Leonardo AI Complete Tutorial - FREE AI Tool - Learn How to Use LeonardoAI for Print on Demand

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So in the last week or so I've been  playing around with this AI app which   is kind of like MidJourney. I really  like it. It's called Leonardo AI. In   this video I wanted to give you kind of a  full tutorial everything that I've learned,   how to use it and the pros and cons of  using it for print on demand. Let's go!! Hey everyone it's Juna with Detour Shirts.  Thanks for joining me on this video. In this   video I wanted to talk about an AI app that I  really like I've been doing using it for about   a week or so there's some pros and cons it's not  perfect but it's different than some of the other   ones you may have tried like mid-journey uh text  to image on canva and kiddo so I'm going to show   you some of the differences some of the things  that you can use on there the products that I   think you can put it on or use it for print  on demand and everything that I learned about   it I'm not a professional I haven't used it for a  very long time but I've learned a lot about it in   a week or so I'm going to show you step by step on  everything that I've done and on all the pros and   cons that I think for this Leonardo app so let's  get on the internet right now and I'll tell you   more about Leonardo AI all right so first things  first you're gonna need to log in or sign up for   Leonardo AI there it is Leonardo Ai and then you  can just put in your email get Early Access and   then you can see some of the cool cool things I  think this was made I'm not 100 sure but I think   it was made for gamers like people who build video  games so you can see um models uh potential models   like for gaming and stuff pixel gaming and as  far as environments and everything it's really   cool though so I'll show you some other things  that it does but just sign up here you'll get an   email and then you'll be able to log in and you  can see I'm already logged in so I had to do it   in Incognito but once you're logged in It's Gonna  you're gonna be able to launch the app and it's   not going to be in a Discord let me show you what  it looks like I I think the way they have it set   up is really cool so a lot of the popular AI text  to image ones like mid Journey have a Discord so   you can see this is mid Journey right here this  is another one called Blue Willow but they also   have a Discord where you type in like image prompt  and so on and Leonardo AI does have that but you   don't use the this to do your stuff so Leonardo  AI has its own site so this is it this is what I   really like about one of the things that I really  like about Leonardo AI is you don't have to be in   the Discord and scroll through all those things  you have your own personal one right here and let   me go on this left hand navigation bar and kind of  tell you each one what it does so first of course   the title here this one is 150 credits you get 150  credits every time every day it refreshes every   day and then you can upgrade that if that's not  enough but I'll click on here you can see there's   a 10 a month a 24 a month forty dollar a month  and those are if you want um that many tokens so   150 tokens I know I said credits but same thing  if you want more than 150 tokens every day you   can see this is 8 500 per month 25 000 a month  so these are for people that really want to use   this but if you just want to casually use it use  it for free I think this is a great way to do it   you can see the sizes are kind of the same the the  size of the files 768 by 768 it's all the same so   if you're not thinking about using more than 150  tokens a day every day I think free is great so   let's go back to Leonardo here next thing is home  I like this because it tells you all the different   featured models and we'll get into that and then  you can see kind of the top trending stuff so you   can kind of get a idea of what Leonardo can do  like look at some of these things it's amazing   it's like a painting here they also do drawings  they have line art stuff comic book this is really   cool it's like some Vector stuff and you can come  in here and like favorite it so if you really like   this you can click a heart and there's a place  where you can find your like stuff too which is   really cool so you can scroll down here and say  man I really want something like this for later   and what's cool about it is you can use this as a  prompt for what you want to do so pretty powerful   all right so home was the next thing a Community  Feed kind of the same thing that we just saw in   home but of course you can go down here and  click through game assets you can see which   ones are scaled uh which ones are just added  new some really cool stuff and then of course   the top ones I think people who hearted it  the most right who has the most Hearts so   um the next thing is personal feed so this is my  personal feed the things that I've done every time   you do want to just puts it here and then the like  feed you saw that I just like some of these things   so it comes on my feed right here and these are  the things I scrolled through them before and I   really like these stuff so I'm kind of saving it  for later maybe I want to do this style maybe I   want to do something in this style and so on and  then my followers feed so you can actually follow   people too and so I'm following these people that  I found that do some really cool stuff just to   see what new new things that they've done okay  next thing is training and