We Buildin' Today - Two Guys Talk Tech #42

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absolutely going live in however long we're live in a time period in our time period hello everyone welcome to the show good afternoon i hate the youtube live stream set up so much there's a massive amount of wasted space yeah can i i'm going to switch that to the other side and i'm going to put the chat on the right i wanted to put the chat on the left so you could see it more easily but i think that works better anyway it's fine it's fine okay now we get now we get statistics and chat there we go that'll do statistics indeed good good evening good good good afternoon everyone good day good day uh yes hello uh yay postal chris dennis uh hello everyone else as well not just the green names how you all doing he has had a haircut uh i got a haircut while i was on holiday in fact i bought my own willingly yes well i bought my own clippers and everything i showed up at the holiday house with my family and i was just like i've got clippers can someone do my hair please cause it's really hard to do it yourself like i can do my own hair but like doing the back bits and stuff like that although i have got a slight line just across the top of my ear where my sister went in a bit too much with the clippers and there was a and she was like whoops and i'm like that's not a noise you want to hear when someone's cutting your hair whoops yeah i mean i imagine it's worse when it's a tattoo yes this is true or like a piercing just a chunk you did want it in the right ear right yeah well that's the thing it's it's doctors legitimately mark out stuff and be like cut here don't they yeah anyway hello everyone how are you all doing still keeping your oh yeah yeah yeah the beard isn't going anywhere that's not going to happen but yes um right not a proper haircut when there are when there are 10 million subscribers yeah 10 million subscribers each of them are donating a fiver or something like that yeah well i need to actually i'll have to decide on what what is the numerical value of my beard how much would someone have to pay for me to cut my beard on live on stream or something like that 75 pound no well i suppose it'll grow back in a month or two anyway so anyway anyway it's still morning in texas well hello texas so yes the entirety of it yes uh right good welcome back hope you had a nice break sure did sure did um i had a very nice holiday it was lovely i thoroughly enjoyed the time away and thanks caradog postal uh no was it uh yeah oh yes sign chris yes that's right then people it's okay we know who you are yes we think i appreciate postal anyway he's a good boy uh so yes thanks you guys for stepping in last week um for doing the little show you guys did on the discord as well did you did you record that i did yes we should probably upload that at some point just in case someone wants to i meant to i meant to do that today yeah to bring it with me and then forgot yeah i i was i wanted to do it at the start of the week when i when i uploaded the youtube short video i was going to put up the short and that as together um because they you know that just as a double upload but it whatever but yeah we'll we'll put that up sometime anyway so if anyone wants to catch up on that it was a it was a it was a pretty good talk actually about because some uh you know cy was coming in with a lot of old experience from working at pc world um or well carries pc world and obviously um uh and um um chris was also talking about his his experience with doing the builds that he was working on stuff like that and it was a good chat i thought i was actually listening in because i actually was home by that time but i just got back from holiday and was like no i don't want to do a podcast right now but yeah it was a good show it was a good shot absolutely sat carried on for failing i can't afford to do that let's see 5700 g launched while you were gone and the amd 6600 xt yeah the 6600 xt i haven't looked into i haven't read the reviews on it but the price and performance sounds interesting and we might be talking about that with regards to the builds that we're doing today because we're building some computers today which i'll talk about in a moment and we don't have graphics cards for them and i'm kind of thinking i might go and pick up a couple of 6600 xt's for these computers um and we've uh we've got a 5600 g but that's going in a customer build that i'll be doing as a separate video so we're not going to see that on the podcast today but there will be a video coming up featuring that it's not going to be very exciting it's it's a 5600 with integrated graphics like i did a tweet earlier on this week with the picture of the box just saying imagine being excited about integrated graphics and it's like yeah it's just i mean there's also it's it's good that these cpus exist but like absolutely at the same time i'm like this is good but also i don't care you know yeah there's also been interesting uh linux kernel commits for zen 2 in an apu oh interesting so so goodbye yeah however his name is pronounced i can't remember the actual proper dutch pronunciation i'm sure someone will appear and tell me it is but yes it's not van gogh fair enough i must get enough i can't beat dutch i don't you know garbage vega graphics yeah well the vega graphics better than the intel graphics that's it yeah it's designed ultimately to be a gpu when you need something to push around the windows desktop that's just it like the reason why i'm doing a 5600g build is because um well actually it's because i was going to i was trying to get rid of a cpu i had in stock and somehow ended up buying another cpu which means i can't use the one i've got in stock but the customer needs a productivity machine they don't need a graphics card but i want to put a ryzen in it because ryzen is strong so yeah absolutely um and however the 3400g is not strong so yes yeah that we've now got cpus where you're like i want i want a glass cannon build with good cpu horsepower but i don't need a gpu and i don't want to spend two to three hundred pounds of my budget on a gpu that is actually good value for money because a gt 710 is not good value for money because they're probably still 100 pounds yeah probably yeah and like i'm not paying 100 pounds for gt710 i wouldn't know i've not actually looked yeah because i just don't care yeah i i can't bring myself to care big sign big sign um so yeah doom 1080 low on 60 fps yeah sure that's right exactly yeah you probably get you probably get it on medium if you run it at 720p and you know if you're gaming on a budget 720p it's like if you're not invalid yeah that's just it if you're if you're on a budget and you're poor you probably have a 22 or a 24 inch monitor and good 720p will look fine like if you go if you've got a 27-inch monitor it's going to start getting a bit but if you've got a 27-inch monitor you can probably afford a graphics card yeah so and it will probably be fine especially also the fact of um obviously effectively tidying you over yeah until second-hand gpus start appearing in far greater quantity that's right yeah or at least more free availability should i say yeah uh jazz enso says can you do a live repair on a laptop uh no in short because absolutely not yeah um there's a billion things that can go wrong with doing that and the format doesn't work the people there are people who have popularized that format a la lewis rosman because they are in a shop that is full of every possible spare part and contingency they could possibly need for the five different logic boards that they work on yeah i i work on anything that comes through the door and it is impossible for me to have anything i could possibly need on hand for that live stream so what will happen is i'll get 10 minutes into the stream and say i need to order parts from this this is now going on a shelf for three weeks while i wait for an aliexpress delivery yeah basically that's what will happen so yeah that's why i don't do live repairs i like doing live content but live repairs you have to do something you have to do really specific stuff like replace a keyboard or replace a screen you know just assembly jobs where you've got the parts on hand because you prepped for it you know or a prep to live repair yeah basically that's right and then it's kind of a case of oh you could just record that in the video in and if i record it in a video it'll do better it'll make more money anyway okay so yeah because video you can edit the video down and make it more accessible and stuff like that so yeah i love the idea of live repairs but as a format not as easy as it looks not by a long shot yeah so building like building computers yeah there's no adjusting doing the hardware and stuff yeah absolutely fine not an issue but oh excuse me but yeah like and certainly not software repairs because it's impossible to keep it safe you know data safe to avoid leaking private info accidentally showing a photo or something that you shouldn't have done of the customer's data so yeah it's not worth risking software repair live yeah it's even edited even edited yeah as we saw the last time i did it yeah just no matter how much you think you've covered up customer data you'll miss something uh let's see noldie how's it going uh yes we have got the radio on the background and we've got uh um listen we're listening to lo-fi girl which is apparently stream safe so uh yeah apparently but um it's it's a lot nicer for us to have on in the background fills the space so um pc bolt says do you think the audio foam boards uh do it have an an improvement or an effect on anything yes you have to have you need to go big or go home like if you if you've got like just two on the wall it ain't gonna do anything however we've got um well how on set i'll just quickly do a around robin with the camera oh okay we're off goodbye people so um we got that one we've got that one and we've got that one as well um and because we've got three walls with large blocks of them on they make a massive massive difference this room is very echo the reason why uh oh how's that i've ruined the camera angle now uh how about that is that where it was yeah roughly it's pointing a little bit down yeah it's good enough it's just the autofocus it's completely broken now uh yeah um yeah it's okay it's okay it's fine i'm going with that i'm going you you could fix it until it's broken but don't yes where was i yeah um when i first moved in here um there was so much echo the the condenser microphone that we that we're using at the moment the samsung over here this guy was basically unusable because there was too much echo and i had to have it right up in my face which is just not convenient when i'm trying to do a repair and that's why i switched to using the lapel mics i was using the rode wireless go for ages however i like the what i like the lapel mic but i just couldn't get the quality quite where i wanted it for various reasons i'm going to kill the autofocus because it's annoying me um and so i was about to hold these up to this camera and then when oh yeah it's not on i'm good at this bam there you go so yeah then we were using the rode wireless go for quite a while and this guy is really good but it's not as nice as the condenser um so however now i've got the sound boards up on the wall and we've completely nullified the echo like there's another the room next door is exactly the same size as this room but with no sound proofing and the difference when you walk between the rooms is astonishing it's like walking into a completely different building the rooms are exactly the same size one of them sounds like a concert hall the other one sounds like a bedroom it's a massive massive difference the implications of having this youtube studio sound like your bedroom this is the bedroom studio now um so uh so yeah to answer that they make a massive difference very very good yes you just you have to cover a significant area yeah uh audrey's fall down just opened up your launch ps3 for the first time ever and there's no thermal paste talk to postal about ps3s he can tell you a thing or two about those or start crying i i hear that postal likes the playstation 3. i i hear that he even sent one to you yes approximately uh a year ago god i think it was now actually i'm sorry postal seriously i am going to do it i'm really sorry it is going to get done um anyway [Music] uh let's see shadow man hello squire tweeted me a dm on july 1st we could have a look uh possibly don't know off the top of my head we don't always reply to all the dms on twitter because there's a lot of junk goes into there we get a lot of dm we get a lot of dms from people who are just asking tech support questions and i'm like i don't do tech support questions in my dms because otherwise i will literally just spend all day just aren't trying to solve other people's problems which with the best will in the world doesn't make me any money i'm a repair shop not charity um so please bro question yeah so if you sent me a tech support question that's why you haven't heard back join the discord ask it there if i'm around i'll um i'll try and answer it otherwise there's a like a dozen other people who can help you out there as well um so yeah uh let's see [Music] did i get a chance to play any games no the internet was crap on holiday which is a good thing yeah it was actually i was actually quite glad that the internet was crap because i actually read books and wrote books and um and stuff like that did you actually do a chapter of the story i the the bit that i was working on was more proofing and editing um so yeah uh but i was working on it is the important thing so yes again after many years yeah uh can we make reviews with a tear down for computer power supplies i need to get proper testing equipment for that it's something that's hella expensive yeah to actually do it to any degree where it's worth doing it yeah it's so much money and you'd need to be doing such a volume of reviews on them yeah you need to be getting power supplies for free and stuff i'd love to but yeah it's a case of i i need to get lab equipment and if i'm not doing it with lab equipment then you may as well read the one by anantech or toms hardware or whoever it is that's got the lab equipment yeah there's just not there's just no point unfortunately um any danger of seeing a pc get built very much so we should probably we're going to stop let's start building because we are 20 minutes in so we're going to start with stripping this one yeah so let me let's switch cams a sec we have an assortment of parts yeah cases and bits and indeed there are also more cases over there because they went on sale on amazon yeah so basically what happened was the week before i went on holiday amazon were fire sailing cases no idea why uh however a lot of decent cases like corsair and fractal cases were like half the price they should have been like cases that would normally be like 70 pounds or so we're sitting down at 40 to 45 pounds that kind of money and i'm like i don't need any of these but at that price i would be dumb not to buy some yeah so i bought a couple of three cases and basically what we're doing is we're just gonna we've basically just been rummaging around the shop today looking for any parts that i've got lying around i've got a couple of power supplies some motherboards some cpus um some and stuff like that and we're just gonna try and build this stuff up into computers that i can put out on display on sale we don't have everything we need they're going to need graphics cards but we're going to try and get as far as we can with them yeah it might be a case of some of them we go oh we need another fan or yeah we need a different ram kit that's right it's like that but it's getting them so they're most of the way they're writing a list of what's needed and then possibly actually yeah maybe jumping on amazon and then you know like again i don't mute that microphone just because i can't see advancing it's down the bottom of the list oh okay that's right i suddenly thought when you switched the camera and we lost the microphone i got caught out by that one earlier on today when i was i was recall i was recording for a video and i suddenly looked over at the preview and did not see a bouncing microphone audio level i was like motherf the bloody microphone is muted but it wasn't it was anyway oh good so yes so i think we're going to start with that so i'm going to put some of this stuff over here yeah oh hang on concept soup says that case thing someone told amazon that the corsair stuff was unethically sourced so they suspended sales for a while then they had to ship then they had shed loads of stock to shift so it was dirt cheap have you got a source on that i'd that's right not that i don't believe you however i would love to see a source on that because if that's true that's a hell of a story because it's also weird that amazon would care to a degree because surely that's not actually amazon's problem yeah whether the materials for the case are ethically sourced that's the manufacturers of the cases problem well don't forget ethically sourced might not necessarily mean like it doesn't necessarily mean that like we're not talking conflict diamonds here that might mean that at some point the shipment was stolen or sold out the back of the factory or was not it was there was there was an unauthorized person somewhere in the supply chain so that might have been what was going on there you know and anyway it's 2020 and 2021 it's not conflict diamonds we need to worry about conflict gpus yeah yes yeah major uk system integrator shouldn't say exactly which fair enough interesting interesting if true dms are always open yeah dms are open i'd love to know more i'd love to know more um right anyway so yeah to start off with this is my era cool um aerocool eclipse uh so this is an old review case and i've had this one built up just as a display case however uh i'm bored of this one i want to put it away again and put something else up on the bench of it actually this is probably going to go in the front window i'm probably going to rig up um a power supply to the led fans just so i can have it in the window with the leds on but no actual computer in it yeah just stick the ridiculous lighting strips in it yeah basically yeah yeah 4 000 watts led i'm just going to make it light up but with nothing in it and all of this um so that there's an x470 motherboard in there um some ram and an ssd the cpu i think that's got my 3600 in it there's a ryzen 3600 in there so we're going to lift all of that out and put it in another case and a blazing fast 5450 hd yeah graphics cards uh um graphics cards today are all of hd 5450s because i've got like five of these kicking around so these aren't staying in there but it basically means we have a graphics card so we can turn the computers on and now the price is on graphics card prices and stock are easing i will actually buy some graphics cards for these things likewise we we don't have much ram lying around so we might put like like i think that's a 16 gig kit in that one but i might take an 8 gig module out of that and put it in another one and then we'll buy some more kits for later fitting or something like that so we're going to try and get these computers turning on but there might be bits that we're going to swap out at a later date so so yeah we're basically just gonna sit and talk we're gonna talk tech title drop hey uh so yeah also i saw kimbo in the chat hello kimbo uh bezos is too busy swimming in our money to care about ethically sourced hi kimbo wow eat the rich consume them i hear they are like duck consume them i hear they like consumerism is that that's a joke right did that land was that okay does anyone find that funny sure um right do you want to take this one apart while i'm sure yeah what was your waffle what happened to you there's just a stain on the back of this there's just white paint on it yeah have you can can i have a screwdriver maybe oh yeah uh in other news the yz i killed the yzh um yeah it sounds a bit unhealthy and if i hold if i hold the uh if i hold the end of it it makes some very nasty clicky noises so it's just i finally killed it i was brutalizing a screw with it earlier on today when it happened and i broke the gearbox finally so absolutely viciously assaulting you yeah so um so the the results are in on the yzh electric screwdriver that i reviewed last year it has done really well i brutalized it its entire life and it has now finally died if you are if you don't do stupid stuff with them they're very good however if you brutalize them that i did eventually you will break them however it was it they're 30 dollars who cares buy another one so buy more things yeah consumerism wait