Lenny Magill shows off our Checkered Extended Magazine Catch for G43X/G48

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[Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance at custom shop right here in San Diego California today I want to show you the installation procedure for the extended magazine button it's actually the extended chequered magazine but you're getting here close you'll see the the checkering there you go and this is one we just got out of our machine shop it hasn't even been anodized yet but I wanted to get it out here because by the time you see this video they will be anodized in six different colors and we will tell you a couple things about the extended magazine release buttons in fact all the extended controls allow you to operate the gun easier okay so we're gonna do it in particular today for the new Glock 43 X which is really a hot gun and of course this is the 43 X same size as the standard 43 on the slide the upper but the frame is a little bit larger in length and in width and because of that you can get a great grip on this gun I mean this is the hottest thing going for a Glock right now the 43 X as well as the the big brother the 48 same concept the grip is a little bit longer a little bit wider gives you something better to hold on to but the 48 has a longer slide than the 43 X just like so you can see the difference here better about an inch short 3/4 or needs to be quite honest now from the factory Glock they all come in silver we do offer them in black as well you'll notice on our website we have a couple of different options we have the standard Glock sights which is the kind of a you the white you with there with a white dot that's the standard offering from Glock for all their guns basically and for this particular run they are also offering the 43 and the 48 43 X and the 48 with Amerigo sights that's what these are right here and the America loads as you can see have a the night sights then they have a large dot in the front their large orange dot as well as wide are you wider notch in the back and there's tritium encapsulated in both or all three of these dots here so you have really a kind of a neat option the orange dot draws your eye to the front sight which is what you wanted to do and during the day and at night time of course they glow they're kind of green and they're pretty bright you know it's kind of cool when you go into a closet yeah look at them and they're gonna probably pop up so they also offer one other variation they offer it with just standard glock night sights which aren't quite as sexy as that big orange button but they are night sights so the 48 and the 43 ex are available with three different options and sights and we do have them both available in black or and silver okay so that said let's go ahead and talk about the extended control what you're gonna do this is extended magazine release also a magazine button you know so typically what you'll see here on the factory gun it's very flat and it's you know nice shape but it's maybe a little hard for people operate so we have created one that sticks up just a little bit further maybe a little bit more attractive because of the checkering and then also in the different colors makes it you know there you can customize your gun but because it sticks up a little bit further so it easier to depress does not interfere with holsters does not automatically go off by itself it's not too tall but it's tall enough that makes a little bit of a difference in your ability to manipulate that button or control hence the word extended controls the the handgun or the operation of that which is to drop the magazine so would you press the button but magazine comes out there it is you'll notice that these 43 X and 48 magazines have the orange follower which is kind of new that clock is started to do on their 10-5 guns as well a lot of people really like that because when it locks back you can kind of see in there that it's orange and you can see in a scent in a second that it's empty all right that's actually a very nice feature so first objective before we work on any guns we're gonna drop the magazine I'm gonna look inside the chamber make sure there are no rounds pull the trigger in safe direction same thing over here I'll drop the magazine okay there you go empty rack the slide back pull the trigger no safe direction I got two safe guns to work on I'm gonna really do just a procedure on this one because the silver upper and the silver control will match up it's a pretty simple procedure although you need a couple specialty tools and just a little bit of tricks here we'll help you get through this without a whole lot of frustration the first objective is to go ahead and field strip the gun and we do that the same way that we do with all Glocks start with a normal grip bring my hand up over top and squeeze back just a little bit just to disengage the slide from the slide lock all right now we also sell an extended slide lock which is the takedown lever it makes this procedure a lot easier and that's another video another product all right so here's the slide now I pulled back I held down on both the sides of the slide lock at the same time and then push the slide forward and it comes right off the top so there's your upper or slide there's your lower or your frame okay that's you know kind of interchangeable terms there and we're really going to be working with the lower because the magazine button relives lives in the lower so we'll put that aside and we're gonna look at this magazine button and say okay we got to take it out and how do we accomplish that now what I want to show you is inside here so look inside here really quick I'm gonna get a piece of paper so I can reflect some light into there and it may be a little easier to see once I do that let's see here okay there you go see that silver spring and that's just a roll pin basically acts as a spring so if I leave this thing right here let's see how we're gonna do this give myself another hand here let's see I'll do that and I can show you the button here and if I depress the button you're gonna see the action see there's really not a lot of play and that's the one thing that's different about this particular frame from the standard frame it's very tight not a lot of movement and so what we have found what I found kind of playing with this thing is that it's uh it's difficult to take that spring out now what we're trying to accomplish here just so you can see is uh you saw the spring come up into the magazine and there's a small notch right here let me show you this I hear there's a small notch and so the spring kind of comes up and goes into this notch and then comes over and gets caught right there right on that little lip right there so it goes up boom and then it's captured in there and then when you push the button it just it always wants to be here you push the button in and once the spring back that's the action so it wants to be straight but when you push it it releases the magazine and then it'll spring back now like I said this spring that we're looking at we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and and we want to scoop it out of that hole so we have to push it over and scoop it up so it lays on top of the magazine here you know it'll come to the center position so in order to do that with normal guns you know the normal like a Glock 19 Glock 17 etc I were to use a flathead screwdriver just a long flathead screws just like this I'd stick it down in there and that's scoop it up and try to scoop this underneath the the spring and try to get it up on top and I found you know it's not that easy with this particular tool it can be done it's a little bit more difficult but I found