How-To Force ChatGPT To Write In Your Style

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gbt is way overhyped it could never match my level of writing and that's what many chat GPT beginners are convinced of but I'm here to tell you that it can absolutely match the level of your writing for most people and if you're a proficient writer it can match the level of your drafting because most people that get those mediocre results provide chat GPT with unclear instructions with a limited amount of context and that gets you poor results but no worries today I'll show you the ultimate prompt on how to apply your very own style to your chat GPT outputs because over the last few months I went through 10 iterations of this prompt and I'm about to show you the one that I returned to every time now but in order for you to actually understand what's going on here we need to take a step back and first do a quick recap on how to stylize your text inside of chat GPT so as you might be familiar from me teaching prompt engineering I always start with instructions and context and the only thing that differs when we stylize the text is the addition of the style to the end so yet again here nothing changes as per usual every prompt is made up of instructions in context but here in this case we want to add style and yes style could be considered a subset of context but in order for you to get the most out of this prompt we need to take a quick look at the basics of prompt engineering when it comes to applying style so in practice this would look something like write me an email as my instructions to my boss as the context and then I'll say in the style of Harley-Davidson okay now remove the brackets and we have a simple yet very effective prompt that writes your email to your boss in a style of Harley Davidson now this point you might be surprised that I use Harley-Davidson because usually people say in the style of William Shakespeare or in a formal style but one fun fact is that you can actually use these brand names and you might already know that in my free notion template I provide a bunch of these Styles but this is my tip to you use brand names and what you can achieve by using brand names and this ties into how to customize it to your very own style which we'll talk about any second here but what you achieve by saying Harley-Davidson is really a large subset of keywords that is hidden inside of that Harley-Davidson if you're not familiar it's American motorcycle brand that represents freedom individualism amongst many other American values and that is important to keep in mind because looking at the prompt that adjusts it to your very own style you should really realize how wide a single word like Harley-Davidson can really be and how many values that can and represent okay now let's get to the main part of this video The Prompt that adjusts any writing to your very own style so how do we do this well we say write a type of text about topic for target audience okay so as per usual the words and square brackets you want to change up to fit your very own needs and then we continue by saying in the style of the provided example capturing its tone voice vocabulary and sentence structure and then we round it out by saying example colon and here you insert your very own example okay so as you can see this is extended form of the previous prompt and let's just try filling it out so we can get a practical result here so we'll say write an email about the bad coffee at the office for my boss in the style of the provided example capturing its tone voice vocabulary and sentence structure example now we're gonna insert a piece of my writing and what I'll do here is copy paste part of my welcome email sequence when you sign up to my newsletter and this is essentially a part of my life story that explains the importance of adapting to your environment but in this case I just want to write me this email in my very own style and now let's have a look at the output here and look at that it perfectly mimics the style of my handwritten email and not just that it also copied the structure of the email as you can see look at that at the age of 30 I've never tasted such a disaster in a cup it's tragic here at the age of 24 I still hadn't spent more than three years living in one place it was rough it's perfect and it did that because we included this part we said sentence structure so if you want you can always remove this but I always start with this prompt as it replicates the text one to one which is usually what I need so yeah these are the basics but there's a second prompt so watch out for this one and this one is even better because it actually shows you the style so you can learn from it and reapply it in different ways let me show you it goes like this analyze an example text for tone voice vocabulary and sentence structure apply the identified elements to all your future outputs and there's nothing to modify here if I just copy paste the example below it will do what I asked of it and I like the analysis inside of gpt4 more because it structures it nicely but all of these work equally as well in GPT 3.5 and 4 so feel free to copy paste them from the description below as per usual and as you can see right here it generated the analysis of my text so the tone of the text is conversational informal and reflective the voice is personal and engaging as the author speaks directly to the reader the vocabulary used is simple and accessible without any technical jargon or overly complex terms but I think you can actually see this is a description of my style that I use for my YouTube too because for example the sentence structure is varied with a mix of short and longer sentences as long as sentence fragments right that's kind of how I actually talk and now that we have the analysis we could run a completely different prompt and it will apply that text because if you remember we asked to apply the identified elements to all your future outputs so future output would be answer to our next prompt write me an email about the bad coffee in our office to my boss and now it is completely unrelated request will be generated in the style of me as that's what we analyzed above with the very first prompt and this two prompt sequence it's so darn powerful because now you can write anything in your very own text look at that it's friendly and engaging with simple language very casual conversational and it talks from my perspective but for all this to work appropriately you need to consider one tip that I'll leave you with here and that is the example that you use has to be a good representation of your style because that's what all of this is built upon if it's going to be some generic reply that doesn't contain your actual writing style how is it supposed to be reflected there's no way for jgbt to reflect it correctly so make sure it's a high quality one and a final tip would be use the same type of writing so if you're trying to write emails ideally use another email of yours now this is not a requirement but you will get the best results if you're looking to write an essay use an essay that you wrote before not an email as the style there simply varies and you want to make your input as precise as possible right so at the end of the day this prompt is a fantastic addition to your tool belt and by having access to this now you can push yourself and AI to do more and hopefully make you best writer you can be now if you enjoyed this video These are the very basics of prompt engineering that we covered here if you want to go deeper I now have a full course with 32 videos similar to this but they go way deeper on the topic of building your own prompts to get custom results and if you're interested in learning some Advanced chat GPT techniques then I have this YouTube video which a lot of people have called a Hidden Gem because it has some truly unique and advanced prompts in there which might just help you with getting ahead in your life I'll see you there
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 83,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Id: 33FcIL6tFnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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