12 Gauge SLUGFEST! Which Shotgun Slug Is BEST???

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welcome back to the channel everybody thank you for watching so i came out to make a video a few days ago and i was going through all of my ammo and i realized that i have a ton of shotgun ammo mainly shotgun slugs and i decided i need to get rid of some of these so today we're going to have a good old slugfest which means my shoulder is probably going to hate me by the end of this video but i want to stack all these slugs up against each other and see if we can pick a winner today so here on the table you can see we have a little bit of everything and this isn't even all the slugs that i have these are just the ones that i wanted to compare today so the gun we're going to use in today's video is the 12 gauge benelli supernova pump action shotgun which seems kind of underwhelming after having the remington versus max for so long but i did have to send it back so that's probably why i haven't made a shotgun video in such a long time because i'm still mourning the loss of the remington versus max and i just can't stand to look at any other shotgun right now but this should do the job it is a 28 inch barrel which means we're going to get maximum velocity and power hopefully out of these slugs so let's see if we can pick a winner so i'm going to start with the weakest one and hopefully give my shoulder a little break in period but this is the one and three quarter inch aguila or aguila 12 gauge mini slug it says it's going 1250 feet per second so shouldn't recoil too bad let's see like no recoil compared to a regular shotgun slug i like it all right next up we have the one ounce remington 12 gauge slug that says it's going about 1500 feet per second so should be a pretty big step up in recoil [Music] yeah big difference it actually shifted at my steel target that way when it hit i don't think i've ever seen that so next up we got one that i've actually never shot this is the tomahawk mirage it is a one ounce slug and says it's going 1575 feet per second so let's see i'm gonna try and hit it on the left side and see if i can shift my plate back to the other side it worked the recoil actually didn't feel as bad on that one as the remington but it hit the plate hard enough to straighten it back out so i actually gel tested this one a long time ago and it's pretty cool it's the duplex broadhead and you can see the picture on the box there it is a one ounce slug doesn't say how fast it's going but let's see how it feels wow so you guys probably won't be able to see that but whenever that hit the steel there was a ton of sparks i'm assuming from the pedals around the edge that break off on impact because i did see a lot of those kind of fly up into the air so that was the first all right next up we have the lightfield bore buster this says it's specifically geared for hunting wild boar the velocity on this one is 1600 feet per second so the fastest one that we've shot so far oh yeah the hardest recoiling too by far ah did i mention i hate shooting slugs so this next one is definitely the weirdest one that we have this is the exploder and this was part of that exotic shotgun ammo package that i bought a couple years ago but i'm just going to go ahead and read you what the back of this package says so it says a precision swag slug with a deep hollow core for loading of combustible material i don't really know what combustible material they're talking about but this round also has stabilizing tail fins for accuracy at longer ranges it's definitely an interesting looking slug it's humongous like it takes up almost that whole entire shotgun shell and i've never used this to its full potential because i've never loaded anything into the hollow point cavity but i'd be interested to know what combustible material they're referring to because i'd like to try it out all right let's see how it feels it's been a while since i've shot these so i can't really remember not bad at all not bad at all i felt like a 20 gauge compared to the light field that we shot so i've actually got a couple others but i only have like one or two in each of the boxes and i wanted to save them for the other tests we're going to do in the video because i'm going to attempt to do a performance test with a few of these but first this thing has been sitting here taunting me the entire time i've been out here the bulletproof glass that we've shot in the last few videos so i actually have hit this with a shotgun slug already and you can see it's definitely the biggest impact on the entire bulletproof glass but it did not go through that's the entrance hole right there and then you can see the collateral damage all the way around it but on the back side here you can see that it did not come out the other side i believe that was a winchester like hollow point deer slug so a pretty powerful slug but some of these are pretty unique so i'm curious to see if they'll do any better all right let's start with our broadhead slug because i think this one has no chance of getting through let's see wow i can see it from here the sound that these slugs make when they hit this bulletproof glass is almost as cool as the impact itself it pops really loud i hope you guys were able to hear that but here is our broadhead slug it looks like it probably didn't even come close like i predicted barely bulged the glass out there is a little bubble right there but you can see that it didn't even come close and what's funny is it's literally sticking out of our glass right there and you can actually see if you look really close you can see those petals around that wax or whatever it is that's in the middle of that slug so i knew it didn't really have a chance of getting through just because of what it's made out of but that sound was definitely interesting all right let's try a couple of the big boys this is the remington slugger that we shot at the steel going 1500 feet per second so should do more than the broadhead but i don't think it's gonna get through either man that never gets old see our entrance hole right there much deeper than the broadhead and if you look at the two side by side you can see that the collateral damage around the remington is much bigger than the broadhead as well let's take a look at the back side here and it did not come all the way through it has a bubble similar to the broadhead but again not even close to coming out the other side looks like this glass is pretty good at stopping shotgun slugs so this is one that i didn't shoot at the steel because i only have a couple of them left but this is the federal truball one ounce slug this is a really high quality slug a lot of people's favorite and it's going 1 600 feet per second so top right corner good grief i think that's tied for first place with our boar slug for the most recoil that hurt there's our entrance hole from the federal true ball looks similar to the remington but if you step back you can see that the remington by far has the most collateral damage around the entrance hole not scientific probably doesn't mean anything but the true ball is quite a bit smaller and if we look at the back no pass through so it's got a bubble probably the biggest bulge on the back yeah definitely the biggest bulge on the back so far but again nowhere near going all the way