Stir It Up - Deven Wallace

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[Music] and for the word I haven't word ready to preach but God gave Devon a prophetic word and last week she comes to me and said I believe God said this to me I said no he didn't say it oh she said I believe God is saying this to you I believe you need to preach this and say he didn't say it to me he said it to you so you're gonna preach this [Applause] would you tell our First Lady you love parish it comes to preach the word of the Lord this morning Oh [Music] praise the Lord I tried to rescue you I tried to rescue you and me both in fact I almost just ran a lab to see if I could start something that's what God finish it thank you Father so I'll just try to deliver this the best I can I'm just going to have you turn in your Bibles to second Timothy if you've been in Sunday school you've been in second Timothy who's been in Sunday school in this place amen second Timothy chapter one I'm just gonna actually start with verse one and read all the way through verse seven I'm gonna teach for just a moment and really just release the word and I'll let Kevin clean it up so if you'll start with me in verse 1 Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy my dearly beloved son grace mercy and peace from God the Father in Jesus Christ our Lord I thank God whom I served from my forefathers with pure conscious conscience that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day greatly designed to see thee being mindful of your tears that I may be filled with joy when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith which is in you which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice I am persuaded that it's in you also therefore I will put in remembrance to you to stir up the gift of God which is in you by the putting on of my hands for God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind would you just look at your neighbor and say stir it up stretch your hands toward me and I'm gonna pray for you and let's just let the Holy Spirit talk to us today father help help help let me deliver this as you gave it to me I call to attention spiritual ears right now that we will hear with spiritual ears our spirits would be awake right now I call to alertness every spirit to hear what you would say today I pray the hearts of our heart would be open to receive and that your word would go forth in demonstration that signs wonders and miracles would confirm your word father by your authority that this word would go forth and it would reverse what the enemy started and put into action the plans you have for us we agree together and we are hungry for what you would say today and all those in agreement say eh men you may be seated so I just want to lay a foundation so I can release a very short word I don't have a sermon today but as we were actually in Sunday school a two weeks ago we were studying this chapter and the Lord downloaded to me what I really honestly did think the Holy Spirit said was for Kevin to preach and and I'll never do it again I'll tell the Lord you tell him that I'm honored to be here today just to say this is about spiritual DNA that's the series we're in about who we are in God about our ancestry and we find here in 2nd Timothy that Paul is actually talking to his spiritual son Timothy and he is telling him to stir up something that Paul imparted to him actually God imparted to him when Paul laid hands on him you got to be very careful to pay attention to the words their God imparted something to Timothy when Paul laid hands on him and Paul is telling Timothy it's time to stir it up either it had gone dormant or maybe Timothy had been overtaken by fear maybe he had set silent long enough we don't know why but at some point Paul had been with Timothy had placed his hands on his head which is the sign of the blessing of a father and when a blessing of my father is released over a son it cannot be reversed it cannot be taken and Paul had released something over Timothy and God imparted a spiritual gift to him but now Paul is in prison and he's writing a letter to Timothy and he's having to tell him Timothy stir up what's already there what's already there and he says to Timothy you know there's a great faith that's resting on you that faith was in your mother and it was in your grandmother and now I recognize it on you so as we were studying this in Sunday school my brain just went to our series and God series and I realized that in 2nd Timothy chapter 1 we are finding out that just as we have physical DNA that can be passed from generation to generation from mother to daughter to granddaughter from father to son to grandson so the things of the Spirit can also be passed through our family here we find that Timothy's grandmother had an unprecedented amount of faith that she was very careful to impart to her daughter and then her daughter turned and instilled that faith in Timothy and faith was literally a gift of faith was being passed from generation to generation then Paul comes along as spirit Timothy spiritual father and he imparts the fire to Timothy I believe it was the gift of the Holy Spirit it could have been the gift to preach maybe Timothy was carrying the mantle of an apostle whatever it is when Paul said for him to stir it up it literally meant to rekindle it to set it on fire again so we found this young man Timothy not only has an impartation of faith he has an impartation of fire that came to him through his family lime he had an inherited right to it so I just begin to ponder on that thought and I don't really know any pretty way to say it and then the Lord said that this was a prophetic word to this house that there is a spiritual inheritance resting over each member of this house that we need to stir up today that you have been given an inheritance some of you are unaware of some of you are fully aware of and it is laying dormant in your life and the Lord sent me to