5 Easy GROUND BEEF Budget Mexican DINNER IDEAS | Tasty Mexican Food Cooking Recipes Compilations

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you don't have to spend a lot of money to have dinner ready in less than 30 minutes I hope you enjoy the next five dinner ideas and let us know in the comments what's your favorite week night [Music] drink this rice is super easy to make all you have to do is place your pot on a medium heat add 1 tbsp of oil add your clean rice and continue until it's nice and toasted once it's nice and toasted you're going to go ahead and add some salt Mexican oregano your water quantity as suggested on your package and your vinegar give that a loving mix and cook until it's ready you'll need 8 to 10 potatoes peel your potatoes and slice them into rounds place them in the microwave for 10 to 12 minutes and place a damp paper towel over your potatoes to avoid oxidation I'm using 10 Panos and I'm going to roast them until they're nice and charred once I get my Panos nice and charred I'm going to place them into a container so that they can sweat making it easier for us to peel the skin off once you remove all the skin from your Balano Peppers you want to make sure to remove the stems and the seeds and once you're done with that you're going to place them right into your blender and remember to save two of them because we're going to need some for our filling and also for our topping once you add your Panos you're going to add a big bunch of cilantro about how many stems about 50 and if you want some added spice you can add some sanos or jalapenos 15 oz of Crema Fresca 1 and 1/2 cups of Warm Water 2 tbspoon of chicken bullion a handful of your favorite melty cheese you can use mozzarella gahaka Chihuahua you name it so long as it can melt you're going to add a handful and now we're going to blend until smooth and boom done let's go cook our beef place your pan on a medium heat and add about one tblspoon of oil next you're going to add your ground beef and this is what I do when I forget to Tha my ground beef I tend to place it on the pan just like this and I was supposed to show you guys this last summer but we got busy things happen life and turn it over and I scrape and the parts that I scrape off are the ones that I start mashing down just like this it reminds me of when parents used to say hey take out the ground beef before they got home from work uhhuh and you forgot to take out the ground beef take it easy on the teenagers if it's ground beef if it's chicken then we're going to have to talk to them those sweeties are busy they have a lot going on they really do I pray for them school isn't easy you know the social aspect of it can cause anybody's stress so be Gent gentle and kind to your kids especially they come home with those red eyes from the lights oh my gosh those used to give me such a horrible headache or the Hungry Eyes coming out of the bus yep coming off the bus yep hungry eyes and I'm just going to continue to do the same thing uh with this ground beef until it's all crumbly like this on the side and we're just about done breaking down the frozen ground beef and not too worry it's not going to be overly dried or overly cooked we're going to season this to Perfection if you like ground cumin go ahead and add 1 teaspoon of ground cumin one teaspoon of garlic powder 1 teaspoon of onion powder 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of black pepper add one of your roasted Fano Peppers give that a loving mix and continue to cook for another minute to a minute and a half and boom done time to assemble our casserole and if you have one of these cool spoons you can use that instead of a fork for your rice look at that keep it nice and fluffy just like me that's a is that a pasta spoon I believe it is it's a rice spoon now it's now a rice spoon place a little bit of your sauce at the bottom of your baking dish oh I went a lot that's okay I've never seen you sample a sauce so many times like this one I'm like with this sauce I'm acting like you did with the chicken one hey hey hey place your corn tortillas right here at the bottom and you can use flour tortillas just make sure that you toast them a little bit before you place them at the bottom of your baking dish yeah that fits a lot better add your rice and our oregano rice came out so good today I mean it's always good but something about it today was just like hey I'm going to show up for this casserole and not that anyone's counting but you also have spoonfuls of that Rice hush Cloud hush don't embarrass me in front of our friends I'm usually the one carrying spoons in my pocket for taste testing everything yeah I think a lot of you are going to be amazed with this casserole today you know when every single flavor of your casserole just shines on its own that's exact exactly what this casserole does this one will help you get a star in your casserole mom badge yeah you're going to be Award winner soon sprinkle about two handfuls of cheese you don't have to be too heavy for this layer next you're going to add your layer of your ground beef some of you might want to use your taco seasoning for the ground beef and I'm going to say for this casserole try not to but if that's all you have go ahead and then when you get a chance to make it this way um I think you're going to understand the difference now I'm going to add a little bit more of our sauce just enough to cover all of your ingredients and have a spoon ready because if you're just going to pour it in you're going to run out of sauce and we need some for later and now you're going to layer your beautifully cooked