6 Easy Mexican CHICKEN BUDGET DINNER IDEAS | Tasty Mexican COOKING Recipes Dinner Compilations

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hello and welcome back Amigos I eat whatever I'm crav you can place it in a regular crock pot there something else clouds engag you guys so you're going to add your desired amount of whiskey how many shops was that don't worry about it oh you're trying to use your oven friends you know it's a Mexican household keep extra dishes in the oven it's like sex in the C she used to keep uh her sweaters and her cashmere uh we keep pants I love it you guys should know that Ras mean slices right ra uhhuh and then you can also say in in Mexican culture not which means don't quit so don't quit while you're head oh I like that I think everybody that remembers U me doing mukbang remembers when I used to tell them if you have a single you know a family member or whatever make sure to help them making uh dinner picking up the kids at school good looking out now I'm the single Mama hello and welcome today I'm going to be showing you how to make some quick and easy chicken tacos and the fun doesn't stop there Amigos I'm going to show you how to make that refreshing drink y'all been asking me about on Instagram [Music] [Music] today I'm going to show you how to make creamy chicken and potatoes for this recipe you're going to need three chicken breasts and you want to slice your chicken breast Into Thin little strips like this align all your chicken strips and just slice them in half and I'm going to continue slicing the remaining chicken the same way once you're done slicing your chicken into strips go ahead and add 2 tbspoon of baking soda and what that's going to do is going to give us a tender piece of chicken and it's also going to eliminate odor to your blender you want to add your heavy whipping cream and if you don't have heavy whipping cream make it comfortable for your home that is correct Cloud thank you for helping our friends out next you want to add your chicken broth or your chicken bullan and warm water combo which ends up being the same thing with extra flavor garlic Chipotle and your ground cumin next we are going to blend until smooth and boom done I rinsed our chicken and I made sure to pat dry and remove all the excess water next you want to add your salt and combine next you're going to combine your flour and corn starch mixture and add half at a time we just want to coat all of our chicken uh evenly but you don't want to overdo it so depending on the size of your chicken you're going to need about uh 1/4 of a cup or 1/3 of a cup and once you're done make sure to clean your area and clean your hands I'm going to start a pot of boiling water so we can start boiling our potatoes and then we're going to move on to the chicken to your pot of boiling water you want to add your potatoes and be very careful I don't want to burn yourself as you Splash me and I just want you to boil these potatoes for about 8 minutes you want them to be a little bit alente not fully cooked because we are going to be straining them and adding them to our um our delicious pot that we're going to get started on right now set your burner on a medium high heat and add your desired amount of oil you're going to need enough so that we can sear our chicken allow about 30 seconds for your oil to get warm and add your butter let your butter do a dance in the pan that way you don't burn it and combining your butter and your oil you prevent the butter from burning oh yeah and next you want to start adding your pieces of chicken make sure not to crowd your chicken so that we can get a really good Sear work your pan little by little once you start getting a Good Steer you can move some of your chicken to the side and then you can start adding the remaining pieces and we're going to be here for about I want to say 6 to 7 Minutes next you want to add your onions we're going to add our potatoes and our sauce to our cast iron and to our blender we still have a little bit of sauce stuck so I'm going to add about 3/4 of a cup of water I'm going to shake it up you didn't tell me it was going to smell this good in here it's so good right mhm that garlic really comes through and you want to pour it right on in go ahead and mix your ingredients gently once you're done combining your ingredients set your burner on a low temperature and we're going to continue to cook without a lid for 15 more minutes and after 15 minutes we are all done what I like to do is I like to sprinkle a little bit of cilantro over the top for a garnish and also for flavor and boom done amles our delicious dinner is served I'm going to need somebody very special to say ah oo the Lioness came to work today it's called humidity it just jumps up and grabs you no matter where you're at I have a trivia question for you if it's hot and humid what do you eat Ohi yes I eat whatever I'm craving same weight I really do friends everything in this plate is so soft and tender the chicken is cooked to Perfection with so much flavor you're going to love it ooh you know the flavors are sealed in the chicken and look at how easily it can cut through so yummy and you want to take some of that broth with you right mhm you need you need some extra sauce for sure so so it can be best friends with the rice it's a must mhm yummy and if you don't have red potatoes that's the best for this dish use gold or rusted potatoes it's going to work out and what if I don't have chicken but I have everything else mhm okay