command you to stir up the generational blessing that God has given to you that has traveled through your family line can you handle that today good so I just want to talk for just a moment about spiritual inheritance and I'm going to actually just teach for five minutes on what it means to receive an inheritance when I went to Ecuador that was the assignment God gave me was to UM Maria Feliciano had given me a word about the inheritance of the daughters and I actually preached on the daughters of Zavala head in Ecuador and so I had lots of time to study inheritance and I think if you will bear with me while I lay a foundation it's going to help you understand what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to you today can you handle it amen so we hear a lot about DNA today that's why Kevin did this series it's very popular now to find out what your real lineage is and where you really came from and who you really belong to and we are very familiar with physical DNA in fact if I paraded all four of the Wallace children up here today it would be very evident they belong to Kevin and I because there are aspects of our DNA that are very visible in their life from our eye color to their height to their hair color or whatever it is our children carry our DNA and because of that they carry something within their DNA that they didn't ask for they didn't earn they just breathe everyday and become what we gave them okay somebody needs to hear that is spiritual ears today they don't work for their DNA they don't wake up and sweat for their DNA they really can't do anything about it good or bad they just wake up and they breathe and they become what's already in them and this is what it is for our spiritual DNA it's the same whatever spiritual DNA you walk in every day you wake up you breathe and you become whether it's a spiritual DNA of darkness because you're of your father the devil and you haven't been regenerated or reborn again or whether you have been brought into a new family and adopted into the family of Christ and your DNA has been transformed like Kevin said you've been regenerated and you wake up and you breathe and you become like Christ whichever one but we top sometimes in our family I had a conversation with one of my children last night about positive and negative aspects of our DNA all of us can be happy about some things we inherit from our family and some of us spend lots of money and surgery to change things we wish we didn't get amen I'm at that age now where I'm looking at my mom really closely to try to get a glimpse in fact Gigi I have to confess if I was as I was watching you today I thought is this me 40 years from now well I'd be her height well I worship like her will I look like her because we are not in control of what we inherit and we spend so much time I do as a parent helping our children become secure in just who they are the combination of their DNA telling them they're uniquely made God did not cookie cut us all to look alike he pulled different things out of the DNA of our ancestors so that we would have different shades of hair in different shades of skin and we would be different heights and different weights and have different eye colors and all of those things are in our DNA but in the spirit it is the same sometimes spiritually we inherit both both positive and negative things from our spiritual DNA you will see down your family line that there are things that will follow you from generation to generation and you will find that sometimes you're struggling with the thing same thing your grandma did or your son is struggling with the same thing your grandpa did or your your strong in something of spiritually that your grandfather was you will see that even in your spiritual DNA there are things were really proud of and there are things we could do without and there's been so much teaching in the church on what some people call generational curses and generational blessing and I'm not here to focus on any generational curse today I'm going to teach just a moment I'm here to release generational blessing because I'm here to tell you the church has been curse obsessed and we should have been blessing obsessed because when Jesus did on the cross brings much more blessing and breaks every curse and sometimes we're so concerned about spiritually what is wrong with our family and what we're terrified our children will deal with and we miss the spiritual inheritance we have because of what Christ broke on the cross and released over us can you say Amen in fact a blessing is always more powerful than a curse we had a unusual experience I probably shouldn't say on the airwaves but it's okay at our house the other night we had some unannounced visitors next to our driveway because we live on an overlook of the city and over this church and those unannounced visitors were up there to pray and release what was not a prayer to Jesus but was what we would categorize as a curse over our City and Kevin and I came home to intercept this taking place by our driveway over this city and a few words with Kevin and they were running down the yard down the hill and Kevin just begin to release blessing and we got Zion and we poured oil and we cranked our music up and we just released blessing and I'm not sure how long they were releasing curses but I know in about five minutes of blessing we all felt victory because the blessing is so much more powerful than the curse in fact a blessing can never be reversed by a curse in fact if you try to curse what God is bless that curse will turn right back on the person who released it just ask David when he looked at Goliath Goliath said today I'm gonna feed your body to the your carcass to the birds but it was just a few verses later Goliath body was fed to birds because when you try to curse what God has blessed it will turn on the enemy who cursed you so I'm here to tell you we're not going to be a cursed obsessed Church in this house