm odd for him so it's like yeah i should at least know when he's live you know be responsible no it's okay [Music] everybody should just watch whoever is the most viewed stream on twitch right now which is probably i actually looked at that like yesterday morning it was like xqc and it's like i don't even well i'm glad i'm your number one nerd then i can i can be a nerd too ask me a weather question really anything science related anything anything physical science [Music] natural science is a little [Music] what exactly is a squall it is a like so squall used in the context of of like a snow squall or a thunderstorm squall line this the turret the term skull this is a good question because this is really making me think about it because i'm definitely saying oh this is a squall line uh it represents i don't know if it physically means but it represents a very intense you know precipitation be it like a thunderstorm or a snowstorm uh heal ether calcium rust ether heal calcium rust [Music] hmm [Music] give it didn't take that last input i'd have to i'd have to look at like the origin of the word but it definitely always coincides with the extreme intensity of the events a squall line being a squall of thunderstorms in a line and a snow squall is also like a very particularly intense section so i think it's just defined that way i'd have to i'd have to reacquaint myself with like the origins of the word [Music] it's one of those weird things where it's like do all tornadoes hit the ground well yes but because it's defined that way funnel clouds don't always hit the ground but when they do then they're defined as tornadoes so it's like one of those trick questions like if you say all tornadoes hit the ground the answer is yes because that's how they're defined because if they don't hit the ground they're not tornadoes good i finally had a good way of stilling [Music] a line of thunderstorms or squalls extending over several hundreds miles which is interesting because if you say snow squall snow squalls typically are not like hundreds of miles long a snow squall can be very like micro like a micro burst but of snow like snow squall warnings typically are very isolated so that's kind of it's kind of uh strange in that context i think a squall line uh it's more of the line definition that says like oh it extends over hundreds of miles [Music] thomas 127 run thomas thomas 120. thank you very much for 127 runs how many months six i did not take any damage because i dodged the mud shot which is pretty pog [Music] yeah i've never okay a strong wing characterized by a sudden onset in which the wind speed increases at least 16 knots or is stained 22 knots for at least one minute okay that makes that makes more sense yeah it has a weird like let's define the squall as something and it's there there's some academic reason uh behind why something is considered a squall but practically speaking it's just something of extreme intensity like localized extreme intensity but a squall line means that it's that line that contains the intensity to it be it wind lightning rain or sometimes snow [Music] yeah the definition seems very wordy for just it's a really intense line of storms or it's a very intense like cluster of snow [Music] all right i had a pretty decent berry split because i didn't have to heal beforehand [Music] all right hold on i gotta [Music] that this spinner is [Music] i'm definitely ahead now because that was a good set of uh the spinner rotators [Music] okay that little section just got me re-energized for the run [Music] yeah it's one of those things where it's like a lot of meteorologists we don't have like the glossary sitting next to us but that's so funny that it's just like it's one of those like muscle memory things where it's like oh yeah and that's actually a really important question because i shouldn't just be whipping out the term squall line if like no one actually knows what a squall is like i should always make sure to provide context to that phrase to a general audience like that would really benefit me as a communicator [Music] yeah exactly [Music] yeah get the freak inside [Music] do fog route fog route fog route fog route fog routes [Music] i'm always very careful with that trainer like screw that i thought i hit a and it up ended up just like crashing into this poor ace trainer this is like look how cliche i'm bleeding [Music] i'm so glad that uh monferno is ko'd here not just for the double battle that we bike past but this upcoming one that's on the stairs like it's bad in platinum it's bad in this like this is like an actual like scary double trainer [Music] oh i did it right i did it i'm so proud of myself there i did the run to walk spinner pass i'm so stoked now i'm so good at video games i was like okay he's looking right run run run and then you walk past him and apparently it's safe apparently so i might actually legit have a good fantina split upcoming [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just this is the hardest one to see unfortunately [Music] i told you the my record run is literally just okay it's just a bunch of okay splits strung together like nothing bad happened [Music] i'm making some calculated spinner passes a mixture of safe and yellowy [Music] ah [Music] this will probably be my first pretty good split of the run but it depends on how the fantina fight itself goes like it's still no guarantee like my fantina split could just be that but compared against pb my pb fantina is not great either though minimum i should save time [Music] but yeah literally two passing two trainers a spinner and a runner literally re-energize this run like i feel like i'm gonna save a lot a good chunk of time because i think that spinner pass that i yolowed was the one i lost 30 seconds on so i'm like excited to see how this split's gonna go [Music] [Music] i never said the run was dead i just said the run was kind of bad at around the berry split but now it's not bad anymore i brought it back the bear i was more than 30 seconds behind that berry and i was like whatever [Music] but i am feeling much better now that's pokemon speedrunning for you isn't it [Music] [Music] oh like i was like what happened there [Music] try to use the revival herb good thing that didn't work [Music] all right let's let's see how fantina is everybody [Music] no safe splits from here all yolo spitter passes [Music] oh [Music] oh who's oh yeah koga says hahaha and everyone was like it's covert muffin it's just i don't know why i thought of that [Music] oh petalburg [Music] good strengths out all right [Music] all right all right good split i didn't save a ton of time but i should be ahead [Music] and i didn't even get cursed body hell yeah [Music] all right we're ahead we're definitely ahead that's good news only took to the fantina split well i was ahead at roark and for gardenia whoa [Applause] [Music] uh low 90s this week mid maybe upper 90s next week i told you the run is re-energized [Music] [Music] this this run has some serious potential now i stuck with it didn't i i stuck with it [Music] sometimes all it takes is a bunch of okay splits and get like one or two good ones [Music] hmm listen record i was just like uh i took the slowest possible roar time in my pbe and i made it go the distance somehow [Music] [Music] okay if he's looking right i can do a run to walk if he's looking right i can do a run to walk he's looking right i can do a run to walk nope if he's looking right i could do a run to walk actually that would have been a very safe pass to just run at it but [Music] [Music] me [Music] good good [Music] uh [Music] [Music] me [Music] nice [Music] nice basically a minus zero gold [Music] hey goals of gold gold's a gold oh yeah i was going up against the gold split right [Music] nice good uh not as great okay fine now [Music] just needed to make sure that i didn't get fully paired [Music] oh it should have [Music] fine [Music] i forgot shadow ball oops [Music] i'm trying to do like as safe as spitter passes as possible like get them to spin in the other direction and then run around him and he gave me uh he gave me a funny pattern good enough [Music] that menu was kind of slow that was kind of my worst menu of the game so far but it's okay [Music] uh [Music] oh yeah mystery dungeon let's go silly gym silly j i've lost actually a good chunk of time in this gym due to bad movement bad menuing that's so funny [Music] so funny it's okay good fantina's uh split is gonna carry us [Music] neat crit bro can sometimes matter that's a 14 and 16 range on this helix [Music] [Music] hey i like relaxing it is keeping my heart rate real low because i'll get into victory road it'll get a lot higher or the elite four when i'm when i start shouting that's when it will really matter [Music] yep swap and heal [Music] also what's up matt hello kristin how are you too [Music] i didn't see what my uh my blaze hp is it's usually around 25 so uh the run was kind of meh and then i had a great fantina split now i like got re-energized 78 so 26 sandstorm i've never seen this bronzer try to go for sandstorm first 26. oh that's a good crits no it doesn't matter i'm in blaze anyways good crit guarantees that i just get this two shot [Music] oh let's go music let's go i'll probably lose a little time on this split just a little sloppy play but that would have been bad if he would have missed that uh thunder fang but it felt very awkward [Music] mmm pizza yo okay so i just saw that emote like the other day and i'm like i need to use this emote more often it's hilarious good safe fight and saves on a heel turn later people get so heated over it's really funny yeah that's though i didn't think i was going to lose that much time but i did play very sloppy [Music] come on [Music] don't worry everything is art except what kristen posted kristen did the opposite of art [Music] it's like that meme [Music] [Music] bacon ham and pineapple pizza that admittedly that kind of sounds pretty good [Music] swap i'll dazzling [Music] swap repel dazzling gleam actually i should do swap dazzling gleam repel swap dazzling [Music] it does sound really good [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i need to have a good menu here swap dazzle swap dazzling gleam repel swap dazzling queen repel [Music] oh [Music] uh 64. 64. 