How to set up and adjust a Backplate

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- fluffly no space explorers we've been asked repetitively to talk about back plate and the fitting of the back plate and the reason why people cannot reach their valves so we do this today and we start with the back plate alright so here we have a school of a back plate does another they all the same basically and one of the first things that I would like to mention because I see this a lot of times it's the people root and I mean root the wedding in wrong way through the back plate so the first thing is that the shoulder straps leave the back plate on the backside so they go from behind I see a lot of people root them in a way that the wedding is in the front goes back there and comes out here which is wrong so it needs to come from the backside and then it goes down here and it goes in the inner slot and comes out at the outer slot I see it a lot of times the other way around which is also wrong and actually the shoulder strap then interferes was the waist belt alright that's the more second thing we have an organ system here and you may have noticed that usually when you buy an organ system it's two of those and we just mount one roundabout in the middle so on the middle screw here and on the lower part we have a piece of bungee cord because if you mount two of these the tank can still slide through which it obviously does sometimes so this one holds it in position and this one makes sure this goes around the wall so it will actually show you how it looks and then it cannot go somewhere so you can also share a set of those a friend or Die apartment so you see how this works cept if there was one hand so now this firm insecure alright good another point is that if you use the back plate with your doubles don't tighten these screws here you could leave this open so you have better access to the wing nut here and as soon as you have it on the effect Emile is hold down automatically alright otherwise continues webbing I think this is pretty clear so no fast X buckles or something one gear hearing on the left shoulder one dealing on the right shoulder Noble earrings and all fixed ones they are slightly bent as you can see which makes it easier if you still use a canister light on the right side there is meticulous buckle to hold the canister light and the left belt there is the hip d-ring also not fixed one and then a knife and line color and the pocket and the crotch strap has the back tearing and another one in the front alright now let's talk about the fitting so first thing the buckle goes through the loop from the crotch strap so if this hook is up the bottle is holding the crotch strap so the cross strips not just falling apart if you have to retighten it this is still in front of you okay knife and line cutter should be movable so for example when you're sitting in both this is uncomfortable you can slide it away while you're dining you can slide it in front way of visual access and you can actually move both of your hands so now let's talk position of the d-rings the two shouldered earrings should be above your shoulder because if they sit too low which is a lot a lot of times I see much too low if they sit here and you make a movement like that you will actually feel that they restrict your movement so they should be clearly above the shoulder so you can easily move as your shoulder so if they are even further down like here which also see a lot of times clipping gets really hard because you're missing a joint here so the easiest way to check that is to take a double and take it in a proper way and do a blind clipping alright so it's the other hand done another test close your eyes and do this and you should be in the center of your dealing you also do it like this doesn't change anything so you can see I'm always getting to the spot where I'm naturally clip and it's not a problem then you clip from underneath always like this don't try to clip like this again you're missing a joint you can actually see how I have to move my arm back to even get close to here so now if I have a thicker ligament in a dry suit it's really really hard and never people start to do is they start Criss crossing because that obviously works but the rule is that we have a clean front we not Criss crossing you're not closing access to a font right so right side is managed by the right arm left side well right left side by the left hand side all right then position of this one is roughly center of the body and two fingers to the back so I'm also a good position if it's too far on the front so actually gets getting hard to unclip the SBG in a few i've stages on it stages tend to hang down so you want to little bit further up the position of the front earring is kind of fixed position of the back tearing if you're diving regular tanks like a double 12 double Haiti it's the width of one hand if you dive longer tanks on the tanks might cover the d-ring so you take the length of a hand so this is the background I usually dive is about 12 so you can see the width of the hand roughly now let's talk about the fitting of the belt itself so obviously it should not restrict you you should be able to move yeah so on the other hand if it's too loose it will start to slide off which is not the case here this should sit really nice and comfortable if it's too loose you put a scooter on you hit the trigger your voice is actually getting very high and could be really painful if it's too tight you have a problem anyway now a lot of people say well if I if you make it really tie you cannot get out of it properly that's nonsense that's a matter of technique now I'll show you actually how to do that afterwards I put it on a set of dollars and I'll show you how you can get out of them a good test for yourself after you filled earrings and everything is if you can reach the back plate so where's the back plate on everything closed obviously you reach back and you should be able to reach the top of your back plate when you do this with the other hand and you should be able to reach it those hands no problem so when you're in this position this should still be kind of tight I mean not like cutting but it's not like losing I can can move it a lot right so I can still get my hand underneath but not more um there's tons of rules of thumb but that's actually something that works quite nice you move to your back plate and you this should still be tight but not restricting you obviously if you cannot reach it it's probably to tie it if this is loose and you can reach it the problem is somewhere else and most of the time it's the undergarment or the dry suit um having the wrong seams not the proper cut to tie it anyway arm too thick on my garments whatever um I think we'll make another video on dry suit fitting anyway but for the back plate that's the way it should be and you can see have a key in front I can move everything streamlined nothing standing around and that's how it should be alright let's talk about how to get it off so normally my regulator skipped here when I'm taking it off right while seems like that now was a ring on simulated now is the thumb liner so obviously you can do this so now my tanks I would actually press them somewhere and then you take the hose off the regulator and you're out of the thing so very very very simple I repeat that wants for you take them off a little bit and then you take the holes of the regulator in the Audi all right um I hope that answered a couple of questions if you drop us an email leave a remark on this video please subscribe to our channel follow us on Facebook and I'll see you next time
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 73,375
Rating: 4.9174409 out of 5
Keywords: Backplate fitting, backplate setup, ise, innerspace Explorers, achim schloeffel, technical diving, technical dive gear, diving equipment, dir, doing it right, scuba diving, dive training, diving, Double tank
Id: G4G7Do4Q4Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2016
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