Anyway, here's Wonderwall - Two Guys Talk Tech #25

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we are going live we may be allowed to be live graeme's shaving his neck bot i think that might mean beard i i i think i think virtual pinball is implying that i have a neck beard either that or or or virtual pinball is a is a a goatee hater hello everyone right i wasn't sure where we were going with that i don't know i don't know either good day everyone good day chris king and thank you for the ten dollars for prosperity thank you very much audio echo oh hold up hold up echo an audio echo how can anyone confirm that there's a phone ringing now but yeah no no i think we're good i can't hear anything on the youtube so i'm not sure all the bits i missed on my neck yeah that happens no echo here yeah no we're fine yep okay that's what i get no if i hello everyone both karadog and i are very tired today so if we seem a little bit subdued today that's why uh so i'll i'll start with my excuse for being tired i was up until 3 30 a.m this morning which for some of you guys is probably like them's rookie numbers however for me 3 30 in the morning is very late um and i was up wait trying to buy graphics cards because uh i had a tip-off that curries were going to update their graphics card stock at about 3am the actual stock drop happened between 3 30 and 4 in the morning and by that time i'd gone to bed so i got nothing i did just get 10 pounds from spud nugget though thank you very much how's it going so uh so yes that happened um so that's my excuse for being tired and also and also having a headache at the moment as well i've just had a nice cup of tea and i'm probably gonna get a coffee halfway through the stream so cara dog why are you very tired today are you just tired of life in general or did something happen to you yeah yeah we'll go with that just [Laughter] isn't it oh it's terrible i'll go with one of those things that you just said yeah no just just in general this this week has been lacking in enthusiasm in sparkle i know what you mean actually um just because that earlier on i was like oh i've got a schedule up by the way if anyone's wondering i'm taking apart a laptop while we do this just because it's in front of me so whatever um and we know how you like fiddling with things yeah so and i mean actually what if i just what if i just do this while i'm doing this you know this is not this is not a let's fix or anything i've got i've got to take apart this laptop because i've got to try and flash the bios on it and just see if that fixes it so i'm taking apart this laptop uh where was i yeah it's pu i know it's socketed cpu it's um i don't know what cpu it is actually it doesn't say nearly dropped it um where was i yeah uh this is a hp elitebook something or other i don't care it's old it doesn't post i'm 99 certain i'm wasting my time which is why i'm not recording a video anyway um i had an elitebook something or other for a while and i was very pleased with it other than the fact there was like one core and a 1.8 inch hard drive there are yeah the elitebooks are okay until they break um and as with a lot of hp's they seem to break um so yeah make that what you will they're definitely a lot better than the hp consumer laptops i mean look at this it's got an intel wi-fi with three antennas and yes well i'd imagine they go to the screen but unlike the amount of hp consumer laptops that i see even today brand new hp consumer laptops with single wi-fi antennas in them and it's like are you kidding me you know this oh good grief it it it annoys me anyway so earlier on i was scheduling up the the podcast for today and i was like oh god i've got to think of a title what's happened this week what's happened this week that allows me to title the video and um i genuinely couldn't think of anything um however when i was going to get my lunch today i walked up the high street to go to the sandwich shops i was like i want to get a sandwich from the sandwich shop so i walked up the high street to go and get a sandwich and there was a busker on the high street i don't know if that's british slang for anything so it basically just means a chat playing a guitar and a microphone playing you know for money kind of thing um and he was really good actually i actually dropped i dropped whatever change i had in my pocket into his guitar case because he had a really nice voice and as i was walking up the high street i'm like that's really nice to hear it was really nice and he was playing wonder wall it was literally anyway his wonder wall moment but the thing is it was really nice and as i walked down the high street and i just carried on singing it under my breath and i was like i haven't heard that song in a long time i know it's a meme but just in that moment i was like that's nice that's really nice to hear you know see when i saw the video the the title i was half expecting you to go i found my face and here it is or something no i actually had pure injections and you're just going to be that guy yep nope nope you know and we were suddenly going to be a case of oh we're now going to get content matched yeah yep banned struck into the third age [Laughter] probably uh how does this come off does it need to come off i don't think it does actually whatever i uh so yes um oh you're trying to get to the bios chip right i was like why are you removing what looks like a sim card adapter yeah i've got to take off this bottom case to expose the rest of the motherboard i got a suspicion that might be the bios chip there there's an mxic chip there um but it's a big boy it's like a 16-pin boy so i don't know if this thing's got a weird bios chip in it but yeah at any rate i'm going to take i'm going to get the motherboard i mean even if that is the bios chip i've i can't get a hot air gun in there so i've got to take this cover off anyway so what's that oh that's my battery charger the number of people i have concerned by that alarm randomly suddenly going off and they're just like what is i i finally bought a balance charger and i've just been balancing um my lipos and yeah my my three cell lipo was it was pretty far out of balance so and i knew this but i i get hate comments every now and then for people going you shouldn't charge that from your bench power supply and i'm like yeah i know just balance it now and then it'll be fine and so i'm just like yeah i it was about time that i balanced that battery and so i did did you did you get like the 150 watt version um no i got the cheapest one that you linked in discord the other day uh let me just grab it so i can oh just the super cheap like yeah the imax version yeah the imax b6 yeah um that comes in you can't see that but yeah that comes in 4080 in like 150. yeah it's charge rate is up to six amps apparently yes yeah and i don't know why you'd want to charge anything at more than six amps i don't know why you want to charge anything at six amps quite frankly because it's a thousand milliamp sorry it's a 22 amp hour battery yeah that's true yeah if you've got a huge big boy battery yeah it's a 22 amp power 6 cell battery yeah i had to take a while i had a sleeping moment i just i stuck an xt60 connector on it so i could plug my lipos in because it it came with dean's connectors yeah and i understand why now that you were all about dean's connectors for a while now however because they're the correct connector dean's is crap man dean's is horrible hold on i'll be back in two seconds are you what what are you oh he's gonna go and get his dean's connectors but okay but let's get our own set let's get our story straight people on a minute i'm i he's going to get stuff so i'm going to get stuff where the hell's the box so for clarity these horrible horrible things here these are called dean's connectors and they're awful and crap in every possible way they're difficult to plug in and unplug they're not very well shielded uh they're really cheap and it's just horrid by comparison xt60 is the true gentleman's hobby battery connector xt60 it can handle a fake ton of current it's shielded on both sides it's really easy to wire in just man xt60 so what you were going to get something completely different i assume at this point oh see what you do is you you have something which takes from your your these your banana jacks yeah yeah from your banana jacks and then you just go like this oh you've got you've got an octopus jobby yeah so you have your mini tamiya your tamiya and your deans and then you do a dean's 2xt60 yeah or you could just put xt60 on everything but that doesn't work very well when you need to charge mini tamiya and tamiya don't have mini tamiya or tamiya because those are bad as well but they're what you use for nyquid and nomoz yeah oh i guess i don't know um i should probably read the chat at some point because sorry i've not been paying attention so sorry it seems like attention is going to be lacking yeah um so yeah i'm gonna scroll back a little bit and just quickly skim through the chat um so not long until 100k we're close we're super close i'm going to switch back to facecam again now i'm doing this because i'm not really paying much attention to this laptop uh so we'll go back to our usual format uh uh hold it um yeah so uh yes we're super close um i need to start doing stuff but well things of um yeah i've planned a little bit more things i'm no closer to getting my countertops because the company that i bought the counters from they were supposed to that the email said we'll contact you to arrange delivery haven't heard anything from them so i've sent an email saying hey so i've given you guys 600 quid for a load of wood when do i get the wood you know when when when do you deliver my countertops that i have paid you money for uh and so i'm waiting to hear back from them from that and i'm a bit like sort of oh thanks guys you yeah inspiring confidence here however i did speak to um i did speak to one of my friends who's an electrician um this week and we had a conversation about lighting and stuff like that and he's going to get me a quote on putting in on replacing all the compact fluorescents with led panels because like another couple of the bulbs have blown and like literally only half the lights in this place work and like it's not a problem for this bench because studio lights um however the rest of the shop is just in a weird kind of twilight and every single bulb is a slightly different color temperature so so yeah so i spoke to my mate and he said can you show me what's um above the drop ceiling and i took pictures of that and he's like yes this is all really good that's really easy for me to work with and so yeah he's going to sort me out with that i'm going to sort me out with some water heaters as well so i can actually wash my hands with warm or hot water instead of freezing cold tap water which is a luxury that i've never had in my shop before no i we we replaced all of the lights in the office with um led panels do you know what color do you know what color temperature you went for in the office no i don't know what they were okay um they look by eye like they're like the fifth like the 5 000 ones yeah because yeah okay yeah because i was trying to decide i'm trying to decide what kind of color temperature to aim for because i'm like i think i'm kind of oh like sometimes daylight white is really nice and but then sometimes um it's just too sterile and you want something that's a little bit warmer i think 5 5000 is daylight and i think that might be the best way for but like you can buy 6 000 k panels yeah that's a six and a half thousand yeah and i'm like now it's too cold too cold for my taste although obviously for you you're you're trying to offset other colored temperature ones so i know yeah you've got a 6000 for a reason but yeah oh 2700k is too low sai although i'd have that on my i have that on my desk at home i run i run really warm lights at home but yeah i i looked away and then i looked back and you were there like i i bought some of these to play around with huh what is that and what is it for is that a photography light or something or what um they're just yeah they're just led panels yeah so oh yeah oh yeah and then oh okay yeah so you oh yeah that's got a good range of temperature on them yeah and then this is exactly the same but i bought the two different ones because this one you can pop that little bit of plastic off and it comes with somewhere there you go uh different colored gels oh sweet so yeah so i've got like a green one that i can just chuck in there somehow and then i do kind of like the idea of having some colored lighting like um like when you know when looking at other videos and stuff well i i actually really like um the kind of lighting that um jay's two cents goes for uh-huh the spoopy light um where he has like some nice sort of blue and purplish wash lights on the back wall behind him and i think that adds a nice really bit a nice bit of color to everything obviously i've got to actually decorate and stuff in here but i am kind of tempted i am kind of tempted to get like a wash light um just to throw a splash of color on the wall behind me i think that'll look really nice the other thing i like is these are both usb-c yeah usb-c all the things exactly yeah nice nice um all i need to do is to retrofit my old keyboard and then i will have no usb nothing other than usbc yes eventually eventually i'll do that but yeah good karadog is in a mischievous mood today isn't he always isn't he always but yes um let's see you should get the fancy boiling taps you can get now i'm gonna get one of those for the kitchen um i've got one of those stupid instant hot water hand washing tap things to go in the bathroom because it's cheap and it works uh and it that one came with the shop you know um like it's boxed and it has been fitted but it it was supplied with the shop and so i've just said to my mate look i got this can you fit it in the bathroom he's like yeah sure no problem um but for yeah for the kitchen though we're gonna i'm gonna get an instant hot water boiler thing it's got a very small like i think it's like a five liter or ten liter tank or something that it holds of boiling water so there's just instant water for heat um but it's only a small tank so it doesn't use a lot of power just to have it heated that will keep that water heated all the time so yeah um so yes you're getting used to the rode wireless yeah i still haven't done much editing with this thing yet so i don't really have much anything else to add that i didn't say last week um because i haven't actually done a lot of content creation this week um so yeah and as i say i um the video that i edited this week was um a monitor repair that i that i shot before i got this one so that was shot using the the old condenser mic so again i still haven't done any editing with this mic um however i've been i've been experimenting with it and i like having it and yeah i i think overall i'm happy with this mic i like the setup and i think it's been i think it's a good a good thing to be running uh 5000 kelvin is used in graphics departments to do with outdoor advertising all right well fair enough yeah i think 5000 kelvin is probably the sweet spot between looking not coloring anything with or not tinting anything any color because it's literally natural white but without looking too cold so yes that would that would be potentially nice and the other thing as well is even if i do end up with colder room lighting i can always turn up the warmth on the studio lights the back ones i have a natty little remote for so i can be like decrease color temperature and you guys can't see that because the camera's just adjusting for it what happens if i go all the way up to super cold you can kind of see it in the top left of the screen there changing but um it's not making a tremendous difference but yeah i run these at 4 200 at the moment but the room lighting is the room lighting is just all over the place so you're writing something yeah yeah i'm surprised at how at the moment the camera the cameras are wanting to auto balance to about 4 200 k um so yeah that's kind of just where everything is at at the moment but it seems to look right based off of the youtube preview preview you looked slightly better with cooler color possibly the other thing as well is these monitors are so uncalibrated that i have no idea what white balance is at the moment which is also annoying me i need to actually um i need to see if i can yeah do you still have your spider yeah i might need to borrow that at some point and actually calibrate these monitors because um um you know like when i look at uh when i look at the obs preview now the obs preview looks about the same but i don't know it feels like when it you know the color temperature looks slightly different wherever i look at it and i have no idea which one the actual one is at so it's very difficult for me to figure out what it should be at because i have no idea where the white point actually is right now the problem i found with the spiders is they see is at least that one seems to color everything very much to the red or shift everything very red i noticed that when i tried it on my home screens um it wanted to go a little bit ready reddish um yeah and i couldn't and i couldn't work out why it wants to be so far towards red um i couldn't work out if it was a gamma issue or a you know a white point issue or anything like that because switching them around and stuff didn't seem to really fix it and everything was just genuinely red and not actually balanced yeah i didn't find it when it didn't take mine super super red it did just shift a little bit more toward the red but in a way i preferred that just because it made things a little bit it looked a bit warmer and more vibrant to me it was a slightly pleasant red tinge um however yes i did notice that it definitely wanted to uh veer toward the red so i definitely had the same issue with it yeah so clearly i need clearly i need to get a colorimeter as well as a uh as well as a spec spectrum a spider to cut calibrate your spider yes who will calibrate the calibrators yes i need a color emitter and the spectra spectrometer because they measure different things but they're both necessary for making sure that the colors are actually accurate uh graham do you still use a brio are you transitioning to using a proper camera for videos i'm still on the brio at the moment uh and again this is the brio the um that you're seeing me on um although obviously uh we're at oh my headphones just shouted at me that the battery is low that's fine i haven't charged them since i bought them well i i charged them when i bought them this is the same charge as when i got them so they've lasted for like four of these podcasts now which is pretty good going i think um where was i yes um yes yeah yeah this is the brew and as you can see all this is at 30 frames a second but it it still looks pretty good for a webcam i think um i do want to move to using a proper camera however i'm not sure when yet i have some ideas on how that will work out but that's a long term plan improving lighting so far has helped increase the picture quality much more than different cameras would in my opinion at the moment yeah i think because a good camera is generally speaking still bad if it doesn't have enough light so yeah um so i'm still on i'm still working with the brio at the moment uh is the short answer there i think also just because um i think if i