We Put Floats On Our Carbon Cub!!!

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14 years ago I uploaded the second video ever to this channel it was the day I had flown my first RCC plane I had finally obtained a set of floats I put them together with a lot of hot glue and electrical tape and together with my brother and Dad we headed to the neighborhood Pond won't take off good you're good okay nice that pretty quick oh dude the video tape didn't work you can do that out of the pond no problem way are you videotaping yeah oh my God fly a lot different s how was it flying I canot I don't know if I do it backli it's all right do very nice nice nice that was tight take off again I one theoat t of water dude I did it you see I've been flying RC Cubs my entire life and last year thanks to you guys of course I was able to get the real deal well that wasn't enough my dream has always been to have one on floats so I ordered the best ones you can get and they're finally here [Music] hell yeah brother you're on the please P FR YouTube channel all right come on in you're good I like surprises got a little change up in hereis surpris got a little change up over here oh my little taller than last time you saw it you got Runners on there bu I got a lift kit brother lift kit oh my god look you can walk under it now I know look you have to have extenders so you can get to your hooks cuz you can't reach them go this is sick this is sick it's huge right George does not know about it yet nor has he seen it how nice it is what's what's in here what we got in here we got storage brother dude for your for your cooler I mean whatever you want 50 lb put oh my gosh dude p paddle over into the dock if you have to physically the craftsmanship is incredible color matched oh yeah dude look at the little cleat yeah it's a little boat now dude so technically once these are on the water they're considered a boat insane right this this right here still works yeah yeah you just put on the nose wheel so how do these fold up is it like hydraulic yeah it's electric so you just hit a button and well it's electric hydraulic hit a button it turn turns the pump on brings the gear up or puts it back down kind of like a big plane and you're on your way dude it is so you guys seen it it's the top end of the track and it's a high rod I mean what do we do on the top end of the track all wheel drive more traction more action all right guys I'm reporting from Lake Manatee right now and uh we have told George that I'm pulling up in something sweet over at the track so he thinks it's something fast well the Cub is fast but not really but we're going to go over there right now and surprise them I guess they're ready so I'm going to take off in this baby here we go one notch of flaps we're on our way all right so he said I'm on the way from the house be ready I don't I mean I don't hear him I told you it's a lot of horsep power but it's a fishing power we have to be on the other side of the wall so he's going to do a full rip down the drag strip I'm thinking which is interesting because it's not a lot of power a brand new golf cart there it is but we're pretty far down too so like yeah Anything could happen so he's going to want the shut down to be like right here somewhere honestly we could film the race from down here the whole race I do hear an airplane wait a minute is that him right there no shot no shot what no way dude oh my [Music] gosh oh my gosh it's a flying boat flying boat look at that thing the Cub got floats the SS Banana Boat holy crap dude that is sick yeah rig right I told you it'd be a rig you had definitely not all wheeel Drive yeah I mean technically you kind of letting me to believe it was all wheel drive I mean technically it is when it's on the ground yeah air or water or land wow got retractable wheels so you can land on the ground still I can see them little fellas little yeah they're little guys but wait I did not oh gosh I did not know you had wheels on the bottom of these things look at this thing oh my gosh dude dude it's like 5T taller holy freaking crap D what you think about that dude that's sick not what you were expecting to find no not even close wait till you see it way oh he's got to be fine he did want this how did I not know probably because it's very random what's better than being on a boat it's basically a monster truck airplane at this point being on your airplane boat dude uh who wants to go land in the lake you got a boat who wants to go land in the l oh yeah holy crap yeah brother check her out are they like you can stand on them yeah they're aluminum jump up on them dude this thing is humongous doesn't look like triple the size of the yeah it's huge you thought the Cub was good whole another level this is amazing this is a whole another level this is incredible that's weight are these not like very heavy so they add some weight they add about I think 250 lbs over the other weight oh that's it but it's not bad yeah they're super nice let me tell you a little bit about this these are called amphibious floats as you can see we're on land right now they can also go on water so look in here I got that little landing gear switch you want to check that out Land Air and SE hit the step oh nice dude oh crap oh watch it watch it where there on the panel what wait so the wheels fold up and down yeah yeah they they just suck up inside of it no way one suck up into the front got to step on here now holy crap this is freaking SI pretty freaking dialed in that's not all though come on down let me show you some other stuff I mean dude you know when I got my seat plane rating last summer I was this has already been in the plant yeah I guess I guess I H up PK floats about a year ago to start this process so that's where the Cub has been all you guys saying I sold it the Cub's been sold these guys maintenance it was getting maintenance but she's really getting floats for her so check this out we got big old storage panel right heree stuff in paddle pounds yeah got a paddle like this paddle is how you pump out the floats if if there was water in here it would launch out but you air pump it yeah yeah you just pump that out and this seals tight yep so we'll just leave the paddle in there for now a little bit of water down in there just from like splashing down cuz I've been hitting Lake in it you know no freaking way very disappointed in you guys didn't yeah sorry we and then in here you got like Landing your access so you can go down there there's your brakes right there you can see the gigantic gear arm the landing gear on these floats I guess is very tough and I landed this in the front field of the freedom Factory and I'm here to tell you it is very strong because it was very very bumpy I will not be landing out on the freedom Factory Front Field so now I'm drag strip guy I land at the drag strip that's my thing when there is one yeah when there's a drag strip I'm good I mean any other good Runway you're fine but the front of Freedom Factory water is bad or any body of water yeah that's I mean how short can it land now dude it's unreal like what it used to do on the tundra tires it does that on water now it never like on land it's definitely takes longer but it's crazy good on water which I'm about to show you this used to be 6 in off the ground yeah now it's over your head wait little ruds dude for the water those are for what I'm in the water dude oh so she steers good in