Car found While treasure hunting in unclaimed storage locker

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hi my name is Samantha and I lost my story Jimmy your star soccer bison can you please tell him to give it back I would appreciate it I like here's the deal these guys are out here Mia chief is bought a locker we went halves attack a locker down the car I'm gonna Bob off in that and I see you know what I'm gonna bring my little homie in with me to help me unbox of stuff no way he's a little nervous but you know what I told you don't worry about it we got this just rock with me oh yeah like always thank you little mama for recording for us see I think you know why cuz I appreciate you all right no let's just get into it we're look in here obviously was the card and I was like yeah boy Tim ramps easily even a couple bucks like probably 60 70 bucks my honesty baby cheapest might want to like sing songs I really is a nice bike it's a Diamondback I think those are called like mag rims or something they're pretty cool what you think well it's pretty decent it's a Carlile drive out of here can I get a pump Sorry mate look at these lights one slide 1 slide 1 okay I'm on one arm I have my seatbelt on your feet okay come on lock beware challenge try don't you all try solo me I don't you try this one no no hey you know it's crazy though this one right here is a couple dollars at my market oh you dirty panties this melon baby Junior I'm not on the Oh baby you're gonna spread you get a spread of mass em on come on hey let's go mr. n stuff like this what saved money for me in the long run you know why relationship with something we do your honor well can you have kids whatever clutch you can find a locker like we don't have to keep taking one given to you Stanley boom hey that might be a good block hey I went to 105 I'll hear this stuff with sill right know what these are like really some okay close the logic block to the unit the G so there's no clothes on right it's not really the dirty clothes bet it's not thick Nancy why would you put that in there baby cleaner it's a low to it I think they got am I like 99 cents store Joker just in time but that's good oh perfect time what is in a couple weeks for design no but they're legal so we're not gonna do it anyway so what we're gonna do with these we're gonna take these illegal and burn them we're gonna set up to the side and we are going to give them to the proper hands to dispose of it well disposable properly yeah well keep those I make sure we watch 20 yeah you know I just said burn okay I'm sorry you think that might be one lighters oh what's this Oh watch out there's a razor a look at that that's a pretty nice knife really Wow that's my cutting no that's my definition when people say kunai this is what I think why because it's half of a knife so it's a cut night wow wow sound - what the hell let you know what people don't even use this they kind of use and I know the user for what open beers life life tips with storage doctor no you broken you know what you guys are both you too your knife breaks use it to open your beer what shave your beard challenge maybe if you save it it will grow you don't want touch my you just I didn't tell them dirty guys soda is okay maybe I did wait what this change in here looking bank 20 bucks in CJ 20 bucks and some chains and firecrackers this little bail is very diverse pretty cool though recently it's been the jerk I bet you you don't know what this is kids will never know what that is what is that I've no idea you don't know this is either is that some patch your tire boom boom I love see you're probably playing again without when I used to we were live back in my days I used to know I used to used to when you get a whole year to in order to put a fresh patch over it and glue it you gotta use this to scratch it I can say I'm paper almost before the patch is sticking won't come on even though you know what yeah I got Cowboys Harvard Law School I'm gonna take a wild guess that this person did not go to Harvard I'm gonna say they did say they did you can't judge it you can't judge a person by the Harvard maybe this is their locker before they went to the Harvard Law School and I just left all this stuff behind you know wait wait pinched poked you owe me a coke yeah all right come on let's keep going will you say something the same time you go pinched poked you owe me a coke hold on don't let's finish this all Nate but don't move something I'm trying to keep up with you what you know look it's some hater be gone spray in there maybe Troy spray can we see the phone no is that what smells good something smells good in here good that was not a bad little bag yeah 20 bucks two packs of firecrackers and a small change and some hair be gone spray goodnight and summary I was and we found baby juice in this another one I need a better idea oh no hey no we keep set the fireworks let's go in there that one is Chris this is California oh no Sam Cisco which was it was like I said DC would you wear it oh yeah that's a that's a pretty nice bag yeah you probably would see that but we like your shirt Porsche West Coast is the Best Coast what is any bad well I'm hungry so I'll settle for the chicken nugget open it straight out so we did you ready one you know what the deal is call me please you guys have appreciate you guys being here the like a sheriff subscribed to it you know he even has a channel which each other Frasier five to nine but yeah it's not baby Jesus it's not baby Jesus not very Jesus to those it's a fly artwork dog town you go there he's gonna be my next logo maker but here we go well they sent me a picture ooh winner winner no it looks like they put some miles on them babies Oh or a little spray paint you know this unit is starting to look a little more not cool what is that it's what bike those Birkenstocks do vintage Birkenstocks cost money those aren't even considered vintage those were are vintage come on man ancient maybe you put your toes in there they'll fall off look at those oh that's a bike bug bite love those let me see hey those are actually very nice he's actually very nice like right now these are like you can probably walk welcome ray to the river in these I bet you those are worth more than 50 bucks straight through the rivers then your feet won't hurt I bet you already won okay baby we'll look come on you want them it is close to your birthday I've heard a new new ish shoes okay you got a shoe on the other one you know that backs suck oh that's 40 50 bucks all day all right that car yeah it's a CD player watch this oh no technology you know what's do you that's not new technology because nobody