data sets actually   haven't done this but I'm guessing this is how  you can learn how to do it I just went in and   did it fine-tuned models so these are like on the  home page these are the different model sets that   there are so there's kind of like kiddo in a way  where they kind of tell you this one's going to   be a kawaii style or this one's going to be a  pixel style or whatever these are kind of kind   of different styles as a way to look at it so  you can click on each one of these and kind of   get an example of what it can do so this is the  Leonardo diffusion one click here view more and   you can kind of scroll down on like oh okay  so this one does all of these kinds of stuff   right and then you can come back up and then go  back to the user model again and do it with any   any one of these you can see oh cute characters  what what can I do with cute characters view more   and do that kind of stuff so if you really like  this you can click on here and say generate a   generate with this model you know and I will  go into that later okay so fine-tuned models we   have all of these uh there's the platform models  there's the community models there's your models   and favorite models so I haven't favorited a model  and I haven't used any of these I've only used the   platform ones kind of the base the next thing  here is IA image generation so this is kind of   where you generate your images so you don't have  to put in that image slash image like you do on   the Discord you can just type in your prompt here  and then use the different models that we talked   about so you can do that and you can do a Leonardo  style too or do some of these other things I'll go   over some of these in a little bit let's go back  and finish that left hand now for the last things   here is AI canvas beta so this is kind of like  a low version of Photoshop in here you can kind   of do some things you know draw a mask around  erase some things or or do some other things   in here I hardly use this I think what it comes  out with is great and I can always go out and   edit my stuff in photo P or Affinity designer or  whatever so I don't I don't use this personally   so rounding out the top things are our settings  here so I've just picked art is my interest but   you can see some other people do some other things  and then fax and help this is something I wanted   to show you so FAQs who owns the content generated  using Leonardo AI so you can see here if we scroll   says the user of Leonardo AI platform you own all  the content you generate using the platform can I   use this in commercial purposes yes you can  use it for commercial purposes this applies   to the images created by free users too so even  if you have a free account you can use those so   that's it so obviously you can use this for  commercial the only thing is we saw that it   was just a little smaller so let me do one so  you can see how this works so there's a couple   of ways that I like doing it first I can just  come in here and use image generation tool and   just type in things that I want or I can go back  out here and this is what I've done a lot is I   come in here and I find something that I want  to do so I click on this one and if I want to   do something in this style you can see I can do  copy prompt or I can do image to image so it will   put in that image and kind of copy this image and  the prompt together so let me do that you can see   it's using this model too it tells you what model  it's using and all of the prompt details let me do   this I'm just going to do image damage so you can  see how powerful this thing is so click on here   you can see the image is down here now and then  it automatically puts it in here the The Prompt   so I don't have to type it now I can come in and  change it so you can see this is a cat playing   a guitar or a tiger playing at Guitar so I can  change this from baby tiger to let's say rabbit   or maybe a cat or dog let's do dog dog playing  electric guitar okay so I can generate up to four   images here I'm just gonna do one so you can  see it but I could click four and generate   four and then you can see the size of it  is 10 24 so I'm going to click on 1024 here   and then I could do tiling but that's more for  like patterns and we can get into patterns and   let's see I'm not going to go over all of this  but this is really basic I'm just going to hit   generate and you can see within 20 seconds it's  going to generate something that hopefully looks   like this but now it's a dog right and it  should be this style because I'm using this   image to image to kind of prompt it what to what  to draw and I have all the things on here so let's   see what it comes up with yeah so you can see here  how it looks almost exactly the same as this right   so if I take out this image let's do that  and then try it again let's see what happens   so this time it doesn't have the image to  go off of it only has the prompt so let's   see if it does something a little different uh  sometimes it gets really different and we'll see   yeah so now you can see it's facing a different  way there's using different colors and stuff it's   not it doesn't have the image to go off of so it  has something totally different so really fun and   uh you can change this to a vector so let me  show you some of the things that I've saved   now now that you can see how I do it I'm going to  talk to you about some of the things that I think   you can use this for in print on demand so I'm  going to go back and show you my personal feed things that I've generated