we are a house that has been blessed your marriage your children your finances are blessed and what God has blessed the enemy cannot curse in the name of Jesus it's your spiritual inheritance but Exodus 20 and for kind of compares blessing and cursing and I want to release this because it's not good enough for you to hear my words I want you to hear the word of the Lord Exodus 20 and 4 says this I the Lord your God am a jealous God and I will punish the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation this is where our generational cursing awareness came from and it's the truth of God's Word and you will find that if the enemy has given permission he will attempt to repeat the curse of your the father's on the children and the grandchildren if the enemy has given permission he will make sure cancer it's every generation of your family if the enemy has given permission he'll make sure that alcoholism runs through every root of your family if the enemy has given permission he'll make sure suicide and depression wreck your family but what we're about to find out is inheritance is a legal transaction and you can't do what you don't have permission to do and the enemy may desire to curse to the third and fourth generation because of the sins of the parents but I'm here to tell you Jeremiah 31 and 29 says this God said no longer will the children eat the sour grapes of their parents but every generation will pay for their own sins and I came to declare over you and over your house you will not eat the sour grapes generations before you I came to declare over this city Chattanooga will not eat the sour grapes of the sins of this city I came to declare over this nation we will not eat the sour grapes of what our forefathers did according to the word of God the enemy doesn't have a right but what's so interesting about this same verse that made us curse obsessed the second half says this but I've the Lord your God will show love to a thousand generations you want to know how much more powerful the blessing is the curse for a season may have lasted three and fourth generations but when you invoke the blessing of the Lord on your house it will last a thousand generations how many are ready to invoke a blessing on your family that will repeat four thousand generations after you breathe your last breath I'm telling you in this house we're releasing a blessing over the city and over this nation that will reap a harvest for a thousand years how many can grab hold of that word today I'm laying up a blessing for my family that won't just last two my great great grandchildren but that will last for more great so that I can put in front of their name I'm here to reverse some things and I think some of you are too because you've been buying the lie of the enemy that you had to live under that bondage of your spiritual DNA you were buying the lie that you were gonna wrestle and manage for the rest of your life what you watched your mother and your father and your grandmother and your grandfather and your uncles and your aunts wrestle and I came today with the word of freedom you don't have to live under that bondage the name of Jesus you're gonna live under a blessing so there are laws of inheritance so if you can allow me to be non spiritual for a second it's really gonna help us understand the Word of God inheritance is a legal transaction and the first step in understanding your inheritance is understanding your DNA it's an identity thing because if you don't know who you are you don't know what you have right - my inheritance is not based in the natural my inheritance is not based on my works my job my bank account my inheritance is based on one thing my last name when my father and my grandfather passed away my inheritance will be based on one thing my DNA when that happens in Kevin's family I have been married into a family that now my DNA also carries an inheritance on that side my children will inherit from Kevin and I not because of their good works but because of their name because of their DNA and I'm here to tell you inheritance is a very protected legal transaction it just doesn't happen on a street corner because you feel like giving away your house or your inheritance it takes place in a court of law and isn't a protected legal transaction and I'm here to tell you in the spirit realm it is no less your inheritance is serious to God in fact Jesus died for his inheritance for your inheritance I read it over you're a grand I'll declare today over Equador and I'll declare today God said to Jesus he said just ask me and I will give you the nation's for your inheritance this earth is the inheritance of the the death of Jesus Christ He shed his blood for what he has right - and according to this word we have been made joint-heirs with him which means if it belongs to him it belongs to us so if the nations of the earth belong to King Jesus then the nations of the earth belong to daughter Devon Wallis and they belong to Redemption to the nations Church if you don't know who you are you can miss your inheritance if you don't know who you belong to you can end up in a dispute called unclaimed inheritance Pastor Gary let me know that there are unclaimed inheritance inheritances all over our nation people who don't know there's something waiting for them simply because of their name some of you are going to go home and check after this sermon you might have some long-lost fifth cousin that you don't know because no one else stood up to claim it and now has your name on it and I'm here to just talk a little bit about this process because that's what happened in the Word of God to those daughters of Sahana said there was an unclaimed inheritance because there was no male heir and up until that point the law had ruled that all inheritance passed to the mill son and the daughters of Sahana fed they knew who they were I don't have time to preach that message and what their names mean but they knew who they were