If You're in School, Stop - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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All the stuff on skipping college classes was by far my favorite content yet. So accurate and funny

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Revali_Main 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

they finally answered one of my questions on today’s episode and honestly i got way too excited about it but i love these boys

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/oariel 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right this time Gus what's up we this was we shot the last episode earlier today you know I was gonna ask you to count to three Oh the three for this thing yeah the thing every time that we do with cans oh you might count to three for the other thing that we do just counting to three yeah just for like when we say good morning you know one two three morning that he had none do you countdown every time you say or count up I guess yeah cuz I don't really go to sleep I just kind of wait til you get up and then I just kind of wait outside my like your door until I hear you rustling you breathing the whole time you breathe really really loud and I in the middle of the night sometimes I wake up and I hear Eddie I dropped my blankie that's not me that neighbors got a new dog he's been creating a ruckus so yeah that's probably the dog yeah Oh barf barf barf barf that's him next door I hear on all night long this is you yeah really finally have something to blame on a dog welcome to the after up my jaw hurt when I did that welcome to the after dark episode of the Gus neti podcast you're watching the boys after dark late night boy the boys this is like one of those old jazz intros you know Oh boys boys boys boys boys boys boys I should have replaced Charlie when he left the show let's be real I couldn't think of what you were doing I'm not connecting the dots but I know it and it's really bother ask him could Aston Kutcher time why did they weird they did like two seasons of it like why this it's just like there's like money can you believe that was like one of the top shows on TV of like damn at the time and fame theories still going [ __ ] actually they just ended I think yeah it's both Chuck Lorre right or is it Laurie um I don't know you imagine making - so like heavily successful shows that just like aren't that great that's so weird what's his ego like cuz you got a beat you got a means I love the show so I bet it's insufferable somebody being like you know the [ __ ] I am you ever heard of two and a Half Men shut the [ __ ] up dude holy [ __ ] he this guy is a [ __ ] powerhouse chuckle oh he is yeah for sure how is it supposed to be pronounced Laurie I think it's Laurie okay yeah he's done a ton of [ __ ] he's like the money sitcom guy god damn dude um grace under fire went for five seasons Sybil three seasons Dharma and Greg [ __ ] like seven seasons two and a Half Men what how many seasons give me the [ __ ] 2003 to 25th that's like 12 seasons didn't they have in the to an F Men intro a girl dude the voice of Jake for the song did they I think so I thought I remember hearing it as a kid and being like that's not him I watched Jake grow up and I was like didn't you have a bunch of trouble with like publicly smoking weed while he was still on the show - all I'm gonna say is if he didn't I would be shocked yeah true but also do you remember just the state of like the perception of weed where it's like years ago they took away Michael Phelps his subway spy yeah because he's so that's so weird I think we talked about this before cuz it's just like I can't imagine somebody sitting there and being like God I am the per one Michael Phelps fan he is just the greatest swimmer of all time one of the greatest athletes ever he smokes weed I won't buy subway anymore because it's plain wine you guys want to see a [ __ ] hilarious internet video one of my favorite of all time search the Michael Phelps pizza and french fry restaurant you've liked the podcast boy it doesn't get enough coverage hey guys this episode sponsored by the Michael Phelps pizza franchise it says it wait let me actually while you talk I need to make sure that this episode isn't sponsored so oh [ __ ] yeah if it isn't the Michael Phelps pizza and french fry restaurant we might have an actual sponsor so so hold tight for that I didn't know Chuck Lorre also did Mike and Molly and mom goddamn dude isn't mom still going yeah isn't that the one with Anna fuh damn is it ma no I forgot Anna Anna Faris I like food a no better oh she's great in the scary movie movies yeah she's so funny are we not good at doing podcasts Frick dude for a second because our last one aired and it was the other ad I looked at the date and first thing I thought I [ __ ] it up and we did it two weeks early but we did we're Gucci we're Gucci male yeah we're fine we don't have anything for a while boom we're that's nice we're in the dead zone right now we're the no pay Tony's I know again we joke - like how kind of shitty we are with the podcast Tony's been paid every single yeah I know it's just fine but like we didn't we still haven't gotten paid out from like all of our ads and [ __ ] on the like the Google ads and we'll get you know yeah that's our fault for the most part but it's there don't worry we're not like you imagine if we were just like yeah we forgot to monetize the podcast yeah we've been putting ads on him we would give it away mercy try Farina yeah yeah one thing we were talking about that we just we just started talking about what we said we'd save it for the podcast is I started just getting recommended videos on the late-night Wars again very long story short if you don't know anything with the late-night Wars it was I would say right when we were the age where you would start watching The Tonight Show yep more any late-night shows which is not an age anymore cuz it's like why the [ __ ] would you watch that yeah we got it the very tail end of it but Jay Leno had the Tonight Show and then NBC according to him told him like hey in five years you're gonna we don't want to lose Cohn and you're gonna give it to Conan and he was like that's fine valid I can do that I don't want you guys to lose lose Conan I'll pass the torch cuz I don't own the Tonight Show cuz I'm like the fourth person to host it yeah and then he left Conan came on then he was given Jay didn't want to leave NBC so he's given a prime-time show that led into Conan's show The Tonight Show and then ended up wanting to get pushed into the time of The Tonight Show and he wanted to push Conan to 12:05 which was the next day and is like the late-night hour pretty much and then Conan left and then Jay got The Tonight Show back so that's long story short and I was just telling Gus isn't it crazy that like if Jay had just given up the Tonight Show an entire generation of young people wouldn't hate him forever mm-hmm like he could have just had a decent legacy of like oh he was kind of funny in the neat he ended he had a good run he was number one for like 12 years and then he passed the torch to Conan and good for Jay Leno he's got a bunch of cars and [ __ ] yeah but now everybody hates him rightfully so I really love its it just makes me feel [ __ ] terrible for Conan and again I think he's done very well in his own right and if anything you know arguably maybe he's got an even stronger core fan base right I think so and I think he's done better because even though Conan doesn't like the show Conan doesn't have as many viewers he was the first one to bridge the gap of being like oh I'm on YouTube and I'm doing really well on YouTube now yeah yeah this shit's killing on YouTube yeah and of comedians Conan's the favorite still so it's like doing that like kind of weathered him a little bit where people love them more yeah I really love seeing all of Letterman's in but on that whole thing great I'm sure you've probably seen that thing where it's like Letterman ways in or whatever and he's got that really dry kind of sarcastic tone about everything where cuz Jay came out at the time to when he was like don't blame Conan ya know and like Dave Letterman pauses like nobody I also I don't even remember this clip I saw it in the supercut that I was looking at is that after Jay got The Tonight Show back Kimmel was like yeah Kimmel was video-chatting in for some reason and Leno asked him what's the I'm telling everybody else other than you cuz you know yeah what's the like best prank you've ever pulled on somebody and Kimmel goes huh the best prank I've ever pulled on somebody one time I told this guy that in five years he'd get my show and then I gave him the show and then I took it back from him it was hilarious Jay you can tell can't take a jokes he's like ha all right yeah goddamn I love it yet cuz Kimmel goes in like 4 times on him for that whole thing like that's the thing is I'm not even I'm not the biggest Kimmel fan at all - and and like you know I'm sure he's fine you know he's not - some people hate him way more than I think you and I do but I don't love him either no but but I that took some guts though that was [ __ ] funny yeah also um there's I think I don't know if I talked about this on the podcast before but I definitely mentioned it to you recently that time louis c.k was on i know and yeah it's just them throwing like jay-z lewis joking about how weird Jay looks and Jay clearly can't take a joke and he's like at least I have hair and it's like you can pretty much like he's laughing but you can see that like that meme of the mask with the tears behind it uh-huh and then I remember Louie hits of with like he said like no Jay you look so weird that if you murdered somebody and then they asked like a sketch artist to draw you he'd be like come on man what is he he's not do you see that stuff on John Oliver before the Monica