Let's Break The Mother Of All Prompts

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[Music] welcome to today's live stream we're gonna talk about one of the more complex prompts that we presented on the channel here it's the mother of all problems all right what it does is it takes one prompt formula and then it allows you to generate as many results as you want from it the problem with it is it's not quite basic right it's like a paragraph it has multiple parts to it so first I want to dive into it dissect it and then we're gonna use a bunch of formulas to generate way more you might have guessed it this is how many people generate their 1000 promise lists you know they take maybe five to ten formulas and then they generate a bunch of examples out of that and we revealed it on the channel I showed it to you guys but again it's always better to put these things into practice we are live so we can Implement any questions you guys have and let's get right into it so basically what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a two-tier setup here and you can follow you can follow along if you want to okay so basically this is what it's going to look like there's gonna be I'm gonna turn this off for a second there's going to be first of all chat GPT I have plus so it should work hopefully it mostly does on one side and then I have I have my mini cheat sheet my mini ebook on the other side you can get this thing for free if you go into the description you sign up to the Weekly Newsletter and you get this in an email for free it's essentially a bunch of prompts um ordered into well just like this and then the most important part here is to get these formulas right and why are these useful these are useful because this is one level of abstraction above the prompts that you usually get so to chat GPT this is a little more Universal what that allows us to do is we're allowed to like understand what's going on under the hood here and what it allows chat gbt to do is apply a prompt like what we're going to be doing today in order to generate more of these examples all right so look I'm just gonna go for the Motions we're gonna open up YouTube okay like this and and here it is the mother of all proms we're gonna open up my video and we're just gonna copy paste it from the description perfect pause this and right here you can get it okay I'll post this in the chat right now so you guys can play around with it too so copy paste oh it's too long it's too long my apologies uh we'll do it in two parts I guess yeah like this is the first part and this is the second ugh okay we're gonna do it in three parts I guess this is the second part is the third part if you paste this together you get the mother of all problems and you get to follow along right next up we're gonna open up chat GPT okay and I'm excited we're gonna be doing this regularly okay every single Monday at what is it 1pm Eastern Time 7 PM Central European Time I believe that will be 10 a.m Pacific Standard time all right we're gonna be doing live stream like this demoing some of the newest prompts that I present on the channel or even some of the older ones and just going through them rehashing and we're going to be trying them in the different use cases and when we run into problems that's the coolest part about this when we run into problems we're going to be able to face them together okay this is what I wanted we're going to be able to face it together so with that being said let's get into it right away so I'm gonna move myself down here and voila okay perfect so what we're gonna do is um we're gonna take one of the most basic prompts here okay we're gonna take generate guides okay we're gonna take generate guides and after um I need that prompt again we're gonna copy paste you've heard hundreds of churches we're gonna copy paste the prompt from the YouTube video into chatgpt and then we're gonna replace the variables okay so here here's the step by step step one post this okay now that we have this all we need to do is we need to replace this last part okay so I'm going to delete the last part yes you guys see this well perfect perfect so actually this is perfect delete this okay so that's step one again I'm gonna show you how to generate a bunch of use cases a bunch of examples from one prompt formula that's what we're doing here okay I'm gonna take this prompt formula from my ebook here by the way this thing is free you can get it from the newsletter for anybody that just tuned in and I'm gonna post it here okay it doesn't matter that there's like these indentations like that whatever now I'm going to hit enter what should happen is that it's going to take it and we're gonna go through the prompt in a second right but it's gonna take it and it's gonna replace this subject variable with a bunch of meaningful examples okay examples just like the one on the bottom right here and if I move my camera a little bit you're going to be able to see you're gonna be able to see that these examples have been initially generated like this then I picked my favorite ones tweaked it a bunch and this is what you get in the ebook all right but it's really about the prompt formula as I always say because it allows you to do this we went from can you provide a step-by-step instructions on how to subject two can you provide step-by-step instructions on how to bake a cake change a flat tire how to program a computer it gives you all these examples right and if you hit it with 10 more it gives you 10 more all right so like this you can essentially generate infinite examples legacies faster yeah that's fair I mean it's not too bad actually yeah I might consider that if it's a little slow anyway so this is what it does so why is this useful right well first of all obviously if you're trying like to create some product then you just want to sell like a thousand prompts this is the most effective way to do it you get a you get some formulas ideally you steal them from me as many did before but hey you know what whatever Internet it's open We're not gonna be salty about that but the fact is if you have a formula like this you're going to be able to create as many prompts As You Wish okay now why is this interesting well as I showed you in the video if you've seen the video you should if you haven't seen the video you should probably go watch it it's pretty pretty good video um a little Advanced so if if it's like if you're new to chat CPT it's probably not the place to start watch like the two minute tutorial first and then go to this but essentially this gets you as many examples as you want but the fun part begins when you start injecting or inserting prompts that have multiple variables okay so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna copy the core of the prompt and we're gonna talk through it um in a second but I just wanted to recap the video here for everybody so you guys are up to speed I'm going to paste this and if it has multiple variables I can say of I can change this like for example to wedding into I don't know let's say German a bunch of German and Austrian people here and now it's going to come up with it should come up with phrases right and that's the thing like you never know with 100 safety that the output is going to be just right but here it works right it picks different phrases and this is this is what I did with the ebook I made sure that every single one of these prompt formulas works with a generator like this because it if it works with a generator like this you know that chat GPT actually understands what you mean if instead of phrase I would just if I would just use like I like a set of words or maybe sentence might not even work I'm not sure right now but you're gonna find if you don't have the right semantics here aka the right vocabulary it's not going to work and if it's not going to work with the prompt generator it's telling you it's implicitly telling you that chechi PT does not actually understand what you're asking it for okay so all these formulas have been double triple checked to work with this meaning chatgpt actually understands even the formula and that's why I think this thing is um yeah that's why I'm proud of it okay so look it did it can you translate I do bridesmaids uh reception wedding vows flower girl in the context of a wedding into German and see it's it's smart it actually took wedding related words already Okay so that's the use case now I want to take a step back ooh Marcin thanks for the two pounds I gotta say Marcin you're the first person on this channel to have ever done a I think it's called a super chatter thank you for the two pounds much appreciated I've been streaming and creating content for a while but this has this has never happened I appreciate that truly thanks Marcin anyway let's get to the prompt let's talk about that okay let's dissect it a little bit okay for that we're gonna full screen this and we're gonna talk about the different parts because my goal here is for you to really understand what we're doing here okay my goal is for you not to take away just this one prompt but a deeper understanding of prompt engineering overall okay so and actually I want to make announcement before that announcement it's in a new video I mentioned it in a Discord we are developing a course yes it's happening because there's so much to teach and I have a almost infinite list of things of YouTube videos that I want to create but what I miss is like this structured approach the step-by-step approach that leads you to more to crafting more complex problems like this yourself Daniel thank you for the one Euro much appreciated too man good to have you here so we're crafting a course that's going to lead you from setting up chat GPT all the way to being able to craft something like this and one of the things that we're going to teach in there one of the first modules so there's going to be more announcements soon but but essentially one of the first modules is going to be um blocks prompt blocks and that's the there's different like words for that but essentially it's this different part of the of the prompt and I need to need to introduce this concept to you in order for you to understand um what what is going on under the hood here okay so as you can see this is a long prompt okay this is not write me an essay about penguins okay in the style of Borat that would be that would be actually just two prompt blocks okay so write me an essay is one about penguins is like the subject okay but here we have multiple blocks going on so it's we're not just asking it to generate use cases from a chat bot prompt formula that's the first block here okay we're also saying you will be turning a prompt formula like okay and this is the example block of it okay so first of all again we're saying now generate use cases from a chatbot prompt formula is the first part holy moly 10 bucks dude 10 bucks I I appreciate that ten dollars speechless how would I phrase to help me generate prompts to create generate a conflict based on a topic um so I'm not sure I think I should go into these questions after we go through this right because now I'm gonna like break the flow of the explanation I can tell you though um I I will I will answer this afterwards okay speechless I'll get back to this thank you so much for the donation