and they knew what belonged to them and so they approached that the modern-day court of the Israeli camp and that was Moses tent the tent of presence and those five daughters stood at the door of the tent and they said we want what belongs to us we know our fathers desires we know who we are and we know that land belongs to us and Moses took the dispute straight to God and the Bible says that God heard the case of those daughters and he ruled in their favor and said they are right not only am i going to give them their land but any daughter who is in a family where there is no male heir she can now have the land of her father why are you saying that pastor Devin because some of you have an inheritance dispute hanging over your life and over your family there are some things locked up in the heavenlies with your name on it and some of you don't know who you are and you don't know what you belong to because if you did you'd be standing at the tent of meeting this morning bringing your case before the father and I'm here to tell you when you figure out who you are in Christ and you realize whose blood runs through your veins a holy boldness will come before you to Bodley approach the throne of grace and say God I want every promise he already said II this morning his promises are yes and amen I want every promise you made over my house over my family over my children and if I could be so bold to speak by the Holy Spirit on behalf of Yahweh today he is at the tent of meeting waiting for his sons and daughters to ask of him to ask of him what rightfully belongs to them and that's what's about to happen in this place today so even the laws of inheritance I'm going to identify some legal terms so you know who you are in this process number one the word inheritance it's something someone receives money land property any type of possession that someone receives when a family member dies the beneficiary is the one who receives it the beneficiary in a court of law is the person who is entitled to receive the inheritance so everybody just wave your hand over your head and say I am the beneficiary we're about to approach the court of heaven this way I am the beneficiary I have been designated by the Word of God as the one who is next in line to receive all that God has promised me been identified by Jesus Christ the one who died and rose again and shed his blood as a joint heir and a beneficiary of all that heaven has to offer I am the beneficiary today and if you don't know you're the beneficiary you'll never go to court to receive what belongs to you there is a probate which is the place the court of law in which the inheritance is verbally given and written and signed and sealed and notarized so that it cannot be reversed and I'm here to tell you to tell you the probate today is heaven heaven has a court God is a God of order and a God of his word and a God of his law and I'm here today you today that heaven is guarding over your inheritance there is a court called heaven the enemy even went to the court of heaven to ask for the inheritance of Jobe and God allowed the enemy to test him for a season but the enemy could not steal job's inheritance in fact God gave Joke double for everything the enemy tried to steal you better believe the enemy is lurking at the courts of heaven to ask for your children to ask for your land to ask for your anointing to ask for what belongs to you and I'm here to tell you you better March yourself up into that Court child of God you better learn how to approach the God the throne of God with boldness as a joint heir with Jesus Christ and remind the devil what is yours and what belongs to you some of you have been silent too long it's every song we sing today it's when you open your mouth that things change if the daughters of Sahul effete had kept silent we don't know who would have ended up with their land but because they open their mouth and they made their petition known to the Lord heaven ruled on their behalf today the Spirit of the Lord is calling us to open our mouth and make our petitions known to the Lord and what has been stolen from you can be restored double and what you think you've lost heaven scorn has been watching over make no mistake there just waiting on you to approach the bench there is an executor of every inheritance that word executor is ex executor the one who enforces what is written the one who enforces what is laid out in that law or will of inheritance and I'm here to tell you we have a great executor called the holy spirit who was sent to walk alongside us on the earth and to enforce what the Word of God says he is here not to speak on his own behalf but to speak on behalf of Jesus Christ who is the one who has made us up in offici Airi of the inheritance the Holy Spirit will bear witness took the will of the Father the Holy Spirit will pray for you when you don't know what to pray he will rise up on you in you when the enemy is standing on your land he will enforce to every demonic principality and ruler of darkness what does and does not belong to you he is your executor and that's why when he feels your life and flows out of your mouth you have the authority to speak the will of God right here is the will of God and will is a written description or depiction of how an inheritance should be distributed when you go to the courts of heaven it does not matter what your opinion is it doesn't matter what your feelings are it doesn't matter what mistake you made yesterday or what mistake you make next week what is carries weight in the court of heaven is what carries weight in every natural Court here what is legally written and sealed and authenticated is what the court of heaven and the court of earth will pay attention to when you decide to approach the court of heaven you better fill your mouth with the will and the testament of yahweh if you've ever wondered who you are just look at this word and if you are sitting there wondering what Long's