Get Better Midjourney V5 Results (feat. TokenizedAI)

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[Music] foreign welcome to the stream guys this week we'll be looking at Mid Journey V5 [Music] [Applause] come welcome hey arpit [Music] hey welcome to this week yes hey good to have you here Daniel alright so listen the plan is as per usual we have a little warm-up you know we'll list a little bit of music and then we'll get into a concert this week all about majority V5 featuring gpt4 okay and we have a guest foreign [Music] welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome we're starting in about a minute all right [Music] thank you okay hey it's so good to see some of these familiar faces in here welcome to both of you Daniels yes yes our guest is in the chat already he'll be joining us shortly all right so settle in grab a drink we'll begin once the song ends foreign [Music] okay so brief plan brief preview we'll do our official intro and all that in a second but brief preview is we're gonna be generating mid-journ images with gpt4 and we have a guest to help us out and to discuss all this so stay tuned for some gpt4 featuring majority action [Music] thank you [Music] foreign I think that wraps up this you know quite long song so let's get into it all right welcome everybody to this week's stream we're going to be covering gpt4 featuring mid-journey what we're what we'll be looking at right here is the video that I uploaded on Friday a little more in depth we talked about how to use the advanced creative capabilities of gpt4 to generate the prompts for you as maternity V5 does require more advanced prompting than what we're used to from version 4. remember all you needed is you know a few emojis a bunch of good keywords maybe even two or three and you got stunning results here it's a little different but we're going to be talking about all that and much more on today's live stream and I have some special surprises for you and one of those is today's guest he'll be joining me for the next you know 20 to 30 minutes and we'll be discussing all things mid-journey 5 and I'm lucky enough to have him on because he's really a Journey expert when it comes to this when you check out his channel tokenized AI you're going to find that most of his content revolves around mid-journey and he has some extremely useful guides but today we're lucky enough to have him on the channel here so you can ask your questions I can ask my questions and we can see if we can get Superior results together so with that being said um Christian welcome to the Stream thank you for having me yes great to be here very first time live on stream here with you guys um and your intro was great um I'm just not sure whether you promised too much I don't know the people here know we love uh we're practitioners here we love to try things out break things and learn while we move through it so again the plan for today very roughly is discussing mid-journing V5 the biggest update in a while we are finally I mean at this point I I feel kind of good about the decision that I made around 10 years ago that photography was not going to be the career I'm gonna pursue because at this point that decision would have caught up with me I went with the video out and ended up here but to all my fellow photographers out there I I I I feel with you but it's it's gonna be a tough time I I have a lot of clients that I talk to um and there's no real good reasons for for like you know basic social media content to go towards photographers I I'm sorry to say it it's just a reality but what we're going to be doing here today is we'll explore some of the capabilities so you know you can turn yourself from photographer into uh AI powered photographer and now you might you might be able to get away with you know AI creation and selling it as your very own you know a new flavor of your work so let's try and do that but first let's talk about V5 so what do you make of it what do you make of this this massive update do you have you know opinions on it um and how does it compare to V4 I I have massive opinions about it I mean I think everybody else has um I've been seeing so many comments about people complaining how it's ugly or it's too difficult or my old prompts don't work anymore and you know what to be honest in my opinion people I think people don't read the release notes unfortunately and the release notes were quite obvious they said listen guys this is not a final version this is Alpha and it is intentionally sort of not intentionally difficult but it is in a very realistic Pro mode right now and so it's normal you know we need to sort of figure out how does this new Beast work how does it feel how do we need to do things differently and yes I mean just as an example today I was playing around experimenting myself because I'm relearning myself all over we all um and there's been some really really surprising changes too yes yes okay okay so before we get into that I think you make some great points especially the release notes I believe there's a slight audio issue um that is probably coming from your side so maybe if you could reset something or switch there's like a crackling um we did a sound test uh right before we went live but hey that's this and it all worked but this is the nature of being live so let me just expand on what you just said there maybe maybe you can switch something around and we'll fix it um so I agree a lot of people don't read the release notes and I mean there's good reason for that right there's they're super long and a lot of people just want to use the stuff they just want to get the results and if you if you consider that the release notes are you know quite deep and if you add on to that all the discussions that have been happening around it and then if you add on that super long um Community hour um they had three and a half hours I believe if you're supposed to intake all that as a normal human being that you know where the task of where your job is not you know creating YouTube content and explaining this it's just it's just not realistic but that's why we're here we spend I mean I personally spent the evenings um of the past weekend just sitting in my journey and I'm excited to share some of those results here because I learned a bunch of new things but I think that's just our task here being that communication vessel between you know the release notes that are critical to read if you want want to get the most out of it and uh you guys the viewers the users the practitioners so yeah I'm excited to explore all that um let's see if if the audio is better now yeah so really sorry about that you know we did the testing and worst yeah it's good great it's perfect it's perfect push comes to shove I'll just go get my old sort of no python look you know if there's one thing my videography career taught me it's that a live streams are never perfect um they never are but we can certainly attempt uh anyway with that being said everything is working now so we talked about the release notes so maybe let's continue with that with that train of thought I mean what what is like the number one thing you would tell a user that has never used V5 before that is only used to V4 what would your advice to that person be I think my advice would be well first of all think about whether you really need to use V5 right now and because if it also uses a lot more GPU hours so if if you're used to GP you know the version 4 and and you felt like the stylization was right for you then maybe stick with that for now um because V5 is going to take a lot of changes if you insist on using V5 then the first thing you need to think of is kind of well not throw out your old prompts but you're going to have to be a lot more verbose a lot more descriptive so yes like you mentioned that chat CPT might help out with that yeah yeah it really does help like for me personally where it was not my main focus of like research and spending my time it was just a real life saver it creates those verbose natural language prompts that that it really likes and and that is my my personal advice here would be um yeah if you're new to it the number one thing you should probably know is that it it wants natural language it wants sentences sentences as the ones we are speaking right here so when before it used to be you know like like ship bottle um you know seal or sea ocean ship in a bottle maybe then now you really have to go in and give it a full sentence that describes it in Rich detail and the thing is most people are not that good at this I mean including me I mean hey it's a real skill to take a mundane object and and come up with uh you know four sentence long detailed description that is not a skill most people need in their everyday life and neither should they so that's what we are that's what we're gonna do here today we're gonna see if we can use chat GPT to get more out of this so with that being said maybe one thing sorry if I can't just add one last thing you can still prompt with keywords but you might have more luck doing it with multi-prompts so that's just one thing okay interesting that's an advanced concept uh to explore there and again um here's a fantastic Channel where he goes in depth on many of these Concepts and many of the release notes uh including like all the different parameters that it takes you can find like separate videos for all all these parameters and and I certainly have been watching your videos and educating myself that way instead of you know just reading like a wall of text just because that's how I learn too so yeah with that being said let me let me switch gears here and let's look at some examples that I was able to to generate over the weekend and all of these uh come from this this chat GPT approach so if you guys are not familiar like prepare uh to have your minds blown because like these outputs they still they still still get me and for example okay so this one this is this is something that would have been impossible can you see my screen right now that's a fair question huh I guess you're following the stream so you probably can right yeah yeah yes oh my goodness yeah super real huh super real yes yes so this is this is like something I would call the death of Instagram because every single thing that that is gonna be people are just gonna lose trust right people are just gonna lose trust all these pictures of the last years you know they were photoshopped slightly you knew they they had the fancy new filters all that is well and good but if you for me and my mind this really crosses a threshold of wait this beach doesn't exist this girl doesn't exist not even this dress exists not even that Sunset is real nothing about this is real and I feel like once people start spamming these it's just you know it's not gonna be it's never gonna be the same again there's just no there's just no way to go back no so yeah I think Instagram already has sort of a credibility issue in any way so that is that is a good point they were uh they were struggling a little bit in the past already um I'm just just uh looking okay so let's have a look at another example here right let's let's look at something a little different so this was the typical like Instagram thing okay this is this is very similar actually this is just I just went deeper on one of those again it's so shocking to me like I could not tell like if I saw this on Instagram while scrolling scrolling on this one it just looks 100 real to me it's not even like 98 you know this just looks real to me there's nothing you can you know the hand looks realistic enough her body proportions everything about it is just a little too good for comfort