move to a different camera it's going to require a completely different rigging setup for how i record stuff i mean i might do it for um if i do more uh bench top stuff like if i'm doing a case review where everything is all a wide shot to have me and the case in shot at the same time that i would definitely be looking to move to a camera on a tripod for um and i'll probably just get a dslr or something like that however i think for the bench for the bench videos where it's just top down view i'm probably going to stick with the brio for for the foreseeable future because i don't think there is anything there are better cameras out there but i don't think i can find anything that will give me the same versatility um is the main issue there i think any other camera i will have to make a concession like for example you know any other camera even if i rig it up on an overhead view it'll be i won't be able to do any kind of proper zooming although that much being said i am also planning on see this is the thing is like i i was thinking about it like if you have a proper fixed overview camera you can be like okay well now i can't do the super close-ups that i do with the brio but it's like okay we'll get a microscope with hdmi out on it solves that problem but the problem is let me swivel around again if i'm going for a top down on the lap on a laptop like this so i can have a fixed view and we've got the laptop in view here and you can see what i'm doing this would be our fixed camera ah let me get it straight here we go um so we've got fixed view of the of the laptop and i'm like cool okay i want to show a close-up of the cpu socket so i mean i guess i would have some amount of optical zoom with another camera but nothing that can do this and go all the way in and then leave focus you can't do that with optical zoom and by the same token i can't fit this camera under a microscope sorry i can't fit this laptop under a microscope either so the the brio is actually still giving me versatility that just simply can't be achieved with a different setup i don't think so i don't know that's the thing is i keep finding myself going you know yes i might get a little bit of better quality from a from a more traditional camera but i don't think i'll get anything that can actually match the same amount of utility as i get from the brio that's um that's my that's my dilemma at the moment the issue is how soft the image is as soon as you're not up close yes that's the problem the the brio is really bad at yeah it's bad at mid-range detail like when i put for a face shot like this you don't notice and it's fine but yeah when i'm trying to do a top-down showing the whole laptop i agree that's where i really noticed the quality loss um yeah yeah i agree with that yeah that's that's the to me that that's kind of the thing that's where it loses out yeah is is also the feel you get from a much larger optic this is we're talking about the other day the feel you have from that much larger optic and the change in the way the depth of field is shown and things like that is a very particular look and is something you'll certainly want or at least certainly a case of something i want um and would want for sort of this view yeah view that there's sort of i don't know where are we about 30 degrees off of face on yeah thing and stuff like that that's i'd want that to throw this better into out of focusness yeah um but not in a not in a really forced ultra blurred way but just having that narrower just a little bit of just a little bit of blur on the background just to make you pop a bit more yeah um and yeah i mean the other alternative is just that i go for a more multi-camera setup which is entirely possible for the way that i record because i already use two cameras as it is it would and if i got a microscope that would be three cameras uh and it would not be a um it would not be a massive issue to have a four camera set up um where i've got the brio on hand for difficult shots that a uh the uh a bigger camera can't get to um so i could have a big overview camera and i've got optical zoom that can go into some stuff and then if i'm just like i need to get into a corner and only the brio can reach in there then i'd just bring in the brio you know yeah basically and there's also a case of you wouldn't need the c920 so you'd obviously replace that with a actual dc camera i could do i suppose yeah because i don't i don't see why you'd use it when you had a dslr or mirrorless or something like that yeah well the idea is that um yeah i mean if uh obviously i need something just as a basic facebook replace because you'd replace the c920 with the burrito okay yeah and then if i needed to do a close-up shot i would sacrifice i would sacrifice the face camera to do that shot yeah because which is no problem whilst you're doing a close-up yeah i agree with that yeah so it's kind of a two yeah yeah that is true and also just be interesting if there was not an action cam but something similar to that they didn't have a ridiculous fish eye on it so it's just a standard like 50 ml type lens but was a camera like this sort of thing well most of the action cams they can do narrow field of view no problem but the actual physical optic is a wide angle optic that's what i'm saying one that actually has a physical optic that is say only 75 yes i suppose yeah yeah yeah yeah that much being said i mean uh i mean i have got um i am going to be acquiring soon a um uh another action cam to experiment with yes um uh because as i have experimented with using a gopro but the gopro i could not the gopro did not work for me um and i don't know hopefully this other action cam might work out differently or maybe i might be able to get better use out of it knowing what i'm getting into this time because i was very upset about the goat because i bought a gopro hero 6 i think and i was very upset by the comparative lack of performance of it just because it just its ability to preview over hdmi was terrible basically and trying to find actual straight answers as to what you could output over the hdmi port on the gopro was really difficult and you know all the all the documentation said oh it can do 1080p 100 120 fps over hdmi kind of thing but it also when i actually came to use the camera it was a matter of it could it supported that output but the software the actual preview video stream coming out of it wouldn't do that so it was the equivalent of having the my my c it would be the equivalent of having my brio set right now to be at 60fps but the stream is at fps so it's just like well it doesn't matter that the camera is at 60fps because you guys are still only seeing 30fps so it was a matter of you know it was saying it supported these things and it would support them for playback but actual preview it couldn't do it and i'm like well what's the point then and it was a it was complicated a mess and because of the cost of a gopro because gopros are really expensive for what they are in in my opinion um and because of the cost of it in the end i i ended up sending it back i was just like no this isn't working for me um so yeah but you know i think maybe a different camera going in with different expectations i might end up with something that actually works for me and i may be able to put it to good use it'll be good to try be good to experiment yeah absolutely and also just like the fact of because cameras don't or because you know the cameras will be kind of focused at specific functions yes you can make things more focused on the specific function yeah better at each function yes things for each function yeah of course it is worth bet it is worth keeping in mind that i am i i do use cameras for a comparatively niche use in that i just want their hdmi output to plumb into obs which is obviously not what most of them are designed to do um however at the same time it's just like streaming has been around for long enough that i feel like that's something that camera manufacturers should be actually thinking about is that there are a lot of people who just want to run the output straight out of hdmi and into obs or into some other recording platform so so yeah i'm aware certainly the last time i looked at it the sony alphas were the ones that had the best hdmi output yeah well i mean and then canon were doing firmware updates to a whole bunch of air cameras to fix up dodgy issues with hdmi outputs yeah yeah yeah i think the industry is going in that direction now i think at least yeah because they well it was also okay so they had a whole suite of um their cameras where the hdmi output was basically broken it was dropping freight it was like dropping frames or it was incorrectly encoding it or it was like sticking slightly funky time signals on it so it was appearing to be like 31.1 frames a second as opposed to being like 29.94 yeah yeah canon what did you do yeah what what was this what happened but yeah they've certainly they i certainly know there are a whole bunch of firmware updates they did beginning of 2020 for a huge number of their models fixing um hdmi preview issues fair fare one day one day camera manufacturers will actually pay attention to what people or what a large number of people are actually wanting cameras for and stuff as well yes yeah although it's uh the problem is it's very easy for everyone to assume that their use is what everyone else is doing with them um and oh yeah especially in the creative scene because you know like in the for the creator scene it's like oh well all youtubers obviously want a hdmi output but then everyone who's not a youtuber probably doesn't care and is recording to sd so yeah hmm um let's see uh they tend to not give clean output over here to stop using an external recorder to get higher quality files they want you to buy the pro lines hmm yeah conspiracy theory for that um maybe do you think they ten yeah i i i don't know i mean i suppose it's possible um and yeah i guess it wouldn't surprise me if they may if they made products and said yeah we're not going to give you this functionality because that's reserved for the pro lineup um i i could yeah i could see that being a thing i could see that being a thing yeah it's certainly a case of at least from canon's side it was very much a case of actually you know this is just broken and yeah hearing software updates to fix it on a lot of it yeah and rooney seemed to have always supported decent hdmi output on their cameras um i think at the very least it's um is it occam's razor do not attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity that's not occam's razor but that certainly sounds someone else's it's someone else's razor or someone else's gun chekov's razor i don't know it's someone something what's that what's that phrase called do not you know do not attribute to malice what could be attributed to stupidity that's a thing someone someone help me out here yeah oh absolutely i'm not to google it at the moment but yeah um but yes among those lines but also just very quickly something i saw in chat yeah don't buy a 5950x for gaming for the love of god i don't have the 950x to play games yep agreed no may ruins raise your weight that's skyrim [Laughter] oh you got kara dog with that one please cut your beard spit every every beard hate message makes me slightly stronger be careful what you say um so yeah very well um all right okay let's do i'll answer let's look for a couple of the tech questions yes two to two okay carry on apply the actual answer to that question yeah buy a 5600 and be very happy with the 5600 yeah or if you want if you want something exotic then oh hello is that liquid damage hmm buy a 5600 um if you don't have a 5600 yeah or they're not available in your country get like a 3600 or a 30 yeah or if you want something exotic then at least get the 5800x just because i hear that that guy that the 5800x is an overclocking monster so at least that if you want something with pimp value then go with the 5800x because it's got pimp value as being an overclocking um chip yes so yes or reply sub zero uh let's see oh occam's razor is when uh two two possible explanations the simplest one is usually correct fairly enough that was occam's razor oh it's is it uh how long's razor it's oh i don't know uh let's see oh yeah how long is something or ever no uh what's up if you have soldered ram in a laptop can you swap it from 4g to 8 gig resolder or the board would be restricted to four gig max um it's nature's fivo book this i saw someone else ask this question a similar question to this when i think we're talking about netbooks or something somewhere and and it's a it's a matter of um i imagine it would depend on the firmware i don't know is the answer but i'd really like to know um yeah i would presume it would be a firmware thing basically a case of if you um if the laptop model has say it's a 32gb mmc one and you're saying oh can i go to 64gb emmc i would say that would be dependent on whether there's a higher firmware a higher capacity yeah but that's that's for the storage chips though not ram oh yeah no absolutely ram yeah i mean for the ram yeah i mean for the round i mean what's on a memory module you know you've got some resistor networks some capacitors and the chips i mean there is a driver chip on them so yeah um well i didn't hear what you said go build a ram module go build a ram module yeah i don't know i'd be really interested to know i wonder i wonder that would make a good experiment sometimes to find a scrapper laptop that has some soldered in ram and sacrifice a ram module like if it's got four gigs of soldered ram if i can find a if i can find a single sided eight gig ram module so it has four chips on it for eight gigs and just do a straight swap that doesn't seem like it would be a massive job and i wonder if it would work it would need to be the same type um yes the same type of memory chips yeah and they'd have to be they'd have to be the same exact model of memory chip because if it's soldered onto the motherboard there'll be a rule um not spl there'll be a spdd there'll be a single timing setup yeah for the chip i'm just grabbing a charging cable because my headset is actually saying it needs to be recharged now uh i'm still listening so i'd imagine that you might have issues on that just because the bios physically can't do memory training ah yeah yeah now i agree i think i don't think it would be that simple you're right so it would be a case of you could probably do it if you stuck on if you had say 512 and you went up to gigabit modules or something like that i think that would work or you went to eight gigabit modules from four gigabit i think that would work but it'd have to be basically exactly the same modules so the same timings are likely to work yeah there's probably someone out there who has managed to do this and it's probably doable under a very certain set of circumstances but i i would imagine the answer is is theoretically yes practically no i think is the answer to that question is theoretically it could probably be done however the practicalities of actually achieving it are not worth the amount of trouble i reckon yeah so it's certainly a case of because in a large number of cases the laptops that come with soldered ram and so on um where yes if the laptop has soldered ram it's probably a trash laptop there's i mean there's a couple of yeah and now i was about to say there are some of them you know like they said it was an asus vivo book but i'm not gonna lie the past couple of asus vivo books i've seen haven't been impressed you know i like they look like they look like they're nice laptops but they suffer from they suffer from what i'll call hp syndrome where they look like they're nice laptops but when you actually open them up for repair or something and you actually look at what's inside them you're just like what the hell man trash cooling trash wi-fi trash storage this is not a good laptop you know um that seemed that's my impression of the past couple of vivo books i've seen and it makes me sad because as i say they look like nice laptops they look like the kind of thing curries would sell yeah yeah kinda yeah sandeep amira hopefully i'm getting your name right thank you very much for the 60 um 60 of those rupees they're rupees thank you very much i i it was kind of in our shape and i'm like it's either rubles or rupees thank you very much for the 60 rupees greatly appreciated big thumbs up to you thank you very much uh no problem so yes um yeah so i think there was another one from ben at some point oh did i miss did i miss one i'm going to scroll up i'm going to backscroll a sec did i miss someone i'm going to check oh there was there was a couple oh wow i missed a couple uh i must have gone yeah we missed one from ben laird as well with the fiverr thank you very much ben and also christopher david with ten dollars get yourself a nice cuppa thank you very much guys uh thank if i do miss any super chats by the way uh do let me know um like i don't get to them like sometimes i finish what i'm saying before i get to them however if i've actually just straight up not spotted them sometimes they scroll off the screen especially if i'm working as i'm doing now which i shouldn't be while i'm doing this but whatever it might scroll off the screen and then it's gone on that note demny bs thank you very much for the twenty dollars uh making some a5 wig you today uh um is the is is this a slang word that i don't understand is this some youth speaking to it might be i genuinely don't know it's a type of beef okay it's japanese beef ah okay fair enough uh 5800x seems good for gaming yours hits 58 48 50 meg really 4.850 that's not bad uh all core around 4.5 4.6 for avx yeah is that stock or overclocked because if that's stuck you could get you could get into the five gigahertz club easy with a little bit of tweaking on that i think um like obviously another 250 megahertz isn't very much but it gets you that big five gigahertz number which is just everyone wants the five gigahertz you know get that beef yeah all right i made a proud of myself so that's that yeah for 450 is reasonably standard yeah so yeah you could get you'd get five gigahertz excuse me mine will spike to like 5.05 that's nice is it well you're have you got a 1500 or are you talking about your 5950 will spike to like oh really if the 5950 can do it then yeah yeah yeah it will spike like 505. oh that's fine then yeah and it will do all core stable around 4.8 yeah with crazy volts but yeah i still don't know what's going on about my uh 5950x pre-order um i tried to call scan this week um because i was actually going to ask them can you change it out for a 5800x because i don't need a 5950x i'm only buying you know the only reason why i haven't canceled the pre-order is just because i have a pre-order on a chip that's very difficult to get and so if it actually ends up showing up in the post worst case scenario is i flip it um but um but yeah i would probably i'm probably going to try and change out the order for a 5800x just for something a bit more sensible um but yes anyway i tried to call up scan i was on hold for 30 minutes and then the phone line went dead and i was like oh well that's the end of that adventure i guess so yeah i've no idea what's going on with my uh with my order there and after being on after being on hold for half an hour i was just like yeah i'm not calling back so that's uh that made me a little bit sad yeah absolutely he's holding on here oh the keyboard