to you just look at this word pastor Kevin just said it when you speak this word the court of heaven responds and the angels of the Lord are sent forth to perform the will of the Father some of you have been begging for things that the Word of God already says belongs to you some of you have been compromising and bargaining with the enemy over things that this word already says belongs to you when Moses was about to leave Egypt Pharaoh began to bargain with Moses and say what the Mingo but why don't you just leave the women and children behind and Moses made a very powerful statement he said we won't leave one hoof behind in Egypt in other words Moses and knew who he was and he knew what belonged to him so that when the enemy came to say okay let's bargain together let's split it 50/50 let me just have half of your inheritance let me just have half of your anointing let me just have a part of your promises just let me have one of your children somebody has to stand up like Moses and say not one hoof will be left behind in the name of Jesus I will be who God says I can be and I will have what God says I can have not one word of this Bible will fall to the ground and I will be a receiver beneficiary a recipient of every promise of God how many believe that in this place and when the word goes forth this is what's crazy if I want to authenticate a document or give authority to someone over my children for example when my kids go to youth camp or when they went to Ecuador I can sign a piece of paper but Miss Tammy has this magic Authority in her office she's called a notary and she will seal and notarize what is written to authenticate that what is written is the will of the one who wrote it and I came to tell you today Jesus didn't just say it he also sealed it Jesus didn't just will it he also authenticated it and he said I'm sending you the precious seal of the Holy Spirit he is the seal and the tangible evidence of those who are the inheritors of righteousness in other words the presence of the Holy Spirit on your life is a seal that all of heaven and all of Hell can recognize authenticating your right as a beneficiary of the kingdom of God when you open your mouth and you can begin to pray in the Holy Spirit you are demonstrating your right before the court of heaven as a beneficiary of your inheritance Jesus said I'm going to seal you up with the Holy Ghost and this is what's crazy how many have ever tasted of the sweet Holy Spirit the Word of God calls him an engagement ring he's a down payment what we are experiencing right now is just a portion of what is to come I want you to think of the sweetest experience you've ever had in the presence of the Lord the sweetest encounter you've ever had with his glory the greatest moment the Holy Spirit I've ever poured out on your life and realized it is only a taste of the fullness of what you have been given through the blood of Jesus Christ when Kevin decided to marry me he bought me an engagement ring and he put it on my hand for two reasons number one to prove to me he meant what he said putting his money where his mouth is right saving up a little bit given where it hurts giving me something that don't have to be seen with the microscope right saying Devon I can take care of you and I'm about to prove it and when I tell you I promise myself to you I'm about to put something precious on your hand that shows I mean business and that's what Jesus did with the gift of the Holy Spirit he didn't just tell you he was coming back for you he left part of the precious Trinity right here to walk with you to talk with you to flow out of your life you are wearing the engagement ring of heaven when you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit but Kevin also gave me an engagement ring for another reason so that just in case anybody else was shopping around they would know without words I'm spoken for I belong to somebody already and the bigger that ring is the more intimidating it is say any Joker that comes along and thinks they can offer better I'm here to tell you Jesus is in no competition over the horn of his bride he left you the most intimidating Rock called the Holy Spirit for you to wear so hell with no buckles thank God for the Holy Ghost he's our engagement ring and when we wear that ring we are not walk like we're broke busted and disgusted dragging on live til we get to heaven we have a fiance [Applause] to me some of you just need to wave your ring in the face of the enemy who's been trying to steal from you gosh uh yeah I've been spoken for I've been sealed so now look at your neighbor and say I'm legit that Holy Ghost means you're legit you're no wolf in sheep's clothing you're no faker you're no imposter you can go before the court of heaven because the scepter has been tipped into the favour your favor and like Esther what others didn't have the right to do she did because who she was married to you have a right don't let the devil intimidate you out of your rights or make you shy away from the throne of God he bought you with a price so that is the legal terms for your ability to claim your inheritance in the natural and we can see it's the same in the spirit his words have been sealed the testament has been written we have an executor who's speaking on our behalf the question is do you know who you are and what belongs to you and that's what's about to happen in this house today some of you are walking below what belongs to you because you don't know who you are in him you want to know why you're dealing with the suicidal spirit you don't know who you are you want to know why you're dealing with depression and defeat you don't know who you are and today there's about to be a revelation by the spirit of understanding what it means to be a son and daughter of God and the enemy is terrif five because the only way he's been able to steal from you is by lying to you and it's the truth that you'll know and it's the truth that will