64.64 even 64 yeah hey [Music] even 64. [Music] that was a risky pass but i didn't [Music] like i absolutely could have just gotten owned but i should have just walked past i would have been much safer i instead ran past [Music] even 64. [Music] i gave myself uh quite a few more steps of margin to work with here oh my god that evo combo wow i'm never gonna be able to unsee that as like a lechunker roasting oh my god all right all right who's coming over let's get some let's get some bacon ham and pineapple pizza like literally come on over everybody [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] steamed hams [Music] aurora borealis all contained within the confines of your kitchen yes can i see it no [Music] [Music] do [Music] what gear am i in [Music] i was just on the opposite gear the whole time [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] sweet [Music] sweet good good good good good very good [Music] yeah let's go baby [Music] oh yeah guess what time it is everybody goes what time it is happy birthday mom [Music] oh i should have plenty of margins here [Music] so i need to enter the gym at 54. i think it might be closer than i think [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] good good good [Music] hey [Music] damn damn dude eat that so swap and then it's uh calcium candy heal swap calcium candy heal swap calcium candy heal [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] that's really close to being able to enter the gym on time it's really close thank you for the good luck to my i might have to burn a repel like i did last time how am i this many steps to the not good [Music] so 64 is my number even 64. right even 64. so i need to be there at 54. before 57 at the latest [Music] hey okay that is pretty hot sly [Music] 54 54-57 is my number here [Music] runs pretty good i'll take that i'll take that all right so 63 t3 [Music] to burn a couple steps [Music] one two three [Music] all right i gained 30 seconds back just on that ended up doing ended up being perfect i was a little nervous it was a little tighter than i would have liked it to be but so thank you sly i appreciate that [Music] good perfect fight [Music] [Music] [Music] nice two crits in a row [Music] so [Music] yeah dude there we go told you i saved 30 seconds on the correct repel trick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh well it's been all right it was a little cooler yesterday which is kind of nice but we're back to just pretty typical warm conditions [Music] yeah i don't think i was running within his designated reign [Music] ah sir chester theme night yeah our models are up to 98 for next week which is pretty hot for us but not like atypical usually hottest days of the year in spokane hover around 100 it's either a couple degrees or below or above [Music] you we take that we take that pass every day [Music] oh i love the relaxing music it's just such a good vibe [Music] [Music] yeah it's the sword shield sir chester music it's just vibing [Music] oh look at that comfy a death sub [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] me hear that sweet let's go music [Music] yes [Music] [Music] come on come on there you go that was okay [Music] no full restore for me today because i got to match this i have to mix match this split in the next split to really know if we're on pace even then it ain't over until it's over [Music] i love getting sucker punched it is my favorites [Music] [Music] i think i want to energy root this time nah be slow [Music] [Music] the extra inputs for no reason [Music] oh cyrus oh i don't do the good music for cyrus one i do the good music for the mount cornet fights oh pizza time baby [Music] pretty good hideout pretty good not flawless but pretty good [Music] oh yeah let's go music it just makes me want to play let's go so much more which of course makes me still bummed that like this game is faster without the original music it's just still the lamest thing ever [Music] nice lost the speed tie [Music] sure is [Music] hahahahahahaha [Music] pizza time [Music] mods please man i don't think i have any mods in chat right now [Music] y'all just gonna have to fight that one out yourselves [Music] i love that email i think it's hilarious i saw i was like whose emote is that and it said pub public and like no way global [Music] yep like i said like i thought i was gonna lose a little time now i could save time on this split by not hitting an optional i could lose time on this split by having a bad mars and jupiter fight all down to what we think is going to happen this is definitely the make or break split [Music] i think i'm just gonna take the uh the movement on the route a lot safer than i did prior like just dismount the bike and go for it [Music] not only is this let's go music it's palp town it's really funny i have to do is repel [Music] see that was see i'm gonna force him to turn [Music] thought to myself i'd play this guy safe poetry [Music] see didn't hit an optional hooray we did it that's us chat we did it [Music] actually i like that movement a lot better it's so much safer it's so much cleaner [Music] no fear on that cycle that's for sure [Music] what do we think chad do you think this is gonna go the distance i was so tempted so tempted come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] hey is that cinder what's up [Music] uh [Music] i can go the distance i will find my way i can go the distance oh no cinder sorry drink plenty