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and we've had a little cold front come through and uh we're in the 40s huh go back you hit my foot with that Jack good gosh [Music] [Music] James your track the tractor you running they got to change the variable Drive the thing that he said when them fan belts break like that they're not doing right they're not adjusting right [Music] got it all right lift it up so when we took the gauge wheels off our planners when we go to unhook they want to back on us so we've got to figure out some kind of Jack to mount right here so that's why we got the wooden blocks this is where the gauge wheel would go so now as you can see we're sitting level and uh it unhooked easy keep going there you go I've hit my elbow so hard on that before they ought to have one wire hook up instead of all this this somebody ain't thinking too good [Music] huh keep going full morning guys welcome back to the channel my name is Daniel and you're watching triple r farms and it is Monday April the 22nd and uh what are we doing today we are having a big change of plans got some rain over the weekend uh Saturday into Sunday so that's knocked out planning so we're going to drop the planners like you just saw and uh we're going to hook up to the land all disc and we got the rolling basket behind us J&M anyway we're going to pack everything up and uh we're going to head to gry rocks and not sure if we can disc down there uh may be too wet uh but we're going to go ahead and get all the tractors down there and have them ready to go uh the reason we're having to go down there and this is what's crazy is we've already dissed that land had it prepared had it smooth as concrete ready to plant and then the Hogs moved in and they have literally rooted up all the fields down there where we were going to put cotton so bad that we've got to take the land dolls back down there just to smooth the land out uh where we can plant so that's what we're going to be doing today we're going to be getting everything moved to gray rocks not sure what else we're going to get into but uh y'all stay tuned sit back and enjoy the video and let's get this baby [Music] started we've had a little cold front come through and uh we're in the 40s [Music] so one of the land all disc is at my brother-in-law's land uh James was up there discing it and we got a problem with the 8320r uh he broke a fan belt on the motor and uh anyway we went and got a brand new fan belt put it on immediately broke it again so what we've got wrong we think is is uh the fan drive it's a a variable rate kind of fan speed Drive kind of like on the Cotton Pickers I think um but anyway I think the bearings are locked up in the fan drive so that's why it's breaking the belt so that tractor is down till we get it fixed so we're going to drive it to the edge of the field hopefully without it running hot we're going to take loose of the disc and uh we're going to hook it to Phillips tractor which PA is driving got it [Applause] [Music] go down [Music] you hit my foot with that Jack you're man he was trying to hurry real quick all these alarms going off in the cab and he accidentally put it in drive and it jumped forward and uh got my foot pretty good could have been a lot worse that we got lucky said it looks like it chopped up a cat well it he's got to replace this thing F just like the cotton biger yeah got this is what's locked [Applause] up you think there's something wrong with this look at the bottom of that Spring right here yeah I think that's the center Chef let me get in I'll show you you don't see something move right there look at that that's something major wrong yeah it's something loose on that yeah spin it you'll see it move around yeah it's got a bushing or something going out I don't know if y'all can see that but you look right at the end of my wrench something going on right there doesn't look [Music] good well we took some pictures of this and we sent it to Andy the John Deere mechanic and uh he's definitely going to have to replace something in here and then he's going to check out this variable fan drive and uh anyway see if it needs to be replaced but that's all we're going to do to it it is in his hands we are headed to gray rocks I just saw something I don't like this is Fresh Hog damage right here probably wasn't done last night but it was probably done the night before maybe and I thought we had them pretty much taken care of but obviously we miss one or two and don't worry about the weeds and all I know it looks terrible but we knew we were having to come back in here and disc so we hadn't sprayed it and wasted that money but uh I do not like this now this right here may be old damage but that's fresh we're going to get them back smooth and we're going to get them ready to plant so they'll look good main thing is we got to take care of this hog problem uh that'll have to be addressed T not night [Music] [Music] Comm [Music] what they're going to do is we always do this with our Fields if we have to disc them twice or once or whatever we never go with the rose we always go at an angle so they're going to go at this angle go over the whole field once and then when we go over the second time they'll be going at an angle like this kind of kind of making an X and that always just helps level out our Fields cuz Lord knows they need leveling after all this hog damage um so anyway they're going to go over it twice and then they're going to move to another field when they go over twice that's when Mark comes in here with the rolling basket and he's just going to go over it with the J&M rolling basket and leave it super smooth [Music] [Music] put that back on [Music] [Music] man now that looks perfect go get the cotton planter we're ready so we've made it back to the shop and the next thing on the list me and Dad are going to work on uh fixing the tire on the pivot and the toille we're going to fix that this afternoon and uh what we got to do is we've got a nine hole Rim that's what we need we've got a nine hole Rim here at the shop but the tire that's on it is bad but we do have a tire on an e hole Rim that we're not using right now that's still up got air in it so it's good so basically we're going to take the tire off the nine hole the bad tire get it off we're going to take the good tire off the eight hole Rim we're going to put it on the nine hole Rim then we're going to load up some block and Jack we're going to head to tville and we're going to swap out that tire so guys if it looks like I've been crying I basically have been crying um the Ry grass around here is heading out and man whenever it does that it just kills my allergies and I swear I've sneezed about a 100 times uh in the last 5 minutes but anyway let's get on the tire [Music] what [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] look all right got me S oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] d all right hit my truck my truck all right we got everything loaded up and did y'all notice me and Dad had a little trouble getting that Rim off the tire at the beginning of the time lapse we could not figure out what in the world was going on we had to sit back and think about it but uh anyway we got it off now we got everything loaded and we are ready to head to tville let's go well I can't believe it it still got some air in it [Music] [Music] there it is right there got a [Music] I see it check now we done so before we leave at tville I think in the last video I mentioned that I was going to tell y'all what variety of beans we planted over here and the population and all and I never did um so let's go take a look at the beans because they're up and uh I'll tell you a little bit about them and I think where we are in this part of the field we had two different varieties over here but I think where we are this is going to be Riv 5029 is the variety of these little guys right here and our population that uh we were shooting for we were shooting for 120,000 seed per acre and the other variety I think it's going to be on the other side of that pivot right there uh it was Riv 51 F 31 I think that's correct anyway we planted the rest of the place in that variety so um I don't think they're up yet cuz we started right here and then we worked our way that way then we jumped on the other side of the pivot and went that way but uh yeah they're up it was really dry when we planted these so they I think they needed a rain to uh to bring them all up that's why they're not all up perfect some of them were in a little bit of moisture and some of them were in some dry dirt but uh all in all it is good to see them up and we expecting big things out of these little guys they got a long ways to go but they're up and they're looking good so that's pretty much going to wrap it up for the video guys so thanks for tagging along with us today and um if you want to do me a favor you know what it is I ask two things click that little thumb down there it means you like the video it just helps out our channel uh helps our Channel grow so if you like the video click the thumb um then the other thing is if you want to subscribe to our Channel trip r farms logo over here just click it and it'll walk you through subscribing to our Channel but that's it guys we'll see y'all on the next one we're out
Channel: Triple R Farms
Views: 25,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y5houafvg1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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