Lewinsky stuff - I watched the first part I just couldn't stick around for the whole interview I watched the beginning of it and then the first five minutes the Lewinsky part the clips didn't age well at all when the Lewinsky stuff was coming out leno went in hard with just like every joke about like how much of a [ __ ] she was yeah yeah it does not age well like literally jokes about like like [ __ ] about like her panties and stuff and it's [ __ ] disgusting when you look at it it's not even like a good joke even where you could be like he was just [ __ ] around it's like the goal was to be like this woman is a [ __ ] and it's like [ __ ] you line oh Jesus Christ he's a hack I'll say it you ever listen to cuz it seems like his peers have been saying for so many years too that just like I mean Letterman being you know the biggest vocal guy for it thing like yeah this is pretty typical Jay with a lot of these that's the weird thing is um I would say because you know most comedians that are like our heroes now say that Letterman was theirs yes and Jay was part of the reason for that in his battle with Letterman and now all comedians are age say we love Conan for the same reason so if anything Leno is a good thing where he like picks the good one and is like hey hate me and love man I really love did you see Letterman's last show where he had all his guests on stuff do you see norms slot on Letterman's last no I think it just beautiful you guys check out Norma Collins appearance on the last late-night of David Letterman and it's how it's norm talking about how Letterman gave him his first like TV slot and he did this bit I have never seen norm get emotional at all and he goes and he does this little intro thing and he does a little bit of you know a little stand-up and stuff and then at the end he tells his favorite Letterman joke he said this is one of my favorites he tells that I won't retell it but in his own norm you know grandiose words that he's using - he just goes like you know Dave is somebody that doesn't like praise in fact he turns his nose up at it but I have to say to you Dave truly from the bottom of my heart this is not inflated I love you I love you Dave and it's just like norm gets choked up yeah that's not norm at all no also did you see norms first first like slot thing for when Conan came back to TBS like for the first time he I just saw this for the first time I didn't know so on Conan's first night at TBS and like in the myths of you know all the nbnbc happening like I mean it was like six months later after he toured and everything norm comes out and he's got this gift basket and he's like what a nice surprise you bought a gift basket and everything and he's like well actually I'm not gonna do norms voice it's like I bought this back in June and I kind of forgot to give it to you so here's like in Conan's like oh there's a card that says congrats he's I was like yeah can I read it for you he's like sure he said Conan congratulations on securing your spot as the permanent host of it's a night show it go social avenues but that is something that they can never take away from me god I love that yeah so if you're if you're a little bit younger than us and you missed out on that stuff that's why Conan's great and also [ __ ] Jay Leno dude I heard Leno bullied Johnny Carson out of The Tonight Show so yeah just he's just like a [ __ ] [ __ ] his entire career just [ __ ] him if you want a really interesting interview though and you want to set aside some Jay [ __ ] to hear some good like insight on the early comedy scene honestly Joe Rogan talking to Jay Leno in 2015 super [ __ ] interest really I didn't even know that was a thing Jay used to go and he used to go into these clubs at the end of the night and stuff and that didn't even typically do comedy stuff and he'd walk in with I think was like a $50 bill or something and he'd go to the owner and he'd say like hey listen I know you don't do stand-up stuff I don't expect to get paid here's 50 bucks like if you let me go on and do like you know 20 minutes or so if it does well you give me the 50 bucks back at the end of the night if not you can keep it okay yeah so like Jay hustled his ass off to get to where he's at and he used to do touring stuff with two stripper women in their 40s and stuff so he'd do a show and the women would like they would literally strip and do like sexy stuff in a bathtub as he was doing stand-up when he was doing well super weird and so not Jay Leno's like brand that we know him for very obvious yeah car check it out it's some good [ __ ] though there was one other thing we were talking about that we said we might save for the podcast I think but I can't remember it so is pointless it was pointless there's nothing that oh did you see the new the movie news what's that that Jack tweeted oh no and game according to Jack okay is officially past avatars the number one highest grossing movie of all time has it really um box office mojo and Wikipedia did not update yet but there are articles written yep I'm seeing NBC News 14 minutes ago adventurers endgame passes avatar to become the biggest movie in history somebody said though I think it was on reddit where they're like do you think before avatar 2 they're gonna do a release of evitt r1 just to kick back past it yeah I mean yeah then you know then Avengers can just do it again they can release it in front of any one of their movies that they're gonna release yeah Jesus [ __ ] Christ - okay again I'm Big Papi calling my shot here I'll talk about endgame in a second here but I you know already I want to do that sketch about the the traditional like news outlets with their [ __ ] adblock pop-up [ __ ] yeah I can't even get into NBC News I go in there and it's just like you know journalists survive and make their living off of this stuff which is fine but come on [ __ ] it I can't even access the website always because you have adblock on yeah and it's just it's showing me a step by step first you click dist and it's like dumbass I know how to use adblock I got it yeah I don't mind the warnings where it's like hey guys like for real if you could just take it off this one but when they don't allow you to look at the article nobody is turning a block off because of that yeah okay I got I went back I got in the second time I went back in Jesus Christ dude um yeah it's it it passes it up you know I'm excited about that yep it's just one where it's like again avatar was cool to be a number one but this one was like obviously this should be for for representation for like culture in general right now yeah but again it doesn't matter it's just corporations making a ton of money but it is I saw people on our slash movies being like [ __ ] these fanboys for caring about this dumb number it's like it kind of matters I mean if you care about movies in general it kind of matters yeah cuz I mean a lot of read is like that too but like the cynicism of just like you know you're just making the studio has richer and richer it's like yeah I know but there is still cool for all of us I'm not part of us to like be like we did it yeah and also uh they're like it's Disney verse Disney and then someone was like yeah you realize like not everybody who worked on the Marvel movies are just Disney it's like those those are separate group of people that they are like according to everyone in its a are like a family with like the makeup artist and like the the different like lighting people and everything you know what I mean so that's a group of people that's worked together for like 10 - like 12 years yeah it that's it's [ __ ] awesome I'm really happy about that I I literally I've told Eddie to off the podcast to I I you guys know I'm not a big Marvel guy I'll catch up they're not traditionally for me but it just makes sense in every way for this to be the number one I was only holding out kind of for avatar to stay number one as part of the [ __ ] post but avatar does not deserve the number one slot yeah not a toll you gotta catch up man I'll catch up do it on tour watch like a movies at night to unwind I'll just do move I'll just watch that on stage I'll just scream here's one watch Iron Man - tonight it's gonna be called Guses will you please catch up with me - her you are wait so where you at you're right before Civil War right I have I saw Civil War in theaters on a shitty date in high school or college but I didn't really have to be college they did orbing it probably was college then yeah okay wait Civil War you watched on a date oh I'm a dumbass Winter Soldier yeah yeah yeah well but definitely re-watch Winter Soldier is a good movie okay but yeah yeah that's where soldiers high school probably then yeah that was probably high school I was a bad date that's probably why I didn't like my first date ever was during Iron Man two and I had I was in eighth grade and I had my arm around her the entire time and the sheer pain that was shooting through my shoulder I had to rewatch it on DVD at my house cuz I was like I need to rewatch this movie cuz all I could think about was how much my arm hurt the entire time yeah it was just the angle of it was awful and I had no muscle mass at all cuz I was a little weak a little [ __ ] boy dude I missed that [ __ ] I I wish that I could Mindwipe my brain and go back to the thrill and excitement of those early first dates and being like in ten minutes I'm gonna touch her hand you know yeah I hear ya I hated everything about being that age so I wouldn't wipe my brain and go back but I was just so insecure at the time wait how about this I cuz I I really you date an eighth grader is what you're saying that's the back table burner I'll go we'll both go back and I I'll take you on a date I'll show you how much fun a real man maybe he'll touch my hand in ten t-minus ten minutes yeah I remember my first date was at it this sounds like the most like country music video