#MegaMan3 #Rockman3 Mega Man 3 NES - ULTIMATE GUIDE - ALL Bosses, ALL Secrets, Deathless!

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is mega man 3 the best game in the series while there are big fans for any entry in the franchise mega man 2 and 3 are by far the most popular personally i slightly prefer mega man 2's weapon suite but there are lots of strong arguments as to why mega man 3 is the superior game the biggest new addition is the slide maneuver by holding down while pressing the button for jump mega man can quickly dodge obstacles or projectiles and can now fit through tight spaces the slide would become a series staple and was included in every mega man game until number nine where it was removed in favor of a simpler experience that more closely mirrors the second game mega man 3 is also the first appearance of mega man's dog rush instead of the generic numbered platforms from the previous game mega man can now rely on his trusty canine companion for platforming assistance while the rush jet and the rush marine upgrades must be earned the jump boosting rush coil is available from the game's outset in addition to rush mega man 3 also introduces proto man mega man's brother he's a mysterious figure in this game and appears within several of the game's levels to test mega man's skills in the japanese version his name is blues which fits into the game's musical theme when publisher capcom localized the game for english-speaking players they decided that the name blues was confusing for a red character and changed the name to proto-man despite protests from the japanese team proto man and rush are just a smaller part of an effort to introduce more story into the game instead of a simple tale of revenge this time siri's antagonist dr wily seems to have changed his evil ways and is now helping dr light design a large peacekeeping robot named gamma when eight robot masters go rogue and steal the components for gamma mega man must spring into action and recover the stolen parts development for the game was very challenging the lead supervisor from the first two games akira kitamura had quit working for capcom and artist kg inafune had to take on a lot of his responsibilities because mega man 2 had been such a big hit there were high expectations for the sequel and very tight deadlines in the end despite the final game selling well and being well received by critics inafune still feels like they could have made a better game if they just had more time even with inafune's reservations when the game released in north america and japan in 1990 it was a big hit capcom kept the tradition going with bad north american box art although this one is better than most mega man 3 didn't reach europe until 1992 but it was successful there as well all told it sold over 1 million copies making it the 65th best-selling nes game of all time critics applauded the enhanced gameplay with the slide maneuver the crisp colorful graphics and of course the incredible soundtrack harumi fujita was the original composer for the game but she had to drop out of the project after giving birth and only made a handful of the tracks the rest were composed by yasuo aki fujita and while he has the same last name the two are unrelated some critics felt the game was just too difficult unlike mega man 2 which featured selectable difficulties this game's only mode is hard to make it more accessible capcom was very generous with the e-tanks this time allowing mega man to hold more of them and he'll find them more frequently the game can certainly be beaten without e-tanks but i have a feeling that if they hadn't been included this would easily be one of the most difficult nes games ever made modern critics still appreciate this entry in the prolific mega man franchise when ign released their list of the top 100 nes games of all time they ranked mega man 3 at number 16. if you want to play mega man 3 on a modern platform it is available as part of the mega man legacy collection for ps4 xbox one 3ds nintendo switch and steam modern players that attempt this game will still have to deal with all of the challenges the nes is notorious for the robot master bosses are much more difficult this time and no amount of energy tanks can save you from instant death pits and spike traps but what if i told you about an easy way to start the game with nine energy tanks what if i told you about a secret trick to get the very useful rush jet enhancement early and what if i told you the best way to defeat all of the game's difficult bosses even super robot gamma himself well on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that [Music] and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer please make sure to subscribe and click the bell for notifications so you don't miss any new episodes let's get started all right mega man 3 [Music] before we get started let's talk about some cheat codes unlike any of the other main entries in the series this is the only mega man i can remember with straight up cheats we won't be using any of them during the main run but they are worth mentioning if you hold up and a on controller 2 you can freeze most enemies in place it may also freeze mega man and it doesn't work on every enemy but it surprisingly does work on the robot masters which can't fight back when you use this trick if you hold right on controller 2 mega man will do a super jump he can even jump so high that he can escape from instant death pits even more interesting if you wait long enough to jump out of the pit you'll have no health so enemies won't be able to damage you you'll be invincible but you won't be able to use your arm cannon anymore although you can still use any weapons that you've taken from bosses however if you gain back any health the invincibility will end one more trick that will make the game much easier is to use a password to start with nine energy tanks just place a red marker at a6 and start the game it's that simple so which boss should we battle first if you look at the robot master damage chart you'll see that top man and magnet man can both be defeated more easily with the arm cannon than other bosses of the two top man will help us get the shadow blades faster and that's one of the best weapons in the game his stage is also the easier one to get through the first enemies that we're going to encounter here in topman stage are these bolt-ons the bolt-ons are invincible until they're fully locked together and start moving towards you so the key here is to not advance the screen too much to the right where they'll start to swarm you same thing for this frog like mecha karu enemy it'll bounce around and if you're standing on the same level as it you won't be able to hit it until it jumps so basically you want to start shooting near one of those guys and hope it goes right into your line of fire at the top of the screen here we can refill our health and then go down this ladder but don't drop down it you want to extend down to the bottom of the ladder and then shoot that kuma saburu enemy from the bottom after that just head on down the ladder on the left and we'll have our first opportunity to use the rush coil rush coil will let us jump higher so if we place it here and bounce off of it we can slide under and collect that energy and down here we can refill the weapon here we just want to slide off and slide off again that'll get you underneath those bolt-ons and safely across that spike bed once we get down here we'll encounter another new enemy this relative of the hard hat is called the pickle man bull i can't make this stuff up if we use a rush coil here we can bounce up and fight another pickle man bowl it only takes three shots to the head to take him out and then we can slide under and grab an extra life and some more help here's some generic hard hats you want to shoot them and then carefully avoid the shots they cannot be damaged when their hat is down [Music] in here we'll fight a mini boss a robot cat jump over the balls of yarn and shoot the cat as much as you can the yarn balls can be destroyed but the cat will just make more or it will shoot robot fleas at you so you're better off just trying to avoid those yarn balls and keep up the shots on the cat here's another kuma suburu just shoot him and shoot the tops that he shoots out as well and