so okay so let's look at something else I generated this one yesterday so I once and and all of these are created with the gpt4 prompt generator and what I what I did is I just fed this uh view from space Globe um showing lit up cities or something like that was my initial prompt and then gpt4 went ahead and and you know expanded on that that terrible and simplistic description I just gave and I got something like this again photorealistic in my opinion and if you look at my newest thumbnail it's in the background and I think it's a great background for a thumbnail you know but now we get like NASA Space Station pictures that are you know copyright free I mean how what the heck is happening anyway so I I thought these are really good I think yeah yeah go ahead yeah so so it's it's the thing with the realism is that um it's it's really quite shocking I've heard some comments where people said oh well but it's not and I don't feel anything when I see the images I mean yeah sure some of them are so real but but then there are others that are really really I think have lots of Life lots of emotion uh I mean the one that you just showed you was beautiful yeah I agree I I believe the audio issue has returned there's a so it's not game changing I still can perfectly understand you there's just a little little crackle with it um but I agree let's let's talk about that a little bit I mean honestly um I'm on if there's a spectrum between like AI critic that is like this is you know humanity is over and and this is soulless and what is this and ban it right away and then the other side of it is is people that really embrace it and use it and and see the upside for Humanity in it too because certainly let me let me go on a little tangent here and tell you about a little story that I heard today which I thought was super interesting and that is the discussion between the typical educational discussion right usually goes something like hey like AI is going to ruin schools and education and our youth uh is gonna you know Miss like develop all these habits that are not gonna help them in real life and you know they should ban it you know that's kind of the basic discussion but then I I heard an interesting Counterpoint today like okay what if you create a scenario where you have a no devices classroom that is disconnected from the internet and the teacher uses AI only the teacher right so he's able to spin up all these examples and bring all this knowledge uh you know and presented like maybe the AI is something like his brain supplement and then he's just a mouthpiece for that and he would present and teach in a way that you know without AI it's it's going to be hard to match it's gonna be hard to match especially for newcoming teachers right maybe they don't have the experience on how to deal with kids all of a sudden you could just be like hey God how do I interact with this problematic kid that you know throws his lunchbox that has um other students or whatever and then even in the in the teaching you could come up with creative ways to to approach um these these sometimes very dry topics like mathematics right you could just be like can you craft me a story that communicates this mathematical concept and then you have a story prepared for your class or you could be like can you craft an interactive game that my students could play and then you can just do that I think there the upside is like almost unlimited I and and for Humanity you know so I think that's beautiful but it takes a new approach and and yes transitioning from what we have now where like all the kids are just like you know spend their class like ah what is going on in there and transitioning to this like new model is not going to be easy but I'm just saying there's like there's all there's always optimistic version too and yeah we like to explore those on this channel okay with that being said let's look at one more picture and generate some images here so um this is this is the last one so I'll switch my desktop okay over here and then if I move on over here we get I was quite stunned by like the because I used to do astrophotography as a hobby just um like with the cameras I used to do Astro time lapses uh for fun so I just went and created like these images of the sky and it's just so I believe it updated now right can you can you see this and there's more I've I've I created a bunch of these nice this wasn't possible with with V4 this looks like a real you know panoramic picture that you could get from a DSLR there's oh this is a bad example this is an example of something you get when you type in two to three keywords that's what I found this was like analytics exploding you know uh I think that was my prompt here this is what I got but then if you use gpt4 you can you can get stuff like this um so yeah I believe you're like you're like three seconds behind on the video stream which shouldn't be a problem though but yeah this I I got with the gpt4 prompt um so yeah audio has been fixed that's fantastic and I I think it's time to move into generating some stuff here what do you think yeah let's let's go I mean perfect then let me see if chat gpt4 is up otherwise we'll have to Freestyle this because it has been down most of this day even gpt4 um so let's see I believe it actually might be down so there goes my plan okay that was really frustrating this morning I was using it and then it crashed I actually just got a DM from a fellow Community member in the Discord and he said he was doing this webinar today where he was relying on chat GPT like he was presenting about chat GPT and it just it just didn't work it was like all the people were there it's like well too bad next time maybe it's still down it's still down okay so I I have a plan B though I have a plan B so just to recap just to recap um what the video you can check the video out on my channel but essentially what it suggests is this prompt uh where you turn gpt4 into a stable diffusion um prompt generator photography prompt generator and if you copy paste it in here uh what you get is um you get to type in like two keywords like let's say you know like Earth space view and then you add the prompt before that and what you get is output like the one I'm about to show you I have some a backup plan prepared you know so it's all good I think we can do this this looks good and what you get is output like this so right now I'm sharing my screen and this is kind of the prompt you get so I'll just read it and then maybe let's discuss it you'll see it on screen here in a second too so okay so capture an ethereal image of a cosmic spiral featuring swirling use of blue purples and Golds against the backdrop of the vast star-studded Cosmos well let me just tell you that's not a sentence I would naturally use besides distagon uh T 2.8 15 millimeter lens set your camera on a sturdy tripod and focus on capturing the intricate details of the celestial phenomenon utilize a long exposure technique to enhance the vibrant colors and emphasize the spiraling motion of this Cosmic spectacle and so on so that's like one third of the prompt um and and here we have the results what do you think about this prompt do you have any feedback or anything you would do different here so um one of the mods in my Discord Tanner he's been doing a lot of testing and so one of the things that he's found is that there's a massive drop-off in the effectiveness of these long prompts after about 77 tokens okay right so so we don't even know whether all of the your text is being used so I I would argue this might be a maybe a bit too much but in the end it doesn't really matter as long as you're getting the right outcome um yes but uh okay very very good point um so okay just I'll just you know I'll just say the audio issue resurfaced a little bit so I don't know if you can maybe reflect something but no worries no worries I understood you perfectly so this is what I would say um I found something very similar I'm glad you said it out loud like this um what's the gpt4 output gets you is uh three paragraphs usually and this is this is one of the tips I wanted to communicate into today's live stream so any everybody's tuning in you know um good on you because because you're about to learn something so it gives you it usually gives these three paragraphs right and I'll just I'll just do this I'll just follow myself meanwhile and what I usually do is I cherry pick so I found the same thing if I just copy paste the three paragraphs for example in the video you can see I copied everything including like include um what was it volumetric Lighting in the background with light rays coming in through a window in the back and it just completely ignored that part of the prompt that is exactly because it's it's too long so um what I do is I copy usually the first paragraph and then my favorite part from like the third paragraph and and that's how I use the prompt now we could go ahead and upgrade the prompt by saying you know limited to 70 tokens or maybe which should you know in practice maybe that should um be somewhere around Maybe yeah I think you can use 70 words plus minus I know it's not the same uh sometimes it splits the words into into multiple tokens and stuff but if you say a maximum of 70 words it would improve our prompt would you agree I added you back in would you agree so should I should I should I add a parameter um to my prompt that says you know limit your output to 70 words yeah I think you're muted I think you're muted I think you're muted no way sorry sorry there you go exploring life content with Igor and Christian thanks for the patience guys it's all good we're learning together that's what this is about so how about now um I believe I believe you're still muted I'm not getting a signal here okay so yeah it sounds like Okay so let's test this hypothesis meanwhile okay let's test this hypothesis of shorter prompts uh being better so if you said 70 tokens then I'm just gonna go ahead and go with the first three lines here and let's compare the output so this is the first generation a live generation on this channel in major inner V5 majority V5 so join us while we do this I'm just gonna say imagine and actually yes all my settings are correct so I don't need to do that I'm just going to say imagine and we're going to copy the first part here then we're going to compare the output okay so this is um output number one and then I'm just gonna use the first part and add a r 16 to 9 to keep the aspect ratio the way I want it okay so now it's generating okay try to generate QR codes with my journey and see where it leads I don't know that seems like a that's it seems like it can't even do text how is it supposed to be able to do QR codes something it sounds like a fun one to try actually okay how about now I don't know it seems that you're muted I'm not I'm not sure not sure what's going on how about okay just you know just try speaking once I hear you I'll let you know meanwhile I'll you know do these do this these prompts so okay so right here it's generating it takes a bit of time that's one thing I'll say about V5 it takes longer um than V4 it took but if you get the Pro Plan which I do have here uh you get you know various settings that help you with this problem so if I go into slash settings um this very convenient menu that surprisingly a lot of people don't know about this is like one of my tips here definitely you can pick your version and you can also switch it to relax mode if you want to save some of your you know Generations like you're going to be able to generate more images it's just going to take longer um okay so let's have a look at the result here very different very