thing ever is that the good ol County Fair okay we had the shitty little fair that comes through our town every year and I got some extra tickets I was probably in like seventh grade and I went and I asked my mom if I could take this girl on the g-wiz which was just a much it was like this this ride that literally if you're not a listener [ __ ] you but I'm moving my hands in the motion of like a clock I'm just going in circles so everyone's sitting in a line oh that thing goes the one that kid died on I assume so it was very violent yeah the one where your your feet are hanging kind of like the Superman rides right and yes just like Ghana yeah kid died on you just go around and around and I was so nervous that like I went up to her cuz I saw her she was there with her family was like hey do you wanna ride the g-wiz with me oh okay and we got on there and I hadn't really talked to this girl ever so as we're getting like lunged around I remember trying to like ask her questions you know like what you hear summer plans I just tried having a conversation with her but it gets real real like violent with the ride you should go hey gee whiz am i right throws up that's why they call it that I guess I remember the thing is the weight of that age you thing feels so [ __ ] serious when it happens I remember being heartbroken cuz this girl I was dating and it wasn't like just a simple thing because it wasn't like an another dude for it but it was a friend of hers that was also a friend of mine he was a guy and we were already like dating and I was like we could go to Burger King after school there's one right next to the school she was like yeah sure and then I was like okay this is like the first traditional date that I've ever been on so I went and I like got like some allowance money I didn't really have an allowance but it was like every once in a while my dad would be like I haven't given you a three dollars for taking out the trash in for five months so here you go and so that total up to like ten dollars I brought it to school and then that friend too was like yeah we're gonna Burger King later right and she made it a group hangout and I was just heartbroken I remember just being like like my [ __ ] heart sank and I ended up not going to it because I was just like so kind of pissed off from it yeah and then I ended up doing an Ironman thing that sounds like some code but that was like the next week with the same rule goddamn yeah I remember that stuff too I remember like one of the most exciting early things for me ever was I was in middle school this was a different girl and there was this girl that I had kind of had a crush on and we were doing this like sleepover thing at the church where we were supposed to like simulate what it was like to be homeless for a night you know so we a lot of context like you do it was called like I think was called shantytown what and it was like to give you perspectives here like now you know what it's like of course we were in like [ __ ] down jackets and like yeah and you got to sleep in the church so you had a home free yeah well we went outside for part of it but I remember I played the long game that night boys like the player I am and I built we were given cardboard and stuff and you were challenged to try to build like a shelter so that is fun that sounds fun that was [ __ ] fun that was my favorite homeless simulation so I I purposely built my shelter just [ __ ] terribly so that when night came around I was like and it was late I was like oh no it felt down like hey can I come sleep by yours and cuz there was like a no co-ed kind of thing in the end the youth leader was like yeah you can go sleep over by her tent you know she literally allowed me to just put the top half of me in the tent it wasn't in a tent it was like a cardboard [ __ ] and I just remember like really slowly being like I'm gonna hold her hand and it was just like that long you moved a millimeter an hour yeah it was just it's creeping and I and I like held her hand and she like squeezed me back and it was like hours of just like rub it like you know that I've sort of the office were Michael and Holly are being way too much PDA yeah and they have that thing where they're kind of just like rubbing their hands like that for hours I just remember the whole night being like this is the sexual peak of my entire life goes nowhere but down from here maybe that's like later you like walk into the room with Sabrina and you're like my cardboard fort felt how could I sleep in the bed tonight she's like you can't do that every night I'm catching wind of it finish your cardboard for do you want to do some my [ __ ] jaw lately dude it's like a thing where it's like it just hurts sometimes if I if I yell something like mail Thanks yeah here's a here's a package from Eric Eric from Vegas baby I know you didn't mean it but the way you stare just felt like [ __ ] Eric's as a package every week this is a piece of paper it says please read on the podcast or don't I don't control you hey this package is for Gus oh oh so I he said so Eddie I guess you can just eat [ __ ] and die [ __ ] you said Gus isn't authentic oh and I want to ruin it whoa it's an authentic Zippo for my great-grandfather's time in Vietnam mmm this is a lie Eric is this real it's on wait he might say one so it's crazy that you can't [ __ ] spell so maybe eat [ __ ] and die dude he meant sit so it's one of the things he left in his will after he passed last year now I'm giving it to you to help jump-start your collection I'll be live it is at the bottom not just kidding I bought this online for $3 but it's still cool that's funny also good me also the pin is broken so it sounds like a grenade it's opened but it's not I swear piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] packets you gave us a broken $3 Zippo lighter and told me to eat [ __ ] that was a good meme though listen to the grenade okay cool Wow check this out I can do this because it's our podcast what's that he said his name is stupid [ __ ] ass Wow weird weird name dude weird name I guess he shouldn't die let me tell you this does smell like Vietnam though you're like acrid smoky metal all right thanks Eric what else we got here this feels like a couple of cans of beans let me tell ya ah this is from the deal guys what that reminds me we used to have this company called the gold guys that just you'd sell them gold and they'd say hey we're the gold guys okay hi Gus and Eddie use these to cover people's addresses from Duncan what is oh it's it's like sticky paper oh thanks actually all right thanks great stuff we can open more than if this is one let's do one more all right one more this is from Justin and Clara I cut it off table because the the bassy sound I don't think that that's what I meant but that's okay yo shouts out to Charles Martin a the voice of Mario he seems like a happy man for a second I really thought you're gonna say you'd shout out to Charles Manson yeah is he still alive I know he didn't he recently died in prison kind of kind of rude of you to just besmirch his name like yeah I'm pretty sure you did dude Oh what is it a creepy one there's a big boy alert right here what is it good yeah yo dude it's the knockoff one here talk about the rally one it's Diary of a very awesome guy or where that's really dusty that's fine great what's this Tony's Oh what the [ __ ] is this Tony's chocolate only did they send it cuz of Tony yeah Tony note in there it says Tony's on the phone get ready for a classic bit so you renamed this chocolate that yeah oh my god this does not feel like you can eat it is that real food I don't know we got smokehouse almonds if not it's I don't like this what is this on the bottom and this part of the packaging it's not what they wrote huh just check the inside of the wrapper isn't that what any packaging would do yeah I don't this makes me nervous I don't want to open this dude what's inside of it oh it's it it says almond sea salt chocolate dark chocolate almond sea salt why did okay here's my problem though yeah this feels really solid okay so I'm here's me hitting the solid part of it but then here's the other end oh I really don't know it's crunchy crunchy crunchy with your knife do it far away all right here this is for you I don't remember who sent this is this all this from the deal guys we got a golden ticket okay well it's just the [ __ ] is in here Tony's chocolate only it just seems to be smashed is that it no it's like what the [ __ ] is this did they already open it it seems like it's factory sealed oh yeah it was cuz look at this right here I'm smelling chocolate what the [ __ ] is this that's why guys don't going in here ah Oh bet it melted and went to one side oh that's real off show the show the happy people oh it's falling up I hope you get triple phobia from this that looks weird man Jesus all right great Tony's on the phone Tony we'll be sure to mail that to you so buckle up Buster didn't hurt that time hell yeah dude hey I'll be a middle I'll be a middle school tough kid making a joke does your jaw hood from sucking so much dick no what the [ __ ] what because if you suck so much my dick so somebody else is dead for sure we also got a Diary of a Wimpy Kid summer reading adventure thing so just super short just you know you can kind of just track your summers reading log kind of situations okay man isn't it nice to not have to go to school anymore yeah [ __ ] that yeah if you're in school stop nerds dude I just I don't know man we've talked about it a bunch as school is not for me mm-hmm and the thing is I didn't even like super struggle but college was like every day I was like don't skip class don't skip class don't skip class it was so fun to skip class though dude dude it was that's the thing is like it's so easy to just to not go yeah it's like somebody's driving to their community college class right now that they were thinking