LESS LETHAL Ammo For Self Defense??? (12ga Shotgun)

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hello everybody thanks for watching welcome back to the channel this is going to be a good one for you guys today i'm excited because we actually have some really fun stuff planned for this video but by the time this video gets published we should hit 20 000 subscribers here on this youtube channel which is crazy every time we hit one of these milestones it just never ceases to amaze me you know how far we've come over these last couple years and when i started this channel really the numbers were the furthest thing from my mind like subs and views didn't even cross my mind i just did it because i love it it was a you know a fun hobby and i would honestly be doing this with or without the amount of subscribers and views that we have but to see the hard work pay off it is really rewarding and i'm not gonna lie it's a little bit addictive just a little bit and i'm sure it looks like you know i just came out here and shoot guns and magically upload videos but there is a lot of work that goes into it and it's just really gratifying to see that hard work pay off and all the support that i get from you guys without you guys none of this would be possible i would just be uploading videos to nobody so you know all the numbers that you see the subs the views the comments the the growth is all because of you guys and this is your guys's channel as much as it is mine and i wanted to just get on here and thank you before we start today's video because this is another humongous milestone and it just kind of puts it into perspective for me and it kind of makes me realize you know what's possible with this channel if we keep going because just you know a year two ago 20 000 subscribers seemed like a humongous youtube channel to me and the amount of views we've got like four or five million views on the channel it's just crazy it's just crazy how fast all this stuff happens and really i just love making videos and i have an absolute blast every time i come out here and do this so thank you all so much but like i said today's video is gonna be a fun one it's gonna be an interesting one because i've never actually played with what we're gonna do today so i've officially stooped to the level of contemplating doing stupid things for views and subscribers that's not true but i did seriously consider doing something pretty stupid in this video and i was talked out of it by a couple of my buddies at work so if you're not aware of what we have out here today this box right here is full of less lethal shotgun so you can see all these different boxes that we have got a couple of these some of these some slugs some whatever that is and whatever that is obviously we will take a closer look at those before we shoot them i've always had a fascination with these less lethal rounds and with all the riots and protests and stuff that's going on right now i've seen police actually use these quite a bit over the last few days and it's just kind of resparked my interest in them and like i said i was seriously considering coming out here and getting shot with one of these and you know just kind of showing you guys what the effects were and i'm curious myself in all seriousness i wouldn't ever do anything like that for views or subscribers it's because i'm curious myself and i want to see you know like how bad they actually hurt and stuff like that and i started thinking about it and i thought it's probably not a great look to have someone point a real shotgun at me and you know do all that that's just not what i like to promote on this channel plus you run the small risk of something going horribly wrong and seriously injuring myself it's just not worth it i did give it serious consideration but we are gonna shoot these we're gonna shoot all of these i have a few different tests set up that we're gonna you know shoot each of these less lethal shotgun rounds through and see how powerful they really are so one thing i want to clear up is i've heard a lot of people refer to these as less than lethal or non-lethal and that's not what they're called now there might be shotgun loads that are called less than lethal i've never seen them but these specifically are called less lethal and that's an important distinction to make because less than lethal implies that these are not lethal they're not deadly and they couldn't kill you less lethal rounds absolutely can kill you if they're used incorrectly or like point blank range or shot in the face or you know something like that it can go wrong and you could get seriously injured or even killed in a worst-case scenario so less lethal is an important distinction to make because these are still very dangerous if used incorrectly i know most of you guys probably enjoy seeing me in pain and would like to see me get shot with one of these it would make a really cool title and thumbnail too but i just can't do it i don't think it's worth it and i think that 99 chance i would be just fine it would bruise me and it would hurt and it would suck and it'd be funny and all that but it's just not worth that very small chance that something could go wrong or someone tries to recreate something like this at home and you know it just ain't worth it so we're going to have a lot of fun with these today we're going to shoot a bunch of different stuff i'm actually going to take all this stuff down into the woods here behind me where it's a lot less sunny and a lot more cool and we'll get started alright so here we have set up the three targets that we're going to use to test these less lethal shotgun rounds and first we have just a big piece of plywood this is probably like four foot tall by three foot wide and this is just to see if they're powerful enough to get through this big piece of wood i'm actually going to staple a piece of cardboard over the top of the wood so that we can see like the shot pattern and how much they spread and then over here we have a gallon water jug and a 10 ballistics gel block now i don't think any of these are going to get into the ballistic shell like i don't think they'll penetrate it at all i guess we'll find out but i do think some of these will probably puncture our water jack because surprisingly the