hold on we could fix it for the lols no it needs metal parts and stuff like that now is the answer to that if it was um if it was the secure er if it was the secure i'd probably try and source a new gearbox for it because this one you can actually take it apart and put a new gearbox in and stuff like that but obviously this one's just this one's fine because it's brand new so the screwdriver sounds like an xbox one trying to take in a disc can i have a screwdriver oh yeah you did actually ask me that question uh let me find my philip let me find the p1 i thought you can say let me find the screwdrivers that you bought maybe but they're they're all in the oh well that that they're all in the um um they're in the thing they're in that place where i put that thing that time uh they're jesus wet they're all in the decorating gear here is and screwdriver i'm sorry i'll try and find you something better while we talk i'll go and find the nice one that you bought for me quite so uh you yes yes use a lot of force jam in oh come on yes blistering facebook performance from a 50 50 what are we 54 50. um you have too many boxes they require sorting sorry i said you have too many boxes they require sorting yes next question right let's see where are we up to which case is this going into um right i think we should put all of this into the 220t you bought another one yeah there's a 222 uh yeah i'll i'll go get the cases i've got that would probably be a good start yes so i bought i've got a fractal meshfyc but that's earmarked for a customer build that's not measured it is not i can see that you've uh i can see that you've seen a mesh if i see before i could see that you learned to read as a i can see child you know a thing or two about cases and you can tell by some of the pixels precise wait pixels yeah i thought this was real life it's an older meme server it checks out yes that's a shop i can tell by some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time yes um oh no i feel like that would also apply to just taking a photograph of a retail establishment yeah that's a shop so the two we've got the two the two new cases we've got to work with today yeah well don't let it fall out then you know this is the this is why i don't like bits uh multi-bit screwdrivers they all do this eventually they all do that eventually um anyway uh we've got two corsair cases we've got a 220 t rgb so that's this boy here so that's got the the rgb fans pre-fitted and i've got a 275r airflow which is its big brother that doesn't have rgb however i've also got some rgb fans to put in that um i'd like to get them both built up today so we're going to lob all of this in the 220t and the small one and then we've got a x570 motherboard and uh some ryzen 5000 cpus so 5600x or 5800x and we'll put all of that in the 275r airflow along with some nice shiny igb fans um so yeah uh oh yeah oh 35 quid for a cx650m that's all right yeah no you don't need bug to buy one well i do actually because i'm out of power supplies we've got one boxed power supply um but we're gonna rob this one's got an error called power supply in it it's the it it's the error cool oh you don't want to leave the psu in here no i'm going to take it out just so we can use it in one of these builds because otherwise we're not going to have enough power supplies i did want to leave it in there the air cooled power supply in the aerocool case um however yeah we're not going to have any power supplies if we don't remove it um so yeah and then i'm going to put the um i'm probably going to put the be quiet system power 9 in the uh 275. there's also a course scx somewhere over uh yes [Music] which is obviously usable this is true yeah we'll come back to that one yeah i'll come back to you it's not the cylon power supply it's um asylum yeah i can't remember what it's called it was then it's their newer one that's actually bronze rated um i can't remember what it's called now um but yeah it's it's uh it's bronze rated so it's not horrendous yeah no it's not it's not the integrator i don't trust the integrated power suppliers now i'd only use that on like an office box that's probably pulling 100 watts uh right you're working on that we've got that lot good um yeah i'm gonna sit and reach out while you do this all the work i guess what is it oh it's literally just called the aero bronze uh let's see rolling back yeah he's a q-tech from the early 2000s q-tech now there's a name i've not heard in a long time i can't picture any of it in my head but q-tech rings bells i recall i remember don't quote the old magic i'm gonna help you because you look like you're struggling here i'm just trying to make sure i'm not pulling too much stuff where does that even go good question well presented it's what is there something tied back here oh it's caught in the hard drive wait what's going there we go okay it wasn't explicitly cool yeah all right let's unplug that goodbye look aro bronze error bronze yeah and that case is free i'll put that to one side and i'll do something interesting with it during the week i do like this era cool case it's a cool case i was going to put the case back together uh it's going down there i will put the case back together over here once you start doing stuff with that fine okay i guess i'll do everything right by everything you mean something yes speaking of something i'm going to need another drink in a minute well guess what yes yeah this uh it's not bad this one you know it's 12-volt power rail with um 650 watts on the 12-volt uh rail so yeah it's not bad there's there was a whole bunch of these power supplies these cheap bronze rated power supplies that came out from various brands at the same time i think our factory went online making low-cost bronze rated power supplies what the hecky have you brought this for the show today i have brought them today yes i have not bought them but uh yes [Music] well that's what you get right that was the sound of a uh tempered glass side panel hitting the floor it's not broken though because tempered glass is mind-blowingly strong uh well yes very nice hopefully we'll uh break one of those open in a minute i'm down for that i don't want to make assumptions because karadog has just put them on the counter it's just like here is some cider i'm like is this for us do we are we drinking this is it for is it like are you like i bought some cider for myself and i'm like i don't want to assume that he's going to share it he doesn't have to that would be amazingly awkward to just be like oh yes here's some drinks for me yes but at the same time i don't want to just assume that you've come to share your alcoholic beverage with me uh until you catch it on an edge yeah absolutely true right i need to unbox one of these um things very much no i was just like oh you've got the spare five thousand no no it's an apple 200 ge yes just found my flashing chip that has a like a ryzen 5009 badge on it and it's just like no it is the opposite of that um let's see 220t i'm gonna switch to the wide angle for this all right let's unbox this case this is an unboxing stream now hello and welcome to short circuit now for a message from our sponsor from my sponsor cider man i wish that's a good idea for sponsors i'd take it out are you allowed to advertise alcohol yes probably not on youtube but yes yeah advertising alcohol is legal in this country yeah i'd take a sponsorship from a cider company that'd be cool however you must drink responsibly yes drink responsibly for kids no kids should not be drinking good lord you're terrible at this so this is the 220 t in white i've got a black one of these this one's in white with grey accents and i quite like that it's all right in it yeah i don't know i prefer the black one but it's interesting it's a bit different i'll give you guys oops thank you i'll get it out of this packaging and give you guys a better camera shot no no it's an older series yeah yeah yeah it's only the brand new ones that have got the new ones i'm trying not to rustle directly into the microphone here okay oh no just chris right out of the microphone tony mcphan says kids should not be drinking who will look after their kids wait it's okay we're not in scotland that's a uh a white lightning or a uh or a strongbow advert right there that is right uh that can go in the box right let's put that like that and put that like that [Music] right one two twenty t so i did actually do a review on this case i nearly have one at home this is a um oh good i thought that was damaged then um yeah so this is a really cool compact case and what i love about this so these were going on amazon for like i think they went down as low as 43 pounds that's what 55 60 dollars yeah so about 50 or 60 us dollars compact corsair atx case tempered glass side panel comes with three digital addressable rgb fans and an rg corsair iq rgb controller so these things went crazy cheap like these were cheaper than the chinese rgb cases and they're vastly better yeah they're cheaper than the fans and the controller yeah and chris s bought a whole load of them as well i wanted to buy more of them but i was like i don't i don't know what i'm going to do with them whereas you see you're going to build computers in them yeah i guess the parts that you buy yes i guess from somewhere yeah so let's take the side panels off of this so we can start building i haven't built in white though with the perfectly clear side panel that's it's got a bit of a 2000s aesthetic to it that was put on do you want a big point yeah yeah i feel like this has got like a 2000s aesthetic to it where they had like see-through plastic on stuff so what you're saying is we need to apply a vinyl of double denim yeah well it's just like most tempered glass stuff obviously you have the you have the black masking around the outside to cover up the screw holes and stuff but there's no masking on this it's a perfectly yeah it's just unmasked piece of tempered glass i don't know how i feel about that in a way it's kind of cool but it looks a bit raw very go but yeah thank you that's um kind of interesting cheetahs chips indeed um this sounds like an ad i wish building in a corsair 220 t yeah you'll be blown away by its supplying curves well i don't know if they still got any of these if so i need to get a heck in affiliate link into the description of this video quickish although i think i sold a couple of them because i tweeted out about this case with an affiliate link and they were definitely picked up on there i think yeah there were definitely a couple from that from that so yeah are they sp 120 fans yes they are they are sp rg sp 120 rgb they're not labeled as such but they're literally identical oh yes the c09050093mw yes what yeah so that's what it says is in there but they are they're basically they are basically identical to the s uh sp 120 rgb pros uh here's a box of them that i'm gonna put in the other case that we've got so um so yeah oh you actually spent money on that uh i picked i picked up this box of sp uh uh i picked up these for 20 quid on sale ages ago boxer three 20 quid okay again i was like price i can tolerate rgb yeah exactly like 20 quid and they've got the iq controller in there as well you know like for 20 quid i ripped i i ripped their arm off for that so yeah i approximately decapitated amazon or something uh angie says you go ever going to try and make a hackintosh i don't care about hackintoshes basically i mean that much being said i suppose i should care about them more these days because macos there's valid reasons to want to use macos um for ios development and stuff like that um however there's no there's no apple computers that i would want to buy so maybe at some point i'm not not going to put it in my diary but at some point i want to do it just so i've done it and i actually know the procedure for making a hackintosh long and complicated yeah this is how i do my panning shots by the way up start the camera there and we just go like that that's how i get those panning shots at the end of the video it's really hard to do it smoothly though but yeah you can just go i mean i guess what you could do is just do it reasonably quickly and then slow it down yeah you can i can do that more with this camera because 60 fps but yeah it's uh yeah uh let's see was that a rolling stone track bamboo um yeah yeah county graham is the master of buying great electronics for cheap i wouldn't say i'm a master but now and then i keep my eyes out for stuff and if i see something and i'm like that's dirt cheap i just buy one and i'm like i don't know where i'm going to use it but i'll use it somewhere but the thing is is if i start building up computers and having them out on show then i can start just buying and building computers and just selling them as i go because at the moment i build to order and it doesn't work so well because people come in and they look they see some of the other display computers and they're like oh are these on sale and i'm like no but i can build you one but they kind of like whereas if you had one in the shop with a price tag on it there's actually half a chance that they're gonna say yeah i'd like to buy that i really like that can i buy that and i can be like yes yes you can you know i feel like the answer to that is whether that that one is for sale or not is to kind of go yes it will be ready for you tomorrow yeah and then amazon stuff and pray well yeah i guess yeah again the problem is though most of the ones that i've got that i don't want to sell the reason why i'm not selling them is that they're in cases that i don't want to sell or they've got components in that are not fit for sale and stuff like that my only comment is i'm not sure how i feel about that yeah it's a bit jank but it doesn't really matter yeah just just a case of yeah it'll be fine that's the rgb controller so yeah uh people actually seeing your messages yes we are we do see you there rwl uh i may have missed what your previous one was though um so yes basically every time i look at the chat i scan down the the page if it's still on the chat in front of me i'll try and reply to it if it's scrolled off the top it's gone i'm afraid and i missed it so yeah and mesh if i see was the best case you've ever built in yeah i i've got mixed opinions about the mesh if i see and i'm going to put them into a video because i've got one that i'm going to build in not today but probably i've got opinions and i'm going to tell you that thankfully i have a youtube channel and an audience and that means my opinion is worth more so [Laughter] oh man oh that's uh don't click that that's clippable don't clip that anyway um i'm gonna make a video about my opinion i like the mesh if i see i can see why people like them but at the same time i i'm also looking at it and saying i still the only reason why i bought it is because it was half price and i won't buy it again unless it's half price which is not to say it's a bad case but case in point the meshify c and the 220 t are typically about the same price at any given time they're both the same kind of build quality but the 220t comes with three addressable rgb fans and an rgb hub that are fully compatible with corsair iq and the meshfic comes with two token gesture black fans that are three pinners so it's like which are you gonna buy now if you don't like rgb then well sure fine buy the fractal however if you're building for uh joe public who like lights and things like that you're gonna buy the 220 t because why wouldn't you and that just immediately kills the the mesh if i see dead to me because the 220t exists so yeah that's that's the problem aces putting rainbow rainbow puke on rooters oh yeah no i've seen the thing for years yeah gamer rooters are done though i have a gamer rooter how dare you i dare and yeah you have you have one of my gamer rooters somewhere yes as a special treat i might actually set it up at some point the problem is i've misplaced the the modem i don't know how it's just disappeared and i don't know where it is you'd have got a new one anywhere and you need to use your new one anyway um now i got another home hub oh they finally integrated the two oh then you can't use it anyway yeah yeah or well at the very least it came with a home hub um uh because i'm not on a business connection yeah because business connections cost more and you don't get anything more for them so why would i pay for a business connection when why would i pay money for services yeah well why would i pay money for why would i pay more for less consumer services are better than business services but whatever um you feel like you losing brain cells watching this yeah i know that's that's the state of this show i'm afraid uh is that a gigabyte psu it's an error cool um aero bronze uh so it is bronze rated so it's not bad 220 t contact 240 mil at the top yeah it depends it can be done and i can tell you it can be done because i've got my one on the other side of the room with a top mount 240mm radiator you have to have certain ram and certain motherboard basically some motherboards and some ram will clear with a top mount 240mm radiator um just not all and certainly not with like rgb ram and stuff like that so it depends is the answer to that it can be done though i just find it funny that it can't take the corsair come on corsair pro rgb yeah it's a bit of an oversight especially considering if they'd if they'd made this case literally just five mil taller just five millimeters taller there would be no clearance issues at all uh and it's again i seem to say in every one of my case review videos it felt like no one tested this basically like when they designed this and they had a prototype surely someone at corsair would have put it on a bench and done a meta corsair build like just built built a computer up with as many corsair components as they could and they would have been like oh the corsair water cooler does not clear corsair ram in this we need to make it five millimeters taller but yeah that apparently they didn't do um so yeah you could also front mount the radiator of course but that comes with its own set of problems and uh and queerfuls twirls yes quirks querfels oh imagine having a motherboard that needs an eye-opener yeah yeah right i'm struggling to focus i'm gonna get another coffee on the go while you're assembling here you're right there that is not very strong do not accidentally break your case yeah that's standard issue for a back panel of the case though there are very few cases that won't flex when you press on the back panel so yeah um is that normally bent uh yes there's a slight ramp there okay yep yep there's a slight ramp there just to give it a bit more space behind do you want to go flat on the on the bench for this or are you building vertically i want to see which hole i want for the power supply cables okay yeah all right i'll let you do that then i'm going to get i'm going to turn on the coffee machine so i'm shuffling bits all cases seem to have never been tested for aio clearances especially in corsair had the same problem yeah it just seems bonkers to me like i'm sure the people who design and build cases get paid an awful lot more money than i do yet i feel like i'm asking questions that other people are not asking you know it's just like you know it's what was the last review i did i did a case review not long ago where um oh yeah it was with the phanteks p200 where the cpu power cable did not fit through the hole for the cpu power cable without splitting it and i'm just like who who put this together and was just like the hole is not big enough just um i don't know like none of this is a deal breaker all of the all of these problems can be overcome but when you're designing something it can be whatever you like so why not make something to fit you know i don't know that's right and and that's the thing is also it's just they only need to make things just fractionally bigger to eradicate the issue as well hello noah's attorney it's very hot today yeah what are you you are audio where is audio engineer sitting in an office yeah oh that is audio uh let's see the hoses didn't clear the top fans when you front mounted the rad ah i did not have that issue although actually i don't think i have front mounted the rad with top fans i've done uh i've done yeah i don't think i've front mounted the rad and put in top hats i should be able to clear a minute i'm i'm going to do a test on this [Music] let's go in for a flying shot and i'll set let's switch camera angles and we go one there and one there ah so those are going to sit there and that's right the back of the travel i should clear yeah that should be possible oh that needs to go there mind you oh yeah it's tough yeah i can see that in i think it's gonna depend on exactly what cooler you're using and stuff like