through i don't think i have any shotgun slugs that are going to defeat this stuff it's pretty tough all right we'll go ahead and try the light field bore buster just to really damage my shoulder but i don't think it's getting through hope i'm wrong let's see wow i hope the fireball translated on camera that was crazy that one's a cannon i didn't notice that fireball the first time we shot it maybe i'll see it in the video but holy crap all right here's our entrance hole from the light field bore buster that's interesting i don't think i've seen that before it's like a piece of the glass and a perfect ring there but i hope you guys can see that i can actually see the slug up inside of the bulletproof glass i doubt you guys will be able to see it because of the shadow but again similar damage to the others the remington is really the only one that stands out for having like the biggest impact but i look at the back nope did not go through like i said i could see it inside of the glass so i knew it didn't go through but i got one more test that i want to do with each of these slugs all right y'all it is ballistic shell time now the problem with shotgun slugs in ballistic shell is they tend to just ruin ballistics gel that's why i don't do more shotgun slug ballistic shell tests because it's not the best for ballistics gel longevity i'll put it that way so i brought out a couple of my really old gel blocks and we're not going to be able to see in these very well but as long as we can trap the slug take it out and see how it performed that's all i really care about so you're not going to be able to see the epic slow-mo of the slug expanding or nothing like that but again hopefully we can trap a couple of these and see how they perform this is probably going to upset some of you but i'm not going to gel test the broadhead slug because i've done that in a video a couple years ago and i don't have a ton of ballistic shell out here so i'm going to do a couple that i haven't done yet but first we have the federal truball again this is 600 feet per second i believe so it should knock our gel block right off the table let's see yep almost knocked me over too all right so i actually see that one in the gel block but i think i can fit one more in there before we cut into it so next i'm gonna go ahead and test the light field bore buster this is the other one that kicks like a mule so let's see what it does there's that fireball again good grief screw it we're going for three this is the remington slugger and i think i have a little bit of room left where i can fit this one ah i'll go underneath our first one so my table got kind of wonky and i noticed that we actually started burying the table into the ground with those shotgun slugs it's definitely the first time i've ever seen that so what a lot of people don't realize is because shotgun slugs are so powerful and they dump so much energy they typically don't get a ton of penetration and i think that's what we're gonna see here with these three so i got this little pocket knife it's definitely not the best for cutting into this gel but i'm gonna see what we can dig out of here so we don't even have anything in the second half of the gel block at all it's all in the first six inches so by the way for those of you wondering the true ball looks like it does have the biggest wound cavity for sure so that's a wad it looks like maybe the wad from the true ball and it went like five inches into the gel block so i imagine the slug carried that wad in with it because just a wad by itself wouldn't usually penetrate that far and here's another wad looks like it might be from the light field load then i just found this this is like a little ball almost like a little marble looking thing i'm not sure which one that came from i know the federal is called the true ball i don't know that's because it has this in the wad with the lid or what let me know in the comments if you guys know which one that came from this right here is our federal true ball slug at least a big chunk of it that's a really heavy piece of lead might not be the whole thing i did see a couple pieces in there with it but that's actually a pretty big chunk of that slug and then here looks like a couple more pieces of it so we might have the entire true ball slug right there if you guys want to look at the damage from the true ball it's that whole entire wound cavity right there you can see just how much it expands and damages the gel block and there's the wound cavity from our bore buster right there you can see it looks like it burnt the ballistic gel a little bit more and i'm not seeing as many big pieces from this one i do see a couple little ones right there now i just found these four pieces right here i don't know if it's from the remington or the bore buster but that's pretty much all i was able to find so in that ballistics gel block i found the two wads right here and then we have our little marble and that right there is all the lead that i found in the gel block so that is one thing that a lot of people don't realize shotgun slugs are big and they're heavy but whenever they impact something like a 20 gel block or i would imagine an animal or something like that but they dump all their energy really early and just do a ton of damage in the first like six to eight inches but they don't get a ton of penetration like a rifle round or some handgun ammo does but there are shotgun slugs out there that are designed to penetrate a lot more than these and obviously these are lead slugs that are designed to expand or break apart and they did a really good job with that they also obliterated my ballistic shell block well everybody that is going to do it for me today thank you all for watching i hope you enjoyed the video i love shooting shotguns it's been a little bit since i sent the rimington versamax back um i haven't been shooting shotguns as much just because i was so high on that gun that when i sent it back it was kind of just back to the boring benelli but that's still a great shotgun and it works really well so hope you guys enjoyed the video i'm really impressed shotgun slugs never cease to amaze me it's just amazing the amount of power and energy that you're sending down range with a one ounce golf ball basically of lead so obviously they're always super devastating and today was no different let me know in the comments which slug that we shot today was your favorite i would have to say probably the federal true ball just because it's so proven and when we shot it in ballistics gel you can see that the wound cavity was about twice the size of any of the others but i think it's safe to say they would all do the job and there's really not a shotgun slug out there that isn't super deadly so with that said guys let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the video if you did as always please hit that like button for me i'd really appreciate it thank you all for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: 1ShotTV
Views: 13,939
Rating: 4.966054 out of 5
Keywords: 12ga, 12 gauge, 12 gauge shotgun, shotgun slugs, best shotgun slugs, 12 gauge vs 20 gauge, best pump shotgun, best shotgun ammo, shotguns for home defense, slugs vs buckshot
Id: f4yfx7gUIbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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