I'll get a little bit more play if I use this you know kind of pick that has a curve to it alright so that's what I'm going to use today now of course I want careful not to scratch it up too much but at the same time I'm gonna get in here now it's kind of hard to show you how I'm gonna do this but I'll show you what the technique is going in here like so and I'm gonna scoop it and lift it up over top of the the button itself I will say it's helpful to hold the button in so it doesn't move so I'm gonna hold it with my thumb over on the side and I'm gonna get in here and I'm gonna do the best job I can and hopefully it won't be that hard let's see here let's see if we know how we do here today one two no it's like I tell you this one is not an easy one to do it because there's not a lot of play to get that out of that that that notch so you really have to come up to the very top all right yeah I got it okay good now let me go and show you what it looks like inside so you can get a good feel for exactly what we're talking about how we want this to look now so now I've lifted it up over top of the event let's see if I go where we are and you see how now it right it lives on top so it's out of the notch that's the objective right there and it kind of looked like this from the other side let's see if I can turn around and see what it looks like here yep just like that so I scooped it up out and that's the first step and it's a little bit you know cumbersome because it's so darn tight against the wall there's not a lot of place to push it over so really comes at the very top and you kind of need a tool like this the flat head it was almost too big to do it there's a couple other tools you can use dental picks is you know basically the same concept but I like I said I've found by trial and error that this one is a little bit more difficult now the next thing we need are a pair of needle nose pliers because we're gonna remove that spring and a lot of people don't understand that the spring is just press fit into the frame there's no glue there's no screws there's no attachment so we can actually pull that straight out so I'm gonna take a pair of needle nose pliers I'm gonna reach in there I'm going to grab hold of it and here we go see if I can see anything good mm-hmm and here it comes and one last time and I'll get it and there it comes right out like that and that's how we're gonna put it back in by the way so it comes out there it is that is the magazine release spring and we sell a bunch of these because people will bend them if it's bent in any shape or form it's not gonna function as intended it's a $2.00 item worth so I mean but you have to have one if you take your gun apart this may come apart now this typically never comes out of the gun unless you're replacing this piece I'm gonna put it here so don't lose it I'm going to go ahead now and take out the factory piece I'm just gonna push it straight out and it's gonna fall straight out coming out from the left to the right side and now I'm going to go ahead and put the new piece in and kind of get it situated before I do anything let's see if I can get it straightened up here we go okay and that's what it's gonna look like when we're done it sticks up just a little bit more and it's definitely a little bit you know flashy er a little bit blingy er and it's really more functional because it has better traction and you can get on and a little bit easier okay without adjusting your grip having to get on top of it you can really just push it from almost any position alright so now I've got it kind of positioned I'm gonna hold it in with my other side here and I'm gonna grab hold of this little spring and put it back in place now this is how we do this where you just grab it and I like to put it in a slight angle so it's just a little easier to get in there and come down now you saw before that there's a V down here I'm just gonna stick it right into the V that's all we're doing it we're not there's no special handling here no special skills required just stick it in there and then we're gonna push it down with the top of this particular set of pliers and I'll show you there in a minute okay let's get this now because this is smaller then the standard Glocks everything is a little bit tighter okay there it goes started now here's what I've got it started now let's just look at it real quick before I go too much further okay it's in it's in the spot but it's not all the way seated so see how it kind of sits up there a little bit so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna push it down with the top or the flat part of this nose needle nose just get it right on top of it and really get it anchored where it's supposed to be and now you'll see this is where it's supposed to actually live I'll see how far down it is now okay so now the objective is to push it over into that notch so I just got to push it straight over now this one I'm just to make sure it's all the way down there too by the way because you want to make sure it's seated it just stops with friction so good I've got a good seat on it now I can take the flat head and just push it over because I'm not trying to scoop it out I'm just trying to push it over to that notch again keeping in mind that I want to make sure that the magazine doesn't cheat itself in a little bit I'm gonna hold it in there with my thumb and just push it straight over gotta come from the very top of this thing because it's not a lot of room to bend there you go that sounds good huh there we go now look at that got it seated let me show it to you real quick here I guess will come up on this way see there it is seated in there alright and there's the action right here I guess is how we'll do it and there we go now let's get her pop a magazine in there voila yeah baby now now we're talking so we've got it installed and that's it was really the simplest procedure going I mean it takes a couple specialty tools and that curved you know pick is actually a really valuable lesson there then we're gonna go and put our top back on every once in a while you know the the guide rod will jump into the second level so I always make sure it's on that first notch they're rounded notch you know people ask all the time well you know when I take the gun apart the guide rod is up here is that you know it's nothing wrong no it just does that naturally so you know don't worry about that just put it back in place when you go there we'll put this slide back on top using the the rails as a guide and sometimes it gets a little hook to kicked up you know and that's just normal and sometimes you have to push down on it just like I did there with my thumb just to make it you know clear and then we're done voila and here's our magazine and there's our tests very nice and again I've got in silver of course it's available in black and gold and blue and red and pink and that is our extended checkered magazine release button for your Glock 43 X or your Glock 48 I'm not even go this is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego if you're ever in San Diego or close to Southern California make a point to come down and see her shop I think it'd be really impressed and we got some great people out there first of all really every Glock you can imagine to look at and we've got a shooting range and you can test any Glock and all these custom accessories that we show on our website thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 39,428
Rating: 4.8727274 out of 5
Keywords: Lenny Magill, GlockStore, Extended mag catch, custom glocks, g43x, g48, glock, magazine release, glock 43x, glock 48
Id: 0xpqkYbWCaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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