The Secret To Texas #1 BBQ

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Goldie's barbecue in Fort Worth is considered the number one barbecue in all of Texas in 2021 they were dubbed the best barbecue spot by Texas monthly magazine which if you don't know is like winning a gold medal at the Olympics but for brisket people will show up here as early as 500 a.m. to wait in line and by 2:00 or 3: in the afternoon they'll be sold out everything gone under 4 hours so how do you go from not even being open to being number one in Texas where did they even start well it starts it's 5 a.m. it's also really cold out apparently you have to get up really early to make good barbecue it seems like that's a Common Thread every time I film a barbecue spot I'm excited to figure out why Goldies is Texas number one barbecue and what their secrets are Goldies is only open 3 days a week but the team is here all week long prepping and getting ready for the weekend this is jayen and Lane they're both the pit Masters at Goldies and have managed to create one of the most special places in all of Texas I've known Lane since I've been like five I've known it since kindergarten so yeah yeah that's awesome we go way back because the team is so small Jaylen and Lane takes turns on who's working the morning shift and who works at night so they can continue to smoke Around the Clock jayen started off this morning with the ribs so what is this water yeah this water this really just helps yeah yeah helps to rub so no mustard huh yeah we uh we used to do that it doesn't it doesn't really do anything you can't tell the difference spend money on mustard or just use water is it cool if you tell me what goes on it or you guys yeah yeah no it's fine so we have a it's like a seasoned salt it's kind of it's comparable to like Low's so like garlic powder onion powder salt a little bit of cayenne yeah a little bit of paprika you to yeah yeah so we sell allpurpose rub which is good for like the turkeys good for pork belly something kind of thin yeah yeah and then uh we have our brisket rub which is good for like brisket and like pork belly something like it's a little bit stier so something with like a thicker cut so you guys have just been making barbecue for how long or uh so coming on almost Years After High School uh we all moved out to Austin together tried going to school out there it didn't really work out then we all just started getting into barbue so after a while we uh saved up enough money moved out back over here cuz we all grew up in Arlington yeah and uh found this spot for pretty cheap so yeah that's one reason we're out here in kale but uh that's cool did that and then yeah open up Goldies after we prepped the ribs they were ready to go in the smoker so when you guys started off was it literally just you two it was oh no so we started off with uh there's actually five of us okay five one uh one owner end up moving out to Colorado be a cowboy there you go yeah so it's just me and Lane holding down right now but uh we started off with with Five Guys Jaylen also preps turkey which usually turkeyy is something that's an afterthought I usually never order it but I have been told that they have the best turkey that you'll ever have in your life and I'm actually pretty stoked to try it so just throw these in however so yeah you kind of want to scooch up like get any of the kind of corners and kind of push them together a little bit all right and then you said like kind of Tuck get in like bicycle seat like that yeah perfect all right cool perfect perfect dude that must have been cool when you guys were first starting out though it's like you guys are just friends you guys just found a passion for the same thing and you're just like let's just hang out and do this like you probably be doing it anyway you weren't selling it right it was all the time I mean cuz we all lived together too in Austin so it be and we all had the same days off cuz we all worked in the food industry so pretty much all our days off we had a little pit in our backyard so we cook pretty much every day back then yeah if not work we' be cooking at home so after everything goes onto the pits it's time to start the briskets oh that's a lot of briskets how much these things weigh um these are probably around like 8 lb 9 lb but they'll probably shrink up to like 5 to four by the time it's done cooking gotcha all right so what's the seasoning for your briskets so it's going to be our it's going to be the same pepper um it's going to be our seasoned salt but then we add um also table salt to that too this make it a little bit saltier can I try one yeah yeah you want to try one so this is what I do on these I'll should do it kind of this way all right so I kind of lift it up so we get this this part season two okay and just kind of have to shake her right over real high all right about to season a brisket there we go oh you got the monster too should I start with a smaller one you think this is too big maybe yeah like a more appropriate one yeah all right there we go there we go all right this is the amateur one so all right so you said you lift it up kind of like like this yeah just so you can kind of get that how high like about here I don't know why I'm nervous right nowo oh that's too much let me let me see let me see too much I don't want to ruin it no no you're F you're fine so this Shaker it's like really big holes got I I use it cuz I like to do it really fast but gotcha okay we'll try this one okay so we'll come out a little slower start maybe in the middle here like that it's actually harder than it looks so when we got to Goldies around 4:30 in the morning we noticed the camper parked outside I thought it was somebody that works here but apparently it wasn't whoever's in this thing decided to come and Camp