but this chicken is a showstopper it really is you have to try it friends sorry about my eating yesterday with the tacos I didn't mean to offend anybody it's just that when it's me and Tacos it gets really intimate and we're eating here in my home with friends so that's how I enjoy tacos and I enjoy food maybe the person or the people were not familiar with the taco rule you must finish your taco in less than three bites mhm M let us know how many bites it takes you to finish one single tle yeah let us know and for this chicken you guys are going to really love this recipe cuz you can take a lot of chicken and season it sear it the way that I showed you and fully sear it and cook it and then let it cool and and freeze it so that whenever you add it to your Pan the next day or 2 weeks later it's super easy to make this dish it freezes well just make sure to fully cook it and even if you were to not cook it and coat it with the with the flour and your seasonings um it'll it'll still work how do I know because it's a lifesaver the texture of this chicken is fabulous and it's not spicy m there's no Spice in here unless you want more spice and if you really like your food spicy I suggest you add a whole can of Chipotle instead of just one little po but I have a lot of family members right now that can't handle spice for some reason you sound like you have some experience you said the full can mhm and if you guys like this combination of chicken let me know in the comments and I'll make another dish um similar to this but just change it up just a little bit I have a feeling that everybody watching is going to end up making this recipe it's always the Stewie or the gados that um families end up loving the most right yes this is a very very special dish and I think you guys are going to make it famous just like you've made a lot of our dish is famous so thank you guys so much and I hope you enjoy and that you feel loved and cared for by cloud and I we love you kids and I mean all of you hope you have a nice weekend and now I'm going to mix the rice with all this sauce and I'm going to have to get more ooh so yummy in today's episode my beautiful sister is going to show you how to make your favorite comfort dish but transform it into enchiladas it's the season for it you're not doing hello and welcome to my kitchen Amigos I'm not just going to Raha with you I'm going to show you how to make Raa enchiladas and this is probably the easiest recipe that we have on the channel and what we have to do is roast our polanos which I've shown you plenty of times here on the channel and if you guys don't know how to do that I'll link a video in the description area now let's start Ras Rando preparing your Ras yes the cloud yes prepare your Ras let's prepare we got a slice you guys ready to slices I'm ready well I mean you guys should know that Ras mean slices right ra uhhuh and then you can also say say in in Mexican culture not which means don't quit so don't quit while your head oh I like that slice and you want them to be not too thin and not too thick but you can always make it comfortable for your home continue to slice your poblano chili we're going to use this portion for our enchiladas and this portion we're going to use for the topping that we're going to need so 80% of the peppers are going into the in chilas and 20% is for the topping yes so make sure to set this little part of your rahas to the side nice one take your Bano that we set to the side and we're just going to finely chop watch your nuggies yeah but I usually dip them in sweet and sour oh good know what you've been doing I know been bad that floral Aroma that you get from roasted poblanos is just absolutely amazing you guys know what I'm talking about but for those of you that want just a quick light snack you can put a little bit of salt and lemon over these and just enjoy them as a as a snack while you're watching your Netflix or your favorite programs like FES on the road hey wow you put it in there I put it in there guys take your tortilla and place it into some oil and all we're doing is softening our tortillas so that they're easier to roll okay Mom show us what you got crack your cans open and I'm just going to pour them into a different uh measuring cup cuz it's a lot easier for this particular recipe okay careful careful I know what you're what you're insinuating what is it the Christmas story when he's pouring the bbb's here's so lame for that hey I just like how much you know me I do know you well honey I know you so well that I know you want to lick that top I do thank you lick it guys exuse me don't worry guys I'm going to use my finger I'm not going to get caught up in this or cut up in this it's under control all that sauce that's in there get it out you need it everyone has that family member that licks the spoon right to something like when they're baking or cook I'm that family member you were never like that no you know who used to do that all the time who my ex my ex-husband used to do that he's a spoon liquor so if he ever makes you guys Foods uh or recipes make sure that you guys watch out cuz he's a spoon liquor he doesn't lick the oh yes girl he does it like the the sexy girls at the ice cream shop dang he was just at my house to a couple weeks ago watch him watch him once you pour your sauce into your cup you're going to sprinkle a little bit of salt salt just a little bit and some pepper mix mix mix pour some of your sauce on the bottom of your baking dish distribute that evenly