set you free and today you've got to know who you are so I want to talk just a little bit about unclaimed inheritance and what happens when someone does not realize what belongs to them so when someone dies and leaves and inheritance to illicit amount of people or a person and that person for whatever reason is unaware that there is an inheritance waiting on them it will literally sit in the court for a season until it is claimed it will sit dormant sometimes I wonder if this is where Timothy was in the text I read today maybe Timothy already had a rich inheritance in heaven with his name on it but it was sitting dormant because he had not taken the time to activate and claim what was rightfully his it had his name on it the whole time but he sounds to me like Timothy was dealing with a little bit of fear and not knowing who he was and his spiritual father was having to remind him what you're walking in God didn't give you Timothy your inheritance in him is not fear but it's power it's love and it's subsets of a sound mind and I'm here to tell you I believe what the Lord is saying prophetically over this house today is there are some unclaimed inheritances in this place today there are some things held up in heaven with your name on it you just didn't know it and by the revelation of the Spirit we're about to claim it in fact unclaimed inheritance is such a big thing in our nation right now that there are actually professionals called air hunters people who are hired to go out and hunt down the rightful heir of the inheritance that is stuck in court and I'm here to tell you the Holy Spirit is a great air hunter he's the executor that will not stop he is the executor of this will that will not quit he watches over the word to make sure God's Word is performed in fact when God sends forth his will it says it cannot return void Gary it cannot return void which means the Holy Spirit will tarry with the family generation after generation after generation until he can find the air that will claim what belongs to them and the air hunter is here today looking for those who will claim the inheritance that is locked up in heaven this is what's crazy there is something a legal term and the laws of inheritance called disclaimer disclaimer a disclaimer is your right as a beneficiary to refuse your inheritance a beneficiary can be found by the air hunter brought into court the will can be read to them and they can say you just got 10 acres of farmland and that beneficiary can say hmmm I'm not much of a farmer I don't I don't really think I want that and they can sign and seal a disclaimer meaning what you are offering me I don't think I want therefore I'm going to refuse it I'm going to disclaim myself as an inheritor and this is the crazy thing that happens when a disclaimer is put in place the person who was first in line for the inheritance when they sign a disclaimer the court treats them as if they are dead to the inheritance literally what it says in the court of law they are Trina's and as if they died before the one giving the inheritance did and it passes to the next one in line you don't want to be a disclaimer in the kingdom of God you don't want to be the one that says that cost too much that's too hard I don't think I'm interested it's too inconvenient right now I'm kind of at this place in my I don't really want to sell out to God I'm kind of in this season that this is really not what I feel like I'm cut out for some of you have signed disclaimers of your inheritance and you didn't know it and you're a dead man and a dead woman walking because God didn't die just for you to take breaths every day and survive he died to give you life and life more abundantly and if you're not living the life Christ died to provide for you you're not living at all you may be breathing and moving but you're not living and today the Holy Spirit is here to give some disclaimers a second chance at what belongs to them but on the flip side of this coin I have some good news because some of you are about to be the recipients of what others have disclaimed because when a disclaimer is signed what was meant for the first individual literally they go to the next in line in other words I may have been fronting lunch to receive it but if I refused it I'm now dead to the court and the person who was not going to receive it at all they literally say next and I came to prophetically declare over some of you who come from a long lineage of disclaimers a long lineage of those who refuse the inheritance of Christ and bought the curse of the enemy some of you are first-time salvation first-time converts in your family some of you are first-time recipients of the Holy Spirit in your family but you look at your lineage and you say pastor Devin I don't have a rich spiritual DNA hey nobody in my family operated in the kingdom nobody in my family claim their inheritance and I came to tell you today you are next in line according to the Word of God and today in the court of heaven God is asking somebody are you ready for everything your family refused to walk in are you ready for every promise your grandpa didn't want to walk in are you ready to pick up every piece of the inheritance that was meant for your family line some of you are about to be the recipient of a disclaimer today and then I want to say one more thing about disclaimer that has to do with generational curses you can't refuse what your family left for you just because it has your family name on it doesn't mean you have to receive it as yours you don't ever want to disclaim what God has left for you that some of you today need to stand up and disclaim what's your crazy family left for you in their jacked up spiritual DNA some of you are accepting things that you don't have to accept anymore you have the right to disclaim and refuse any curse so when the devil comes to you and says well you know five generations of the women in your family have had ovarian cancer you say