about skipping and like think about you could just go to Jimmy John's right now instead I'm giving you the Hat here take this in to your teacher you can play her or him the soundbite okay I state your name now for the teacher good have been given permission by Gus and Eddie to skip class today and if you try to give me any business then you are about to catch these fists for fists like this one's called Gus this one's called Eddie and then yours are called Eddie Eddie and that one's called Damien Gus that was called Damien this is called Damien so unless you want to Gus's and Eddie and Damien to beat the [ __ ] out of you they skip class class and that's fine no homework no much catching up and that and the note notes so thank you thank you that's pretty good yeah I hope it'll worship the thing is though if you're in high school you can't skip class not at all it's I did it sometimes and it would screw me over cuz skipping Heine in high school is like skipping class in college if you had triple the credit hours yes it's too many classes to miss and the teacher will know you are gone yeah how is there not even that much time wasted in high school I don't know cuz college you have way less class and way more wasted time yeah it felt so weird going to college nothing no feeling will rival that feeling of when you've been fretting like all previous night or morning of to be like I gotta go to this class I gotta wake up but the moment that you finally convince your own lazy dumb ass brain I'm not gonna go and you realize I'm not going yep but incredible I I think I think I'm Minister before I would be the one in the room Tony and I shared I was next to the alarm clock we don't we didn't have the bunk beds we used to have that I mentioned with Sven but I would be the one to wake up with the alarm clock so I got to kind of decide for both of us because we took the same classes so I would genuinely wake Tony up and I go Tony and he go yeah I just go no class today baby yeah just like tired like put his fist in I think I mentioned this in the podcast before there was a time where we're my friend Zac Tony and I went to a class outside in the hall said hi to the professor he went inside and then we left and got Sbarro instead oh god it's just like and I remember the next day him kind of being like like giving us a look like where were you yesterday was like I was eating some Stromboli phone teacher [ __ ] [ __ ] you teach you [ __ ] that genuinely though that guy was very nice but it was an astronomy class and it was very like physics based too because he was a like he I think was some kind of like physics lab guy yeah but the way he spoke just was the most put you to sleep voice I've ever heard so I I remember that class I've never been so bored in any aspect of my life then I when I be in that class and I would just picture like I don't even skateboard our picture riding on a skateboard just out away from the building and I just sit there and think like ash won't play video games or get some food or do anything but be here it was just so boring I don't even blame you I I think I've said before to one of my biggest College academic regrets was that the one class that I took where I had the full opportunity to fully learn like Photoshop InDesign and illustrator was this three hour long and it was taught by this guy and genuinely very nice man I don't even want to like Reagan I'm not gonna say his name but for three full hours all he would do would would be put the thing on the projector put his screen on there and he would do tutorials he'd show you how to learn each skill which no Photoshop will you're wasting your time but it was useful technically because he did give me and everyone else the opportunity to see and learn all the skills but it was non-stop three hours he talked just like this so I'm working and I'm gonna take care brush tool and I was just like dude I get it how the [ __ ] do I pay attention to this can you imagine if you just like alright we're gonna play some music a little bit like quietly during and then just say like alright so you're gonna take the brush tool and like what I like to do is make like maybe like a meme image here and just kind of like [ __ ] around and have fun but no damn that pissed me off so if you watch any of my videos from like 2015 maybe some into 2016 everything that seems like it was shot on a college campus or in a college hallway every day during that class almost failed that class I would leave like 40 minutes in and I would just not come back for like an hour and a half and I would go out and I would wander around campus and that's when I was trying to post every day or at least every other day I would wander around and I'd be like alright baby there's a video hidden in plain sight what's a little shitty meme I can film around here yeah every [ __ ] day I would do that that's great and it was just that I felt really bad too cuz I had a lie to him cuz he started he came up to me and he was like hey I am I happened to notice that you are taking a lot of time out of class here just what's going on and just take it out touch base and I was like oh [ __ ] I was like hey I just learned that you know I I might have IBS you know you know that's my Libran went like say some about having trouble in the bathroom oh yeah so IBS is irritable bowel syndrome so I was like and I pretend to be really shy I was like I just I still kind of sorry but I'm still kind of figuring out what I can and can't eat so I'm and he goes I I fully understand just try to be here as much as you can there you go that's the here's the problem is College especially if you want to make it and also be somebody who doesn't like school you have to lie more than you ever have to your professors and it's not even for your own gain most of the time it's to not hurt their feelings because you can't directly tell a professor like you're boring and I don't have to be here uh-huh there's no reason for it yeah especially I think I told you before my film class for my first semester of college was on a Friday and it was three hours long mm-hmm and so the temptation of leaving or skipping was so high especially cuz Zach and Tony didn't have class on Friday uh-huh so like because we didn't do our schedules together the first semester and then we were like why are we because it was like supposed to be after high school like we can be kind of independent and then we're like we just [ __ ] herself over we have one car um but so I think it was like one of the last classes and I had already walked out of a bunch of movies cuz he was full like documentaries or King were mostly gonna walk to watch documentaries here a boy nothing about watching big popular movies and it was like one day I had already watched half of Cloud Atlas like a couple of weeks before my favorite documentary yeah I don't like Cloud Atlas it's not for me or at least at the time it wasn't my brain is different now maybe I'd enjoy it differently it's really really long and it's a string of things that don't really make sense until you watch the whole thing so it was like he usually had some kind of questionnaire thing in the beginning he's like today we're gonna watch one of my favorite movies of all time Cloud Atlas and right away I was like no so I stayed for a little bit and I was just losing my mind with boredom because I had already seen this part and not liked it and like there's some phrasing in Cloud Atlas I [ __ ] hate and it's like one it's multiple characters say like that's the true-true and it's like supposed to be a different language so like that I skipped and went to hang out with Zach and Tony and the true-true became like a meme with all of us were just like I'm skipping class and that's the true-true boy I told you I stopped bringing a backpack to that class cuz I would walk out like I was going to the bathroom and then just come back that's what you got to do I would always like if if I got a whiff of like could be some [ __ ] today I can sink out of just leave the backpack in like an empty classroom down the hall never bring a backpack to a college class there's no reason to and especially even if you want some extra insurance about how to get out of that room without seeming suspicious at all because either way the professor's gonna look at you yeah if you just call I never enroll laughing yeah and then almost every time they're gonna go like do you need to go grab some water they won't have you go you know what I might have actually let's see how to make a me move if you were unless you did that no I think I did that uh [ __ ] you know I know I shot it oh it was on my second channel that I had for a bit I made a meme about that in the class where that Professor was droning on and on so and you filmed the actual you coughing and I'm telling you to leave yes I did so it's a real it's a real meme I can't find it right now it's like how to get out of class or how to skip class or some [ __ ] it was on my channel that I had for like three months when my main channel didn't have monetization or some [ __ ] one thing - I just got a stress he's like and I think I've said this something like this before is if you are seventeen and there's a lot of people around you telling you what you need to do with your life and like what you should do a lot of people do have good advice but most people don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about cuz adults don't have it figure it out either we don't have it fully figured out with what we're doing I'll I could give anybody advice on anything but everything when you're like about to graduate high school everybody is so sure of every piece of advice they give you and especially now I feel like it's it we got the very tail end of like college you have to do it no matter what and now it's starting to change a little bit where people are like well hold on we don't want to get into this trap yeah but