that i can see why you might have had problems there i'd have to actually mount it all up to really be certain but yeah i see where you're coming from i see where you're coming from oh there is a top let's come back to the wide angle again it's like the 220t you can't get the power connector through there either really same issue yeah look at that again it's just like this hole up here is specifically for putting the cpu power cable through the cpu power cable and and the cpu power cable does not fit without splitting the connector the power cord specifically designed yeah again it's just like none of this is a deal breaker but this is something that you can fix when you're designing the case because you can make things whatever size you want and it's just yeah i don't know i don't know it just seems i feel like i'm i feel like i'm an old man yelling at yelling at the clouds with these complaints but it seems like a problem that shouldn't exist is all i'm saying but yeah it'll come together what parts are we building with um this particular computer we're building we've got uh i've got an msi x470 gaming plus max with a ryzen 3600 in it and we've got uh we've got a 16 gig kit this is a 3600 kit why isn't this in the lianle oh look it's the 3600 kit you bought oh yes this is that 3600 kit that i bought that was supposed to be 4 000. yeah long story i'm not going to go into it anyway uh and yeah we're probably going to swap out that ram and put that in the better one um because that's actually a decent 16 gig kit we'll put because the second build that we do today will be a 5600 x or 5800 x and i'll pair that 3600 ram with that because that's actually decent ram um so yeah it's c18 so it's not mind-blowing but you know yeah um but you you know acceptable well you could probably drop it to c17 well no because amd yeah you can't rather oh okay yeah do you reckon it dropped to c16 18 22 22.42 yeah what the hell is this yeah it's not a great kit but it's 3600 you could just run it at 3600 and you'll get modest speed so speed let's see a drunken pc build karadog well no seriously are we i have interfacial alcohol for that yeah i don't have a bottle okay i will retrieve such implements excellent um there's a danger that the implement might be a pair of pliers danger will robinson uh i don't want to pronounce these because i will get it wrong and someone will laugh at me is that dabbing it's apple cider from sheppy cyberphone okay it's unnecessarily fancily named yes uh traditional this has no description on it oh yes traditional cider also known as made with apples yeah like i'm assuming that i'm assuming that there's a um a dry medium dry and a sweet but an oak matured oh wow that one's a seven point four listen at some point bloody help it's proper cider yeah they don't mess around but that one says it's medium cider oh yeah okay uh this one is also this one's a medium dry so that one's probably a sweet so yeah have you got any preferences not particularly okay um that was the medium dry uh sorry i'll have this one i'm riding my bicycle i want to ride my bicycle okay right it's time for it's time for bottle opening i'm going to adjust the camera to view this just in case something really really really really really funny happens oh god everyone cringe it's fine there we go ha ha who came up with the clearances in this case hmm that's good the clearances are tight it's a small case this guy it is a small case um let me find an angle and i'll set i need to i need to get the camera in there so people can actually see the computer we're building as a special treat for anyone who's new here today if you expected a professional stream you're in the wrong place this is how it always is do you know which screws it is for the motherboard for the motherboard no it's probably imperial of course they're normally used imperial on the board let me check it yeah it's imperial look at all this single use plastic why do i need a separate baggie yeah it's terrible isn't it it's terrible i i mean it's useful but i don't have the fingernail for it yeah i mean i know why they do it but it's terrible that they so your screws don't get scratched and shipping well it's because the reason why we're talking about stuff like this look at this it's a standoff in a bag this is completely unnecessary waste of plastic here but the thing is is that when they're when they're when they're assembling this product they get a box they put the case in there and they have to add in any accessories that the case needs this particular one requires one standoff one bag of imperial one bag of metric then another case might require two standoffs so they put in two of these and so on so that's why is that they're assembling the kit but it means that you end up with a dozen of these plastic bags and it's just yeah good job and it's just such a waste of plastic i think they went down the back largely as well right i'll uh which one are you having i'll have that one okay uh what gpu is going in this build uh i don't think you want to know the answer to that uh a hd 5850 i think five four fifty a hd5450 however um in all probability because the the launch the launch looks good the price looks good and the supply looks good i'm probably going to buy some 6600 xts for these computers i think it's worth doing that because then i'll end up with some actually quite nice gaming computers on sale so yeah you use karadog's teeth to open the bottle oh no who said that wayne herbie uh okay no better pliers how dare i did have some better pliers for opening bottles i did have equipment in this shop yeah a load of it got moved about okay here we go it's working it's working it's working it's also making a hecking mess i think i found another i think i have a screw stuck in my shoe that i have a spoon embedded in my shoe laurel and hardy stream i swear that wasn't wasn't me there we go that one was you oh that is possibly the screw that's missing from the uh the secure screwdriver that i dropped two weeks ago on strain it's fine it just embedded it in the sole of itself in the sole of my shoe excellent i'm just gonna grab a bit of kitchen towel so wipe that bottle down i'm just stealing one of your many magnets ah right let's see gaming beat indeed i mean the the 5450 doesn't even have drivers for windows 10 by default no it does work but yeah cloudy cider i'm not big on cloudy cider i don't mind what do you call thatcher's haze a cloudy cider that's not real really yeah no i don't mind i'm not really into cloudy cider because um cloudy cider tends to be very dry and i'm not a fan of dry cider i don't i think the only exception to the rule there is um um uh what's the old rosie old rosie i like old rosie which is a cloudy cider um however old rosie is probably one of the driest siders that i will tolerate but i like it because it's a madman cider that gets me drunk very quickly so 6600 xt's are pretty trash well it's 10 it's a it's a modern 1080p gaming graphics card that's just it it's going to be better than the current you know it's it's also it's also worth noting that we seem to be getting really quite good pricing on the 6600 yeah in the uk compared to the usa or yeah australia certainly in the uk what did you reckon the pricing was at like three seniors some of them for like 320 330. yeah that price it's good value yeah like 460 no it very much isn't yeah if it's at the price it's supposed to be then um then it's well 320 is slightly below msrp so i was intrigued as to why a new gpu was launching in 2021 slightly below msrp yeah 380 you're seeing a high price there i think dave bell wow wow you've got it ranging yeah you got to keep your eyes open basically so um so yeah [Music] i saw thatches has cloudy lemon cider uh probably wouldn't be i'd probably find that a bit too tart so yeah thatcher's is not my first choice in cider but it's a nice as thatcher's is a decent brand that is available everywhere which is why i drink it i made the terrible mistake of buying you know just generic thatcher's can i bought that and went oh it's all right it actually upsets me all right i can't dr i can't drink something about it just upsets me yeah i was like oh that was a mistake i bought 12 of these ah well give them to me if you want to get rid of this altering kit however thatches from a can is only one step above a strong bow and strongbow in a can is just like you may as well just you may as well just not be drinking cider at that point so yeah kevin lewis is offend strongbow is on it now yeah i mean drinking strongbow is almost the same as drinking stellar artois and thinking your fancy because it's french yeah basically that strongbow i think a lot of people outside the uk go sort of oh i've tried strongboard it's quite nice if you're if you like strongbow then you haven't had ah oh oh divisive statement i was gonna say we prepared to click i'm trying to try to figure out how to say this without sounding like such a puns but there's no other way of saying it if you like you see at my local if you like strongbow you haven't drunk proper cider there i said it there i said it make of that what you will hmm stella artwork is belgium take that [Laughter] guess what belgium's basically part of france so we're building a corsair 220 t at the moment we've got an x470 motherboard i mean it's that it's that foreign europe stuff it's a good job we're not in europe oh right i am entirely joking and it's horrifying yes this is satire we are joking i need to make that abundantly clear right now please do not cancel me we are absolutely joking uh anyway um how are we doing i see you've got the motherboard fitted absolutely have you put in all the motherboard screws oh well done well of course i have it's not my computer fair enough karadog is notorious for putting in just like two motherboard screws and be like she'll be right you know i mean it's not gonna fall out i think i even actually put two in my last one i've definitely seen computers built by you with one in yeah yeah these sides bring up park bencher aam vibes oh no something's gone wrong there wait sorry these ones do but they can't they're they're expertly blended for marks and spencers they are they are the epitome of middle class the middle class don't go to park benches and they taste good it's a good cider we barbecue on our gardens this does not taste like a 7.4 percent cider tastes kind of like brothers sorry westerns westerns doesn't taste like a 7.4 western's vintage does i can tell when i'm drinking western's vintage yes you're on the floor in half a pint you're not wrong but also how dare you you know i um i require your small hands please may you reconnect the connector sure thing i i like that i like the mini digits i don't mean pinkies i have all of them i am a human with human hands thank you very much i have skin yeah please fill out this capture i have skin is it your skin it was grown yeah are you human there we go that's him i i i completely lost like an hour of my day on friday because someone linked me to the reddit what was it um are not robots [Laughter] oh no it was just all of the things it's just like yes here's our usb 3 header i'll just bring you close a sec here's our usb 3 header and it needs to go there that's not a turn that's going to happen um we need to so we can either go up to here so i could go up into there or i'm just going to re-route the whole cable and what i'll do is i'll bring the cable out there instead so it can loop around yeah so yeah that's not that's not a fight we're going to win uh carry on you were on r not robots yes and i lost a vast quantity okay feeding out uh hold up gentle gentle easy now hey here we go uh i'll let you guys see what's going on again in a sec we're gonna go over and i'm gonna go over and go right laying down again okay yeah that'll be fine we'll just whoops lay on all of those we in shot we're on shot here in the midlands the most potent ale is called wobbly bob at 7.8 that's massive for a nail wobbly bob i love it you have one of the best channels thank you very much i love the realness of my videos well thank you that's kind of what i go for to be honest i can't be the best but i can be real uh that cable is not giving me enough clearance i'm gonna set we're going up again can we get more on that oh kind of but we'd have to redirect and what's that i'm gonna do this vertically right can i oh there we go that's working now there we go that's going to go straight into there and then it became a duck i like making that noise whack that's a better way right that's just going to live there until it gets a graphics card uh what do you i said oh that's a better way of running that okay across the top yeah all right are you going to adjust i'll let you adjust i'm going to stand back here and drink uh karadog seems like a white lightning scientific kind of guy i never had white lightning have you ever tried white lightning how very dead that was brighttech you've got to take that up with yeah who the hell designed the usb 3.0 cable and why is it awful karadog is immediately deflecting this accusation and he's going back to rerouting the usb also no i've literally never drunk it fair enough i'm insufficiently poor i too have never tried white lightning i almost feel like i no no that's a lot i was about to i feel like i should buy some at some point just so i can try it and understand white lightning but on the other flip side i'm just like all right what kind of enlightenment are you attempting to reach yeah that's cnn challenge earrings yeah and mismatched oh no oh no it's funny because it's true oh there no go oh what are you what are you what are you doing at the moment are you remembering yeah i'm working out what i'm going to run across the top and okay i'm going to swing the camera around to the back so people can see what you're doing i'm going to do that oh what are you going for yup okay if you can can you work that way around yup there you go oh [Music] let's get the camera out here so you people can watch your cable tidy what are you yeah i'm going to go ahead and remove that that doesn't need to be there the reason why this bit of masking tape is here by the way people is this motherboard often gets its cpu cooler removed and swapped out for other bits and i just have a bit of masking tape across the back so when i remove the cpu cooler the back plate doesn't fall off the back of the motherboard so yeah so however i will actually extract that because this this is going to lift the front panel connector there who came up with this who who did this why did you do this we've been making a lot of drink enemies today on this stream should we start a vimto vs ribena war that's easy yeah people are overly passionate about both oh okay easy right i was i was i thought you were about to turn around and go the answer is x on that one i don't care so i just go by whichever one makes you happy okay fair enough yeah but vimto has an advantage because it is a carbonated drink not necessarily you can buy it's just a um as a mix the same as robina but it comes as a carbonated drink ah i wouldn't want vinto carbonated that sounds terrible oh i like it you're terrible probably yeah fair enough also i hadn't seen you pick up that monster that's terrible as well monster and cider at the same time yes okay it's called pc pacing your cider intake with a monster whoa well ones that one you know is a sedative and one's a stimulant should we talk about some technology the cc600xt so you can probably find them at about 3 30 in the uk maybe 3 40 if you shop around and if you wait for a good drop and i think at that price they're probably a worthy buy that's the price saying that's the price i'm saying that they're good at it any other price i'm kind of going uh yeah it's fine it depends on what other events here's a follow-up question then if you don't want to spend the mid 300s on a 6600 xt what can you buy that's cheaper and not awful because you can't buy 2 000 series cards like 120 yeah if you're not buying a 6600 xt you're buying second hand then aren't you yeah yeah can we get 1660 supers anymore they do they exist baby second hand are they are they on sale new or did they get discontinued i imagine i imagine they've been discontinued but i have no idea hmm yeah because this is the thing like there's two things is i don't know i want a cheap graphics card possible probably for this one i don't know if i want to put 600 xt in this one i put a 6600 xt in the other build that we're gonna do but i don't know about this one i'd want like a 1660 super or something in this but then that much being said i could put the 1660 super that's in the lianle there that's currently turned off i could put that one in here and buy something nicer for the lian lee i'd do just because i'm building that thing up yeah i'm just i'm building that computer up it's got a 5800x in a top-end watercooler a top-end mother well not a top-end but a decent motherboard i'm i you know that was 30-90 i don't want to spend that much if you want to give me your 30-90 i'll take it even though it's a palette you know wow wow wow um however um however i can't afford your 30-90. you can't afford me uh chris king and you got a 16 supers you'll sell me yeah you're us though aren't you chris um it by the time it's been posted across it's probably not good value anymore 1660 super still going from scan at reasonable prices last time i sold them on scan they were like 450 quick i'm gonna check that right now because i'm curious words in english are hard nobody can afford karadog's 3090. knight fusion could have he made a choice he made a choice yeah uh let's see scan dot co dot uk oof sx am that's gonna be a virus isn't it scanned okay okay there we go uh search 1660 super i don't even know what the 1660 super is capable of to be honest i own one but i've never actually put it to the test it is capable of rendering 3d graphics at extreme speed i mean it the 1660 super it it'll give a 2060 a bloody nose won't it obviously it doesn't have rtx but no but yes i mean not really it's not how it's within 10 fps of it right no no it's the class down card isn't it it goes 1660 super 2016 20. yes yeah but 1660 super is going to be close to the 2060 vanilla what do you guys think chat 1660 super versus 2060 and don't give me answers from cpu don't give me your answers from user bench that doesn't count you're gonna say don't give me your answers from cpus and i was gonna be like that's an impressive skill if they can i have made my 1660 super appearance oh heck and scan there's no prices on anything yes they haven't got any stock they only have prices when they have stock yeah there's none in stock on scam either that or the website's crap let me get you a sec give me give me the heck in give me the desktop version please desktop site yeah no there's no prices for 1660 supers from scan what about amazon are they dining oh there's no hard drive 1660 super there's an ssd on the mobo uh sorry i meant hard drive led light oh right yeah oh yeah no um plug the power led into the hard drive i'm led change the camera angle so you guys can see what kerala is up to there you go have a wonky camera angle uh [Laughter] that's the problem with the top down camera it will find any patches in your hair uh let's see 30 60 was a nice upgrade from a 970 yeah i bet 2060 is about 10 faster than a 1660 super yeah that's what a couple of people are saying so yeah that sounds reasonable and like 10 like that is faster but that's not going to change your world so a 16 suit 1660 super is still a pretty decent 1080p graphics card then isn't it paid 500 quid for us 30 60. yeah not ideal you did what you had to do i guess didn't you i think the the state of the gpu market is clearing up faster than anyone thought it would most people thought it was going to be like that until next year um so i don't blame you i don't blame you at all but that's easy for me to say because i ended up getting a really good price on my 30-70 thanks karadog uh god amazon have got a 1660 super a palette for 400 pounds yes about you could scan i've been doing it for like 440 yeah what about 150 quid second hand can you get anything good for 150 pounds secondhand ebay i don't know it's chris here hey chris yeah what can you buy what can you get me for 150 quid yeah chris have you got any graphics cards you want to sell me a serious question or can you just give me some ebay links dave bell says there's a 1660 ti for 350 pounds from scan that's a better price yeah it's still more than i want to pay for a 1660 class though oh yeah but yeah that is better you got a uh 500 quid for your 2070 super that's a good sell what was that chris uh no that was kevin lewis uh let's see 1660 super how much is it on ebay um pre-owned 350. uh 200 oh that's bidding yeah they're still going for silly money man you can buy a brand