We Have Been Keeping a Secret! We are outta here!

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[Music] [Music] m a [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] he all right so I got the oil changed in the x mark air filter fuel filter although we don't use this one very much anymore no not really it's a it's a great mower but it's just not yeah as comfortable as the the steel that has a much nicer seat and suspension but they're both good mowers and as we grow older you know what that's important even when you're driving I get stiff you know what I mean just driving in a vehicle for long period of time and speaking of which we have a bit of a secret yeah so never very seldom I am I ever ahead on videos you know what I mean true like what you see happened get this happening like the day before or two days before that but we've been really busy and we've been doing a lot of different stuff and filming a lot of stuff so we're actually about a week ahead on videos and uh you're going to see this video on Sunday today's what Friday yeah but you're not going to see it this coming Sunday it'll be the following Sunday so we're about a week ahead and uh we're kind of taking a week off because tell them what we're doing Melissa we're going on a trip out west which we love to do and we've done it a couple times now and there's plenty of things we want to see yeah that's what we're doing so we're leaving this weekend and you'll see this video the day that we're coming back why when we come back and uh so that next week we'll probably just do one video on the whole trip kind of a recap uh but we're basically just taken a week off head out west we're going to go to probably stay in Lacrosse Wisconsin the first night that's quite a trip from here that's about 11 and 1/2 hours but we can make that day one day two we'll go to the Badlands yes which is probably only about 8 and 1 half n hours so we'll get there in the afternoon on day two stay there visit the Badlands that day maybe Mount Rushmore would been all those places the bad lands is really nice and then from there we'll head all the way to Yellowstone and we should uh spend a couple days there maybe dip into Idaho a little bit we'll just have to see how it all goes but we are driving out uh flying is much easier to be honest but it's nice just kind of doing whatever you want and having all your stuff with you we're going to be taking the Superduty and uh I'm going to do one video I'm going to do a short seeing if we can get 1,000 miles on a tank of fuel in this truck and I think we can what do you think Melissa I think we can where it's going to be questionable is that day one getting through Chicago it's going to depend how much traffic it is you know if you're sitting Bumper to Bumper you don't get that good of mileage but anyway that's the story on all that yeah but yeah it's and you know what it's a nice comfortable truck very reliable I just think we should do it while we still still can because we're not getting any younger and as we grow older it's going to be a harder trip to make you know you just got mentioning you mentioned about with the mowers like getting stiff from sitting too long and flying it's easier meaning it's quicker it's not easier necessarily these days yeah it's a nightmare you spend a whole day in an airport almost and then they fly you here and there and there it's do you remember that one time we went to to Denver and then we're trying to come home we we're getting ready to go to the airport literally first thing in the morning we go to the airport delay after delay we got home about 11:30 that night and I told you I said we literally could have driven home from Denver yeah right yep so that's the story on all that when you see this video we'll be pulling in from our trip out west that's right you excited I am excited I'm looking forward to it very much so it's a great time of year we always go in the fall so yeah it's the first time this will be our first trip during the spring so that'll be exciting too might even be some snow in places if anyone sees any posts on any of our YouTube social media from R tier Axle just ignore it yeah just ignore it all right we're headed down to the Woodyard now and we are going to do a little experiment and just so you know this was all plumber Jim's idea but I think it's a pretty good idea before we get started I need to take the uh splitter off the excavator I'm done with this for a little while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so this is Red Pine okay I have a bunch of this stuff that's what this whole pile of logs is here and we have been sawing quite a bit of this on The Sawmill kind of whittling away at it well just a little bit ago I was on the phone with my buddy plumber Jim and this is all his idea and he said I wonder how this stuff would work like in the Brio pit or solo stove something like that and I said I have no idea because around here we don't burn pine I don't know why well I do know why because we've got really good Hardwoods you know if you look at this that's a mix of red oak and White Oak right there that is premium firewood so of course that's what you're going to use I mean that would be like your wife asking do you want craft macaroni and cheese for dinner or beef tips over noodles we all know the proper choice and since we have good hardwood available that's what we use for firewood but I know in other parts of the country in other parts of the world a lot of people burn pine and uh fur I guess I don't know I'm I'm not from out there I'm from here in the East and plumber Jim said I wonder how this would work like in the Brio pit it's definitely going to burn faster but I'm curious as to how long it will take to dry and it may be something that we use like in the Brio pit I don't know but we're going to see how it splits we're going to compare it by weight to like Oak I've got a moisture meter down here we'll see where it's at right now this stuff has been cut for probably oh 2 and a half months maybe yeah 2 and 1 half months but in log form it hasn't been split so what we're going to do we'll split some of this up see how it goes throw some in the sidekick here check it with the moisture meter and we'll stack it up on the patio and once it's dry we'll see how it burns who knows we may like it I don't know might even get a little crackling from it we don't normally get that from the uh from the hardwoods but we'll see all right the first thing I learned is the hardwoods like Oak uh it splits much cleaner than the Red Pine but keep in mind this stuff was probably the third log up the tree where there's a lot of Limbs a little bit stringy but I mean it's not hard to split it's just doesn't pop like Oak and come apart now Red Pine which is what this is uh I've had very good success with sawing it into Lumber it's pretty stable