Let’s Rebuild a Horsch Avatar

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morning so in today's episode of farming with the Browns finishing up this bucket yesterday we kind of hit an impass got a different torch in and that's making quite a bit of difference [Music] you make everything small you make any come out so a couple of those bolts are broke off we are going to unhook that bucket from the JCB flip it over and put it on the Welding Table to weld a nut on there take those off that's the plan that good so we also got to fix a couple cracks we got in this bucket that we noticed I'm taking these bolts [Music] out so before the JCB goes back into the while we decided to wash it and clean up the cab but bucket's all done now better than The Cutting Edge so 525 it's now our next order of business is air up the tires in this header cart this is our CLA Capello meaning this will fit a CLA combine this head's for sale if anyone's interested 35,000 bucks email me Brian Farm V at gmail.com but um I got to get this thing out of here to get hooked up to our Avatar that's our Bean planter we got some new gauge wheels we got to put on that thing and uh just give it a once over before Bean planting which we have a million things to do between now and then in the field fertilizer dirt work all that good stuff but it's also April the uh what is it April the 11 11th so it is time just getting hooked up to the Avatar here that's kind of the goal for today we're trying to get all that stuff out of the shop so we can get the Avatar in the shop then hopefully tomorrow is start on those gauge wheels he [Applause] look at that c I did that once I put a camera in the center of a wheel and everybody got ped got a little little watered up little water marked it is alive kind of so this is what we were replacing as you can see these ones are Fubar um don't really know why I think it was a bad batch of wheels or something because they're not supposed to wear out that fast so here we've got our horse Parts dad's moving some chemical around we probably ought to get that combine out of here at some point put it another cold storage barn but uh once he gets that Kim moved he's going to come up here and grab this pallet of Wheels take down there and we'll start disassembling there there you go and uh-oh someone messed up uh when they updated the monitor it disabled the iso terminal I turned it on and then I had to unhook it and hook it back up because it didn't re one so there's shims inside of this that space this the right distance from the opener [Music] so Dad went after some shims for the uh for these wheels so this is the gauge wheel this is what sets the depth for the for the seed but you want it to turn according to the manual free that's a little tight but that's okay when we first put it on there you couldn't budge it you control that with shims these things and we had to steal a shim off that Row for that row so we need some more we need about 100 more probably there's 48 rows in this planter we need to add one to two per row probably just a based off of that so I'm going to keep on installing while he's looking for those I'm just going to keep robbing shims off the row beside it and um at least get some progress done also it's a little tied in here and we need a 24 mil Gear Drive Socket gear drive ratchet because shoot this one can't even fit in that a good can't hardly man I can't get in there there we go can't hardly get in here to tighten these up after you get the new one in so yeah they are tight so this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me um just looking at this but some of these real units have more space than others see like I can't get a wrench in there can in this one though I got the bolt halfway out plenty of room but not this one kind of makes me wonder if one of these Road units is bent there's several of them like that down through here a space no space no space plenty of space I get a [Music] rent so BJ's been making dinner in the kitchen so smells pretty good we can see see if it is pretty good that's going to be the real test one of the nice things about this Shop full kitchen at it Latin we're not doing this outside in the rain right now that's that's also pretty handy tast clear now what you got here bub that's just remants those morels something be jealous folks be jealous that's enough for me I told you you get find another couple of saxs your dad have have some [Music] so we are going to have to wait on some parts to finish this but I'm just going to keep chipping away at what I can basically the shims that we've been putting in these we're going to be short some actually going to be short quite a few like I say so we got some coming but we're getting there got about I don't know probably about 2/3 of them changed so far there's a few of them missing there's a few of them I forgot BJ pointed this out we changed right before wheat planting it's like those are newer ones we probably won't change those right now cuz I think we robbed those out of this Parts box so I don't think we even have a wheel for them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well we're waiting on shims on this thing so while we're waiting on shims and whatnot and rolling into the weekend we'll do some important thing and tighten up these wheels see what we do on a torque wrench
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 46,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K32v0w1MVdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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