velocities on some of these are pretty high all right so we're using the little 18.5 inch 12 gauge pump for this i don't think most of these will cycle a semi-auto so we're going to use the pump action gun for this and we're going to start with the light field home defense hv star it's called and you can see on the package there what it looks like a little rubber ball and i got one of the shells right here kind of see it stuffed in there it's a low brass shell i don't know if that's all gunpowder that's keeping that in there or what but see what they do all right i'm not wearing earplugs for this i'm going to start without earplugs and see what they sound like i will put on my glasses i guess just in case anything bounces back but we're going to start with the wood and then i'll probably do the gel and then the water so the water doesn't you know mess up the gel but here we go that's pretty loud so i don't think anything went into the ballistics gel um we obviously do have a mark on the cardboard we'll go look at the wood here in a minute but it punctured that water jug no problem a lot louder than i thought they would be for sure i just got stung by something vicious on my forearm right there i don't know if you guys can see that but it hurt like a mother that was our hv star i was really hoping i'd be able to find one of those so we could look at it because they look really cool in the shell and i wanted to see like you know how big they got when they come out of the barrel but i can't find one so here is what it did to our wood obviously it you know dented the cardboard pretty good and you guys won't be able to see in there unless i take the cardboard off but it did dent the wood it did not come out the other side you can see this is all good right here but it did actually put a little dent in that wood so definitely hit it pretty hard and then our ballistic shell block over here you can see the gunpowder in that one is really weird and all over the front of that ballistics gel block is just a ton of gun powder now the wad did stick way up here so i'm really hoping that i didn't shoot over the gel block with that one maybe the slow-mo will kind of tell us more because usually when i go and edit these videos i see stuff that's right here in plain sight that i miss when i'm out here so that's what it did to our ballistic shell and then with our water jug it obviously put a giant hole inside of it and basically exploded it so that was actually pretty powerful all right so i got a new water jug set up on our table and the next one we're gonna shoot is called the fire ants so it's basically just rubber double lock buckshot you can see right on the shell it says 32 caliber balls and it looks like there's probably 10 to 12 of them in there now the last one was a low brass shell and it was actually really loud almost no recoil but this one is high brass so we'll see if it's any louder or more powerful all right once again starting with the plywood well i got hit with about five of those that is crazy that had even less recoil than the last one and didn't feel quite as powerful definitely not as loud all right we'll try our gel block that spread like six feet though from 10 yards away so i don't know if i'll even hit the gel block with these but let's see those things are bouncing all over the place water jug oh my gosh did you guys see that it just caught the end of the barrel on fire that is crazy nothing happened to the water jug i honestly don't know if they all even hit it the way that they're spreading it looks like they could have all easily missed that water jug even from like right here at five yards away those things spread like crazy that was way different than i expected it to be look at how dirty these shotgun shells are after that they started out clear and they're like jet black after i shot the pellets out of him i've never had a shotgun barrel light on fire like that after shooting anything that was hilarious whatever i was shooting him i can see with both of them so far i can see just like gunpowder sparks flying out the end of the barrel i don't know why i don't know if it's you know something to do with the way that these are loaded or what but that one literally caught the muzzle on fire that's hilarious so here is our cardboard and you can kind of see what i was talking about with the way that they spread just i mean like i said it's like a four foot piece of plywood we actually have one right there stuck in the cardboard that's cool let me try to grab that there we go so it's actually really soft a lot softer than i thought it would be and then we have a bunch of the others down here on the ground i can see them but you can see they obviously put holes in our cardboard i highly doubt that they did any damage to the back side yeah the back side is completely clean and then over here nothing penetrated the water jug on that one i didn't see it move or take an impact like i said they could have spread so much that they just missed it those are interesting with all the stuff that i read online with these less lethal rounds it said that police are trained to usually aim for the gut like the belly button area because some of the you know more powerful ones could do lethal damage if you were to hit the sternum or the spine or the face or anything like that with these you could not aim for the stomach they spread so much you're just going to hit everybody in a room like that's these actually perform the way that a lot of people think real shotgun ammo does like a 10-foot spread at five yards away obviously real shotgun ammo stays in a really tight pattern but these just spread like crazy so here is our ballistic shell block doesn't look like anything went in not surprised by that we have another pellet right here and another one over here so it looks like they kind of just hit the ballistics gel and just stopped dead right there so interesting that was a big surprise not what i expected at all all right next we have another lightfield box and this one's called the double ball it's literally just like two orange bouncy balls that you could buy out of a vending machine another low brass load these are kind of heavy like i said they're just regular bouncy balls from what it feels like so i'm kind of nervous about these