very stable actually but red pine is heavier than white pine this stuff when it's dry say 8% moisture content weighs around 33 lb per cubic foot whereas White Pine depending on where it's growing anywhere from 25 to 28 lbs per cubic foot when it's dry so red Pine's heavier but we're going to see how it compares to White Oak now now White Oak it's pretty heavy it weighs about 47 lb per cubic foot and that's when it's dry we're going to see what this piece here weighs might have to layer down no that's 5.39 lb okay the Red Pine 4.6 2 lb like I said they're about the same size now the uh moisture content this is just a uh inexpensive moisture meter [Music] 33 yeah around 33% moisture content this needs to dry quite a bit before it's used as firewood now the White Oak it was split just today as well now this tree was dead for a while but we're just going to see where it's at 25.4% yeah this has been dead for a long time but this still needs a lot more drying as well it will probably take longer I'm sure it will for this to get below 20% and it's already you know 24 1/2% it'll take longer for this to dry then it will for this to dry white oak really retains the uh moisture I say we go up to the house and and try to burn some of this I mean like I said it's wet it's what I say 33% but let's see what it does we'll try to start a fire in the Brio pit with this I have never not once had a fire not light using the fire starter this could be the first time look at that a't that neat looking let's go try all right we are going to use a very generous handful of Fire Starter I don't think it's going to work to tell you the truth I think the wood's just too wet if it does work I don't see how this smokeless fire pit is going to be smokeless it's going to have to try really really hard cuz the fire starter is going to have to burn long enough to uh dry this wood out a little bit I guess we'll see I get one more piece put in the middle [Music] [Music] [Music] well as expected it tried but it just wouldn't stay going oh that's hot we're going to give her another go well that's kind of disappointing because that is the first time I have ever started a fire using the fire starter that it wouldn't go but like I said it's like 33% moisture content but I do think this stuff will dry much quicker than the hardwoods so we'll have to try it again here in a month or two see how it does then all right I got her going the second time uh what I did though I put a couple pieces of cherry on top once it looked like it was starting to burn out I still had a few Flames coming up through and I don't know couple pieces of dry cherry on top and the pine is burning and surprisingly there's not a lot of smoke there's really not and I have it built up a little higher than what you should I'll report back in a bit definitely need to dry that wood first but uh you know I think it may actually work for this so Melissa was going to make dinner and I said you know what I'll take care of it tonight we have a fire going I just threw the sear ring on here a few minutes ago it's already up to 438 de normally I don't do just Frozen patties but that's what we're going to do tonight since it's kind of uh spontaneous decision golden brown buns [Music] I'm about ready to throw these boots in the uh fire pit I've only had them a couple weeks and this left boot makes a very weird [Music] sound your cuz there's a Time coming when the devil going to come for you so my trigger finger stay prepared I've got my weapon and I got my prayers cuz if you don't run this town they walk all over you out got to run on keep on run until the sun goes down run out better run on run all day till you can't be found run now got to run away keep on until the sun goes down you can the you ain't going to me you ain't going to me you ain't going to you Ain going to you ain't going to me when I was younger my mama said got to make your greeny over cuz if you ain't got no nobody going to come for you she would tell me tales that would leave me scared so I make sure to get it through my head I'm either going to run this town or walk all over you run out got to run away keep on running till the sun goes down out better all day till you can't be found out got to run away keep on running till the sun goes down you can out the devil but you ain't going to on me you ain't going to me you ain't going you ain't going you ain't going to me oh you better run oh yeah I say you better run boy oh you better run oh yeah I say you better run [Music] boy now got to run keep on running till the go down better all day till you be got to run keep on running till the sun goes down you can out in the ain't going to out a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so I'm down here at the Woodyard now just starting to uh button things up since we're going to be gone for a little bit I cleaned up in front of the Woodshed over there I'm going to put some equipment away just saw some stickers on the mill it's pretty uh windy out there we'll get in here where it's nice and quiet it's actually pretty cold today I mean it's probably 48 but with that wind it is a little chilly but yeah those stickers uh I'm just kind of getting a list of a few smaller things for Levi to take care of while we're gone he can cut all those to length he's going to have his hands full uh you know keeping his eye on Hunter and all that kind of stuff that's basically a full-time job in itself but he will have time to do a few things here and there and I'm actually prettyy excited about leaving normally when we go away somewhere I'm good for about four or five days and then I'm like I'm ready to go home you know what I mean but since we're driving out west it's going to take almost 3 days to uh get out there after you get past Chicago though and I always say when we drive out there when you get to the bad lands which is on day two then there's a lot of nice stuff to see and things that we enjoy but that day one it's going to be hammer down to get out past Chicago into Wisconsin I think I mentioned earlier we'll probably stay uh in Lacrosse Wisconsin the first night depending on how early we leave we may even get a little bit further than that I do almost all the driving but uh I don't know why I just do I can just kind of carry on doesn't bother me but Melissa will drive as well so you know I might do six or seven hours take a little nap of Rooney let her drive a couple hours if we do that we'll get a long way on the first day but uh yeah it feels weird being ahead on videos I never am matter of fact today I just published that video uh from from the trip to messix that's a good one if you didn't see it go back and check it out it's a long video but we did a tour of messix Mount Joy location it's just absolutely it's beautiful it's huge it's big they got everything and it runs like a well-oiled machine and uh it was