over here we'll fight another robot cat this one's a little bit easier because we have more space although since the yarn balls will go off the screen you will see the flea attack this time climb on up the ladder and carefully take out this hard hat enemy then just hop on over to the left and then back to the right to pick up this health i'm not really seeing the top theme here this is more of a futuristic greenhouse what do you think they're growing here i imagine that the development team already had designed this level and just shoehorned in the top elements later speaking of tops on these ones they alternate so you want to hang out on the ones that are going up for a while but don't linger on the ones that are moving down and that's it we've made it to the boss's room this is top man move into the room a little bit and then slide under his first barrage of tops he's invincible whenever he's spinning around so you want to jump over him and then shoot him a few times at close range then slide away to both avoid the boss's top attack but also to get ready to jump over them again so jump over shoot them at close range slide away from the tops and then wait jump over shoot at close range that's all you need to do topman is really not that hard to defeat and once he's beaten we will gain his weapon the top spin [Music] the top spin is both extremely powerful and incredibly awkward you can only use it while you're jumping and it makes mega man do a little pirouette in the air that can damage the enemies and does extreme damage to some bosses like shadow man who we're going to face next shadow man has a lava themed level sort of like heat man from mega man 2 because i know whenever i think about shadows i think of volcanic eruptions okay down here there's some more mecha caros and then another pickle man bull three shots to the face we'll take out the pickle man and then we'll have our first fight with proto man the key to beating proto man is to not jump he will keep shooting these projectiles up in the air so as long as you stay on the ground and slide underneath them when it gets nearby you should be able to score a lot of hits and you'll never get hit by his shots [Music] this walking eyeball enemy is called a peter g and they are very easy to destroy with our arm cannon we can't jump high enough to take out that darkness spot so we just have to deal with it you'll need to jump when you're at the bottom there to get over those obstacles that are hidden in the darkness the peter cheese are easy to destroy but we need to be careful of these walking bombs wait for that one and make sure you jump far enough to get to the other side you don't want to end up down in the pit there where that walking bomb will be attacking you whenever you shoot the walking bombs they explode and that explosion can actually deal you damage so you need to hit them from far away and when you get to the end here you'll just drop down and we made it to the next part of the stage that mecha caro can definitely damage you if you're not careful try to take this next one out while it's jumping at you in the air same thing with this one they're much easier if you can catch them in the air like that or if you can catch them from the lower level we're almost to the end but these parachuting parasite you enemies can knock you out of the air and land you in the instant death lava instead you want to move slowly here take out each one as you go and stay far to the left you can also try using your topspin which does take them out but you'll notice that it alters your jump trajectory and can definitely mess you up you might use topspin and end up in the lava so i recommend just using your arm cannon and don't be hasty and jump over to the end there you want to summon that mekakeru first over here we'll see this dragonfly like yambo he will try to get behind you so either shoot him from behind or jump over and that's it we've made it to the boss's room let's equip our top spin it's time to fight shadow man shadow man hops around a lot and that's good we want to jump at him and catch him in the air with the top spin and soon enough we'll be dancing on his grave it's just that easy with the topspin for our troubles we get the shadow blades and the rush marine upgrade and in mega man 3 there is no straightforward boss order where you can always have the very best weapon to beat every boss so we need to decide where to go next and we're going to go to gemini man stage i have a special way of defeating gemini man using the shadow blades so by beating him here this is going to fix the boss order for us the shadow blades are actually just the best weapon in the game and we can see what they do here they're like a toned-down version of the metal blades from mega man 2 you can only shoot these ones in five directions instead of eight so you can't shoot them downwards they don't have quite the same range and they can't be shot out as quickly but they do have this boomerang property which is very awesome they also don't seem to consume too much weapon energy which is nice so you can use it just as a standard weapon and that's what we're going to do is we traverse the surface of gemini man stage the flying eyeballs are called nitrons and the penguins are called bomber pepes so make sure to take out any nitrons you see before moving forward and watch out for the bomber pepes the last thing that you want is to get hit in the air when you're jumping and land in an instant death pit over here we'll encounter proto man but we don't have to fight him this time he's just covering up for the fact that the game is loading once he blows that up you can jump and curve a bit to the left and you'll be able to grab an extra life and if you use your rush coil you can get that health on the right side over here we're going to encounter some eggs and we'll want to use our rush coil to get up on the higher level here and then we can start shooting the eggs with our arm cannon whenever you shoot them a pole will emerge so shoot the pole and then we can try to refill some of our stuff there are often a lot of drops when you're fighting the enemies here so shoot the eggs to get up to the higher platform if you want to pick up that question mark the question mark could be pretty much anything including an extra life or an e-tank but this time it's just a small weapon refill drop down and shoot out more of the eggs i guess that the eggs do fit the twin theme here in a loose way kind of a cool looking level though with the different changing blocks in the background they seem like they're rippling make your way to the right and climb up the ladder here we'll have some more eggs that turn into poles so shoot them out until you reveal the ladder and then climb on up when we come up here i'm going to show you how to do a secret trick you can use any weapon refill for this but we'll use this one up here if you select the shadow blades and then press to the right you'll see that rush takes his jet form if you give it some weapon energy then we can actually use the rush jet even though we haven't earned it from beating needleman yet and you'll see that once you've actually used it it's now a permanent part of your inventory pretty neat we are going to get the rush jet legitimately soon enough so we're not going to abuse this trick so if you don't want to use it you don't have to but it is very convenient to have rush jet early watch out for the yam bows that creep up from behind and this guy is called a pen pen maker you just need to shoot it between the eyes and the shadow blades are quite effective against this guy but you do want to watch out for the pen pens that it will keep shooting out of the door at the bottom there's only two of those that need to be removed and then you can drop down to the next area where we can pick up some much needed help use the rush coil to bounce up to the health and then drop down on the left where we will finally hit the water we can use rush coil to get up here and head over to the right but it's much easier if we just use our rush marine upgrade and this is one of the only places in the game where there actually is water so we might as well take advantage of it when we can these torpedo fish are called guyarabos and you may need to jump out of the water to refill your weapon energy so