new card that is vastly superior that the second-hand market is broken at the moment because everyone still thinks their graphics cards are worth double price this is just an rgb controller yes right okay i was trying to work out how the fans went into it yeah because i was working out where the fans yeah that little that that widget is purely rgb uh the fans will be going into the motherboard let me grab a uh there's a fan splitter how dare lob that your way this is going to look quite nice when it's finished this build now it's actually got components in it and stuff and it's got black interior with the white exterior quite oh i think that looks alright where's the fan header somewhere uh andy 816 896 with five euros six thank you very much for the super chat my dude 6600 xt for 400 pounds and a crucial p2 for 62 quid bargain um depends on which model it is yeah if it's like the if if you got like the the like strix or the that's true yeah the power color level ultimate blah blah blah if it's a high-end sapphire nitro plus the sapphire nitro plus of the 60 whatever yeah 6600 xt was right really cheap yeah brightex got a nitro plus for 390. yeah yeah i saw them drop i saw them when the um launch happened and was like i kind of want to buy the nitro class i have zero use for it and it's not fast enough for me yeah to replace what i have yeah but i was like i kind of want one and i was like i have no need for one yeah what's your plan of the month you got a 30 90 but you don't care about your 30 90 do you no i want a 6900 xt either um liquid devil ultimate or yeah possibly like a toxic nitro ultimate yeah but they're like 1700 yeah you're holding out for a special edition 6900xt that's what i want yeah it's slower than at 30 90. yeah you believe that i want a 1600h yeah fair enough it's like i don't particularly care yeah yeah but to answer the super chat though uh the 400 quid for the 6600 xt fine i don't think that's a bargain but it's fine um however the crucial p2 yeah the crucial p2 that went down to crazy prices i picked up like six of those things at that price as well that is a bargain absolutely uh 1660 supers the same performance as a 1070. yeah a little bit faster a little bit faster but not meaningfully again i think it's ten percent five or ten percent from the 1070 to the 1660 super and then it's another 10 up to the 2016 that's my assessment of that um so yeah i've got a 1070 lying around but it's got a water block on it so i've been saving that for a water cooling build but man you still haven't done anything yeah i if if i could find an air cooler for that card i would but then on the other hand i also know because i got a pair of those 1070s postal's got the other one and it's an overclocking monster so it feels really it it doesn't feel right to put an air cooler on it knowing what that card is capable of with overclocking um postal thanks for the five of my dude if you get time you should totally not turn on the ps3 during stream we won't get time on stream but there still will be a video on that however it does need to be turned on on stream for other reasons okay message received okay yeah it's been memed or something hasn't it oh yeah yeah okay fair enough we are yeah make sure it happens postal i'll make sure i haven't looked like classic 20 20 adam and it means oh no even 2021 i have concerns uh mr guru says two percent according to gpg oh yeah yeah all right it's probably to depend on the game but yeah certainly i i'd certainly agree that it's not going to change your world because i was before i got my 30 70 i had a 1070 and i also owned that 1660 super and i was looking at youtube videos to see if it was worth swapping my 1070 and 1660 super over because my 1070 was an evga so it was a nice it was a nice one but also i had sent but then that 1660 supers are nice it's an msi but it's it's still a nice one it looks like a nice modern car it looks pretty which is why it's in the lian lee so yeah i know that's all that matters absolutely especially with the liam this computer was built to look pretty i'm going to turn it on so it's on in the background and then people can see a little splash of rgb in the background i need to adjust the angle so the screen can sit oh no there you go you can see a little bit of rgb in the background from the anime now [Music] why is it the biggest motherboard connection computer case opening is always offset it's because the connector the atx connector on the motherboard is always in a slightly different place on every single motherboard it's not standardized so it's impossible for them to actually get that set so yeah i do agree it is kind of annoying though it would be nice if they could standardize this kind of thing but it's not something i can see happening because they when that's when they're designing the layout of the motherboard and that they have to have that flexibility to move things around a little bit otherwise every motherboard will be exactly the same so let's see this 1660 super has a newer core so it would be more power efficient compared to the 1070. yeah i think you're right it was more of a case of the 1660 super would have been a better choice however it wasn't worth the hassle of changing my computer over and like a couple of them a couple of months after i was asking this question i ended up getting a 30 70 anyway oh damn it so thanks for building this by the way while i just drink and read the chat i'll do the next one and you oh we'll swap we'll swap roles on the next one i'll build a new uh re-chat uh it's okay those those people do what they're good at are you implying that i'm not good at building computers gucci balls of fire says i kind of have one put on the same cooler as your 6900 xt like the liquid devil has but the liquid devil has the xt xh chip the liquid level ultimate does yeah specifically two versions of the liquid level one yeah it doesn't that's why i want yeah yeah the liquid not 100 certain which one goofy's got there he's obviously got one of them well yeah yeah uh john paul bacon says hopefully i'll be doing some upgrades to your pc later on you've been waiting since thursday when you're supposed to get some thermal paste but it hasn't come here oh man that's the worst when you're ready to go but you don't have consumables that you need it's one of the main reasons why i just always have a couple of tubes of thermal paste in stock now so yeah um [Music] 1660xt is for 1080p 1440 not so good more or less yeah it's it weirdly runs out of puff at 1660. a 1440. sorry yeah the 1616 the 6600 xt 600 xt runs out of shockingly runs out of puff at 1440p see that's a big shame because that basically means you've got no headroom and 1440p is becoming very affordable for an upgrade these days yeah i wouldn't say it's a critical upgrade like for people who are still gaming at 1080p i wouldn't feel bad about that like when i got 14 when i got 1440p at home it didn't change my world it was great on the desktop for desktop i love it but for playing games didn't really change my world i mean yeah because obviously i've been running these for yeah i mean you've always had exotic monitors yeah so i had these for six years yeah like you you've had exotic monitors for as long as i've known you um but i i've been you know i went from i went from 1080 i went from 1200 p which is just 16 by 16 by 10 1080p up to 1440 and i was like that's all right you know it's all right yeah that that was literally my response when i fired up my new monitors i was like yeah they're all right they're slightly better it's mind-boggling how used to size looks like screen and stuff you get because seeing that there on its own it looks like a big monitor at home it looks positively tiny yeah and it's mad yeah but this screen here what what's that 30 30 inches in 16 by 10 yeah this is a 30 inch in the background 16 by 10 30 inch and it looks hecking massive over there but um yeah if you have an enormous desk suddenly that you know i mean like that looks enormous but then when i remember that i've got dual 27s at home i'm like well that's only slightly bigger than what i've got at home like if you made that 16x9 it would probably be 28 or maybe 29 inch i suppose but i don't know christopher david nice build thanks for another live stream thank you very much my dude thank you very much for the super chat thanks for the 20 much appreciated thank you for being here yeah thank you for being here uh danielle emberly says working on an amd 5700 g build with a b550 waiting for new parts turned into an 1100 1100 usd that's not bad 5700 1100 yeah what graphic is that with a graphics card or are you going are you using the integrated graphics because yeah well with integrated graphics with no graphics card yeah yeah like that's going to be what 800 quid 300 300 yeah five you're gonna get up to 800 pounds assuming you're using premium parts yeah yeah maybe yeah if you want to build it depends on yeah like what class of storage and stuff you've got yeah a gaming build a gaming build in the uk is gonna net you eight or nine hundred quid with no graphics card at the moment yeah and then basically the final cost of your build is gonna depend on how much you can afford on a graphics card that's so yeah but your tower with no gpu is gonna be seven or eight hundred quid again you could grind that price down if you've got if you went in with a really cheap case and cheap everything you can get that price down but if you wanna build it with an aio with a corsair case with some rgb and all the rest of it you're going to end up at 800 quid it's going to happen so yeah what do i think of 3440 by 1440 uh what what's that is that double weight one by nine yeah what's 21 by nine is that double width or exactly yeah my response yeah i haven't used one in anger to specifically but based off of how much i dis like using a single large monitor yeah comparison to triple small monitors i think i don't think it would work for me i would rather have two screens than a single ultra wide yeah um specifically mostly because of the way that windows handles multi multitasking yeah and also i function with i was about to say and it's also just the way that i multitask as well because if you have a single ultra wide and you're in game you're gonna want that game to fill the screen whereas i would rather have the game on one screen and all my communications on the other screen which is what i not typically do so i love the idea of ultra wise i think they look awesome but i don't think they're actually very useful in a practical sense um however there is one instance there's one big there's a couple of big instances though is if you if you literally do not have room for two monitors an ultra wide will probably fit yeah um and the other instance as well is um uh one of my one of my star students that i had as work experience when he went off to university um he was looking to buy an ultrawide this was when ultra wides were fairly new and i said uh ultrawide really they're really expensive dude and he said we're not allowed two monitors in halls of residence we're only allowed one month because they were only allowed uh they they had a limited amount of sockets and they weren't allowed to put multi sockets on them but entirely cheese that using the y splitters yeah but he said so literally if i put if i use an ultra wide i can simulate dual screens with only having one monitor and i'm like okay yeah all right you can have that one so there are little niche times when it actually works yeah where it makes absolute sense yeah m80x or atx for a 5600 xt depends on the case depends on the case yeah i mean i i generally recommend full atx because the problem is this this is a corsair 220 t it's like maybe one inch taller than any p200 wow that's a that's an extreme example but i'll put it up but it's the p200 is what i mean they did the itx this is itx and look it's well where's the calipers they're they're here there we go there's a uh there's a there's a tape measure it's three inches taller this is just three inches taller and we're going from can we have the metric conversion please uh three inches which is uh eight centimeters so for another eight centimeters you go from itx to full atx you go from compromise and airflow problems to zero compromise the existence of the super compacts like the 220t and the meshfyc completely negate micro atx in my opinion yeah however that much being said i am a big believer in buying the case that you like you can buy whatever you want and you can make it work with the right with the right fan configuration you can make anything work so the thing to remember though is that you'd still be wrong [Laughter] so you could go micro atx but the one thing i would recommend is just to make sure that you buy an airflow case so full mesh front that's my only stipulation these days is airflow or go home because having a full airflow front makes basically anything work in my in my experience so so yeah that's the thing in terms of motherboards and stuff not a huge amount of difference these days have you got more of these cable ties yeah sure you bought me literally a tub of cable ties i did i did i require i think i might require a third set of hands i mean the third hand a second set assistance how can i help yes also i'm gonna move this to here and i'm going to swing around to the other side hold up everyone it's the shop yes you're not allowed to see this until i do the 100 000 subscriber special even though you're on 110k it's coming i mean i knew it would but also did god what happened it's complicated um let's see how we doing um right um what i want to do and i realized i should have used these first but i want to scoop all of these up into this loop here into this bundle here okay so we're gonna cut that free and put a new one in yeah okay right uh let's turn this uh i've changed my mind we're gonna turn it this way and swing the camera back around because otherwise our left hand is gonna cover everything up and no one can see anything i'm gonna do that what you yes what you really need is also a camera like here yeah we it might have been worth getting a third camera set up but um it's because we're building with two people when it's one person and we're not stumbling over each other it's easier to use this camera but uh yeah we actually we actually probably needed a third camera for this which could have been done we've got the hardware uh what was i looking for snippers side cutters right what do you need fat cut yeah please and i will feed that this is bent the wrong way as well put foam on the springs of the arm cam vibrate hum uh yes that's a good shout it's not an issue because uh when i'm recording videos i always cut sections of me moving the camera about so you never hear it it's only because we're live and i'm doing the camera movements live obviously i do this all the time when recording but you never see any of it because it gets cut in editing whereas obviously now you're seeing me moving the camera all the time right i need to hold that is that and then you saw the monitor for a split second yep you saw the chat and all this also the statistics statistics tap the desk and listen to it uh yeah that's true now what's that let me uh yeah this one does oh it's because i've got it i don't see if i just adjust that slightly okay let's do that i think i want that yeah that's maybe lessened it i could get rid of that by putting on the super aggressive noise cancellation also though i need a microsoft i need a microphone stand i need a microsoft stand hold in a minute we've got one lined up and i even got a super chat for i need to buy it smack daddy zero welcome to tier one to tier one thank you very much for the membership my dude thank you for coming i hope to be turned into one one day oh no you hope to be turned into a microphone stand no he's chris wants to be turned into a statistic uh how about a case with a full filtered mesh side panel i mean you want recommendations for one or surely that exists i can't think of one 11d no full mesh side panel is that is that sorry as in like a mesh filtered intake no on it oh full mesh yeah so like imagine tempered glass but it's mesh no i'm good thanks i think that's a great idea no i i mean it's not very good for looks but you're also not very good for airflow front airflow i suppose if you have good airflow you wouldn't need it yeah because you'd be wanting to shape the airflow yeah because the thing about you want your case to be an air tunnel um and the reason why you're if you're if your temperatures drop with the side panel off it means your intake sucks basically uh and i know that because i have a zxt so when was the last time entered xt had airflow that's my point if i take the side panel off of my case at home my temperatures drop which means my airflow sucks um however what should happen is your temperatures should be better with the side panel on because you're getting a wind tunnel effect so yeah it's it sounds like a good idea but if it works it means the intake sucks so yeah stay but yeah i i i'm surprised that it doesn't exist though there must be someone who's done that i would be interested to see it done see how that how that pans out uh postal says if you need a stock call of the 1070 i know someone who has one hmm see i'm sorry oh stock not sock yes yeah i want to call it using footwear an accelero can probably get close to the water cool temps yeah i don't like the look of the accelero those uh though and i want to put this in a show p in a showcase just build a water cooler yeah i need to build a water cooled rig i've got to build a water cooled rig um maybe with i don't know i'll find something i'll i'll do the water cooling one i want to do hard shooting and everything over hope and a prayer that's what you should do it with yeah nr200 as mesh side panel options uh who's the nr200 that's cooler master i recognize that one there's definitely some great cheap showcases that you can get hold off yeah i have a there's a there's a severe danger that i'm going to refer to your list at some point chris chris is your is your cheat sheet um it's spreadsheet yes is it public though in public yeah yeah in in the in the admin it discord uh chris does a lot of computer builds and he has tested a lot of cheap cases and in the admin it discord pinned there is a spreadsheet of all of the cases and whether they're any good or not i've not referred to it myself but i'm aware in the resource resources yeah it's somewhere if you ask for it then someone knows where it is the master bot yeah cool master master box yeah hmm oh yeah because yeah we should probably move that somewhere else that's not the right place for it no but well at least it can be found yeah we should probably move that to uh resources yeah i meant to do stuff and things and then forgot and so yeah oh the rest of danielle's build b550 rogue shooks gaming wi-fi yeah two times 16 gigs so 32 gigs of ram hell yeah uh well yeah i guess if you need it it's cl 14 as well so yeah sure good what speed 3600 cl4 3200 cl 14 so it's all right yeah um [Music] one terabyte nvme corsair rm6750x yeah sweet silverstone pharah r1 that's a i like silverstone thanks yeah that's quite nice i can't remember the r1 wait as in is that the classic original r1 r1 because that's a reasonably old case i think i just googled silverstone r1 and i was half expecting to find motorbikes on the silverstone racetrack so also in farah r1 oh yeah i like the look of that that's a cheap case as well you can get it for 50 quid with tempered glass isn't it all set i think it's old which is part of the reason probably why yeah yeah oh gamers nexus don't like it which is a shame what was your what you are saying can you pull up a larger picture of it yeah uh standby now uh apparently that is the answer to that one i don't work on my phone very often so i don't know how to use a telephone open image in new tab there we go there we huh go yeah here's a picture of it everyone i'm sorry um yeah i think that looks really nice i don't know what i i'd have to regame as nexus's review to find out why they don't like it but it looks i'm sure it's fine bearing in mind of course gamers nexus are not gospel they are scientific that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a concern um so yeah but suffice to say i think that looks like a nice case i would i would like that on my desk i would like that it looks a bit looks a bit fenix yeah i see what you mean with the bitfenix comparison oh dear bloody hell right sorry i'm feeling the cider if it's not apparently you're supposed to drink it i'm aware of that i've been drinking it and i can tell i've been drinking it i just we stood here stroking the bottle going yeah what time are we at we're at 146 and i would like to do a second build so um uh i'm going to try and speed