This abandon storage was crazy | $1600 storage wars

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put that to the side mike with the good stuff what were we all excited about oh okay now you didn't see it from my ankle from your eyes what kind of pins we got here oh i'm not taking this thing off baby this is supposed to be your intro you weirdo i know i'm not taking this thing off welcome back to my channel our cool hair overnight cute music he stole it from me [Music] all right here we go guys we have another blue case hopefully it's the good blue case if i can get it open jackpot did it do it with the rest of the good jewelry oh it's like just like the other one pirate open it's like automobile gold that's money oh these are all money money money tool master using the tool master the two master pack with tools oh that is money all copper is it really copper pieces plumbing that's actually good money right there it's like an easy little 40 50 box if i can get it once you open it you never could set it um this guy was twerking a lot of stuff look there's like 24 inches in every single box maybe you know what he probably was old school you know what he was twerking he's not twerking anymore so now you're twerking can i see you twerk another one it's a big old sock come on baby hey you did that all right you know what i had a knife but you lost it like uncle michael oh no it's right here let's see no just take the tape off we're good watch this what is that a torque wrench this is a dingle power built that's not bad torque wrench is this another torque wrench i just want to see you twirl oh you don't oh sorry those are good all right you know what that wasn't a bad box very nice box money you know we're showing you guys money money and more money being made and what is wrong with that nothing nothing [Music] cart take this you taking the whole cart yeah we're gonna swap carts right watch out babe let him take the cart i'm gonna bring it over you know what i'm not even gonna cut the scene i'll let you see what we do in the background come on wait a minute you can't start in the top box so we'll go down down because mama's too short and here we go we got [Music] first day look at power baits two of them bam another tool bam first aid kit you think it's in there no it's not in there it's jewelry um oh i thought this was something oh is this how you for the dance when you find good stuff like that yeah exactly oh hey bro that's pretty nice bro we do it again oh look is that something else gold gold dips gold dibs damn it i've been slow lately that dips was slow 14k nice i believe it's 14k that's a very good look it looks like you can see like if you look right in here it's not a weld in there let me take this off again yes sir look at this it's romanza wilson that's actually pretty good too take that with that um i appreciate the first aid kit not being the first yeah it's crazy we're finding jewelry in oh what what oh pierre caught in oh that's nice it's not bad it's gucci that's gucci seriously that's gucci yeah that is a real i'm gonna say when that when you open that it looked nicer than a watch that's what i said that's nice that's really exciting right that's vintage no dibs that's gold too i'm just going i know it's gold it's gold and that's nice put that to the side mike with the good stuff what were we all excited about oh okay now you didn't see it from my ankle from your ankles [Music] what kind of pins we got here oh solid sterling silver baby hey gucci it's gucci baby this unit definitely uh definitely started here might grab that it's starting to turn out to some i'm not gonna open that yet these are stress rocks when you get stressed you just grab it and you might get your mind off the gutter oh those are pretty cool oh you know what dibs what rocks yep are you smoking rocks why do you want rocks give them to me tips okay mama give you the world if you want to found money oh oh look who's on the bottom i'm over here cutting from over there now to come over here the united states of america two dollars it supposed fat to be just two bucks this good ones that's what she said is there more than one in here oh i click baited i think there's more than one in here come on it's a certificate oh i like that this is some good stuff coming out of here now how much you did with that hawaiian keychains these are actually pretty cool all right i'm gonna start lagging on you guys yeah i was about to punch you any minnie miney moe just open it open it open it which one that one first okay we're gonna go this way i can't believe i was gonna say that one because he was gonna open that one up ooh military police of hawaii we really found out what he was doing some old elvis stamps you see this banter here take the badge and take the box all right here we go oh this is a good one too see look at the words right there that's nice it's a real badge it's empty that's weird weird beard it's gold 14 karat but it's weird it's just a band it's amazing it's a man's wedding ring a little man a little man that was actually a wonderful freaking first this one take out the whole box now you got to go through every last thing every last thing how do you find jewelry in a first aid kit i'm going to take that oh good look at blocks [Music] there's money in this unit there is money in this unit look at that light fixture this is chucks whatever this truck was chuck this was yours sorry but i got to open it and it's in there brand new money coming out of every box we're already in the profit like what else can you say it's gravy baby look at brand new tools in there these are all brand new brand new brand new brand new brand new brand freaking i always take some out can't put it back how are you in there go there