that your rush marine doesn't disappear but just keep shooting to the right to take out the fish and move up and down to avoid the gam bows which will attack from behind and eventually you'll get to the right side where you can hop out of the water and move to the rightmost platform where you can turn off your rush marine and then hop up and grab that energy tank then jump back down and climb up the ladder there's a couple mekakerus here and at the top we're going to find the boss's room but first there's a bicky sub boss which can easily be defeated by just shooting him from the ladder you don't want to get damaged by that guy then just drop down and enter the boss's room the search snakes deal the most damage to gemini man but he's actually very exploitable if we use the shadow blades with their boomerang action move to the center of the screen and you'll notice that they won't shoot unless you shoot so you want to wait until the one on the right jumps and then you fire your shadow blade to the right and jump over the one that's coming to the left who will get hit by the boomerang action once there's only one gemini man left you can easily take him out because he moves slowly and doesn't even fire the laser very often and that's it it's just that easy for defeating gemini man we'll get the gemini laser which is a very powerful weapon but it's slow and if you miss with it it'll start ricocheting off of walls and we won't be able to shoot it again or change to a different weapon until it's done doing that now before we move on there's a few tricks i want to show you here with gemiini man stage if you slide before the screen transition there and make a big jump at the end of your slide you can actually skip that proto man cutscene and then we'll have no music when we're down here in the bottom but that's not the only thing it does it'll also glitch out the pen pen maker and turn it into this weird thing pretty interesting one more thing i want to show if you don't have the rush marine upgrade but you do have spark man's weapon we can do a similar trick to what we did with rush jet so just highlight sparckman and go to the right fill it up with some weapon energy and you will have rush marine without having earned it this is not as convenient as getting rushed jet early because you won't use rush marine very much but it is worth mentioning the next boss that we're going to choose is needle man we'll encounter a new enemy type here at the beginning of needle man stage the hari harry we can shoot hari harry's with our new gemini beam and it only takes a single shot to take them out you want to shoot at them kind of low because they can start shooting out needles and the needle may absorb your gemini beam that guy can also do an invincible rolling attack at you so you want to take them out as quickly as possible down here at the bottom we can refill our gemini beam and then we'll switch over to the shadow blades to take out these cannons the cannons are invincible whenever they're closed but whenever they're open they're extremely vulnerable to shadow blades which take them out in a single shot we can use an angled shot to take out those cannons and then go underneath this hard hat and shoot him from below watch out for the jiambao enemy and take out another hard hat from an angle keep making your way to the right there's two more hard hats here the second one you need to jump after you shoot and then we can come over to the ladder where we can climb down and enter the next part of the stage down here we'll encounter the needle press enemies which can't be destroyed and you'll need to slide to avoid them you can just get up on the edge of the platform there jump over and watch out for that one it could knock you off the platform and then you'll end up in the pit below we'll want to use our gemini beam here again if you can shoot it underneath the needles you'll be able to get him in a single shot then we can use our rush coil and bounce up and grab an energy tank pretty nice we can switch back to our arm cannon as we climb this ladder at the top we'll encounter some hammer joe enemies the hammer joes can only be damaged whenever their visor is open and if we attack them from the ladder they won't be able to hit us with the hammers they throw stay on the ladder and take them out and they will give you no problems up at the top there's another bicky enemy this one we just want to slide under and get away from and that's it we've made it to the boss's room equip that gemini beam it's time to fight needleman as soon as the fight starts you want to shoot that beam even if it misses it'll hit him on the rebound and then you want to mostly shoot it when you're close to needle man because you don't want to miss if you miss with the gemini beam it might ping-pong around the room for a while and you'll have to just dodge needle man's attacks while you're waiting for it to dissipate but that's it he'll be easily defeated and then we'll get both the needle cannon and the legitimate rush jet the needle cannon is most effective against snake man but we're not going to need snake man's weapon so instead we're going to go fight magnet man next magnet man stage features everyone's favorite mega man staple the disappearing yoku blocks but before we get to those we should equip our shadow blades they are the best way to deal with these magnet fly enemies which can pick you up and they might just drop you off in an instant death pit if one gets a hold of you though you can shoot a shadow blade upward and that will make them pretty easy to get rid of if we drop down here on the right and pause the game at just the right time we can actually hear an extended version of the proto man song kind of a fun trick but not a very useful one whenever you're done listening to it you can just unpause and we're going to want to switch over to our arm cannon we want to fight proto man the same way that we did in shadow man's stage so you don't want to jump you just want to shoot at him and slide underneath him when he gets close and you can get a lot of hits in on proto man whenever he's walking away from you so that's your best opportunity to shoot him and once he's taken enough damage he'll fly away and blow up the floor on the left just a few gemini beams will take out these giant springers which normally would take quite a few more hits if we hang on this ladder for a while these two peter cheese will drop down to the bottom and then we can just hold to the left as we drop off to avoid them and down here we'll fight a couple more of those peter cheese but here we have to deal with this magnet which will pull us towards it it won't damage you though so you can actually touch it but it is a sign of what's ahead don't just jump down this ladder you want to climb over and then carefully leap off to the left if you want to pick up that energy and here are those yoku blocks we can easily skip over them by simply using our rush jet so just use your rush jet and fly all the way over to the right where you'll be able to pick up a ladder and head on up to the next area now if you think that this is cheating i'll show you the way to do it without rush jet i like to drop off the ladder onto that block and then jump to this one which will lead to the highest block and take us up here over here we can drop down over onto that one and then carefully walk off avoiding the magnet here we want to wait for that block and then we can easily make it in two jumps and in this one we only want to go on those high two blocks that way you avoid the magnet below but seriously if you're having any problem with that just use rush jet a single angled shot will take out this shot man and if you need to refill your weapon energy or health you can take that ladder down on the left but we're doing quite well right now so we're just gonna go through this giant springer and head on into the boss's room with the shadow blades magnet man is super easy he's gonna start hopping towards us so just jump and attack him with some shadow blades and when it gets close so jump up in the air and we can jump up underneath him and shoot the shadow blades upward which will quickly take out magnet man before he can even do his magnetic pull attack it's really just that easy the magnet missiles that we earn for beating magnet