um that's very generous and we'll get to your question after I finish explaining this okay I I have another I have essentially check out five more secrets to chat to writing with chat GPT and in there I believe it's prompt number three that um we'll show you that yeah they're going to simulate a conversation that's your short answer anyway okay let's get back to this so first of all we ask it now generate use cases from a chatbot prompt formula okay that's the first part secondly we give it more precise instructions concretely we're giving it exactly what we want it to do so first of all it's like the initial prompt but then we get more concrete on what we want from it we explicitly tell it you will go from this to this okay and chat GPT really likes this if you prompt engineering and something is just like all over the place and you run the prompt 10 times and you get like eight different results chances are chances are you might want to make this a little more specific okay thank you Blackjack doggy I appreciate you it's cool name so we make it more specific by telling it exactly what it should output okay there's no room for interpretation here right it's really good at inferring context We're not gonna give it that chance we're actually going to go in and do this okay and I know I'm repeating myself here and I'm gonna keep doing that okay because I want to make this beginner friendly I know some of you guys use some of the most Advanced Techniques here I I realize that but I want to cater to the entire like spectrum of knowledge when it comes to chat GPT so I'm going to keep repeating this concept so again first part we ask it for a chatbot prompt Formula First generate chatbot problems then we tell it what we expect of it precisely okay and then when we continue we make we put even more constraints on it always maintain the structure of the prompt formula and only replace the word in square brackets as if it wouldn't have been clear from this part of the prompt already we say it again because if you're going to run this prompt 50 times you're gonna find that sometimes it replaces other words too and that's why this was added so the way you have to think about these more complex promises it all started here okay then you run it 10 times and you figure out hmm sometimes it doesn't really understand what I mean by generating use cases from a chatbot prompt formula it's quite General right then we add this we're like hey bro this is gonna be like talk to it like a person right this is going to be your input this is going to be your output comprende okay it's gonna get better you're gonna see the results get better but then if we go even further and we add this always maintain the structure of the prompt formula and only replace the word in square brackets we got very concrete right maintain the structure don't mess with this don't start juggling words around and the funny thing is sometimes you cut it's just trial and error guys honestly prompt engineering it's a lot of trial and error and if you add an N here that's the funny thing you might have like logically you might think that adding this in here makes the prompt better because then hey like it knows that it's exactly that but no actually without the end it works better in practice why we can only guess but my guess is because it realizes that hey it told me to only replace the words in square brackets but then in the example he provided he also changed this preposition is it called I don't know 100 sure it's it's been a while since English class but I think it's a pre-position it'll correct me if I'm wrong he changed this part of it too okay and in practice it just works better if you're gonna run this on 100 prompts Jonathan thanks for becoming a member good to have you here man if you run it on 100 prompts it's just gonna be better okay so let's move on so we talked about this and then the final part of the prompt right now generate a list of 10 prompts from the following formula without executing them and then you say just four and you give it the formula okay so why are we saying all this why okay so does this make sense now generate a list of 10 prompts right that makes sense just okay give me ten not one if I wouldn't have included this it just gives you like one so I want ten ten is better than one in this case because we want different use cases and but why did I add this right why is that in there from the following formula without executing them well it's quite simple if you run this all of this is like inferred from trial and error again as I say it's not like a lot of people ask like how do you come up with this stuff I probably do it 50 times more than you I just sit here and run these for hours straight before I make these videos I craft my prompts and then I run it for a bunch of formulas this one for example right speechless welcome good to have you on board man um so so that's what that's what I do right I just have more experience and more hours clocked in on testing different formulas that's why I've and that's why I'm able to come up with this so again we put all this together and then I run it and you're like okay perfect so we tell tell it what we want in the first block then we give it an exact input and output in the second block then we continue to restrain it even more by saying only replace the words in square brackets and always maintain the structure right like don't mess with this if we didn't if without this if you run it 10 times you're gonna find out it starts like juggling pieces around because it thinks it's smart which it is but then it might not do what you wanted to do so you have to add these things and then we go ahead generate a list of 10 and you run the whole thing right with like this formula and you realize like ah let's try it out let's just try it out by showing by doing that's what I like to do so from the following formula without executing them so if I take this part out right like this is like a why is that in there what's the point of that you might ask well if I take it out and run it yeah there you go you're gonna find that not always but sometimes it's not gonna generate us this like before oh now it does it it does it it works okay actually let's try this in a new tab sometimes you're gonna find if you run this 10 times 100 times you're gonna find that it actually executes The Prompt too that's why it's added in there and in this particular case it's fine it's just with other prompts sometimes that happens and that's what you got to do you just gotta like stress test these things like think of it like uh The Prompt is the the output is like the crap the car and no the output is the crash test dummy and you're doing like crash tests I guess and you try to break it like you go in there and you try to break the thing and if you manage good you just found out what went wrong now fix that okay and yeah so I'm actually a little surprised here that it didn't execute the prompts but as I said in other examples we're gonna we're gonna put in a little effort here to break this right we're gonna use this prompt without the generator list of 10 prompt without this exception um and we're gonna try to show you what I mean here we're gonna give it like two tries I'm not gonna be trying forever but if you don't add that thing sometimes it just executes the prompt and gives you the answer to it I don't like that's not what I'm asking for I'm asking for these things that I can copy paste into Excel sheet right um okay um I'm gonna go over here and a new chat so I'm gonna I'm trying to break it now it doesn't work again all right all right but I mean I guess you get my point um we would have to run this like a lot of times in order to get what we want here but my whole point is trial and error guys that's the way this works okay you're not gonna you're not gonna figure out how to craft Advanced prompt by running it like two times if you're if you have prompts that you use for your work and for your productivity and you haven't stress tested them at least like five times with like adding and taking away different things you haven't even tried um that's that's just a fact like every single one of these until they arrived in the form that I present them in like the mini book and the ebook they've been tested multiple times um so yeah yeah it doesn't do it here but okay but that was okay I think you get my point here right if I take away parts of this it's just gonna go all over the place for example if I take out always maintain the structure I mean we could simplify it even more I guess right we could just paste this part and then we can take this part and now we're leaving out the maintain the structure okay new chat doesn't want to do it twice and this is essentially it you like it's puzzle pieces and you piece them together and what you gotta do is you gotta realize what kind of puzzle pieces work you gotta realize what kind of puzzle pieces work you've got to realize there is puzzle pieces and then you've got to experiment a bunch or you get a source from or you get like a document like this where somebody experimented a bunch for you so yeah it actually even without it works quite well but what I'm saying is like yeah if you take some of these prompts that are like I don't know a longer paragraph um you're gonna run into problems if you take away certain or take away certain blocks right okay any questions so far I think that was pretty clear any questions so far so let's look at the chats here briefly and then let's keep going and let's expand on the idea generation part of this prompt um yes uh what would be the result if you would have chat GPT jailbroken that is a good question um I think in this case because we're so specific it wouldn't be very different right I think in this case it would just give you a bunch of examples maybe the examples would be a little more out there that would be my guess um and I heard there's there's a version of Dan floating around again right which I heard that on on Twitter I'm not sure I haven't tested in the recent days I know they shut it down after um like like a day or two after the last live stream we did uh yeah if I give you a prompt will you use it it depends on the prompt man go ahead and try um but yeah essentially I want to get through this content here and then we're gonna get to all this but hey speechless Jonathan thanks for joining um good to have you on board you can now you can go to Discord you can connect your Discord account to your YouTube account and you'll have access to the members only room now it's great um okay so this is this is the basic thing so a lot of people were confused by this I hope this step-by-step explanation helped a little bit now we're going to go a step further okay so we're gonna take the basic prompt well base and it's not so basic but we're gonna take this right I'm gonna go into a new chat I'm gonna paste this all right and then we're gonna take we're gonna find the example here oh this is perfect it has five variables right nice and now this right here and now you know there's a bunch to this there's a bunch to this so it's going to be predicting multiple variables and this is where it starts to break apart so maybe this is what I should have shown and and how to break it because if you start making it shorter here you