oh the everything okay i'm not out of the water here yet um yeah it was um just thinking this week i was playing around slightly with my 2700x and there is a uh gigabyte boost option thing like you were saying about in the um vrm video yeah and i turned that off and instantly the first clocks i now get is like 3.6 3.7 yes my voltages have dropped by like half a volt like i'm just yeah i'm more comfortable with this voltage now yeah i'm not sure what that is actually trying to do because it seems to absolutely massacre your clock it doesn't just go down to stop clocks it massacres your clocks um and it's just like can i not just have a no fiddle option like can you i like i want an object like if i i i like bios's that have the enhancement options where you know you make the boost times a little bit longer and things like that that's a good thing i like it but if i switch that off i just want the chip to be stuck i don't want you to just kill the performance of the chip i just want you to not fiddle with it you know i just want a no fiddle option you know i don't know but yeah i'm drastically more comfortable with it like that i'm just like it's fine yeah i mean if it's still giving you the performance you need because um yeah yeah i mean that's the problem is like when i was running my um my i5 8600k um i kind of wanted to lower my clocks again because i was you know i was running it at uh 1.35 volts which is realistically the maximum you kind of want on a daily driver you know you don't really want to be going up above 1.35 on a daily uh daily runner um just because that's you probably can but that's uh i'm not planning on keeping this chip for more than a couple of years kind of territory um though it's 14 nanometers so like it's probably fine but 1.45 is probably fine yeah i suppose if you can call it but um at any rate though um however when i actually turned off my overclock again i did actually i i lost the performance and i was like like in um in vegas when i was editing video i took a noticeable hit in performance after switching off my overclock i was like oh that makes me sad but yeah like if you're if you pulled back your chip slightly and it's still performing as you require it to then yeah that's a nice that's a that's a nice thing i guess yeah absolutely i think there's something funky about my 2700x just because it doesn't idle ah that's a bit odd yeah but then it's also it's also missing a pin though isn't it so yes it only does all of the boost all of the time yeah so you can be what like one of those people who's just like yeah my computer consumes a hundred uh you know 200 watts idle and i'm okay with that because i don't pay my electric bill so no no it's only like it's only like 200 watts total although as arnold g pointed out um sometimes undervolting an ap and amd cpu is how you do get to better performance that can also be true um it's it's very dependent there's lots of theories with verizon however certainly there are times where sometimes less is more that is that is absolutely a fact um so yeah yeah absolutely but yes it's it's mostly about trying to keep your temperatures as low as possible yeah because exactly the same processor scaling for my 5950x at -20 it would do to 5.25 stock stock settings 5.25 was the peak boost under an aio it like 50 the peak boost is 505. uh yeah exactly the same ship exactly the same motherboard set yeah it because the um frequency is temperature dependent so temperature yeah because the frequency is so temperature dependent there we go yes that see that's a little bit annoying because like 50 degrees that's fine man it's as far as i'm concerned it's just like the the chip should not even be starting to dial back although that much being said of course um you know most of the time when you're measuring temperature you're probably seeing edge temps not junction temps and stuff like that um so that maybe that's it because you know as far as i'm concerned if the chip is below 70 degrees then it should be boosting harder you know as long as you're under 70 boost some more um that like that's that's my opinion there um but that's not the sec the way it seems to work in practice um it will also it will also be a case of the total package power yes that's true yeah yeah just because you're only at 50 doesn't mean you're not at total package now yeah yeah that is true as well now obviously dropping nearly 70 celsius off the temperature of the chip you're using less watts to get the same clocks yes that is true yeah yeah uh it's it's complicated these days isn't it absolutely but yes i need to i need to come up with a more elaborate solution a moral also also possibly just cover my motherboard in rubber you know just yeah i was going to say you do need to waterproof your motherboard um you need you need to go and yeah you need to waterproof your motherboard um not that it was not not implying that some condensation uh had anything to do with um the recent return of a motherboard um that you didn't own but um but yeah it's something that uh it's something that you're well aware of the existence thereof moving swiftly on night fusion with the fiver thank you very much uh 5800x amv curve optimizer 5.3 gigahertz at 1.36 volts not bad 5.2 avx not bad maximum 64 degrees uh with a h150i yeah oh that's a cherry chip okay yeah yeah so i'm assuming that's i'm assuming cherry chip means that's a proper bin to chip so um let's see peter johnson with the 10-pound super chat thank you very much hi guys when do you think intel will be competitive again on mid or high-end desktops i don't know man word on the wire is the new 11th gen cpus are disappointing um apparently you know like because the 10th gen uh was not mind-blowing but they had actually had a notable improvement on temperatures and stuff like that and it was just like a high intel are waking up the the sleeping giant has awoken and is going and is going to start breathing fire again and it sounds like they hit 11th gen and then coughed um but i haven't i haven't watched any reviews this is just headlines i've heard so much to be a good first iteration of a new core because it's a brand new cool design oh is it yeah it's a full new micro architecture i didn't know that yeah and it's still faster and stuff like that so it's still a case of it's a very first it's a very good first into implementation okay fair enough so it's it's kind of it's kind of it's not a great step up if from 10th gen however the fact that they have got a brand new core micro micro architecture that is better in first gen is a good start and it probably implies that the 12th gen is actually going to be very good potentially as they start refining it certainly yes certainly as a case of it will be basically the same micro micro arch i'd assume but actually running on 10 nanometer that's the that's the plan certainly a case fair enough yeah see um yeah someone else is apparently coming at the end of the year apparently so 11th gen is going to last less than seven months oh well rip anyone who buys 11th gen then yeah yeah that's that's definitely going to be a leave that one to the oems chaps by the sounds of things because yeah it's kind of it's kind of going to be like um the the first gen core cpus that were only around for a very short amount of time weren't they um i seem to remember the the first core chips had a really short lifespan or or maybe i was all failing that like um you know they had a really short lifespan on actual consumer desktop um but they existed for quite a long time yeah from memory um it was purely a case of they kind of appeared as workstation processors for like four or five months before they became standard consumer desktop processors so okay so we then made the show made the product cycles seem much faster yeah just because they were kind of delayed to consumer desktops effectively yeah by the looks of things they've got too many damn skus on them as well i think there's like 30 skus sick yeah and it's just like why do you have that many guys that's too that many so because unlike amd where amd says here is a 5950x and it has built into its support for a 60 watt 80 watt and 144 watt tdp they go here is the processor with a 60 watt tdp here is a separate skew with an 80 watt tdp here is a separate skew of 144 watt tdp so i can sell the same processor three times effectively yeah but also within yeah i suppose there's pros and cons to that because to to an extent um the other possibility as well is it does avoid the trap of um of selling um of you know the gpu issue where you can have um two gpus that are the same model number but different performances because they've been configured to run at different tdps so um a a mobile 30 a mobile 3080 can be completely different forms to another mobile 3080 so you know and the problem is they're both called 3080s kind of thing whereas if you have a completely different sku for it you do avoid that because this the lower tdp cpu has a different model number so i suppose there's pros and cons to this and i suppose it makes more sense in the oem space um it's just on the desktop space where we're looking to just build computers having that many skus is a confusing mess so yeah on a similar note um noel also said don't know if you guys watch windows weekly but all this week ryan uh ryan strout from intel was very damning about apple m1 compared to intel chips uh i would take that with a pinch of salt i was gonna say that sounds like propaganda to me because intel are on a massive anti-apple silicon binge right now yeah and yeah they're a pros and cons i mean it's obvious that intel are trying to be anti-apple silicon because apple silicons poses a big rip a big uh threat to the intel um space at the moment um so yeah uh it's it's definitely propaganda uh there are there are truths and there are myths to this propaganda you know like there are some bits where um intel are hitting on it you know like for example you know they've been making loads of adverts they they got in they got in jason long the guy from that high i'm a pc and high i'm a mac adverts they got him on as a pc which is delicious irony i love it um and apparently those adverts are fine you know he has a load of windows he goes look these are windows these are windows intel computers and i can plug lots of peripherals into them these are mac computers and i can't plug lots of peripherals into them with these ones i have more choice there is more of a selection and he you know it apparently they pose very sensible arguments and they're good adverts kind of thing um that will be interesting and surprising yeah um so it's it's i i i'm calling it propaganda but that doesn't necessarily mean that i think it's has malicious intent just obviously just make sure to read between the lines is all i'd say there uh remember that intel right now are trying to are trying to push people away from apple silicon and and and no no it even though you know apple silicon is uh well it's a big threat to the x86 paradigm in short i'd maintain that you probably don't want apple silicon right now not the first gen stuff yeah yeah not because it's apple silicon yeah um yeah i expect these laptops and so on to get maybe one apple os update revision and that's it never buy a first gen apple product people friendly reminder because yeah apparently all the m1 macs are having ssd issues i've not read into it but apparently the the ssds on them are getting ragged so there's the classic first gen issues and when when the headlines broke and people were just like oh graham have you heard about the apple and i'm like a first generation apple products with systemic design problems say it isn't so say it isn't so you know it's just like who's surprised who is surprised so i'm just pleased that it's a thing i'm still i'm just pleased that apple silicon yes don't get me wrong i'm not anti-apple silicon you know i mean i'm not saying that i'm not saying that everyone should abandon ship on into on x86 or intel silicon i i'm not anti or pro anyone i hope intel released some really good cpus soon um so yeah don't get me wrong on any of this uh however yeah at the moment intel are very much under threat from apple silicon apple silicon while being very very infantile on desktop platforms at the moment it needs work but it has enormous potential um the numbers they got out of their first attempt were quite staggering and for all of the shortcomings of the apple m1 silicon um remember it was their first swing of the bat um and for a first swing bloody good one to be honest you know they'll they'll iron out the kinks and it'll be good so yeah yeah it was i'm just pleased that it's so good for a first gen yeah and that shows real potential yeah i don't think x86 is going anywhere anytime soon however it's good to see more stuff going on uh diversity is good more options more choice yes absolutely yeah um right i'm going to cover some super chat super quick unless you've got a closing thought i was only just going to say the fact of i saw something what's it called oh god the translation thing rosetta stone oh yeah yeah rosetta is the is the absolute is the emulation layer yeah apparently that's already stopped being supported wait what apparently that's already stopped being supported rosetta 2 is dead apparently and he's not receiving any further updates what apparently if that's if that's true [Music] i retract all my praise for m1 straight up i can't i can't remember where i saw that but yes someone was saying about that in them development yeah yeah if any if if anyone in the chat can fight can confirm that has has support for rosetta two been pulled um because firstly let's have a quick look at um so rosetta when apple transitioned from power pc to intel back at the end of the g4 g5 era they went from the g4 g5 processors into um intel core duo and then very soon after that called two duos there were like there was like one very short generation of core duo max uh that existed they existed for a blink of an eye and then they were gone and no one speaks of them anymore um and every now and then you see one and you're just like where's the two you know um anyway so when they did that obviously they had an issue that all of the apps were designed for um power pc so you in macos you had rosetta which was a built-in so it's not something you had to run it was just built into macos it was built-in emulation for powerpc apps so when you were on an intel mac it would it would automatically run power pc apps and it was seamless um so in the same way that your 64-bit operating system can seamlessly run 32-bit apps it has to do that through emulation but it's seamless you never see it happening it was the same with rosetta and rosetta it hung around for a couple of years um but the main thing is is by the time um by the time it they pulled support for it the transition was over really um there was no issue with running uh you know as soon as apple went over to intel everyone dropped power pc like a stone and transport everything went over very quickly so it seems like they're pulling the same stunt here but they've put they've apparently pulled support for a rosetta for rosetta 2 which is doing intel on apple silicon uh less than a year is that the m1 can't have been out for a year so that would make it less than a year and it's just like there's no way like there's no way that everyone has transitioned intel apps over to apple silicon yet so um yeah i don't know actually considering you can still buy intel max yeah that's yeah i don't know i don't know buying nomax and mac pros are still intel yeah we need a house i'm going to quickly google this um yeah apparently it's a case that someone's saying that yeah apple insider is supported there um macos 11.3 will remove rosetta saying too several from several regions but i don't know which regions it is what's a region yeah like geographic region yeah yeah probably is that like is that like the entirety of ema yeah yeah and also that does sound like um vas daniel said sounds like a licensing issue i can kind of see where they're coming from there don't understand how it could be a licensing issue but as soon as you start talking about regions and stuff that does sound like something's going on there i wonder if they have fallen foul i wonder if there's an issue with the fact that they have to emulate x86 do they have an x86 license maybe it's something to do with that i mean really interesting yeah imagine that you're you're if you're emulating x06 that would be interesting if it's a case of not the x86 part it's actually the x64 part and it's an amd license no problem well yeah either that or it's or or it's an intel thing and previously they were using intel cpus so they didn't need to worry and now intel has been like why are we licensing our technology to the people who are currently undermining our business model uh yeah maybe like this is complete this is tin foil how theory zone right now you have no evidence to support this this is total conspiracy theory zone however imagine that imagine that um someone's just posted the article and i'm just going to quickly speak okay while you do that i'm just going to quickly roll back to some super chats that i missed um uh dana repulet i probably butchered your name i'm very sorry but thank you very much for the 14 uh here is your one percent share of my covered stimulus check from the irs buy a light bulb or two for the shop donna ripool okay thank you very much for spelling your name out in a manner that a monkey like me can understand dana repool from nebraska thank you very much for the 14 and uh yes i will i will endeavor via complex manners that will go toward buying another couple of leds for my led panels so thank you very much greatly appreciated and night fusion back again with another fiver intel did strike a deal to go three nanometer with tsmc according to a source that will rename name remain unnamed but probably won't be coming to consumer chips that's interesting we spoke about this a couple of shows ago about um it being for xeon stuff i think it was specifically on xeon scalable fair enough yeah i suppose yeah um yeah xeon scalable is a weird area isn't it so it doesn't surprise me if they're putting wacky stuff in that yeah because on scalable stuff like that presumably if you're going down to three nanometers they're looking to go low power i bet aren't they don't know which might be what you and is xeon scalable you're talking data centers and for data centers you want to save power possibly looking to go ultra wide on it and stick like 64 calls in there yeah you know yeah that as well yeah plus calls in there or something so b yeah yeah interesting yeah windows is dying i don't think so yet but um um no i don't think so in a hurry microsoft are in a very very very good place at the moment i think um x86 uh a quite a long time like a couple of months ago we were talking about the concept of x86 dying and being replaced with arm and we had a big old discussion about that i think there's still mileage in that as a very long-term theory but it's not i i wouldn't expect to be running an arm chip in your gaming computer anytime soon like not not within the next decade you know so um yeah the next decade yeah not within the next decade i don't think it will happen mostly because i don't think microsoft will have the same sort of intracompatibility like rosetta they won't have something like that i think that will be part of the reason why it takes such a long time is because there won't