quote you know what i'm getting this box i don't care if it takes all day no you go here okay you go there oh no that ain't gonna work oh maybe this is this way no what the heck babe how did this just happen no no don't take nothing out i'm getting this box there it is thank you teamwork hold on hold on make the dream work hold on a second let me show this first stop man see i'm trying to do it dramatic take two put your fist down teamwork hold on take three trying to get it to stand hold on take three stop ready and go okay dream work teamwork didn't even say it right that was a good box so we got money coming out of every freaking box why am i so off right now all right first aid kit we're gonna leave out let's put that in there first first flat second flap no this flap this flap this flap two full tuck did it wrong do that that yes that that this and i did it wrong again what am i doing wrong boom boom that goes there so this got to go there are you kidding me i'm doing it wrong i got to go in there so this got to go in there and there like that no then how many no uh oh oh it is shut i just did it wrong sit down perfect wasn't my fault okay next one don't do that itch again all right let's open it ladies shoes that was just too much for my brain ladies shoes no more new stuff fm radio let's tune in what do we got here oh the mat to cover if you don't scratch your car what do you got here when you're working on it huh another fm radio um look like a shirt radio radio these are all radios wow he has a whole box of radios you know what these are all from right fitzgerald yeah that means that they were basically gambling their butts off and they were giving them free gifts if i had to spend like a million dollars at the casino to get this many gifts all right all right that one can go flip flop roll down put it there put that there this here that there boom boom bam wham thank you man put that in there you know what no that goes up top that goes on the bottom that goes there and that pushes that then it goes there we are not gonna do that today guys there we go i did it i'm gonna get it down by the end of this video next one dishes see what is it we got a life jacket some ojs two pairs we got some new curtains some rags and i think that's in here twin flat sheets yup that's it still a ten dollar box up top right take that to the market that that that look how good i'm getting down yeah because i don't know what you did thank you ma'am all right let's see what's in this one we're going through these now baby we're trying to get through this unit ooh it's gochi it's not gucci look at gucci's not going to have your stuff like that unless it's just a piece of cloth to glue you got the box which it could be okay two gucci claws you're not telling us they're real is that their w from the casino hold on weekly tournament fun at fitzgerald payment room that's the room receipt 169 dollars they paid for a room at fitzgerald hold that down what you need there you go two hats that's a cool hat what does that say saying about 2006 something all right more little gifts from the mark from the thing oh miami welcome to miami this might be a good shirt that is a good shirt look at the tag what this is the all-star game it looks like it's new york tampa bay chicago but look at the the logos like that's old st louis oakland this might be like a philadelphia football i don't think that's football i mean uh no san francisco this might not be it might be like a little lead shirt or something but it's still nice we'll look into it some socks always good to have socks um looks like a shirt oh yeah baby we're getting into the good stuff the walkman in the package though and some tapes these actually sound ebay really good too okay all right that's good what's this tree treasure you were hoping there was gonna be a whole bunch of gold in there huh why did you just have that in there that's weird if you don't like my attitude quit talking to me that's tight and that's old see the tag on that look that's old extra large should i pull it out no it's perfect in there walmart pants they paid 11 dollars for more walmart pants ziploc oh what's this white tees regular ones some pants hawaiian shirts timber crew okay it's pretty nice just regular stuff i think the best thing out of this whole thing was that first box we found with all the jewelry in it that was awesome let me put this stuff back in real quick don't cut i want you to see behind the scenes of everything sad like that like that boom boom bam thank you man oh yeah that belongs in there put that in there last box of the sack of boxes i like what i see do you know about it why is it so heavy that jean the jean makes it that way put it on put it on put it on it's heavy because there's something in the pocket this is why it's heavy because there's toilet paper in the pocket this thing is extremely heavy for no reason but that's nice look at that what is that jeans gasoline jeans put it on i'm not putting that on looks dirty no i think it just looks like that but that's nice yeah all that stuff was like uh i mean uh market stuff contraband purse come on baby nothing five hundred dollars in the pocket that she forgot about if we find money in our guarantee it's going to be like old board no you can have it fanny pack harris lake tahoe it's all just purses nothing special we're looking for a cute gucci one oh this one has stuff in it oh wow whoa that might fit my hand another one another advantage yeah they're vintagey yeah oh it's the wallet on the inside and the makeup thing looks good how much uh i guess see like i said we're getting the inside scoop right now oh 404 oh 40r i should just slide my mask this is a heavy heavy coat 40 bucks there's something in this pocket 