know like if I take out this I think it's gonna it's gonna mess up now there you go because if you have multiple variables it's going to start being confused um that's why that's why parts of it are in there that actually works pretty well well anyway okay let's move on here let's move on here so essentially we're going to take the core prompt that you can get from the chat or from the YouTube video in the description here okay we're gonna open up a new chat we're gonna post this okay and if I take this multivariable formula for well this is like the first one in the writing chapter so it's essentially writing anything okay with this you can write anything so let's say you're new to chat GPT okay let's say you're completely new and you're like okay I don't even know what prompts I want to do I don't even know what what it can write I don't even know where do I even begin right I saw Igor's two minute video on how to set up an account and how to run like write me an essay okay I did that but where do I go from there well if you go straight to this more advanced prompt and you actually listen closely to this stream you're gonna realize that you're gonna realize that you can use this setup as an idea generator okay what I mean by that is let's let's full screen let's full screen this for a second here okay you can use this mother of all prompts as I call it as idea generator why is that because essentially we're telling chat GPT to be creative and to come up with more okay come up with more replacements for the words in square bracket now what happens if we leave it like this it's gonna go in it's gonna look at this like okay not replacing not replacing not replace ah square brackets oh wait I need to move my camera a little there you go once it arrives here it's going to realize huh he told me only replace the word in square brackets here was the example like this from this to this okay time to replace this and it's going to start getting creative and it's going to start giving you various examples now what is that if that's not an idea generator it's giving you different examples that are relevant and what you're going to find is if we just run this it actually maintains the context and now why is this so great because if you run it on a prompt with multiple variables just like this one right we have one two three four five variables okay it's gonna start inventing different substitutions for those variables okay so let's look at the first one can you write a blog post for the new restaurant in downtown Los Angeles outlining the benefits offered by their locally sourced ingredients and this what we just did here we generated 10 examples of what chat GPT can do for you all you need is a good formula okay here's another example can you write a product review for a new fitness tracker on the market outlining the benefits offered by its Advanced features it's going to start generating like product ideas that you could start coming up okay can you write a white paper for the solar energy company in San Francisco outlining the benefits offered by their Innovative technology can you write a case study for the healthcare and you can see if we just look at this case study white paper product review blog post press release this is all stuff it can write how to guide research paper you could use all these in whatever other prompt you are crafting that's why this is so valuable okay yeah I cover some of the text on the top right that's it's fine I mean I guess I could go over here yeah it was intrusive okay all right thanks for coming can you write a social media post right a video script all of these things it can write and that is just for the variable of type of text then it gives a different subject gives different locations different benefits so if I look at this outlining the benefits outlining the benefits outlining the benefits so actually here we ran into a problem it did not replace the benefits variable ladies and gentlemen right you see this it replaced the type of text right as we saw blog post product review white paper it replaced the location downtown LA um in San Francisco here it didn't replace the location but mostly did it right in New York City in Austin sticks to the US here mostly Bali Detroit okay but it did not replace this part outlining the benefits now what do we do what do we do any guesses any guesses what do we do if it doesn't corresponds to what we asked it for what do we do well it's actually quite simple we ask again okay just like with a person sitting next to you like imagine I'm out here there's like my homeboy Dan let's call him you know and I asked Dan like okay you know what type of text could we start writing and then it's gonna be like I don't know look I'm gonna modulate my voice to make this more clear here maybe dad has a voice like this all right so I'm gonna ask like okay Dan like what types of text like could we write let's just just forget about AI forget about all of this for a second okay then what types of text could we create and then it's gonna be like yeah maybe we could write an essay maybe we could write an email maybe we could write uh white paper I guess and I'm gonna be like cool thanks Dan so we have three ideas right there okay we have the white paper we have the essay and the email that's great but what if I ask then like Dan what ideas like what type of text could we generate and then Dan goes ahead and then is like this and then that answers like um we could generate some text but I'm kind of hungry right now and whatever let me look at my phone what would you reply you wouldn't be like oh whatever you know it's if it's an important task it would be like Dan please can you give me some types of text we can generate here can you work with me and then I would be like I just get all all right you know like okay that I'm gonna put the phone down let's do this okay you would ask that is my point here you would ask then you would actually talk to him like a human being right and it's the same thing that applies with this AI thing okay so just talk to it so if it did not give us the benefits it always just went ahead and send benefits benefits benefits benefits it's not actually giving us some benefit I haven't tested this out okay we're doing this all live but what I would always do is simply say you forgot to replace the benefits try again maybe I can be even more specific with different use cases or maybe I'll say examples what do we use in the original prompt I think it's use cases generate use cases try again okay and I'm just going to run this so just like I talked to Dan I'm going to talk to chatgpt here and tell it hey you forgot try again like it's no big deal look this thing it just doesn't and now it should go ahead and replace the benefits and it doesn't and it doesn't so what do you do if Dan still refuses to do it after you talk to him after you pointed out hey man could you please concentrate could you please do this again you're gonna ask him again but differently okay so this was the basic approach and I'll tell you from experience 8 out of 10 times this is gonna fix it and all of a sudden it's going to do exactly what you wanted to do it's going to replace the benefits now we're going to ask differently just like in real life we're gonna get a little more strict here okay so if Dan if you ask them like to put the phone away for the fifth time you're gonna have a little bit more of a strict tone and you're gonna be a little more clear on what you want than the first time same thing here all right so let's let's just do this we're live we're gonna get through this and we're gonna get it to do what we want forcefully exactly you're gonna be more first place I'm not sure if writing in caps would do it but essentially um we're gonna expand this prompt okay we're gonna say you forgot to replace the benefits with different use cases dragon and we're gonna add to it and what do we add just like I told you we're going to add another prompt block and again in the course we're going to go into this like step by step but just take my word for it one of the best things you can do is add like uh input and outputs examples like this so we're gonna go go ahead and say you forgot to replace the benefits with different use cases and then we're gonna say for example you should have replaced benefits with and we're going to follow the structure here so um and we're going to use one of the examples here like this can you replace around your equivalent declining the benefits with then we're going to copy it again and we're going to give it the output example okay can you refer new eco-friendly hotel in Honolulu outlining the incredible Sea View and the complementary Spa offered by their sustainable practices and carbon neutral footprint okay and we'll say now try again okay so again we got more specific exactly so we're giving it an example okay so we did the same thing as with the original prompt so you could just follow up with something simple and most of the times it's going to do the trick but let's see if this works it's definitely we became a little more precise I'm sorry about the mistake so let's hope it gets it done now outlining the benefits offered with varied benefits okay incredible CV on complementary Spa perfect outlining the benefits offered by the streamlined and it didn't work it didn't work we gave it our best so far it still didn't work and look am I a little bummed out that this didn't work on the second attempt of course but that's the reality of this that's the reality if you want to use this and you want to use this at a slightly advanced level you're not gonna always get the results you want in a few seconds all right so we're gonna keep trying here until we crack this gonna keep trying outlining the benefits let's just try simply you forgot to replace the banner that fits in examples 2 to 10 again please replace them with custom [Music] benefits for the according um example could I just follow up concretely like hey you apologized you told me you forgot to replace and again we're specific right he forgotten two to ten he didn't forget the number one sometimes it takes a little more effort like this okay it's just the nature of the Beast right now let's see if this works perhaps change the position of benefits in your prompt I could do that too that's a good suggestion that's a good suggestion that's a good suggestion and I think we're forced to do that right now thanks mail care oh my God I just tried the prompt generator command and open AI holy [ __ ] all right so it still doesn't do it huh so let's do this yeah yeah it's like it's like fixing bugs and code exactly exactly right just try over and over again until it finally works and we're here doing it live okay so what look usually I would just go forever and keep trying but I think there is an argument to be made it's that the stream would be more informative and entertaining if I don't just spend like the next half an hour doing this so we'll give it a few more tries I think what mail cares said here makes a lot of sense uh we can shift the original formula I think I'm gonna give it like two more tries and then I'm gonna shift it because I want to make it work with the original formula right that's the point here but as you can see it doesn't um so it changed the other variables