different so I believe your microphone works again are you sure yes I'm sure and we got it we got it we got it there you go welcome back dude like this is horrible I can't believe it I think somebody made the comment that so he's a computer wizard but can't figure out the mic yeah that's basically I thought that one was I thought that would wait let's add that one to the broadcast I thought that one was so funny I I just like I was like isn't that like a little rule I don't want to read that out loud I thought that's so funny yeah yeah um oh it was caught on it was fun on that that's kind of funny but that's usually the case you know the the accountants have the worst like personal finances of them all you know it's just how it goes it is what it is yeah so I so I think you had a question earlier that I wasn't able to respond to so yeah okay but limiting the tokens right yes yes yes yes yes yes so would you would you add to the prompts that I presented you know like limit your output to let's say 70 words I think that you know how GPT is basically capable of giving you a more concise um block of text I think that that might make sense because otherwise you might be I mean people might think that longer text helps when it actually doesn't do much so at least having the option probably would help you out so so what I did find I can tell you from my testing as I said when I ran the gpt4 prompt which unfortunately doesn't work right now but when I ran it I usually got like three paragraphs like this like I just showed that was one of them so extremely long text like like almost a thousand tokens right and what I usually did is I you know cut down 70 of that and and Cherry Picked the best parts and then um what I also did is I ran it a lot of times so I did a bunch of like testing and what I found is that it sometimes does venture into like the deep end of your prompt and sometimes it does pick the volumetric lighting that is you know token 300 or something but um not all of the time so I guess if you really want optimal results my recommendation would be just hit that little you know refresh button like 10 to 20 times and you're gonna get everything that is in you're gonna get a lot of variety from long prompts and that's why I think the video is still valuable but I'll say this what we did for the entire Channel we actually upgraded every or we updated every single video's description with every single prompt that is used inside of that video so people can now go back and they can simply copy paste all the prompts and what I do now is whenever I improve one of my prompts because I have like a go to library by now right like I started with the ebook in like December but and by now it I have like a personal Library and whenever I update something in there and I remember that it has been used in a video before I also update the video's description so that's the same thing I'm going to be doing here you know if you get a video on you know how to use gpt4 for my journey two days after the release of my journey I'm gonna you know take the freedom and go into that description and update it and I think that's a good idea the video content will be slightly different but then when you go to the description just know for all of you like return viewers just always copy paste from the description and you're gonna get uh the best version of that prompt I know of right now so that's just my Approach that I wanted to share um so interesting stuff so I think a lot to be experimented with with but let's look at the example right here because the generation is done so as outlined before uh we shortened The Prompt right the The Prompt for this was about three times as long and included a lot of additional detail now when comparing these two okay I'll just I'll just put them like side by side right here I would say the the difference is significant I mean look at that that's not even close one of these four is a spiral Bots yeah I mean yeah I it there's no clear like where did sorry where did you add the spell because I haven't had a delay in the video just for a second okay so um ah there we go yeah yeah yeah you can see it okay okay well generally speaking that see as even though longer prompts are useful for example in version five yes um obviously there is a limit there's always a limit and the more you try the stuff in the more you dilute to other aspects of your prompt as well yeah so I think it's it it it kind of depends on what you're trying to achieve if you want to get a really really specific outcome then I think a longer but not too long prompt is always good but but if you if you don't really care then you can experiment around as much as you want just like you said and just re-roll and re-roll yeah interesting that's really the best practice here because uh look you're especially from these newer models that want these long prompts you're not going to get optimal results if you just run it once that's really what I found they're they're so deep and they have so many options and there's so much going on under the hood let me tell you there's so much going on under the hood that not even the researchers at openai know what is happening there in many of the cases like if you listen to podcasts with Andre carpathi which uh was the head of AI at Tesla over the past few years and now um re-entered open AI again to work there even he States multiple times that people don't really understand how even the researchers don't really understand how these neural Nets operate they understand how they're trained they're underst they understand the the fine tuning they understand like a lot of the back end but they do not understand how these neural Nets operate at a fundamental level they're somewhat of a black box that you you know you just train with all the data and people make all these comparisons to you know they're just like human brains but then look not even the most advanced like neuroscientists and fully understand the brain so it's kind of it's kind of that same territory where literally we ventured out into the Open Sea ownership and we're kind of just like exploring and seeing what we get and that's that's you have to adopt that this that Explorer mindset here because if you're just gonna go in and run one or two prompts and expect to get exactly what you want well I have bad news for you that's that's just not gonna that's just not gonna work um you're gonna need to go back and forth you're gonna need to refine your problems and really what I want to communicate from this stream is is The gpt4 Prompt generator that I presented it's a starting point it's where you begin it's where you take parts of it and use it for your own description and then you rerun it multiple times so I think Christian made a bunch of excellent points here so one just to rehash one would be you know keep them shorter um try or like experiment with keeping them shorter mid-journey ignores your inputs after a certain length of prompts but then again as I said um if you run it 20 times you're gonna find that it like explores different parts of that prompt and you might get the results you want you just have to run it a lot so if you want if if you want reliable Generations then uh make them shorter and otherwise you're gonna be you know throwing you're gonna be throwing darts and and uh blindly and hoping for the best but these complex natural language descriptions are just a better starting point than giving it you know some like half a sentence anyway um I want let's generate something together so it's a little bit of a shame that uh gpt4 doesn't work right now but you know we can we can work around that and we've been around the block we've generated some images before um yeah so gpt4 is temporarily unavailable what what do you make of this let's let's generate something together um and maybe we can craft a prompt together I think that would be some fun are you down sure sure absolutely okay so so what do we want to do do we want to do more of a you know like a generic landscape thing or like specific object um like one thing that I'm personally really really like to do okay is I like to combine uh like things that we know from daily life but then I add in a a really random element like let's say for example I once created these houses which had holes like swiss cheese and so you can use like swiss cheese shaped or swiss cheese shaped organically shaped structures and stuff like that and gives you really really interesting outcomes that's that's amazing okay I love it so how about this let's do a collaborative thing okay where it's not just the two of us but also chest coming in so guys here okay let me let me ask you give me a bunch of suggestions for Real World objects and we're gonna pick two and then we're gonna try remixing them with V5 and we're gonna we're gonna do our best to to generate this and that's gonna be that's gonna be the content here we're gonna be making swiss cheese houses or something of the sort uh so go ahead go ahead and post your uh post your um suggestions in the chat we're gonna highlight them and then we're gonna craft a prompt so while they post um do you feel like um we can get like some framework going here some base prompt layout where we just like switch out the two words yeah so are we working so just are we working on V4 or V5 here I think let's do V5 I think yeah okay okay so if we're doing V5 one of the things that I've realized today is that um and this is this can be important for a lot of people who've been struggling um if you just put in your subject then you're gonna get realism and then I think what a lot of people have been doing in the past is that they've been adding their styling at the end of the prompt now what I did today is I switched it around at the beginning of my prompt I defined the type of style that I want and only then I moved to the subject and that worked much much better okay so okay interesting so so let's think about the style that we want first okay all right all right that sounds that sounds perfect so um I think let's go with a photo let's go with the biggest strength of V5 here which is photorealism right okay let's let's create something that looks as close to real life as possible so maybe I'll start off by giving a little tip that you uh surely know but um a lot of people in V4 and and they brought this up during um the the community hours and the notes a lot of people used these keywords that induced hyper realism just like hyper realism HK octane render uh what was another one Unreal Engine and those make your results less realistic now because if you include that it's gonna you know it's gonna create a Unreal Engine scene which essentially is a game engine so it's gonna look more like a game and less like real life okay so that's something not to do what what should we do here to get realism from the journey V5 well if you I think the classic thing is to start off if we're going to do photography pick your type of Photography so is it going to be interior design is it going to be sort of editorial or is it going to be architectural photography that sort of thing okay I think let's try product photography that was just what popped into my mind seeing some of these uh suggestions here A Hammer Hammer made of glass a whale on the streets of New York marble statue okay well I won't read that one chat GPT owes you 67 cents for being down today okay that's not a prompt gingerbread mentioned that's that's the one I kind of like here so I think a lot of these are gonna be you know either that would be architectural photography but I think product photography is perfect so let's let's start by crafting um a nice product photograph here I'll