uses CDs anymore though just the piece don't even come on in California if you don't have radios like this come on it's over like 2001 you're talking about a place where people still tips you don't think they're gonna steal the radio why would you go through the trouble of regular hey why does that remind me of that one movie people are crazy why would you steal something works mo [Music] she don't know bless you you don't ever stop every time I sneeze never I gotta be happy you know why because you're not wearing you gotta keep a mass Mike should be doing enough it's the dust the dust gets to them every time joy charger you're probably familiar with those prescription oh we found the person I'm covered up hi my name is Samantha and I lost my story Jimmy your star soccer bison can you please tell him to give it back I would appreciate it thank you always love Samuel I thought it was name was to manage it okay you know what you see I can't just be like you just be like no this is really like a bunch of personal you know what we do it personal yeah take it all back don't take your person no let's put it to the citation person don't take the person what is that that's a camera I see see you buddies watching me right now welcome i traveling with you guys don't like the chatting with to you Scott wait recording their report along with free parking I'm here there's your boy what gang signs did you just that was pretty cool comment on anything it to the side zipper for a zipper you want the next ever yeah thank you alright just like very slow why another great this more personal stuff over the back can't you see a secretive I don't know that stupid form yeah it's not personal obviously though $500,000 in there for nah another phone no no weeks or seven phones in the season we have and we definitely got Android chargers another phone your zipper was not that cool can I get it real zipper you want a zipper it was like a purse airbag watchos ever be better than all of our zippers are those more underwears okay phone case we all get a phone that's pretty cool sharks San Jose Sharks decent they would you smile like that happen it's like you know doesn't know it's not a [ __ ] - it's a Nike doesn't have any sweat marks or anything like that what are you saying so marks like people sweating their hair this one is looks like it's been worn too many times oh no I look like we had problem look selfie stick oh say cheese cheese maybe you they're taking the picture Shh no Nelson no he was all posing with you he just left the main now she Posey you know I wonder if those are too old if we're gonna put second chances I think it's they're too old awesome no you know what there is a lot of stat wall you think that's why they lost that's snap-on what you mean ugly oh that's money right there okay eBay I'll stop on eBay is good [ __ ] snuff on raisin think you're a speed searcher I can't even keep up with you and the phone another what do you think they were doing like phone dollars that is the thing is legit - piece of tape on the back of your phone don't even go there I've seen worse at this point just rid of it it's not you didn't have a backup oh my gosh it's alright it's just one word look a bleep you out me out yeah shadow creep some old hats like this be worth the money let me take that we gotta look em up because there's six wrenches judging by the unit price - extra cause that'd be so nice can't do that our viewers don't like we do it's nothing you built another phone cell phone unit we found lots of phones that's the new idea and then the battery - phone star your star Big Daddy thank you I think you're trying to start to make you uncomfortable you know so I left to each other in front of you oh okay no you're not you guys do know you guys are not getting you guys are not getting stopped you guys are not getting the firecrackers it is illegal to pop off firecrackers in the state of California never stopped me before this you ain't been in another stop why are these people have so many lines maybe they were sitting in circles on their phone my light and lighters that's what they were doing where will you spend your eternity John 3:36 is that a real thing yeah that's it where were you spoon here that's a heck of a question I'll spend it with you Big Daddy you're not smelling achoo kisses I'm just playing Wow if we find any more phones phones for ya gonna get a hat this week an idea money founders fortunate it's the Bicentennial if your battery a chart I don't think about it big I use bees in here mr. Vargo thought yes please good alright move on to the next she's got some pretty copy bags oh no no is that a flashlight I've been needing a flashlight oh my god has hex bugs a bag holder please sound like a good bag can I get one more shake sir please [Music] all right open the bag now my gorillas with them okay jumper cables missing off the jump one one chocolate one chocolate for spanking sis been over to that Mexican Mother's use when they're kids don't listen which lacks experience or not life experience investing other side of it chime graphite ready go there is back what are you doing it so good job well that's a new seats mother I'm not real good sniff sounded oh man it was all Clank and no changes yep all right well you know what just to do not baby genius but big Jesus I made a deal with him I told him if trucks closed we're gonna see either I get the car and you get the mystery of the truck or you get the mystery of the truck and I'll get the car and obviously I don't think he wants to ride to hook the all the way back to where he's from because this cry actually looks like it can't even make five miles before the tire goes flat runs out of guys oil thing messes up or even the gasket breaks or even you never know the transmission might fall out the front so what do you think you wanna see what's in the trunk gotta go this channel people out the rest of it but for now thank guys for being here we appreciate it baby Jesus get started you want to say anything for relief thank you guys so much we appreciate it appreciate it appreciate what you have to say no more mother [ __ ] can we get the firecrackers and they get the fire you know what the firecrackers are going to a safe place where they can dispose of them he's up I get to take a car home you know what thank God for being my [ __ ] already falling apart again we care you're tired completely quiet everybody
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 46,620
Rating: 4.8163376 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: gA3kGn4m1xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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