potatoes you might find that some of them have a little bit of oxidation not to worry we're human it happens they're potatoes so just flip it over oo that's hot next you're going to pour your sauce and be careful because you don't want to overflow but you do want to make sure that every single potato is coated with your sauce and next you want to layer a lot of cheese you're going to need anywhere from 3 to four cups of cheese total for this recipe as I mentioned earlier you wanted to save two poano Peppers one for your filling and then one to sprinkle over the top they're just thin little strips then you just want to decorate next next you're going to place your casserole in your oven for 45 minutes at 380° the last 15 minutes of your bake time you want to remove the foil and continue to bake until everything's nice and gooey I have a little bit of sauce left over and I'm going to use it so to your hot pan you're going to add 2 tbspoon of butter once your butter melts you're going to add the remaining sauce give that a loving mix to fully combine your ingredients and you're going to continue to cook for 5 to 6 minutes on a medium low heat and this sauce is going to help us play our casserole beautifully you guys are going to feel like you're fine dining we like a good experience and you're going to experience that today Cloud all right and boom done our casserole is ready and boom done who's ready for a bite I'm going to need somebody very special to say uh you wanted that piece I've had a lot careful allow your casserole to rest at least 10 to 15 minutes before you serve it is very hot but we can't resist so we're going in wow this is a great casserole because it's both filling and flavorful I hope that you guys enjoy this as much as our family does after our family's festivities we tend to have some salsa ver the left over and I love to save a little bit so that I can make salsa Vera spaghetti but if you didn't have a chance to save your salsa Vera that's okay we're going to get started by boiling T tomatillos 1/4 of an onion and two jalapeno peppers continue to boil your ingredients until they're nice and soft and once your ingredients are nice and soft you're going to place all of them in a blender and you're going to add a small bunch of cilant half a tablesp of chicken bullion and you're going to blend until smooth and boom done as for your spaghetti you just want to cook it and follow the directions on the box make sure to save one cup of your pasta water next we're going to cook our beef so you want to place your pan on a medium heat and drizzle a little bit of olive oil we're going to sauté our onions for about 3 to 4 minutes until they're nice and translucent next you're going to going add three minced garlic cloves that a quick loving mix add 1 and 1/2 lbs of ground beef you're going to add some Cracked Pepper and about half a teaspoon of salt once you fully combine your ingredients you're going to continue to cook your beef on a medium heat until everything is fully cooked once your ground beef is fully cooked you're going to add your salsa ver I'm going to add about 3/4 of the cup of our pasta water I'm going to shake it up and pour it right in oh that smells delicious go ahead and give that a loving mix then you're going to add one tblspoon of Mexican oregano and if you don't have Mexican oregano I usually say don't use it but on this one even if you have the Italian one use it it's going to taste so good okay we're going to continue to cook our ingredients for 10 more minutes and boom done we're ready to serve you can drizzle a little bit OFA fresa over the top G on the top garnish with a little cilantro I'm going to need somebody very special to say ah hello and welcome back today we're making a no fuss crunchy beefy dinner just make sure to have at least one pound of ground beef and your favorite taco seasoning place your burner on a medium high heat and add one tbspoon of lard or your favorite oil add your ground beef and start breaking it down I'm going to add two tpoon of Kinder taco seasoning it's my favorite one it just it tastes like coms so good and break it down some more with that seasoning M it's already starting to smell so good in this house you want to continue to cook for another 4 to 6 minutes and boom done our ground beef is ready you're going to take your tostal going to add some beans to it add your desired amount of ground beef some salsa some wakao place it right over the top freshly shredded lettuce Mexican cheese blend delicious P Deo and your choice of Crema Fresca or sour cream I'm going to need somebody very special to say uh and there you have it a quick and easy dinner giving you more time to enjoy your family look away because this is about to get really dangerous no so War that's absolutely delicious now let's get this recipe on the road by grinding 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds and I'm going to be using my Mr coffee grinder it's not just for grinding coffee it's for grinding some delicious spices and now you're just going to pulse and give it a nice little '90s grind let's start seasoning our ground beef you're going to add your ground cumin 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon of salt half a tblsp of olive oil and now you want to combine and mix all your ingredients for those of you that are curious as to what kind of beef I'm using today I'm using 8515 and once you're done combining your ingredients you're going to go ahead and set this to the side you're going to need two garlic cloves and all you want to do is peel your garlic chop it it up and mince it nicely now if you don't have