or as well as you can place your cheese your Panos corn and for those of you that need some protein in here which I know some of you going say Steph can we use chicken you sure can and I'm I'm ready for you right here some nice shredded chicken and you can use your rotisserie chicken you can even make this recipe with shrimp and it's just absolutely amazing pour your sauce oh your roasted chicken looks so beautiful thank you and roll it's okay if you get toss on your fingers yes don't look it until you're done rolling oh sorry I was going to asked did you make that chicken in the instant pot yeah I sure did you going to talk to our friends about that you got me addicted to Tache this spring we don't have anything to say it's just that I have known how to make the bcha for a very long time because my mother has an excellent recipe and it's very simple it's not it's not so much I want to say as as complicated as we all make it out to be very very simple Mexico's probiotic drink I think every country has their own little drink but this one's not as bubbly or fermented tasting it's smooth it's really it's really really smooth that's right okay I hope that you all love using the Del for the enchiladas and you know here in the states we have access to just the most amazing things to cut your time not the flavor and that's where I'm at as a single Mama I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with my babies while we transition our life and you know know fall more in love with each other that's beautiful that's what we have to do for those of you that have family members some of you like protein some of you don't someone perhaps wants more of a vegetarian um I'm going to show you what I do in my tray to make it easier to pick which one doesn't have the protein cuz I do have my little one he's not too fond of protein so if you want to keep the ones on the ends as your veggie ones and the protein ones go in the middle it usually works out a lot better for you or if you want to make two trays make one veggie and make one for the meaters yeah you can use the tray that um I do the wet uh burritos in mhm um you can use that one but my babies have been wanting to try more Foods so that's why you guys see my portions are a little bit less and we're definitely supporting our local community by uh door dashing every once in a while and trying uh mom and pop shops uh to keep our economy going and and keep all of you guys paid so that's what that's what we've been doing nice and now now it's time for the sauce pour pour it over and with this one it's not the kind of sauce that you run out and you want to go and mix it with some milk this is not the sauce you want to do that to it's a great sauce on its own I have to go and clean my kitchen after this is there any particular song that you listen to to help you pump yourself up yes cuz I have one but I don't think it's enough which one's your song some funk um no I when I clean I do kumas soas on first and then I do some coridos and then I do country after that yes M I love to clean with some Selena I knew you going to say that that's why I didn't use it up yep at the Astrodome the live that's the one that does it for me so after you pour your sauce you're going to go ahead and add bits of butter you're going to need one to two tablespoons and you're going to have to wing it from that point okay just little ones I'm telling you it's going to make a difference I am so grateful to be here today to taste these you should they're really good again they're they're really really good I was craving rahas and I've been craving everything Raja style I don't know if it's the cheesy poblano roasted AR season babe it's the season it's the season right it's like EPA mhm okay and next we're going to add our cheese could these be called enchiladas even though you're not using any the chili sauce chili sauce well friends I I'm going to let you guys uh let us know in the comments but for me if you roll it up and you have it Saucy like this it's an enchilada style um and I would say yes it qualifies Tina Chile okay I'm just asking for for a friend for friends I get that a lot take some of your corn and sprinkle it down the middle just let it fall where it's going to go just let it happen with a lot of love I'm so excited to see this recipe and your guys' uh metal trays for your family uh dinners I love love love seeing your enchiladas your roasted poano and for those of you that like it you can use a little bit of you can use a little bit of pepper to sprinkle over the top because when you're using the dely cheese and it melts it kind of stay stays um stays put so it adds that beautiful look to it we're going to place these in the oven at 380° for 20 to 25 minutes it's usually somewhere 20 to 22 for me but since not all ovens are created equal you know keep an eye on it oh you're trying to use your oven friends you know it's the Mexican household we keep extra dishes in the oven it's like sex in the C she used to keep uh her sweaters and her cashmere uh we keep pants we love it and boom done amigo let me try and divide this deliciousness because I almost want to just go sit and eat this whole tray no the kids were reading and they paused because of the smell came down here right yeah I'm like Edward Scissor Hands with plates just don't cut my hair excuse me I'm the one only one that cuts your hair what are you talking about what the Edward Scissor Hands delicioso yummy yummy what I have here is a rotisserie chicken from my local HB