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it's like we're running in circles going around every day getting stuck in the hurdles of yesterday we'll make our way [Music] good morning on my way to try to get my texas driver license for the second time and then going on a little road trip to a place i i thought i kid you not i thought i fell asleep one night and imagined it it doesn't exist but it does you know for a place with a ton of freeways i mean seriously they just look like noodles all swirling around dallas has a lot of traffic jams like at all times of the day makes me feel just so homesick for new york a few moments later did not get my driver's license there's so much requirement to get a texas driver's license but luckily they were nice enough to to kind of give me another appointment here in a week otherwise i would have been looking at appointment in june or august [Music] i will go welcome to austin let me explain why i'm here but first a burger all right just place my water for my burger which will take one hour that's how popular this burger place is i'm excited about that anyway the reason i'm in austin texas well i'm not actually trying to come to austin texas i'm trying to go to a town called lexington texas which is about an hour away from austin and that's because many many years ago a long long time ago i was falling asleep at the same time watching a food show like i do every night and i was half asleep but i recall seeing the most delicious finest looking barbecue i've ever seen on tv and the pit master was an elderly woman i think she was in her 70s or 80s or something and the other little piece of information i caught from the show was that it's supposed to be one of if not the best barbecue in texas of course i fell asleep next morning i woke up i started trying to search for this thing on the internet but the only information i have was it was in texas and i remember vaguely something about them only being open on saturdays from like 11 until they sell out so when i was coming to texas for barbecue a few years ago i searched for the best barbecue in texas of course franklin's popped up of course it wasn't franklin's anyway point is i thought this thing was just a dream i i thought maybe i i must have imagined it there's no such place in texas that opens only on saturdays and serve barbecue for a few hours with an elderly female pit master cutting up some of the most delicious queue i've ever seen but just a few days ago i was again searching for like some of the best barbecue in texas because now i'm in texas i found this place it's not a fantasy it really i really saw this show i really it really happened the place is called snow's bbq and it's open tomorrow saturday from 8 a.m to 12 p.m of course i'm gonna be there at like five because i'm not risking this thing selling out but tomorrow finally the most anticipated barbecue experience maybe of my life because that's what i really been anticipating for such a long time to the point where i thought it was a fantasy but right now it's about 7 30 in the evening i have not eaten today so that burger i need that burger am i cool thank you thank you well i was waiting for the burger it got dark hopefully i can still show you guys what a burger looks like i got a yenta burger and a oivey burger and the yenta burger is basically one of their classic burgers a lucky or sort of like a potato pancake placed on top oh this is a massive piece of potato pancake sitting on a single patty cheese lettuce all right this is definitely a good sized burger she's not melty anymore i feel like maybe they let this sit there a little bit burger patty is a third pounder at this point it could be one tenth of a pounder i'd still be happy to see it wow it might be the hunger talking but this is amazing it's like eating a potato canis on top of a burger they also loaded this with mustard so a little ketchup on there a little mustard on there just rings out this burger perfectly the potatoes nice and soft that toasty outer shell the burger is really tender love the pickles love the mustard and of course by the name you can tell this is a jewish inspired burger and being in new york i'm not an expert but i've had a few jewish dishes including you know potato canish so this is a really good burger with all the awesome elements of jewish cooking in it as well this i'm really excited about this is the oy vey burger and the reason i'm excited is they top this thing with pepper jack cheese which is my favorite cheese on a burger and green chilies oh man this whole patty is just dipped in pepper jack cheese this is my jam this is everything i love in a burger juicy patty melty smoky spicy pepper jack cheese and a great berm the green chili gives you this is definitely my favorite one and don't make my mistake if you guys come here just order online like give it a good amount of time before you get here all right let me finish this and there's a chicken sandwich place i really want to go to [Music] no idea where i am this seems to be a really popular street oh my god that might be one of my chicken sandwiches okay thank goodness they got a separate food area look how happy this place is hey guys got a chicken sandwich and a burger what's the name mike chen right here thank you i found this random parking lot that has some light so i can eat my food i gotta get to the hotel because i need to go to bed i gotta get up at like 4 a.m tomorrow but i still wasn't feeling completely filled up by the two burgers then this place i went to is called golden tiger it's a recommendation from jeremy from the brunch boy so shout out to him for recommending this to me and apparently they have amazing chicken sandwiches okay so this is not a chicken sandwich obviously this is a burger this burger kind of looks better than the last place oh my god this burger is amazing this is a juicy burger juicy cheesy tons of meat also give me these little peppers fair warning they are spicy i mean they actually taste pretty good but just i wasn't expecting something that looks so weak to pack such a punch so they have two different chicken sandwiches they have a regular chicken sandwich and they have a thai chicken sandwich i got the thai chicken sandwich oh my gosh is this for real they just stuffed this thing with chilies