be that so there will obviously be 40 years of software that suddenly stops working yeah that's true there'll be there'll always be someone who needs that platform i guess yeah and that will be completely unacceptable for most companies yeah that's true i mean bearing in mind there's there's lots of companies where their upgrade cycle is a decade or more so you know even if even if i you know i'm saying that um the consumers won't be running um what the x86 won't die in the consumer space within the next decade in if you know if it won't die in the next decade in consumer space it'll be two decades before it might die in the business space so yeah nothing that we need to be concerned about today basically i'm gonna be noisy for a sec with my hot air how noisy is this basically is that turbo noisy no i think it's okay good it's okay sorry everyone but i want to try and get this laptop done today so i don't even think it's worth working on no i'm i'll i'll give you guys the laptop house i'll give you guys the laptop cam again so you can see me trying to flash the bios on this stupid laptop that's probably dead so yeah um so yeah um yeah just like uh when power pc was outgunned by intel ppl was still buying apple yeah well it'd take a while but yeah i don't know uh you hate windows 10 so you're still using seven yeah 10 ain't going anywhere in a hurry you unfortunately software as a service it's not going anywhere it's here to stay yeah you kind of got to come to terms with it unfortunately so ricky b with 20 i've been watching your videos for about a year but really have i been able to catch a live stream since you're on the west coast of the us sorry west coast people we did try doing later times but it just didn't really work as well as this time in short enough not enough west coasters turned up so yeah basically that yeah um so yeah uh did any videos attempt to buy arm full through um yeah it's not dead yet but i'll be amazed if it does actually go through yes there's been there's been significant additional um scrutiny in the us and in europe and then separately in the uk yeah i'll be amazed if they get that through yeah i have nothing specifically against nvidia in the sense of an axe to grind and a reason to think they're evil but at the same time it's a case of because of the very unique position arm is in with the fact that they are actually genuinely truly neutral um i can't see how it can be seen as a purchase that can go ahead where arms customers are everyone that's competing with nvidia yeah it it would be incredibly disruptive to a to a neutral i think yeah the fact i'm being neutral i think you've i think that really is the point here isn't it is that it would disrupt that neutrality and it's a case of that doesn't seem to benefit anyone other than nvidia yeah because we know what will happen is suddenly um stops releasing new um designs until six months after nvidia has magically released a new design yeah yeah so whilst obviously no there's nothing going on they're just delayed being available forever because what yeah that would be a bit weird that's what i'm expecting to would happen in just weird stuff like that yeah um yeah let's see what else is going on um like your time's the perfect me good uh what are your thoughts on gold and silver now what in terms of like trading gold and silver no idea talking to the wrong person now they seem to be very high that's all i know and it's a case of if you bought gold and silver a year ago you're laughing that's my understanding of the situation about whether to invest in it now no idea at all no already too late yeah that's it's one of those bandwagons where you needed to be on it a while back ironically i feel like i should cr credit where it's due dave jones from eev blog he was telling people to buy gold a year ago and dude was bang on the money he was absolutely bang on the money so yeah that was kind of interesting i thought um i'll be interested to see what his reasoning for that was yeah why he thought it was going to go up what was the reason for that because obviously it's a case of i think i could say you should go out tomorrow and buy emeralds yeah i think it's because when it goes wrong omnipresent yeah i think it's because gold is ultra stable and it was obvious that the world was about to plunge into a very unstable period um and so i think his theory was that all the investors were going to go into gold because it was stable um so they were just like well if in doubt go for gold because yeah that that's you know that gold is a is a very finite fungible item it's ah it's ultra stable yeah basically i think that was his theory um and that seems to have been the case is that people are like well we don't know what currencies are going to do so go for gold because you can buy any currency with gold because you're gold gold always believe in your soul i want to read chat but i'm just quickly soldering this heck in bios chip and also people who are saying that's a really weird looking bios chip i know i've never seen one of these before either it's a hp elitebook for those of you who don't know yeah that'll do i'm not in focus or anything i'm just doing this chat says with it on the squint oh all the pins line up i'm not exactly putting this into the customer's laptop this is just going in the programmer so um you'd hand solder that i should have you're right um in retrospect i wish i had um i'm going to touch it up with soldering iron now but yes because it was just a multi-pin device i was just like whatever i'll just hot air that um but yes right um what else more money in printer ink than gold and silver oh no well yeah did you did you not um that was legitimately uh i can't remember what it was there was like a court case or something about um taking several printer manufacturers to task because of about weed about their practices of locking out printers um if you use the wrong cartridges or like you could not being able to print in a specific color if you don't have a different color and stuff like that about bloody time i i straight up tell my customers printers are a scam now i i you know i literally i i don't sell printers i don't recommend printers when people ask me you know i when people say oh do you sell printers i'm like nope do you sell cartridges nope i'm they're like do you recommend any nope they're like come on help me out here what would you if you needed a printer what would you buy and i say i wouldn't you know the only printers i do go in for are i do like laser printers because laser printers seem to be laser printers for the most part don't seem to have the same bovine excrement surrounding them that um [Music] that inkjets dude um yeah so yeah touchwood they seem to be okay yeah absolutely so that's a thing yeah like the um i say recently end of last year i got new xerox phaser i don't know something like 3250s they're all in one multi-function devices for like 150 quid each i'm like 150 quid that's not bad considering current you know for current prices yeah black and white only um but yeah it will do you know it'll do like 30 odd sheets a minute and it will do like 5 000 sheets of cartridge and yeah and it's got built-in scanner and fax because you know everyone needs fax machines yeah and yeah i mean i think they do i think they put in facts just because it's so easy you know like i mean i know this is a really old board so it's not a great example but where's the where's the heck in where's the chassis but for everyone who's asking and also because i i see arnold g is offering me a bios for this and i would actually very much like to take him up on his offer uh it's an elitebook 8470p elitebook 8470p is what i'm working on and the board number the board number we've got a board number board number under the under the thing the board number oh i don't know if that means anything to you that we've got a mac address for it f23c mc maybe don't know if that's the board number we've also got a possible part number here motherboard sps six eight six zero four zero maybe under sticker paint on set oh yeah you're right you're right this dude knows his boards all right that's a hstnn i 0 7 c h s t n n i 0 7 c and yes i would very much like to have a bios for it i don't think this is a bios issue although basically the board doesn't post so uh yeah that's why i'm that's why i'm flashing the bios on it it doesn't post it ain't the cpu it ain't the ram so i'm flashing the bios on it as a hail mary of this might make this laptop work however i don't think it's going to work which is why this isn't uh let's fix computers although if this actually works i should try and i should try and edit the vod of this podcast into a let's fix computers and just have kara dog is just there he's just like i exist here so yeah i'm going to go back up to here while i around with you you'll have to make sure that the right-hand side of the screen is just yeah right let's dump that rom save there we go i have dumped the rom however there was something what's the buffer look like for that there's some data there i don't know i'm still i'm still a noob with bios flashing i've got a video in the work about in the works about it but yeah um let's see right uh catching up on chat um the gold standard economy came from the uk oh that's just scrolled off gold standard economy came from the uk and indeed people are going for gold and some countries are looking for banning cryptocurrency because cryptos are in directly danger for any government yeah possibly um crypto is also horrifically bad for the environment in general mate yes at present yes i given that are we going to talk about nfts are we talking about nfts and crypto is that what we're doing now no we're talk with complaining about bitcoin okay the fact that bitcoin uses more power than an entire country okay yeah um the majority of our power is generated by coal file coal powered fired power stations word order is hard yeah i saw a pers a person on twitter said otherwise but who knows um but yeah i don't know although word on the wire is the like ethereum and stuff like that they're trying to move over to proof of stake and stuff like that i'll i'll believe it when i see it next year yeah they're actually doing it oh they are actually doing that they are doing it and it's ready to go uh next year okay fair enough yeah that'll be good um switching over to proof of stake will fix a lot of the problems with crypto right now um specifically the environmental issues of it so that will be good yeah it will also mean that gpus are no longer useful for mining yeah because that's that's the problem at the moment is i don't have an issue with crypto uh as a concept i have an issue with the fact of the way it is mined and like um i i hate to just simply talk about what i saw on wan show however i was listening to wan show earlier on today and linus was talking about crypto and stuff and again i kind of agree with them he was like i don't have a problem with crypto or anything like that i just really dislike large-scale mining and i don't think that's what the original creators of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies envisioned when they created their cryptocurrencies i don't think that that's not what they intended to happen um and uh i and i agree with that statement i i think crypto at face value i'm not into it i don't have any crypto uh at some point i should probably get some wallets and stuff but when i feel like it i don't have an issue with it but the large scale mining is the problem and any updates that transition it to proof of stake rather than proof of work will greatly diminish the issues of large-scale mining so um so yeah um let's see really think that capitalism cares about ecology yeah yeah absolutely um let's see bitcoin is worth a crap ton of rupees yeah absolutely nfts are bafflingly pointless yeah without wanting to get into a rant on them nfts i really hope they sod off and die as fast as possible it's a hecking pyramid scheme and i the big question i have the thing that baffles me the most about nfts is who is buying them who is paying for them like i understand how they work i understand the concept i understand some of the potential advantages but i don't understand who is actually paying for them you know who is who is actually saying yes i want to buy this url whatever whatever um i don't get it yeah no i don't get it either i i understand what you could do with an nft but what you could do with it is not what people are doing with it you know and that's an interesting thing as well um uh philip defranco um was has been under fire recently for not condemning nfts per se um but um the thing is he also said that he he sees yeah um condemned for not condemning something but also not endorsing it yeah um i mean he and the thing is is that uh he a lot of people are saying sort of oh he's a shill for nfts just simply because he was saying he was coming up with an idea for a good use of nfts and i actually entirely agree with his idea his idea for those of you who don't watch the philip defranco show um is um yeah i'm seeing arnold g is giving me tech support in chat and i'm like i will pay attention to you in a moment because you're helping me out and i appreciate that um anyway philip defranco's idea for nfts was let's say you're a fan of a band and what you would do is you could buy an nft that is like a gold pass and when you go to a concert that nft entitles you to a free t-shirt or backstage access and you say yeah here's my here's my token that gives me access to things and the way that differs from anything else is that at any given time you could sell your nft to someone else and you sell those perks that are attached to it to someone else and then that person has it instead um ins so it's essentially a transferable uh ticket or a transferable membership card so to speak why would any company want that well that's that that's the thing is um you know because most of the time companies don't do that because they don't want things to be transferable because then it requires someone to buy it again so that's kind of where the idea fails but it sounded interesting as a digital proof of membership um and as i say i don't know see what problem it solves that a piece of paper hasn't solved a thousand years ago harder to harder to for uh harder to counterfeit basically i think is the theory although i don't know if counterfeiting is actually an issue with uh premium memberships per se um i doubt it is much of an issue but it's an interesting concept you know yeah so yeah yeah and yeah defranco's still going strong i watch philip defranco i quite i quite like his show to be honest i as with it as with everyone i take him with a pinch of salt you know never believe everything that everyone says everyone's got a motive and philip defranco is no different um however he's very good at summarizing ver he's very good at summarizing the news um so yeah genuinely never watched any content yeah yeah everyone watches a couple of youtubers that no one else watches stuff yeah genuinely just never even i don't know i yeah i find like youtube very bizarre there's like vast quantities of content it's all about you know oh yes what was the suddenly a mouse pointer appeared on my face oh yes sorry i'm i'm not i was distracted by the fact that there was a mouse pointer over my face yes i'm checking discord at the moment so also just the fact that the hand was mirrored uh yes you are mirrored at the moment which is fine don't you i knew as i knew that was coming don't don't you start playing those games so yeah uh let me see need an adapter i've already got an adapter wait oh no i'm like the wrong way around anyway on the stream you are currently mirrored so if you hold up text it will be backwards what is your native facing direction is the camera on your left or your right on my right it's on your right okay in that case you need to be mirrored on my screen so you're facing toward the center of the stream and i i have mirrored you to make sure that you are facing toward the center of the stream however you do not need to be mirrored in any other sense this is not a problem that needs to be fixed okay anyway ah lead farmer you're a legend thank you very much coming in with the heck in bios there we go i am downloading that thank you very much right i will uh quickly open this and then i'll get back to reading the chat this was a bit of an experiment download this file i've randomly been linked to a stranger on the internet of course i was told not to do by my parents yeah this is the point where lead farmer has secretly rigged this bios and he's going to break a customer laptop but that's that's why that's why you dump the bios first you always dump the chip before you reprogram it anyway uh right let's um catch up in chat for a bit again um let's see like baseball cards nft with a card yeah nft nfts are a lot like baseball cards essentially so they have as much you know their value is what you place on them however the difficulty is a lot of people seem to be buying cards that will not appreciate in value at all i don't know um yeah no i'm yeah they're dumb they're done they're done ransomware.buyer.exe yeah oh no it's got rage shadow legends on it terrible oh damn it actually it's a pia advert yeah maybe i don't know i was um i was i was thinking the other day where we chat oh yeah it was it was in the exclusive chat um where i was once again i was contemplating um that people were talking about sponsorships and stuff like that and i was contemplating if someone what sponsorships would i actually do you know what ones would i actually want to receive where i'd actually be like yes that's a sponsorship that i'm willing to do and i'm not sure but um yeah and i think i said um um i like how your original comment was a case of you'd absolutely love for a sponsorship from something like um squarespace and you'd say no no don't pay me just rebuild my website oh yeah yeah that that was a funny one actually that was from a different that was yeah that was a previous conversation where i said yeah i do a sponsorship with somewhere like squarespace because the the context behind that is that whenever um whenever you get a website that says our sponsor squarespace we build our website in squarespace no really we do and i'm just like no what happened is squarespace came up to you guys and said we'll remake your website in squarespace so you can say you use squarespace that's what really happened let's be let's be honest here let's be real that's what actually happened and i fixed it sponsorship i'd oh yeah i fixed it sponsorship that'd be rad i'd forgotten about them actually yeah i fix it i think it would be a perfect sponsor for me i'd absolutely do that um all of the wearer tools yeah do you need a 10 millimeter socket wrench to fix your computer everyone has lost their 10 mil screw their 10 mil wrench everyone has lost it no one knows where their 10 mil is do you do you need a torque wrench for fixing your computer no no you don't but still snap on oh or the 80s version snap on snap off i'm very distracted at the moment and i apologize because i'm trying to i've i'm i've unpackaged this bios and i've lost where i've extracted it to i'm tidied up your downloads folder i'm gonna dump it on the desktop because that's a little bit more tidy not one drive i don't want to put it on one drive no one wants to put it on one one drive except karadog because paradox likes one drive yeah what's wrong with drive it's all