of water feel better please [Music] hopefully huma is okay too oh yeah um so while i haven't had kovid i did get the flu really really bad uh in december 2019 and i had a fever of like 103 and a half and it was like what some of the work like one of the worst experiences of my life to have a fever that high so please feel better take some tylenol [Music] yeah being sick is no fun [Music] feel better too oryx [Music] oh yeah hoping for the best of course [Music] okay so i heard something in i think it was the gdq um it was may's sylveon run on gdq is where i think i heard this so and this is gonna stick with me forever so fairy types right how what's the best way to remember what fairy type is weak against and the answer is think of fern gully poison and steal [Music] and i was like oh my god that makes so much sense [Music] [Music] all right everybody you know where we are we're on mount cornett's spear pillar [Music] you know what it's almost time for the best fight of the game smilers [Music] good thing we get to listen to the sweet music before you know things go belly up smiler is indeed yeah fine this is fine [Music] damn [Music] all right it's almost it's we're even closer now [Music] gotta listen to some bangers [Music] oh the music like lights up with that [Music] yeah get those cat jammers in chat [Music] all right everybody it's time [Music] from mars and jupiter it's time chat it's time let's go [Music] literally wish me luck here and give big please someone for the love of god give barry the brain cell right now [Music] oh not actually reflects good [Music] no i'm not here i heal this turn yeah i absolutely feel this turn oh that's a crit [Music] i'm still trying to decide what to do here it's really gonna depend on what fairy does here uh i'll do it [Music] this is a little tighter than i would like [Music] ah this might be just okay [Music] this is not okay i don't i just don't survive i just have to hope i tank both which i don't think i do uh actually i do [Music] uh unfortunately ah that's my mistake ah shoot i i had an expert that's my that's fully my mistake here [Music] i just can't get a good fight man [Music] whoa [Music] oh i just lose i just lose i just lose [Music] i i literally just outright lose uh i go to uh kill the per ugly here and if the scum tank hits me with belch i yeah i just [Music] okay barry's helping now but i'm not on record pace anymore listen i didn't hit an optional and i'm losing time [Music] i survive and you turn [Music] yeah i come out of this fight behind which is silly so yeah it's again it's barry's fault because he put the scum tank and the per ugly out on the field at the same time which is what i wanted to avoid um yeah i literally lost 45 seconds to this fight without plus an optional so i lost a good minute and a half on that fight so oh well doesn't look like the fight's going to go the dis there the runs gonna go the distance i'm barely 320 pace actually we don't even get we don't even get to listen to the cyrus theme now we just get to listen to this one instead [Music] i'm gonna make this scene as awkward as possible knowing how bad that mars in jupiter fight went like i was solidly on 319 pace not anymore i literally lost a minute and a half on that uh fight because i lost 45 seconds outright and remember pb hits an optional on that fight on that split which is at least 30 seconds oh we will just continue to listen to this theme and until i feel otherwise [Music] [Music] magic crit please please magic crit give me the magic crit what up math hacker oh no oh let's play it again [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i it's funny i mentioned this at the beginning kristen i was just like what if i literally put on like the like the the 10 hours of the fur walk theme and just played that for the whole speed run would anybody be bad would anybody be like okay listen i'm here for the contents guys [Music] wow well this seems appropriate aye gold split cyrus i mean [Music] what a silly run [Music] now back to your normally scheduled music you know this run could still record honestly like it really really could like i can see away and it starts with the dialga having good speed for once in my life combined [Music] like seriously have 31 iv and speed and i save two turns and this is fine then i still get to complain i have a bad mars in jupiter fight but i should have just let barry like decide which stupid bronzer to attack and i also made a mistake like i truly made a mistake in that fight by misinputting um whatever switch you'll mention homo escape [Music] once literally once in my life [Music] i want a good speed dialga it's i it's like 67 to have good enough speed to save two turns in the elite four and i just can't get it [Music] do [Music] so [Music] yeah these are these are pokemon percentages we're talking about so it's really 50 50 either get it or you don't [Music] stupid run could go the stupid distance it literally i like i'd see a way that this run still goes the distance [Music] i had a like a couple of good splits a couple of gold splits in there and just one really bad split and that's the difference that's the difference is my pb has literally all okay splits and this run has one bat split mostly okay splits but