Less Than Lethal Shotgun Ammo

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[Music] I ride on the ranch today so please bear with gunfire here in the background recently a viewer sent me some less lethal and less than lethal 12-gauge ammunition both buckshot and slugs and asked me to do a presentation on them so here we are and this brings up the questions of what is this stuff and although there might be law-enforcement applications for it when would a citizen use it would it be effective how accurate and how reliable is this stuff and hopefully we can shed some light on those questions today and I want to start with the slugs and I want to start with a question what is this stuff and that starts with a close-up now on your left is the light field home defender rubber slug it's fairly rigid it's also ribbed but I doubt that's for anybody's pleasure and over here is your Fiocchi law enforcement rubber baton which is a significantly different shape also pretty rigid and as a basis of comparison here's your federal 12-gauge one ounce LED rifled slug now let's discuss accuracy I've got my Mossberg model 500 with an improved cylinder bore barrel and I will shoot from 20 yards and I'll shoot the upper target with the Fiocchi law enforcement rubber baton ammunition and the lower target with the light filled rubber slug ammunition and let's see what kind of groups we get if you're using less-than-lethal shotgun rounds it will most likely be at distances less than 20 yards so the accuracy we got with Fiocchi is probably within acceptable limits although the light field is the clear winner and as far as recoil with both of them it was almost non-existent now there's the matter of reliability this ammunition is conventionally shaped and I would expect it to work just fine with a double-barrel to pump shotgun shooting the accuracy target function flawlessly when fired from the Mossberg 500 pump but most Auto loaders are blowback operated and with a very light recoil I'm getting with the rubber slugs is there going to be enough blowback to operate an autoloader well I've got my Remington Model 11 loaded with the Fiocchi rubber baton ammunition let's see if it cycles correctly didn't even eject it out of the chamber let's try one more [Applause] didn't even eject it out of the chamber let's try another auto motor now something was just brought to my attention before anybody sends me any hate mail about putting my finger in the trigger guard of the model 11 on that particular model the safety is in the trigger guard but now I've got my Rock Island armory VR 60 loaded with the Fiocchi ammunition let's see how it functions out of this [Music] didn't even eject it out of the chamber again didn't even eject it out of the chamber let's see if the light-filled ammunition does any better another light-filled ammunition not only did it not eject it hard you get it out of the chamber and the same story there so I'm going to say that these rubber slugs are not something you should use in an autoloader testing the effectiveness of our rubber slugs might prove difficult contrary to what you may have heard I do have some level of ethics so I'm not going to shoot any living beings to test this ammo but I will shoot the meat target now for those who haven't seen it before the meat target is leather jacket skin followed by pork steak packed roast pork ribs bag of oranges to simulate lung tissue more pork ribs on the back four layers a t-shirt on the front four layers on the back and today we're going to forego the new and improved hi-tech fleece bullets top because I really don't think our rubber slugs will completely penetrate our meat target and if they do that'll be really contrary to their stated purpose and because I want to see how far back these rubber slugs can push the target but when we're talking about effectiveness it's always relative how effective are they compared to what so as a basis of comparison I'm going to shoot from ten yards and have my Mossberg 500 loaded with federal 12-gauge two and three quarter inch one ounce rifled slug let's see what kind of damage this does to the meat target and then we'll see how the rubber slugs compare well the ribs on the front of the target have a big hole just annihilated our owners lung tissue and there's a pretty good hole in the ribs on the back of the target so I'll put together a new meat target shoot it with one of the rubber slugs and hopefully it'll do a little less damage and now we'll try our light-filled home defense rubber slug [Applause] now I took a look at this and before I disassembled it I have to point out that none of the slugs achieved full penetration that means they did deliver a hundred percent of their energy into the target and you notice it didn't seem to move the meat target very much at all now of course effectiveness is always relative so let's test that compared to something else and in testing that remember I'm right-handed suddenly the slugs don't seem all that effective now as far as what kind of damage the projectiles did to the meat target they chewed up our leather jacket skin chewed up our pork chop Tech drill and one of them actually put a hole in the ribs on the front of the target although none did any damage to our orange lung tissue now let's try the other type of slug and now I'll shoot from 10 yards with our Fiocchi rubber Vuitton ammunition [Applause] as where the light-filled ammunition all the projectiles penetrated the meet target to varying degrees the Fiocchi rubber boot on ammunition did not have found them scattered on the ground round the target however one still put a big hole in our pork steak pectoral so the takeaway from shooting our rubber slugs and rubber batons to start with here's the projectiles I recovered and there's no significant deformation to any of them the real takeaway I think is two main things first given the amount of penetration they achieved with the lack of blowback to the target as I said before that makes me concerned that they're too effective in one way and that they're going to be ineffective in another way secondly and this is the real bottom line I don't know that the meet target is truly the definitive medium to test this type of ammunition I think for a truly definitive test we would either have to torture defenseless animals or get some guys to volunteer then get them hopped up on meth then shoot them and see what happens obviously we're not going to do either one of those things but that having been said let's move on to our Fiocchi less-than-lethal rubber buckshot and see how it performs and we'll start with a close-up of what it looks like and what you got here is 15 balls of double-aught buck and the rubber of the buckshot is softer than the rubber of the slugs so first we'll see how this stuff patterns I have my Mossberg 500 with its improved cylinder bore barrel and I'll shoot from 20 yards well that was very unimpressive that's two shots so a total of 30 pellets went downrange we only have four on the shootin sea and then another 12 and the rest of the cardboard so altogether that's barely over half but how would that compare with conventional buckshot well I'll paste up these shot holes go back to 20 yards and I'll shoot with Remington green and yellow box 12-gauge two and three-quarter inch double ought buck nine pellet let's see what kind of patterns I get with this so with our rubber buckshot we've got four hits out of 30 pellets with our conventional double lot lead buckshot we've got 13 hits out of 18 pellets I would say that confirms that our rubber buckshot doesn't pattern very well so let's see how the rubber buckshot fares against the meat target and this time I'm going to shoot from 7 yards [Applause] so what we saw will most of the pellets were stopped by the t-shirt on the front of the target some went through the leather jacket skin there were several stuck in our pork steak pectoral but none made it through to the ribs on the front of the target and of course no damage to our horns lung tissue so at 20 yards the buckshot didn't pattern very well but it shorter ranges it looks like the buckshot is going to be less likely to cause a really serious wound in the intended target than the rubber slugs would be so for whatever application that your grandpa rocksalt in this shotgun I'm going to say that the rubber buckshot would do that same job better but that brings up the question of the legality of using this type of ammunition and with that there's two very important disclaimers one I'm not an attorney two people live in different jurisdictions in their subject of very different laws just because this type of projectile is legal where I live does not mean it's legal where you live check your local laws check with your local attorney and looking at the results we got on the meat target I would say that both buckshot and the slugs when used within the ranges at which they were intended to be used if you shot someone with that it probably would stop them from doing whatever bad thing they were doing but just because the Box reads less lethal or less than lethal that won't get you out of the legal ramifications of having shot someone with a shotgun that's something to think about so as always don't try this at home on what you call the professional and thanks for watching the less than lethal 12-gauge ammunition video [Music] you
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 232,888
Rating: 4.9788375 out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, paul harrell shotgun, paul harrell rubber slug, paul harrell rubber buck shot, rubber slugs, rubber slug, rubber buck shot, rubber buckshot, shotgun, rubber shotgun ammo
Id: dNTqEmY_HmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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