Never Good When This Guy Shows Up!

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welcome back guys thanks for stopping here's what we got going today we are rehabbing the road dad's been blading rain been hauling look at this professional [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's doing pretty good I almost feel like we should be putting it on thicker but we can always add more the traffic jam okay can you drive beside me or is that too steep Ste then I'm going to have to lift up you know this driveway maintenance is always issues with people in bing me hey Dogo there's some uh gravel you're plowing in the ditch here that stuff ain't free I know I looking at bu now I'm the guy in the way I'll be coming back in about 10 minutes he doesn't seem to care blew my doors off so me and Brody have been working on uh just fine-tuning everything we've been working on the new planter and the adrx all day we get back up there I'll show you something if you're ever working on a new planter that we really struggled with but we are going to get a sprayer hooked up to this this is kind of the week that we are trying to get everything hooked up finally like diggers everything get it hooked up we have serviced them all but we need a turnkey ready here because weather is kind of turning for the the brighter side hopefully it's still here all right unfortunately this door did not handle winter well and that door got rebuilt last summer by the property owner and now this one is that hook that up there is all rotten and fell down so it's definitely a two-man push but we've come for this sprayer here no it's this one which one is it [Applause] we might need the big sued for that I'm afraid to tell you that I think it's the back one that we need very back one well not the very back one but the middle one why I think that's the one they're the same but this is your sprayer that's [Music] F well unfortunately we have the determined that we're going to use this one so we need to get that one out unhook get in get this one out unhook hook back up to that one and park it away what a rigma roll forward a bit backwards why all right you're good to go forward lots of room we going woo that was Closs you're good now you're C [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a lot of work I'm winded Brody you know I had the massage and seat on I was thinking about you and how tied you probably were thought about switching with you yeah I'm sure that thought lasted a long time all right we got to hook this up and this will not be unhooked again probably all summer unless something bad happens oh that's sure strange just get it hooked up and heard the wind pick up and now it's raining on [Music] [Applause] us look at that nice driveway wow well shortly uh Jeff from storlock will be here with our new boxes that we got at the national farm machinery show and they're going to go somewhere in this general area but we're going to wait he's going to be here he's a fun guy well if you haven't seen before you'll see here shortly so I mentioned earlier that we were working on this and I'm pretty sure it's 99% ready to go just the GPS need to do TCM calibration other than that I think we're turn key ready we worked most of the day on this which was because it it's a one-year-old planter but I don't think that the previous owner ever used all this fancy exact rate which is surprising to me being it's a very expensive option to put on a planter but he apparently never used it and I'll tell you why I'm very very 100% positive it was never used is we filled this tank with water and there's a pipe that comes out that goes down to the pump and no water was coming to the pump and we diagnosed and we looked and finally found had to take it all apart and found out that the shipping cap for the tank was still in the bung hole and then everything got assembled up against it so no water could ever flow through that so I'm pretty sure this is fertilizer systems never seen fertilizer so we removed the cap lost all our water we put in the tank so thank gosh we tried with water and not fertilizer CU that would have really been a pain in the butt then um but long story short we got that done and the fertilizer system purged and I believe all we need to do now is fill product into that tank when we're ready to go planting and I feel very confident that it works 100% we also put water in these and made sure the transfer pump pumped back to that tank which works which is integrated down in here and that worked really good but we wanted to flush all that RV antifreeze out and water and any debris that maybe was in this line that'll plug filters and then we just drain the tank so I feel pretty confident here what did you order bro something at the farm show Jeff hi guys you recognize this guy storlock Jeff got us again got you got you again here I am it's a little nicer weather than last time yes couldn't get it in the trailer huh no you buy them too big to tall it looks like it it is wow and it took a lot of fuel getting up here bet no come on Jeff use your back no remember I had a heart attack get your uh pallet mover you want to talk about this it's back it's back remember I don't know do you think they'll remember when we sold the what was it the bail Spear and the bail spear yep and the Bale spear went with the 4230 and me forgot that the quick tat was on the bail spear so the quick tach for our Bobcat left with the load of uh everything that went with the 40230 and well Chris it turns out that the 4230 went like 25 miles away from Chris's place so we were telling Chris about this and Chris actually bought a box also so so he delivered it Chris picked this up we're making Jeff it's back yeah he got his uh money is worth out of that trip what happened to the nice trailer with the ramp they was using it on another delivery so you got to put wheels on this time so you got to see Chris how's he doing he's doing really good I tell you what he's a he's a really nice fell uh he got a a welding table from us and he's already had a couple boxes I was involved in that choices Dogo what are you doing we're going to improvise maybe see this