bouncing back i'm gonna put the glasses back on for this one so here we go they both bounced right back at me ballistics gel i guarantee these are not going in that gel block just from the way they bounced off that wood oh i might have been wrong on that wow that is amazing after seeing what they did to that wood i must have underestimated how hard they hit the wood i thought that these were probably the weakest so far and it looks like we have one in the gel at least and by far the hardest hit on the water jack all right so here's one that i found on the ground that bounced off the plywood like i said it's just a regular bouncy ball it's got a black stripe on it from where it was in that shotgun shell and that couldn't have made me look any more stupid i said i guarantee these are not going in the ballistic shell and then half a second later there's two of them in our ballistic shell block so go ahead and show you guys this first since we already know what happened but boom there it is both of those ended up in that ballistic shot block and they're probably two inches in they definitely got a little bit of penetration in the ballistics gel and then here's our water jug over here obviously both of them are still in the water jug too that's crazy they didn't fall out or nothing they just stayed in and then here is the impact on our plywood now i'm curious to see okay see when i saw these hit the plywood it looked like they just bounced off it like someone threw them at it but if you actually look at this these by far did the most damage so far oh yeah we actually have damage on the backside and you can see some pretty big divots on the front here from where they hit man i could not have looked any more stupid on that all right next we're moving on to the triple threat and this is another ammo zone box and these all say mil-spec compliant on them i think these might be like legitimate law enforcement rounds the fire ants were the same kind so the triple threat is basically three 68 caliber rubber balls it says so pretty similar to the double ball but this has three of them and i think it's probably made for more serious use so let's see man these bugs are ridiculous i'm starting to get worried about the ricochets now because these things do bounce back like crazy so oh well if i get hit i get hit i guess all right cardboard and the plywood first oh yeah i dodged that by half an inch i saw it coming from my leg and i just moved out of the way all right ballistics gel dude this is sketchy this is so sketchy this is way worse than shooting real ammo real ammo does not ricochet like that i had another barrel on fire that time all right water jug yeah no problem i just can't get over the amount of sparks and like fire that's coming out of the barrel on these i've shot a million different shotgun loads and these are by far the most like gun powdery they're just it might be a different kind of gunpowder i'm not sure but none of them so far have really had any recoil so here is our cardboard and the plywood weren't able to trap any in the wood that time and then around on the back side you can see that those did not do any damage on our plywood and then here's our water jug and this is at first we actually have a mark on the outside of our water jug it looks like from where one of them hit maybe we have two of them in the water jug you guys can see those two in there so easily penetrated the water jug actually here's one on the ground right here this could have been one that hit the water jug or it could have been one of them that missed the ballistic shell i'm not really sure and then over here on the gel block we have one of them that went in the ballistics gel so it's obviously kind of on that left side i'm not sure if maybe you know the others went off to the side here or if they hit and bounced off i think one of them for sure bounced off either the gel or the table because it came right back at me so it wasn't as definitive as the double ball where we had both of them just go right into the gel block right beside each other but still pretty impressive all right so i saved the two slugs for the end first we have the light field extended range slug says it's going 600 feet per second and you can see it's just a big blue piece of rubber and then here is what the shell looks like so here we go that ripped straight through that piece of wood that's a deadly round for sure all right here goes the ballistics gel another flame on the end of the barrel and the water well at least we didn't have any ricochets on that one that was by far the most powerful one that we've shot so far all right here is our piece of wood and you can see the entrance hole right there there's actually drops of water all the way back here from where i shot that water jack and then on the back side of our wood here is the exit hole you can see it just ripped straight through that piece of wood no problem that's a first here's our water jug on the ground it looks like we had a complete pass-through on the water jug too i do not see the rubber slug anywhere it just again exploded that water jug and then here's our ballistic shell block right here and this one also went into our ballistic shell so it looks like that one penetrated even further than the double ball not much but you can see it did get probably a half inch or an inch more penetration than the double ball did wow all right the final shotgun load that we have is called the javelin and this one just came in a clear plastic baggie but you can see it's another slug really cool shape it's kind of shaped like a missile and i think this one was also designed for like actual law enforcement use it looked legit from the description online also a high brass shell so see if it's as powerful as our blue rubber slug i don't think that hit quite as hard it definitely wasn't as loud ballistics gel something just landed back here behind me we'll see if we can find that in a minute and water dude the flames i'm getting on these look how dirty that is this is by far the dirtiest shotgun ammo i've ever used by the way what i heard hit the cardboard behind me was a piece of the wad so it wasn't the actual slug let's go see what happened to our wood i kind of like not knowing what happened and then walking up and seeing