well that's fine I'm just gonna go to the court of heaven and disclaim it I don't want that today or when they say five generations of the men in your family have been alcoholics you say well not so after today I'm about to remove myself as a dead man from that line from that DNA I've been crucified on the cross with Jesus Christ that inheritance isn't mine anymore I don't live that Christ lives in me you can't be free because heaven gives you the right to refuse anything your family passes to you if that's you just raise your hands and start disclaiming some things but the enemy's thought you were gonna have to keep in your life it's not yours anymore you're a dead man you're a dead woman to it because of what Jesus did I'm almost done this is the best Kevin ready to come clean this up today we're gonna claim our spiritual inheritance and we're gonna disclaim the old man inheritance it's on two levels today number one we are all heirs with Christ and we are all inheritors of the kingdom of joy of peace of righteousness of the healing of the kingdom of the freedom of the kingdom every one of you every one of you who have been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ have that inheritance but I'm gonna even just go deeper there are specific things for each of you that God has for you over your family some of you there are nations in the belly of your family some of you are about to realize there's some land God has given your family why are Kevin and I in this city because God gave this land to our family didn't he gg my grandfather pastored in the church across the street my uncle pastored in the church behind us Kevin grew up in this city God promised it to him his Memel dot lived on top of Lookout Mountain Chattanooga may not be your city but I'm here to go to the courts of heaven today and claim it for my children my grandchildren my great-grandchildren part of my spiritual inheritance is tied up in the land of Chattanooga but some of you have inheritance in Africa in Asia some of you have hair inheritance down in Mexico and Guatemala some of you have inheritance is back in your little small hometown you never thought God would do anything in there's something in your family line that is left undone and God is going to stir it up in your life today God's about to stir up some things Timothy that you've let go dormant there's some inheritance laid up for you for your children that if you don't take the time to claim it today God will just move upon your sons and daughters to take it but how many are tired of the enemy's stealing from your family there is one more error and this is my favorite and I came to declare this today it's called the laughing air really there's a toilet term in the laws of inheritance called the laughing air you want to know why they're called the laughing air it's a distant relative or someone who was not even initially related to the deceased who receives an inheritance without preparation not understanding they were in line for the inheritance in other words they weren't expecting it and they're called The Laughing heir as I read this my spirit began to laugh because I thought of Sara who laughed because by all natural means she had disclaimed herself from inheritance she was too old and she didn't have faith but God designed to give her something she wasn't expecting and she had to name him laughter I was just thinking about Rahab and how she was a harlot in the city of Jericho and in 24 hours she became the recipient of the scene of the inheritance of Jesus Christ she wasn't a member of the family when she was in Jericho but she married into something she wasn't expecting and she became a laughing hare I was thinking about Sol when he was on the road to dissing the tabasco's and he didn't know Jesus and he was killing off God's inheritance and Jesus blinded him by brought him into a family changed his name and he became a laughing heir and I'm here to tell you when they were singing joy in the river there was a spirit of laughter welling up in my spirit because some of you are about to receive an inheritance you just because you didn't even know it was coming stand up on your feet on this house and raise your hands if you say God make me a laughing air father I want everything you have for me what I expected what I don't expect and father if my neighbor doesn't want their inheritance give it to me give it to me father I want everything you have to provide for me I want my children to walk in blessing I want my marriage to walk in blessing I want my finances to be blessed father I want our health to be blessed raise your hands all over this house father I want to disclaim the old inheritance I'll not receive any curse from my family line I have been bought by the blood of Jesus I am a part of a new family some of you need to start disclaiming things right out of your mouth you tell the court of heaven I just claim cancer I disclaimer pression I just claim suicide I just claim divorce I just claim adultery I just claim diabetes right now you just tell the enemy it's not yours you break that curse by the blood of Jesus he has no legal right because of the cross of Jesus Christ drive it right out of your house drive it off your children in the court of heaven and then some of you need to repent for disclaiming what you should have taken you bought the lie the enemy some of you just didn't feel worthy or you didn't want the inconvenience of the life change but there's a rich inheritance God's and I'm opening it back up for you today will you claim what I have for you I know for a fact by a word of knowledge there are some preachers in this house some apostles in this house some evangelists in this house it's a generational mantle and you have tried to refuse it but today you're having a hard change because you want everything God has for you if Paul was here he would say to you little Timothy stop the gift that was in your mother and your grandfather grandmother