and all you want to do is you want to just make sure to shred your chicken nicely a lot of you like to put it in your stand mixer go for it I'm thinking about these tacos and ice cream oh oh now what that special drink you're going to show us oh that drink is going to be fire friends make sure to stick around to the end it is going to keep you so nice and fresh and the best part is that you'll be able to spike it if you want yummy a lot of your mom's been asking me for some wonderful drinks and that's one that you can Spike up or things you can put in your adult sippy cup your adult sippy cup yes and for the chicken I really don't need to do anything but I love pepper and that's the only reason I'm adding a little pepper if you like any other your seasonings this is the moment where you want to add that and all we're going to do is warm up some tortillas friends and I don't mean to brag but I did get the 80 count from HB and these are great for making this style of tacos and a lot of other tacos and you guys know they're great for everything I love HB I'm a fan I'm you the other 60 has over in there we don't want to talk about that here but if you guys follow us on our personal Instagram we'll share more about that take your corn tortilla and place it in your pan what we are doing here we just want to warm up our tortilla all you want to do is warm it up 10 seconds on each side just so that when we fill our tortillas with our chicken it's not falling apart and that happens with any corn tortilla I really like this burner but why are we cooking on it we're currently cooking on a burner because we have a lot of friends that don't have access to a stove at the moment and no matter where you're at if you're at the park and you have your burner you have a grill you guys should be able to make really good and delicious food and I love you guys and make it comfortable for your home wherever that might be that's correct once you warm up your tortillas you want to add some oil to your pan and add a good amount until you cover the bottom of your pan with oil we're not deep frying today but we do need a good amount if you want them crispy bring on some oil don't look at me like that cloud you are going to enjoy these crispy tacos today I saw you eating carrot sticks take your corn tortilla and fill it up what I like to do sometimes just so that it doesn't move when we place it down is I like to squeeze a chicken cuz it's so nice and soft that it doesn't need anything to bind it you don't like like the way it moves right I do like the way things move but just for this chicken and the popping purposes you don't want that I appreciate you so once you fill it up just like this you're going to place it into your hot oil and when you're going to place your taco down make sure that you're placing it down and Away remember down and away that's why you want to pick the thinnest corn tor for your tacos because once you're done uh prepping and placing that last Taco you already have to flip it cuz they're so thin and everything's already nice and cooked inside so you're saying it's going to cut my time it's going to cut your time quick and easy not the flavor hey hey I love that kind of cookie and you you see how when you have the thin tortillas you can just even put them flat like that and boom done you know so beautiful I didn't know but now I do when you're making tacos remember to place them on a rack and let that oil drip off on its own because what happens if you put them on a paper towel they just absorb the moisture and it creates Steam and we don't want that I'm going to continue with the rest of our tacos add your green salsa if you need help making a green salsa we'll link the recipe in the description area add your tacos your cream your avocado your guacamole your salsa lettuce gotia Mexican cheese thinly sliced red radish and some pickled purple onions now for those of you that have been asking me about that drink on Instagram it is quite refreshing and addictive you are going to need key limes if you don't have key limes you can use a lime or a lemon but for those of you that love those tart flavors get the key lime I'm going to squeeze two key limes in here and clouds I'm only going to make with one because she doesn't really like it she likes a drink but she doesn't like things that are super tart I like things that are mildly tart mildly tart mhm yes you're very well balanced Cloud thank you I'm ented in the lime Department okay so go ahead and add that you're going to add your favorite hot sauce the sauces I recommend are tapao and Valentina and friends I'm going to tell you something this is a great drink for hangovers in the morning some but I'm also going to say if you have some kind of indigestion situation going on that's it's a really good drink for that for indigestion yes it is it helped me out a lot it's cuz I had a lot of tacos that day I'm going to add some chamo Cloud are you going to want chamoy in yours yes really I am okay so now you can choose any type of mineral water the best ones are the Topo Cho or your HB brand the HB brand is a little bit less carbonated but it's so good and refreshing you're going to pick whatever flavor that you like we have the lime we have the grap fruit and we have the original I'm going to go with grapefruit Cloud what do you like let's go with the original I knew it such a classy lady basic team right here go ahead and pour it in and I will let you guys know that this is so good you just want to sip on it all day long