right there we go there we go bios has been loaded okay right right we will never pick up sponsors from a soft drinks manufacturer okay right there it is right i've my my bio my boss is programming now there we go don't get infected by the nordvpn virus well yeah actually that's why i was kind of starting this conversation is like because i feel like doing like a vpn sponsorship i feel like that's fairly inoffensive these days mainly because everyone is so accustomed to vpn sponsorships they kind of tune them out and if i did a nordvpn sponsorship people would just be like yeah double tap the next arrow a couple of times and move on and i'd get whatever thousand pounds they'd offer me um you know tell tackwood lynchy maybe i don't know tel tac are you still in chat what do you think of nordvpn what if they sponsored me so am i the one who drops everything on the desktop yes i am i do tidy up my desktop now and then however i use the desktop as a dumping ground because that's what it's for i'm waiting for a reaction from cara dog on that one do you object [Applause] just just sigh uh nordvpn did get hacked yes yes who got hacked and were found to be keeping vast quantities of logs they swore blind they weren't keeping yeah that is true uh that was allegedly that was down to the data center that was not doing what they should have done but then on the other hand it's kind of a character should have oversight then i was about to say if you don't know what yeah you don't know what the data center is doing then maybe you shouldn't have been using that data center that is true that is true yeah um but yeah i don't know it's um this is the thing is i this is why this is a difficult question for me because at some point i'm actually going to get an offer in my email inbox for a sponsorship that i'd be like oh that's actually a compelling offer because right now the only offers i get are from gray market um gray market key companies you know like cd key websites and stuff like that and i'm like no absolutely what are they offering you uh i don't know actually i never asked them because they never give you a number in the email they always say we'd like to work with you and i've never actually responded to any of them to say what's your offer because i just like shilling a grey market keys website no way man i'm not doing that i would rather have some company that makes rugs for gamers you know like you because linus tech tips have done sponsorship spots where they were literally it was literally a rug company i don't know where you're taking it but i'm talking about like a rug you put on the floor and how is that for gamers what part of it is for gamers because then your gaming chair doesn't ruin your carpet they have anti-slip rubber bases on them so they don't creep crappy carpet people have anyway moving on well i've got a crappy carpet that gets ruined by chairs because we've got there are marks where where uh where um kimbo's chair is where kimbo's chair is marks the carpet because i live in a poor man's flat with industrial carpet that's about a millimeter thick so yes and i so i i legitimately bought a rug for her for it as well i spent 20 pounds on a rug from amazon it was gaming one with rgb around the edge no that's what makes it gaming it has rgb leds in it do the security cameras oh god no like ring and stuff like that hell no hell no i no i wouldn't do smart devices that'd be a no-no for me as well i'm not into smart devices smart home stuff internet of things stuff not into it um yeah no uh just do a manscape sponsorship oh do you reckon i could do could i could i pull a manscape sponsorship off like i guess i could be like i really have issues with my neck beard kind of thing and just completely like sort of like this is my sculpted goatee and just like actually try and sell that oh okay i've never wet shaved in my life i electric shave so i i don't know how well that would go ah hold on what the right i think sorry that i you probably didn't hear that karadog but that was um uh the software for my programmer makes stupid noises and that was the noise it made when i exited it okay sorry there were loud noises and they made me jump honestly i thought you just shut down the computer instead yeah i was just waiting for everything to just pause just be like oh okay yep no we're okay we're okay uh right let's see i still think i still think um you know just a completely innocuous utterly unrelated products is the best option yeah yes that's literally hair clippers yeah that's literally what i s what i meant with the gaming rug or logitech or just like logitech in general yes yes if logitech want to sponsor me i'd totally work with them because i like most logitech products and i use a lot of logitech product products that'd be good yeah and but the problem is in a way it's um i mean it depends because in a way it suffers a similar issue to um a problem that louis rossman described um a while back where people were often saying oh you should get a sponsor from um you know amtec microscopes and stuff like that and he's like why would they want to sponsor me i already use their stuff and they and people can see that i use their stuff so why would they give me money you know um but on the flip side i think he's actually wrong about that because another comparison is um uh mighty car mods yeah sorry i'm hot airing uh mighty car mods a lot of their sponsors are people whose products they use and those companies saw them using their products on the show and said hey can we get a sponsor with you and after that they said hey this company whose products we already use are now giving us money to continue using their products which by the way are very good which is why we use them in the first place ah yeah i'm soldering on my nice mat which is something i said i'd never do and yet here we are yeah i haven't left the mark though we're okay um so yes no but you left a harry sounds like a porn tuner oh no it did didn't it it did karadog didn't hear it so he has no idea what you guys all heard it sounded like a what it sounded like a porn tune oh you know like some kind of bad porn video where they're like [Music] i don't know how it goes oh i see yeah or just like this my i think my favorite thing is the cisco ip phones by default their hold music is genuinely 80s porn electric synth so all of these big multinational companies which just use cisco phones yeah um yeah that hold music is 80 pawns in 80s pawns and then it's just like oh um pine 64 should sponsor you you know the funny thing is um i haven't got money i don't know um i well firstly uh firstly i want to do a shout out to um uh i need to check his name again cause i've forgotten the chat from pine64 um i i'm gonna say i need to i need to do him justice and actually get his name um pine cell i'm quickly looking through there through their discord uh [Music] heck where's him talking oh heck i forgot um [Music] no it's going it's going i'm running out of time damn it the chat from pine64 he actually joined the discord after i posted the video and said thanks for the video um and i was like well didn't expect this thank you very and i said thank you very much thanks for the great products um and um yeah and i actually um oh yeah yeah lucas z that was it lucas zed or lucas c however he prefers it um yeah he he actually popped into the adam and it discord and was just like thanks for the video and i'm like yeah rad thanks for the products they were really great and he also said um regarding my comment about conical um conical for the record here's the pine sill i am actually using it i've i'm using it as my daily right now although however i'm also using it with my um my d24 mini wear tip on it because the standard tip that comes with it is the car uh is the point tip which i've put away uh which i'm not a fan of and he actually said oh we're gonna give we're gonna ship it with a wedge tip after your comments about uh point tips and i'm like oh rad okay yeah i mean like get more opinions than just mine don't do that big influencer flat yeah exactly i'm like yeah don't don't um don't uh change your product purely on what i said however i appreciate that you actually you know listen to my opinions of it and put some thought into it um and yeah i wish i'd contacted pine64 before i did it and i like got an affiliate link or something like that um but i would love to do more work with the buying 64 products the only slight issue is is that i'm not sure if they've got anything else that's actually up my alley because a lot of their other stuff is um a lot of their other stuff is arduino style things arduino alternatives and um and uh um uh yeah yeah compute boards yeah um and um uh and in addition to that the other thing they're working on at the moment is they're working on a phone a linux phone and a linux laptop and uh as i say these things aren't really up my alley uh i mean if they wanted 71 years very much the deep end yeah that's right and so it's it's kind of a shame just like yeah i'd really love to do more stuff with them i'm just not sure what i can do for them also i'm making a total hash up of that bloody hell what on earth is going on with this right now uh i'm butchering this come on straighten out straighten out that'll do we'll touch that up we'll fix it in post oh actually looking at the preview that's dead straight oh wow i saved that from the angle that i was looking at it was about a 45 degree angle that came out all right in the end and as a special treat i managed to put it on the right way around as well um so yes uh why are we still live that's a good question oh we're not up to the two hour marker yet we're still good we're still good we have been waffling we have been waffling it's only half five it's fine you certainly thought it was like half six or something yeah um but yeah so um yeah i i would do some more i would do some more stuff with pine 64 and also like if any other companies were making small nifty gadgets like usb power supplies and soldering irons or you know like what about an open source bench power supply and stuff like that um like an open source bench power supply or you know something cool like that that would be cool there we go that'd be rad i'd be into that um you know that kind of stuff would be cool to look at i don't know man um the problem there's the problem is there's um there's lots of things that are out there that cool but i don't have the energy to go and seek them out so i don't know i'm kind of waffling that's why you need an assistant yes that is true that is true which is might be something that happens in the near future um the job the the um the position will not be open for anyone who's uh thinking about it but yeah for a lot of people who've often said oh you've ever thought of getting another technician stuff the actual plan is more to get a secretary or a personal assistant just someone to deal with all of my paperwork for me in short so which way around it goes that way around there we go so there's also all the people are you need flux it's just like yeah it's fine it's on there the joins are fine it's fine so yeah yeah yes um short circuit did a review on the pain on the pain phone well not a review yes i saw the um i saw the thumbnail for it did you watch it yes the phone very much needed reflashing out of the box oh no oh that's terrible because they had a dodgy match with a dodgy build ah no oh that's super embarrassing for them and i feel bad for them i mean that's literally what the playing phone is though it's supposed to yeah yeah yeah the product people eating that it's supposed to be for someone who wants to flash their phones for fun yeah yeah and i and i so i suppose that's not the end of the world like to be honest as when i saw the um short circuit we're doing a video and i saw that anthony was doing the video i was like oh yeah i can see exactly where this is going you know um and and that's the thing is just it's kind of a shame that it needed flashing out of the box that's a bit of a but on the other hand did they actually show the process of flashing it no not particularly oh that's a shame they should have um but i guess that's outside the scope for a ltt video basically a case of dump rom on sd card flash from bootloader yeah that's not too bad i guess yeah because like that would have been that would have been a good example is to be like oh this phone is not working we need to flash it well that's fine that's what it's for let's show you how you would do that kind of thing yeah i don't know why i'm plugging all these antennas in we don't need this to see if it works um so yeah i guess so but yeah i don't know companies like that um but yeah i don't know i i i want to i like it it's a concept but i know nowhere near enough about linux to be able to even use one yeah that's the thing because i as i say i was i was looking at pine64's website just to see if there were any other products that just caught my eye straight off the bat and i saw the phone i was just like well i like i like cheap mobile phones you know that might be cool to get but the problem is is yeah i don't think i wouldn't want it as my daily and i wouldn't use it for anything else so i wouldn't be able to make content with it yeah exactly that was kind of the problem yeah it's well outside of my wheelhouse yeah pretty much um just a shame but it is what it is yeah um but yeah hmm one of the things i've just remembered as well is it i was fully intending to try and keep track of what topics we were discussing today so i could make a topics list for this and i've forgotten to do it again someone who's watching can just post it in the comments you know if anyone who's watching wants to do that i would be eternally grateful however i feel like it's really rude to ask the audience to do my job for me not really that's the point of the community isn't it yeah maybe yeah that's what good leaders do delegate yeah delegate to unpaid work yeah yeah tech canucks what's up my dude how's it going you couldn't fix something and talk at the same time uh i'm well i'm i'm struggling with that but yeah we're getting there somewhere i mean if this thing actually posts that would be astonishing it's fine it's only taken two hours to take a laptop apart and take the bios chip off yes it has taken me an astonishingly long time to do this even by my standards like when you're recording videos if you're recording a repair that repair will take twice as long that is a given however this has taken about four times as long because i'm trying to talk about interesting tech topics while i do this at the same time so uh this is an interesting experiment and also a very powerful lesson in this is why we don't do live repairs everyone um but yeah oh no i just suddenly realized that's what the topic should have been or the name of the show should have been it should have been alliteration alliteration more of alliteration two texts two text talk tantalizing topics teasing something something i don't know and just gone on a horrific alliteration you know what i'm just gonna say i don't like alliteration because when people do alliteration they often think they're being clever whenever i see people using alliteration they think they're awfully clever for doing alliteration and that rubs me the wrong way this is a that's a really random rant to make i'm aware of that but like just yeah it's just one of those random things that irks me i think it's mainly just because when i see people using it for when they title things they use alliteration in the title and i'm just like yeah all right very you're very clever but you made a really naff title just for the sake of alliteration we need something else to talk about because this is a really pointless rant i'm making here i haven't there's no this i'm not going anywhere with this and it has no impact at all and why the hell won't this fan plug in someone help me so you could say you're uh adamant about alliteration what's going on in the chat at the moment adam and paul's alliteration oh god one exception to the rule is the opening uh verse from v for vendetta where v does the the the alleyway scene which i think allah in view a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously both victim and villain but with his vistitudes of fate this visage no may have been near a vanity but a vestige of vox popularly now vacant vanished anyway [Laughter] there you go i was oh i was wondering if you still knew that by heart [Laughter] um where were we two minutes or graham runs nonsensically yeah oh no uh right i've got a i've got to plug in this sodding keyboard it probably doesn't even need the keyboard to post nonsense please i'm sorry everyone thanks for coming okay right um hey graham do you know electroboom i i watch electroboom i really like electroboom he's a good channel that's a really that's one of those youtube channels where um you kind of need to watch it to get it i think because um i've known about electro boom for a very long time and i thought it was kind of stupid i thought it was all stupid you know i thought it was just um you know our old silly youtuber deliberately riggs things to explode and deliberately hurts himself for comedic shock for shot comedy kind of thing but then when i actually started watching his content it became apparent to me that it's a case of yes it's all rigged of course it is because the guy knows what he's doing he's actually really good at what he does he knows an awful lot and he riggs these things and he rigs all the deliberate explosions to show you the kinds of mistakes that you can make and what happens when you make those mistakes everyone says don't leave your multimeter in current on the amps um don't leave your multimeter probes plugs into the amp ports um but no one ever tells you you know because you'll blow up your meter kind of thing but the thing is he will actually do that on purpose and the multimeter will go bang on camera so you can see what happens when you leave your multimeter plugged into the amps ports and it's really it's good i love it um so yeah yeah i actually really appreciate his content yes i need to actually watch i mean not all of his videos are good you know there are some of them where i'm just like ah there's not really much happens in this video um but yeah there's a lot of them that are actually rather good i quite like his content yeah i'm an i would say i'm an electro boom fan and definitely a case of don't judge it until you've watched it um because a lot of people have only ever seen the gifts and just think it's just some stupid idiot that just keeps shocking himself and it's a miracle he's not dead kind of thing it's not a miracle he's not dead he's not dead because he knows what he's doing basically otherwise he would be very dead also flashbacks to the jacob's ladder scene people who know elektra boom know exactly what i'm talking about and if you don't jacob's ladder where you've got the two lengths of wire in a v-shape with the arc going [Music] he's got one of those balanced precariously on the desk it falls and he goes it's a legendary scene which actually wasn't rigged but for that reason he often reminds everyone of it because that was really hecking dangerous it's like the fact that it's like um big clive bloody well actually electric you know oh that was terrifying that video yeah actually going i'm gonna grab two nails that are live at mains voltage yeah that was scary that video but it was also really good because it shows you what it's all