but this looks like a great chicken sandwich though i think this is some sort of sweet chili dipping sauce again shout out to jeremy for such a good recommend the chicken skin is so light and you get that great aroma from the holy basil that flavor is intense so much chilies to bring the heat in so much herbs to bring the aroma chicken is tender again great crunch on the outside dip it into this sweet chili dipping sauce and you bring something sweet to the table this is a great chicken sandwich in definitively thai flavors crunch aroma heat meat sweet i'm not just trying to rhyme here but made it rhyme a little bit heat meat sweet means it's good for me to eat good players kind of freaked out when i saw the line but happy to take out it's so efficient all right it's gonna take me about 40 minutes to get to the hotel i gotta get going it's already my bedtime brought it early tomorrow stones barbecue the next day it's about 3 15 a.m i woke up at three i forgot how shrill an iphone alarm sounds at three in the morning i was gonna wake up at four but then i read on the uh on the reviews if you get there around 5 30 or 6 it's already kind of late so right now 3 20 a.m hopefully i'll be there at 4 30 and there's still food when i get to the front of the line [Music] for a while my eta oh right now my eta says i'll get there at 4 44. those are not good numbers we talked about this in a previous video four in chinese sounds like the words which means death do not want to get there and be die die die so let me go a little faster [Music] there it is there's already people there so i guess i'm gonna park right here as soon as i get out of the car i can already smell the smoke coming from this place looks like i'm able to eat barbecue today there is the legend herself that's miss tootsie she's the pit master here she's physically shoving coal into the smoker or the oven right now it's about 4 40 right now and there's i think one two there's about 20 people in front of me it's gonna be about a four hour wait i think we're within one hour this thing's gonna start serving within one hour it's getting a little brighter this is also the coldest part of the night did you know that like right before the sun comes out it's just super cold it's way colder now than it was at like 4am i'm number 28 in line and i don't know if you guys can see the line stretches all the way across the parking lot i'm pretty sure if i came at like 6 30 i still would have got some food but why risk it you know it's only one day a week you never know so they do a raffle every day i'm number 28 didn't win anything so what you get to win usually is you get either a t-shirt or a 10 off at the gift shop or trip to the front of the line but yeah if you're late you could kind of rely on the raffle and see if you can get a trip to the front online so apparently it's thundering and lightning right over here and it's drizzling a little bit i wonder if this place is still such a long life when it rains i'm gonna throw this question out to you guys um how many of you would have done what i did which is wake up at 3 am drive 1 hour get here 4 30 am wait four hours for a barbecue how many guys would do it let me know whoa it's coming down okay there's no rain in the forecast so this is just super unexpected and i guess came at a kind of a good time i'll be taking one of each [Music] so basically i got a little bit of each so the line extends i was all the way by the fence on the way other side of this red building the line extends all the way here this is why i come here at four o'clock in the morning [Music] that's where the magic happens you see all these massive ovens when miss twisty just shoveling the coal spreading the heat evenly what oh my god however you would react if you see like justin bieber or taylor swift i react towards good barbecue absolute perfection glistening even though there's no sun out actually this is really perfect just a tiny bit of rain coming down the smoke has penetrated all the way through these ribs look at the pepper and just beautiful color on these things it's just so good it feels like i'm sitting on a raft of smoke ascending to hog heaven barbecue having whatever heavenly entity that made this lives it's so peppery and smoky and just unbelievably tender so usually it came off the bone let me do a replay for you see that one more time i got you why did i only get half a pound of ribs there's a problem with me i totally underestimate how good things are all right so i never get chicken but this chicken come on come on you look at this you don't want to swipe right on that you were super like that i like how they take the chicken head off but they keep the butt on chicken arse has a good arch i'm just pulling on the wing and it's coming off is my first time getting chicken at any barbecue place that is a musket loves how absolutely peppery this is you see how easy that the meat tore apart on this drumstick just like the rib the smoke makes this presence known right away then the peppery flavor of the chicken just gives your tongue such a nice tingly sensation everything is so tender and that's always my biggest fear with any chickens is i hate anything dry now the biggest test let's check out the white meat flavor is fantastic there's tinder but it's hard drive the other part still and this game that's where it's at still not disappointed i forgot what this is what is this bad boy oh i remember this yeah here we go this is the pork steak look at this bit of fat bit of meat beautiful color on the outside [Music] i wish there were more fatty pieces the other side is crispy there's a subtle crunch when you bite through the layer of pepper on the outside there's pork steak oh this flavor is incredible this is the jalapeno sausage gold when you bite into that the casing gives off just a faint resistance then it just snaps and your taste buds will go crazy it's fatty peppery and a different spice comes from the jalapenos i'm about to unveil the king this is it the gold standard in texas barbecue the brisket of course got fat only that's how i take my briskets fat only please staring at the beautiful colors like is like staring into a rainbow oh here we go oh even the lean side look what this little dough plastic fork is doing to it i'm barely flicking the fork this