be your keyboard here you just tell me what to type well and I can help out so okay so let's start okay start off with rock photography and then you can add a comma just for some structure okay and then let's use I need to pick a word here because there's so many good words let's use a there's so much good stuff yeah there's there's almost too much because I'm not sure about the organs piece that we won't do that one yeah the the sound is just returned a little bit but but um I think we can I really love I love gingerbread I I don't know why it's just gingerbread just resonated with me maybe because I'm slightly hungry um or how about how about like combining New York with Gingerbread like you know like a gingerbread in New York that wouldn't be product photography but but that's an interesting one a miniature civilization in a bottle that would be really cool too um we have a computer mouse we have cheese Hammer made of glass yeah no worries we got we got this chat taken care of guys we have moderators here isn't this incredible thanks Daniel um okay okay so let's just pick two let's just pick two so I think one of them let's go with um I think a computer mouse would be a good one for product photography so let's okay let's pick a computer mouse that is uh good starting point okay and then uh okay and then we can pick a second one so a computer mouse we we had New York we had gingerbread how about a gingerbread computer mouse I think that's kind of a that's kind of a good idea but the news that use gingerbread texture okay um I'm not sure and I really apologize guys yeah it keeps returning it keeps returning I I wonder I wonder what what it what's causing it but eventually yeah maybe maybe it's it's um it's some sound yeah I really don't know I really don't know yes it is guys uh just bear with us with the sound problem here we will uh start generating right now okay I think I think um we can switch to the desktop here and we can do this right now so okay I started with product photography comma How do we continue this we're gonna do a gingerbread computer mouse yeah but okay so write gingerbread Ginger Dash texture textured Dash texture texture as an extra as an extra within sort of the DNA entity at the end gingerbread text judge Mouse okay with a dash in between gingerbread and textured yeah because it's yeah because it's yeah because because we're not just regarding pictures the audio problem is actually quite bad it's it's it's here so listen I I have an idea you you can send send these to me via Discord chat and I'll just copy it in and I'll talk over it anyway you can see if we fix it I I don't think uh there's a point in you know trying to break through it it's really there's an echo it's robotic it's it's we can just use this work around and and use his extensive knowledge of my journey by interfacing with him like we would interface with AI okay we're gonna have I'm Gonna Keep a camera on here but you're gonna be muted and we're just gonna have you you can even type it into YouTube chat you can type The Prompt into YouTube I think that would be the best thing the most interactive thing and then I'll just you know I'll I'll take the prompt that we craft here so we made it this far guys um we're gonna make this happen I want to see uh gingerbread textured mouse that looks as if you know my grandma baked it so yeah it's not about the call um Nova it's it's our audio issue um a hardware audio issue so let's see okay so I have product photography uh gingerbread textured Mouse okay there you go okay amazing so Christian is in the chat um I'm gonna copy paste this okay and now um do we run with this prompt or do we add anything else and as you can see there's a there's this natural language component that we've been talking about like it's not all just commas and keywords okay there we go perfect going to add some more fun stuff okay perfect so meanwhile Meanwhile we're just gonna run this and we're gonna do a aspect ratio of 16 by nine just because it looks great On video okay so that's generating so you know Buckle in buckle up you guys this is going to be done very very soon here uh and then we're gonna try some more variations so yeah Christian feel free to um Daniel with the comment of the day imagine a working stream set up with quality sound system Unbreakable we're gonna run that one too just because why not nice so we're generating two of these images and majority V5 uh can't wait for the results and yeah so we have so this was gonna be about gpt4 as a prompt generator but turns out this is gonna be about you know tokenized AI as a prompt generator this is great all right so I'm starting to see gingerbread textured Mouse aha Christian we made a mistake we forgot to add one word to our prompt it's a gingerbread textured Mouse we forgot the computer mouse so you know let's do that again let's do that that's actually kind of funny let's do this again guys for all your newcomers this is mid Journey V5 we have a guest in the house Christian from tokenized AI has some fantastic majority content go check out his channel for more I promise everything on his channel is in like Stellar quality which is like a live audio issue happening here so we're working around it but wow okay there there you go we actually have some results here we actually have some results and look you I mean you can feel free to uh activate your audio at any point in time maybe it works maybe not but this is really good look at I I love this I love this I I don't know about you guys but this is so adorable wow this is this is something yeah wow and now I can really see the power of you know the product photography keywords that you started this off with um incredible stuff honestly I really like this results what do you guys think this is a good one it's not a computer mouse that is that's for sure yeah I really enjoy these results though okay meanwhile uh Christian by the way here uh this is what a working stream set up with quality sound uh looks like unbreakable this one is for you anyway this is this does a really good job I mean yeah there's a DJ set up the thing is none of this gear is actual gear right this is this is all kind of made up that's what I found with technical stuff it's just you know creates this like abstract um equipment but so let's let's refine our prompt here so let's add computer mouse let's add a computer mouse and you provided us with another prompt here so we're gonna run that tool shortly gingerbread textured com pewter Mouse okay all right let's do this we'll run this one and then it will also take yours from chats imagine product photography gingerbread textured mouse sitting on top of lush green hill surrounded by an army of Siamese cats I love it I love it that's that's actually great okay are we gonna do mouse or computer mouse what do what do you think um which one of the two should we do mouse or computer mouse I think here Mouse would make more sense yeah a lush green hill I think yeah let's just run it the way you wrote it perfect okay yeah let's do mouse okay we're generating uh gingerbread textured mouse sitting on top of our lush green hill surrounded by an army of Siamese cats okay and guys this is how you would go about this if you were to craft your prompts yourself right the the approach I suggested was um going with was was using the gpd4 output but this is how you would this is how you would do it from scratch so I'm glad we're actually doing this as you can see we start with the style and then we add the prompts that exactly describes what we want to generate here okay it's happening it's happening we have we have a bunch of images that are being created here do you maybe want to test the audio one more time you know because it worked like 70 of the time you can always just give it a test you know if it doesn't work it doesn't work whatever we continue like this oh you're muted right oh wait I muted my guest muted you didn't mean to Mewtwo now it should be working try yeah yeah it's still robotic it's still we still have that that issue okay okay anyway okay so first of all we have to gingerbread textured computer mouse sitting on top of a lush green hill how cool is that look at this gingerbread this is insane somebody make this I'll buy one I want a gingerbread Mouse too this this texture looks actually extremely comfortable to use I mean quite cool I want more I want more of you know the first here I want more variations hello huh interesting my audio is still not working yeah so it all can you guys hear me in this stream does it all work something happened here yeah what do you guys think of this but but at the cat Army okay okay so that's a good idea so let's go ahead and add the cat Army to this so let me copy your prompt here is that still generating ah no it's down here yeah let's do the gingerbread gingerbread Mouse computer mouse plus the cat Army what okay it all works okay cool cool then it's just the headphone thing ah this is is it better now we'll match can you hear me now so gingerbread textured computer mouse all right really sorry about the audio yeah okay let's generate this one so product photography gingerbread textured computer mouse sitting on top of a lush green hill surrounded by an army of Siamese cats Siamese I I guess that's how you pronounce it okay oh look at this I think I'm about to launch my brand new you know product on Amazon The Gingerbread Mouse this is great and you know what the marketing would for this would look like like the packaging would be like a grand like obviously AI generated Grandma holding it up and looking at it as if it you know was her engagement ring or something um I think that would make you know like a nice vintage style to the packaging with a grandma as the as kind of the leading character I think this would make for a great product let's see what else we got here so while the new one generates um I'll try and reset my headphones because those stop working too and then we okay we can look at okay everything is made out of gingerbread wow question thank you so much for revealing this incredible keyword here um so to recap what you did here is you included gingerbread textured and that kind of makes everything gingerbread textured how cool is this wow let's see this is this is really great I don't yeah there's a bunch of cats but we didn't really I guess here we have a bunch of mice here we have a bunch of mice it's not really the result that we hope for I believe so my headphones work again that's great how about this 100 year old grandma deadlifting 500 pounds in the gym then I I don't know where you got that from but I'm just gonna quickly run that um uh 500 year old grandma the deadlifting 500 pounds in the gym I'll just you know I don't know while but but I felt like running this one so we'll do this meanwhile we can review this one yeah the texture prompt is an excellent one to remember I think I can hear you and it works can you hear me now yes and it sounds good too is the audio really better or not no I'm not sure it's excellent right now it's excellent right now okay thank goodness my goodness oh we made it guys we didn't even lose like viewers like you guys are loyal love you guys that's really much appreciated battling through these audio issues but now we're here so let's talk let's talk business let's talk mid-journey five okay so what do we have now I I didn't have time to look at the picture okay so we have product photography gingerbread textured computer mouse sitting on top of a lush green hill surrounded by an army of Siamese cats and we got this so did the Siamese cats come out so I'm not familiar with cat terminology so I I have to admit my ignorance and and I wouldn't