about you know the laptop is still dead everyone i've wasted this i this is this is kind of why i did this live during the show because normally this is the point where i'd be like awesome that's two hours of my life i'm never gonna get back um but you could kind of say that about the show every week so [Laughter] wow no sorry i don't mean that i don't mean that i i'm not i'm in general because people here you take up the time and you say it's yours that is wasted that was a low-hanging fruit joke that was too good not to say this laptop is dead i'm giving up screw this laptop uh i'm going to reassemble it purely just so i don't give it back to the customer in pieces because screw any screw any computer shop that gives someone their laptop back in pieces i'm sure there's someone out there that does that because they're dicks uh yeah anyway let's see pc bolt uh i need tips on how to reduce the noise of my gaming pc you have lots of fans on your pc well sometimes that's your problem um to reduce noise you need to remove the fans basically um so yeah you need to yeah you go first paradox i was going to say work out which ones you need yeah kind of thing and which ones are being most efficient which ones are actually doing something yeah because i would maintain that certainly for most people's computers you only need one case fan in oh excuse me one case fan in one case fan out and then you're basically covered i thought you were just going to say just one case fan then i'm just like that's pushing it a little bit i hate started to becoming as i said and i was like ah this is an unfortunate pause yeah yeah um you only need one case fan karadog 2021 no that's not what i meant no one needs more than four gigs of ram yeah yes um yes so yeah figure out watch figure out which case fans are actually helping and the trick for that um what i do when i'm when i'm when i'm actually trying to i don't do noise and airflow tuning very often mainly only on my own computers but what my approach is is that i put a couple of fans in the computer in places where it looks like they're going to help they're going to blow air toward a certain section that would need air so for example you need some intake that's blowing vaguely in the direction of the graphics card if you've got an air cooler on the cpu you're going to want some some intake that's blowing vaguely in the direction of the cpu this is why the the triple fan airflow meta is so powerful right now because you've just got triple intakes blowing air at all the internal components so you've got your cold air getting into the case you're also going to need at least one or two fans that are extracting hot air so you're going to want one at the back of the case or one at the top of the case or both so you've got something that's extracting hot air out of the case just make sure if you've got one at the top it's not right the front so the airflow doesn't do yes and again you you kind of want your intake fans to be as far away your your exhaust fans to be as far away from your intake fans as possible so you're you have the most through flow in the case so i would set up something like that and then i would um uh and then what i would be do what i do is uh i set the fans up so i have control over them whether in bios or in software and i um are you mocking my gesture no no it was the fact that there was a piece of dust and then i saw myself in the preview suddenly go very cross-eyed i i've had that a couple of times this stream as well where there's been something in front of me and i've been like oh yeah anyway all right turn off the fan turn off fans individually so turn off fan one see what the temperatures do turn it back on then turn off fan two see what the temperatures do and so on so you can see which fans are doing stuff and which fans aren't and like try running the fans at high speed and see how much they drop the temperatures and then drop them down again things like that and basically you need to work out which of your fans are actually doing good work and then you know which fans you don't actually need and the other thing as well is just optimizing uh optimizing fan curves so um uh remember that when you're idling you can switch off most of your case fans no problem at all um generally speaking yeah uh if you're most of the time your fan control is going to be cpu temperature tied so essentially if your cpu is less than 55 degrees just turn off the case fans basically um because if your cpu is at 55 degrees that means your cpu is idling you know um or it may as well be so um i basically have my fan curve kind of look like a straight line yeah and then after that actually then start ramping up yeah yeah i i like to turn it minimum speed all the way up to like 56 degrees just so they're very slowly turning and then as it gets hotter they then ramp up reasonably aggressively because i'm trying to keep stuff below about 70. yeah that's right and then typically the uh all of my fan curves right at the very end of them at like eight at like 80 or 90 degrees depending on what it is just have a hard 100 percent so basic and that's basically your panic mode so something has gone horrifically wrong the fans just cut into high speed which does two things if the temperature actually gets that high it might bring the temperatures down however more likely something in the cooling system has failed at that temperature in which case the fan noise tells you that something is wrong so i have the 100 panic mode there more as an audio indicator that there's a problem rather than to actually try and save anything um so yeah and controlling gpu fans that's quite difficult you can do a custom fan curves with something like msi afterburner or overclocking utility of your choice and i personally don't think there's any mileage in tweaking fan curves on graphics cards unless your graphics card just happens to have a really bad fan curve um yeah if you're fan if you're somehow somehow you've managed to get like a specific fan speed that it sits out a lot of the time that just kind of resonates yeah my graphics card has a resonate point um yeah i can't remember i can't remember where it is it's um uh what percentage it is off the top of my head but at a certain percentage my graphics card fans resonate slightly which makes it sound really noisy and so i have actually tweaked my case fans to ramp up just a little bit more so my case fans are a little bit louder but it's just enough to keep the graphics card under that resonate frequency or sometimes there are other instances where you're actually better off slowing down the intake so the graphics card fans go up actually a little bit further to get past that resonate frequency resonant frequency um so it's things like that but there's a lot of tweaking and a lot of experimenting involved to be honest um i don't really know how to explain it just straight off the bat um so yeah i don't know if i don't know if there's some useful information in there or not but um yeah try and work out which fans are actually being useful yeah and also which and also like if it sounds like a jet engine with a diesel engine yeah it sounds like you need to figure out which fans it is that's actually being the noisy ones as well um so if it's actually making god awful racket find out which fans are the ones that are making the god awful racket the other thing i would just say is the case as well is make sure that you know the fans are actually half decent fans because if the fans themselves have all got bearings and they're going clatter clutter classic clasher yeah that's not a fight you'll win you do you're not going to win because the fan shot yeah so yeah and don't fall into the mistake the trap of buying 6 600 rpm fans because they just won't move any air yes remember um you can slow you can slow a fan down but you can't speed it up if you see what i mean so you can buy a high power fan and run it at 50 but if you buy a 600 rpm fan that runs at 600 rpm at 100 that's all it'll ever run at um which can be extremely limiting so yeah um so i've yeah i i'm not i generally don't run fancy fans i just run um uh nzxt fans in my case because i'm my home build is just an nzxt meta build as i would call it it's just got nzxt everything um so it's just whatever fans nzxt make um but yeah they seem to do okay but they're not super they're not super optimized or anything no just like this one i'm just using the corsair case fans that come with my obsidian 750d which is a what like eight-year-old case now something yes yeah they're certainly not remotely modern in any way shape or form they're just gray corsair 140s hmm any interesting repairs this week um i don't think so actually it's been a real dull week i've mostly been working on software stuff i think um and i've i've had some real annoying time wasters this week i've had a laptop came in where um laptop was bitlocker encrypted and when when you turn it on it required the bitlocker um recovery key so i was like no problem we'll get hold of the recovery key called up the customer i was like okay i need your microsoft account login so i can log into your microsoft account and get your bitlocker recovery key and they were like oh we're going to have to get back to you on that because i don't know the password for it and i'm like okay and like a day a day later um they call me back and they say okay we've got we i had to reset the password on my microsoft account but i've now got it it's here's the here's my microsoft credentials so i sign into their microsoft account and the bitlocker recovery key wasn't on their microsoft account and i was like ah well that's a problem um and so i you know i account that's what i thought i said did anyone else set up the computer did someone else set it up for you they're multiple people and they're like oh it might have been you know might be my husband's account or something like that and she was like oh i'll i'll get back to you so she goes away and so i'm like fine take the laptop off the counter again and um you know a couple of days later she gets back to me again just like no it's i don't think it's anyone else's account it could have been the kids could it and i'm like no because they don't have administrator accounts um and she said oh it might have been my old work and that is the best theory that we had is that it was an ex-business laptop and the recovery key was on whatever the business account was yeah it would be so that was the guess and so i then said okay well um uh it would we came to the conclusion that the it was not possible to go to the business and get such information so i said okay well you know i can just i can flatten the laptop and just reformat it but we'll lose the data um and said oh okay i'll uh you know and i said have you got any backups because oh i might have i'll get back to you laptop off the counter and she goes a couple of days later she gets back to me again it's like oh we've got an old backup from a while back so i'll bring that in okay a couple days later oh we don't have that so what what do we do next i'm just like well in that case i've just got a flat on your laptop you know and just like okay we'll do that then um and so finally you know i get around and we and we flatten this laptop and then i call them up and again and she's like oh come get it soon then a couple of days later they come and get it and it was just a case of in the end this entire job was just a wipe and reinstall windows but the amount of backing and for thing and that telephone calls and i'll get back to use and i'm just like ah you know so there was that and that was annoying um then um uh what was the other one oh yeah the other one that's been annoying me as well is here's a trap for other computer repair shops i don't know if anyone else has been experiencing this issue but for those of you don't know when you install windows 10 20 h2 so the most recent build update um it enforces windows hello login and you can't use the password if you're on a microsoft account and if the user doesn't have a pin number set up the account the computer is completely locked out until you sign into their microsoft account so again i've had so many computers where i've forgotten to check that they have a pin set up before i upgrade it to 20 h2 and you upgrade it and then you're faced with the you need to sign into the microsoft account and then you've got to do a two-factor authentication so then you have to call up the customer and say need your microsoft password you've got two facts we need to i need you to come in with your mobile phone so you can two-factor for me and just oh so yeah trap for young players if you're doing computer repairs at the moment remember to check what kind of login the customer is using before you update them to 20 h2 that's been a super pain in my ass and like this isn't new 2082 has been out for a while now but i don't know it's somehow it's still something that i'm struggling with yeah as you can see it's not even saying i've noticed just because yeah yeah if you're already signed in if you're already signing in with a pin number then you won't it doesn't doesn't have any impact on you yeah basically yeah number one yeah yeah but also that's exactly the reason why it keeps catching me out because i keep forgetting that it's a thing because most of my customers have pin numbers set up but every now and then someone doesn't and you forget and yeah you get caught you get caught out there are some ways around it but it seems a bit hit and miss as to when it works there is a registry hack to disable it but and the first time i use that registry hack it works like a charm it disables the forced pin login on 20 h2 however on all it worked for me one time and then all subsequent computers where i've tried to do it again it hasn't worked so i don't know if i'm doing it wrong or what but either way that it's a bit hit and miss the one that i had this week it was actually easier for me to drop it into recovery mode roll back to the previous build of windows set the pin number and then upgrade it again it was faster to do that than it was to actually try and get the customer through it because the customer didn't have what uh they didn't have functional two-factor authentication it was um because their the number that was set that was attached to their microsoft account was a landline number and when you tried to when we tried to send a message to them i was like oh god it's landline number okay madam what's going to happen is i'm going to i'm going to arrange for i'm going to hang up on you and in a minute your phone will ring and an automated voice will tell you a six digit number i need you to write that number down then phone me back and tell me what that number is and so and they're like okay i understand cool okay i'll speak to you in a moment hang up the phone this is my banana phone um so and so you know you hang up and i waited 15 minutes no call so you know you then call them back and you're just like by virtue of the fact that you haven't called me back i'm assuming you didn't get a call they're like nope i'm like so what do we do we can't we i can't do factor because it apparently is broken and it's just like um so yeah it's it's all a bit screwy and yes i'm still reassembling this wretched hp however i've already declared it dead the hp is kill i don't care i'm reassembling it just to give it back to the to the laptop now so yeah um so yes uh wind slap what is wind slap or are you talking about de-bloating there i still haven't done anything toward that by the way it's just i haven't had time for it but yeah you can disable the notifications for getting a microsoft account now thankfully if you go into windows settings and search for notifications and go into the notification settings there are some check boxes you can untick to say don't remind me about logging into a microsoft account and then it'll actually leave you alone which is very handy never had a notification sign in with microsoft oh i do i've seen them all the time i've seen them all the time on at least two computers oh that's interesting i'm surprised you haven't seen it then because i see it all the time on customer computers and a couple of my computers that i have on local accounts um because on the because they're like work computers and test rigs i don't want to be on a microsoft account on them um so yeah and ev every now and then you switch them on and it comes up with the we need to finish setting up windows and you're like remind me in a couple of days but yeah it's super annoying and it's like this is why people hate you microsoft stop doing this i've only ever had that pop up on the machine i'm signed in with a microsoft account odd yeah because i refuse to use the microsoft phone app is the only thing i can work out because i'm like this doesn't provide me a functionality i require and it just kind of goes why don't you use this app and i'm like because i don't need it yeah there's nothing for me thanks odd yes yeah but yeah it's just bizarre sometimes occasionally you get weird like reminders for stuff and i'm just like okay whatevs yeah yeah i can tune it out but it's when you see these reminders and stuff like that you kind of understand why people get pissed off with windows 10 and it's like i i it's not enough to make me go back to windows 7. i don't think that's a valid solution to this but i do understand why people get annoyed about these things because you know once upon a time this wasn't an issue and windows just was just windows heck remember back in the days of windows 2000 when we didn't even have to activate we didn't even run windows update because we didn't give a damn back then you know um i'm sure someone's going to be like oh i remember running windows 98 it's just like no 9x was terrible we don't enj we don't we don't miss the days of 9x 9x was bad i went straight from 90 i went straight from 98 to xp wow 98 to xp that's a heck of a jump but absolutely in a way it wasn't hmm i went from 98 to xp but i didn't start using 98 until 2001. huh so like the year before xp came out yeah but then on the other hand 98 had a lot of staying power because um uh the next up from 98 was windows 2000 which was obviously only used in the professional space and the only your only other option was windows me and we don't talk about windows emmy so yeah you know i i think i've only ever seen emmy once ever in the wild i've never seen i've never seen it on a machine emmy's really weird man yeah i've never seen it actually on a machine yeah emmy is really weird it looks like 2000 with some extra flair on it but it's 9x and you're like oh you know it's oh it's weird man it's really weird not in a good way it's it's not in one yeah oh i remember i remember going to the very early builds of vista um i was never interested in vista when it was um yeah yeah i was never really interested in vista as that was coming out uh same with windows 7 i did run i had a look at the public beta of windows 7 um and when that came out i was like this looks super rad i'm really excited about it um but i didn't run it on my main i didn't i didn't mean it on my main computer i just had it installed on a test rig so i because i didn't daily i just looked at it as a curiosity and i was like this looks neat i'm looking forward to this windows 10 i was super into in the visa phase um i i was on windows 10 um like i think from the start of the public beta maybe it would maybe except for like one build yeah basically i remember i