a couple of good splits and it all offsets it all just comes out even at the end of the day this comes out even [Music] all right hello shiny spike vegeta telling me to go find his friend minato okay [Music] you're the boss man all right see you later minato [Music] legendary i know right snorlax [Music] do do do do [Music] do [Music] she [Music] [Music] got nothing to say right now i'm just just thinking about my spinner passes really [Music] i can't believe you have to make so many of them in this gym it's kind of annoying [Music] here's hoping we find out after i defeat the uh the raichu on volkner and here's what we're looking for chad at the level the diagonal comes at level 47 i need to see 90 speed 9-0 if i see 90 speed at level 47 we're good that's all we need which is 20 iv minus speed and i am quite nature because that's guaranteed spinner pass [Music] 91 is good 90 or better is all we need to see [Music] okay [Music] okay oh okay [Music] nine zero or better if i see 89 it's not fast enough i literally that one point loses two turns because 89 is 18 or 19 iv 19 iv i could save a turn but i don't know yeah that was a pretty rough one i also accidentally lost a super effective text here dazzling gleam is technically faster it's dazzling goon's important on the next fight because there's a barrel and i cannot shadowball it uh by the way that spinner that i just passed i need to pass him two more times in the gym because i have to hit that button two more times he's uh he's pretty bad i usually yolo the final pass if i can but i usually lo yolo the first pass if i can but i wasn't allowed to there [Music] is this whole berry yeah [Music] but also chat if you want to get my if you want to get my level 47 stats when diago levels up i will really appreciate it because i know i didn't set up my screenshot button ahead of time so uh yeah that'd be awesome i would love you guys so much for that it's not like vital because i will look for speed because that is the most important stat line but if you guys if you guys want to help the possibly world record pace run would love to know my diaga's level 47 stats when we see it and again it will appear after we defeat raichu on vulcan [Music] like knowing knowing if my defenses both defense or special defense is 31 can be useful and if my special attack is pretty high then the mr mime on lucian isn't a range but it's not like vital it's just speed is the most vital because it it tells me if i save two turns or not [Music] yeah that would really do me a solid oh if i can if i can beat him here i'm gonna go by the way that's a very unsafe pass just so you all know like the first pass was the first pass is as good as you could make it the second pass was very unsafe and i wasn't particularly fast to it either but like it's either that or wait for him to spin twice which is really slow so usually just you just have to go you just know that you're in that position where you have to just go [Music] all right [Music] yoga doesn't level up here it's when the it's when the raichu comes back out [Music] thank you for the pi s is that pi s or is that pi mini pi all right here it is here it is here it is here it is here it is here it is stats come on 90 yes yes yes got exactly 90 speed let's go finally [Music] now all my other stats that's on you guys all i'm looking for is speed i barely got it it's gonna be like 2122 iv is what my speed was [Music] see this is why i had to yolo that spinner because the first time that he made me wait actually lost me time [Music] it is going to be hard to pb but it is possible if i pb it might be by like literally a second or two which would be hilarious it is possible for me to save a total of three turns in the elite four now [Music] special attack one oh i might save a fourth turn then if my special attack is that good okay special attack is good [Music] my defenses are both 31. [Music] [Music] all right i can save i can save up to four turns in the elite four which would equate to about 30 seconds 30-ish [Music] so this this run could has is still in there it's in the 320 mids it is possible but i can't do anything safe because my so what happens is on bertha i protect from one crits on the quagsire in exchange for one turn slower i will not be doing that this is not going to 320. i don't think this can 320. um [Music] or at least i'm not sure how it would [Music] this this is the last spinner of the run this might help uh she's looking in the same direction as pb so it just depends on our spinning it's been it's been been been please ma'am please please like this is really important i can tell that was actually a little slower because of the uh cycle of the next guy all right [Music] i was gonna say if we had mods we could ask if this run pbs or not because it's literally that close but what do you guys think chap do you think this run pbs and you're not going to offend me if you say no [Music] because i guess close this is close and and like i could get crit on plenty of turns like if this isn't just a skill like just click all the right moves this is there's no tap in here you will offend me okay thank you i can go the distance i will find my way i can go all the distance that legit makes me want to watch hercules it's my