the water hey Ty did a really good job fabricating these like you did a nice job with your rib and stuff I'm looking at them whoa oh now they're in the water I see I see what a freaking wonderful invention uh who wants to go first I'll go first defitely need to go first on these are beautiful is unal did you just have it in the water dude yeah I was in I was in the lake waiting for you guys it's kind of nice actually nor like this do circles it's like I just sit down in the water I just draw a hat on you just out there yeah I was chilling all right so we just got to be cautious of our Tail cuz she kind of swings now dude I I ain't going to lie it's so high though it's not a huge deal dude this is way different it feels stiff right yeah it does all right you ready I'm chilling got your seat belts on yeah okay cool all right here we go you kind to have to steer with the brakes on the initial hit it's a little different he feels heavier huh definitely she really doesn't care though yeah I just you know it's hard cuz you go from all that performance to all of a sudden a little less you got to be careful you know you might get yourself in a situation you definitely could yeah especially with a guy my size in yeah so check this out landing gear up and then watch those lights will light up when it's confirmed up if you land in the lake with your landing gear down yeah you're done you're flipping over forward oh really yeah there's a bunch of videos on YouTube of it happening you really don't want to do that so we've got four fights that means all four are up nice and we're going to land in this little like uh cut off over here cuz it's nice and smooth over there dude I cannot believe this right now this is so sick it's so sick dude we're going fishing sure oh oh yeah oh we're catching a hwk from the Cub you ready yeah yeah ready to go boat mode we're an airplane we're an airplane we're an airplane and and we boat oh my gosh isn't that weird this is feeling so weird yeah lot of money floating you know so look look how I'm full left pedal and we're still kind of turning right so now drop the water Rudders in and now look put a left turn in she goes left put a right turn in she goes right bro are you kidding me how was sick right you want to do a little water taxi a little like a step taxi is what they call it I don't know I guess it says cruising on the floats so you just Cruise you ready we riding out you know are the Rudders down in the water nope they're up okay we're just riding out now you know we're just on our way we are literally boating acoss the lake right now if we had an intb we'd be tubing I think that's illegal okay I was going to ask you ready to lift off uh yeah I guess if give it a little more throttle and just pull back slightly oh my gosh sick right so sick it's so crazy holy crap the fact that you can just land right back on the land too yeah so now we can just go back and land on land cuz we have m fibs buttery we made it well we went boat Bo and we're back we literally went boating TI up all right dude we landed in the water and went for a boat ride in a plane literally boat no way look at that be dude that takes off so smooth it's crazy all right you ready to go boat mode yeah dude let's go boating you landed just like a normal plane we're just going to set it up and just like we're falling down to the runway just kind of pull back a little bit let her sink it's a little slower we are on the water that is sweet now we're voting buddy oh my gosh dude that's crazy I've never been in a float plane dude this is blowing my mind right now now we're just voting dude we're just chilling we're just chilling I'm not going to lie when you got the floats I didn't know one that they had wheels and I was like oh man there goes the Cub stuck on water this is the coolest thing ever this is the best version of the I feel like especially in Florida this is most usable thing you can do yeah just like that all right and just keep the nose pointed about there and she'll just peel right off oh man that's awesome that's too easy right yeah and then I'll pull the flaps off and we go fine it's that easy it's almost easier than being on land I was going to say it feels smoother if you don't have that skinny Runway you know [Music] amazing it is amazing successfully became a boat and we're back dude I just realized the brakes are on the back wheel so you can still turn around pretty good yeah did you see how fast I I kind of hit the brakes on that one did it just do so good or what dude it FES so good better with the float well real quick dude we need some rod holders yeah we do for when we're going to catch some big old the old carving Cub unbelievable it's crazy how high we're up in this thing yeah we're like it feels like we're in a big plane ready we're about to be a boat oh that's so badass oh you want to unhook your window yeah you're unhook dud look at it D we're a boat yeah RS in so like I'll give it some gas if you want Push the pedals and you can like steer the boat around push them all the way in they go far oh oh wow feel that yeah all of a sudden we're boat we're a boat are we going to get up on plane yeah oh oh we're cruising we're just riding brother dude we're cruising we're going to the next fishing spot right now get there in a jiffy yeah we're going if it takes too long just pop up in the air yeah like all right we want to go this way go that it's kind of like drifting in a little way yeah but we're just drifting and then when it's time for it back just throttle out and now we're in Airplane again that's so that's that's crazy it's the coolest thing ever how many people could say they went boating three times four times in one day not a lot not many what the heck dude this is a lake what are you doing out here my spot wow P that you got to panle that thing I got to get my next SP that's a plane bud that's right that's right you ain't got a motor on there yeah I'll just fly over there okay [Music] smooth dude the way that thing lands it's so smoothes right there literally a boat [Music] if you get some beauty shots dude every shot now is a beauty shot is it just Majestic as heck all you could imagine It Feels So Majestic guys hope you're pumped up about the Cub on floats I can't even believe it to be honest me neither I can't even believe it it really like uh I don't know this this one hits man like I've been I've been screwing around with Cubs on float since I was a kid and uh it just blows my mind that we're able to have these opportunities because of you guys and I know I might annoy you with saying this stuff you know a lot but I we just can't thank you enough like this is a mindblowing opportunity to have our own float plane especially one of this caliber as far as I know this is the best airplane you can get the best floats you can get it's just I don't know feel lucky every day to be doing what we're doing your guys support your continued support is always incredible so thank you so much more to come on the Cub on floats but that's it for now thanks for watching new for Dale we'll freaking see you later you [Music]
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 858,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, Texas speed, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, freedom factory, ruby, auction corvette
Id: _CaBiQMcsQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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