I think I think at some core level with this one concrete prompt if I'm seeing this it has a really hard time replacing this because in the sentence structure outlining the benefits offered by their ethical and sustainable fashion practices and okay here's another trick here's another trick so so I can ask it why are you not replacing the benefits part of the formula you can always ask that's another key takeaway here right I mean some of this stuff seems obvious but honestly I think there's value in communicating this I apologize for the confusion I misunderstood your previous request to address your concern I will replace the benefits parts of the formula with custom benefits for each example so it gets it it says and that this made it work this made it work chat GPT you did it Perfect Look at that outlining the positive impact on their Community blah blah outlining the energy cost savings the benefits it replaced the benefits we did it so see first we got we told it hey let's re-out let's recap here okay we told her that hey this is not what I'm looking for bro we told it you forgot to replace the benefits with different use cases try again it didn't do it okay then we went ahead and we told it okay you forgot to replace the benefits with different use cases for example you should have replaced this with this it did not do it then I told it concretely you forgot to replace the benefits in examples 2 to 10 again please replace okay I told it okay I understand my bad here here you go and it didn't do it again and sometimes if you're going in this one route you just gotta switch up your approach this is the lesson here that's the underlying lesson okay so all of a sudden we didn't tell it to do this do that as with humans actually there's so many like parallels with psychology right it doesn't usually work if you tell a person do this do that but sometimes it's better to open up with a question or with a suggestion just like here we took the opposite route we went from hey no man you're doing that wrong you should be doing it like this instead of saying that we went ahead and we were like why are you not replacing the benefits part of the formula and we cracked the code and we made it work and this is what it looks like right this is prompt engineering at its core if you wonder it's this you sit here you type into your keyboard all day and you make these different use cases work what did we learn here okay so if you're trying to generate examples or ideas from a formula with five this is like one of the more complex ones right I mean sure you could like make it as complex as you want but essentially if you have five variables you're gonna run into troubles right if you just go ahead and say can you write a type of text it's just gonna work right away and it's done but the more complex and advanced you get the more troubles you're going to run into and once you're at that point you need solutions to those problems okay and I I hope you learned something here like just keep trying keep going and if it doesn't work don't keep beating your head against the wall try a different approach try different approach you know maybe another one another good one would be uh the mail care um example here just change the formula you know move the benefits to different parts right that would work too we could totally say can you write a type of text for the subject and location offered by the subject and outline the benefits right that would totally work it would probably get the job done but I just wanted to show you a different approach to problem solving this all right so again you're gonna need to try different approaches and I'm glad we get to do this live guys honestly like this was I think there's a good lesson here and I'm and I'm I'm glad we got to run into this problem and solve it so yeah essentially this is it one more thing I wanted to communicate and then we get into the Q a and that is um this is a fantastic idea generator there's various approaches here okay we're gonna I'm gonna discuss those at some point but essentially if you take this prompt and you want to use it to generate ideas all you do is you um specify let's say the location so let's say we do Vienna here um and we want to do maybe emails can you write an email for the subject in Vienna um for the I don't know or like let's do for the whatever for the Opera in Vienna outlining the benefits offered offered by the um let's say by the venue right by the location and now if you do this it's not gonna go crazy on all of these variables it's only gonna alter the benefits let's run this let's see if this if it doesn't work we're not going to bother with it I showed you how to problem solve it we would go ahead and probably ask the question why didn't you like as this works with this example but outlining the safety measures see and here it puts it into square brackets so again another problem this is probably not what you want I like the answers it actually works here upcoming performances but I don't want the square brackets now what do what would you do what did we learn you talk to it just like you would talk to your friend sitting next to you right yes oh man I love that this is so International there's like there's like Brazilian people that have no idea what uh now they probably know what a Venus schnitzel is but anyway so what do we do here what do we do here okay how do we fix this we say please no we actually don't have to be polite I'm just like naturally polite so you don't have to say please okay it's just somebody was joking that our like the agis that are gonna emerge one day are gonna like be nicer to you if you if you asked Chachi PT if you if you um LED with police anyway so what I'm gonna do is say um why or or like now give me those answers there's so many ways to do this answers without square brackets so that would be one the second one would be why did you include square brackets please try again would work too and there you go outlining the safety measures implemented by the venue there you go what no square brackets they're gone right so yeah Kevin takes uh benefits out of the brackets yeah that's enough well the whole point of this is like replacing the parts in Brackets with something else so and this is how it works you just gotta follow up and thus having a better command of English help absolutely can you cheat by having something like this on you and actually just copy pasting all of these formulas absolutely whatever your English level is if you have a bunch of these prompt formulas you can run this as many times as you want and look the coolest thing is and I keep saying this I know I'm like a broken record but hey if you even even in this free version of like like the full version has like four times as much content so here we have like 25 prompt formulas and over 100 examples even with the Prem free version if you go ahead and you try this mother of all prompts on each one of these or you start messing around with these like the simplest way to do it is just like you copy paste one of the examples boom and you look at the results if you're gonna go ahead and if you're gonna run like 50 of these 100 prompts and you're gonna if you're a total newcomer you're gonna start understanding what questions generate what answers and that is gonna ultimately enhance and that is the end goal here it's going to advance your ability to ask questions and as you know this whole application is only as good as your questions so again you can get this free resource just go to the link in the description to get this free ebook sign up to the Weekly Newsletter um and yeah that's it if you want you can buy the full version that is four times as much content but essentially what I would recommend to every newcomer is get the basics and then take a bunch of these examples and run them and then learn from that now is there better ways to learn this sure and that's why I'm creating the course right it's going to be like a step-by-step holding your hand we're going to learn about Vlogs we're going to learn about formulas we're going to learn about exceptions we're gonna learn about about more advanced topics like certain tricks where you can like play it against each other and even more stuff that we didn't even talk about here yet right it's gonna it's gonna be done in approximately a month working on it since the end of December but essentially if you want to get your feet wet and if you ever start using this there's no better way than just trying it out okay so again it's recaping too late and then let's get into the Q a so we learned that you can use the mother of all prompts to use prompt formulas to generate a bunch of examples then we did it we showed you how to do it okay copy it you use the prompt you get a bunch of examples we showed you how to troubleshoot it okay we ran into this issue it didn't want to replace the benefits part because it had like five it had five different variables and it didn't want to replace one of them what do we do if we run into problems we don't give up we keep going and we keep looking for new approaches okay let's take away here if if you tell it like try again it's not working pick a different approach go with a question and all of a sudden you're gonna fix the issue okay so this was kind of like a mini master class on like troubleshooting fantastic love it good good content this is I'm glad we get got to cover this all you guys in here just I hope you learned something and then again if we have this you can use it as an idea generator you can simply only like replace four out of the five things and then it's gonna go ahead and it's gonna come up with different benefits and the coolest thing and this is what I try to get to with like the ebook and all the blah blah the coolest thing is if you do enough of these you're gonna be able to come up with your own prompts you're going to be able to come up with your own prompt formulas I really need you to start thinking in prompt formulas okay because this is what this is closer towards chat gptcs then this that's the key takeaway here okay so if you're gonna have your own prompt formulas you can run it through the mother of all prompts you can you're gonna be able to generate as many examples as many and I would say examples but let's take a practical approach you're going to be able to generate as many product benefits as you want if you fill this out with your stuff can you write me a product description for the for like a smart watch um whatever maybe you delete this part outlining the benefits you leave this like this offered by the smart watch it's going to go ahead and it's gonna list a bunch of benefits that a smartwatch can have what a great way to explore a product category right just do that so that's what I'm saying and if you do this often enough and if you try it often enough you're gonna learn how this works and you're gonna learn the underlying themes so that would be it that'll be it mother of all problems fully demoed we ran into problems we solved them I showed you the idea generation part two I hope this clarified some questions because a bunch of comments on there were like hey you mean this is kind of this is kind of tricky um mailcare I just noticed the 100 case ebook didn't arrive after about 20 minutes none of my spam folder either