remember um back this was back in the day where i didn't have a dvd burner but my friend had a dvd burner who i went to school with i had broadband but they didn't so i would download the longhorn isos onto a hard drive give them the hard drive they'd go home burn the dvds update their build give me the dvd i would update my build [Laughter] so yeah windows 8 drove you to linux and you never looked back yeah i'm not surprised windows 8 that was a tough one like i'm not one for hating on new versions of windows because everyone always hates the new version of windows since windows from the door for as long as i've been doing tech as and you know i was i started out on windows 95 i i have used windows 3.1 but more i didn't it was just a thing that i'd seen you know when i actually got into computers that was in the windows 95 days and since then everyone has always said oh i don't like that new version of windows they've changed everything it's all weird and i don't like it yeah so i've i've never been one to hate on new versions however windows 8 that was a miss with me the ui design choices just objectively made no sense in my opinion 8.1 did fix a lot of the issues but by by the time windows 8.1 came out it was a matter of you may as well just wait for 10 at that point because i think 8.1 i don't know what year it came out but 10 wasn't far behind i don't think i never understood what people's problems with eight was okay so firstly full screen start menu is a terrible idea on a desktop computer i get why they did it they were trying to unify the interface across mobile tablet and desktop i get it but the thing is on a desktop screen where you have a 15 inch or more screen you don't need the start menu to be this big on the screen and the only thing that they could do with all of that space they had created was fill it with junk windows 8 came with so many just useless gimmick apps on the start menu which just turns the start menu into this maze of tiles which i'm like i don't need or want any of this you know so i didn't like that and also the fact that um obviously there was no start button you know and like i i know you could just click down in the bottom left of the screen but this is this is this kind of leads into the button there was no start button there was no start button yeah yep you're not me you are miss there was no start button on windows 8.0 that was that came in with 8.1 um you had to just click in an invisible space in the bottom left um and yeah and so and this was the thing is microsoft and on top of this the windows 8 full screen uh start menu also did not have the power button on it in 8.0 uh there was no power options there so people for the dawn of yeah oh since the dawn of time yeah i'm getting to the charms bar don't you worry i'm just i'm warming up so and so the thing is is that for the dawn of time everyone we had been teaching people everything you want is in the start menu click on the start button in the bottom left and when you want to turn on the turn off the computer you click on start and you click on the power button and microsoft said and i quote uh microsoft engineers said people don't use the start menu and i'm just like i'm sorry come again you know it's like it you know it doesn't like i get it lots of people put shortcuts on their desktop yeah absolutely um however the start menu still needs to be there that's like saying on your phone you don't have an apps menu you know now i know the iphone doesn't have that but then iphone solution to that is you plaster icons across everything and you make it a confusing mess so you the start menu still needs to be there so they took that away and they turned it into a hidden ui element so that then leads us into the charms bar so because they had nerfed the start menu and the start menu didn't have the didn't have the control panel or the power button or anything like that on it anymore they were like well we need somewhere to put the power button and the settings and stuff like that so their big brain idea was instead of using the already existing and established start menu we'll add a new bar that slides in from the right hand side of the screen called the charms bar that was an invisible menu that you had to swipe in to get and no one knew it was there and if you didn't have a touch screen it sucked to get it because you had to mouse over it do you know it here's the thing do you know anyone who's got their start bar set to auto hide ever i think everyone knows one person everyone knows one person but for the most part anyone have their start bars set to auto hide no because it's really annoying isn't it that's what the charms bar is like so you have to mouse over and then the charms bar appears and if you move your mouse a little bit to the left it disappears again you have to hug the right hand side of the screen move down to the bottom and there will be a settings button and you click that and then you'd have your shutdown button um i would probably have a hidden taskbar if it didn't screw up window lineup um alignment because the windows align to where the taskbar is when it's not hidden not to where it is when it's not hit to where it is when it's hidden yeah i can see the appeal of autohide but whenever i try turning it on it feels gross so that's my bias i'll give you that but then finally of course there was full screen mode when you full screened an app and its title bar disappeared and the only way to get out of the full screen was to swipe down from the top of the screen they took away the cross the red cross in the top right so genuinely my first experience on a windows 8 computer was i went into a full screen app and i could not figure out how to get out of it without doing like can without doing shortcuts like show desktop like windows d which you shouldn't have to do i could not figure out how to get out of a full screen app remember the title bar was brought back in in windows 8.1 in 8.0 there was no title bar in a full screen app and it was just like are you kidding me microsoft what were you thinking you know and this is the thing i never had any of these issues at all yeah i'm sure there were some people that didn't but for me i thought this was mind-numbingly annoying and yeah uh metro ui yes my biggest complaint with windows 8 was how thick the window borders were yes yeah that was the start of flat design as wasn't it yeah so the owner was very wasteful on space made was i did a registry edit to remove the window padding oh neat that was the only change i ever made yeah to make it so they were borderless windows effectively i mean i think the thing is like with those tennies now yeah like all of these problems that i'm describing are they they're kind of first world problems and like you said you never experienced these issues like as soon as i knew how to do this like as soon as i knew that you had to drag down from the top and as soon as i knew about the charms bar and stuff like that the problem kind of vanished it went away um in the same way that like remember the um uh was it the palm pre uh or the palm pebble yeah both yep um they came out they were the first they were the first phones that used a a gesture for opening menus they didn't have a home it didn't have any mechanical buttons on it you just had the gesture and the first time i picked up one of those phones my uncle had gotten one and he said hey i've got the new palm phone do you want to look at it and i'm just like oh yeah sure check it out and i'm like yeah i don't know how to unlock this and and and he's just like oh here you've got to swipe up from the bottom all right how do you know that how are you supposed to know that it's like once you know you know that was an animation i i didn't see that at the time okay fine maybe i maybe i was blind but the thing is the reason why i say this and the reason why i'm rubbing it on really thick is if me someone who does someone who does i.t for a living is having difficulty figuring this out how on earth did you expect the general public to figure it out that is the point that i'm winding up to here now yeah i'm sure there's some people that would be like sort of oh you're really dense and oh you shouldn't have um you know and stuff like that and you sh yeah and you know you are this was really obvious et cetera et cetera yeah maybe it was but like if i was struggling with it how do you expect the general public to have figured it out and i think that's i don't know that that is the crux of what i'm getting to here and that's why i don't like windows 8. generally like it's trainable it takes time though man sorry carry on paradox i just liked windows 8 because it was so much faster it was just so much faster than seven was seven was so much worse than vista vista was so much faster than xp etc each version has always just been so much faster yeah i i on a technical level eight was good i liked windows 8 on a technical level i just didn't like i i just hated the metro interface man um and yeah windows 8.1 is almost exactly the same as 10 so yeah i think the other thing that also tainted my opinion of windows 8 a little bit and this one was an unfair thing was just i didn't understand how the licensing worked because obviously we didn't have product keys anymore and i couldn't wrap my head around how you reinstall windows 8 but that was a me problem um and once i figured that out it was not an issue anymore but yeah hmm anyway that's that was my that's my big windows 8 rant i've got that out my system now i'm done yeah yeah and some of it was some of it was a bit unfounded and some of it was me being dimwitted but i don't know man i don't know yeah it was just i think i think from my point of view the shame that came out of windows 8 and the issue with that was an awful lot of it was bought from them from the antitrust cases in america in the late 90s i think that's what a lot of the issue was because they couldn't go all in in the way that they were hope trying to is an entire ecosystem because they were because microsoft as an entity was scared about being sued for antitrust again yeah and i think that screwed up an awful lot of the stuff for windows 8 for windows 8. possibly i think a lot of it a lot of it also comes down to just simply the fact that it was just a failed experiment because as i say like the metro ui it was all about a unified interface across mobile tablet and laptop which was very forward thinking at the time and it was the the idea of unifying the interface across all devices was a good idea um it just didn't i think i i just think they did a poor job of doing it on the desktop i feel like i feel like they went too far unifying it on the desktop further than they needed to and like in by comparison apple unified um the iphone and the ipad but they never did they never turned macos into an ios lookalike which i think is very important they didn't do that whereas microsoft did or they they looked at microsoft try doing that and fail and said okay well we've seen what happens when you try that let's not do that yeah i think that was more of the point it was yeah yeah so yeah i don't know anyway that's that and yeah that's my big rant um and uh yeah i think it's just sort of i i think windows 8 is in it's an interesting specimen it's a word to the wise on having some interesting ideas and being technically very good but i don't know i think they just made i i think they made some unforgivable mistakes which is why everyone dislikes it and 8.1 which fixed most of the grievances win with windows 8 was too little too late i certainly had gone back to windows i had gone well i never did upgrade to windows 8 i just used it on other computers but um i stayed rigidly on windows 7 until um until 10 came out and then i jumped on the 10 bandwagon you moved on to 10 really quite quickly yeah because i i tried i tried the um i tried the beta and i liked it um and immediately i was like yes this is this is the future unfortunately um they never quite finished windows 10 which is stems into some of my more modern complaints about windows 10 um with regards to the amount of legacy control panels that are that still exist that make a lot of settings in windows 8 in windows 10 just too too much of a maze to navigate and they're very slowly fixing it you know like so a lot of it was fixed in 20h1 yeah yeah and like from what i've seen an awful lot of it is being fixed in 21h1 yeah they are still they are still very slowly weeding out those legacy control panels that annoy me because the thing is is obviously windows 10 aggressively killed off the control panel to replace it with settings and i'm like that's fine but the problem is they never finished settings so they aggressively killed off control panel and left us with a half finished settings and that that was one of my major grievances and they are settings is nearly there now there's a lot of stuff that you can now like you say with the recent builds especially with the audio interfaces now the audio section of settings which obviously i frequent a lot as a streamer um the sound settings now there is almost and as far as i know nearly everything that you'd want from the legacy control panels is now in the sound settings section the only thing that isn't there as far as i can find that you could to re-add in is um is listening back to a device and a couple of bits like that and changing and changing the um record quality yeah and like those effects yeah some of those are still there and uh i suppose to a certain extent one could argue that a couple of those things are so niche that they don't need to be in settings but on the other hand again the point is that microsoft are trying to kill off the legacy control panel therefore they've got to move all of it but while i do applaud them for finally finishing it my my beef is that it took them my beef is that it took them six years to do it you know it took them six years to actually finish it and it's like um can you still hear me i'm possibly thinking that's a no there we go now i can hear you yeah okay i'll just yeah i'd only said one thing i was just saying my while i do applaud microsoft for fixing those things my beef with them is that it took them six years to do it you know oh absolutely but yeah at least it's actually kind of happening yeah yeah that's basically the case on that is it at least it's happening but yeah it's also kind of a case of doing it somewhat more properly and also the fact that like also credit where it's due that um you know microsoft's game plan of mic of windows 10 being software as a service with long term support and the build updates that has been very good um like right now windows 10 is clocking on for i mean it's probably the longest active version of windows at this point um that has like the longest uh flagship version because like by the time like take windows 7 for example by the time windows 7 was uh when did windows 7 come out 2009 about 2003 2009 and vista was um was uh uh yes yes so um was 2009. and windows 8 was what 2012 something like that so yeah windows 7 was eclipsed after now obviously people continue to use windows 7 however it was eclipsed as a flagship um about three or four years into its lifespan um and now windows 10 is what six years into its lifespan as a flagship so it that is my logic for saying it's a long-running flagship yet when you do a clean install of windows 10 the amount of space you know you do a clean install of windows 10 you have to do minimal patching um like there's only a couple of security updates to do as long as you've installed the latest build um a couple of security updates and your total installation size is probably about uh 17 or 18 gigabytes by comparison you know when you install windows 7 today now obviously seven is uh is is an old boy so this isn't a fair comparison but you know windows 7 you do a clean install of windows 7 and you've got typically at least if you if you fast track everything you know exactly what security updates to install in what order you're still looking at half a day of updates to install at best half a day of updating and you'll end up with an install size of about 40 gigabytes uh last i checked you know it's a it's a mess it's an absolute mess oh absolutely you know yeah whereas windows 10 you know my point being is windows 10 is aging incredibly well now yeah i mean i i really hate to use the fine wine phrase but it is aging like a fine wine where it is a much better setup yeah it's only getting better with age and based on the fact that it's only getting better and it's staying as relatively clean and slick as it is you know this time in four years we know it's still going to be slick we'll be running this time in four years we'll have we'll be on version 24 9 or some 2409 or whatever it'll be and your install size will still be you know i don't know less than 20 gigs yeah most likely yeah absolutely just interesting that apparently um 1903 is no longer a supported version of windows oh really yeah yeah it's 1803 1809 1909 2004 to um 20 h2 yeah yeah i mean they they typically only support the most recent four i think don't they five yeah five yeah or something yeah something like that but yeah but it's just interesting that 1903 isn't supported yeah because 1903 was one of the super stable builds wasn't it i think 1903 was a darling build there was nothing wrong with 1903 to my knowledge i think a lot of the bills there's been something that's caught someone out but i think 1903 and 1909 i if my memory serves me were super stable and just there were zero issues with those builds because 20 2002 or 2001 or whichever way it was um was uh was a tricky one but yeah hmm right uh you installed 21 h1 that one is that the current fast lane build i think it's fast track it it might be on slow um yeah maybe on slow ring i don't think the official 21 h one is actually yeah i need to get one of my computers onto um insider builds because i don't have any computer on the insider build so when the new builds come out i kind of see them on release day which is a bit concerning because every now and then i've had it where a customer laptop has updated before i've seen the new build and a customer laptop comes in that's running newer software than what i've seen which is a bit concerting because you see something new and you don't know if it's actually legit or not yeah so yeah i've got to get my laptop onto the insider builds because my laptop is expendable if that if that guy's a little bit unstable i can just use another computer um but yeah i'm not sure exactly where we're up to big 21 h1 is a bit messy at the moment apparently yeah and i'd expect so because it's still um still inside a ring yeah i think it's still insider yeah that's what that's what beta is for you know yeah um but yes yeah 20 20 20 h2 has been out for a while now yeah um beginning october i think yeah that's right it was the october build i think wasn't it yeah yeah it was slightly delayed and yeah it came out it's still about it's about 50 50 for me for um whether customer laptops are up to 20 h2 or not i'm still doing a lot of build updates half of them come in and have updated and the other half are still running 1909 or 2004. yeah i've seen a reasonably large number of computers that were um at one point i saw a reasonably large number that was still on 2015.09 so in 1509. yeah i think i saw a 1605 the other day the basically the release build oh it would have been it yeah oh no yeah because it was a laptop that had 16 gigs of storage oh no