for herself because with the blue one it was obvious like i could see daylight on the other side of the wood it blew you know such a big hole and our piece of plywood so here is where the javelin hit right there and i still can't really tell if that went all the way through nope it did not so you can see there's no pass-through and then there's the exit hole that we had from the blue one but the javelin actually did not make it through our wood so honestly for these less lethal rounds and like the the law enforcement application i think that's probably better i mean you don't want the liability of something that powerful if you're going to be using this to just you know stun somebody or like break up a crowd or temporarily you know shut somebody down so that you can move in and arrest them or whatever you need to do like that blue one i don't think i would feel comfortable using that for a less lethal application that seemed pretty lethal to me so here is the water jug from the javelin that's interesting so we have a looks like a complete pass-through on the water jug but it didn't do nearly the amount of damage that the blue one did the blue one exploded it like a real shotgun shell this one looks like it just kind of passed through and didn't do quite the damage and here here it is cool so that's what that javelin looks like now you know what i was talking about with how cool it looks it's a hard piece of rubber man i would not want to get shot with that and then our ballistic shell over here this one also did go into our gel block you can see it's right underneath that blue slug didn't penetrate quite as far but it could have hit the blue slug honestly it's like touching it so maybe if i would have spread that shot out a little bit more it might have gotten more penetration but i still think that blue slug is a lot more powerful and the light field loads are showing the velocity on the box whereas the other ones aren't so i don't really know how fast that javelin was going all right before we wrap this one up we actually have some handgun less lethal ammo so this is the 45 acp self-defense less lethal ammo i would never recommend using this for self-defense but they always market the stuff that way on the back of this it's kind of cool it shows you the spots where it would be safe to hit someone with it if you ever had to use them and not be like a lethal hit so got three of them and my 45 acp smith and wesson m p shield shout out to turtle like tactical who gave me this gun literally for free a couple years ago so i still use it i still love it all right let's see what the 45 does we got the three same targets and on the box it says that these will not cycle a semi-automatic pistol so i don't really know you know how you would use them other than to just manually cycle the action but let's see what they do again i have no earplugs in so we'll see how loud these are i'm gonna go for the bottom of our cardboard this time since it's pretty much empty that is hilarious dude it felt like a bb gun ballistics gel i heard something hit the woods i don't know if i shot over it or what my sights were right on the gel block so and the water jug cycle the action that's crazy if i i mean there's no way i missed that water jack i had it's dead center and the gun didn't move at all so i don't know we'll see so there's not even a mark on that water jack so i just put two more in the magazine here and i'm going to try to aim at like the very bottom of it and see if that helps it sounds like maybe they went over it which is crazy at this super close range and for me to have the sights in the middle of that big target to miss so i don't know i mean they're not regular bullets so it's very possible that they're you know not very accurate but we're gonna try the water jack a couple more times i'm gonna aim at the very bottom of it this time okay i heard something ricochet like it might have hit the table this is hilarious i give up i have no idea where these are going so those were kind of a waste of money because that's horrible i mean i was aiming directly at this water jug and not one of those hit it at least i don't think they did maybe in the slo-mo we'll see that they actually did but i don't think they did and i also don't think i hit the ballistic shell block i did hit our big piece of plywood over here and here is that impact right there and definitely had nothing come out the other side so the 45 acp definitely get a thumbs down for me but all of those shotgun loads were awesome and a lot more powerful than i thought they would be honestly so i'm gonna go ahead and wrap this one up right here guys thank you all for watching i hope you enjoyed it again thank you all so much for 20 000 subscribers it's a milestone that i never thought i would get to and the more we achieve on this channel just the further that i think we can take it and none of this would be possible if it wasn't for you guys i mean this is your guys's channel you know i just make the videos but all the numbers that you see the subscribers the views the comments that's all you guys and we wouldn't be here without you so thank you all so much if you like the video guys please let me know down in the comments let me know how you feel about this whole less lethal thing there's a big debate out there on whether or not you should use it i probably wouldn't use it just because if you have to pull a gun on somebody chances are you're going to want a lethal option not a less lethal or a less than lethal option but they're fun to play with and everybody has different opinions on it so let me know what yours is down in the comments below if you like the video please hit that like button for me i'd really appreciate it thank you all for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: 1ShotTV
Views: 85,022
Rating: 4.9091535 out of 5
Keywords: Less Lethal, Less Lethal Weapons, less lethal weapons in law enforcement, shotgun, Bean bag rounds, Less lethal bean bag round, rubber bullets protest, riot ammo, police training, police protest, 12 gauge rubber ball rounds, best less lethal shotgun ammo, 12 gauge shotgun, george floyd, george floyd protests, riots
Id: Sf3rf9It1kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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