man are actually quite awesome they will home in on enemies but they do use up a lot of weapon energy so you won't be able to fire off too many of them and our next boss is hard man you'd think they'd have learned after wood man but nope they leaned all the way into it with hard man flaccidness won't even be an option whenever you encounter this guy's rocket-powered fists don't walk too quickly to the right if you walk to the left you can despawn some or all of the smaller chibis that the large bee drops otherwise make sure to fight off all five of them because they will continue to follow you until you get all the way to the ladder on the right so take out all of the bees see that one will not just leave you alone and then quickly slide to avoid those enemies that'll pop out and bite you they cannot be destroyed same thing here slide across grab the health and then jump up to the ladder we can use our shadow blades to take out this hammer joe without having to climb up there and deal with them so he's very easy to hit with a few angled shots from over here on the right side it will take four hits to remove them and then you can use your rush coil to bounce up there climb up the ladder on the left and up here we will fight some new enemies these monkeys are called returning monkings you don't want to get too close to them instead you want to attack them when they're hanging from the ceiling using your shadow blades at an angle if you get too close they'll drop down and attack you so that's the best way to deal with those guys climb up the ladder on the right if you need some help we can hang on the ladder here and take out this hammer joe in a position where he won't be able to damage us but we'll be able to damage him once you have that health refill climb up the ladder and there's another returning long king here we can use the same strategy that we did before with the shadow blades so that he won't drop down and attack us up here at the top there's going to be a pickle man bowl over on the right side so we'll need to use either two shadow blades or three arm cannon shots to take him out it's probably a little bit easier by using the shadow blades and if we come up here on the top we'll be able to grab another e tank and then we can take this ladder up if you wanted to get that health you needed to take the ladder down on the bottom on the right side so if you did need it that is the way to get up there up here there are a lot of traps so i recommend using the rush jet that way you don't have to deal with them at all and you can easily fly over the tvs and just make your way to the right this is the safest way to do this part we're almost to the end here but before we can fight hard man we have to face off with proto man again and this is the most difficult proto man battle in the game instead of just being on a flat surface we have to fight him in this small tier room which is actually pretty annoying he doesn't deal a ton of damage to you so you should be able to beat him but you just want to try to avoid him as best you can as he goes across the room and attack him as much as you can whenever he's walking away from you down at the bottom we can get our health refilled a bit and there's going to be a bicky enemy down here so we want to slide under him when he jumps up into the air and that will bring us to the boss's room this is hard man we're going to equip our magnet missiles but you don't want to shoot him off too fast he gets a few invincibility frames between each hit and if you shoot them too quickly we'll waste a few and you don't get a ton of energy on the magnet missiles ideally you want to be jumping when he does that earthquake attack which will minimize the amount of time that you're stunned and just a few shots of the magnet missiles will take hard man down he's actually pretty simple the weapon we get here is called the hard knuckle and it's a rocket-powered fist that looks like something that orgasmo's sidekick would shoot you can actually angle it up or down a bit by pressing up or down on the d-pad after you fire it but it is a fairly slow moving weapon [Music] next up is sparkman who looks like a giant spark plug what a cool design at the beginning here there's a peter g enemy walking around so if we equip our shadow blades we can actually shoot up through the platform and take it out climb up the ladder and when we get to the top of the next ladder this enemy cannot be destroyed so we just need to be patient with it and wait until it's coming back our direction without the electricity going so that's when you can jump through these dispensers will drop these flying plugs called elekins which can be taken out with a single shot of either your arm cannon or the shadow blades you want to remove them quickly or they'll shoot a big shower of sparks which will go all over the place up here we can try out that hard knuckle which can remove these hammer joes in a single hit you still have to hit them when the visor's open though this area is a bit dangerous these platforms will rock it up and send you into the spikes above so we're just going to use our rush jet to fly over for extra safety once you get to the other side there's a few of those electricity machines that you'll need to avoid and these ones are actually tricky to get through so i usually just take a hit and then head on up the ladder on the right up here there's going to be a health refill anyway so we'll take out this pickle man bowl and use our rush coil to bounce up to the higher platform if you need to refill any of your weapons this is another good time to do it and we can refill our rush jet as we might use it a little bit at the very end of the stage head on up the ladder on the left here's a peter chee enemy which we can easily take out with our arm cannon and we just want to move forward here and drop down this shaft when we have to repeat this level later there will be a bunch of spikes here that we need to avoid but for now this area is safe jump up onto this junk block and then quickly slide off the right side that will get you off fast enough so that you won't get hit by the next junk block if they start to build up you'll have to shoot through them down here we can refill any weapons that we're low on we're going to be using shadow blades for the boss so we'll make sure that we have enough of them and down here there's some of those bolt-on enemies which will try to knock us off these platforms so our best bet here is to just use our rush jet fly down underneath the bolt-ons and make your way all the way over to the right that's where we'll find the boss's room you definitely don't want to get hit there and end up dead right before the boss's room just use your rush jet and you'll be safe this is sparckman he does two different spark attacks one where he shoots eight sparks in all directions or just a large energy ball but neither deal a lot of damage so just stay close to him and attack him with the shadow blades and he will go down quite quickly for beating him we'll earn the spark shock which is not the greatest weapon it shoots out very quickly and it can stun enemies but sometimes stunning enemies is actually bad i'll show you what i mean whenever we go into the next stage which is snake man stage the only one that's left at this point [Music] as we get started here in snake man's level let me show you what i'm talking about with this spark shock weapon when i use it on this da da enemy he's frozen but i can't jump through him when he's like that you'll take damage you also can't switch to another weapon to kill him so it's not actually that useful to be able to do that instead we'll use our magnet missiles on the petite snakies and the da da enemies and the magnet missiles will get us through here very easily once you make it to the ladder on the right side climb on up and there are three petite snakies here if we use our shadow blades we can attack at an angle and remove them very easily at the top of this next ladder i'm going to show another secret trick if we use our rush jet we can fly over this mini boss the big snakey we don't have to fight it at all down here we can switch back to our magnet missiles and here's another new enemy type the paton they are easily cleared with the magnet missiles just like the petite snakies are at the