you can see once  you've generated it it puts it in kind of   your library oh yeah and it uses those  tokens here so I start with 150 each day   each of these cost two and you can do one more  thing you can upscale it so let me go in here   and you can see I can do a creative upscale  so you can see right here if I like the way   it does this but maybe I want it just a little  bit crisper a little bit finer I can come in   here hit creative upscale you can see it that's  going to cost me five tokens but let's just do it   and it's not going to show you what it's when  we come back we're going to see that and then   we can also do remove background which costs  two tokens if I want to remove it from the   background and just use it that way we'll come  back and look at the creative up skill later   so you can see some of these things are really  small like this one is only 10 24 by 1024 which   is not big enough to put on a t-shirt but I think  these can make really good stickers so if you want   to come out and like cut around these things these  can make some really good stickers on Redbubble   another thing I think you could do is something  like a vector so if you have this right here   for stickers now this is a vector you could make  this bigger cutting it out and using a vectorize   app that I'm going to show you later that you  can take all of this make it a vector and then   scale it so I'll show you that um but let's  let's finish up here this one would be really   cool for posters this could be a vector too  you can use that vectorize app by making this   a vector and making it really big it could also  be great on t-shirts um let's see what else am I   saving here okay so obviously stickers again  cut out this could be a really cool t-shirt   right uh cut it out make it a vector make it  bigger oh one more thing I think would really   do well oh of course two more things patterns  I said you can do the tiling so come in here   type out your prompt for patterns make sure you  click on that tiling and this could be put on all   kinds of things things like blankets and pillows  and iPhone cases or phone cases shower curtains   all those kinds of things so patterns I haven't  gotten into that if you want a video on how to do   patterns I can show you that this will be a really  long video If I put it all together and lastly let   me go my like feed oh yeah here so these could  be really cool coloring books right you got the   black and white I haven't done one myself that's  why I wasn't in there but these are the ones that   I liked you could do that as a coloring book  check this out some of these other ones there's   another pattern that somebody else did um coloring  books right really cool for KDP if you did that   here's another one imagine that things like  this for a coloring book it would be so cool   again you can vectorize these things and then  you can scale them right so let me show you   um one where you can vectorize let me  download one of these so any of these   you can download even somebody else's one if  you wanted to let's let's go back to mine here foreign so I'm going to pick this one  it's really kind of complex I hope it   works so you can see here just to show you  how it works so I'm gonna download this   and then I'm going to save image as  and let me just do a isometric design boom okay so that's going to be on my desktop  the vectorize app that I want to show you is   called vectorize AI all right so here I am  vectorize AI right there all you have to do   and it's totally free just grab the thing  that you downloaded so I have mine here   isometric design I'm going to drag it into  here boom all right it's going to take a   while to think about it as I'll show you what it  looks like after but it's going to automatically   do it for you don't have to do anything but  it's going to take a little while there you   go vectorize result and the original image right  so now I can download the vectorize result I'll   check this out I'm going to hit download and I'm  going to bring it into Affinity designer and I'm   going to be able to scale it color it everything  it's going to be a SVG all right so here I am in   Affinity designer you can see I brought it in  it's a SVG from that vectorized look at that so   what what this means is that I can scale it up so  right now if I go in here and I go document size   artboard um I'm going to change this to  let's see so you can see right now it   is 1024 by 1024 right that's the size that was  on of Leonardo but if I change this to uh 4500 by 5400 and scroll out I can see that is so much smaller but guess what  it's a SVG so I can make this as big as I want   now I can put this on a t-shirt now I can make  this a poster right and it's scaled up so it's   still really crisp and clean I can change the  colors on it too if I want to like maybe I don't   want this color I wanted black or wanted whatever  it's SVG I can do whatever I want so you can do   that with anything you can remove the background  that's like take that out there's a background   right so when you export it now you have no  background this can do well on a black T-shirt   let's say the what does this look like on a black  T-shirt oh that looks really cool or what does it   look like on a red t-shirt there you go right but  then when you export it make sure you export it   with no background and then it looks really cool  right so you can do this with anything on there   uh anything that works in a vector any of those  3D models won't work on the vector stuff but if   you do any of those other ones