run the second build when we get to it make sure those fans are quiet yeah um i won't do any we won't do any fine tuning on this one today on stream however during the week when they're on the bench i'll go into the bios and i'll do some fan curves and stuff like that have you put that fan splitter in i'm guessing you have see good it's there oh yeah we're we're coming together now i think we're nearly there let me flip the camera uh face cam bench cam inverted what oh no i just right fine there's a reason why the camera goes upside down now and then good oh is that it are we ready to power on yes radical wow there you go there we go oh look at that all right how's that where's the there are no egregious rubbing noises excellent that looks rad i dislike agree just rubbing on stream let me grab a video capture device add existing live game mini ta-da it posts excellent there we go my only question is why is the power because because that's plugged into the hard drive led which is what i told you to do so yeah cool oh it doesn't have a separate one corsair cases never have a hard drive led um which annoys me i like indicator leds so i plug the power led into the hard drive led light so then because like we know it's on because it's got heck in rgb so we i plug the power led into the hard drive activity led so then we can use that as a hard drive indicator instead so yeah okay there we go that's it it works one done london one done what one no exhaust um not yet no i might put some oh i need to find some more see um let me switch back to a bench count no you don't need it um my 220 t that i've got on the ben that i've also got on the bench over there i've got an i've got one extra fan at the back that's another rgb fan for exhaust so it balances it out it's actually square no um but it was right the first time hey skills uh how a sec the peel both sides the peel stop stop remove remove remove go away go away he was gonna he was gonna avoid the peel yeah because he's not finished you peel it when the person buys it chat should we peel the cellophane off now or when the person buys it i see one vote for peel i also vote for going to the pier yes postal says no peel not now when bought it's still even oh my oh it's it's i'm gonna set peel later when the buy buy oh peel keep on always peel no peel oh that's a lot oh buyer's privilege ooh see it's gonna be on show though i'm peeling i'm peeling it's a show pc for this we must place the microphone yep yep hold on hold on here we go oh is it only peeled on one side oh yeah all right that means it's gonna okay here we go here we go oh yes oh yes everyone who's saying no it's done now it's too late right i'm gonna put it on upside down and i'm gonna immediately pledge it it's behind you oh yeah the stamp's still on the go oh well we've got this one as well now because immediately after you peel cellophane off of glass all of the dust will go straight onto it so you immediately want to get some multi-surface polish and polish the glass and that will make it anti-static and stop the dust from sticking to it oh no fezzy says don't stop i'm almost there [Laughter] i'm now a buyer's killjoy this was a controversial move discourse in the admin it podcast oh maybe that's what you should just name the stream afterwards what discourse no i peeled it i peeled it i peeled someone else's computer i stole someone's peel [Music] oh look how clean it is i love it all right don't touch the glass when you're putting the thumb screws on i'll miss your bit in a minute i didn't know you're ready help me i'm scared scared run run show us all right done oh bam good that's a nice that's a nice looking computer that looks really nice yeah oh crap could you uh could you sort of sound please thank you yeah i'm happy with that i think that looks cool um i i still prefer the black one but i think that looks nice that has an aesthetic to it that i think is cool and i think that's going to look good in the shop we'll get a nice graphics card in there uh it might end up being that 1660 super it might end up being something else um but we'll put a nice big graphics card in there how do you take this off just pulls off yeah [Laughter] and then yeah there's a dust filter at the front there that's nice and yeah that just taps back in [Music] cool all right uh right can you shut that somewhere else for me please and i will unbox the next computer and i will actually do the building on this one uh bios update uh yeah we'll do there's not a huge amount that needs to be done on that because that computer was already running in the uh error cool case that we took it out of that's why windows was already installed on it um so there's not a huge amount that needs to be done with that one it's largely up to date already uh we're basically just re-casing it into something that is sellable um but yeah uh the error cool isn't is an x review case and i try not to sell my review stuff if i can right done done honor the next one done i'm done 1660 supra mmm supra if anyone gets that reference was that just a are you just referencing fast and furious okay no i did not get that reference you will not you're into this insufficiently degenerate okay what are we doing in this one right we're putting in oh we're doing this one not the p yeah p200 is lost because that the p200 isn't going to run because we don't have cooling for it and we're going to run out of time for that so we'll build this one up um just because this will be another one that will actually run when we're finished well good enough anyway i'm probably going to change the cooling on it but we'll have something that works so what are we going to do are we going to put the 5600 or the 5800 in it 56 5600 yeah save the 5800 for a custom build oh this one's the black one i thought they were both white something other than corsair yeah corsair's all i got those were the ones that were going cheap we've got the meshfyc but that's a customer computer and for those of you who weren't here at the start of the build uh the start of the stream um i will be building up a mesh if i see in this week's or next week's video so um well it might not it might not come out next week i can't remember if there's something else in the pipeline but very soon there'll be a there'll be a let's build computers featuring the mesh if i see however it was corsair cases that were going cheap so of course their cases are what we got oh heck in america this power supply smells of petrochemicals is that good is it it smells of petrol give me the power supply oh it does that's a good smell i don't like the smell of petrol but that's a good smell [Laughter] anyway no it's a be quiet we've got here be quiet system power nine which at some point was going cheap and i'd like to notice you may notice a theme yes it's not modular which is a bit uh but um uh yeah yeah i'm trying i'm using up what i've got in stock basically of course their cases are rubbish fractal all the way yeah fractal you pay you get more with course there that's the thing i know it was not spud i was uh david david deep rose are you going to get the mesh if i see just to prove we've got it or something oh okay fair enough right you're doing it well over there you know i'm not sure if i've seen this case in black before oh you had a white one didn't you yeah i've built in this case white it has a very controversial front panel this is a marmite case this some people love it some people hate it i quite like it personally i think um i i i solidly in the camper don't care yeah like in white i don't like it in black i'm like i'd use it yeah i like it because i appreciate the corsair are trying to do something interesting with their front panels something a bit asymmetric why does all of this just smell of karadog is just huffing the be quiet box here another build yes we've got two to do today so we're gonna we're probably gonna run late i'm gonna try and speed through this one though care to discuss the ethics of disposing of review kit the genuine answer to that is i don't know i honestly was expecting to say the honest and genuine answer is i don't care well the thing is see review kit it's given to you it's a free lunch like pens well okay i'll rephrase that the review kit that i have been given um is it was a free sample that was given to me i signed no contracts regarding said review care so as far as i'm concerned it's been given to me as a free kit i have provided a review which means i have fulfilled my verbal side of the verbal contract that we've got and now i keep the device and i can do as i please with it um now i think it's i feel like it's in poor taste to immediately sell it for money so i keep it so i can use it for comparisons and do other stuff with it and like my intent with review equipment is to keep it on hand so i can try and feature it in other things so they you know so like it will appear at another time at some point and the manufacturer gets a bit more than just one out of me but theoretically i've completed my side of the my end of the bargain i can do what i want with it and if that involves selling it then i'll sell it you know i've done my part however i try to avoid doing that now if you in higher end things i think there's probably more of a contract involved where you will come to an agreement with the manufacturer where they say we expect a video out of this that contains a review and then there is an agreement over how much control is involved how much control and how much payment if any is involved in said review now when obviously it's not a review exactly however is that if they give you a free sample is that not payment there is a debate to be had there so that's so i say payment and control whatever we can talk about what that means that's separate from the discussion at hand i would say that that comment of people saying that receiving a review sample is payment is in is inaccurate yeah it i i yeah i mean i would say you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and i do not draw that line like what the when when is free stuff payment is a line you draw in the sand now if someone sends me a free sample to review i do not consider that to be payment no um however uh what if they send me a free sample and there's a case of beer in the box as well is that payment so it is inten yes because it is not the item being reviewed quite sorry bing bing so that's where not to be payment because the thing being reviewed is required equipment required tools for the function of the review yeah so there we go that's where we're drawing our line in the free lunch yeah effectively if they then if their rep also came down to your shop and said hey let's also grab lunch i'm delivering this and let's also go for lunch yeah and they then bought your lunch yeah they are now attempting to influence your opinion on the product so that needs to be declared so that that's where we're drawing that's where we're drawing the line then so uh so yeah so again however that that in any case though we whenever you're dealing with another company there the factors are payment and control now we agree here that the sample itself is not payment because it's vital so there was no payment and then the control is uh do you have an agreement with the company over how much control they have over the content of the video theoretically if there is there should be no control in a review otherwise it is not an impartial review well it is not a review quite so uh yeah a biased review is not a review yeah yeah um so yeah uh so this is where we're talking about now if you want more information on this go and watch tom scott's video uh do a search for tom scott um uh youtubers have to declare adverts or toms tom scott adverts just youtube that tom scott adverse tom scott did a video about half an hour long it discusses the ethics and reasoning behind the fact that youtubers must declare um must declare sponsorships but no one else has to tv shows do not have to etc etc product placement and stuff like that fascinating video into the ethics of reviews product placement etc etc so a slightly different conversation that um ian cuttros tech potatoes have yeah because obviously he's worked in written media for the majority of his professional career and in written media if he ever had a sponsorship or received remuneration from a company that he is then writing on he must put at the end of the article that he has in the past received remuneration yeah forever on youtube you have to put it in that one video and that's it and it's just the huge difference between print media and the world of youtube and so on yeah and just sort of him reconciling his views the industry's views conversation about sponsorship and things like that and kind of a case of is it even possible to be sponsored by a company that you review yeah advertise products that they sell yeah and to still be impartial towards them yeah because he's that not a degree of bias yeah and stuff like that i think that comes down to a trust factor and obviously trust is not something that can be quantified no absolutely it's kind of a case of if you review the corsair case yeah and corsair gave you money to advertise their cases in your videos even if they were not in the same video yeah can see that's something you have to declare forever yeah see and that's the kind of a debate i i like i like corsair um however i like to think that i would be able to put myself in the mindset of this is a review therefore i will cast all biases aside for this video and i will criticize wherever i can kind of thing but again perhaps perhaps if i were doing such a video and i had had sponsorship in the past i'd be like i've had sponsorships from corsair in the past so keep that in mind when i review this video i like corsair as a company however i'll do my best to pop to find any problems i can with this but keep in mind that i like corsair products in general yeah you know i i've been predisposed i am pretty supposed to look at this positively yeah by the fact that i've liked other products that they have done yeah so and i think that comes down to a trust factor but that's that's again it's impossible to quantify so yeah yeah so yeah make of that what you will uh but in terms of um in terms of selling retail uh review equipment which is what we were originally talking about yeah i mean if you have if you have completed your side of your agreement whether contractual or verbal or written in an email with the person supplying it you can do what you want the error cool case i've got down there you know i had a i had a it was in an email but it was as v as value it was as worthwhile as a verbal agreement that they would give me a case and i would provide them with a review video on it i have done the review video on the aerocool eclipse therefore i can do whatever i want with that case that is the way that i see this but they may have then said you know if they had sent me a contract that contract may have included while you may keep the uh the review sample you may not sell it for profit or something like that or you may not sell it afterwards you may give it away in a competition but you cannot sell it i guess so my question with that is as to whether that could be remotely legally binding i don't know is the answer to that i don't know i have not agreed to such a thing before i'm hypothesizing i don't know how specifically it would be that they can say what you can do with something that you are given unless they are saying they are not transferring ownership to it to you therefore technically they're not giving it to you yeah it depends on obviously whether it is given whether it is classified as a gift and stuff like this it gets very complicated and very in the weeds with contract law and stuff yeah it could end up there yeah yeah so liam in wales says uh potato did an amazing set of videos on press morales and ethics yes yeah exactly that's right and also apparently linus tech tips used to sell review kit after the wan show back in the early days oh yeah so yeah yeah that was ages ago yeah and i i mean they still sell a lot of stuff so like i mean obviously i think they stopped selling at everything i think a lot of this had too many issues with people yeah just trying to scam them yeah but then a lot of their stuff gets sold internally to staff and stuff like that which is basically the same thing you're selling to mates at that point you're still selling it it's just they're selling it to people who they trust not to screw with them basically whereas selling to the public obviously is a terrible idea because you're going to get people who then come back to them for tech support issues with something they've bought and they're like text review you don't get a warranty you know so yeah oh boy what light yeah yeah um i just picked up and just kind of went oh you you're you're on the chat i'm supposed to be building this i appreciate that you started opening this case up because i stopped building and started waffling i'm trying to get you moving it's okay oh i'm on the wrong side yeah that's not happening now because i've yeah i'm feeling that cider i'm not gonna lie ah right okay good build computer right we're going to here absolutely karadog's bought his dual drinks over his dual wielding absolutely i am i am prepared yeah or something let me know if you need help with the chat i i i always require assistance i am i am incapable i don't beat you hi guys long time watcher first time on chat love the show thank you very much graeme and hello a fellow graham well done for spelling your name correctly as well oh the number of spellings of graham always bamboozles me what two i've seen like six or seven okay fair enough yeah i know i know g-r-a-h-a-n and g-r-a-e-m-e yeah also one of them is scottish and one of them is english i can never remember which way around it is yeah also g r e m g r e m a m or something there's probably a welsh spelling that just makes no sense probably no offense wales also also i think my absolute favorite one was the person whose name was graham and their email address was um jambonda grease which is gray ham in french as the color grey ham and i was like oh that's fabulous i like that as an email address it's funny you should say that because in gaelic i think it is graham would literally mean love ham the word love ham yeah i'm not joking um i love my meat yeah i'm not joking uh graham in gaelic would literally mean love ham excellent oh yeah yeah sorry someone here was saying about yeah ltt having big problems with phones being scanned on ebay yeah that's what it was i remember linus talking about that a while ago i feel a very strange affinity for linus because when he's talking about like remember back when and then i'm like i remember that and then i'm like oh god that was 20 years ago yeah second lioness man he's been in the game a long time yeah we'll never look at you the same mr loveham right we got standoffs for everyone we have good oh yes absolutely i love a gaelic oh no you're no longer in charge of chat i am just reading the words that appear that's also the 220 yeah we've got any more screws from the 220t that is the entirety of the screws from the 220 okay yeah should we keep these together to sell with the computer we should shouldn't we you should do yes yeah so i'm going to i don't know what we've got to do with this i'm taking no responsibility for your actions fair enough all right i'm gonna say i need to get i need to get the uh the key out this i've got to make sure the motherboard doesn't fall out ask me how i know uh what was that one down the bottom uh roy mars something about an adata drive what was that halfway up oh halfway up yes i'm having a problem with a new a data nvme gen 3 a data gammix 512 gigabyte getting slow read and write speeds so is a data drives aren't all the same no the same the same as with most manufacturers they sort the parts around i feel like they've just been caught out the most by the press yeah but they're they're everyone's favorite punching bag at the moment yeah absolutely because but they do certainly seem to yeah they do certainly seem to pick the most egregious of swaps when you say slow read write speeds how slow are we talking here we got some numbers for us are we talking like three thousand one thousand five hundred what benchmark are you running where are you seeing these results because i mean obviously drive speed is always very subjective it's going to vary depending on where you are and what you're doing yeah but like so there are some things where it might be like well yeah that's what i'd expect in the real world but also if you're getting certain numbers i'd be like that sounds pretty faulty to me i'd send it back you know yeah apparently apparently according to chat it's a dramless one which will then mean that it's likely