top of this ladder there's an excessive amount of health so make sure to fill up before you head down down here we're going to make our way to the right and there is another new enemy type so we want to switch over to our shadow blades this guy is called a booboo con and he has the pole that he bolts off of you want him to vault over you with his pole don't hit the pole you'll take damage from that and when he's following you you can use your shadow blades either by turning around and shooting at him or by using the boomerang action to take him out easily remove that hammer gel with your shadow blades and make your way up the ladder up here we can take out this hammer joe in the same way and then if we take the ladder on the right there's some power ups up there but if we don't need them you can just take the ladder on the left over here we'll hopefully be able to maybe refill some weapon energy and well that's what we got we would like to have full rush jet for the end of the stage if possible and we're also going to need maybe some more of those magnet missiles nice those items are random though so they could be anything when you play down here we'll want to hit this hammer joe again to take him out and then we're going to go up the left ladder and while we're just getting all kind of weapon energy here up this ladder we'll fight another one of those big snakies and i'll show you the normal way to fight it this time you can use your hard knuckle and jump and shoot it and then hold up a little bit to angle it up at the snaky's face it only takes two hard knuckles to kill it walk right slowly here so you don't walk into the vaulting pole that the booboocon drops and there's going to be another one so watch out for him as well that's actually a pretty far jump so if you're not very confident you may want to use a rush coil or a rush jet to get across there but you don't actually need it climb up this ladder and there is a new enemy a jamasi a gemasi is like a bug that crawls on ladders and it can be easily removed with your shadow blades up here i recommend using rush jet if you have it fully powered up [Music] if it's not full you'll want to wait to launch it until you're a bit farther to the right the last bit is the hardest part once you get all the way over here though you'll easily make it to the boss's room now if you don't want to use rush jet there or maybe you don't have enough weapon energy for it you want to ride these platforms as far up on the screen as you can so that you can get a good jump over to the next one so jump over and wait for the platform these cloud enemies are called bomb flyers and you mostly want to avoid those so you want to jump and you want to hit that one in the air which will turn it into a bullet and cause it to move quickly you can strategically turn these into bullets so that they'll fly over your head and that's what we want to do here shoot that enemy and then jump over this one as you jump to the last platform and this is it this is snake man so let's equip our needle cannon and get ready to battle him he's going to run from the right over to the left pretty much every time and you just want to start attacking him right away with a needle cannon he won't do you that much damage especially with the snakes so if you just keep up the heat on him with the needles he will go down very quickly and that's it we did it we finished the last boss so it should be time for some castle levels right well first let's talk about the search snakes they shoot out little snakes that will travel along walls and they actually are more useful than you would think but we're not going to any castle levels yet no no first we have to take on some extra difficult versions of levels we've already played we can do these in any order so i chose the gemini man stage first in here we'll fight the typical nitron enemies but there are no more pepe bombers instead we just have to deal with these insect like jamasi enemies keep making your way to the right and you'll notice that there are a lot more gaps in the ground this time around and when you get about this far it seems like it may be a good idea to switch over to rush jet we definitely don't want to get hit by any enemies and fall into an instant death pit so this is a very easy way to get across the top part of the stage if you jump a lot while using the rush jet you can minimize how much energy it uses but in this section you may actually take wrap around damage from jumping off the top of the screen so just stay on rush and fly over to the end there's no proto man this time so just drop on down if you want to collect that question mark you can use your rush coil to jump up to the next ledge watch out for that paton it's just a small bit of energy doesn't super seem worth getting so we're going to switch to our needle cannon which is a very effective way to deal with these egged and pull enemies the needle cannon shoots very quickly so you'll be able to remove these eggs in no time just keep shooting a path through to the right as long as you're up on top of the eggs you won't fall down into the spikes below you can use your rush coil over here on this side if you really really need to get that question mark i recommend bouncing up and clearing a few eggs and then switching over to your shadow blade so that you can kill the pole enemies that are produced your goal is to just get a little bit of a foothold up there so you can jump up on top of that next row of eggs and carve out a path to the question mark the question mark could be anything so it very well may not be worth all this effort i kind of recommend just passing this by but you know do what you got to do if you really need to get that question mark clear out these polls jump up on that last egg and grab it all right it was a health refill not bad and once you're done head on down the ladder and make your way to the left then clear a path to the right your arm cannon is almost as effective as the needle cannon so you don't have to switch over to that if you don't want to and you would like to try to keep a platform of eggs there so that you don't have to use your rush coil to jump over to the other side just make your way across the bottom here we can refill our needle cannon these patons will drop some enemies on us and here we come to a boss huh that was quick it appears that we're fighting flash man from mega man 2. interesting flash man here works just as he did in mega man 2 he'll be able to freeze you and if we use the needle cannon and just pepper him as quickly as possible he will go down very fast but he's not the only boss here nope he's just the first one so whenever you get to the other side use your rush coil to jump up and then switch to your magnet missiles to take out the enemies up here [Music] once we hit the water we know what to do switch over to the rush marine in the water section in the previous gemini man stage there was an open pit in the bottom not spikes now if you actually were damaged and you fell on the spikes your invincibility frames could keep you alive this part's actually easier than it was before over here we can switch to our shadow blades they will make the going a little bit easier up ahead up here these gemasi enemies will try to knock you around make sure to clear that one that comes down the ladder before jumping over the open pit you don't want to get knocked back and fall in there head down this ladder and this room isn't actually that difficult you just want to stay at the top then jump over to the left and climb down the ladder [Music] and that's it we've reached the second boss each one of these stages is going to have two mega man 2 bosses and the second one here is bubble man we can use shadow blades in a similar way that we would have used metal blades in a previous game you'll just have to get a bit closer it's very effective to shoot them upward when you're underneath bubble man and with just a few blades bubble man will be popped and we will be on to the next stage unfortunately we don't get the mega man 2 powers how cool would that have been the next challenging level that we're going to face is needle man's needle man stage now has this slick knight theme to it but the enemies are mostly the same did you know that you can use the spark shock to freeze these hary hairy