Best Shotgun Ammo For Home Defense ? ? ?

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well let me ask you a question have you ever walked out of a sporting goods store and ask yourself what have i done well i want to tell you last week i walked out of bass pro and i had spent six dollars a piece for some shotgun shells and if that wasn't bad enough i also spent eight dollars a piece for some more and in today's video we're going to talk about these tungsten shotgun shells as they might pertain to home defense you're going to want to stick around for this [Music] hi george here and welcome to tales from target suite where i'll share my perspective on guns and shooting and we'll spend some time at the range and every now and then we'll reconvene out in my shop back in houston or here at the farm in louisiana where i'll build some fun projects and we'll share an adventure or two that'll make even a grown man smile and yes in today's video we are going to talk about using tungsten based shotgun shells for home defense and i got to tell you i got the idea from one of my favorite youtube channels buffalo's outdoors and he posted a video a few months ago about using number nine shot 410 in a 410 for turkey hunting and the performance he got out of that number nine tungsten shot as i should have said the performance he got out of that number nine tungsten shot was really impressive and i'm gonna put a link in the description below and i'd encourage you guys once you're done here is to go check out that video and also check out his channel because he's a he's really a neat guy he's he's very knowledgeable about firearms he's a great marksman and a humble guy from kentucky and so i would encourage you to check out his channel as well okay to shoot this video so to speak i'm going to use my winchester model 120. it shoots three inch magnums or two and three quarter inch and we've got both here it's got an improved cylinder choke tube in it right now and we'll see how that performs with the tungsten and with the with the lead pellets the lead shot as well so i've got a new fixture set up right over here let's step down range and i'll show you the the fixture and we'll talk a little bit about the uh about the test setup so the first thing you got to ask is why tungsten and why do you care that it's heavier per volume and the answer is that that you can either use the same size tungsten pellet and you'll get more you'll get deeper penetration than with a lighter lead pellet of the same size or you can you can use a smaller tungsten pellet and get the same penetration that you would get with a um with a lead with lead shot and so that's the that's the premise and so with for for a home defense if you can get a denser pattern of of shot that's going to penetrate really well then i think that would be and you guys can let me know what you think in the comments but i think it would be a more effective home defense round so the more pellets that you can get without sacrificing downrange ballistics terminal ballistics the better off you are and so here's our fixture we've got we've got uh we've got eight panels of sheetrock two here two here two here two here and i can swap them out really quick and so the way the test is going to go is i'm gonna set up here just a second i'm gonna shoot i'm going to shoot one round of number six lead shot through the 12 gauge and we'll see how many um how how many panels of sheetrock we go through and then i'll replace those panels and i'll come back and i'll shoot the um the tungsten load that has number seven and number nine shot mixed in the wa in the shot column and we'll see how many sheetrock panels that goes through the densest tungsten shot that you can get is tungsten super shot and it has a density of 18 grams per for 18 grams per cubic centimeter and then the heavyweight shot that federal uses here in theirs has a density of 15 grams per cubic centimeter so with that said i'm going to load up one of the actually i'm going to load up one one of these guys this is lead shot number six and we'll see how far it penetrates our our test our test fixture see how many panels it penetrates okay i'll go check that out okay so this is the fifth panel and we went through uh we captured all of the pellets on the front side of the fifth panel none of the pellets made it through the side so the number six the number six lead pellets went through six panels now let me get reset up and we'll shoot the tungsten load through there here we go with the browning tungsten super shot number seven and the number nine pellets mixed there it is and i've got my uh i've got my my note 10 plus here and i'm going to try to set up some super slow-mo see if it'll pick up my the recoil because these guys have one and three-quarter inch of one and three-quarter ounce of shot that is a tremendous load of shot and so i want to show you how much it uh how much it recoils [Applause] we got it okay let me go down and i'll check those um count how many panels so we had uh we caught the uh the lead number number six pellets the lead pellets in the fifth in the sixth panel let's go let's see where the much smaller number seven