favorite movie as a kid [Music] [Music] come on oh hollow music at just the right moment [Music] yeah i had a little funky one tile there matt the hacker thank you so much for the tier one thank you very much i appreciate you i was very kind [Music] dude we need more kalo in this playlist baby we need some salsa anybody got any salsa [Music] i'm so glad you used the fly gun emo we were talking that like some people didn't even know i had a flag on emote [Music] band monster thank you so much as well for the sub also very kind [Music] i accidentally talked to the strength rock a couple times no big deal no big deal it's not the big deal we just you guys i'll see if we can tap this one in there's no tappings [Music] there is one fight in victory road that does need to go well uh and it's the veteran veteran edgar it's a very awkward five-turn fight and if the golem uses sandstorm usually we're pretty safe if he attacks then i will lose time a little awkward but let's have to see [Music] when tell gaps are a little strange but this room is very hard i i just don't bike through this room because there's just too many one tile gaps you're just gonna get stuck on the walls and the npc's too badly i just prefer accuracy in this particular room [Music] yeah thank you for using my cool like like you see he's got like this he's got like the shade lenses instead of like the typical red ones he's trying to be cool it's like he's got sunglasses i mean i didn't survive [Music] yeah the schmovin i think looks good for that particular emote though i was out of like just the static slots [Music] flygon is always cool would you guys like to hear a fun fact about your pinch it's that we all love him [Music] you all know it it's so true i know [Music] so [Music] [Music] i know she was just a lovable little dude there's the automaton pokemon [Music] um [Music] a good song [Music] he is an automaton it's exactly what it is [Music] but i love automaton so that makes chingling also still very cute [Music] be jamming this is such a sweet like a nostalgic song [Music] all right this is a this is a very clutch um trainer coming up [Music] this is veteran edgar and this is a very awkward five shots [Music] so we gotta get rid of the tentacruel and then the g the golem has sturdy and the empoleon's a two shot though can't really like set up even if you set up it's still the same number of turns we want to see sandstorm here [Music] that's not the worst um that's that's yeah that's not the worst uh if i get [Music] see what happens please swords dance i have to heal that that's i just did the aquajet and i don't want to have to deal with some yeah some nasty like back and forth theme so i did lose a turn there but i that was not the worst case scenario i should have actually should have aqua jet damage for uh that fight but i had a good feeling the aquajet does like in the 30s [Music] [Music] all right all right all right [Music] all right all right all right all right [Music] this is get this is this is gonna be so close this e4 is literally gonna be so close if i had a guess i'm probably gonna get a 320 50 something like within 10 seconds of pb but not a pb if i had a guess but i know you guys say that you believe and if you believe then i believe so this will be a 320 40 something just for you chat i will try my best i will go the distance [Music] all right that's victory road [Music] yo butchers [Music] oh butchers you all love me some poochers [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] who's this guy guys we gotta beat barry we gotta be barry we gotta do it right here gotta beat him oh let's go music let's go i get dude i'm getting a lot more hypes everybody i'm sorry sorry if i need to calm down you all just tell me to calm down okay [Music] oh he potentially is giving me a slightly master fight [Music] don't me that turn okay and i can pre i can protect from crit on this turn uh which was my mistake in that pb run because he only has one more close combat left so i just protect and then that's fine [Music] one well i was gonna say why is any rain dancing this is so weird do not calm down okay yeah because all you can do is plug from here theoretically you could protect from every single crit but then you would still waste one turn um i think it's fair i don't waste a term protecting from that crit i'm just at a little less hp but it's still not unsafe for aaron unless unless i get like quick clawed into brine or something and it leaves me at 60 hp which is kind of uncool [Music] it's fine [Music] require the hype well we want hype we can listen to some e4 music through the e4 and then it would really feel like like we're going somewhere i know i love the route music so much like it it literally keeps me so level-headed it's a little bit more energetic than the jazz music and i love insane in the reigns covers i really really do but it's almost like too soothing i need like that little bit of like yeah let's go like that bounce energy you know poland surfing music yeah okay take it quick dude this is so close i'm still gonna save four turns but man is this close this is so close guys you have no idea how close this is this is stupid a little coliseum music i'm down [Music] all right here we go [Music] all right