where's my little spoon here it is go ahead and mix all your ingredients perfect once you mix your ingredients and you taste it go ahead and add a little bit of salt I like it salty cuz it has a tartness hear that it can't because my water salivating over here are you now here where it's going to get really fun for those of you that love the r regular Ranch Water this is your Ranch 2.0 we're going to get really dirty with this and I love whiskey but for those of you that love tequila I don't feel like having a confession today so you're going to add your desired amount of whiskey how how many shots was that don't worry about it just for our friends so they know they want to make it just like yous I will make a suggestion down below but remember to always make it comfortable for your home I've tasted this I'm going to add a little bit more lime to mine like I said I like it tart almost like a whiskey sour with a kick friends are going to ask you to rim it with chili huh our friends are going to ask you to rim it with chili this Rim it with chili it's too much isn't it for the Chili's already inside in the oh I can Rim it which I don't like to rim mine oh for this one it's because it's on the go yeah exactly friends you can Rim this you can do whatever you want but remember this recipe is a quick and easy one we want to get our drink and our tacos so make sure that you're adding crushed ice it tastes way better with crushed ice and boom done Amigos let's give this a good taste Salud I love it I love it you know when that lemon hits you in the back right here just perfect that whiskey woo say ah I'm going to get so messy [Music] [Music] it's so good that SAA is perfect the chicken is perfect the crunch is perfect the whole combination is amazing friends when you pick up your taco don't put it back down just eat it and come back and just dip it in that sauce and it's just perfect m m m M this is so good and sauce is just perfect with your taco you want to pick up anything that you drop in that sauce in the salsa so it's your spoon it's your spoon it's your tortilla it's everything am you're going to have to excuse me because I'm just going to devour these tacos and make sure you tag me when you make them because this combination together is that good and if you spiked it with a little whiskey please let me know let us know you know where to find [Music] us hello and welcome back Amigos today I'm going to be showing you how to make the best meal pre chicken you'll have this year it's not just good for tacos which is what I'm making right now it's also really good for um to put over your rice if you want to place it into a torta a sandwich your tostadas and the best part of this chicken is that if you serve it it gets a little bit cold in the lunch don't worry it's still going to taste really good because we have a cold uh yogurt sauce that's absolutely Divine so go ahead and keep watching if you want to learn how to make these tacos and most of all if you want to make this chicken for your seasoning you'll need one clove and that's the spice half a tablespoon of onion powder one teaspoon of black pepper half a tblspoon of salt half a tblspoon of Mexican oregano half a tblspoon of ground cumin 1 teaspoon of sugar and two cloves of garlic finely chopped chopped well coarsely chopped you know what I mean guys go ahead and add your seasoning to your chicken it sounds like you're recording by a rainfall yeah we have a rainy day today it's actually really beautiful I'm not excited about the humidity but it is a beautiful sound and it's so pretty to look at go ahead and massage your chicken with the seasoning for a good minute minute and a half be gentle don't be aggressive not for this part okay once you've massaged your chicken with the seasoning you're going to use the juice and sest of one lime 2 tbspoon of olive oil and if you need to use less that's okay and if you don't have olive oil guess what you can make it comfortable for your home you're going to add 1/3 of a cup of chopped parsley and flat leaf or the curlier one will work 1/3 of a cup of chopped cilantro and if you don't want any of these guess what this chicken is just going to be so well seasoned that you're not going to skip any flavor in your chicken you're going to be okay I promise so we're going to go ahead and massage this for another 30 to 40 seconds just until it's well combined and boom done Amigos our chicken is well seasoned you can save your marinade for later use you can freeze it but what we're going to do we're going to place this right into our multi-cooker one of our view Club friends suggested that we get the AA Pro instant pot and friends we are not disappointed so we are going to get started today and we are going to to press our sear button Cloud can you help us out sear sauté sauté hey okay friends this is your Thea Cloud telling you just like I tell my sister do not touch the pot wait 3 minutes and you'll smell the heat in the air and now we're ready to sauté some poito and we're going to allow the chicken to sear for a good 5 minutes after about four to 5 minutes you want to flip your chicken and now we're going to slow cook for 3 hours friends I'm trying not to be such a bossy mommy but I do have to tell you don't start making your sauce until you've cleaned your kitchen okay you don't need any of the chicken uh heebie jibbies around and if you haven't taken a shower today after you're done making a sauce make sure to take a shower that's for the teenagers you're going to need