enemies it's not super useful because it's hard to jump over them but it is interesting to see use the gemini laser to take them out in a single shot and you'll see there's an open spike pit here which lets you know that they mean business this time slide under this overhang but be careful of the needle presses on the other side and you'll want to just jump up on the edge of these platforms to avoid the needle presses again you should just be able to walk under these ones pretty simple and on the other side you can use your rush coil if you simply must get that health up there but you'll want to jump to the corner of the platform so you don't hit that needle press otherwise you may take more damage than you gain climb up this ladder and if you want to get that extra life you don't want to use your rush jet on this screen instead you'll want to use it on the next one so that you can get an energy tank and then you can just drop down on the right and pick up that extra light but it's not very necessary anyway so i'm just going to skip it over but you definitely want to get this energy tank so use your rush jet fly over and grab it and if you want the extra life you can just jump down to the right there but we're just going to move on up the ladder and up here through another hari harry enemy we'll find the first boss room we'll fill up our rush jet a bit more before we enter but this time it's going to be air man and air man's weakness in this game is the spark shock just like in mega man 2 he's going to send out three patterns of tornadoes and we want to jump over those and then start shooting at airman so jump over start shooting you can't shoot through the tornadoes so don't even try they will block your shots after three patterns of tornadoes he'll jump towards you and now that we're closer to airman he will be much easier to defeat on the other side make sure your rush jet is full because it's time for some flying i used to think this part of the game was difficult but if you actually just go all the way to the top of the screen and just keep jumping you will use a minimal amount of weapon energy from your rush jet and you may even wrap around sometimes and pick up some of those weapon energies on the bottom but just look how little energy we're using and we're covering so much ground you just have to go all the way to the right here so just stay at the top and keep on hopping and pick up a few weapon refills if you need them we can refill some of our weapon energy here if you don't have enough rush jet to fly up to the ladder make sure that you fill up that first and once you get up there though you won't need rush jet anymore we're going to fight some mini bosses and we're going to use search snakes for that this is the giant me tool you want to get right up onto that plus sign on his helmet and rapidly attack with the search snakes you may take a little bit of damage but that is the best way to take that guy out otherwise he'll start launching enemies at you you just want to finish him off quickly we're going to have to fight another one of those mini bosses so keep your health high as you go across this section and use an energy tank if you need it here we can use our snakes again jump and shoot at the plus sign and wow that was way too close probably should have used an energy tank in any case there's a health refill on the other side and this is the boss's room [Music] this time it's going to be crash man and the weapon of choice is the hard knuckle at the beginning of the fight you can just shoot the hard knuckle out and you should be able to get an easy cheap hit on him but then you want to stay fairly close to the boss if you miss with the hard knuckle you won't be able to shoot it again until it goes off screen but if you stay very close you can hit him with it quite quickly so fast that it doesn't even appear on the screen and that's it two down two to go this time we're going to go to shadow man stage shadow man stage has certainly gotten a lot spikier since the last time we were here if you clip one of those it's instant depth so carefully make your way between the two rows of spikes and then when you jump off here you don't want to go too far left because there's more spikes at the bottom shoot that peter chi and jump onto the ladder take it all the way to the top and then make sure not to jump off this ladder when you're in the middle of it down here on the right we'll meet another bicky we can clear him with one shot of our hard knuckle you can also kill these peter cheese with a single hard knuckle but they're just as easy to remove with the arm cannon over here there's going to be another difficult platforming section that we can skip using the rush jet so just rush jet your way across this take out that darkness spot when you're up in the air and if you jump a lot up at the top of the screen you know that it will reduce the amount of weapon energy that we use on our rush jet so just keep on moving over to the right and once you get to the end you can drop off now if you want to do it the old-fashioned way you can't linger on those platforms for very long and you need to make sure that you take strong jumps where you hold down the button and get as far as you can to the next one here you want to get to the top so carefully make your way up there and then that platform actually touches the end so it's very easy to make the last jump climb down this ladder and we will come to the first boss this one is wood man the needle cannon is your best bet against wood man so that's what we're going to equip and it's difficult to beat woodman without taking some damage so i think the best way is to just lean into it go right up to him jump through and shoot him from behind very quickly and at close range when you get hit again go through to the other side and continue to pelt him with the needle cannon and you can take him out in two cycles if you have to go a third cycle it could get dicey so try to kill him as quickly as possible the hard knuckle will kill these hammer joes in a single hit and you can even angle it upward from a lower platform which makes it even easier you can use hard knuckles against these parasite use as well but i think the best way to actually defeat them is to use the magnet missiles so let's switch over to those a single magnet missile will take them out and the mecca arrows which will make this section so much easier just clear any enemies you see and move forward you can fill up your magnet missiles if you want but that's the end of the stage use the gemini beam to take out this giant springer [Music] and we've come to the second boss's room appropriately this time it's heat man i think heat man may have had some influence on the design of this level we use the shadow blades to beat heat man and we want to be a master of his pattern at the beginning of the fight he'll throw some fire at us get close hit him with the shadow blades and then slide away wait for him to come towards you jump over him hit him with the shadow blades and then slide away this is the way you'll beat him just keep doing this over and over again make sure that you jump over him then attack then slide away that'll give you enough space to make sure that you can avoid him whenever he throws the fire and also will give you enough time to jump over him when he comes flaming at you and with that there's only one more doc robot stage left spark man they've made a lot of upgrades to spark man stage to make it more difficult and they even took away the ladder at the beginning of the stage what are we going to do use the shadow blades to take out that peter chief and then use the rush coil to bounce up to the next platform glad we figured that one out use your shadow blades take out this gemasi enemy and just keep making your way up the ladder jump over to the right and if you need a refill of health you can use your rush coil to bounce up there but to be honest we haven't gotten in a lot of fights yet shadow blades will help you with these elections take them out with a single hit and you can kind of jump onto those rotating platforms to move forward but you don't have to instead we can just use a little bit of rush jet here and just float over that'll keep us safe and then we'll just slide on to the next section [Music] use rush jet here