we are really [ __ ] with the atmosphere we graduated we really did and again to you even as you listen to our advice you know in some ways it's kind of non advice because we are saying the biggest piece of advice that we can give is you have to be so [ __ ] picky and discerning about who you're listening to and why they are saying what their exactly because everybody inherently is gonna come from a place of familiarity as their base and they could have either had a great experience they could have had a bad one so they're gonna talk about what they know and how they could apply their framework to what you might be doing yeah like I mean even us we would have different advice on YouTube than like a high school counselor yeah because they'd be like [ __ ] that that'll never work for you yeah and again it takes a lot of just different factors for every single decision because both Eddie and I were we're kind of of the nature of being like that shit'll work out [ __ ] out what we can like phone it in for certain parts like it's called being naive yeah it's called being naive we got we're naive and we got luck we did get very lucky with also skill involved as well and like extreme extreme need to want to do it mmm but also not even luck are huge factors that's the thing all right I'm tiptoeing here around trend and not sound like a douchebag you know I'll die on this hill you don't have to come with me to but something that I've said before too is like I mean Eddie and I are good at what we do you know we're not [ __ ] perfect but we're pretty funny and we know what people want to watch for the most part but even the dumbest person thinks that they are not dumb you know like if you are gonna really bet on yourself it's it's know that you have a lot of [ __ ] to back it up whatever you want to do if you will be an artist I would even say when I was ready to bet on myself back then I was sorry I was not worthy of betting on myself but I was naive enough the thing is especially for dream stuff what I've found is every person that I've met that is doing what they really want to do there was no other option in their life than doing that thing with a few exceptions like I know like William Osmond is so extremely talented like and same with Michael Reeves with like the [ __ ] that they do that they like happened along making YouTube videos as well that are hilarious you know what I mean absolute that they're also doing kind of the path they wanted to do anyway along with YouTube but like for you and me I was like I remember being 17 and telling Tony I could never do something that's not an entertainment so how the [ __ ] do I figure this out yeah and I was like I was seriously was like I don't know what to do but I want to die if I don't yeah yeah and if you don't have that then maybe consider things absolutely Eddie makes a [ __ ] great point to every guy yeah I mean when I was really trying to go all-in on doing YouTube stuff at least I was very fortunate that I had so many windfalls I was it was cheapest [ __ ] for me to live it was a few hundred bucks a month gas groceries rent everything included but I also I wasn't [ __ ] ready like even a year and a half two years ago I don't know if I was ready to make the leap out to here to live in LA to be honest we weren't ready to make the leap when we made something now I would say we're fully good but like when we did it still I look back and it's like I wouldn't give us the advice over a year ago to be like yeah you guys should definitely move right now I'd be like whoa you got too much dip on your chest but yeah I don't know we're talking I don't know if the thesis is but you just do you guys yeah the main thing too is I don't know is especially a lot of people that that were very kind of judgmental about what I should do when I was 17 are now extremely supportive now that they've seen it work out so the thing is you gotta pass up those people usually yeah and the weird thing is it's always shitty because you remember that like if you have somebody now they don't [ __ ] know like if you have somebody in your life they might say something that was even like flippant and quick maybe you had a teacher that was just like oh you want to do YouTube stuff that don't do that yeah you'll remember that they won't remember ten minutes from now and then you do you work and then maybe four years from now it's like wow I'm [ __ ] doing it and you go back and they're like I'm so happy for you [ __ ] discouraged you from doing that yeah they know who they are too I think I've mentioned it two of my best friends put me in a group chat when I was 17 when I wanted to do film and it wasn't specifically about like films to film school because I was already kind of like not sure if I was gonna do that and they told me like you need to do something more secure and I was like [ __ ] I literally told him to [ __ ] off and those are now my tomb-like most supportive friends about the YouTube stuff yeah it's like I want in your face dude allow me to do this uh-huh they're super supportive was I I hate it's such a meme did I already talk about this on the podcast about my uncle that was always like trying to convince me to get out of yeah yeah yeah yeah I had that moment too but Eddie hates my uncle so you take a look at some questions I'm sorry key translate for me I really don't understand it oh are you a native Spanish speaker see thank gracias para escuchar a este programa follow Italy dude you gotta you get it let's take some pregunta okay lo siento that's something I understand as a Spanish speaker si Claro que si all right so follow us on Twitter at Eddie Burbank and Gus buckets if you want to follow any of those if I take Twitter I wear again if I'm not verified by this we if I'm verified by this week send me more roebucks yeah please please you know that verification submission works out here's open clock's ticking boys so ya ask us your questions we'll answer them as we see him at girl from Texas says any a y'all play in the new Harry Potter wizards unite game no no I my thing is I love Harry Potter I love Pokemon go in its prime I really didn't like the look of that game of like realistic looking shitty iPhone models of like Hagrid and and werewolves and stuff I know I just feel like Harry Potter's not the right thing to do for that what I don't understand and I've been saying it for years why doesn't somebody take a while good development cycle to make a nice MMORPG in the Harry Potter universe well there's the phone one but not like yeah that's the thing that sucks like you're totally right like mobile game is just killing so much of like traditional game development stuff for something like that like I mean 5 10 years ago maybe that would have thrived on PC [ __ ] you know but I would love a nice like PC game where it's you can go to all of the schools you know you've got like durmstrang beauxbatons and hogwarts and [ __ ] fiddle blower bill what's that Bibble boy the school the one that I started in the Harry Potter universe what's your school slogan well where the school is currently moving Nebraska to Orlando so we kind of left the slogan behind and we're kind of in search for a new one the old one was Bill bore come on that question I'm in school are you still saying the phrase er no that was pretty much it it was come on come to school okay and so we didn't really teach mostly magic it was usually Welding classes cuz welding is a really good one to go into in the trade industry so like that and the training is pretty easy so would you make them say the words religious anyway somebody somebody make that game goddammit um don't want the welding water yeah bibble bores welding class [ __ ] I got a P I'll be right back just vamp ow [ __ ] alright I'm gonna go to the pregunta actually and I'll see the new ones rolling in I'm stalling because I'm going to the questions ah hopefully my new video is out by now if it's not holy [ __ ] alright so uh did you see the cast 2019 trailer we talked about that last time I shouldn't have read it out loud let me go for latest it's just me guys what are your Taco Bell orders I don't know Gus is my all-time favorite that I haven't gotten often recently is a Crunchwrap supreme with no lettuce or tomato not that I don't like less tomato but on my Crunchwrap I like it to be like the meat and cheese and sour cream I also get why am I forgetting it cheese go to your crunch that's what I get a lot okay let's see what pokemon types would you all be [ __ ] I'm in joke about pokémon types to Jake and I can't remember what it was what objects would you but guys be from minecraft table alright do you have real printers I got some bang and pregnant is here let me see oh we can we can choose whether or not on this one at 4 j --mk 22 says have you seen Julian Smith's new stuff on YouTube if so do you think he's going in the right direction on a different platform do you think people will transfer over or that this isn't a good idea I love Julian Smith I think even just for inspiration of wanting to get into YouTube we both owe a lot to Julian Smith I don't think another platform that nobody's gonna be on is a good move at all ya know I'm there with you hey I was just gonna say he was one of my genuinely probably the personal hero for me when I was a kid on YouTube dude yeah same here that's what Zak and I would always talk about is that we just want to do what Julian Smith does absolutely I would love to have him on the podcast Julian if you're listening come by and talk but it's so it's so hard even to transfer people over to like a legitimate big service I mean even like YouTube to twitch can be [ __ ] hard for some people yeah no it just doesn't work out for a lot of people let alone like rock Finn which is like an ode back I know nothing about the service I think it's a subscription like you have to pay to use it there's an there's no way I would be surprised