one cup of plain yogurt if you have Greek yogurt it works well with this recipe too don't feel obligated to just use plain and then we're going to add about half a cup of mayonnaise did you get a tattoo what tattoo the green on your wrist I should I was thinking about Leaf would you get a I don't know I was thinking about maybe I should get a cilantro leaf paint it over um my burn from last year you if you don't have a burn then what are you doing in the kitchen what are you doing in the kitchen tell us friends it's because there was a lot of stress in my life last holiday season and I managed to burn myself here but it's it's healing well it's done well it's just a Mark we're okay we're going to add the juice of one key lime if you don't have a key lime the flavor is going to differ but you can use lemon or a regular lime works great but if you ever get a hold of key limes ooh take advantage of it friends they are beautiful we're going to add a little small bunch of parsley you don't have parsley go with cilantro and if I don't say cilantro that way it doesn't taste as good that's right I have a rep to protect guys we get more drama from not pronouncing the words in Spanish than we do the other way so like if we say cilantro our friends or Amigos that speak Spanish and our family will come for us guys yes and some of our VI C friends would be like what are you guys doing you guys know how to say it so say it right you're going to need uh garlic if you have two or three it'll work perfect one jalapeno you like how he said that but say it how you want to say itap you're going to add one teaspoon of black pepper one teaspoon of ground cumin I love those acrylic spice containers you got me into them they are they're magical they're great it took me a while to take them out of storage and now that they're here I'm like where have you been the past few months you know you're going to need uh one teaspoon of salt and now we are going to blend until smooth guys ready to get to dancing was that one teaspoon of cumin one teaspoon of each yeah one teaspoon black pepper one teaspoon ground cumin and 1 teaspoon salt and obviously youjust your salt to taste before I forget 1/4 of a cup of olive olive oil friends for those of you that get a little bit um like how much did you add stuff don't worry it's all in the description area I think we tried it for three recipes where we did an add in the description area to see if you guys would prefer that for those of you watching on your TV hello um so everything's in the description area and I'm trying my best to let you guys know the measurements as we cook and boom done Amigos our chicken is ready it's juicy it's tender and I'm just going to take it over to the chopping block and I'm going to chop this up into little pieces like you would see at a taco shop because apparently I Can't Get Enough tacos but I'm going to be letting you know we dream of tacos we do dream of tacos and other things you can pair this chicken with it doesn't have to be tacos and we'll talk about that while I'm chopping we're going to be using a roasted salsa today I'll leave all the ingredients I used for this particular one today all I did was roast all the ingredients blend and now I'm going to cook it just a little bit to keep it nice and warm and to preserve it a little bit longer for me this week I'm going to be warming up some flour tortillas and then we are ready to start chopping up this chicken tle style before I start chopping our chicken I want to go over what we have here I have some purple onions with a little bit of ground cumin and paprika we have our red radishes key limes cucumber freshly chopped iceberg lettuce our cooked salsa and for those of you that like a more Milder but yet hot salsa that one's going to do it cuz I know the salsa fuos you guys were on Fuego with that one and here we have our chicken you can really just use your fork to separate the chicken but I want thin little slices like this this is the look that I want to go for I'm going to make Cloud's first tasting taco and we're going to add a good amount of chicken don't be stingy with the sauce do not be stingy with the sauce now it's not the time to be greedy nope be greedy with your personal T yep and then all you're going to do is just boom boom Oh don't let me forget because Cloud will come for me just a couple radishes for me there you go thank you leonito thank you sister for cloud M oh my gosh that sauce is spectacular with this chicken and I'm going to need somebody very special to say uh Tac hey hey hey cloud has jokes today for those of you that know talk to me in the comments [Music] you're awful M this yummy I Can't Get Enough spice lately I don't know what's going on with me I love it oh did you buy the Costco side of uh Texas coffee down there no it's the HB size oh okay the San Antonio coffee blend oh my God so [Music] good these are really juicy delicious M I forgot I can't be dcing here yes you can remember when you used to uh pack these laitos for me when I was in the office mhm I think everybody that remembers uh me doing mukbang remembers when I used to tell them if you have a single you know a family member or whatever make sure to help them making a dinner picking up the kids at school good looking out and now I'm the single mama and I'm living my best life hey that's why I made you some aesa uhhuh all right we have a tip for you I remembered you can make the same dish with different kinds of protein you can use pork and you can use fish and