if you want to but three quick hops will get you across and it's not as difficult as it may look use your gemini beam to take out this giant springer and then slide under this overhang and take out another one another slide will take us to the first bosses room not too many mega man 2 bosses left this time we're going to equip our magnet missiles because it's time to fight metal man we're just going to stay on the left side of the screen and simply shoot the magnet missiles at a slow even pace we don't want to shoot him too fast because he'll get some invincibility frames and then we'll waste magnet missiles but metal man is actually pretty easy slide through here and then hold a bit left to go down this shaft carefully avoiding the spikes when we get to the bottom here we'll switch back to our shadow blades there's going to be some bolt-ons remember that you can't damage them until they're fully locked together we're getting very close to the end of the level here and we don't want to waste a lot of health before we get to the boss so just make sure to take out any bolt-ons that you encounter before you move forward or they'll chase you like this one we'll see so make sure you take them all out or they'll just keep coming for you carefully make your way to the right this one's tough to get through if you get hit not that big of a deal but you want to try to save as much life as possible jump across here and then just keep moving to the right you can actually just walk off of this box and you'll land on the right side and over here we'll finally make it to the boss this time we want to use our gemini beam and this is the most difficult of the mega man 2 bosses this is quick man [Music] don't be afraid to use an energy tank here if you need it the gemini beam is very effective against quick man but if you miss you won't be able to shoot it again until it flies all around the room and either connects with the boss or dissipates so try to stay close and hit him at short range and you should be able to finish off quick man although that was very very close and that's it that was the last one who was behind all these mega man 2 bosses that we know were originally designed by dr wily hmm who could have done this to us and made us fight those bosses again was it frodo man here no no i don't think so yep you figured it out dr wily stole gamma the giant robot we were making for peace why we were making a giant fighting robot for peace i don't know but dr wily has clearly been up to something the entire time i don't think he built a giant skull castle in the last few hours so let's just say that this was probably premeditated will we ever learn to not trust dr wily compared to the previous stages the first level of skull castle isn't actually that hard and we can even get an extra life if we use rush coil and jump over this wall to the left at the very beginning nice use your shadow blade to take out these coma saboru enemies by attacking them at an angle there's only two of them and if we jump from the ladder on the far right over here we'll be able to get an energy tank so carefully hop over and grab it and then down here we will encounter the last water area in the game aside from the boss here so there's no reason to not use your rush marine to cross over this section safely just make your way over to the right using your rush marine firing at any pen pens you see once we emerge from the water we can switch to our hard knuckle and climb the ladder on the right using the hard knuckle we can destroy these walls and then you can jump from the ladder and collect the extra life make your way up here hard knuckle will take out these walls as well and this time we can get some more health as well as an energy tank not only that but we can also refill the hard knuckle so it's pretty much free we'll use our knuckle take out that energy tank wall and then take out this one which will fill us back to full climb up this ladder and we can use the hard knuckle to take out another hammer joe and then just slide off those platforms to the right jump over that hammer joe and take him out with a hard knuckle the best way to defeat the last hammer joe is to hit it with two magnet missiles then use your rush coil to get up on the platform above climb up the ladder and we're not gonna mess around with these yoku blocks just use your rush jet and fly around them [Music] fly around and take the ladder in the upper left and here is the boss's room we can fly up to the top there and get some more weapon energy if we need it maybe some hard knuckle and to defeat the boss here we want to use topspin this is the kami guro maker it's going to release a turtle bot and you want to jump up and hit it with your top spin if you're not comfortable with topspin you can try your shadow blades but topspin will take out each one of these turtle bots in a single hit so this is the best way to go about it you don't actually have to hit the boss at the top at all just take out the turtlebots and it'll explode and with that we're on to skull castle part two take the ladder on the right side if you want an opportunity to refill your weapons just like in other mega man games they do not refill your weapons between the castle levels so this is a good opportunity to do this head over to the left and climb the ladder over there and you'll be able to grab an extra life just quickly jump on this platform that splits in the middle and jump off to the other side to get the one up up here we'll need to slide and we'll get right past these obstacles no problem but we should probably equip our shadow blades because there are some of those b enemies over here in this instance we want to try to despawn as many of them as possible this time we were left with two but if we move far enough left we can d spawn the b's entirely that's the best way to deal with those and you want to make sure that you have full rushed jet before you move forward because we need to do a little bit of flying here this is almost the end of the stage so this is a pretty short one and there are a lot of power ups here including two energy tanks yeah that's right the next boss is going to be a tough one it's the yellow devil mark ii so make sure to fill up on whatever you can and switch over to your shadow blades it's time to fight that monster just like with the original yellow devil the pieces of the monster will start flying in from the left side of the screen avoid them but once they're put into place you can actually touch those pieces until the monster is nearly completely formed so you can kind of hang out here right underneath the eyeball and once you take damage you know the eye is about to open up and you can rapidly attack it with your shadow blades from underneath now you can kind of hide within the monster again on the left side but this time we're going to move out from within it so we don't take damage when there's about three pieces left stand right in front of it and attack at an angle with your shadow blades and that's an even safer way to deal a lot of damage and with that you can defeat the yellow devil in just two cycles we're on to skull castle part three and the boss of this one will be much easier than that boss we can use our shadow blades to take out this shot man from below and then use rush coil to bounce on up we'll take the ladder on the right side and up here we'll have the opportunity to use our hard knuckle if we want to get some weapon refills we can also grab an energy tank nice use your rush coil to bounce up on top and then make your way to the right this time we can use some magnet missiles to take out the darkness spots before they even get going up here we can grab an extra life use some magnet missiles to take out the darkness bots so that we can see and you just want to try to avoid those walking bombs that's the easiest way to deal with them drop down here there's no reason to fight that hammer joe and here we can use a hard knuckle to take out this bicky another biggie awaits on the right side climb up this ladder and this is the most dangerous obstacle in the stage carefully make your way up the platforms and over here you need to make your way up the left side so pick your spot and quickly jump up there we can use the rush coil to get up on top and then use the hard knuckle to open