time to chop your garlic that's okay you can substitute with one teaspoon of garlic powder and once you're done mincing you're going to set your garlic to the side next you're going to chop your cabbage if you have a small cabbage you're going to need to use the whole thing and if you have a large cabbage just go ahead and chop half of it and what I like to do I place it on its side and I start chopping this part doesn't have to be too fine because when you're eating this with your ground beef you want a good bite you don't have to be perfect for this particular cabbage and that's why this recipe is one of the family favorites the best ratio for this particular recipe would be 50% ground beef and 50% cabbage now if you need to stretch it go ahead and add more cabbage promise you nobody's going to complain about this particular recipe and the best part is that it's super easy to make and now it's time to get to cooking place your burner on a medium heat and drizzle about one teaspoon of olive oil to that olive oil you're going to add your garlic and you're going to sauté for a good 30 seconds M that smells delicious these little simple steps in cooking really make a difference next you're going to add your ground beef and you're going to continue to cook and break down for a good 4 minutes the Aromas coming out of this kitchen are absolutely Divine some of you are going to want to get excited and add more seasonings in here I suggest that you don't learn how to eat simple this is a very simple recipe that's going to save your life at some point when everybody's really hungry in your home so don't add anything the only thing you should be adjusting is your salt so once you've cooked your ground beef and you see a little bit of that frothiness at the bottom you're going to add your cabbage place your favorite lid over your cabbage I don't have a favorite lid for my cast iron so bear with me and then you're going to place your lid on the top and you're going to let your cabbage welt down so in 4 minutes we're going to come and and we're going to mix everything up and after those four minutes you're just going to combine your ingredients place your Pan on a medium low low and continue to cook for another 4 minutes and boom done our dinner is ready to serve and make sure when you're serving this recipe with beans that your beans are nice and thin and smooth that way it's easier for your body to digest you can add a little bit of quo Fresco to your beans and boom done who's ready for a bite I'm going to need somebody very special to say a and boom done an easy and simple dinner that your whole family is going to love what I love about this recipe is that it usually takes me less than 20 minutes to do it from the rice to the ground beef and cabbage and even our beans M this is the kind of dinner that always gets my family asking for seconds so you guys are warned that's so good as always cloud and I are wishing you the best we have I absolutely adore you and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow bye OS and my favorite way to enjoy this particular recipe is by adding a little bit of soy sauce to my rice and over my ground beef and cabbage and for spice I like some CH penis it doesn't taste the same if I don't add those two ingredients so I hope that you guys like my take on this particular recipe for today's isalo you're going to need 1 to two pounds of ground beef and if you don't have ground beef you can use ground chicken so go ahead and add one teaspoon of ground cumin your desired amount of black pepper I'm just hoping it lands in that bowl it did Big in that big bowl in that big bowl and you can find the acrylic spice containers in our Amazon storefront and the link is in the description area and now we're pinning it for you so just look in the comments it's going to be the first one so go ahead and add half a chopped onion wo i w want it to shine your friends are here they're here for me drizzle about half a tablespoon of olive oil or whatever oil you have at home and combine all your ingredients what kind of olive oil are you using I've never seen that bottle before don't tease I run out of our favorite olive oil and I have this one from Costco and I don't know how I feel about it oh that's why you're not showing us no I I can't but I'm going to finish using it I have a whole bottle to go don't worry use Pub I'll sneak a peek and tell you on tomorrow's episode what it is I'm going to have to start mailing it out hiding it put duct tape on it I'm going to have to infuse it with some some Bea seasonings o that sounds good and once you're done combining your ingredients go ahead and set it to the side I pre- soaked about nine Chile wos in hot water and you just want to let them soak in there until they get nice and soft or you can use the boiling method what takes about the same amount of time going use a little bit of this water so we can blend you want to add two roasted tomatoes and two roasted garlics and for those of you that like Spice in your food you can add some Chile and that's going to be up to you because I've been known to make really spicy salsa to the point where my family doesn't want to talk to me that happened to me recently thanks for the warning little girl you got me good and now you're going to blend until smooth and boom done amles place your burner on a medium heat and drizzle a little bit of oil and then you're going to add your ground beef and the reason I'm using my hands to put the beef in it's because um it's authentic that way I'm just kidding you're able to crumble up that meat yeah you wash your hands a lot and I'm grateful for that