yeah that performance will drop off pretty hard if you're hitting it reasonably hard yes that'll happen yeah case in point i've got a uh i've got an intel 660p in my computer at home and um it's a it's a two terabyte i think yeah two terabyte intel 660p which again is a dram less drive and when i start transferring because what i do when i'm making a video um i bring i record the content on this pc that we're streaming from then i move it to a i move it to an external drive take it home and i copy it onto my um i copy onto this intel drive as just a dump drive then i process it when i'm copying onto that when it it it will copy three or five you know about five gigs or so at like a thousand two thousand megs per second as fast as it can and then the speed goes down to about 200 megs per second for the rest of the transfer um and that is just normal behavior for these drives unfortunately they're good for either slow and steady transfers or burst transfers but you will not get a sustained 2000 megs out of them that won't happen they can't do it unless unless the drive is empty you know like if i if i freed up most of the space on this drive so it was like 50 empty then i wouldn't have this problem but like that's half the drive that i can't use i'm not going to do that so yeah so it's up to you how much of a deal breaker this is um you know however the important factor is is that this is the behavior that i would expect from a driver absolutely also a case that you will probably see lower performance after the drive is six months 12 months old yeah by a benchmarkable amount so by statistically significant amount but not by amount i'd expect you to actually feel in the operation of the drive yeah also uh liam in wales just said nvme drive slow down when full be careful with your terminology there could you pass me a small screwdriver please um because uh nvme is just the protocol that the drive is using uh if you have say a samsung ssd like a samsung 980 or a samsung 970 that is an nvme drive that will not have the same problem it depends on what drive you're using what what is that standoff arrangement it's a bonkers standoff arrangement and i need to move this one one of the standoffs goes into the motherboard the other one literally goes straight through and actually is a standoff that the heatsink screws into this is a very odd motherboard this one what yeah i know i'd expect that to be an asus feature look each uh look asus all right i'm not going to say asus did nothing wrong however you y karadog doesn't like asus they're fine ace asus e c apparently it's pronounced the same way that pegasus would be so it should be asus asas a sus it's suspicious are you making a among us joke not explicitly but yes just you know asus sounding like suspicious which is so i put one of these p2s in here i may as well might mine where else are you going to use it yeah exactly could you grab one of the p2s off the shelf down there please thank you sure i should put some more screws in this i said i was going to speed run this but um i'm not going to lie i'm drunk so i'm not going to lie i completely roger um i am gazeboed from one point on an empty stomach i'm not sure an empty stomach counts when it was quarter to four and you had had luggage your defense is weak yeah i know i start getting hungry around quarters four quarter four is empty luck his empty stomach has empty lunch someone backed me up here someone backed me off and also in my defense this this was like point four percent cider so seven point four percent either the rest of it was water [Laughter] baby's first cider sure no wait hold on oh we're going back to a white lightning conversation oh no baby's first cider but it was then it was eminent cider you provided it so i expected to be half decent uh you repeat your earlier question should i start ordering pizza for us love him um for us yes kimbo is kimbo is my partner so oh i entirely misheard the beginning of that and i thought you just said should i start ordering pizza for us oh for you and i yes and i was like what i'm not part of this scene says karadog i'm not part of this mess that you have created on your own youtube i am not in union with you ah thank you um right i need however should should a pizza be ordered um yeah i i could go with pizza actually tonight yeah i'm up for that kimbo i'm up for that um what would i want i'm going to get a new york pizza domino's new york i think we should do it kimbo uh the problem is ordering i don't know i don't know how much longer we're going what's the counter on on obs the counter is on live two hours 19 minutes two hours 19 minutes 40. all right i've got half an hour to finish this that can be done you need to make sure i hurry up uh i need a i like how you're attempting to shift the responsibility to me yes i am i need a small screw for putting in an nvme drive are there any are there any in that pile that looked like they'd fit an nvme drive sorry an m.2 drive because nvme uses that small that looks good you can also just not order right now this is true when we finish we'll order so as soon as we yeah uh op and options oh right yeah it's done i don't even want them it's done it is prepared yeah what's going on in chat hello you had a bag of leds i did why'd you oh it's a heart kit yeah it's one of the heart kits i was just oh speaking of which remind me to um oh that just doesn't work if the drive is screwed in that's terrible muriel okay he get it so anyone here remember i did a build a long time back i did a build a long time back uh we're featuring the 275r uh and it had a 280 uh a g an rtx 280 super all the rest of it it was a really nice build and this is the motherboard from that build there's a long and complicated story as to why i have that motherboard so if i say that build has a different motherboard in it now it's not because this motherboard's vrm was crap because everyone said that on the walls vrm is crap and it won't run that cpu it was fine however oh this this one is banned on the epic game store which is why i have it yes uh the owner of that computer let an idiot friend install an aimbot on his computer and he got banned from fortnite and in order to circumvent a fortnight ban we changed the motherboard exactly anyway this is that motherboard which i now possess uh but yeah i also got slated for not screwing in the the ssd i have screwed in the ssd in order to not get slated in this stream and look zero contact is designed to not be screwed in that is all ah argue in the comments argue in the comments argue argue discourse and yes epic ban the hardware idea that i've i would wager that they ban um i would wager that they banned the hardware id of the computer i tried changing the graphics card that was not enough to circumvent the ban but changing the motherboard was enough and obviously a replacement motherboard is a lot cheaper than a replacement graphics card especially in 2021 yeah so that ended up being a pro um but yeah so if you get banned on fortnight you need to buy a new motherboard make of that what you will so then get banned on forklift yeah or just pay or just play a better game uh if you enjoy no that's unfair i've never played fortnite if you enjoy fortnight then i'm happy for you and i wish you all the success in your games and i hope you pawn many noobs where the heck is the thing here we go right there we go so now the ssd is contacting the bottom of that heatsink loosely yeah i don't know how i feel about that i don't know it works it's not gonna fall out it won't fall out that's the thing msi engineering at the finest yeah it's not the best motherboard this it's okay however i have to admit i wouldn't use this motherboard again it's fine but there are better options stop drinking keep building i'm trying to finish it so then i can stop drinking right um we need ram um the 60 can you rob the 16 kit out the 220 that we literally just built i'm going to put that in here uh and i'm going to put not just a float there's a floating rod what is this an eight gig module that'll do yeah i'll stick this in here for now oh it's ddr3 that's no bueno ah that would be why it's just floating there yes uh yeah can you rub the ram kit from the other one uh we'll take the whole ram kit and we'll put that in this one and we'll buy a different ram kit for that build because that build doesn't need 3600 in it that one's like a 32 or a 3400 kit right cpu let's put a cpu in this thing i'm asking the real questions [Laughter] who is the mysterious hacker 4chan the ultimate insult it's fine i understand what you're saying jerry bvr however that's not how i intend it when i say it's fine i mean literally it is okay i mean literally it is a financial condition yeah when i say paradox shut up when i say it's fine i mean this is fit for purpose this is adequate however there are better solutions to this um it depends because there's also the british person going oh yeah yeah it's fine thanks oh yeah yeah and then it's a case of they mean actually this is absolutely terrible and this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me but i'm far too polite to mention it yeah that's clearly what jerry is implying and i completely understand his perspective not a sauron it's fine [Laughter] soaring soaring i'm sorry soren is the dude from electronics repair school i'll see okay um i got stuck on high school musical [Music] put the put the cpu in the hole i'll put a cpu in your hole in a minute um i don't agree with everything sorin does uh yeah thanks cheers i don't agree with all of soren's methods however i trust that he has tested his methodology and it is working because if it wasn't working he wouldn't be doing it because he'd get a lot of returns um however that doesn't mean that i agree with it it's kind of like the whole um it's kind of like the whole hot gluing broken hinges dealio oh no yeah his method works it does secure the hinges because the funny thing is he posted a video not long ago where a computer that he had done a hot glue repair on came back in i was like ah here's the time here's where we get him the other hinge had broken yeah and i was like you know what you can have that one you can take that one to the bank sir but and he was just and the video was about sort of oh well you know i've hot glued this laptop shut so now how do we open it up to repair the other side i didn't watch the whole video so i didn't actually see what the answer to that was but the thing is i don't like the hot glue method but the fact is that it works you know and it was probably cheaper than my method but that's the thing my method is a factory finish which i think is objectively superior if you can achieve factory finish i think that is the best option case-by-case basis yeah i mean because i can supply you with a factory finish on on the dell r5 i don't think you'd be very pleased by it how so it's not a very it's not a very good one for me it's not a very good computer yeah i'm just going to have a 5800 that thermal throttles out the bank tree oh okay yeah oh yeah i'm with you yeah yeah okay yeah point taken yeah bamboo says don't put cpus into people's holes it's rude yes i i shouldn't continue that conversation so i'm not going to came back a year later with the other side yeah literally that yeah yeah tony tony mcpants knows what i'm talking about so yeah that's the thing i don't agree with this method but i can't argue with it oh yeah all right can i get two screws into this so i can let go of the back of the heat back of the back plate the back of the backpack yeah is that in that's him it's not him the amount of l3 cash on 5000 series cpus is nutty oh yes i'm just going to have a cpu with 35 megabytes of cash more than the entire system ram of a computer 30 years ago how much does cash matter for gaming do you know this merge yeah i'm not certain however um the 3600g and the 3600x which have normally identical clock speeds and everything else but reduce cash the 3600g is slower in pure cpu gaming so yeah socket on the back plate i agree sega ross just tape everything in place i'm aware your name isn't sigross however i remember you from last time because we had a conversation about seagrass um yeah i normally do that however i'm not gonna do it because i'm trying to i'm trying to speedrun this however sedgewood siegwood seeger rose hmm you were there when we had this conversation it was in a podcast hmm i'm not sure what your hmm hmm okay onion man oh okay uh seaguard yes that's right that's why i said secret okay yeah i was not listening uh stiegwood of katrina wait hold on i was thinking of the same joke myself hot glue goes brittle after a short while and falls off yeah that's the thing i've had no luck with it either i've tried hot gluing and i've tried epoxying didn't work i nearly put out a video about it because i i had a um uh i had a dell xps in that had a broken hinge and to save replacing the top case at great expense i tried epoxying and i did my best with it didn't work and i was tempted to put out the video um and say here's me trying the the glue method it didn't work for me but for other reasons the video got scrapped unless you just have to literally fill it with hot glue as in i think that glue becomes the case i think that's literally what um what uh sauron does but i don't know i can't be on board with it right cpu cooler ram uh graphics card goes in last we need to put a power supply in this thing graphics card goes in here yes graham yes when i get a graphics card this is where i'll put it this is where i put it if i had one that looks straight to me uh power supply thank you when a customer asks if this pc will play fortnite the answer is no who knows i don't know because rd may have changed just gonna say if the hardware ideas changed enough it might work that'd be a very interesting test yes i'm trying to remember if i put the customers graphics card because when i was testing i i had i had hard fortnite installed on another computer and i think i put their i think i put the 280 super into my corsair and ran up fortnite and it worked so it proved that the graphics card itself wasn't blocked watch me mount this fan side up fight me um so yeah it'd be interesting to see if um if there is enough changes could you put that somewhere else because i'm about to bin it onto the floor [Music] the hell was that song that's all there we go that's the ones i'm looking for can you change the mac address in the motherboard bios i believe you can i don't know where you would need to know specifically where it's stored in the bios however if you knew where it was stored in the bios yes you could do that citation needed i'm not sure see here's the thing i suppose in a way you can just change it in windows you can just change the one that windows that's a software change so yeah that's the one that windows reports and so theoretically i suppose that would be well if that's the one it's reporting then it makes no difference right yeah um however if you wanted to change the hardware mac address that would survive a reinstall of windows um when i've done uh bios flashes people have told me oh you've reset the mac address of the ethernet connection there and i'm like but isn't that encoded into the ethernet controller the answer to that is i'm not sure uh i've never put it to the test the answer is maybe if the youtube comments are to be believed then yes you could reprogram it in the bios but it depends on how much you trust people in the youtube comments and the answer to that is maybe because sometimes people in the comments do actually know what they're talking about but also quite often they don't so yeah because yeah like now and then there are people in the comments and they make comments and later on i discovered that they were absolutely bang on the money but also there's plenty of times where someone will say something authoritatively in a comment and i'm like i know from literal testing scientific testing that you're objectively wrong and you are stating this as fact so a mistake has been made i love how you're hurrying me up but thank you get faster yeah and try not to defend the motherboard imagine being good i'll plug these in properly in a minute let's throw them through first no i'm pulling it out all right yeah because it's the wrong side of the cable damn it that's the wrong side of that cable we've got everything we need here ssd is in my board around cpu power supply there we go stick it in the hole yeah we're going to put this yeah i'll stick it in the hole in a second is that through yeah do you want to thread through cables and i'll pull them back the other side is there a pcie hole uh there is not on this case actually we've got one for the audio over here and everything else yeah we're coming up here we could go through we could also go through the pci express thing there oh yeah that's what i meant it's there express uh yes no there is very much a grommet well there's not a hole specifically for front panel headers whereas pci express on the front panel i'm not sure if you're deliberately misinterpreting me or i'm that gazebo you said there is not a specific hole for the front panel connector and i said good i said is there a hole for the pci express chat what did i say help me out here right no no i'm gonna do it i'll do it i'll speed up just tell me to speed up and i'll speed up right audio audio is going over the top i put the audio along the top these days i've found that works i'm not that busy though what's this about double glazed windows i am maybe trampolined completely banana that's gonna go to that that's the gorilla arms method what are you reset uh where's our usb usb is to go there on this one plug those in a sec front panel it's all going down that yeah um pci express we've got one poking through already that's going back in there um we've got no satisfaction no uh i'm gonna put one of them back in there and i'm gonna put the other one into the hard drive base for later additional hard drives there we go ah right that doesn't quite reach the front so yeah that's going there instead you need the fans as well yeah are you placing them yeah we train with rgb boys alright let's get this done thank you what's going on in chat cara dog arguments about michael mcintyre okay is michael mcintyre funny i like michael mcintyre although that much better but he's not an answer to is he funny true uh the original skit where he did the gazebo joke i thought it was funny and i liked that show i'm not a big fan of the way that works but that's fine um i think there are certain jokes that he has told and had had written for him that have been funny i do not believe that he is innately funny yeah nor do i believe he he has comedic genius he's simply he's got good writers he's simply very mass marketable yes and appeals to boomers yeah i suppose the one could say if he has good writers and he is a good presenter of the joke he's putting on a good show therefore he's doing his job doesn't matter you know like so the person who originally wrote that joke might be absolutely awful on stage so but they're really good at writing jokes so they write the joke they give it to michael mcintyre who does a really good job of presenting the joke that makes for a good show and i'm okay with that uh i'm taking off the front panel could you unbox those rgb fans for me please that sounds awful when you rip these off but that's how you do it oh oh it was nzxt wasn't it who was providing customer support saying to someone oh yes how do i take the front panel off pull hard yeah that's like that's the answer that's literally the answer in the vast majority of cases that is a response yeah i mean you could provide a little bit more context than that like show a little picture that shows where you hold on to it and stuff like that you can show a little picture yeah may i recommend the uh red lion or i understood that reference um are you proud of yourself always here someone has to be all right and i said i'm doing these front panel connectors everyone oh so you're going to stick your tongue out and yeah tongue out at the right angle absolutely it's important you see for accuracy it's kind of like a weather thing it's it's a res it's an antenna for good ideas not your tongue my tongue is an antenna for good ideas okay pull hard crunching noises is normal yeah so in other words we're going back to a conversation about galex why is there hacking plastic surrounding the thing that comes in a cardboard box tony stark built this in a cave with a box of scraps you missed a conversation about gaelic you did we talked about how my name literally means love ham in gaelic either that or people have been lying to me on the internet no say irl friends whom i trust you karadog always seems hangry he needs a hobnob i mean everyone needs a hob knob uh roy mart i have three