a good video I like videos like that and looking at the comments almost everybody really enjoyed that video it's pretty informational there were a couple comments just a couple and I want to touch on something normally I don't do this but one guy said I can't even find it I'll just tell you what it was he was saying something like he's getting tired of watching me buy things because when I went to messics I bought an augur and I don't understand comments like that that's not how my brain works you know what I mean I bought an augur and while I was out there uh Neil gave me a tour of the whole facility how the whole operation runs and even with Neil's Channel I didn't know this until we were done he has never had any of that on video all the like behind the scenes stuff how all the parts and service and how basically how that Parts everything moves you know what I mean uh that he's never showed that on his channel so uh I was kind of honored to be able to film all that but anyway back to this guy he's bothered that I bought an augur and I get comments that like like that sometimes about people uh they get upset when I buy things I have no idea why my biggest takeaway from that video that I did was it's just a great story you know what I mean messic started I don't know how many years ago decades and decades ago small little location starts selling equipment and parts and over the years they grow through hard work and reinvesting in their business and it doesn't happen overnight and uh that's kind of the same thing that I do with our Channel I reinvest into our Channel and when I say that you know I'll get comments occasionally I liked how you did videos when you first started out or I wish it was like it was at the beginning fact of the matter is you know I used to split wood right over here I had a little husky 22 ton splitter and that's when I started the channel there is no way I would be doing the same thing six or seven years later number one you would be bored to tears you would have left a long time ago and number two so would I there's no way you can't keep doing the same thing over and over again uh it's just it gets boring you know what I mean so so part of our channel is reinvesting in the channel and it's a win-win for me because not only can I get some new equipment to show the people that watch our channel it's different it's new people like that kind of stuff the overwhelming majority of people do but along those lines I'm building what we have here and building a business here on the property so in my opinion it's a win-win I just think it's over simplistic to say oh you buy stuff too much so I'm mad and you know like messics if customers didn't buy things there would be no messics if customers if people didn't buy things there would be no business you know what I mean would all be like I don't know walking around the woods looking for a squirrel to eat or something you know what I mean that's what made America what it is is people that do things they buy things they consume things they buy some products make other products sell them to somebody else and it's just this cycle of life and it always bothers me when someone gets upset because somebody buys something I have no idea why that would upset anybody but apparently it does if we all stop buying things it's over you know what I mean we have enough trouble as it is uh keeping this country afloat but yeah I don't know why people give get worked up about that and I have been 100% honest with everybody that watches our Channel when I buy something I tell you I bought something this excavator I bought it the skid loader I bought it uh the tractor the tractors uh on loan from cabota I've been very upfront about all that Sawmill bought it my own money uh a lot of channels don't do that you know what I mean a lot of channels get way more stuff than what we do and they might not kind of go into detail on how it all went down that's up to them I don't care but if I bought something I will tell you if it's something on loan or something that's a demo I tell you about that as well and uh we have offers all the time for different types of equipment I had to pause there for a minute and cough but we have offers all the time from companies for equipment uh all types of different stuff but if it's not something that I would buy I'm not interested in it you know what I mean there's a lot of really good equipment out there but there's some stuff out there that I'm not going to show on the channel just because some company wants to send it out here I think it's fair to say uh everything that we use anything that we had on loan or anything that we buy is of good quality and that's very important to me you know what I mean I don't I'm not going to be out here saying hey this is the greatest thing in the world when it's a piece of junk and then have somebody you know buy it on my recommendation I feel confident in anything that we use I have done my research on I don't just take a piece of equipment because somebody is offering it to me we turn stuff down all the time some of it would be handy to have around I'll be honest with you but uh it's just not my thing it's not how we do things so I hope that all makes sense and I hope for those few people that get worked up about when you buy something uh have a better understanding on why it's all part of the whole process not only does it help build other businesses it helps build our business and uh if you're not if you don't do anything you know if everybody did nothing and just complained would all be toast you know what I mean so fortunately there's a lot of people out there that uh still put their boots on every day and go do something and make money and spend it with other businesses and keeps this thing going but I think that's about it for today's video I am looking forward to our trip it's going to be a lot of driving but we're going to see a lot of cool things and uh we haven't been out west for couple three years now we used to go out almost every year and we normally don't go this time of year but looking forward to it all and then I am also looking forward to getting back home because we got a ton of stuff uh that's going to be happening here over the next couple months right through summer into fall I mean cabin stuff uh we're going to be adding on to this Pavilion down here pouring concrete in here uh oh there's going to be all kind of stuff going on there is so I appreciate yall being here I really do and uh if all goes as planned the next video will probably be a recap of our trip out west and that'll be a good one and uh that's about it I'm rambling on catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 280,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: -7XwIIS8sUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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