literally overnight in their camper so that they could be the first person on line I'm really interested to learn that person's story and why they'd wait overnight just to try barbecue while that dude sleeping the team was grinding in the back working on all the sides and testing the temperature of the meats on the smoker everything they do here is made from scratch including the bread that they serve with the barbecue I think the friendship that Jaylen and Lane have really has helped create a great culture at Goldies which is what I think makes this place so special and people recognize it cuz the line outside is getting pretty big all right good morning everybody if I could have a few minutes of y'all's time I promise I will end this as quickly as I started while the line was growing Lane came in to help the team get ready for service he was working on a new side dish that no one's tried before also just a friendly reminder before I forget we do have a Saturday special today Chef Lane made a phenomenal smoked Brussels Al graten and that is drizzled with a lovely creamy guer grana Padano Parmesan sauce definitely recommend everybody try it we will see y'all shortly the ribs were up to temperature now and it was time to glaze them before service opened up so what's it like for you guys now like I mean you guys how is it like you guys open the spot up and now you've got all these people like waiting here and stuff I think it's pretty cool yeah like right after initially happened we were like kind of Blown Away now I feel like we more used to it but we still try to give everybody like the best experience we can yeah know for sure what was it like when you guys start started like how did you cuz you were saying coffee shop at first right yeah that was a that was an idea it's a wildly different experience than a coffee shop yeah that lasted I don't know how long did that last for Lane you Wai in line for lattes oh yeah that's true we were Wai in line how do you make that leap just cuz you guys worked in barbecue just made sense or like I don't know we just moved down to Austin and kind of fell in love with barbecue and like trying new spots and like traveling around Texas and then uh it's cool cuz it's like a regional Cuisine to Texas you know and it's just a fun way of cooking with fire and whatnot so but like for you guys man I think it's so cool you've been friends for since like you were five right yeah know yeah yeah so you guys are more like brothers than you are friends at this point right we're enemies yeah we're enemies depending on the day well I was like really cool and D was so same as now same I'm taller than strong there was still a lot for the team to do before they opened in a few hours and I was thinking about the guy that camped overnight and talk about why he was camping here you drove here from Canada to try barbecue or just all over the country we've been all over the country but this is the number one barbecue spot so here we are that's awesome I do got to say you slept overnight but you still didn't end up first in line what happened I'm giving everyone else the first slices okay I I respect that as my hat says be a kind human the young kids here I don't know if they told you but they're all high school friends yeah yeah which is amazing you know that they have this passion in this dream and they're doing it it's pretty cool that people are coming from all over the world to try this barbecue this food really brings people together including the team they worked up until the last second before it was time to open the doors and the line was huge once the doors opened it was like a Floodgate it's really cool to see the passion from Lane and Jaylen but also from the customers how's it going y'all we got two in y'all's group today here's some sample BS for y'all awesome and how much brisket we thinking I got two lbs of Brisket 2 PB brisket what about pork ribs PB of pork bris what about turkey and belly pound of pound of each and then three house sausage BL even though people had traveled from all over the team still treated them like they'd known them for years where allall coming from oh cool have you'all been to Fox roasts yeah heck yeah we used to do pop-ups over there way back in the day and they that helped us open up this place the barbecue looked incredible and I was really excited to finally taste this food and see what the secret really is okay all right so let's go for the ribs let's go for ribs down it literally just melts off the bone and your mouth and just like packs a punch of flavor yeah that like glaze that they put on it you would think it would be like this big sloppy like mess but it's not it's like perfect bro this is like the mo most moist turkey I think I've ever seen in my life I'm not even joking this is like legitimately the best turkey I've ever eaten like ever like I literally never would order this it's so juicy all right brisket time mhm wow wow dang that looks so good dude this is so good also so messy this brisket is incredible like even the the lean side of the brisket which like I don't normally go for is like so good honestly I can see what the hype is all about eating at Goldies is an experience all on its own you meet really cool people and at the end you get to eat the best barbecue you've ever had there's something about this place that feels special so what is their secret honestly it's friendship not that long ago this place started off as a few friends with a dream of making barbecue in their backyard and with some hard work and sticking together they were able to make the best barbecue in Texas
Channel: Meltz
Views: 289,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food, Chef
Id: niSQQiOw_Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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