if there was like a hundred people that went to go do that yeah Ashley I don't know I think I think right now if your content isn't profitable on YouTube then you can still post the content on YouTube and make your profit somewhere else there's patreon there are like you can do twitch streams on the side and that's that I'm saying that Julian has to do that but even merch is like just because your stuff adsense wise isn't profitable means you shouldn't post it because people still want to see it but I don't know hey stuff costs a lot more so I don't I don't know I'm yeah I'm right there with you it's just it's really really [ __ ] hard and he's been doing YouTube stuff for like a super long time - yeah that's true some could completely change for us down the line and then like we don't know what to do - I mean we've talked before it's it's both exciting but also very scary for other people how like YouTube has kind of shifted towards like for sketch comedy stuff those traditional sketch comedy guys like a Julian Smith who make these really really tightly professionally produced like sketches and stuff those aren't being rewarded as much anymore on YouTube like they take forever to make they're super expensive and like the algorithm isn't necessarily gonna jerk it off as much as it is gonna be like you know pros IDI throwing a shitty wig on in his room on the cell phone like that's just the the fact of the matter and while that is disappointing and discouraging for some of these like older guard youtubers like a Julian Smith who [ __ ] kills it with those sketches it's not gonna translate any more like you need to adapt to some of the new styles of stuff it's so exciting for for independent creators though I feel like now is arguably one of the best time in YouTube or the internet since Epson to really build a platform yeah you can post almost anything it's like that's like the one thing I would say that like people don't want to watch on YouTube right now but other than that it's like pretty much everything man dude you could have a cell phone from 2008 genuinely and if what you shoot is funny enough people will watch it like PewDiePie started playing minecraft again and it's doing amazing right now like the rules are out the window yeah the only thing holding you back is is time and like just the potential and creative ideas in your execution I feel like also I don't know I would like a little more just selfishly I would like Julian to be more active in the community but if he doesn't want that that's fine I think if he was he could appear in other stuff he could like have guests on and it could be more fun but I don't know that's just me saying like I wish we got to like have a conversation with Julian but also I feel like he might be a little bit insulted by this conversation so ya know I I don't intend to insult them but that's just my perspective looking at the situation I I would that's for me I was my biggest suggestion for Julian would be to be more active in the community and just try posting different stuff just go for it I'm sure he's super knowledgeable on movies why not make a video essay just to try it out it's like he doesn't have to switch it for good but if he did like video essays and then also his sketches in between that could work you know he's so quick witted to like yeah commentary [ __ ] I feel like you would [ __ ] kill out some of that stuff or just low-budget e quick thing you got a quick idea turn around de shoot on a phone with a buddy you know yeah I don't know you need another claw bra I'll [ __ ] hook you up with a clock oh yeah let me ask you a question cuz I can hear what you know I think these were the last applause I would drink something else can I just check before you yeah okay [ __ ] the entire podcast up kind of shook now I'll ask you this is and you can answer as I go look at ya bud did ya but idk says have you ever had I will save this one for after this is both we need a no gang this one at domestic dream asks what is your all-time favorite arcade game oh man I used to really really like Galaga as a kid or what's the one you have to that's the sequel is it galaxia those are the dog likes so those are the two though right I used to really love those playing it more recently I didn't as much I don't know man I I haven't played too many I mean I've played a lot of arcade games but I think especially my dumb brain I grew up like the first game i ever played probably was spyro on the ps1 so my brain was always spoiled with like 3d graphics so I usually tend to stray away from platformers as like but not not altogether but for the most part I'm into [ __ ] because my brain got hardwired with it but yeah the first games I ever played were on the ps1 demo discs that was one of the first things jakey and I actually like found common ground on is that like we both had played those she played the ps1 demo discs at all I didn't have a ps1 but no I played demo discs on the PC things and elements in cereal boxes that oh yeah yeah well some of them though that's what I loved is like Freddy the fish server pajama Samuel come in but yeah the ps1 demo discs was like you get one with the system and like it would come with like five game trials on it so it'd be like metal gear and like a skiing game or a snowboarding game and then Spyro and then it would come with also like here's a trailer for the intro to the Rugrats game or here's like an anime trailer that's like super violent and we it was just like this it wasn't like kid-friendly was just a bunch of stuff yeah so for maybe I'd say the first three or four years I played video games I pretty much just played those like five demo games the first level of am non-stop damn cuz I had a dumb kid brain that's okay we were your own make sure there's a single white claw my car do you want your makeshift one I can just do home home brewed you know boys you can't always have a claw by your side okay sometimes you guys synthesize your own so I'm doing a little a little bottle of white wine from the Train and an easy sparkling juice I want do you think white clothes I know it's not a new brand but new enough of a brand where they would sponsor us I would love to guys harass why don't harass him but ask politely Twitter if white claw wants to sponsor us I drink claws on the podcast again though how the [ __ ] is I see not even [ __ ] I'm not even gonna getting they were avoiding it they're avoiding it we're not even give them airtime no I'm not even gonna buy 7-eleven slushies Slurpees Slurpees that would stay on brandy there's too many [ __ ] words for it is like Slurpee 7-eleven I see and then slushies are the general term right yeah and then you got all those like knockoff brands like blur p4p [ __ ] lucky p4p yeah like get a nice cool fur pee right now sometimes the I mean sorry the claw claws are always easy to open and very fresh just take a year from our trusted customers also if you not old enough to drink close your [ __ ] ears don't even listen to this I'm Eddie's gonna open it and I'm gonna hum over it boys boys boys boys boys boys boys my favorite arcade game of all time I think just lawns you have' tea wise I mean I like all this [ __ ] like why can you remember the name of it the shooting there's all the sequels zombies dead house house of the devil how's that yeah oh I wasn't even thinking that I was thinking traditional ones you know what rules is the aliens arcade game really that you remember the again I say resort it was just a bunch of shitty cabins that was like it was just a busted out in place that I would go to every year with my family was literally running since the 60s and they sold it in Wisconsin and the in the campus area there was I think I mentioned this before so I'm gonna be just be quick there were two arcade games there was a broken Donkey Kong jr. I believe the joystick was just completely broken so you could turn it on you could pay for it but you can play [ __ ] them and then there was a very very in good condition aliens arcade game and it's [ __ ] awesome it's like the full like walking around with two guys with like big guns and then you get like a powerup and your gun shoots different and they're coming and attacking you I [ __ ] loved it do a damn it was so so good that sounds awesome played it on an emulator recently but it doesn't Amelie just don't you guys stand in you gotta get pizza grease on a controller also can we just get rid of grapefruit as a flavor white cloud you had us tilt a grapefruit okay we will do business with you but if you [ __ ] try to have us push grapefruit we're gonna die black cherry or lime and nothing else that's my actually raspberries fine two raspberries fine till mine is big buck under HD oh that's good boom baby I love House of the Dead though it's great it is good I'm also time crisis is really good what's the [ __ ] other one Crossy road isn't it a Chrono Trigger or whatever is that not an arcade game I think it is what was that question that you said you had to save for both of us um that question is our chrono GG game of the day [ __ ] what is it okay here it is at yeah but idk I think we might have done this one before but said have you ever had any negative experiences meeting other influencers or entertainer it's like one and it wasn't super negative yeah it's just like I didn't usually the thing is I I like our atmosphere so much I just noticed you were wearing the shirt from the last episode that's cool I like that for the first nice Evan but we just like to make friends with people there's no we know a lot of youtubers that we've never asked to collaborate with just cuz like we don't that's not the goal it's like we just want to be friends with everybody so the only bad ones are like yeah we didn't really click as friends and that's like the worst of it you know yeah and it's pretty easy I mean even going into stuff it's already kind of easy to assume who we