is the age thing teaching you young boys how to do this well we better not talk too smart yet wow he's going to put two in we'll see if they fit could have gotten a bigger washer [Music] [Applause] waa what the heck you got to squeeze them in yeah birthday card yeah I think so should thank you no oh I appreciate it you look close store lock Jeff working in his natural habitat is that approved are we in deep enough you can come in maybe you could lower it down bend the end gate then this is a Chevy it won't beend the end gate okay squeeze Jeff in between there I guess this wasn't very good idea was it you're good you want to ride yeah kind of okay the trust that this man has in me so the farm got this one and this one yep and this one bro is a brody add-on of course Brody are you going to be able to reach this one I I asked him I said I need to step to wow so so this one's going to his house for his garage why the why the top why why toop that's an option yeah oh oh Wheels it's the wrong color I know it should be green and yellow have to close the door the this is going to be so nice wow what are you going to do with this one you're going to put fittings we're going to move all of our hydraulic hose fittings that we currently have upstairs so you have to walk a mile and a half to get them down here and this is all going to be our hoses air fittings Airlines hydraulic hoses this is I think one of the neat features here is pull out shelf yes that's where we're going to put our floor jacks on cuz they're so heavy to get lifted into places and we can roll it out and grab them that's why we designed it on the bottom we can actually put these anywhere in any of the spots you can Mo and you can move you can move these right yep up down on these yeah yeah you could move that whole thing up or down wherever you wanted we could actually get a portable scale input on there and it weigh in every morning get your good uh What do they call that a fitness program yeah no I'm not going to be here I'll watch what what what's this on the top this is/ inch thick steel for welding welding this is kind of the welding area welding um hydraulic oil is going to be all over this most likely so this one is going to be in this area of the shop yeah we got to try to figure out how to rearrange this WOW massive wind has moved in what I yell all I can see is Jeff's little eyes looking out the mirror like yeah so we don't plan on putting wheels under this one we could we have the wheels to do it but okay we're thinking that this is going to be more of a permanent along the- wall bench that doesn't move and then all of our uh could you do it Wonder then we're going to have all the fittings either in that or in this along with we have just assortments of stuff that's in the old shop that I want over here for the trucks and air fittings and stuff oh wonderful I'm excited going to be nice listening to you explain it to Jeff or well to everyone where everything was going like you really thought about oh yeah and this all happened in 30 seconds at the farm show yep got to have it 30 seconds 10 I it's almost like making a bed right hey yeah now we got to redo it just like it you make your bed no I have been recruited to help sometimes then you say ah really yeah sometimes it's easier without help how did this go again you just this end that end hey quite it's like uh back in the old days when you had to uh culate grow crop if you done a poor enough job at it you couldn't do that job oh my dad would yell he he'd say if you can't stay awake just go to the end Rose and take a nap okay Dad yeah that that wasn't what uh Grandpa did he I've heard rumors I've never been involved but he made them carry rakes with out uncover the corn when they'd wipe them really lawn r that we carried in the Rock boxes and we got out yeah well it was or we wouldn't have made it to the end if we wouldn't have ours it wasn't just throw dirt on it it was cut out well you got way out of there so we called that a cator blight uhhuh light or where the test flat lightning touched or struck there Jeff stayed long enough that Jean had to come see him my favorite Minnesota in yeah and and of course she wants to stand in a drawer now she can stand in her own one oh that's got lining in it this one sure watch it's just going to snap one of these time this probably this prob okay Melvin come on good boy good boy this is the real test if your dog fits in it with you oh wow come on Melvin get get in this one come on come on okay there we go good job buddy good job oh he wants to go on the top go up oh easy boy NOP those are bad for the paws all right it's the end of the next day after Jeff left and uh obviously we didn't get to this project so I figured I better finish the video Jeff wanted me to um kind of do a review on these boxes this one been here a year the green one that's basically a twin to this we did a little different drawer setup on this one than the green one um cuz he can specialize them we definitely like this box more with how we um sized a deeper drawer for airsa cans and stuff like that and then just made more smaller drawers in different areas anyways I like I told Jeff there's not much to talk about I mean we love them they've been great we've had no issues it's been uh two years with the other one and the drawers slide like they're brand new so and obviously you see how much we use them so if you guys have any interest in these boxes check out store lock I can put the link in the description we really like them and uh obviously continuing to add to the shop I would like to put one here a yellow and green one that's how much we forward thought about this put a red one to match this and then get a green and yellow one which will kind of match the pit here for there along the wall but that's a got to start saving our pennies for next year I guess so thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it and uh we'll catch you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 226,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y-aFZE4mbRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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