know what a Siamese cat looks like is it like the is it like the Pharaoh cats is it like kind of those I don't know please enlighten me it's oh Siamese cats would normally have that sort of um beige colored sort of fur but then I think around the eyes they have a dark dark almost Blackish color Okay um so I believe but if we don't see them then yeah I believe that's not the case in this picture I believe we have a bunch of we have a bunch of I really like the second one I really enjoyed the second one this is a really cool one but there's no mice in there I guess over here so there's a few obvious issues um can we troubleshoot this somehow so let's see so we said product photography I think it kills that perfect this is like the perfect product photography setup that works really well then we have gingerbread textured computer mouse we couldn't ask for anything better it's a computer mouse it's gingerbread textured and it's extremely creative I really like the approach here and then sitting on top of a lush green hill surrounded by an army of Siamese cats it seemed to have missed the uh breed of the cat and it seemed to have missed that setting where you know the the computer mouse is sitting on top of the hill hmm and because I'm imagining something like the cats below the hill and then the mouse is kind of like scared on top okay so what we can do is we can Let's ignore the Siamese part because maybe that's just something that mid Journey isn't interpreting properly so but let's try to keep the cats um I'm sorry meanwhile meanwhile we got this a true gem okay okay anyway sorry that was a little detour but yeah mid Journey V5 can do that too you guys no it works um so so what I would like what I would maybe try to do because we're already in the in the gingerbread sort of theme yes so what you might want to do is remove the Siamese done okay perfect and then what we'll do is add a add two colons at the end of that prompt okay so we're going to make that a first segment and then we're going to add a second segment we're going to do some multi-prompting here and we're not going to do multi-prompting the way that some of the people in the official imagery Discord would suggest because multi-prompts are useful for many different things but in this case we're just going to use it in order to Sparkle some theme some mood some atmosphere on top of it so so add those two colons did you add them yes they're they're um I'm switching sorry it's just the delays right and then what we'll add is because I find that quite frightening so we'll do a Hensel and Gretel theme okay how do I write that in English because I certainly would know in German with a and everything but yeah it's a good good question um h-e-n-s-e-l I actually I'm not sure yeah I mean us being able to I mean us speaking German you know it's kind of weird writing it in English now yeah hence let me see how what Google says okay perfect perfect oh yeah oh yeah so they just they just take away the the um loud so I'm just gonna paste it in the perfect um chat or Clarity okay and now what we're going to do is we're only going to add half a weighting okay it's okay it's Hansel okay perfect and for our newcomers here could you could you briefly uh give us a rundown of weights yeah so what we're doing here right now is we're training our regular pump into a multi-pump and what you can usually do with multiprons is that let's say you're trying to place two two um different characters next to each other like a dog and a cat very often that will blend yes but if you if you use multi-prompts you can repeat the same sort of concept but with different words and very often that will reinforce what you're actually trying to do so instead of you ending up with like a blended creature that is neither cat nor dog yeah um The Journey sometimes it just gets that better but what we're doing here is we're simply going to infuse a little bit of an additional concept on top of it and and because we have the second segment we can add something that's called a weight and we're gonna just add a weight of 0.5 just to be careful because otherwise who knows what it will turn into um yeah yeah um perfect okay so I think that's a fantastic summary I would say uh weights are one of the first uh topics I would look into um after like my first after my initial day with my journey so if you're new to this and you're just like getting your feet wet that's perfectly fine uh but if you're trying to take the next step on becoming Advanced I think weights are like the number one thing you should be looking at uh just because as you outline they can be super useful and they allow you to tackle certain situations which are not solvable any other way in here so with that being said uh I think let's just run this one I think this one is ready to go so let me just hit enter I could have could have done that a while ago but um better late than ever and and hey another another fantastic uh prompt from from Daniel here we can run that in parallel because why not so okay that's kind of a funny a movie scene gingerbread textured Grand by using gingerbread textured Mouse to post about her weightlifting career on a computer system with a perfect sound system okay that's just that's just gonna be a fun one for in between but I'm really curious on um our result here already we can see this is this is shaping up quite well so Hansel and Gretel theme yes yes yes yes yes yes yes this is more okay we certainly have the hill I don't see the computer mouse yet let's see if it included that interesting so it's it seems like it's generating this gingerbread house that lives on this island um let's see there is a mouse there is no computer mouse though I'll say that and there's no Army of cats interesting oh and then and then we have this monstrosity shaping up there all right right okay okay so beautiful image just first of all like like really like if you're trying to generate product photography I think I think it's going to be very hard to make a case um for you know spending like three four thousand dollars on a on a studio shoot unless you know your product is like I don't know if you're just looking for product pictures uh for marketing purposes and not to promote your your like own product that you developed I think it's gonna be very hard to to um you know reason the cost of a photographer when I when I see results like this like this is ridiculously good but it's not what we asked for so so what do you make I I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't have run these funny prompts in between but this is just what is this I think I'll add this this one to my personal like collection of favorites thanks thanks for this fantastic prom Daniel this is this is great but let's talk about let's talk about our prompt here so actually very good eye very good eye right there um this is this seems to be a computer mouse also here I see elements of a computer mouse so definitely ignore it it didn't ignore it it's just not represented the way we would like it to be represented what about rearranging the words I think that's a good point Christian tell me in chat what do you think about rearranging the words maybe we could switch things up and put Hansel and Gretel theme no but but it did that well that's fine maybe we should put surrounded by an army of cats earlier how about that let's try that I'm not sure audio is perfect again is it perfect because that's weird because this is coming straight from my MacBook now okay so it doesn't it it sounds uh it's a little lower quality but there's no crackling and I hear you perfectly and it does the job so I think this is our solution so what I would suggest is first of all reduce the weight to 0.25 because clearly it's too strong okay okay um it's definitely too strong because we can we can see it's like it's a bit too much um I agree okay so that's that's beautiful uh and maybe let's try moving this surrounded by an army of cats a little um is it gonna help if we move it over here let me ask you that sorry I just saw Daniel's comment that this made me laugh thank you it's funny we have this running uh we have this running uh gag going on in the Discord server where people join and they use like chat GPT generated text to introduce themselves right to make like a like a good impression and we included a bot function Daniel included a bot function where you can just be like slash uh test for Humanity or I I don't know the the command by heart but you can you essentially give the person and then you link the person and you give them 60 seconds to uh fill out a captcha phrase to prove that they're human otherwise they get timed out or some things I just thought I was really funny um so I think what we what we might want to do in this prompt here because I I see I think we should be drift it off a little bit Yeah so we we might be able to do is so let's switch it around so instead of texturing the mouse with the gingerbread texture let's do it the other way around let's create instead a gingerbread house shaped like a mouse maybe that will give us okay okay textured like uh you're not textured not textured um I promise I don't have a prompt in front of me right now let me see okay so let's use a computer mouse shaped gingerbread house maybe that works I don't know computer you see the thing about prompting is it's lots of trial and error anyway all the time and this is the main point of these streams like I I love that we're not getting it right away because this is what I try to communicate like you all of these people want to become like prompt Engineers or better at prompting chatime Journey but they're not ready to sit here and go through 60 iterations of a prompt to get a result guys how do you think I put that book together like do you realize how many tries it takes on like one prompt to get it just the way you want it like it took a minute all right um and you just have to accept that it's fine you have to get over it for me with that book I kind of got over the hurdle of of um that mental block of oh like but what if I don't get it right right away it doesn't matter the beautiful thing here is you know even with chat GPT you just get to try another 200 times that's what it is about or you watch our videos and you just copy paste you can do that too but if you're trying to like you know go further then you're gonna have to explore experiment like we're doing here so I'm glad we get to do this this live together with the audience here um okay so sorry I digressed computer mouse shaped um no the other way um I'm getting confused myself yeah so let's concentrate here on on this prompt so computer mouse shaped gingerbread house no no not shaped so the thing is the question is what is the core product that we want to actually create do we want to create a product that is more that looks like a computer mouse or do you want to create I would like a computer mouse to sit on top of a hill yeah and with with cats around it okay so then let's remove the the the second segment because I think that's introducing too much um Randomness okay so we'll stick to just one segment and and not do multi-pounds okay and then and then so product photography obviously works then computer mouse obviously works too right this is how I would think about it then um computer mouse shaped gingerbread house I'll just delete the gingerbread house part computer mouse sitting on top of a lush green hill okay I think it has a problem with sitting on top of um because it didn't really you know the proportions and the placement here wasn't right although here maybe we need to add to the hill I would make the a hill more dominant in the scene because this