is that it oh tofu you can use tofu as well mhm sear it you have to sear it sear it and and then add the seasoning and then cook it for a few minutes if you're using tofu don't put your tofu in the multi cooker though use that one on the stove top right mhm and this recipe is not just for uh the multi- cooker you can do this on your pan you can place it in the oven you can place it in a regular crock pot almost said something else I don't know what trying to say El as always cloud and I are wishing you the best we absolutely adore you please let us know if you make this recipe and we want to give a special shout out to all of you who are driving and not texting and Cloud's giving me that look because she was almost hit by a texter on the road so if you're texting put your phone down take your time you are valuable to society and to your family so don't text and drive and if you haven't subscribed make sure to subscribe I've been making this chicken behind your back not intentionally but I didn't think anybody would want to try it but Cloud just pulled out the camera and we're going to get started with this recipe the only thing that I've done is I've washed my chicken with some salt and I've Pat dried it completely you have to make sure that your chicken is completely drive not drive it's completely Dy let dry don't let it it's completely dry everywhere that includes the inside okay mhm do you remember how I've taught you how to make several chili oils that are well seasoned and if you keep them on your counter for over a week those flavors get so infused and absorbed into whatever your blending them with this is no different you can use the biria chili oil the green one the jalapeno one the extra hot and this recipe will work the one that I'm going to use today that I really like because I'm going to be using it for another recipe too is the bira ver chili oil you're going to take your bira chili oil and if you guys like these containers Cloud will link them in the description I absolutely love them they work great for this particular recipes you're going to take the oil and you're going to pour it over your chicken and it's serious if I have that serious uh resting face it's for a reason um why just the oil and not the seasoning the seasoning will cause burning on your skin and we want to have a beautiful crispy flavorful skin I will show you what part you can have some of the seasoning and brush it on the top but right now that's not what you want to do make sure that you're adding that oil to the inside of the cavity make sure that all parts of your chicken are coated with the oil I will say this because I tried this recipe many of times so that I can share my insight with you guys if you place this chicken in a Ziploc bag or your container of preference that fits in your refrigerator you can place a lot of oil on top of it keep it overnight in your your refrigerator take it out place it in your oven like we're going to do now and the longer it sits there the flavor that comes out of this chicken just keeps on getting better so there was this one time where I had this particular chicken and I had a frozen chicken so what I did I added a scoop of my Bea chili oil into the instant pot a little bit of water and the chicken came out so juicy and tender and that's that's how this recipe began so make sure you coat your chicken well once you've lathered your chicken with the season oil you want to place your oven at 420° and we are going to continue to bake for 45 to 50 minutes in just 25 minutes you can see how the skin is starting to just get that perfect crisp that initiation and I just wanted to show you guys that part look that part's already crispy are we having stuffed chicken what is that no but apparently you want to showcase everything that I was doing today this is for uh the soup dumplings I'm making oh I've been really enjoying uh making my babies their own Lunchables that's a lot healthier and it's been keeping them full longer I making a recipe and then another recipe in between yeah yeah and I have I have this recipe and I have another recipe going on the stove all right it's time to check on that chicken yes we need to check on the chicken here's my tip to you if you preheated your oven for 30 minutes prior to placing your chicken in the oven it's going to cook a lot faster and thoroughly for example I did it right before I placed my chicken so now I'm stuck with a little bit of the juices in here and you can see they're a little bit undercooked there do you see that oh okay so if you did if you did what I just did you're going to have to keep it in here another 10 to 15 minutes so I suggest you preheat your oven it's going to make a huge difference I allowed our chicken to sit here for 10 minutes but I'm hoping that you can see the broth that developed in this little pocket right here you guys can see that oh we can let it pour in oh wonderful and those are just juices those are those delicious juices that you don't want to miss out on another way for you to tell if your chicken's ready is any kind of liquid that comes out of your chicken is a clear broth okay now that we're done having fun with that let me set it to the side all I can think about is this chicken and those soup dumplings I'm going to be making tonight yummy make sure you guys are following us on Instagram I'll be posting uh them there so do you want to you want the leg or do you guys want to see the chicken uh breast we'd like to see the chicken breast meaning we me and whoever