and a half and number nine pellets get caught so let me run down there and check so there is our seventh panel and i'm not sure if you can see the pellets in there but actually a core of the pellets went through the seventh panel but they did not penetrate the eighth panel so the smaller lighter slower speed tungsten number seven and number nine pellets went um went through an additional panel uh completely through an additional panel into the install we're stopped at the eighth panel instead of being stopped at the seventh panel okay i'm gonna be totally transparent with you guys and let me take my earplugs out because i want to see what that sounds like um but when i was at bass pro and i had picked up several boxes of different boxes of the of the 20 gauge tungsten loads from federal and i was trying to decide which what i wanted to put in the video and when i wound up actually picking up and care walking out with was 12 gauge instead of 20 gauge i wound up with two and three quarter inch 12 gauge shells but it's a mistake i made and and so what i will do is since we've already since we have already tested the number six lead shot we're going to try the two and three quarter inch number six tungsten loads and so we'll compare number six to number six this is actually probably pretty good we'll compare number six tungsten two and three quarter inch shells to number six lead two and three quarter inch shells and we'll see what kind of difference there is okay well that's really interesting because the number six tungsten went through all eight sheetrock panels whereas the number six only went where it was stopped in the sixth panel and so golly uh we uh we we got a lot more energy out of the number six uh tungsten okay now let's get set up with the soft targets and um and see what we learned there because i think you're going to be surprised okay here's our soft target setup we've got a pretty good size watermelon here it's about uh about 13 inches front to back we've got two pieces of sheetrock and it's just backed up here by a water jug just to keep everything from falling off i don't think i don't know what we're going to go through but i think after we go through the watermelon we're going to be limited on how many pieces of sheetrock we can go through but you know what that's why we do a test so we can find out and i may be proved way way wrong but we're going to shoot the the number six lead shot through here first through the 12 gauge and then we're going to shoot the number seven and seven and number nine combo tungsten shot through a watermelon of almost identical size and we'll see if there's any difference in penetration through the soft target so let's get shooting first shot we're gonna take is gonna be with the number six two and three quarter inch 1300 feet per second and these are lead these are lead shot so let's see what the lead shot how the lead shot does going through going through the soft target okay let's go check it out okay i'm seeing some dents i'm seeing some dents from the lead pellets but the only place where there are any lead pellets embedded are up around the perimeter perimeter of the watermelon and so i would say that through the heart through the heart of the watermelon the lead pellets were stopped completely by by the watermelon so let's see what happens with the tungsten number seven and number nine well there's that piece of sheetrock and if you look close you can see the number seven and number nine pellets all went right here through the heart of that watermelon and embedded in the first surface of that piece of sheetrock now nothing went through the backside but the energy was enough to bust that sheetrock and so we have barely scratched the surface as you can tell of the potential for tungsten shot for home defense and i hope once things kind of open up and we can get our hands on some other uh options that we might revisit this i would really be interested to see what kind of devastation you could do with say number fours uh or number twos i think you can even get number twos in this in that in the uh tss 18 the 18 uh gram per cubic centimeter uh shot and so golly that would be um that would be really some something to take a look at the cost of the shells is is through the roof but for the application you're just not going to use very many of them and so i hope you enjoyed the video let me know what you think in the comments as always i look forward to some back and forth with you guys it's um it's kind of the part of the week i really look forward to making content of course i enjoy but the but the the time we get to to engage in the comments is really special to me and i appreciate it and so i hope you enjoyed the video and i'll see you next time so long and stay safe
Channel: Target Suite
Views: 8,470
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: shotgun ammo for home defense, home defense, tungsten shotgun shells turkey, 12 gauge, self defense, bird shot, 12 ga, shot gun, home defense shotgun ammo, tungsten turkey loads, tungsten turkey shot
Id: inPl-z6W9cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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