I've counted one time how many times I washed my hands and it was like 25 or something girl well cuz you're always in the kitchen that's right continue to cook your ground beef on that Medium heat for another four to 5 minutes and just start breaking down your ground beef once you fully cooked your ground beef you're going to go ahead and add your pre-cooked potatoes and if you like Teese the microwave you can chop up your potatoes and cook them for 8 minutes or you can boil them for about 10 to 12 minutes add your Blended chili sauce I'm going to use about a cup and a half of water to shake off all the excess chili we're going to pour it right on in 1 to 2 tbspoon of chicken bullan and 1 tbspoon of Mexican oregano combine all your ingredients and continue to cook until you see that your sauce is thicken up a little bit that should be anywhere from 13 to 15 minutes okay amigos we are all done here I like my gado a bit Saucier because I like to dip my tortillas usually but for those of you that don't want it so Saucy just use a little bit of less water and I'll leave the suggestions in the description area but we are ready to serve and make make this burrito I'm going to warm up our flour tortilla if you guys need a recipe I have a lot here on YouTube look at these on the road tortillas I try to help you differently in each one they all have tips to your tortilla you want to add your favorite beans today I'm using pork beans and I'll link it in the description area Mexican rice the star of the show and I like my buritos this way with some cheddar and boom done who's ready for a bite and I'm just going to show you another way you can plate this gadle today I'm making an orange AWA frisa and in order to enhance the flavor you're going to need to use at least one mandarin orange and the brand doesn't matter I know that you guys have some cuties hiding in the refrigerator that will do for this recipe let's start by slicing our oranges you're going to need to make two cups of fresh orange juice and if you don't have access to fresh oranges you're going to need two cups of your favorite orange juice although I definitely suggest that when you get a chance to get some fresh oranges you try it this way and then you're going to start juicing your oranges if you're you're using the Sumo Citrus let me tell you you might not want to make juu with all of them but it definitely will add so much flavor to this recipe and you can tell them apart because they have a bumpy skin and any kind of orange or Citrus that has a bumpy skin is my favorite even men with creater faces yes very handsome too I'm not kidding I'm really serious I find it very very attractive with acne scarring with acne scarring just beautiful the total amount of oranges that you're going to need for this recipe is going to be any from 4 to 6 it really depends on how juicy your oranges now if you have a lot of kids in the house you want to keep these because you can make little sorbet in here you can put your Jell-O in here and your little raspal for the summer time to keep them nice fresh and calm because you know the kids get really hyper and it's going to be a hot season and yes it's an Nowa Fresca we're going to add some sugar so you have choices you can either keep it natural and don't add any sugar you can add 1/4 of a cup of sugar or you can choose your favorite sugar alternative if you're watching your sugars or if you put sugar either or you'll be able to pick and adjust and make it comfortable for your home go ahead and add your sugar to your pitcher your two cups of orange juice and you're going to give that a loving mix for about a minute during this time you can be chatting you can be you can just think of how happy your family is going to be to drink this orange AWA frisa I don't know if we're going to be happier than you I don't know I don't know you can try oh we can't match it right now once you're done combining your ingredients you're going to add eight cups of water give that another loving mix and remember this is not orange juice it's orange aaesa you can drink this straight away just add a little bit of ice to your cup or for best flavor you can leave in your refrigerator overnight to get nice and cold now I'm going to need somebody very special to say ah as always cloud and I are wishing you the best we absolutely adore you and let us know in the comments when was the last time you had an orange AA Fresca and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow [Laughter] bye guys kle just asked me if I think Scar from The Lion King was handsome and I said yeah he's handsome but I don't like him I really thought you were going to ask me about the guy from uh Greece no girl I'm immature and for those of you that don't like the pulp using one of these is going to make your life so much easier I'm a fan I'm obsessed with this citrus juicer so go ahead and make fun of me in the comments about it
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 76,036
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Keywords: mexican coooking, google food compilations, ai food compilations, mexican dinner recipes, food compilation, mexican food recipes, mexican food compilations, mexican food dinner recipe compilations, views on the road, mexican food recipe easy, ground beef recipes, dinner ideas, long videos to help you sleep, relaxing videos for anxiety, million views recipes, long videos to watch, food, tasty, mexican food making, mexican ground beef recipes, mexican near me, budget meals
Id: gjl13iuqCbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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