okay I'm sorry to hear that I'll give it another 40 minutes I can manually send it to you no problem but there is some issue with my e-commerce platform where and about 20 of the cases the email just doesn't arrive and I texted them I'm in touch with them if it's not good if this is not going to be resolved in the next week or two I'm gonna switch to different email provider uh there's some issue uh I'm sorry I don't know what to do I set this all up myself um made all this video myself videos myself creating all this content myself I'm starting to get helped um if I editor and a social media manager now but essentially yeah it's just the e-commerce platform I'm used I apologize for the for your troubles if it doesn't arrive in 40 minutes um just shoot me an email under Igor at myaiadvantage.com and I'm gonna send it myself instantly okay so that's it we got it so that was the mother of all prompts now I have you guys here hanging out chilling learning about chat GPT I mean come on think about this we're from all over the world but we'll share something in common and that is the fact that we all enjoy messing around with this or we all have a use case for this few few people understand and few people actually use this I'm still shocked on a daily basis how little people still like still now end of February use this we have a bunch of we have a bunch of like-minded individuals in here so what we get to do now is we get to hang out a little bit play a little music maybe look at some content maybe test out some of your ideas maybe test out some of your prompts we're going to do a quick q a and as I promised earlier I'm gonna scroll way up in the chat and we're going to look up some of these questions one by one okay so here we go good to have you guys here thank you so much honestly I've been blabbering for about an hour but I hope you guys get some value from this let's see just the normal chat GPT work currently I'm not sure because I'm on the usually um the times that I found to use but maybe change now because I I got a plus instantly obviously are the times that used to work um are kind of the lunch hours in Europe which is I guess night time in the US so that's kind of your best bet that was like my go-to time for Content production that would be my tip so like six to eight hours ago that's kind of The Sweet Spot for the free version of Chachi PT just my personal experience um how do you get Legacy speechless asked um I think if you have if you have I'm not sure if it's a normal but if you have Plus you could switch here yeah and now if you run some of these prompts it's usually faster yeah so if we go to Legacy you're gonna see it runs it faster there you go blazing fast there you go speechless I'm new here cheship is still crashing in Chrome Safari works for me now interesting I never ran into problems with chrome I always use Chrome interesting um yeah a little more background music about that now this one is a little too hype this is this is about right let's see more questions more questions by the way hit me up with your questions we're gonna do a little q a here so you know I'm going top to bottom though is this live uh going to be available later on absolutely all of this is being recorded and what I'll do as with every live I'll cut out the first like eight minutes it takes like 24 hours process but I'm gonna cut out the first eight minutes and it's gonna be a standalone video a long video a one hour long video but it's gonna be available as a video so whenever you miss these you can always catch up honestly I just love live streams but I like watching live streams personally for me I just love watching gaming live streams I I don't know why it's like the type of thing that like my my parents don't understand um I don't know I'm 29 by the way in in a week cheers type of thing like that my parents don't understand but I just love gaming live streams there it's just it just hits different to watch something live so I appreciate you guys being here by the way go check out the Discord server hey shout out Discord server um in the description if you become a YouTube member you get a special role you become a YouTube member role in the Discord and you get access to a private chat room where essentially you kind of have like all the other members all the other like the most devoted like chat GPT enthusiasts and um yeah I guess me and the AI Advantage team hang out there and you get like priority supports too cool badge on here so you know become a member that's good it's really not about the money I think it's like 3.99 a month which I get like half it's more about like that like members Club you know for that love to have you guys there and yeah speechless thanks for joining talking about that let's answer your question so thanks for the donation man that's like the biggest donation I ever received actually 10 bucks solid man thank you so much how would I phrase it to help me generate prompts to create generated conversations based on a topic so you would need to come up with some prompt that essentially generates conversations around the topic right so let's just engine to quickly engineer this for you here man you you did a nice donation so we can we can do this live let's go ahead here happy 28th birthday thanks Fenris thanks thanks um so essentially you would want to prompt that um generates a conversationalization as I said you can go to five more secrets to chat GP to writing with chat GPT that's the title of the video and I think prompts number three in there which you can also copy paste from the description essentially simulates a conversation we're just gonna do that you know what that's that's simple than like engineering the prompt on the spot here um we're gonna do five more secrets to chat GPT this is this is it yeah I know I I overuse this thumbnail a little bit whatever it works it works okay so um it's this one simulate a high level interview for a chief copywriter by asking questions as if you are a potential employer in this scenario I am taking the role of the employee and you ask increasingly hard questions to screen my competence but only after I respond start by introducing yourself so here is simulator interview and you can also use this simulator conversation and if you wanted to transfer a question how would I phrase it to help me generate prompts um you would go ahead and you would start replacing parts of this with formulas low effects like with variables that's what I'm trying to say so generate a high level of interview for chief copywriter by asking questions as if you're a potential employer um so you could say um you want to generate let me get prompts to generate based on a topic so you could like put your topic in here uh employer you could say I'm a employer for for Apple you know you put your topic in here or you could replace like your employer you could just be like a conversational partner you know you replace that and then like this you can simulate the conversation and to use it for a matter of mother of all problems you essentially go in here um actually this is like not the perfect prompt to answer your question but this is a really good one this is like one of the best ones to play around um yeah I don't know man essentially this this is hard life like coming up with prompts live is not easy for sure but let me try one more time and then we'll move on how would I phrase it to help me generate prompts based on a topic so so maybe you would say simulate a conversation on climate change right yeah and then you could you could like Does this answer a question I think you could take this and you could replace climate change with like topic and then you paste the mother of all prompts before this like that name and by the way the mother of all problems I don't know it works it makes sense at least it seems to make sense to me and you guys too and then you paste this into the mother all prompts I think that should answer your question and then you're going to get a bunch of like topics uh that you can generate conversations around and then you could always go ahead um and if you this is one thing that I forgot to show you if you take this um you can always go ahead and uh generate I don't know questions around uh oh no topic you could always go ahead and take okay this is a long-winded answer but hey this man made a donation we appreciate him we're gonna try to answer his question to the best to the best of our ability so what you say I guess it doesn't want to work now still processing the last question anyway I'm getting a little caught up on this thing so we're gonna move on but essentially if you run this it's going to give you a bunch of like examples right as expected climate change effective leadership healthy eating habits and now you can yeah this is what I want to show you can always go ahead and say um now run number two right oh come on man there's no other responses why is it messing up essentially if you tell it now run number two it's just gonna run this as if you copy pasted this into a new it's going to give you this output it's going to give you this output unless this is a question generator it's just kind of a loop but I I hope that answered your question speechless um you essentially find the prompt that works for you you replace parts of it with variables and then you run it for the matter of all prompts that's then you can multiply it okay let's move on let's move on all right different music let's go and we had this one this is a good one this is a chill one okay have you tried this with the Dan method and compared the results that's a good question I actually haven't back when I used to play with the Dan method I tried a bunch of like my mind went instantly it was like the controversial stuff and kind of the the tricky stuff it would be interesting to see I think it's a good suggestion I would like to see that Blackjack doggy oh no we lost them he had to go back to work sorry for that you can always re-watch this that's the thing okay more questions more questions keep them coming is then or alternative to dance the viable I'm not sure right now I caught something on Twitter today and yesterday that it's still available that there's apparently there's a new version so I think if you search hard enough you might be able to make it work but that's not the topic of today's stream do you know the cost of living in Swiss yeah absolutely it's like um 2.5 x of the cost of living in Austria and something like like 4X or 5x cost of living in Slovakia that's just like you know just my estimations but yeah that's what it is after outputs there is a button repeat this if you give a prompt we'll use it okay let's see let's see um okay should cover right I like it yeah it's a good prompt it's a good prompt so what what um you're outlining here is probably the best way to generate prompts inside of chatgpt but if you ever try this you're gonna realize it only does so much so yeah this is a good prompt right here so imagine you're creating a writing prompt generator using chat GPT this is from the original GitHub right well the one where like act as a prompt generator act as a psychologist all that right the original Fred from back in December write a serious uh thread the repository write a series of prompts that will help users generate unique and