is more like a road this is like a bump in the road not like a hill on top of a lush Green Mountain how about that maybe maybe that can do the trick I think I think you you might get like Alpine scenery if you do that yeah let's try this out let's try this out surrounded um and and let's go into more details so at the bottom of the mountain um an army of cats is surrounding [Music] the you know surrounding the computer mouse that doesn't feel right at the bottom of the mouth I I want to give uh I want to be more specific on the location of the cat stove because it always just placed them all over the all over the scene and yeah so the thing is the tricky thing is that since there's a slight delay between the stream and us talking um I actually have trouble following exactly what the prompt looks like right now but so so I haven't changed anything in in like a good 15 seconds now so so what I see is the photo product photography computer mouse sitting on top of a lush Green Mountain at the bottom of the mountain an army of cats is surrounding okay and that's where you stopped okay so so this is a what type of sort of a prompt where I'm not always 100 sure whether my journey actually gets this um because basically what you're doing is you're adding two separate statements right yes and I personally have sometimes had trouble getting back to work but you know we can try that out nevertheless so at the bottom of the mountain an army of cats um surrounding I like the situation from the chat here how about surrounding the mountain is an army of cats we can try that because um because I like this from my experience I would say uh simpler and more concise approaches that that you know express the same uh meaning uh are better well how about this then um Mountain encircled encircled by an army of cats okay that's that's beautiful because it's true surrounded doesn't necessarily mean that they're in like a circular shape but they could literally be all over the place so maybe encircled and and I love this I hope you guys are picking up on some of the subtext in between our communication here you know like the way uh the way you think about these words and and the the way you precisely pick them translates to any prompt that you will ever generate so you know pay close attention to to all this um so what I always say is that writers I mean any any creatives any real artists have a major advantage if if they if they Embrace these AI tools because usually they they have a vocabulary that is very very specific and especially writers have I mean they obviously have a vocabulary that's so vast they can think of excellent words to describe things yeah yeah I agree it's really um it's really when you when you already have the ability from some other um job to be surgical with with your words um then you have a real a tangible Advantage here honestly and also a lot of the academic um like a lot of the vocabulary that comes from the academic sphere people like to make fun of that sometimes like wow what are what are those words for like nobody knows them nobody uses them why are you using those well in a lot of cases that's a fair point especially if you're like in a normal conversation right but when it comes to this it's a superpower those Ultra specific words that are you know three times as long as what maybe a normal human would use it's that long for a reason it describes one very particular thing in a very particular context and guess what that's exactly what prompts want so you know a little little Pro tip there if you want to make your prompts better like look for academic language and don't shy away from long and detailed words so the the picture just finished generating let's have a look at it to gather here so okay right here let's full screen this yeah this is this is more like it but we have it we we're facing uh the we have a problem with placing our cats here right the cats are not encircling the Mountain which is which is interesting I can't see the image yet still waiting for it to look I may have to reload the stream from here there we go okay perfect downstairs it's still not in surfing yeah yeah so we still didn't manage to to place the cats all around it let's let's keep hacking uh at this um and let's let's try and figure this out you know what I think I think the problem here and and this may sound counter-intuitive but I think the problems that we picked product photography and I I it's just a gut feeling but I think it is trying to stuff everything into a very specific space like a product that's being showcased and that is why it's not necessarily creating a proper scene where it's using all of the space so I think foreign maybe maybe we change the the style instead if we if we really insist on having them certainly so how about landscape photography that is that's going to be uh too wide right those are usually like 14 millimeter lenses um stuff like that so that's gonna be too loud too wide but what you can do is you can also widen your aspect ratio a little bit because um yeah sometimes that also influences how mid Journey uses the space that's available right so I hmm okay so let's just say photography let's just say photography computer mouse sitting on top of a lush Green Mountain encircled by an army of cats and now yeah and a aspect ratio of three to two Okay maybe okay done let's run this okay foreign I have my style set too high what were you using as stylized wait okay I'll set it I believe uh medium is the default right thank you yeah you've had yeah you set it to high yeah medium is a default yeah yeah all right that was that'd be better okay oh this is looking more like it look at that yeah you were right it was the constraints of the photography part of the prompt that limited this and see this this is diverse type like they don't teach this in uni they don't they barely even teach this on YouTube you're going to have to like go in here and you're going to have to explore a keyword like product photography yourself to understand the limitations of it um by the way robco made a really great um suggestion you can try adding cinematic in front of the photography because that might create a more interesting overall scene as well thanks robco nice so let's do that with uh with our next attempt here [Music] um also I don't want to hold you up here right if you have to go you have to go there I'm running a bit late but I sent a message real quick that I'm gonna be slightly delayed so it's fine I'm having too much fun here right now this is this is this is great look um he's doing us a little bit of a favor here and helping us out with the majority prompting so if you guys appreciate that then two things two things first of all hit that like button because why would you not and secondly um head on over to his channel check out his content like truly truly if you're trying to learn more about my journey that is the place to go you'll find in-depth tutorials on all this waiting seeds everything you want to know yeah you'll find it on there he has dedicated videos for all of it um yeah I would just say do that go go at least check it out uh mint audio quality nothing nothing to worry about there at all no it's gonna happen yeah it's fine if anybody out there is trying to figure out how to do consistent characters in B5 I'm I've been working on that all day today because uh people are struggling with that ever since the switch and to be honest it's not that different and I'm I'm I'll probably be releasing a video on that fairly soon um so that's one of the most requested things I get with my journey but I just figured there's so many so much content uh to it out there and usually if I don't have like even like anything to add to the discussion I just don't make the content I always just like to like insert like new experiences or knowledge into it so yeah if you're interested in uh consistent characters um there's many tutorials on his channel covering that plus a new one on V5 coming so with that being said let's get back to the screen share here and um I'll just run this with cinematic photography while we evaluate our results in majority V5 right here so this is what we got so this is the bottom right one is closer to what I was imagining here myself this is this is definitely on there the obvious problem is still that the cats are kind of on the hill and not encircling the hill so it might have an issue with that in encircling keyword um maybe it doesn't know how to interpret that so how about this I always say um do we still have an army of cats or is it just cats um I believe we still yes we still have an army yes yes okay then let's say an army of cats um forming a circle ah It's Tricky Yeah It's tricky huh yeah so maybe maybe I think I don't really see doing an army here right because an army would be like I don't know 400 cats or something like that so let's try and switch that aspect of it up meanwhile we added um a cinematic photography here and it's generating this new image where it's the same prompt but with cinematic photography and a different aspect ratio so that's actually quite cool look at that it kind of creates like it it does the so there's this term from like cinematography from directing which is called blocking and it's essentially how you lay out your um the subjects and the characters in the scene and here um yeah the blocking is very very movie-like you know you you kind of have like your foreground objects you have there's a lot of layers to it that's what I would say um if you if you review this closely you'll see you have your foreground uh subject right here then you have another even closer foreground subject here and then all the way in the back you you have these mountains then another layer you have these birds and then like all these animals in between so what this what the Cinematic photography keyword is really doing it's giving it a lot of depth you can also see here on the bottom right like you have the mouse the Rocks then you have the this is another uh plane then you have the hill then you have you know the hill another Hill then you have the clouds in the background trees in between there's a lot of depth if you compare that and contrast that with our picture before it was really like the mouse the hill and the background maybe some clouds right so that's three to four um or four let's say and here we're looking more at one two three four five six maybe you know even more so you know looking at this this image right I I really want to make the mouse look more like not just like a computer mouse like at least give it some fur Okay Okay I I like that suggestion actually I I think you're spot on um it seems a little out of place it should stay a computer mouse but let's like very computer mouse yeah sorry perfect a little bit I'm a bit concerned about what it's gonna look like but no it should be fine we saw the gingerbread computer mouse that was quite enjoyable okay so let's see furry computer mouse sitting on top of a lush green hill a large Green Mountain I think a mountain worked actually quite well here right yeah I think that worked and circled by an army of cats so let's let's try switching up the Army part here and see what we get in circled Bayan Battalion how about that oh or maybe just just try just saying many cats simple and circled by many cats oh uzor also made a good recommendation I made a good suggestion he said in circular formation that's also not bad okay okay on top of a lock screen Mount um and then yeah it doesn't fit our sentence what's the problem we could say surrounded by by cats in a circular formation and here's this is just my mind going off on tangents again but wouldn't it be awesome