probably wouldn't get along with in terms of just lifestyle choice stuff and most of those are like the kind of cokehead party people or just like we just don't do that yeah it's just it doesn't yeah it's not to me it's still I still that old high school feeling that like drinking or like smoking weed would give me where it was like when people do coke it's like it's dark I want to stay away from that yeah dark I'm right there too I don't know sound judgmental but I'm just like I I don't want to [ __ ] do coke don't chill don't do coke kids or you'll be a joke and you'll go broke so just drink new coke that's really good dude they're not it's not for sale but oh [ __ ] what was the thing I was gonna say along with that though uh it was I mean one thing is this is small I don't know if it was just in my head I think I think I might have gotten a dirty look from Brent Rivera fit cut really just he passed me also um but I would understand if it was but I also we'd like we made eye contact but also he might not know who I am at all from the video uh-huh vo does have like I think like 600,000 views though but also he be videos on him he'd know that you were associate with like didn't you do one on him or take you and Danny have both done yeah so like he probably hates our group too like his core Danny's done a lot of ones where it's like fun clowning on him what did he do I know nothing about him what he's just like he was just a bad Viner and then he went into Instagram and it was just like be shirtless all the time and I made that video where it was like he was kind of exploiting his sister and mom oh yeah disgust yeah I think mine is the most damning of because like Danny juries are like very fun and good and then mine's like dude it seems like our [ __ ] sister yes like so I would hate me if I was him - can I just say though this may be anti nice and perhaps a little off-brand Brent Rivera was also in the VidCon basketball game oh yeah that's uh what do you think what's your call um my call is maybe not a slam dunk for her it was not good which is fine that's fine but when your brand is trying to be really cool it's it's funny and noticeable when you're his war though like young relatable instead of like a cool guy like he doesn't really pitch himself as the cool dude but he does take his shirt off so it's a weird mix he's a sex machine is he of age at Shelley's staff word says this is super important would lightning mcqueen buy car insurance or life insurance cars died in cars and how would they of old age how would they die they just get too rusty cuz mater's rusty is [ __ ] he can still like jump [ __ ] they replace parts and also do they get to pay for when they do have currency they have to pay the carbon tax topical yeah how the [ __ ] would cars died did any cars die in cards in cars I don't think so but I also didn't see the third one Oh Chris all of them died did the sheriff dude die linke you mean what was his name I was dawn McLaren but that's who the [ __ ] is done McLaren I don't know like Doc something is that it Don McLaren Donald McLaren was a oh he's a World War one it was like Doc Hudson is okay I still do is that the actor that played him oh no some old [ __ ] okay there's a good one right here for you at sloth boy 1000 says how quickly would the world end if suddenly all of the water in the ocean was replaced by Fanta orange not I mean that's you just replaced all the ocean water with drinkable like that you could filter out and have I guess you could do it with seawater as well yeah but probably easier right well isn't most of the world's oxygen produced by like plankton and algae blooms from the ocean is it I think so okay so we'd be kind of [ __ ] but how do you how do you define to the ocean what if you poured a bunch of mountain doing it and they just counteracted each other but know that it might explode but you know what I wonder too is there's so much like shaking and moving around in the ocean like tsunamis like it's go waves gonna come and shake and move around the weather guy says pretty much respect some shag and movin right would that instant like the combination of all the fishy tails swimming and the volcanic bubbles coming up and the waves would it cause an insurmountable amount of foam to just overpower up to the atmosphere do you say not to the atmosphere but how deep is the ocean yeah but it doesn't like if it foam it wouldn't go straight up it would go like a onto land no but it would eventually build up yeah no it couldn't be that fast okay cover all the land on earth and then rise to the atmosphere within like a couple minutes don't do this to me how when you pour a glass of soda I think it's probably fair to assume that at least initially 40% of the volume of the glass is fuzz right fuzz a fuzz fizz yeah do I look like shitty like caterpillar fuzz on it yes the average depth of the ocean is twelve point one thousand feet so that means that 40% if you google the height until the atmosphere and directly compare it iMovie pissed off okay there's so much landmass that it would have to cover as well times point four so did four thousand eight hundred and forty feet into the air but you're talking about pouring it out of a can when it's freshly opened directly into a glass not into the open air of the earth the same amount is the scrounging around of the bubbles in the fish and that's like you saying like if you took like like a curved table and poured Fant on it it wouldn't like bubble up like super eye-fuck it's ten miles away we'd be fine don't worry guys the shake it and move it won't fit you weren't right it was just a fantasy no no no no old joke / - joke Wow can you imagine that I just made that joke that wasn't early do you remember that kind of like viral meme where just like an orange ocean and it would they would just quote Bohemian Rhapsody what would they say I'm just a poor boy nobody liked Fanta in the ocean exactly do you have a favorite Queen song yeah well I uh it's been used in movies now I felt original for liking don't stop me now a couple years ago but now it's been used in everything yeah I also really like I like a lot of Queen songs cuz you know they're like one of my favorite bands of all time but uh some underappreciated ones I think breakthroughs really good for running especially huh there's I want to break free is really good somebody to love is really good a lot of songs by Queen are really good save me I really like babies great I also always liked 7seas awry it's a really good like hardcore rock song from them not like metal or anything but it was one of their first I think it was from the movie they showed that it was like their first recorded single really yeah well I never I wonder it's so weird when like a lead singer dies you know yeah and like the band keeps trying to go on touring and stuff to where it's like I don't blame them at all like you can't knock him but it's like it doesn't work dude I was so glad they hired the one dude for the fer Bohemian Rhapsody the movie you know his name right Marc something it's Marc Martel I want to say yeah I'm so happy that like he even looks the part we talked about this on the podcast before but I'm just so happy that they used him for the movie did it for the vocals and [ __ ] I believe so they used him for the yeah for the vocal yeah Marc Martel because they should have toured with him dude yeah he looks like Freddie Mercury's you know just like down to the yeah like his naturally occurring teeth isn't that weird that he looks so much like him and sounds so much like him to the just the statistical anomaly of that is [ __ ] weirdest [ __ ] are they still touring with Adam Lambert I want to say no that American Idol guy the Ida I'm not sure I mean good gig for him considering yeah who is the most successful American Idol person um Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood or somebody maybe yeah yeah Ruben Studdard really to rate here's the second one yeah I'm smelling the second wind Ruben was like a huge celebrity at the time as American Idol was just getting even bigger was Kelly Clarkson the first winner her no was it it was a [ __ ] what's this Clay Aiken yeah yeah man people who are younger are not gonna [ __ ] know or talk dude Ruben Studdard it's only 40 how does he do anyone I would have thought he would be like [ __ ] 58 or [ __ ] goddamn dude he's in that he's in his prime okay Ruben starts second wind right now yeah Ruben was in Scooby Doo - and the credits do come on man whose get Ruben on the podcast would you have Ruben on I would horse at have Ruben are you [ __ ] crazy oh my god he released an album as late as 2018 what how many Spotify places I have okay I'm scared how many monthly listeners do you think Ruben Studdard has well what I'm using for the like thing recently is I think tiny meat gang just reached a million monthly listeners okay so I would say Ruben 5 million I'm gonna say hopefully 40,000 that okay I'm gonna give the boy a little more credit I'm gonna guess a hundred and eighty thousand you think so with tiny meat gang in their prime right now I do well in a world if their prime we're the only billboard competitors are Ruben Studdard and tiny a hundred there's a million and forty thousand people that's gotta go somewhere Ruben what is it 134 KB isn't his prime right now find that that's yeah he's just [ __ ] fine listeners are from people going like what's going with Reuben yeah what we just did that accounts for 85% of his monthly Google's do you remember the David's the David Oh David Archuleta David Archuleta and David Archuleta showed of one but then David Cook won because he was clearly the bigger star wait David Cook did win yeah I remember watching that live with my family and I wanted David Cook to win cuz he was like [ __ ] rock star yeah but Archuleta would have made a better star but he was the [ __ ] rock star in the way that like that like