creative writing ideas your prompt should cover a variety of genres and teams so it's essentially going to give you like writing prompts yeah so this is like one of the best ways to generate prompts inside of chat GPT but it doesn't it's not omnipotent yeah this is this is a fantastic prompt so I'll try and post this one into chat oh yeah it's actually in chat you can just go up scroll up and take this one the problem the problem here is this like this it gives you more than you can handle like what I did with the ebook for example is yes some of this you can find you can discover some of the prompts from the ebook like this absolutely like you you write you change up different parts of this but the problem says the problem is not all of these are are practical that's what I would say um a big thing that I did is I filtered out all the ones that seemed useless but you could also go ahead and do this it's a fantastic prompt and look I'm all about like openness and transparency like I could have totally done a version of the stream or a version of the channel where I just you know don't tell you A lot of the things as they are I could have like even this video looked like it's like hey man like look you can get a formula and you can get like a hundred examples from that formula that's this whole stream right that's essentially revealing the secret of of how all these people sell like a list of 2000 formulas and run Google ads on it or like Facebook ads on it right but I choose to be transparent I choose to give you all the info and there's always more there's always more you know that's that's the beauty of this there's always more and we're gonna keep exploring this but yeah this is pretty good look at this prompt write a personal essay about a challenge you faced and how you overcame it what did you learn from this experience and how has it happened to you as a person I mean there's interesting stuff it's just not like this is not I would end with this these prompts that are generated here are not as close to reality as some of the stuff I choose to cover in my content I I choose to cover the stuff that is like you know boots on the ground you can take it take the prom prompt formula from the description and you run with it that's it I like to pick things that are very practical right so if you look at the ebook all the stuff in here is it's like stuff that you can start using now you know boom email subjects you know write your email subjects perfect you can use that in like the next 10 minutes probably profiles right social media profiles it's like a list of good ideas okay wraps okay I take it back maybe not raps but it's a funny one social media captions extremely convenient right everybody most people deal with social media and with captions like you can use it right away write your messages it writes you it reveals cultural values like this is stuff if you have like co-workers from different cultures you can run this on their ethnicity and you can learn more about them this is like extremely practical stuff that's kind of the filter that I have in my head for picking these anyway it's a good prompt thank you for contributing uh I don't want to read your name because it's a little it's a little out there you know okay all right let's move on let's move on we have a lot to cover here write it in caps yes yes yes um okay let's get to the new questions here there's also this like dramatic music which a little something there I hope it doesn't get taken down because of it a little bit of background music is the AI actually real sir I'm not sure how to answer that without trolling so I'll just refrain are you impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger or is your accent natural hahaha funny guy I wish I could impersonate Arnie do I sound like Arnie I don't feel like I do honestly um doesn't need to be in Brackets try it interesting interesting I wish I've seen I would have seen that earlier let's see did the hack get fixed yeah we talked about that and I think it's available again just go on Twitter and look for Dan you're gonna find some answers not the topic of today's stream Jonathan Lightfoot let's see what you said when will your course be released also are you going to release a version free of the chat chipity cheat sheet yes the two are gonna go hand in hand so the original plan was doing the cheat sheet and then updating it for the first quarter but I'm gonna keep updating it longer for longer um and there's gonna be a new version of the book with more prompts and a better introductory chapter all right let me full screen this so the introductory chapter is going to be better there's going to be more practical examples and there's going to be a video training that comes with it that teaches you how to get more out of the book essentially it's gonna show you this like mother of all prompts partially it's going to talk about blocks it's going to talk about formulas it's going to talk about applying formulas it's gonna be essentially a more structured version of what we're doing here um with even more content and then the course is going to be the ultimate Zero to Hero thing like my goal is taking a complete novice and leading him step by step and introducing him to how to engineer some of these prompts by yourself that's going to be the goal it's going to be not just showing like the cheat sheet is all about like showing you what you can do and the course is gonna be all about laying I'm laying out a map it's it's going to be about laying out a map on how to get to a point where you can do these things yourself where you can like come up with new prompts and be a part of the conversation at the highest level that's going to be the goal of the course it's going to be structured in eight modules there's gonna be a bunch of practical examples and I'm gonna keep adding to it all the time I'm gonna make this my I'm gonna make it my life's mission for the foreseeable time like the next year or so to make that thing as good as possible I think already I don't like hyperbolic statements except in titles guys I I do like heaven titles hey I think you got to get those clicks somehow right it's quality content inside so I I I have to admit I do like me some clickbait but I think I at this point it's about like 70 developed right now it's gonna come out to answer your question it's gonna come out the first of April or 2nd of April I don't know I don't want to release it on like the joke day right but it's gonna come out beginning of April and I think right now it's looking at the very least it's looking like I I'll just say it I think it's the best course available on the Internet it's straight up like I believe that look might I be biased sure but I think just production quality wise there's no question content wise I failed to find another one that goes as in-depth so that's that's an argument and we're already working on these killer use cases these case studies that are gonna show these in practice so for example if I if I show you how to generate ideas it's not gonna be like hey here's the idea generation prompt here's how to run it here you can copy paste it here's maybe a good follow-up prompt that's the expected right that's gonna go a step further this is going to be like okay and today we're hanging out with Jennifer Jennifer is the social media manager for this company and she's going to use some of the idea generation prompts we provided here Jennifer go ahead and then Jennifer is going to use it and then we're going to go ahead and help Jennifer actually implement it into her workflow the focus is going to be really getting results as opposed to just giving you tutorials that you might not end up using I think the best way to teach this um and you may be picked up on that in the videos that I did is not just showing you exactly what to copy paste but also showing you how to implement it so I really like the Practical part so at first it's going to be that core Corpus of the modules that make a prompt engineer out of you and then it's gonna go and start we're gonna start adding use cases and case studies to the course so there's going to be updates for that and along with the course released there's going to be update of the ebook which is kind of a new version so I hope that answers your question Jonathan um essentially it's like this is kind of the sole focus of my entire existence at this point and um I went all in on creating the best like educational resources around this starting with YouTube now we expand it into Instagram and tick tock um the Discord server is alive and well and we're expanding the course is going to be kind of the magnum opus of everything where everything comes together you you'll get everything in one place and yeah that's that's my answer Google will try to make this Tech as persuasive as possible Under the Umbrella pervasive oh I purchased ebook now at chat log or a doc on training Chachi Pizza to help with a journey something I'll definitely pay for interesting man dude you just paid I'll give it to you right here it's like the most basic thing you want to do is um if you go to my newsletter archive on my website I think in the second newsletter I had the exact prompt so I don't know it by heart but essentially you can ask chatgpt to be your mid-journey prompt generator I thought about this a lot I'm like intermediate at my journey I'm no like a i art God but I think I'm I'm quite good but I decided not to create educational material around majoring just because there's so many people doing a great job around it I looked at the chat GPT landscape and I was like oh wait there's definitely we can we can one up like this on on many levels and that's why I'm focusing on that I really want to like add value to this and also I feel like chat GPT has more um work there's more people that could benefit from it in their work than mid-journey could help people benefit in their work I think both are insane but I just like Chachi PTC seems like the rational one so okay so to answer your question um I'm not I'm not gonna be creating my journey products but um what you can do is you can use chat gbt to be a prompt generator and I I would need to check the archive but essentially it goes something like I don't know all these problems by heart like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna kid you but it goes something like um generate me uh prompt for an AI art generator I think um for an um and I think in my example it was like like a gold next to a lake right uh something like this for a gold next to a lake for an air generator and if you run this it's going to give you quite a detailed prompt yeah this is not exactly it this would work though if you feed it into my journey this would work but essentially I think there was like another block to this um where it gave you where it gave you um keywords instead of this and you can use chatgpt to generate my journey prompts fantastic starting point fantastic starting point anyway so let's see so it's Daniel welcome to the group man good to have you we've been talking a little bit in DMS good to have you here super active in the server hey it's good to see you dude it's good to see you let's see some of these okay I found it I'll share the members only this chord okay perfect man virtual Home Improvement sales