is breaking it up like a wrecking ball i'll bet you guys even the lean part is gonna be a good bite on this one that's the tenderest lean part of a brisket i've had in any barbecue place so far that's like biting into a good filet mignon lean but tender and delicious [Music] the soundtrack to that bite should just be melt baby melt because that's all this thing is doing it's melting and then melting some more [Music] the flavor especially on the outer crust of this brisket will drive you insane and i'm so excited because they were so nice to cut me an end piece they don't do burn-ins but they cut me a complete end piece look at that color this looks like a pastrami look how easy this thing just falls apart when you see this just don't tease or anything okay it just falls apart too easily that's the best one if you come here asking for like a piece on the end look at this i'm just stabbing i'm trying to get the whole piece it's just falling apart just by me stabbing with a little wimpy plastic fork mmm you 100 need the homemade potato salad that is dangerously addictive cold shot too again what was i thinking small white white okay first of all i didn't know smells gonna be this small this should be called tiny these are must gets potato salad and coleslaw i'm gonna add some sauce oh yeah i'll tell ya texas places never say no to their barbecue sauce beats anything some of the best barbecue sausage you'll ever find make sure you take a bunch of bites all natural then i would suggest trying some with the sauce change the flavor up a little bit sauce covered pork rib all i want to say is that i wish miss tootsie many many many years of continued good health happiness and passion to keep making delicious barbecue like this because the barbecue guys have truly spoken through her and their message smokey tender and delicious oh man the rain's coming out harder now i gotta eat quick i don't have a microwave back in my hotel it's like everything i love all at once i love rain i love bbq ah banana pudding if you say no to banana pudding at a texas barbecue joint not only we're never going to be friends i think i wish diarrhea upon you a little bit i never had a bad banana pudding at any texas barbecue place all right so tips in case you want to come here they start selling at eight o'clock until they sell out and i'm thinking that even if you're kind of in the middle or middle half of the line things might start to run out like the brisket the ribs i came at 4 30 i was already number 28 in line and i still had to wait about an hour when i got under the little shelter thing so if you're in the back of the line you're going to be here till the afternoon and you're definitely not going to be eating a lot of this stuff my advice wake up early get here early bring a chair don't do what i did 100 bring an umbrella because it wasn't supposed to rain today and just make a fun trip out of it i told you guys at one point i wasn't even sure if this thing existed or not finally i came i ate i loved it i was just thinking like you know how they're ticket scalpers right i wonder if like you know if this whole youtube thing doesn't work out i could just come here like be the first in life shop like two in the morning be the first in line i'll buy up like a hundred pounds of barbecue and i'll just start peddling them to people in the back of the line you could probably do that here if i do that franklin i don't know just think about some career options if i ever get sick of doing this hey guys just want to talk a little bit more about snow's barbecue now that i'm actually awake and fresh in my head the question of whether it was worth it now to me and of course this is my own perspective it was 100 worth and not only because the food was amazing but because of the entire experience it was kind of fun getting there really early and getting to wait in line with people who you know share similar interests with you because you're all crazy for barbecue sharing stories making friends letting that anticipation build up as you're inching closer and closer to the source of that amazing aroma it's a fun experience of course the food is fantastic even now i'm thinking about my first bite of those ribs i need to find a local barbecue place right now and satisfy my cravings so if you are an absolute food lover or a barbecue fanatic this will be 100 worth it but if you're not that into food or not that into barbecue you're just kind of like all right i'm okay with going to like a applebee's and getting a rack of ribs you probably wouldn't enjoy waking up at three in the morning and waiting four hours for this and i will say this and i said the same thing after my review of franklin's barbecue as much as the food is amazing and as much as i enjoy seeing miss tootsie work and getting to check out this institution that is snow's barbecue i don't think i would do it again just like i wouldn't wait in franklin's line again for five hours because the elite texas barbecue places are so good i don't think there is one that is four or five hours wait better than say a terry blacks so if your goal is to try all the best barbecue places in texas you just want to check them off your list and just get get to experience all of them then hey by all means do it you're going to get some great food you're going to love your experience i personally enjoy seeing all the smokers the ovens all that just gets me so excited if you're just a casual barbecue eater then maybe just order it online that is an option by the way but for me a huge barbecue bucket list item this is probably at the top definitely checked off i'm happy i'm satisfied and i'm ready to try the next great texas barbecue place on the list alright guys thank you again so much for watching see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,313,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: texas bbq, best texas bbq, legendary texas bbq, bbq, barbeque, texas brisket, ribs, baby back ribs, texas ribs, smoked ribs, snows bbq, texas food, austin burger, best burger, best burgers, burger, burgers, best food, eating, dining, cook, cooking, kitchen, travel, tourism, tourist, drive, auto, car, roadtrip, road trip, texas, austin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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