Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Lethal Company

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hey it's dry bear today we're going to talk about everything that you need to know to get started in Lethal company which is a brand new co-op dungeon delving game where you die for scraps in a very lethal hostile environment and try to survive by yourself or with teammates it honestly even has Vibes of paranormal investigation games where you bring equipment and you risk your life going into a dangerous area to try and survive and come back for some benefit but rather than investigating like you do in games like phasmophobia or demonologist you're Scavenging for materials the game is comprised of individual runs you will start a run with a couple days to meet a certain quota and then if you meet that quota you will move on to the next run where the quota will increase and you'll have a set amount of time to complete that as well but if you fail to meet the quota or die too many times you will lose and reset and start the run over again so that is the core gameplay loop on your ship you will see a quota above the main terminal that shows you how much time you have to earn the quota that you need but let's talk about your home base real quick your main ship there's two main screens to interact with your monitor which shows where all the players in your party are located the details of the location you're currently hovering above and it allows you to land on a moon or take off from a moon to adjust your plans and next to that is the terminal and this is where you buy gear from the store this is where you change locations or route to a new location where the player that's playing the command chair role can interact with items and objects that are inside of the facility you are landed at and so on so the first thing you're going want to do is select a location to land on to start looting you have a set amount of days to complete your quoda and each day is an entire time spent at one location so when you land on a moon to gain scrap that will take an entire day when you leave the day will be over and that is it you will start the day at 8:02 a.m. exactly and be able to go into the facility to start looting and as the day goes later and later as it goes into tonight more and more monsters start appearing outside of the facility and inside the facility making it more dangerous to stick around and at exactly midnight that day when you're landed on a moon if you are not on the ship the ship will still leave without you it's autopilot manage to leave exactly at midnight so you have from 8:02 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. in order to get the loot and get it back to the ship and get off the planet When selecting a moon to land on you'll see them kind of grouped in three different groups the first three moons that you have here are going to be moons that are the easiest difficulty and are free to travel to doesn't cost you any amount of credits in order to move to the that Moon and you can loot them the second grouping here of two are about medium difficulty and they're also free to travel to so you'll get a little bit more loot from these on average not always the case but on average but the difficulty will be a little bit higher and you'll face more aggressive enemies and the last grouping of moons are moons that have very high hostility but also very high loot density however they do cost credits to travel to it's not free to travel to these moons these are more for your end of run or when you're very wealthy When selecting a moon to land on you want to pay pay attention to the conditions that are on it if you see eclipsed or flooded or stormy or foggy all of these are weather effects that will affect the moon and generally you want to aim to land on moons that have no effects at all foggy makes it so it's very hard to see outside of the facility so if you're on a moon where you land and the distance between your ship and the facility is not a minor amount you can very easily get lost in the fog not being able to see where you're going stormy makes it dangerous to carry metallic objects from the facility to your sh ship this is a big problem because you're collecting scraps a lot of the items that you're bringing back are metallic like screws or sheet metal or engines and if you hold these in your hand for a couple seconds in a stormy environment you'll get zapped by lightning and instantly die now later on you can get a teleporter that goes from the facility to the ship if you have a lot of money or you can just periodically drop your metallic items and pick them up after the lightning has passed and it takes a little longer but you can get to your ship with this method flooded blocks off some areas and makes it more dangerous to travel but by far the worst one that you want to avoid at all costs is eclipsed remember earlier I told you that the beginning of the day is safest and at night time it is the most dangerous cuz at night is when all the monsters tend to come out however if you land on a moon that is eclipsed it means it starts the day at nighttime which means you are at your most dangerous at the very beginning of the day and it's usually recommended to avoid any eclipsed Moon if you're trying to loot once you've selected a moon to land on you'll jump out you'll have from 8:02 a.m. to midnight to loot the facility and get items back to your ship the facility is basically a randomly generated dungeon so it'll have a different layout and different items and different enemies and every time it'll be a little bit different when you go inside use right click on PC to scan for nearby enemies or objects in your area and I recommend hitting this constantly so you can always see things that pop up that you might miss this will also allow you to find your ship if it's obscured and also find the main entrance to the facility if you're looking to find your way in also keep in mind that every single facility that you land at has at least two entrances there's usually at least a main entrance and a fire escape sometimes multiple fire escapes and so if you ever get to a point where you can't enter the main entrance because there's an enemy nearby you might want to go find the fire escape or you might just have to leave early once inside you're looking for items that have high value or really just any items in general these items come in two different categories items that can be held in one hand and just held in your inventory and items that are heavy and have to be held with both hands at once which means when you have the two-handed items in your hand you can't interact with objects other than doors you can't pick anything else up you have to put the big item down in order to pick something up and then pick the big item up again and while you have four inventory slots this means you can't carry more than one two-handed item at a time so if you find an engine or a nuclear reactor or something that requires both your hands to hold you can only have one of those so ideally you want to fill up your other slots before grabbing one of those if you can now keep in mind that every piece of scrap that you find is worthless if you don't bring it back to the sh ship if it's outside the ship when the ship leaves or if you die anything that's not on the ship will be taken and removed from your storage so you have to get the items from the facility all the way to the ship and get them on board and survive in order to hold on to those so that you can sell them for money now inside the facilities you will run into a bunch of obstacles most of these are monsters that will start showing up more and more often as the day gets later and later and you also find traps and other obstacles that might exist a steam valve might blow open and give you reduced visibility making your flashlights useless you have to wander your way through the steam to turn off the valve there are landmines on the ground which thankfully don't have a radius to them it's more if you just touch them or step on them directly so when you hear them beeping you want