we listen to this song and then we'll go to like the e4 theme because aaron aaron is actually free he has to like trip me three times in a row for it to be dangerous [Music] one i only have to go to two two and then i start flash cannoning oh see he's only doing 15 damage he could do up to 18 weirdly enough he was just low rolling me 3 20 23 that's a bit of a stretch but but [Music] i like it i gotta be a little careful because i actually have two ethers in my party instead of an ether and a max ether so i actually just can't just master ethers [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that's aaron one down four to go [Music] oh i gold split it too okay okay ether heal ether heel ether heel [Music] there we go baby there we go baby there he is my boy feed him the pizza everybody feed quagsire pizza [Music] so [Music] i should live yup [Music] that was a hyrule crit guys like you have no idea that was an insane high roll crit and i still lived [Music] [Music] now here's the thing i actually didn't save a turn on this fight i didn't lose a turn on this fight but i didn't save a turn on this fight and it's not over because i could because i still have to survive one more attack this one and i did change [Music] oh could this do it could this do it could this run do it [Music] [Music] you know what it's gonna depend on flint it's gonna be all down to flint isn't it [Music] ah i ran a little wide there okay i have to heal do i i think i just go plus two here yeah i think i just have to go plus two on defense instead of plus four and i hope i just don't get re yeah yeah i can do that i think if i want the record i gotta go for bus dude here [Music] plus four is my go-to it's very safe on that but i could save a turn and i might need to save turns here i only need one x speed for once in my life sheesh okay there's the hypnosis one [Music] two okay i can pull restore here i have to [Music] okay this is gonna look real dangerous yes oh my god i might i might legit be ahead now barring we don't get crit on the infernae i also it's so close pets guys pets pets pets pets pets if if i world record i will pet the umbreon he is literally standing to my left and has been watching this whole run with me [Music] you want me to pet the umbreon now we have the record [Music] i want to see so many pets [Music] are we petting the mud kit baby [Music] oh baby don't worry i i got i got it i got it i got it i got it [Music] guys i save a turn on cynthia oh why am i on options [Music] oh my heart rate just jumped a big time oh my god oh my god my heart rate literally just jumped way higher now i we're in focus mode now baby [Music] [Music] one lucian can kill it's rare though two it's the one fight that's safer for dialga versus palkia because i resist three perfect [Music] and this should not be arranged this time yeah baby yeah baby i saved another turn i think this is gonna do it oh my god guys this is gonna do it but it's all because i risked it on flint's it's because i had a humongous time save on flint's by not getting put to sleep on the one turn that i had to be like well if he hypnosis mate if he if he would have used hypnosis this probably doesn't record because i have to keep healing it off but he did it but we got it what am i uh i'm at 98 oh my god that's so that'd be so risky i have to tap to say i'm gonna heal for cynthia i have to heal for cynthia even though i could technically go in at this health safe i save a turn on cynthia no matter what [Music] so i just heal the fall protect from the turn one crit and i think this records it's not it's not 320 but it re-records oh absolutely absolutely absolutely oh my god oh my god [Music] like i could have saved a little more time but it's not like gets up 320 time [Music] let's go baby oh my god i can't believe this [Music] man if i didn't have a bad mars jupiter fight this could have been like 319. [Music] it's all because i had a fast yoga for once in my life [Music] baby baby baby baby baby oh my god it's get this is gonna do it [Music] done done baby yes yes yes dude [Music] pv is a pb [Music] oh it's just a tap in from here man if if if friday's run was a foot for par put for record this is literally sitting on the lip of the cup [Music] oh i hope dude chad thank you so much you i trust me i've seen how hype you are i've seen how fast chat's going right now it's kind of bonkers i've seen it though i am feeding off your energy and if you're feeding off my energy without beating up your energy [Music] yeah woohoo [Music] gold split synthia baby [Music] yo who said who said 3 20 23 because i'm legit going to get a 3 20 23 like to the point [Music] samut was that you seriously was that you [Music] [Music] trust me i'm still mashing [Music] oh nope no sub 320 this time [Music] i think it's going to [Music] okay that's an improvement on my in-game time it was 3 15 last time time yes yes yes baby [Music] yeah we did it again in world record improvements
Channel: Thomas Patrick
Views: 4,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, pokemon, speedrun, world record, bdsp, bdsp wr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 53sec (12053 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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