up this wall hopefully we'll get some good prizes out of those question marks let's see what we get [Music] nothing good and nothing good well it's no big deal we have 15 lives right now and nine energy tanks i think we're going to be okay and here's the bus switch to top spin and you just want to go all the way to the top and use top spin on the top boss and you'll one shot them it's that easy it's always the top one first now if that's just too simple you could try using search snake go all the way to the top and rapidly attack with search snake and well yeah i mean that's pretty easy too the triple clone mega men just not a very difficult boss we are very close to the end now make sure to fill up all of your weapons the capsule room is coming up so we're going to have to fight all of the bosses again we can grab some more shadow blades with that big weapon refill and we're going to keep them on the shadow blades are quite effective against these junk golems that we're going to have to fight down here so take out that junk golem and then slide on under that if you need some more health you can hook your jump around and you can get up there but it's not necessary just slide on through here and rapidly attack the golem at an angle and there are two junk golems in this room so don't miss that second one that appears above the ladder climb on down and head on through the gate and we've made it to the mega man 3 capsule room all right drop on down and it's time to fight those bosses so who should we take on first with the hard knuckle we can finish off top man and this guy is going to be very easy just use the same strategy that we use at the beginning of the game except this time we're going to be hitting him with the hard knuckles which deal a lot more damage than our standard arm cannon after just a few shots he'll go down and we'll be able to grab a big health refill which will put us back to almost full with this much health we can try a harder boss so we'll fight snake man in the upper right corner rapidly attack him with the needle cannon and try to stay far away from him so that you don't get hit by his body the snakes don't deal a lot of damage [Music] now that he's defeated we'll head over and take the top left capsule where we can fight needleman i still think i like the gemini laser against needleman here although you could theoretically also use needleman's weapon if that's something you'd like to try down in the lower right corner we can fight shadow man so use your top spin against him try to attack him when he's in the air and minimize the amount of damage you take four capsules remain we can use our magnet missiles to fight hard man here and one thing that is important to note when you're fighting the bosses here in the capsule room you don't want to end the fight standing on top of the exit or you might miss out on the health refill that the boss drops so don't be standing right on top of the exit door whenever you finish off any of these bosses we're going to fight gemini man now and we didn't have the search snakes last time and they're actually a superior weapon against him at least as far as number of hits go we can use a similar pattern though just stand in the middle of the room and jump over the gemini men and attack rapidly with the snakes [Music] we can also try an alternate weapon against magnet man we used shadow blades the first time and i do think shadow blades are the way to go but it does take the same number of hits to hit him with the spark shock so if you'd like to conserve your blades you could try using the sparks instead and that leaves us with just one more capsule hook up the shadow blades it's time to face spark man again rapidly attack spark man with your shadow blades it's nice when he stays on the right side of that wall so you can attack him through it and that's it we've defeated all late bosses in this mega man we don't actually have to fight dr wily in this stage we just get to grab an extra life and head on to skull castle part 5. [Music] skull castle part 5 is just a boss it's a two life bar boss something that we've kind of come to expect from mega man at this point so make sure to fill up whatever weapons you might need we're going to be using search snake and hard knuckles against this guy so fill up with whatever you can switch over to your snakes and drop down it's time to fight the pin bot wait for the leg to lift and then slide under it the vulnerable part is going to be right in the middle underneath the robot rapidly attack it with the snakes and then get out of there you'll probably take some damage but we can switch over to our hard knuckle and then you can shoot it and angle it upward at dr wily or angle it down a bit if he crouches down it only takes a few hard knuckles to take him out and that's it we've done it we've defeated dr wily or have we no it was just robot dr wily we still have to face gamma [Music] as far as mega man final bosses go this one is on the easy side you can fill up your weapons here if you want to i would prioritize getting shadow blades first if you don't have enough of those but you probably won't need too much weapon energy to beat this boss definitely grab any energy tanks that you see and then head on through the gate it's time to face gamma we're going to need to use shadow blades for the first phase of the boss and what you want to do is get right underneath the middle of it jump and attack upwards with the shadow blades it shouldn't be too hard to avoid its shots they don't seem to hit very much in the middle at the halfway point dr wily appears and let's just not waste any time use rush jet to fly up to the top and then we're going to jump attack him with pop spin right in the middle and that's it it only takes a single hit to defeat him with topspin now if you think that's a little bit too easy here's a little bit more of a traditional pattern you can come up here and also use search snake you need to jump with a bit of momentum behind you and throw the snake at the top of your jump and then try to pull yourself back to the right so you don't have to climb up there all over again it doesn't take too many snakes to defeat dr wily this way but the top spin method is much much easier [Music] and that's it we've done it we've beaten mega man 3. all we can do now is sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy ending did did they kill dr wily well it seems that we survived and we were rescued by proto man [Music] it seems that dr light has known who proto man was this entire time and that's because he's the one who made him so now we'll see a list of the robots made by dr right [Music] although of course in japanese the l and the r sound for light or right is pretty much the same so i can understand why they would use them interchangeably it is kind of weird to me though that dr wright or dr light whatever you want to call him would make his prototype robot in the style of a sniper joe enemy from mega man 1. i mean that's essentially what protoman looks like right he has the shield he has the visor that's a question i don't have answers to and as the scene fades out megaman looks up into the sky and contemplates for the first time what it means to have a brother roll credits [Music] well i hope this video was able to help you finally beat mega man 3 and put an end to dr wily's nefarious plot if it did make sure to give it a like and make sure to subscribe for more videos because dr wily will always be coming back with more themed robots for us to battle and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 195,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, retro, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, gaming history, 1980s, guide, playthrough, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, difficult, walk through, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, completion, strategy, gaming101, nerd, facts, glitch, speedrun, neshard, arcade, classicgaming, retrospective, review, top100, 8bit, golden retriever, golden, dog, Megaman, rockman, megaman3, megamanIII, rockmanIII, Capcom, Megaman2, Rockman2, protoman, blues, rush
Id: _6NkeUEZOa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 6sec (4746 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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