to avoid them at all cost you also run into automated turrets that will turn towards you with an orange light and start firing and they will kill you instantly so you want to avoid these or disable them using the terminal on the ship or temporarily using weapons and items now part of the fun of this game as a dungeon Delver is figuring out and all the things you can run into and experiencing it for yourself but just keep in mind that every monster type that you run into has some sort of counterplay there's a couple of them you really just want to avoid because the counterplay is not great but a lot of them you can learn to deal with and and coexist with if you know what they're all about if you get close enough to a monster you can write click to scan them and add them to your Beast area which you can access from your ship and they will tell you how to deal with these monsters moners for the sake of this being a beginner's guide I'm not going to cover any of the monsters but I will do that in a separate video If there is interest you also find secure doors that are closed or open and the only way to interact with these is using the terminal on the ship so let's talk about the power of the terminal first off if you're in a group you do want one person on the ship to be Manning the controls and the monitors because there's a lot of power in being able to do so you can watch people through the radar system on the monitor which allows you to view them moving around and then you can also open and close secured Doors by typing open space the the moniker for the door which is usually a letter and then a number so open T9 would open a t a door labeled T9 on the radar and allows you to navigate your friends through this the facility you can also see enemies and threats that exist before they run into them and you can also when you get when they get near a turret the turret will have a name and you can disable the turret briefly which allows them to pass without getting shot at which also helps you navigate your friends to a fire exit or the main door if they get lost because some of the layouts are actually very dark and very confusing Additionally you can buy ship upgrades once you have enough money things like the inverse teleporter and the inverse teleporter has to be initiated by the person in the ship so if you're trying to teleport someone from the facility to the ship you have to be on the ship to do so and that's where that command chairperson comes in handy Additionally you can only see the time of day when you're outside the facility so you can end up being in the facility until you get the warning that the ship is leaving without you soon and it might be too late for you to be able to exit and get to the ship in time so having someone outside the facility that can M monitor the amount of time you're spending in the facility is quite useful terminal is also how you buy and receive Goods so when you're on the terminal you type store it tells you all the items that you can buy and when you buy them after at the top of the hour a delivery item or a package will appear on the outside of the ship on the open area outside the facility and you grab those items and you get to keep them if you die you lose the items there's no way to store them but you can have them with you and they are quite powerful and useful for various things now I'm not going to cover every single item that's in the store but I will cover the most fundamental ones that you want to be aware of having a flashlight with you is incredibly useful allows you to illuminate dark Pathways and some of the labyrinth style areas are even easier to navigate when you can see what's down the corridor boom boxes are useful for distracting enemies that are sound based there are outside uh open Planet enemies that have no eyes they're blind but they respond to sound so you can lure them away and there're also facility enemies that are the same way so being able to lure them away from an entrance so that you can exit that way is extremely useful the most powerful item that you will need is the walkietalkie especially if you're playing in a team this allows you to talk to anyone else that has a walki talking no matter where they are there is proximity based voice chat but obviously if you have someone in the ship and someone in the facility they won't be able to be in proximity to talk to each other so buy a walkie-talkie turn it on and hold left click to talk to anyone else that has a walkie-talkie so ideally everyone on your team has one so you can keep in touch as you spread out looking for scrap the TCP inhalent is basically a stamina reset and speed boost this is useful for out running monsters that are normally faster than your base run speed like circuit bees or even the BL the eyeless dogs that move very quickly the inhalent will allow you to escape them if you get into that situation you can also type scan on the terminal which allows you to see how many items are currently in the facility and how much their total worth is so you can see if it's worth going back back to get more and how much you missed now as we mentioned if it hits midnight the ship will leave whether there's anyone on it or not and if if your ship leaves without anyone on it the whole crew is wiped out then you will lose everything that you haven't sold anything on board the ship is wiped and lost which is another reason why the command center person is useful because if everyone in the facility dies that person can just leave and save some of the stuff that's already on board the ship if any crew mate dies they will lose any items that they had on them and you also receive a fine for having a casualty on your run however you can find their body pick it up and carry it with you and if it's on board when the run is over and you leave the moon then you will avoid the fine that you get for that death so just be sure to grab your teammates bodies if they end up perishing once you got all the loot on board and you're at the end of your run and you want to sell your items to get money you do this by typing moons on the terminal and just going to the company building keep in mind the later you wait until your quota is is due the more value you will get for the items that you sell so ideally you want to save everything on the ship that you can until it says zero days remaining for the quota then fly over to the company building and sell everything for 100% value if you sell it every single time you're going to be wasting time as you fly back to the Moon that has the company building and you also waste money because you're not going to get full value from it but the risk there is that if you have items on the ship and your whole team is wiped out you will lose it all and get nothing and that's where I'll cut the video day just to make sure it's not too long there's more to cover here around the items that are good how to manage your money how to hit the cotas properly and the specific monsters that you can run into and how to counter them but I'll leave that there just for The Beginner's Guide honestly this game is super fun so I hope you're enjoying it let me know what you think about lethal company Down Below in the comments if you found value in today's video leave a like down below leave a comment for the algorithm to help this video get seen by more people and don't forget to check out my other channels for other content and other stuff and other things [Music] m
Channel: DrybearGamers
Views: 397,398
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Keywords: drybear, rory newbrough, lethal company drybear, lethal company beginners guide, lethal company killing monsters, lethal company guide, lethal company gameplay, lethal company trailer, lethal company jester, lethal company bracken, lethal company review, lethal company beginner, lethal company beginning, lethal company how to, lethal company how to sell scrap, lethal company how to play, lethal company how to sell, lethal company how to use zap gun
Id: kcq4ypY4AKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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