if there if it was like an army of cat ladies with their cats attacking the mouse I think that would be kind of that that would be my favorite version of this maybe we can maybe I can give this a shot after you log off but uh we're surrounded by cats um wait what was that you just leave out the mini yeah yeah surrounded by wait circular formation is surrounded by cats in uh sir cooler formation not formulation so here's a little trick right so what I usually do is um like we'll stick with what you're writing now but sometimes when I can't think of the right words to use what I'll do is I'll go to Google images and I'll search for a certain phrase and then I'll have a look at the images whether they actually represent what I'm looking for um there you go there you go that's very smart so the flip side to that is you can also if you can't think of any words you can go to like a stock image website and then look at the images that you actually want and then check out what words are they using as tags and description and then sometimes that will work as well that is that is very smart um what a fantastic tip let's just do that super quickly while this generates so this is one I used to use a lot um it's just and they're usually paid but they're quite like high quality um and they have both uh you know video and photo but other sites like Shutterstock or if you want a free alternative pixels would specialize in photos so we can just go in here and be like you know cats or or we can be like Mountains for example right and then what you recommended is opening up some of these and be like oh this is really pretty this is kind of the setting that I maybe envisioned yeah perfect like a winner landscape like this and then so the way this works is the sellers need to do as good of a job as possible at keywording these so because the entire traffic here comes from the search there's no like recommendation engine like YouTube has uh very minimal they have like a newsletter or something but that's in the home page but that's kind of it so they are really good at keywording this stuff and if you go down here um you will see related categories what a great hack to find keywords huh you can just go in here and look at like related keywords and um I'm not 100 positive that they list the keywords on this one you have all the photography details right you could just copy paste this you could just copy paste the focal length um right here 60 millimeter uh aperture 5.6 EOS 7D to get a similar look you can just find like reference images and copy some of these and on the other sides you also have the keywords down there but again that that is just a little tangent a little tip anyway I believe we have um we have a result here so cinematic photography furry computer mouse sitting on top of a lush Green Mountain surrounded by cats in a circular formation what is going on here I really like this first image that is just like aesthetically very pleasing but let me say this um our we do have fairy mice but not a furry computer mouse right and we there's no there's no surrounding here so what I I am honestly I'm a little confused at this point what do you make of this what do you make of this because in V4 with like stable diffusion we would have had this already right let's maybe say that it's it's weird but wait is this the cat ladies one I don't know that this is that one sorry I'm not sure which one I'm looking at right now cat latest one didn't perform as expected either I'll just say that but um this is weird this is one of those where I would just be like what did you do just you know just regenerate I would just run it once more because yeah but that's the thing so you can you can always re-roll because in the end sometimes you just happen to pick or the images that you get are just the random weird variation right but I mean to be fair what we did here is we were doing something very odd right we're combining elements that are normally you know there's little relation between them so yes yes no so this is like and I like that we picked this because this is really like pushing it it's it's stress testing it this is not you know a cat with a hat although that is that is a bit abstract it's it's probably my favorite prompt of all times and it's just gonna get you a cat with a hat and it works every single time um guys do this yourself a cat with a hat let's do it just AR 16x9 done simple and this works right but here we're trying to combine two different worlds so if I regenerate this this circular formation is giving us um kind of a oval um you know it's not working for the prompt so I I think the problem I think is also you know we're since we're trying to do this as photography it's it's also constrained by what is realistic in photography right so of course you can create all sorts of weird things but there's in the end it's it's it's trained to be more realistic right and if you're trying to create things that don't exist it's going to be difficult if you use a more sort of fantasy digital art style I would not be surprised if this was a bit easier [Music] I think I think you hit hit uh hit it on like you describe that perfectly I think that's exactly what's going on because as we saw before by saying product photography we really limited it to this kind of like table top setup with like a macro lens with a lot of depth of field and we we really put a lot of constraints on it right and then if you're trying to you know do like hills and cats and mountains and like whatever like it's not gonna let you because it was trained on a set of product photography and that's what you're operating within right you kind of like enter this little frame of all the product photography that it learned on and then if you're trying to break out it's just it's just not gonna work because this stuff is only as good as the data that it was trained on so I think you you set it exactly right um if we're asking for photography we kind of have to operate in the realm of real realistic image images and we have to think about what was this trained on it was not trained on you know cats surrounding a hill like I don't think it maybe just does not have that and and that's perfectly fine and then you have to move on uh could we make this happen maybe maybe I feel like the way it positions the cats on the hill and on on this hill um I I think we could find a way to position them at the bottom of the hill and a lot of them and then we could find a way to position the mouse exactly at the top I think we could achieve these things if we get very precise we definitely could um and and also remember that since since we're using V5 which is much much slower right now yes if we were using V4 we would be iterating through all sorts of different ideas much quicker um yeah so that's also a limitation right now interesting so maybe let's give it let's give it one more shot let's give it one more shot and and um round this out while we look at this magnificent cat with a hat um just it's perfect like these look they're they're perfect like because if you think about it like there's a billion cat pictures this was strained on and placing a hat on top of it is like look every single one of these is perfect I love it okay yeah there's guys are dropping like hearts and likes they seem to enjoy the cats cats always internet and cats always works I worked with my editor who was like what examples do I pick I'm a cats and he's like wait but but who nobody cares about cats I'm like what you know how do you have you met the internet everybody loves a cat so you know the one one of the first things I tried to create um in my journey was do you so I I used to do tons of stuff in print on demand and one of the big things are those all-over shirts where you have space cats with laser eyes I don't know where the universe yeah I'm familiar where every like Square centimeter is is covered yeah and you've got these cats just floating through space and they've got red laser eyes and I tried to create that but it wasn't that as easy as I thought I thought there would be much more I don't really okay yeah maybe you just have to add the laser eyes and post and like in like Photoshop or something I'm gonna try prompting that right now here and I'll see whether that works and then I'll send it over to it this is too much fun honestly I I feel a little bad that we're like holding you up here maybe you should just go on like your next thing yeah like but but this is real quick okay okay it's worth it laser laser cat um it's just so much fun to play with these prompts and to explore this together I mean we both have a bunch of like recipes that work and a bunch of approaches that work but it's it's really this like open ocean blue ocean exploration that is the most enjoyable to me that's why I got into the space and that's why I'm so interested in this stuff I mean this is no coincidence I was doing this naturally anyway you know I just created content around it um okay so what I did here is maybe this this would be like interesting to talk about briefly but what I did here I removed the photography part of the prompt the first one right where we said cinematic photography and I just left the rest of the prompt and it's finishing up as we speak right here I'm actually kind of surprised by this I thought that you know the the base setting of V5 would um be a little more realistic than this what do you think of this so I can't see it yet I'm still waiting can you maybe uh is the stream oh oh no no that's fair that's fair it's coming up there okay so you know so is this the the furry computer mouse one yes furry computer mouse everything everything is identical so I think this would be an interesting approach to troubleshooting it right removing like the photography constraints that we imposed on it and now we can see that you know the placement of the cats has nothing to do with like the photography aspect of our prompt no no no but but it does have a little bit to do I think with the positioning and the the the pro the thing with the Circ I think that the do we have the word circular in our prompt right now we do we do yeah so that's what's creating that shape those shapes on the right right um I think because it's not clear that that this is linked to the cats right um I mean I mean it's kind of surrounded by cats I like I'm not really sure why the mouse in the bottom left one is submerged into the ground that's a bit weird yeah but yeah you make a good point let me just try let me just try this oh I managed to create my space canals oh wait I'm gonna share a problem with you right now okay okay let's do it let's do it let's do it now you'll see this I mean oh this is gonna be hilarious people wear shirts that are completely um plastered with this stuff and it is not a joke this is okay everybody you you can now generate your own space cans they don't have the laser eyes yet I don't know why but but the rest is everything that you can find on Amazon as well you can buy these as shirts okay no don't incredible let's let's do this so I'll just say it's it's it kind of falls into the category the most ugly shirts in the world but super popular that's a good category to be in I I like the extremes of most like it makes it interesting um lovely so I ran that prompt through V5 right yeah okay if you do it in V4 maybe it'll be even more fancy but I don't know I'll try that too real quick okay Meanwhile we're getting uh furry computer mouse sitting on top of a lush Green Mountain surrounded by cats at the bottom of the mountain this is what I did now okay yeah this ain't working this is not this is not it this is not it this looks like some somebody learning