hard drives in my computer that turn on and off for no reason we're not using them can anyone explain that power settings are five minutes then drives go to sleep uh the drives firmware can the drive's firmware interfere with windows power settings i think you can probably yeah um it's not something i've listened to fixing in a while how do you stop a drive sleeping also does it not just park at the end of every operation anyway not necessarily i thought i thought basically every modern hard drive was set to park at the end of an operation it probably does but that doesn't necessarily mean that the drive spins down right but how do you tell the difference if you're just using the machine well that that's the problem is that um uh hey well if the parking is irrelevant because no one knows if the driver is parked or not you more or less can't hear that no but it delay but it delays finding the next bit of information when you open oh by milliseconds however if the drive spins down that's the problem because if the drive takes five seconds to spin up so yeah the the head's parking is completely a non-issue however the drive spinning down that means your next read is going to suck and also it means you get a big audio thing when the drive spools up again which is probably the more annoying bit you want them off and only to turn on when you use them ah see that's the problem is that windows will just check in on the drive now and then and i think that's actually where your real problem is is um that windows is just checking in on the drive needs something and the driver is like oh wake up so what do you think the kids up on the table yeah why don't you put on a little makeup um trust uh so we're not singing we're not singing that song by that band that's the one band that one time i can't remember that help me out here what song is that toxicity toxicity toxicity help me i can't remember the bad name it's driving me insane system of a down we can continue yeah the problem is you can't stop windows checking in on a drive you it will do that now and then um i'm not gonna start singing don't worry it's not chops is it chuck yeah it is chop suey isn't it actually yeah yeah yeah i thought it was toxicity no that's the that's the album it's from i don't know i'm getting involved now i'm leaving fine uh anyway this conversation is over it's not because i haven't answered the dude's question roy marr i'm sorry but i don't think i can solve your problem some think he's reading those drives something wants to pull it and he's spooling up the drives um you could probably get them to a state where they'll stay on all the time but having them never spool up is a tricky one i'm not sure if i know the answer to that i think it's based on drive firmware and stuff like that you could try to disable indexing maybe there's there's something on those drives that windows is wanting to check in on oh you're only putting two in front oh you think yeah i'm gonna go two at the front and one at the back i think that looks nicer yeah i'm doing that executive decision made because like the boston one goes down here and you you'll see it from the front but i think one at the back would look nicer two rgb hub maybe antivirus i guess but yes i guess the point is kind of do i know what i'm doing i know what i'm doing whether my judgment is impaired or not is another question yeah mr guru says to set it to never turn off but the problem is then you've got the hard drive wearing all the time can't hear it if you set your fans to 100 you're not wrong but i feel like you're missing the point did this case come with three fans yeah fair enough yes it came with two in the front and one yeah right let's put these in while we're here you buy a crucial one terabyte p2 for 63 pounds yeah they've been popping up on amazon at that price as well amazon i think ebay i think scan yeah someone else had them about several places so yeah the ccl had them at that price as well places yeah they're a good buy yeah i would absolutely recommend someone pick them up that's a cheap place to put your steam library absolutely it's very good value windows does self-heal scan too dsim and wsa ppx does it just do that on i'm yeah fair enough i'll take your word for that arnold because um you do know more than me on that front that sounded really sarcastic that's not what i meant but thanks man i really appreciate it you're a bro no rav says are they unethically sourced no but i can show you my ragu sauce lloyd grossman i appreciate that joke however it's a non-sequitur from the original one uh i need to adjust the camera angle so we can actually see what i'm doing is today a two-hour stream no it has been two hours and 49 minutes therefore no no i'm aiming for three hours at the moment because i intend to build this computer and have it run we're actually not far off the mark because there's not actually a lot going into this computer i aim for this stream to finish today yeah this is your fault of course can never take responsibility did you intend this content what intend to supply me with alcohol knowing that i'm a lightweight no not explicitly fair enough um right you are responsible for your own actions normally when supposedly an adult oh there we go that's fine so one thing to keep in mind i'm not talking about you i'm talking about it one thing to keep in mind when fitting rgb fans remember make sure they're all the same way up so i'm gonna make sure that all of these are label side up because otherwise when they're if you normally when mounting fans i would i would change the orientation so the cable comes out where i want it to be however because these are rgb fans we want to make sure they're all the same way up so when they're all doing the same loop dance they are actually in sync otherwise you'll have one where the loop starts in the top right one one the loop starts in the bottom and it will look weird oh yeah i hadn't really considered that yeah ask me how i know because you look weird because i've made the mistake before heckling heck no i don't need to order food i'm not on justine it's fine i have pizza at home we have pizza at home there will be the pete the pizza at home just an empty kabul pog oh no if kimbo is still watching she's probably just watching going oh my god what is he doing who is this man this is the stream that ends my career drunk on a single bottle of cider cider while building a computer absolutely it's fine at least we haven't in insulted entire nations you started that you were hecking responsible for that my dude what's going on jack chris s wants to take away uh graham should i send my dodgy pine cell to you still ah yes i don't know if i can do anything with it yet so i need to talk to i need to talk to the pine64 guy i need to find out what his name was again because i've forgotten it i'm sorry pine64 guy if you're in the chat um uh yeah um that needs those fans need to come up um yeah i need to talk to the pine 64 guy and say hey i've got a friend with a dodgy pine soul and also one of my pine 64 chargers doesn't work properly what can we do about this can you replace them in which case i'll send them as a pair or failing that do you have any tips on how we can repair them so i can make a video about repairing them because these being open source stuff that seems like something that you would be interested in yes so yeah yes doing videos on actually america exactly so the answer to that is not yet postal however i do actually i will talk to the pine64 guy and say my dude here is my ethically sourced knowledge yeah that's what the title of this stream should be the ethical the ethically sourced stream do you know anything about the supply chain of this cider is it in fact ethically sourced how have i lost a screw for these fans well all i know is that it was made in a dvd made in somerset and it was entirely possibly brewed by westerns one of them was westerns just with a different label wouldn't surprise me western's brew for everyone three bridges i think it's that one that explicitly says westerns on it i'm surprised they used multiple sources to be honest you'd imagine they would just get westerns to do all of it perhaps westerns didn't do the specific blend they wanted for their copper-colored bottles fair enough something something using that screwdriver like an ice pick what do you mean i'm using the screwdriver like an ice pick surely i mean i'd do that to pilot it and then you wouldn't use a nice pick approximately like yeah how else do you use a screwdriver like that with the handle on the top and being like maximum offend i don't know why why are we beating a case i need to plug everything in yeah i need to run these uh the fan cables somehow sides are crushed excruciating pain for them oh no being employed in somerset that's slave labor chris aren't you from scotland there's a joke there somewhere uh drop the hard drives in a nast case and you can effectively turn them on and off yeah i guess you're not wrong right we have a chorus if i'm a cider drinker a chorus of one the the song by the worlds oh i'm not familiar with it i know the wuzzles but i'm not familiar with that particular song uh what about i've got a brand new combination bracket i'll give you the key brackets i'm not singing on stream uh i made that promise i've got a brand new conveyor everyone in the chat please state now if you do not want karadog to sing in the stream either see all you need to do is say it with a suitably summerset accent and it will be in keeping with the original because it's not like the words was sung they spoke lyrically how dare you what do you mean how dare if you want a hard drive to last uh use it in an external case and only plug it in when you need it yeah that's not wrong not terribly practical i mean if you want a hard drive to last replace it with an ssd there's a hot take all just have two and not care yeah and you know engage in backups yeah all right now i feel like that's uh that's my problem is just back stuff up don't care the the issue is is that like we are privileged in that we're in the uk with jobs that mean that we can afford to just buy ssds for our storage so when people are just like all just actually having backups yeah oh yeah but i'm more thinking in terms of the issue of noise and stuff like that so i do not care about noise okay yeah i believe i believe that i care about it i care about noise and you care about performance yeah absolutely and the solution to both of those things is an ssd and i'm just like ssds aren't expensive just buy an ssd however that's kind of easy for someone in my position to say however who actually has a job yeah but the thing is though if if you're not in such a privileged position and you're like well no i don't have the i don't have the means to just go and replace all of my hard drives with ssds well what can we do to make that a better user experience so fill it with expanding phone and just put the hard drive inside it and then the vibrations are dampened i didn't mean phil the hard drive of expanding foam although i realized that was the clarification i realized that was what my phrasing implied no i meant i meant make a caddy out of someone said the fans are the wrong way around they are not you had me worried for a moment though i'll give you that they are doing that in yeah uh let's see am i gonna do another fan splitter on this yes i am could you grab me another one of those fan splitters there's a bag of them over there somewhere right oh you're a it is i retained it because i will use it for something i will use it for fixing something yup for replacing the ones on the front of my broken case yeah the broken ones on the front of my case even where's that hdd spinning rust yeah you need a bag of fans buy a bag of fan splitters from ebay china today yes get it done now while you don't need them or when it's not urgent because then like me like that bag of fan splitters showed up during the week and now like i've used three of them today already i use one with a customer computer and i've used two of them during this stream and just like i need a fan splitter hey i have a bag of fan splitters on hand and they probably cost you a total of like three pounds uh yeah i think um uh shout out to chris again um because he sourced them oh say the adamant uh where are they the aliexpress ones yeah that's right he posts a link in the adam in the ad of an i.t discord he posts a link saying hey these work out are like 60p each or something like that oh yeah yeah the ones that weirdly as you bought more the price of them went down somehow oh yeah that's how that's how it was no but like the total purchase price reduced because something was very broken i don't know either way they were really cheap and thanks chris for uh the link because i bought a load of those now i have loads of cheap fan splitters excellent i have forgotten to plug in the cpu power cable and i'm not convinced it's long enough it's fine i'll make it work this can be improved i'm not saying that i should have mounted the power supply the other way up however uh non-modular power supplies have short cables yes oh god that's terrible we'll fix it in a moment yes delivery time from aliexpress i've had most of my stuff turn up in less than a month two to three weeks is what is my experience it depends on what country you're in but in the uk two to three weeks is my yes yeah absolutely and that's completely tolerable i in my opinion like i mean yeah in short it's not it's not tolerable if you've got a client waiting on a repair if you can't find it anywhere else like i've done it before when i've needed like when i've needed laptop parts that i cannot find in the uk i've gone okay aliexpress and i said to the customer you know look we've got to get this from we've got to import this from china that means it's going to take three to four weeks yeah might show up in slightly less than that and they've been like fine if that's what we've got to do that's what we've got to do yeah and i've ordered them it's shown up and it's been fine so yeah oh yes i just don't wait for um i was just thinking about the motherboard with the vrms oh yeah yeah oh god however yeah um yeah uh there's a story behind that yeah if um if you're trying to repair something consider whether you can replace the device with a brand new one uh first because then your customer has a brand new device and then if you manage to then later fix the broken one then you have a spare and if it's something like a motherboard you'll inevitably be able to use that again anyway you will almost always need motherboards yeah oh this is a bit awkward this bit absolutely is that in it doesn't look like it's in but i can't see how it wouldn't be at this point jam it wiggle it yeah there's slightly adamantly wiggle [Music] that's fine it's in that's fine good enough for australia absolutely although i question why the standards are so much lower in australia i don't know however i watch the eev blog and dave jones has got really good catchphrases if nothing else oh that's a bobby dazzler bobby dazzler yeah that's just flapping around in the breeze that is i'm not gonna try and do an australian accent i'm that's a terrible idea g'day someone else earlier on said oh what countries have you not taken a shot at this stream graham and i'm like look i'm trying not to i have not taken a shot at germany i have not taken a shot at what's going on in chat at the moment get a good grain kimbo is poised on the domino's hotline this is true yes did i vote on brexit because we can't buy anymore in the uk we're not going to go into politics i'm smart enough not to do that i voted to stay um that's all uh right fan one i recently added another two eight gigabyte sticks of 3600 ram to my ryzen 7 3700 x and my x570 board and my xmp isn't working properly anymore getting random errors um is it normal yes basically when you say another two times eight gigs do you have four total now because if you're running four modules yeah that's when problems start i i see a lot of people having issues running four ram modules yeah base yes because running yeah running for our modules is harder on the memory controller so yeah using four modules yeah there may well be a solution to your issue yeah absolutely it depends on how much time and effort you're willing to put into it but it will take a lot of tweaking of voltages and playing with timings and frequencies and things like that so it depends on what uh it depends on yeah how much effort you're willing to put into it i would i would start simply by like reducing all of the timings well sorry lengthening the timings increasing the number making them less tight so if it's cl 16 18 18 36 take it to something like 18 22 22 44. i mean i'd start by just dropping into foundation speed first so what was what did they say it was the 3600 3600 i guess but yeah first thing i would do is just drop the whole thing to xmp 3000 and see if your problems go away because that tells you whether fiddling with the timings and speed will solve your issue or not if it won't do 3000 xmp then tinkering with the timings isn't going to help i would i would say whereas if 3000 xmp works then you can try 3200 3400 3600 slightly looser timings and so on and so forth try a really broad solution first just to see if you're actually getting somewhere that's what i would say and put the front panel on this just so it starts looking done yeah when saying like running xmp is 3000 basically enable xmp then manually reduce the frequency to 33200 something like that because then you're running the same timings the xmp that the stock xmp profile would want to run it will have also boosted all of the relevant voltages certainly um yeah xmp um just do you reckon i should stick this hub on somewhere or should we just tuck it into the hard drive bay i mean i'm gonna sell it with this with these fans and hubs so i would mount it semi nicely yeah at the very least uh let's see how let's grab some of this here's some double-sided oh it's it come with pad that's perfect it's even 3m branded nice time to eat the hot glue sauron has joined the chat i can the stream has fallen deathly silent while i try and peel all right i'm gonna put this down here were there even holes not on the back of the thing no i i just saw the five holes there was something like wait what no idea what those are for no i do but no that's not you no i was about to say oh yeah for an ssd but that's what the big ones are for yeah that's weird yep no idea right that's going to be uh absolutely tweedle i'm supposed to rma my asrock motherboard because of a lot of weird problems with usb a rgb ram overclocking but then i won't have anything to use yes as someone said i just missed where it was uh try a bias update on it because it's amazing how much stuff bios updates can fix yeah especially on amd yeah absolutely um also also just a case of like uh if it's our amd 5000 there was an issue for a while with that with the c states and usb so if you if if the motherboard got funky with the c-states and using usb it would yeah get weird like stuttery issues with the usb so possibly a case of double check disabling c-states on the motherboard and see if that helps out it's not necessarily a long-term fix but yeah this was especially the case when you were running like 3600 in speeds like that as well wasn't it i seem to remember didn't they have a massive issue with with 3600 speed ram memory not as far as i recall i remember there was something going on about that maybe it got solved yeah uh matthew barton so would you say it's best if i wanted to upgrade to 32 gigs around to sell the two sticks of eight gigabytes and buy two sticks of 16 rather than another pair of eight gigabytes depends is the answer to that basically um on what speed the two sticks you already have are and what speeds you're trying to run what processor you've got etc um for absolute maximum supply simplicity yes um in the sense of guaranteeing that it will actually run at that speed yeah selling selling the ram you already have and then replacing it with a kit of a specific size yes absolutely because the kits and the xmp profiles are not guaranteed to work with another kit installed at the computer at the same time even if they are two identical kits um okay so it's a case of four actually guaranteed yes it will work and if it doesn't the mother the brand manufacturer will provide support yes buy a single kit of two times 16. um in the vast quantities of or in the vast number of times yeah you'll get away with it but it's a case of you'll get away with it yeah i think you only need four modules when you're really trying to do balls to the walls performance raw memory bandwidth yes and the thing is this is one of those times where i'll sound like a complete to say this however if you think