strap the gift I laid upon you don't let fear steal your inheritance God is not giving you fear but he's giving you power love and a sound mind in some of you today with hands lifted just need to be like the daughters of Sahana fed you need to approach the court of heaven and say father I know I am in you and I know what belongs to me and I'm ready for it I don't want it tied up in the heavenlies any longer I don't want the enemy or anybody else to lay claim to it father I'm ready for the release of your promises over my house over my children over my children's children some of your prophesy are going to release a family blessing for the first time in your family line that will last a thousand years after you take your last breath you're about to change the spiritual DNA of your house and then as Kevin comes out declare this will be a house of laughing airs I declare redemption to the nation's church we will be a house of unexpected inheritors God if there's anybody in this city that doesn't want their inheritance we'll take it we'll take it father we look like a group of unqualified people but today we receive the ruling of heaven and we become those who receive with joy what nobody else thought we can have and we become the laughing air I declare someone has sown in tears you have sown in tears we're stuffing completeness but you will reap in joy I declare that over you right now somebody has sown in tears but you're about to reap in joy the curse is broken blessing is coming and you're about to laugh seven times harder than you ever cried for what you lost you have sown in tears but you're about to reap in joy heaven is ruling in your favor so right now I said Kevin come clean this up raise your hands in this place and just begin to approach his throne boldly this may not have been for everybody but they're about to sing that song and joy in the water and whatever you want to sing this ain't no crying message today this is not a crying message today you are living full this is not a message for tomorrow it's right now Kevin is less and it's about to roll on your behalf if you want what belongs to you you could just move out into the out to the altars you can kneel at your seat I have no idea what to do right now other than declare the word of the Lord and let you take back [Music] [Music] [Applause] so it tears human reap in joy awarding happened to Tenten watching Lord it it tears you meet enjoy turning tears you terney we're about to have an inheritance party but I need to open this altar if you're in here and you're away from the Lord you don't know him or you know him but you've walked away from your inheritance in him your hearts grown cold you said pastor dev and I'm a disclaimer right now I didn't know what I was forfeiting I didn't know what I was giving up there's a Nissan here you sold your birthright for a bowl of soup and you're walking into regret the pleasures of the flesh and temporary pleasure just robbed you of your inheritance but guess what it ain't over yet it ain't over yet God brought you here to extend mercy and grace and restore to you what is rightfully yours the mistake you made can't be reversed if the corn of heaven today so if that's you you said pastor davon I want the inheritance that Jesus died to provide for me I want to walk into new life with Jesus today I want to get my heart back down in fact why don't you look at your neighbor and say it if that's you I'll come with you come now come now this is your moment God's about to restore the years the locust and the cankerworm have destroyed come come right up here so I could see right up here in the front that's right just play with them come come it's your time right here right here it's your day you son I need some intercessors just to pray demos lose the battle today God is setting into motion whose original assignment over you I need some prayer while you're scum free come pray with them father in the name of Jesus these disclaimers they come to you and they repair to forfeiting what was rightfully theirs and in the court of heaven today we approach you with the will and testament of Yahweh and by the blood of Jesus Christ we pray for a reversal and God I ask today for divine restoration of what the lies of the enemy stole from these sons or daughters I declare they live today and the life of Jesus Christ flows through them and the blood of Jesus restores what has been stolen now began to pray for them began to pray for them while these keep praying I have a really specific call and then we're gonna pray for laughing ears there are some individuals in here maybe it's just one you come from a rich inheritance like Timothy did a rich inheritance of faith a Levitical inheritance of those who served in the house of the Lord I'm not here to call you into anything the Holy Spirit is I'm just here to lay my hands on you but there somebody in here it's time to surrender to your inheritance and the call of God on your life to ministry whether that's apostle prophet teacher evangelist I don't know whether that's a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord I don't know but you feel the Holy Spirit trying to seal this word over you right now he's moving on you and you know it's your day to surrender to a call of God upon your life if that's you would you just come line up right here by the stage just come up here and line up it's time to claim your inheritance come on up come on up there's been something locked up in heaven with your name on it and you're just gonna open your mouth and surrender to it and there's something's gonna be stirred up on you that's what this word is full if Apostle Paul in here was here he would say that's already in you I'm here to tell you
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 5,815
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love
Id: Ii37792GGNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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