Nickelback is [ __ ] rocks yeah let's see how let's compare the David's right now David cooks at 194 K monthly listeners and David and Reuben [ __ ] you David David Archuleta holy [ __ ] what 1.5 million okay good for David do you do any like recent collaborations or something that's like a big deal or I don't know but his most recent album is titled winter in the air and it's him posing in a red sweater so I'm shocked that he has 1.5 million monthly do a Christmas album was that it then I don't know winter in the air yeah it's Christmas it's Christmas album 2018 okay good for David Archuleta yeah [ __ ] yeah David Archuleta still though we're not having you on Rubin only so Rubin only cast Kelly Clarkson Carrie Underwood no thang Carrie Underwood win own American Idol yeah she did right I didn't know she was a contestant Carrie Underwood well I just did under whoo what still got me why am I still in Spotify I'm not gonna find that there's a song from her goes actually I won American Idol an act I took my keys to the American Idol are you doing an old town road right now no I'm trying to do the I do you know I know you're talking about the king the car won I can't before she before he cheats that's yeah yeah Carrie Underwood is an American singer uh I'm just gonna go American Idol yeah yeah great I searched American Idol control-f and there are 50 results cool forbes has declared her the most successful American Idol winner okay yeah for sure so there's our answer and on Spotify she's got 5.6 million monthly she's yeah she's still doing super well that's obviously lower than I would expect to be honest not that's not an achievement at all yeah dude who's the bald guy that was like he he wasn't even close to winning but he had a huge thing like Matthew [ __ ] someone's gonna abuse in charge I know that's who I am goddammit I this is the most like if you don't know what we're talking about [ __ ] eat this vodcast oh [ __ ] I'm mad that I can't remember now American Idol it's like oh it's Chris Daughtry I don't know who that is at all bro you don't you don't dot with the doctor you'll [ __ ] with dr. Chopra I bet he's doing [ __ ] dude he had some chart toppers I don't know who you're talking about Chris Daughtry oh dude this is kind of weird he had like [ __ ] on the charts but he's not on Spotify who the [ __ ] if you're not on Spotify at this point it's like come on dawg yeah wait is he just doctor he's just Daughtry huh great cool Chris he had like I can't play any of them now but I'm sure I could play like three or four after the podcast you'd be like I know that song I remember that on the radio that's crazy speaking of that I will not say any dates or details or anything but when you guys hear jakey's music boys oh I'm just getting in early and let's already out now and then you already know but goddamn I love it dude it's so good it is really good jakey so talented yeah love that boy so much love the boy love the beard he's just a good fella subscribe to Nikki jakey if you haven't I'd be shocked if you haven't if you listened to us yeah my favorite thing like with fan interactions is when everybody like knows all of the boys it's great so if you watch like me and Gus and Danny and Drew and jakey and then like a little bit more extension stuff of like nerd city and Who am I forgetting right now even I'll spend my own flesh and blood and yeah of course and then also even like Michael Reaves William Osmond the boys are extending cuz we're making friends with a lot of good good people but it's just like I don't know I love when people I love all your stuff like and they pay attention to the whole thing it's like I love it yeah who are some other good youtubers are to music that like [ __ ] good music I mean they always the judges one but he's not a youtuber anymore no he's he's transcended um I don't know Nilsa Surrey goes [ __ ] tonight [ __ ] man I don't know who's like like really going at it right now hmm didn't Charlie puth start off on just do yeah actually he didn't start off on YouTube yeah god I love Charlie puth [ __ ] so much is um why am I forgetting the fast and furious song it's been a long title of the song day I mean see you again oh yeah wasn't that like one of the biggest songs like ever kind of like for a chart-topping stuff yeah maybe it's just on YouTube maybe it's one of the most viewed YouTube songs ever single see you again is is a song recorded by Wiz Khalifa I forgot those Wiz yeah goddamn let me see the chart performance I remember that was on top forever because that helped because the movies just in theaters forever yeah yeah well this is the thing you know it is see you again became Khalifa's and booths biggest song biggest single to date it spent 12 non-consecutive weeks atop the Billboard 100 really non-consecutive was it like the [ __ ] movie coming on DVD or something yeah probably it was like oh the Voodoo released VHS DVD isn't all nas exes is on week 12 of consecutive and I think it's 1717 I thought 14 was the record to break ah [ __ ] I thought it was well he just he just released the 17 week version and it's just the song reupload it might have been out for 17 weeks uh but I think it's been a chart on number one on the charts for I think this one last weekend might have been the 13th week in a row and if he hits 14 weeks he breaks the record goddamn he will he'll still too big and I'm not tired of it yet through some reason we have gonna age horribly though no not at all I'm [ __ ] dying on this hill we had a number of questions asking us how do you feel about the lil nas acts Old Town Road [ __ ] love him love everything about it great he's great he's talented he's so funny and he's so self-aware like it's the perfectly executed [ __ ] post I want him on the podcast so [ __ ] bad man he's so good at memes that it's like I just want to ask him questions like he's doing everything right nas X on the Gus Teddy podcast happen oh there you go boys he did the meme thing with size and no puffy he did like a meme not meme review like PewDiePie but they reviewed Old Town Road memes over like Skype like really he did a YouTube video with them goddamn that's really funny you know maybe the podcast little no sex here's the thing we're not even cloud chasing we're in our shitty apartment right now alright just [ __ ] come talk memes with the boy you won't even post the episode you can just come and talk to us that'd be great anybody that wants to view it they can come we will meet them at the local 7-eleven we will hand them the episode on a video now disc I don't know I love him he's so [ __ ] talented it's great it's like everything about it and if with him is just like I'm just happy for him he seems like a really great guy yeah they're so happy but like no he's so great that there's you'd think being this big for this many weeks people would start to like turn but still know everyone's like I love that guy yeah this is a fad that won't aged poorly either I feel like to truthfully like obviously people are gonna get sick of the song and [ __ ] - but it's he's got the personality behind it but also his EP is good - now please clean he's a huge single now mm-hmm and it's like he's [ __ ] doing it man yeah and I mean this isn't some like whip/nae nae or like Gangnam style [ __ ] where it's just like oh my god remember that Quinn GS [ __ ] you know yeah just like hey remember one like the number-one single like of all time was just this funny [ __ ] young guy that just emerging genre and like then put out an EP that was also merging genres and was really good and he's good at memes that doesn't age poorly again we've talked before like Billy Ray Cyrus - like what a [ __ ] career for him yeah dude honestly great move since like the last big thing I remember from him is like a line in his song where he talked about his daughter twerking and that was weird yeah so it's like good move now did you are you referencing Achy Breaky part - yeah yeah I am I am well he actually kind of tried to merge the genres before her yeah oh those exid um one thing though is uh is it's weird he's got like a bigger song than Miley again of all time like Miley will never beat him from yeah the thing is though she's the bigger star for sure not anymore according to the charts no she's not dude I wonder what number on Spotify he is I think he slipped a little bit numbers wise since old town roads been out you're saying yeah just cuz like you just can't stay on top forever yeah that's just time baby wait you're talking about lil nas extra Billy races I'm checking Billy Ray we said you can't be on top forever it was Billy Ray on top at all oh no no he was I don't remember his peak was but right now he's the thirty-second biggest artists on spot of Wow in the whole [ __ ] world that song has done so much for him that's the thing is like it seemed like he was doing a favor but this has been so much better for him mm-hmm actually I don't even know if you could compare who it's been better before it was just good for everybody well cuz yeah cuz no one could have anticipated what it could have done yeah so it's like I think he initiated the favor probably oh man the whole thing is so [ __ ] interested and idle weirdly I liked the Mason Ramsey part of the new very mix like it just seems fun everything about it seems fun did a battery dies oh what time it yet dude we are this is a long ball one let's [ __ ] roll it out right now what's the time we're like an hour twenty two all right the camera battery died which one was it [ __ ] you [ __ ] podcast [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 189,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: If, You're, In, school, Stop, Gus Johnson, Eddy Burback, The Gus & Eddy Podcast
Id: Kh7RZutFII4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 49sec (4969 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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