you need balls to the walls performance you probably don't when you know how to make this work that's when you're ready for both of the walls performance um yeah two degrees yeah in 99 of instances two modules is fine you'll be fine so yeah absolutely and it's also it's a it's certainly a case that if what you're doing is more latency dependent you'll get better performance with only two stakes if it's raw bandwidth dependent yeah you'll probably get more performance from four sticks even if it's a lower clock speed yeah and at uh and at looser timings so yeah these cables are not going to look great but i don't have time to do this properly so i'm doing a little bit of a rough job here just to make it all work just make it fit for the moment yeah and as i say when i when i come back to this computer to put in a nice graphics card and stuff like that i'm going to tidy these cables probably just take everything out and start again basically no that's not necessary but i'll pull this stuff back and just re-route this rgb and stuff like that the criss-cross yeah just reduce the criss-crossing basically applesauce yeah i'm not gonna be um i'm not gonna be super anal about that right now uh right we've got everything we need for this thing to turn on apart from graphics yeah yes where's one of those should be underneath thermometer i'll put in the one with the bigger heatsinks it looks cool uh oh literally [Music] i'm gonna take out two uh i'm gonna take out two ones even though this single slot card i'm taking out two just so we've got the empty slots ready for when the big graphics card goes in because what i shall do is i'll take all the spare screws these blanking plates all the rest of that put all of that back in the little box that comes with the case and i'll put this into one of the hard drive bays so when the computer is sold it's sold with all of the fittings in the power supply enclosure so later on the owner will actually be like oh here's all the spare screws and stuff for this computer here are the bits good it's coming together oh yes you put an m2 in there yeah sorry ready for that yeah we've got a drive we've got around we've got a cpu we've got a thing i think that's everything i think we're putting the side panels on it should be back in the box where's the black there it is all right put it back on and squeeze yeah a little bit yeah a little bit bracing it's not terrible it's not terrible it's not awful there have been worse squeezes it's just a little squish it's still good it's still good right let's uh let's upset everyone by doing another peel ah yes technically i own this computer so it's my peel i can make that statement quite all right is this a double-sided peel it's not it's a single-sided peel again here we go everyone drum roll oh it's a silent peel just a little bit just a little bit for you here we go just a little bit just a little bit more so once again i've flipped the window upside down and put it on the case because that makes it really easy to polish multi-surface polish and today we're using pledge lemon clay no wait it's not lemon pledge it's enhancing polish for wood but it's pledge ah yes polishing your wood on stream karadog no this is why we cannot collab [Music] collabing infers that i have an audience that would transfer i have not i love that that i have an audience that would transfer implying you have an audience somewhere i couldn't possibly comment i could be the biggest of asmr youtubers but no one would know because it's audio only exactly man how much of a plot twist would that be yes meanwhile someone in the chat is like wait you're that cara dog it's the man that's a boy yeah there's a man there's a boy very few people are going to get that reference joining the hot dog it crew i don't know what that is chris what is that please explain polishing wood adam and i t only fans sophie oh no if you like phasma phobia actually go and watch slinkenage's recent streams we have been doing or he sorry he has been doing rad stuff with phasmaphobia this week it has it has very much been a thing yeah there has been much show me i've put a big old smudge there oh dear we go man i love tempered glass i remember the days of plastic side panels you could not polish those you would scratch them tamper glass is amazing you can just keep polishing it until it comes fine phasma and vr is oof i've only had a brief play with phasma and vr you need to bring your vr stuff down here again so i can play with it again because your vr headset was cool and i wanna i want more time with that all right i demand it i does have to know yeah the problem is we can't really um it's not appropriate to adam and i t as a youtube channel it's fine just a two hour stream of going where are you where are you where am i show only phasmo fans will understand right power put me yes uh we're not installing windows on this we're looking for a post i'll put i'll plug in a mouse and keyboard though there's a mouse and keyboard next to you there thanks i've got the wrong one all right [Music] bam vr case polishing oh we're missing an rgb oh know we have got them both it's just the the camera angle can't see it the camera you can just see the very edge of the glow right there wow that's a bizarre camera angle isn't it literally as i go and it's gone yep just because of the way that heckin grill works so yeah uh right let's put that to one side a um you need to go down to the hdmi f uh hdmi one oh no yeah you can just not just want yeah just make do i just drag it up yeah drag that up above brio yeah that's fine yeah just above brio okay yeah all right so we're black screening at the moment have we got any output here oh it's on cpu at the moment oh that went well i think it's upset oh i'm gonna turn that around just so you oh you guys can't see it now anyway did you put a 5600 what are we putting this again 5600x 5600x what yeah previously a 3000 series it needs to borrow something probably needs to pass yeah this needs a bias update do we have bar splash back on this yes we do excellent yeah we yeah we need a flashback um fine do you want to sort that out on the other computer with the um yeah just use the same flash drive that we used earlier on uh right let's turn that back off again because there's nothing to see please make uh it's an msi x570 mpg gaming plus hashtag yeah and just so people know we won't keep this cooler on it i'll find something else for it that looks a bit nicer but it'll do uh tweedle says what mobo should i get not low end but mid-range what cpu have you got tweedle you might have mentioned it but i've missed it because i haven't been reading chat tagged you in the pick stump channel for three times 120 mil front fan view okay oh yes 3600 the one with no video uh so yeah i would buy if i were you tweedle i would be buying a b550 motherboard you could get away with a b450 motherboard but b550 will definitely work without a bios update and you will have the head room to upgrade to a ryzen 5000 later on so i would buy a b550 and i would be looking at there is um let me see i bought it where's the gigabyte that i bought earlier on i don't know i was also going to say as much as i on them the uh a zeus that's the wrong usb port the age zeus gaming e yeah there's a b550 gaming 8 yeah i realized they put that in the wrong hole asus b550 gaming failing that i bought this earlier on this one right there uh this is a gigabyte b550 auras elite specifically the v2 uh this was 130 pounds this week for a decent b550 motherboard 130 quid for a decent b550 motherboard i think that's a good price and i think that's a solid motherboard for building i'm putting a 5600 g in this next week so that's what i would do uh asus b550a what price what are you seeing for that nick betson yeah the x570 yeah i would look out for x570 with wi-fi if that's useful to you but i i think you'll be paying 20 or 30 pounds more and you won't really see a difference did this one have wi-fi as well i think this one has wi-fi yes it does in a minute no need for x570 yeah like if you find an x570 cheap then go for it bb 550 is plenty fine that's 180 canadian dollars that's not bad yeah that's what a hundred and uh that's 150 160 u.s what country are you in tweedle i'm just unboxing this motherboard just so you guys can see it there you go that's a that's a gigabyte auris b550 aurasally ax v2 screencap that now press print screen if you want to see the model number and yeah look at this this is a nice motherboard i don't know the exact vrm setup but there's plenty of vrm in there it looks visually it looks great in my opinion fanless big heatsink on the chipset it's got modest audio nothing to write home about but it's fine on the back we've got wi-fi um usb is okay seven usb ports no type c which is the downside but it does have a type c front panel connector so you have got that going for you so yeah and as i say i bought this for 130 great british pounds this week on amazon which i think is reasonable so yeah hard brand boxed has good b550 roundups that sounds like a plan so yeah but yeah as i say this was a board that i bought msi had a similar option but the auras just msi had a similar option for 120 but the gigabyte just looked nicer to me yeah dual m2 both with heatsinks as well so yeah second pci express port is a bit crap that's a 4x but who cares it's not like anyone runs sli so whatever msi is 99 pounds yeah that's not bad uh b550 you're in the us you use an ace uh azeroth b500m and you're about to yeah um yeah i mean see what's available to you if the if you can find an asus board at like 150 that'll be pretty good but as i say uh if this if this gigabyte is going for a reasonable price in the us i think that's a good purchase yes yes yep there's a little flashing led just in there oh yeah so karadog is doing a bios flashback you see that flashing light there so did you press the power button and then the button yes so what we've done is we've put the bios on a flash drive we've plugged it into the specific bios port at the back here power on press the button and we're now flashing the bios using flashback so we're doing a chipless flash we don't need any video output we don't need to change the cpu it's updating the bios we were going to do this in a bit more detail however we're hurrying so yeah i'm a bit all over the place for this bit there we go uh any recommendations for a graphics card update from a 1050 ti on a z370 literally anything what can you find on what's your budget basically what's your budget what country are you in i would say but like depend it depends yeah depending on what your budget is but something like if you're only shopping new 6600 xt 30 60 30 60 ti um if you're shopping secondhand you can probably get a 1060. yeah reasonably cheap it's not much of an upgrade but it's a bit better if you can make what you have last that's the better option yeah just because the second-hand market will eventually recover and you will eventually be able to buy stuff yeah yeah sd razer got a 6600 xt for 380 usd that sounds like a good price yeah so yeah uh also someone i've ju that it's just scrolled off the top but someone said is silicon lottery a thing with motherboards broadly speaking no but specifically yeah there's always going to be someone that gets a bad one um and this is where a lot of viruses come into play as well i mean and oh yeah the sense of lottery is will will there be one in a million that dies absolutely you know will there be one will there be a grading of quality of the motherboard from er to better than advertised no not really yeah because none of it is pushing anything specifically to any peak yeah uh tweedle you got an rx 580 the 580 is held up well i like the rx 570 and 580 they're not top end graphics cards but they've done well yeah they're certainly good enough to you know hold you over are we flashing yeah we're still flashing yeah you found a 3017 non-lhr which you traded to a miner for a 3080 ti oh that was a good move that was a good move really well yeah blimey no i mean the fact that someone would go for that and not just sell a 3080 ti yeah you can sell it for 1500 great british pounds yeah but yeah i guess maybe because yeah yeah that's the thing i i panic sold my 30 60. did i did i have a ti or an or no 30 60 standard yeah i panic sold my 30 60 non lhiya non non lhr because the prices were tanking and i probably could have gotten more for it given that it was a non lhr but i didn't make a loss which is the important thing uh you've got a b450 auris pro motherboard and the cpu fan header is not working but the cpu optional is working hmm um no no idea that sounds like just a faulty it just sounds like a faulty board to me i mean considering the optional fan is working i've just used that i don't think there's a simple solution to that i wouldn't if it were me i'd just be like okay i'll use the optional header instead then or possibly um use a splitter yeah if you need better yeah yeah gigabyte brm has had a lot of bios problems gigabyte uh b450 was a rough time for a lot of people especially gigabyte i feel however karadog and i were talking about this earlier on today when i say like i i was cara dog's a gigabyte fan boy i had previously been a bit of a gigabyte fanboy but i went off them after having a bad experience with their uh b450 range um however at this point i'm looking around and i'm like actually you know what i think gigabyte are doing well again you know like you know that gigabyte b550 that i've got there i think that looks like a really good motherboard um like i haven't run it yet but i have no reason to believe that i'm going to have problems with that at all yeah you've had nothing but bad luck with them yeah that'll be the case for some people this is why one of the things i always say is use what works for you you know like for the longest time i had nothing but bad luck with asus and these days i find they're a bit of a mixed bag there's always going to be someone who swears by certain brands you know but ultimately use what works for you they're all good brands at the end of the day yeah so i think it's done it stopped flashing i'm gonna see if we've got video output i doubt exit didn't seem to restart uh we doing a power down it'll restart on its own won't it not according to the instructions oh okay according to the instructions the led will stop blinking simultaneously okay the led has stopped blinking so yeah hold down four shut down four shut down no guts no glory i mean if it breaks then i'll just desolder the bios chip and reprogram it so wow that's turbo dead we can't force shut down all right reset button can't tell if it responded to that or not you know what i'm gonna power off yeah and then it stays running all right hit it cpu there we go yeah it's ram training yeah panic mode as well and back on cpu uh power cycled again there we go who's that that is dram and we should get vj no we're back to cpu it's power cycling again and again that's vga i think so we're just waiting for boot there we go there is no no graphics output protocols detected on this card it's not uh these probably aren't ufo uef you're fine these probably aren't uefi graphics cards are they so yeah uh but that's fine post is post uh let's see f1 to run setup that's all i care about have you actually plugged that in uh yes i have have you turned on the keyboard i've turned it off and on again oh i need to fn f1 that's why there you go post that loop there we go it does a thing yeah uh so this one needs more work graphics card let's see if we can uh xmp for good measure uh xmp is hidden behind our faces hold on we need to vanish for a sec that's what i want and bam just see if that reboots with xmp uh was it the newest bios firmware yeah it would have been the newest non it would have been the newest non-beta bios never run beta bioses unless you have a specific reason to yeah because you they are unstable i've seen it uh no boot device found cool i'm gonna control delete and just spam into um bios one more time hopefully roy my you missed dfi yeah they were rad oh weren't they the ones who did all the lan party yeah that's right cool ta-da and memory speed 3600 there we go good xmp good all right that's it we built two computers today everyone uh so yeah we need graphics cards for them we need ram for we need graphics cards for both we need ram for one um swish do i still say swish i probably do that's pretty swish yeah i don't know where i got that from that's a 90s term that one is but yeah why is x590 tomahawk so different you don't have a button for xmp uh this this is an older one also we're in um we're in basic mode if i switch to advanced mode can you see what the advanced button is f try f7 f7 yeah if we switch to advanced you probably get something that looks like that and then we've got to go into oc uh whoops i've gone uh okay and then you've got the around just go uh axmp yeah there we go that should look a little bit familiar so yeah something like that radical kickflip bro i'm guessing uh yeah also because x590 is intel yeah it probably means z590 or x570 because if it's an x570 tomohawk it will probably look basically the same yeah one or the other z590 yeah mean girl's reference with swish fair enough it might have been i had i'm trying to make fetch happen i have two older sisters who um and at least one of them probably likes mean girls so slow ram yeah it's not great ram but it's 3600 it'll be fine yeah we certainly wouldn't go higher than 3600 unless you are interested in well also the timings on it were not mind-blowing yeah but again it's 18 22 22 something like with 3600 you're not leaving any meaningful amount of performance on the table yeah you could squeeze a bit more out with some really expensive ram or with better timings or something like that um that's ddr3 i think um however it's fine basically is it ddr3 made in 2019 uh i think so yeah yes it is yep don't ask me why it's 2019 but it's there it doesn't say like anything useful on this label 3600 cl 18 is great for the price yeah especially considering ram is expensive at the moment it's gonna keep going yeah ram is going up in price it's expensive right now and it's getting in it's getting more expensive do we know why is there a reason for it is it just ddr5 yeah everyone's ramping up ddr5 production so ddr4 is getting more expensive because they're producing less of it that is my assumption yeah also the fact of because the prices went down because of massive oversupply yeah and then we were in a very cheap market for round one because there was massive over supply and now that the oversupply is yeah not so much like all the water will start stepping up again yeah like at one point you could get like 3 400 you could get a 16 gig 3400 kit for like 60 pounds and that's nuts when whatever way you spin it oh yeah so yeah yeah because the oversupply has gone down yeah so yeah so tess that's good yeah i think we're done so thanks for everyone for tuning in um i hope you enjoyed this conversation in english absolutely yeah it was in english yeah congrats kimbo if you're still watching can you order the pizzas now please i'll have a new yorker with a stuffed crust thanks i'll pay you back i'll pay you back in other means with currency you're insensitive claude but yes it's peace time the translation has been great thank you very much everyone we will be back next saturday as usual um and there will be verdiar during the week where i will be building using the measure 5c i'll go get it and just show it to you super quick how much if i see which we do in fact have and does exist and is real do not worry this has not been the bamboozle the entire time ta-da can you click on face cam i can not uh left list oh ha ha let's if i see so yeah that's the mesh if i see it's got the cool fractal front look to it i love that front grille on these fractals man look at that surface it looks awesome so yeah it's doing yeah it's just doing something with the design of having mesh up front i love it i wish more people would do more stuff like this is why i like the corsair cases because they're just trying to do something a bit more interesting than just flat grill you know which i think is mind-numbingly boring so yeah exactly yes that's it we're done thanks for watching everyone we'll be back next saturday as usual there'll be a video during the week which will probably be a build um yeah that's it thanks everyone we'll see you soon cheerio oh my god see now you see why it's difficult to end the stream
Channel: Adamant IT
Views: 10,686
Rating: 4.9521532 out of 5
Keywords: adamant it, adamantit, computer, repair, shop, custom, gaming, modding, let's fix computers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 5sec (13145 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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