on there like these  stickers uh the the coloring books and anything   like that I think you'll do really well with  the vectors now so that's kind of my plan going   using Leonardo is to do Vector art on there for  the bigger stuff some of the 3D stuff is really   cool and I think they'll make really good stickers  but they won't be able to scale like that anytime   you scale any of those things it'll get a lot more  pixelated because it's pixels not vectors only way   you're going to be able to scale it is if you make  Vector so you're gonna have to pick and choose   which ones you like on there so some of the pros  and cons that I wanted to talk about with Leonardo   so first the pros so I think it's great that it  has its own app that it's not in Discord because   now you can focus on your own thing instead of  watching a Discord go up and down it's really   easy to understand within a few hours I was able  to know what to do here and then there's a lot of   prompts and different things and I'm sure there's  lots of tutorials on there too and lastly I think   the big selling point is you get 150 tokens every  day for free so right now I would take advantage   of that that may change in the future but you can  do lots of different things with 150 so it only   took like two tokens to make one of these and then  if you wanted to upscale oh upscale let's look at   the upscales that we did okay here's the upscaled  image and here is the original image original   upscale so you can see it's just a little so you  can see just a little finer here original kind of   more jaggedy and then if you like that style I  think that's great and an upscale kind of kind   of cleans it up right so you can do that with  anything you can upscale it again too and you   can remove the background on this too if you want  to but honestly with the vectorize AI that you can   do remove the background so I wouldn't waste  your tokens on that unless you using it for   a sticker or something else all right um what  are the cons of this so it sounds really good   to be good to be true well we went over some of  the cons some of the cons is the size right 1024   was the biggest size so that's not really going  to fit on a t-shirt for some of these Sometimes   some of these come out with like double eyes  so I let me show you what I mean oh here's one   so look you can see there's an i in here but  there's also eyes in there so and fingers like   multiple fingers and they're kind of gross right  so it doesn't really understand some of that you   have to put those in like make sure it has five  fingers and five toes and things like that um so   that's kind of a con uh here's another one with  lots of toes looks kind of weird and two eyes so   um that's one of a con uh thing for Leonardo but  overall it does really good like some of this is   like photorealistic like that's really cool right  oh and it's very random it's kind of hit and miss   so sometimes you get good ones sometimes you  get bad ones so lastly I think and this goes   for all AI is they could be a lot of copycats  so you could come in here and I could come in   here and go to the Community Feed right where  things aren't mine and I can say I want to use   this and that doesn't stop anybody from doing it I  could come in here and download this right now see   um hit download right here I can download the  image and use it as my own even though I didn't   make it it's like a community thing so if you're  gonna do something like that um just be aware   that people can copy it maybe you want to change  the color or something like or just make yours a   little bit different the chances of that happening  is really low because everybody can just do their   own thing but if it's on this top page on here you  know if it makes it on here where people like it   a lot and a lot of eyeballs on it then you might  get more copycat so that's it that's everything I   know about Leonardo AI so far I've only been using  it for a week but you can see it's super powerful   some of those designs on there some of those  models um looks really um lifelike realistic those   3D ones the ones I did of the animals with the  sunglasses and stuff so cool and then you can see   it does other stuff too like patterns and drawings  and things like that so play around with it super   powerful I think it can help you in your print on  demand business and then use that vectorize AI if   there's anything else that you want to learn about  Leonardo AI let me know in the comments if you've   used it before I know some tips and tricks that  I didn't cover put that in the comments as well   thanks again for watching if you want to see some  other AI videos you can see this one right here   with like where I go over kiddo AI I do a tutorial  of that one as well so have fun with this thanks   for watching and as always guys keep creating  and keep learning I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 73,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, online entrepreneurship, passive income, selling tshirts, selling online, side hustle, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai prompts, leonardo ai, ai tutorial, ai tutorial for beginners, artificial intelligence, ai art generator, ai art generator free, ai art generator app, ai art generator tutorial, ai for print on demand, ai art for print on demand, ai print on demand business, ai artificial intelligence, leonardoai, midjourney alternative, ai art
Id: mw5Au6DloZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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