yeah it was an emmc oh oh god yeah it's not even 32 gig how did you even fit it into 16 gigs yeah because the original install was 15.8 gigs yeah you just squeezed that in 209 was something like 15.8 gigs and it was like 16 gigs usable space so 16 gigs total space after formatting so there was 200 megs left over that was it so obviously you couldn't do any updates and as soon as the as soon as someone synchronized their email it was all gone no that's terrible man yeah i had a laptop in the other week it was a it was a compact cq cq61 and for anyone who knows the compact cq61 commoner's mac laptop it was dirt cheap in the day very very common it's a terrible laptop it was one of these cheap compact pieces of crap with a celeron single core celeron garbage thing in it and that was in and it was running like 1603 or something like that and i was just like okay let's try this shouldn't have windows 10 on it at all this one should have just been left on windows 7 until the day it died but whatever someone put 10 on it let's try and at least update it and yeah i could not i spent a week trying to get that thing to install the latest updates and it just kept failing um and uh the customer had programs on it that they could not reinstall so reinstalling windows wasn't an option and in the end i gave up on it i was just like i've tidied up the existing install of windows but this laptop is end of life it's like it's like a 2006 laptop you know i've tried to service it i've done what i can with it i'll do this at half price because i don't think it's a full job you know get this out of my sights it was basically a case of this laptop was bad before it was even sold yeah pretty much yeah gross gross all right um i think we're just going to catch up on the chat and then i think we should throw in the towel because holy we've nearly been going for three hours um sorry anyone who's watching the vod or not sorry if you actually like the long shows but we're not making a habit of the long shows i was actually going to make this one a short one because i started the show with a headache i didn't get my coffee but my headache has passed so we've got that going for us um so yeah first time you've followed live and it's three hours long i'm sorry for anyone who's just like i wanna go i wanna go and live my life i'll we'll release you soon so um anyway uh right a couple of quick couple quick ones please uh have you tried any linux distros i'm not much of a linux man myself i don't use linux unless i really have to but one of the reasons for that is that i have macs kicking around and most of whatever i'd want to do in linux i can do on a mac because you still have a bash command line so i have something that can serve the same purpose when i do need linux i normally just grab a cop whatever the latest version of ubuntu is and do whatever i need to do on that but not a big fan of linux just because i don't like tinkering and linux is a tinkerer's operating system i don't think that's a controversial thing to say um so yeah not my kind of thing yeah i swapped to using lubuntu earlier this earlier last week what does it mean um just just from the machine i was using ubuntu one okay yeah yeah the horribly butchered ubuntu installed that i had they've been on an ssd that i'd copied between about four machines i was just like yeah it's probably about time for a refresh it's time to actually do a fresh install and stuff yeah um and it was also it was also just the fact that i had programs that were running from config files that didn't exist oh yeah and that was just i was just at the point i was like ha how do i have programs running from config files that don't exist pulling the currently correct config but i need to change the config but the file they say they're pulling it from literally doesn't exist yeah let's hope that let's hope that the default values are secure and not just a logging in as root with a blank password you know i'm looking at you mysql you know yeah never mind we're reinstalling now yeah yeah how how are you finding um ubuntu because i used ubuntu on some of my old digital signs and one of the problems i had with it was the it was it was a lot more stripped down than ubuntu was which i feel is good but that also magnified the linux experience of i want to do this oh i've got to download something okay i'll download that oh i've got to build it okay i'll build it oh i've got to install the library to build it okay and yeah it was it doesn't seem to have 3d acceleration for the ui uh well and that um does that mean the ui runs really slowly yes okay yes this is my problem with that genuinely there is genuinely half screen tearing yeah when windows move yeah so straight across the middle of the screen so it can't do 60 hertz refreshing properly it has inconsistent refreshing shuffling windows around also there seems to be a thing where if you drag a window down the screen it closes it it quits it force quits it ah so moving a window from the top of the screen to anywhere lower on the screen force quits it yeah no that's not a good idea some people have big screens and they move windows around on those screens yeah yeah also yeah for the screen tearing things tabbing out of the terminal one it one version of the terminal that's pre-installed force quits it so it only works whilst it's the primary window focus as soon as it stops being the primary focused window it force quits it sounds like there are that's that reeks of the person who may whoever's in charge of that linux distro that's their personal preferences for their computer and he the first thing you learn when you become an i.t tech that and when you work on other people's computers is you don't set them up how you like yours you you need to find a setup that is very inoffensive and works for lots of people not what you like what you like is probably not what is good for other people i mean regarding the drivers thing that is probably because um uh that is probably because of like uh they it doesn't have drivers by default and all the drivers are either closed source or have closed source bits which means they can't include the drivers in the distro there's probably a legitimate reason for that however it still means that it's a poor user experience because you had to do it yourself also the other thing is it cannot display a picture using a 3060 ti until you use the closed source binaries from nvidia yeah i mean brand new graphics card um but i'm just like it can't display a picture at all oh no pictures it can't even yeah you can't even have you can't even just have 1024x768 yeah yeah it er the installer errors all over the place if you've got a 3060 ti plugged in yeah so i had to swap out to my 1050 ti so i could get the install to work and this is the thing all the driver for 10 10 50 ti took out the 1050 ti put in the 30 60 tia and i was like oh there we go it works yeah just a quick thing uh suit you um karadog's mic has got usb type c and xlr on it and he's typed he's plugged in with a usb type-c cable so yeah it's not a mic that's not plugged in i can see why you thought that but don't worry it's not just a it's not a poser mic it just has a type c cable connected to it i can demonstrate that it's very much plugged in by doing this anyway um but yeah so the thing is there's i'm sure there's people in the chat and i'm sure there's people who are watching who are just like oh well you have to you just have to do this this and this to make that work i'm just like i'm sure it's all fixable and i'm sure there's people out there who love fixing it however like to use top gear terminology this is the mg owners problem people who own em classic cars and classic mgs when something breaks when something breaks they're just like oh yeah that's an excuse to take it to bits again you know whereas some of us we just want it to work and that's the thing now if you love tinkering and you love making that all work and you love and you like that and you're just like this is good because it's open source and stuff like that that's great i got no beef with that whatsoever but me i don't have time for that i don't have time for that i'm sorry you know i'm not saying it's bad i'm not saying it's bad it's just not for me basically absolutely i'm just very confused by the fact that it's just like nah we're not even going to have a really basic driver that at least doesn't error all over the place yeah i mean and i mean unless they just haven't updated the distro yet maybe they haven't had time to get it out because the 30 series hasn't been around but log or something i'm not sure well yeah but i guess it's just the fact that like i can grab windows 7 and it will at least give me a basic driver that works with 30 60 ti yeah something has broken in a very funky way on that i think that's that's kind of my point i can at least get yeah the windows seven installed the display as as jerry says plenty of modern linux distros just work yeah i can attest to that because like that's why when i do need linux i download ubuntu because i feel like ubuntu is the the one that will just work and every time i've used ubuntu in recent history because i've needed linux specifically for something i've downloaded ubuntu and it has just worked so yeah i'm not saying that all of linux is like that but i don't know yeah i feel like um part of me is tempted to say if you go with a like there's probably some linux purists out there that are like oh ubuntu is really bloated and stuff like that so it's like well if the ones that just work are also really bloated i may as well just use windows and just go all in on a bloated on a bloated system really you know i'd i don't know the difference is that linux allows you to set it how you want yeah absolutely yeah and just don't use that much yeah oh no i had a work experience student who was into arch and he was trying he wanted me to be in on arch and manjaro and i'm just like nope i can't be asked can't be asked manjaro is a isn't isn't manjaro a more polished version of arch and arch is the super nightly build version i thought manchero was built on ubuntu or is that pop no pop os is built on you but yeah yeah majora i think is a fluffed up version of archbishop i think so someone in the chat is probably about to tell us i'm pretty certain the manjaro and arch are very similar in the same way that um manjaro is a legitimately good option yeah kind of like how um uh red hat and federer are the same and one of them is just the more cutting-edge version of the other are red hat and federer still still a thing do you mean fedora fedora i'm sorry fedora federer is the um that would be roger federer the tennis player [Music] [Laughter] oh god i could pretend that i was making that joke on purpose but i think karadog knows better but yeah it's also like it's a red hat yes a fedora i knew that i was just saying fedora wrong anyway manjaro is arched with an installer and more newbie friendly for what arches fair enough i i gathered the differences as like manjaro will actually put you on a desktop whereas arch puts you at a command line and you have to start your own ui you know basically um uh all right what mic have you got uh cara dog i genuinely just forgot what it is okay there was a there was another it's a samson q9hu yes one of those um oh there was one that's very nice yes before we started talking about linux i saw one more question that i was gonna answer um but i've lost it now uh when i said i'm just going to cover stuff in the chat there was one more i was like oh i'll get that one as well and i've lost it now nope uh oh i'm nearly there hold on sec um oh there's another one i've just spotted have you thought about the community soldering live stream i have thought about it i haven't put anything into motion um yeah i was thinking i was kind i was kind of i was kind of knocking around the idea of announcing it on april the 1st and actually making that the april the first event um because again um that my favorite kind of april first jokes are the ones where you're actually serious um and actually on and what i would do is i'd dress it up like the great british bake off except it's resoldering um or something like that i'd be like it's the great solder off we're all going to solder a kit together and you you solder along at home or something and but i'd be like no i'm serious we're doing this here's a list of all the parts that you can order and the and on in this time in a month uh we'll give you a month to buy all the stuff you need and then we're gonna do it and the april the first video will be the announcement video for it that was one of the possible ideas i had and there'll be lots and lots of affiliate link yes i will affiliate link everything but you won't have to use the affiliate links you know i'll say what it is and people can choose to buy through the affiliate links or they can go elsewhere people can have the choice um oh that's annoyed me it was a good question and i saw it and i've lost it nope it's gone it's gone it's too bad oh well yeah that's it i think we're done i think we are done uh oh someone asked about my streaming setup that was it oh no that's kind of a whole thing yeah my streaming setup i'll do this as a very flying overview um it's pretty straightforward uh what i'll do is i'll just quickly turn my camera around and you can see come with me and you will see a world of pure imagination so um and we'll be in a world of pyramids oh whatever good lord i i haven't i have seen the movie actually but not in a very long time where is the camera i need to go to 90 degrees bam are you now going to cut me off no um or something i could do that i guess yeah anyway so that's uh that's the screen so i've got the chat on the left there this is obs open broadcaster so in obs um we've got um i've got a window capture and here is the discord call with caradog so obs is capturing that window capture there then on the on this bit here that is my logitech brio which is which is doing that one then in the top right of the screen that is the c920 which karadog is seeing me from uh then audio um karadog's karadog's audio comes in through discord and is captured on this bar here so that's karadog's volume this one here um oh yeah you are very broken you're frozen i thought you were looking very still oh i minimized the call that's why there we go if you minimize discord it freezes there we go you're moving again there we go you were just looking very concerned and it looks like you've frozen anyway so that's paradox volume then that volume bar that's my one that's my rode microphone that i'm wearing so that's my volume um and yeah that volume comes in from my can my wireless lapel mic that i'm wearing hello cara dog [Laughter] um and yeah that's that's it basically so yeah obs obs just some discord window captures and that's that's the streaming setup that's how the magic works um i hope that answers the question at some point i need to do a obs crash course a crash course on how to stream with obs i've tried it is surprisingly difficult to make a obs crash course um to explain to people how you get started with streaming because there's so much information that you could say um and yeah um there's you know when every time i try and record one i start saying well and if you have this then you do this and if you have this thing you need to do this and the video become like the intro video becomes an hour long you know the intro video on just how to open obs and start adding in stuff becomes an hour long i'm like i need to script this so i can condense it down into 10-minute chunks so yeah yes in a way where you kind of go oh if you've got this you need to do this so if you've got this you need to do this yeah because i want to break it in i want to break it into categories i won the first 10 minute one is installing obs um installing obs adding a source like a camera and a microphone and hitting the go live button or the record button so it's just in 10 minutes you are recording or going live with some content and you know so for the people who just need that they can make a quick and dirty setup immediately then the next one will be right now let's talk audio here are good mics and bad mics here is how to tweak your mic to get the best out of a bad microphone then yeah another 10 minute episode here is video cameras here's how to get the best out of a nap webcam in 10 minutes you know and any filters you might want to do and basic dirty lighting setups just so your webcam doesn't look like trash you know and just simple things so just in 10 minutes a rough thing how to get going and how to avoid the most common traps i see the most common mistakes i see streamers making in that they've got a webcam in the dark just for posterity i'm going to turn off my studio lights and because we're wrapping up now anyway just the most common states streamers who don't have any lighting um and streamers that don't have a limiter on their microphone so their microphone clips whenever they laugh so uh i wanna make sure that that is covered seriously the amount of people where they when as soon as they start going oh it's just a horrible clipping so yeah there we go that's with the studio lights off and suddenly i'm on a dirty noisy camera and it looks trash yeah now we're now we're in bad streamer zone and yeah there we go don't don't don't be like this buy lights people you see the difference that lights make all right hello kara dog right we've been going for over three hours we're at 308 we're going we're leaving we're departing uh poor man streamers doesn't have to be expensive lights i've got expensive lights however at home when i'm streaming games on home by the way i stream on twitch tv slash nethersem there we go when uh for poor man streaming literally desk light pointed at your face that's literally all i have at home i have a clamp light above my monitors and when i stream i point it up at my face so i've got my desk light shining into my face makes a world of difference absolute world of difference so yeah and you can do you can do very dirty setups that cost 10 kind of thing not expensive right that's it we're going thank you very much for tuning in everyone a big thank you to all the super chats how many people are still here where's the where's the streaming 200 247 it's been consistent actually i was half expecting to open up the um uh the streaming dashboard and see that we were sitting on 100 viewers or something like that which don't get me wrong 100 viewers this massive i'm i'm always astonished at the amount of people that turn out to these shows uh big thanks to everyone who comes along by the way um but yeah it's uh it's been great um we've overrun by a lot thanks to to everyone for tuning in we will be back next saturday as usual uh with the lights on there we go that's that's that's the back lights there's the hair lights i i'm not gonna reach to my key lights again because i have to stand up and go i've got a remote for that for the back lights but not for the key lights so yeah anyway thank you everyone for tuning in um this is backlit now and i will uh i will see you guys soon yeah that's it thank you everyone goodbye [Music] just
Channel: Adamant IT
Views: 6,804
Rating: 4.8811879 out of 5
Keywords: adamant it, adamantit, computer, repair, shop, custom, gaming, modding
Id: 3gf_7u8Aba4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 22sec (11362 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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