very impressed with my testing tips what do you mean by virtual Home Improvement sales virtual Home Improvement sales I'm not sure you would have to elaborate on that that's that's a little cryptic to me when I create prompts I initially start asking questions to get it to respond how I wanted to and then I go in and look to see where I can replace certain words with variables that's a good approach yeah also like I'll tell you the course is going to be structured in a way where it's going to be like okay here's basic prompts here's how you set up here's how formulas work here's how the building blocks work here's several examples then we're going to start messing with that and that's going to be the first half of the course and then we're going to go deep and show you like specific I I don't I don't want to reveal too much I don't want to reveal too much all of this is going to be I don't want to reveal too much because other people would steal it as they did with like all the other content I created so far so the second half of let me just say this the second half of the course is gonna be anybody no matter how advanced you are you're going to find Value in there and it's gonna be very outcome and very practical it's gonna be very like it's gonna be focused on real world results I would say I don't want to give away the exact like methodology that we're going to use there to teach it but it's it's going to be good and once it's live um beginning of April you're gonna see all of it there's gonna be a sales video there's going to be YouTube YouTube videos and there's gonna be the whole curriculum it's gonna be live and the First videos are gonna be free anyway so that's that's my answer right there um what else do we have here I purchase the ebook by the way so I'm serious about that what do you mean training chat log for me General injective something I'll definitely pay for or Docker training to help with my journey okay interesting interesting any more questions here let's see what is the address for your website the only one the one in the description is not working really that's curious you can I think you can just go to like the um get my free ebook here right let me try this and then there's a menu at the top okay I'll just show you guys this is what I meant with like the The Prompt Center I need to update the archive um it's it's been actually a while I'll do this man I do this manually but if you go in here and if you open if you go to you know um this one has a pretty easy like wait I need to fix my URLs I I do all this myself so apologies if it's not yeah this okay you can go to the archive I'll just paste the link to it in the in the chat and in the archive on the website you can go to the second one here fifth of January I believe if I'm not mistaken yes this is it this is it so here it was the prompt of the week generate prompts for art generators right this is it write me a visual description of a wise goat living next to a lake using only nouns and objectives there you go there's the prompt men appreciate the 10 donation here's the prompt that replaces the the product that you asked for uh how can I connect my Discord uh to the YouTube membership so what you do is you go to Discord you go to your profile settings the little like gear icon right then in the profile settings you um in the profile settings you pick Integrations and in Integrations you connect it to your YouTube and you're gonna get Auto assigns the role if you go into the members area on my channel I posted screenshots there that show you exactly um so yeah you can use that as a reference I think you should figure it out if not feel free to ask I'll help you out but essentially you have to connect your Discord account to your YouTube account and then you get the or the role um thank you do you have a Discord that I can send the results to Daniel have you um Skyblocks block Labs I have seen that actually wait I have it waited I need to hide my screen because I have it in my bookmarks one second here boom boom sneaky sneaky AI tools there you go this huh this is incredible stuff yeah I've seen this um I ran into it yesterday or two days ago it's quite cool you could be like um waterfall in the desert at sunset and you could be like okay make it make it sci-fi and generate yeah it's a really cool app good suggestion man you can go get this at skybox.blockaidlabs.com just a little fun fun little app it's generating it right now oh thank you for taking the time I'll definitely keep you on top of my creators thank you Winfield I appreciate that hey this is the second that I own man this is the second donation to your DeGeneres this is so cool I never received like a donation before in my life everybody always everybody just always asks for money nobody gives you money right anybody can relate anyway thanks man I appreciate that I should be streaming more huh this is fun like we get to hang out we get to talk we get to talk about AI this is great we're gonna be doing this every Monday by the way every Monday 1 pm Eastern Time what website is this it's Skybox wait I'm covering it up not bad so this is like a desert waterfall in a Sci-Fi style it's kind of cool look at that now let's generate it in a surreal Style no maybe maybe enough as a fantasy landscape it's just a cool it's just a cool page I hope that um prompt helped you out Winsfield I'm trying to make a workflow to convert this image to an actual 3D model random Bleak fan first of all shout out to random bleach fan what a great name I'll post the link to this in the in the chat this is kind of uh it's a kind of a neat app okay um yeah I think that would be super cool if you could like just generate this and then put on a VR headset and be in there but I mean how would you how would you handle the depth in here would you like Auto generate oh look at this is more like what I imagined here look at that if this was VR and you could walk around it man imagine you just say like oh my God it's gonna be so sick one apple glass is supposed to come out next month or is that a rumor I would love that anyway um imagine like you have a headset on and you're just like oh like a waterfall in a desert at Sunset and then it just generates this and you get to walk around with it I mean hell we have all the building blocks right it just needs to get better this is really cool look at this pretty cool stuff it's a good good backdrop actually how do we get the material what do you mean by the material my main like the material like of the different materials here like the textures um let me see if I can find the website for websites that can take images and generate depth depth maps from it okay interesting so I must I'm a super Noob at game design I dove into Unity for like six weeks straight created like free YouTube videos around me learning it and never uploaded them but it was a fun little experiment and I yeah essentially I learned about the basics you know like textures depth maps depth depth math depth maps hard work and I set up like you know my my player character and the most advanced thing I did is like play around with shaders for water that was yeah and I and I have no idea how to code in uh C sharp all I know is a bit of python to automate the mundane tasks that content creation throws at you anyway Ahmed welcome to the members club dude good to have you here what you're able to do now is you're able to like open up the Discord and then you can link your you can link your uh your YouTube profile and you're gonna get a special role that is gonna be it's gonna give you access to a members only room hey man good to have you thanks for joining oh speechless holy moly holy moly this dude posted this dude posted quite the sick prompt in here wait let me let me read this in the members area and the Discord so he donated he joined and he provided a bunch of value guys this is how it's done shout out speechless good job man so use the mother of all problems to oh this is really funny this is really funny give me ideas on how to write me hypothetical dialogue between Peter and the Homer and then it goes on that's cool and he posted the outputs that's really cool guys this is what I secretly hope is going to happen with the Discord Community I want all you guys to become like a mad scientist mad prompt engineers and you're just gonna go ahead and you're gonna like explore all this right and I only have so many hours in a day and I hope the members area is gonna turn into something where we all experiment together share screenshots of how we did it what the results are and then learn from each other and then you know we're kind of gonna be like secret clan of Advanced prompt engineers and whenever these new apps come out we're gonna get to explore them together we're gonna do members only live streams where failure is not just accepted but embraced it's kind of my goal because here you know it's still I kind of I'm gonna want to make this work I want to make this a worthy tutorial and all that but I want to do these members only live streams where it's like hey let's break it and let's run into walls and let's end the stream on like a note where it's like okay we don't know how to figure it out whatever let's move on here I'm more like I want to give you results but in the members area it's like okay let's try new stuff fail while doing it maybe someone else is going to figure it out who knows that's the you know power of community so that's that's kind of my goal there so we'll we'll see this is all Super Fresh right um it's kind of month one of the membership so yeah it's real cool I enjoyed uh well I'll I'll tell you as in the chat great prompt usage right there it's really cool so yeah I hope you guys are gonna like explore and share your findings at the very least just hop into Discord and leave and leave some of your ideas okay cool any any more questions how do we get the PDF on prompts um you go to the description of this video you follow get my free ebook here I'll post it in the description and you just sign up for my Weekly Newsletter and you'll get an email you should get an email that's like a 80 chance we'll get an email otherwise you'll get a follow-up in an hour um you know I'm willing to bet your teacher knows next to nothing about AI my teacher said AI just makes us stupid what do you think yeah I think it's there I think there's validity to that claim just like there is validity to saying you know having Google makes you stupid but at the end of the day I think it's a it's a bad take overall if I had to judge it I think it's a bad take because you know being stupid makes you stupid not your environment like humans are really good adapting to the environment and we've always adjusted to everything that was thrown at us and I think at the end of the day if you're if you want to be stupid you're gonna be stupid if you want to cheat on every single exam and you wanna get through life without putting in any effort efforts you know you're gonna you're gonna find a way to do that and you're but you're also going to reap the benefits or the consequences of that rather so I think people that want to put in zero effort are gonna put in zero effort is this another tool that helps them with that sure of course but the stuff I've seen in school and university the the lengths that people