likes breast I like wings too there's your wing for now thank you I want somebody very special to say Ah that's you Jason M oh my gosh Cloud right now we're working yummy oh my goodness ooh I'm having an entanglement with this chicken can you hear the crispiness here M here's my chicken wing are you doing the chicken friends we're just here eating chicken it's really juicy that skin reminds me of the one from the Grizz walls but we still have a lot of juicy chicken in here Cloud's engaged you guys she's engaged with this chicken but I have some stories for you guys you don't have any stories I do have lots of stories I've been awfully quiet lately you have one story mhm I love that you love cancerian people so much it means a world to me and on that note we'll see you guys on the next one bye adios hello and welcome to my kitchen in today's recipe I'll be showing you how to make lentil soup in your instant pot add your five cups of water if you want this to be a little bit more Stewie you only need to add four cups add the two cups of lentils next you want to add your potatoes and I just cut our potatoes into small little cubes add your chopped zucchinis some vitamin A for cloud your carrots and friends just cut them into small little pieces I always find that they're better to to eat this way my older son doesn't have a preference for carrots that are cooked but that's a way I can sneak it in your tomato and next you want to choose between an Anaheim and a Bano pepper if you're using a Bano make sure that if in the inside when you slice it down the middle it has a little bit of the orangey red yellow um stay away from that one unless you like the heat cuz that one's going to bring you a lot of heat I sound like I'm scaring you guys that's not what I'm trying to do I know that you guys always ask about the peppers the Chile if they're really spicy but that's uh that's the best advice I can give you and you're so sweet you always say it when it's a family recipe it is I want you all to enjoy it MH add your onion and make sure that you chop it nice and fine just like the Beast Club yeah two garlics ground cumin and your choice of bullon if you like vegetable use vegetable beef chicken make it comfortable for your home I have a question for you oh yes did you uh pre-soak the lentils I washed them but I didn't pre-soak them because the instant pot's going to do the job it's going to do everything that we want right in here let me put a lid on it place your lid and seal the deal ooh oh they just did it naturally you close the vent yes close your vent next you want to pressure cook for 8 minutes I feel like I'm here with the accordion give me a beat Cloud give me a be that's not a bad place to be oh we got too excited while our lentils are cooking we're going to get started on our Mexican grilled cheese and what makes this a Mexican grilled cheese that we're using bolo bread are those stains on your blouse or is that water I do my own stunts I wash my own dishes friends make sure you wash your dishes okay seriously if you don't have those wet spots I did you really do the dishes I know everybody's like you rarely get dirty no I just get splashes of water but I rarely get dirty when I cook that's true so you're going to add your mozzarella cheese then I guess it's no longer Mexican excuse me they use quoa in Mexico okay they use cream cheese there this is now Mexican guys apparently and our Mex Mexican cheese here is geso Fresco don't be scared of queso fresco unless you're getting the one from your Thea that's in like the yellow juice yeah yellow juice non-pasteurized one is questionable but it's good and to make this even better yes I'm going to make this even better by adding some Goa it just hits different and lately I don't even want to tell you how much I've been eating the past 3 days but just know I'm a little embarrassed to be here today all right friends let's let's go cheese it up add your butter to a medium hot pan and while your butter is melting place youro over it just allow it to Danse just like [Music] that and boom done Amigos our grilled cheese is ready and our soup is ready to serve now it's time to switch it to vent be very careful because the steam is really hot hotter than [Music] fire and boom done we have a big pot full of lentils all right Amigos say Ah that's so rude I'm just kidding that' be quite the taste it would be divine oh it's nice and hot say ah as always cloud and I are wishing you the best we want to say thank you to all of our unsubscribers and our subscribers and friends if you're not subscribed make sure to subscribe click the bell for notifications give us a thumbs up and um if you guys do that c will be a lot nicer to me because I always forget to say that and on that one I'll see you guys tomorrow bye adios
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 87,447
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Keywords: mexican cooking, google food copilations, ai food copilations, mexican dinner recipes, food compilation, mexican food recipes, mexican food compilations, mexican food dinner recipes compilations, views on the road, mexican food recipe easy, chicken recipes, long videos to help you sleep, relaxing videos for anxiety, million views recipes, long work videos, food, tasty, mexican food making, mexican ear me, メキシコ料理!, 멕시코 음식, 墨西哥菜谱, mexican cuisine, recipes, recipe, budget meals
Id: -ttuuc3qR70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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