Photoshop over here the type of stuff I created when I was 15. all right so oh look at that oh my God oh my God cats with laser eyes floating through space surrounded by pizzas man I am loving this I got it I got an even better one I mean it's the same one but I got the lasers now too oh my God please yes yes let's do it I just need to I just need to figure out whether whether whether I'm gonna give you the V4 the V5 pump because okay I can smoke they're just different um I really like the realism in V5 though I think this is so cool guys what do you make of this wait let's do it let's do a little uh you know let's do a little poll I'm curious to hear what our viewers think here start a poll okay let's do this so do you love this and then then there's there's like there's like two options you can either say yes or you can say yes go ahead guys vote votes okay that's right I have to admit that the V4 version is better so I'm gonna send you that one really okay okay okay let me see because it's more stylized that's why I I would have to test more with the stylized parameter in order to get the V5 when to work um the V5 one's too realistic right now okay okay I do like the realistic pizzas though the cat yeah but but okay let's see let's just test the V4 problems all right I forgot thank you and guys I'm so glad that um so many viewers joined us here to to like follow us on this journey because you know it's it's not it's not what it always looks like in those edited down videos you know usually when you get your nice and crunchy eight minute video what is behind that is you know a grown man sitting as a com at his computer for a a full day or two and typing different words into the keyboard and trying to figure out which combination works and then we go ahead and we present like what it works right but this is what it really looks like you're sitting here and you're like why can't these this goddamn cat just be at the bottom of the hill like what do I what am I doing wrong where did I go wrong in my life um that that's oh my God oh my God yeah so I think I think once this one finishes I'm gonna have to drop off but I want to leave you with this beauty because it's just I just finished it's just are you kidding me man okay wow wow this is the kind of stuff you want to print on canvas and hang up on a wall isn't it honestly and I just do that this second one I'll just Photoshop in pepperoni or something but like the way the way the cat is eating the pizza I've never seen something like that before are you kidding me this is incredible okay so the poll uh we're gonna round out the poll um 94 of the people think that that yes this is they do love this result great so I think this works so well because there's actually a surprising number of images on the internet that have exactly this concept so that's why it's so doing it so well ah wow there you go that's a real uh really good piece of advice right there if I may I'll just lean into that and let you off think about what has been done before within the constraints of what you're doing right if you're doing product photography look at product photography Inspirations because that's kind of the Arena that you're entering that's where you're gonna be you know operating in um but with that being said I'll throw this up onto the screen it can sit in between us this is gonna be my new green screen background absolutely phenomenal result um let me just to run it out let me ask you like how did you arrive at this is this like was this inspired by your background and on-demand Printing and that these worked and then you just started prompting around that it's it you know when you if you the thing is if you've done anything in the merge space then you're confronted with everything that people actually buy not just what is aesthetic but what people literally buy and it's one of the places where you see the weirdest stuff I swear to God and this is just it's synonymous for the entire weirdness of the print on demand merch t-shirt space this thing it's uh all right interesting like that's the thing I I don't know I would buy this exactly okay cool amazing question thank you so much for the session um super quick recap would be we talked about the GPT I actually I'm gonna do the summary once you leave you have to run thank you so much for taking the time again guys I cannot repeat this enough if you want more mid-journey content if you want to learn how to do consistent characters across your prompts this is your man he knows how to generate space kittens with pizza but he also knows how to like craft actually stunning results and teaches you how to do it step by step so if you want more majority content uh stop spamming my emails I'm doing what I can this man has you covered um all right thank you so much for joining us uh the 20 to 30 minutes turned into almost two hours thanks for having me um I'll try to sort out my my mic and then next time we'll have better audio sounds good sorry about that sounds perfect I would love honestly I would love to do more of these just this like live prompting session with an audience uh sorry we were kind of caught up in in like the the intricacies of like audio problems and mid Journey V5 and everything that I didn't get to interact as much with chat on this one as I wish I would but we certainly appreciate you guys tuning in I I'm keeping my eye on the chat every time I look over here I'm kind of looking at the chat every time I'm over here I'm I'm on the screen so thanks again for joining us um yeah and I hope to see you again um yeah all right cheers guys I have some more fun yes we will we will so that ladies and gentlemen rounds out our first guest and with that I mean we have we have you know a little bit more time going on we have this whole situation going on as I said we've been upgrading several things around here and let me tell you this is amazing and again the prompt to generate this I'll just share this V4 seems to be better I'll just share this with you guys in the chat um then I'll go on over to this we'll we'll do another fancy camera move just because we can and yeah let me ask you did you guys learn something was this a valuable uh way to spend your time because that's always my goal um I I apologize for the um the slight my interview set up huh actually let me move this over here this is a fantastic idea I apologize for the for the inconveniences with the audio I'll just replace Christian here with with the cat picture he provided us with Incredible stuff um okay whatever so with that being said thank you so much for joining us today guys uh I would like to do a quick summary so we can all take away something from the Stream So first of all we learned that uh V5 accepts a different style of prompt to V4 right and that's why it's it's a good idea to use gpt4 right unfortunately it was down today but if you go to my YouTube video uh that I that was uploaded four days ago you will find the exact prompt that generates um stunning results truly stunning results okay um the tutorial is in that video this is Christian's channel here you can find a bunch more mid-journey tutorials and um what I wanted to add is that we talked about the limitations of mid Journey V5 in terms of not taking infinite length prompts right you can't just give it an essay and my The Prompt that I presented to you in that video actually produces long results they're too long from a journey nevertheless if you run it like 20 times you're gonna find different aspects of that prompt included in your result Okay so I think that's a fantastic thing to keep in mind so take the outputs that you get from that prompt and cherry pick your favorite parts or pick the first paragraph and paste it into my journey it's still a little too long for it to consider every single thing that that prompt might contain but it's an excellent starting point I've been getting a lot of feedback uh from you guys over the course of the last week uh since I uploaded that saying that it's it was really helpful and it was really a fantastic starting point to get started with majority V5 because just with these like super short prompts uh you're not gonna get the most stunning results now given a cat with a hat uh might be the exception here just because it's the most epic prompt out there but usually you especially if you're trying to achieve a precise result you're going to want longer prompts and there's no better way than getting started with gpt4 right now so check out that video for more details on that then I would like to talk about the fact that you know today here on the stream we extensively tried to make this word we tried to create a cinematic a photograph or a photograph of a furry computer mouse sitting on top of a lush Green Mountain surrounded by cats in a circular formation we tried multiple approaches it worked on uh the gingerbread textured Mouse at first but this particular result we were not able to achieve now look both of us agree that if we didn't have you know kind of like everything that comes with a live stream and the audio issues and everything and we spent another half an hour a year we could have found a way to make this work uh I'll just give you a quick look into my mind in terms of how dissected I would start by isolating the computer mouse on top of a mountain I would I would really like refine The Prompt until that works out and then I would start adding in the cats and I would I would look for different approaches so Army of cats a battalion of cats uh that I would look for what is the words that is used when you refer to a group of cats right with birds it's a flock of birds with cats there's probably going to be another one that I don't know right now I would go to Google I would look for that word and then the more precise you can get on your words the better the results are gonna be that's the thinking behind that and then if we we got that right in isolation and we got the mountain right in isolation we would bring them together we would maybe even used a text we would use weights uh to combine those two pictures that's what this would look like if we had more time and less issues uh and then we would have arrived at a result that would have satisfied our needs either way I think this has been very educational uh we showed you a bunch of amazing prompts yet again a cat with a hat being the best one by far but I mean honestly this cats with laser eyes floating through space surrounded by Pizza one uh this is a strong Contender this is V5 and then if you look into v401 yeah I think I think he's right these are actually these are excellent feel free to copy any of those in your work um and yeah I think that that rounds it out for today thank you so much for joining guys um this is going to be it for today why is your stream so low FPS I have to that's a good question the stream current bitrate is lower than the recommended bitrate it's probably because we're streaming in 4k and there's some something going on in here I might have to check on the lady downstairs what is she downloading I don't know we might find out in next week's live stream here on the AI Advantage Channel thank you so much for uh for joining guys I will see you next Monday at 5 PM when we explore AI together maybe my journey maybe chat gbt we have another cool upload coming this week I'll see you at this point thank you so much have a good day [Music]
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 9,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xbd82Reqny8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 32sec (6812 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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