go to just to cheat often it's more efforts than the studying it itself right and I think people that want to do that always have done that and we'll keep doing that and the ones that want to put in the effort like everybody in this chat is like obviously interested on how to make more out of this Tech right might some people in here use it to cheat on their exams or like their assignments sure but that doesn't automatically make them worse people I think I think at the end of the day it's it's a mindset thing and and it's like the way you approach it it's the way you approach it if you approach it I'm gonna get to save time and play more video games like sure that's one type of person and that's fine too but I think at the end of the day I I'm confident in saying that most people in here are here to learn about this and actually to use it to their advantage to level up themselves and then eventually they're surrounding too and I think that that's a healthy approach and to the teacher I would say first of all I would ask if you even tried using it and I was like I tried with it it would give you like some ignorant answer and then I would go on to bring up examples of if you have actually wanted to have the discussion right that's a good initial question then I would go on to have a discussion around if any other of these Technologies like smartphones like Google like those are great examples right there made people more stupid did emails make people more stupid just because it's a more efficient way of sending messages or you know the depth of handwriting or people are going to forget how to write you have keyboards now oh is this a little more extreme than than emails yes sure of course yes it's kind of like an artificial brain right it's crazy but at the end of the day I think stupid people are going to be stupid and the people that want to put in the effort and want to excel at what they do um which by the way is in the end is always worth it they will do just that um so yeah it's gonna it's gonna just enforce that Gap it's gonna be even easier to cheat now but at the end of the day um I choose to be optimistic about these things because I can I can I get the choice and I'm gonna make the best of it and I'm gonna help others make the best of it and that take of like oh this is gonna make people stupid it's just useless it's just useless I'm sorry it's like what what okay what now you know so that's I don't know that's what I think about that getting the answer straight to question without learning it makes people stupid hmm so do you think like interesting I I think you have a point there random bleach fan I think I think you have a point there but at the end of the day like the prompts that we ran today right like the example generator the mother of all problems that's a use case that you could have never achieved with a conventional search engine right and yes you're gonna get some of those where it's like oh just get the answer like you're not even gonna have to think but on the other hand you're gonna get some insane applications that you've never seen before and that were never able to be done before so it's a double-edged sword and I personally like at least for myself I can only speak for myself right I feel like it opened up a whole new world and it made my creativity go into places that never went to before because of AI so I don't know is it making me stupid I certainly don't think so um and also by the way like what are you gonna do what are you gonna do might as well adjust huh might as well adjust instead of being just salty and and all that anyway enough enough on that topic um kind of like saying using a hammer makes a weak anchor thank you no that's a great you know exactly kind of like saying using a hammer makes a week I love that I'm wow that's a really good that's a really good analogy thanks you need a more catchy name for Moab mother of all prompts dude final race that's okay that's cool is it like the Moab Moab from the Call of Duty I believe right and which I think that's the most popular franchise it got featured in right the mother of all bombs the Moab that's cool should I add that can't beat them join them you know skills needed yesterday will not be the skills needed tomorrow I I remember when the use of PCS was forbidden in school yeah man same and like up to the age of 14 we weren't allowed to use calculators and I think there's wisdom to that you know I'm still able if you're like nine times seven it's like 63 right it's just like that's that stuff sticks with you and I think it's it's good that it stuck with me so that's a good it's a good skill to have by the way okay um ah for the depth you left a comment about the depth map let's see Leah pics converter I heard that I heard that before this rings a bell just drag and drop on images and it will generate the depth version from the image for free that's really cool yeah that's so cool I mean ah I honestly like one of my secret wishes right now is just being able to put down the laptop put down the social media for like a month just like close myself in a room and improve with python honestly I would just love to go like if you have the possibility maybe if you don't have a job or you're in between jobs or you have like time next to UNI I feel like that's gonna be one of the that's a fantastic skill to play around with currently in the current world and in the upcoming world automation paired with like a GPT like API it's just ah that pairing is just so it's so good it's such a valuable skill set I would love to get better at that my python skills are like they're like maybe a three out of ten like I I know basic stuff with Chachi PT I guess I know like intermediate stuff now but I'm no Wizard and I would and I would like to develop my skills in that area anyway I guess content creation is my forte this is a really cool cool image anyway okay move on Okay so I think uh we're gonna take a last round of questions do it I actually really like your idea we're gonna do that let's update let's update um the video's name the mother of all prompts the Moab I think that's gonna stick we can make it stick huh the more up I like that I found the mother of all prompts let's do this check it out check it out check it out today look I take care this is this is living proof that I take your guys suggestions uh seriously I'm gonna do this the Moab I found the mother of all prompts more up should I make these adjustments what you guessing you know what like is this a good name we're gonna do a little poll before we end this year should I call it the Moab yes or no okay the poll is in chat you guys you get to vote should I call this the Moab whatever guys you decide we're gonna make the adjustment to the YouTube title 100 yes 80 yes okay let's see take your vote that's cool prompt me toys that's cool also prompt Guru is another good one I ran into oh man somebody's all like oh man you're like a prompt girl I'm like whoa that sounds I like the sound of that oh by the way you guys everyone that is here right now I've been told by many people to do this more I'm supposed to ask you to like this live stream so if you you know if you could take like half a second out of your day and hit that like button it would be much appreciated I've heard that it apparently it really helps apparently it really helps and everybody else asks for it so by not asking for it it's just like just like refraining from using clickbait you just shoot yourself in the knee and both knees and then you try to run a marathon because that's what YouTube is you can't do that you need to so please if you enjoyed this content if you enjoyed the Q a leave a like I would appreciate that did you start with the Moab that's actually it's actually kind of sticky did you use the Moab for that that's good okay dude 88 percent five more seconds I think this is quite clear you guys you guys are feeling this it's the Moab I found the mother of all problems all right all right it is what it is let's do it the more up and this very second the more up has been officially coin it's the moap it's the mother of all prompts there you go 89 you guys believe in this okay let's do this it's called the moap hmm that's funny all right we did this okay so that's it I think this was a very informative live stream I'll quickly recap we went for the moap the mother of all prompts oh yeah this is sticky let's do it then we went then we went then we moved on and we showed you it in action we ran into some troubles and I showed you how to troubleshoot it luckily for and for like educational purposes it didn't work not even when I tried to troubleshoot it so then we had to take a completely different route to get around the problem and to attack it from a different angle and that worked then I showed you how to use the prompt to generate ideas we went for a bunch of questions I showed you how to prompt how to use chat GPT to generate better with journey prompts we looked at times at some incredibly cool apps just like this one right here we had a bunch of questions we had a bunch of people join the members Club feel free to do that it's 3.99 a month and you get a members only Discord room a bunch of people joined there the chat is alive and well well I actually have to read that it's even more active than the than the stream chat wow and it's just how many people four people are online right now that's not much so if you want to get into this club you can just join the YouTube membership I announced uh the development of the course I think it's about 70 done uh you're gonna hear more about it throughout the next month and all I can do right now is say thank you so much for joining me on this live stream thank you so much and slowly but surely we're gonna fade this thing out and I'm gonna wish you a wonderful day have a wonderful week and you know what it is you're gonna see me every Monday on here on this YouTube channel we're gonna go through different prompts explore together if you want to do that before join the membership thank you so much for joining and that's it the Moab has been coins ladies and gentlemen I'll hang out we'll hang out in Discord for a bit so feel free to comment to the Discord I think I'm just gonna switch on over to the voice Channel there for a bit we're gonna have a little hangout session there super casual thank you so much for joining us today how often do I stream I just started streaming once a week every Monday it might just do more but that's the fixed schedule every Monday at this time you're gonna find me here all right thank you so much have a good one how do I connect Discord to YouTube um I think I can show you so okay I have streamer mode enabled for safety reasons but just check it out like if you go to your settings it's here it's connections and then you add the YouTube connection that's what you do and then you get the role you cannot go into the members area on the channel and there's gonna be a description alright guys have a good one have a great day thanks for joining
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 7,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C_m29FrZa9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 56sec (6356 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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