53 pieces what does that equal that like a little less than a dollar solved it oh great does the glove fit glove don't fit you must have quit it's literally the same is this a halloween costume because it's like the same jacket and glove like this oh great it you know it fits me you can't say it on camera nowadays everyone take it literally right i know who did it jesus look at this 30 22 pieces i'm telling you that's all we've been finding in here is a bunch of tools this one is 25 i like this one too i think we're almost done babe what do you think almost let's do one more la la mode let's do this last box it says uh chinese no i don't just nobody's yet to figure out what that word is from everything's mo home entertainment [Music] are these good items um the just a jacket is cool everything else is kind of not oh i gotta take this little glove off well finally you're wearing gloves i've been looking for one of those for a long time oh pitchers i can't give man that'd be nice okay these are all photos we're not gonna go through the photos nothing some tapes probably old home tapes sex lies in videotape with harry met salad okay okay that's all that's down there frog that's it was that corrophy or something like that from sanrio oh this is an all right camo set um let me get the scissors out so i can open it should be good to put on auction huh i would say just a camel set obviously this is probably the oh money two bucks two dollars it's they're autographed mo dog circle group they're autographed by someone by somebody from the fitzgeralds i bet who's that don't care johnny cash no any couch any kills i don't know they're autographed though bucket i mean the button some change in all those are batteries and a quarter a nickel this is um actually because this is uh sanrio oh what's that little chick's name is a cat oh uh hello hello kitty yeah here hold that that's pretty cool that's a nice little auction item that's this yeah that's pretty cool oh old burger king what can we find like an old mcdonald's burger like the one dude did inside oh why can't we find that that's a good lock there a little little uh coins take these at mcdonald's buy a cheeseburger you're not on a diet obviously corn i'm not allowed to eat cheeseburger there's a silver dime i just sold this that's your happy meal money i'm not allowed to eat whoa that was only five was that a silver dime here take your mcdonald's oh that's silver that's a walking liberty that's silver yeah and it's got a good patina because it's sat in here see that i don't want to touch it too much because your finger pencil effect that's nice don't tell a little woman about patina i would get into trouble bettina lina marina banana phantom moment silver one another just got patina it's got patina in it look at that one it's got bertina this is a crystal ball i'm giving you bertina that literally tells the whole world's future is that the only silver one in here yeah well we're going to keep behind if there's a coin collection oh so that's a lot on on one of them in the autographed one of them they're youtube options um can you just make a video of spending that at mcdonald's oh yeah i'll get murdered by everyone on the channel like the time that you lost in a mcdonald's eating contest cards oh remember that superstar kirby pocket who's that i he's an alright player i got it i got an n6 grade on my card that i sent of his did you yeah it means it was cut short by the way all cards come on tom brady's rookie that's a picture of them tom brady the only thing that's in this cult oh if you have walter payton in this or uh steve young that's a good one jerry rice is always oh mr page nope who is joe dimaggio diamond kings mark maguire that's his rookie no that's a weed patch wheat patch floral doesn't mean that work like you put on your armor i want to see nothing floral for the next year to that floral disaster yeah oh wait oh look at this one the green one what is that there's going to be a crazy car collection one of these three units we bought thomas sander steve mitchum kevin butter betsy jackson unfortunately yes we're okay that was not the ones we wanted i'm guessing pirate didn't go crazy and think we had a million dollars oh that's tight mahalo blue mighty respect fairness integrity respect fairness to go with the the badge we found the sticker you know when the cops run around and give all the bad kids snickers hope they changed their life around honestly i wouldn't now you know i know you know what i'm saying those are all pictures this is a mug oh that's nice giving all the bad kids stickers hoping they would change their life around i missed nothing i got to move this light all right look at that well i think you got a couple stickers babe what are you doing about dude oh um pinocchio she's trying to i'm manifesting good stuff oh there you go oh disney oh i was like oh [Music] i see pennies dude that's more than none more than none how many pennies you find more than none [Laughter] all right yeah almost at the upward [Music] what is it what is it that's a nice brand it's a bottle empty bottle empty bottle and a bag with one penny in it all right i think we have showed you guys more than more than no pennies more than enough how many videos is that now already i think two so that's about three videos i put out already from this unit and you know what that is just the beginning pirate gots about three four videos and we're only one unit into this three unit buy come on find the good stuff whoa peace out people
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 10,075
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Id: 6KNga_uBd4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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